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you guys might remember that back in the day and when I say back in the day I mean like last week I was obsessed with a song a certain Lonely Island song about Captain Jack Sparrow this is the T Captain Jack Sparrow it was best song ever but I listened to it so much that I got so sick of it and now I don't listen to it anymore it was one of those songs if you don't know it let let me just sing a bit insert mic in my hand not pee PE and it goes this is the tale of Captain Jack Sparrow and then they sing about um DAV Jones and a locker and then they sing about well it's actually not them it's um Michael Bolton that sings it and it's so freaking funny if you don't know the song you have to find it I'm not going to sing it all because mainly because of copyright but also because there's swey words in it wait I need to remember cuz I haven't heard it in so long I need to I need to check what else he talks about oh he has a mystical quest in the aisle of Tortuga Raven locks well I know that because I know what he looks like mainly because I seen people dressed up as him on nights out and he looks freaking cool and I love Johnny de I don't however love Kira nightly and I know she's in it because of the song uh what else does they do giant squid there's a giant squid and you know it'll be in the sea and I love sea monster also there's a couple other movies that he mentions like Forest Gump which we watched Aon Brockovich and Scarface so we'll have to do them too and that is exciting so this one is called Curse of the Black I can't say this word Perl Pearl I have to say it like I'm forcefully saying it Pearl I forgot what I was saying Curse of the Black Pearl and that's it that's all we know from the song and from the title I'm so freaking excited for the giant squid if you like this video please give it a great big thumbs up if you're plans to and you haven't already then please subscribe and um comment post notification uh wait there's another thing patreon check out patreon do all that fun stuff to make the channel grow and I will love you forever and let's do our big fat shout outs to our top tier patrons Nathan wolf Robert McGregor Adam antis Brian Med and der Calo Jack Len anad Wayne kker Robert emans Les mallister Rob Jones rag Alona Tes Bill Bryant Chase B thousand go a thousandth ghost Roger Freeman Lee Pitman Eric bonam and everyone else that wants to stay Anonymous and I think we are ready to start I'm very very excited for this because I I kind of like a pirate you know and we're out in the sea and as much as I don't like the sea because it scares me I love a sea monster so this this is going to be emotional are you ready I think I'm ready are you ready I'm ready okay we're ready Pirates of of the Caribbean curse of the Black Pearl ready and play oh you can't see a thing I don't like that bad luck to be scking about pirates with us m in this unnatural fog mark my word oh natural fog I'm so excited hi Lieutenant it's bad to have a woman on board too oh is [Music] it well how did that get there is that yours oh a body he still breathing Mery Mother of God what what do you see wait how did you not see that soon what happened here is that how is that where the fog come from was actually [Music] smoke he's a pirate yes why is his [ __ ] blown up if he's a pirate unless it was a pirate pirate War Pirates against Pirates I thought they all liked each other I'm going to learn a lot in this movie there it is why how's Nobody seeing that nobody saw that ship apart from her oh cuz she was holding the necklace it's a ghost ship that only you can see if you're wearing the necklace many years later she still has it is the boy still there then does he know he's a p maybe lost his memory like Jason Bourne May inquires to the occasion as a father need an occasion to doubt upon his daughter Well yeah if it's not if it if that's not normal I had hoped you might wear it for the ceremony today oh so there you go ceremony for what I knew it Commodore Norrington fine gentleman don't you think and you want her to marry him the blade is folded steel that's gold figary laid into that oh this is this is the young boy growing up and that's um Lego last how many times must I ask you to call me Elizabeth at least once more miss one as always really must be going are you is the dad the one that's keeping you two apart cuz I feel like that is what's happened you're not good enough yes I love you look how cool he looks I thought he was going to be on a massive ship like the black one that we saw oh who are they oh Pirates are they Pirates are they your friends you be you be warned your Bo [Laughter] sunk hold up there you you're you're not allowed here what do you say to three Shillings a no name we forget the name m mhm mhm they know there's no ship that can match the Interceptor for Speed I've heard of one the Black Pearl oh the black Pearl's a ship there no real ship has can match the Interceptor black pearl is a real ship is that the one we saw at the start by a man so evil that hell itself spat him back out I thought he would be the captain of it there's no real ship as can match the intercept not there he's gone my intention to Comedy one of these ships spering otherwise P for my weasly black guts out I said no lies if he were telling the truth he wouldn't have told us well you said no lies unless of course he knew you wouldn't believe the truth even if he told it to you exactly I love Johnny dip so much hey you look lovely Elizabeth can you not see that she looks like she's a way pass out and then they made me their Chief holy crap go save her Elizabeth Captain Jack Sparrow's going to save her and they'll be best boards oh no what about we though um will you be saving her then I can't swim will you be saving her then you can't swim whoa what was that what the hell did that just oh it's it's summoned the giant squid where wait to see the squid where did you get that where exactly cuz I don't think will knows that he's a pirate do you really intend to kill my rescuer exactly leave him alone let him take the ship I believe thanks or an order more than a thanks had a brush with the East India Trading Company did we pirate seriously a p a p for pirate these are his uh a compass that doesn't Point North what does it point to then finally you don't know how he no no don't shoot I knew no okay I thought it was a good payate [Laughter] you've never gotten that close you will always remember this is the day that you almost caught Captain Jack SP almost caught this is amazing he looks like he's drunk oh maybe he's been drinking rum cuz that's what Pirates [Music] do a pure donkey yay you did it I would never have thought of that do you think this wise boy yeah he must have lost his memory then so he doesn't know he's a PIR First Step here very good steal it take it and go also careful your hair he might be able to take a lock off wa I thought he was going to be like the leader of all the Pirates but I don't think he is I think he's maybe like the Joker of the Pirates oh it's the guy it's Jarvis oh [ __ ] they're going to going to catch you then it is the day that they captured Jack Barrow you've assisted in the capture of a dangerous fugitive just doing my Civic duties sir I bet Jarvis had nothing to do with it it was all well give him some credit I meant you're being threatened by that pirate sounds terrifying yes it was terrifying she liked it she liked the adventure side of things she's going to go away with with the um Captain Jack Barrow she's going to go away with the with Jack Sparrow and Will's going to go after her to take her home again but she summoned the big squid so everyone has to fight the squid it's the pear oh I've heard stories never lives any survivors no survivors and where do the stories come from I wonder you well what what's the Black Pearl after then why do it come here oh it's after Jack what did he do I'm so confused I thought he a don't show me things like that did you just see that I don't do eye things hello chump oh my God poor Alfred holy crap [Applause] oh that's the kind of thing I would do you've got something of ours and it calls to us the necklace I thought it was calling to the giant squid oh now I understand okay got it hello poy oh Jesus Christ that's enough to give you nightmares I invoke the right of Pary according to the code of the Brethren set down by the Pirates Morgan and Bartholomew you have to take me to your captain wait Pary I thought that was a John Wick thing she wants to be taken to the captain and she'll go without a fuss the captain so it's Jack yes here we go so then Jack is the captain he has to then they'll save him she'll go with him and will will follow well that's how you get out my sympathy friend you've no man of lucky oh you can't get out oh it's okay your buddies are coming to help you you're all alone shrinking into the distance is fortunes aren improv much oh so he's not your captain oh wow why did his arm turn like that that's very interesting that's what I say I always say that interesting why does it have a funky arm so Jack must must have did them wrong somehow and he was left on an island well that's funny that they saw him again then it's a small world is it I am here to negotiate the sensation of hostilities against Port Ro he's the captain you're the captain he has a monkey well I suppose if it is worthless and there's no point in me keeping it they need it what do you need it for why did will have it Elizabeth Turner Miss Turner Bo strap who oh yeah so Well's called bootstrap right I need to write this down boot strap as well but he doesn't know yet because he lost his memory this is all coming together nicely and secondly you must be a pirate for the Pirates Code to apply and you're not ah the code is more what you call guidelines the okay they don't follow the code oh you're there forever do you know that wellsa P it Captain Barosa and his crew of Mis creant sail from the dreaded El Barosa where's Davey Jones and what's in his locker what's your name wi Turner that would be short for William I imagine no doubt name for your father eh your father's bootstrap Turner bloody hell so you know now I shall take you to the black pear and your bonny Lass yeah cuz you know that his dad is a pirate and probably a bloody good one if he's called bootstrap that's such a strong name um this is either Madness that does not that doesn't work no I it I had to think there if that actually work it doesn't work absolutely no way they taking the ship they taking nobody's very observant in this movie things are happening and nobody notices it's rather funny Ah that's clever how do you know everyone's off the ship though back to the Interceptor now well you can't it's gone dumbass thank you cidor for getting us ready to make way we had a hard time of it by ourselves that was very very clever well done you too probably one of the few who knew him as William tner everyone else has called him bootstrap or bootstrap Bill bootstrap bill so do you know your dad's a pirate my father was not a pirate put it away son I hope we'll meet him that your father was a pirate and a good man pirate is in your blood boy so you'll have to square with that mhm and you had a necklace for some reason but I can't bring the ship into Tortuga all by me once he Savvy Tortuga that's in the song is indeed a sad life that has never breathed deep the sweet what hell what do you think I can't stop looking at him scl why is everyone's chesticles out I'm going after the Black Pearl I know where it's going to be I wonder if it was his ship originally then the guy said that they left him on an island and his name's Captain so he must have been captain of our ship I think he was the captain of that one what makes you think booser will give up his ship to you he won't you'll have to take it it's a matter of Leverage hey what do you have to use oh he's going to trade in will cuz yeah something something found to be some Sailors on this rock crazy as you one can only hope oh you're going to have such a cool mental weird crew they're all going to be mad bootstrap must have been in the wait in the ship at the beginning that got burnt down cuz that's what you must have got your necklace from him so where the hell is he one of 882 identical pieces they delivered in a stone chest 882 it seems like quite a lot it's not that unique then mortal that removes but a single piece shall be punished for eternity right buried on an island of the edw cannot be found find it we did uhhuh there will be the chest uh-huh inside with the gold mhm we took them all all of it we are cursed man M Turner compelled by gried were consumed by it h cursed how there is one way we can end our curse by putting that back what about the rest gold must be restored and the blood repa well you've got a lot of searching to do we have the final piece no way you got all of it back H I don't think you can kill him I think he's Immortal mhm because he said he can't eat or drink or have feelings ah oh that's why the guy's arm changed he's not a vampire he's a skeleton wait when was this movie made cuz this looks good look the Moonlight shows us for what we really are ah it's like the opposite of um Edward Cullen from Twilight you're in one amazing very clever how did will have the last piece I wonder if bootstrap Turner wants to stay Immortal he wants to stay like that and he gave well hit the last piece so that they would get to stay like that cuz he knew that Will was going to leave with it to hell with that I would make a very crappy pirate with a compass that doesn't work he the compass doesn't Point North but we're not trying to find North are we yes I said that the compass is pointing towards is it pointing towards the island the aisle of toruga your head has put you such a fine mood we're catching up to who to the Black Pearl CL by this passage why what's wrong wow that's hammerhead sharks they're like the coolest shark and they're the scariest as oh my God if I ever came across one of them I would literally die it like I would just die of being so terrified after I pooped myself Jack Sparrow before he showed up in Tortuga that was before I'd met him back when he was captain of the black Pearl I knew it I knew it I told you I'm so freaking clever sometimes just sometimes but not before he'd gone mad with the heat so that's the reason for all no I think he's just drunk when a pirate's marooned he's given a pistol with a single shot well that won't do much good hun oh it's to shoot yourself with it he escaped the island and he still has that single shot how do you escape an island he roped himself a couple of sea turtles lushed them together and made a what he wrote a couple of sea turtles I sea turtles who told you that story what did he use for rope it's here human hair what he said from my back from your back I me the hair on your head that is not how you how did he escape maybe the giant squid helped him the giant Squid's friendly here from his back this movie is amazing save for this Jack not yet the monkey saw you but please stay here and try not to do anything stupid you should trust him now that you know your dad's a pirate the first thing I'm going to do after the curse is lifted eat a whole bu of Apple apples that wouldn't be my first choice steak bacon maybe not [Music] apples sorry Jack I'm not going to be your leverage yeah I don't oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah I forgot you said that that's it waste not oh he's not going to kill her oh oh yeah okay so that's fine [Music] then I don't think it's wor oh because Wills took some so that it's not worked but why would you do that cuz he wants you to be not Immortal so that you can kill you this none of this makes any sense you made your father what was his name was your father William turn oh because she's lied oh I didn't I didn't get that I thought will went and stole some coins bger okay so it's Will's blood that they need the medallian she's taking it you're never going to find them that's what happens when you're too busy squabbling among yourselves you're supposed to be dead am I not oh poops he keeps getting himself in tricky situations hey boy where be Jack fell behind oh but they're not going to leave without him keep to the code ban he knows something's up though how the blade did you get off that Island you forgot one very important thing mate what I'm Captain Jack Sparrow he's got very long back here I really need to know how he got off the island the girl's blood didn't work you know whose blood we need mhm yeah he does cuz he was going to use him I know he's blood you need I would have liked to see how that would have went if Will didn't hit him on the head it wasn't your blood they needed it was yours it was my father's blood no yours my blood yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah well where is your father then I want to know where he is oh I'm so sorry please forgive me don't be mad at her she was protecting you I actually don't mind her in this movie if you hadn't betrayed me and left me to die yeah he would be I would have an equal Shar in that curse as you yeah yeah yeah yeah mhm captain we're coming up on the Interceptor how do you wait wait how how are you guys finding how are you guys finding things you don't have Maps you don't have you don't have trackers how do you know where each other are by maps I mean like Google Maps so that like I know you have paper maps that you draw yourselves how do you how do you find things I don't get it she's gting on us she's fast oh that looks scary as hell we must fight load the guns with what anything we have left like what what language nails and Trust glass Nails ow stop blowing hes in my [ __ ] I think there's enough holes in it already you got forked you P poor eyeball I can't see this going very well oh poops the monkeyy got it where's The [Applause] Medallion okay oh I seen it Barbosa's got it any of you so much as thinks the word parlay I'll have your guts for Gage I would say it just to piss him off oh [Music] Wella how do you know his name I've only got one shot and we can't die you can't I can oh yeah oh yeah who are you a distant cousin of my A's nephew no he needs to know who he is so that he let her go Will Turner my father was bootstrap Bill Turner B an image of bootstrap bill yeah how did you not know it was him I want to see him to Daves Locker name your terms Mr Turner he just said David Jones Locker yes we know that one anything else doesn't care about you that be the same little island that we made your governor of on our last little trip oh is it perhaps you'll be able to conjure up another miraculous Escape but I doubt it oh I yeah do the same thing again exactly the same so I can see it you're Captain Jack Sparrow you vanished from under the eyes of seven agents wait he's doing something without even firing a shot are you the pirate I've read about or not I think it's exaggerated the Run Runners came by and I was able to B A Passage off that's the secret oh not very exciting oh yes but the company is he thinks he's going to get a piece of her but I don't think that's what she wants I know exactly what you mean love oh I really wish I had a mustache I could do that with and twist it like [Music] this she's not drunk she's been spitting it out no not good stop that signal is over 1,000 ft High how do you know Royal Navy is out looking for me do you really think that there is evil oh yeah see it why is the rum gone why is the rum gone hey there'll be no living with her after this oh they did find her I thought that was someone else well done you I beg you please do this for me and I'll be your wedding gift yes are you accepting the commodore's proposal right now yes but not in the future he said it wasn't right with the code that's why you sent off a piece of the treasure to you as it were ah I knew it you said we deserve to be cursed and remain cursed well I thought he that he wanted to but that yeah that makes more sense he was sinking to the crushing Black oblivion of Baby Jones Locker why did they keep saying who's David Jones no mistakes this time he's only half Turner we spit it all oh yeah I was going to say they're not going to do the hand thing this time you don't want to be doing that mate no I really think I do your funeral he's going to ask why why don't I want to be doing it well because wait to lift the curse until the opportune moment oh got it I'm on it I got it I got it cuz you don't want to lift the curse yet one sneaky sneaky man he kept one jent take a walk take a walk ooh badass oh my Jesus Christ that is possibly they're walking on the bottom of the ocean possibly the coolest thing I've ever seen in my whole life definitely not a kid's [Laughter] movie you got your feathers here there be monsters I want to see the monsters yay she's like boss in this whole [Music] movie he sees you wly CRA he's got your hair wait who is this man I know that man oh but wait he took one of the coins he took one of the coins yeah it's fine that's interesting it is interesting wouldd be too immortal locked in an epic battle until Judgment Day no he's got a plan he's going to figure it out so that wait who's got the coins now Jack's got is Will got Jack's got the coin but we need Will's blood we need to come together spill some blood and some coins at the same time and at the exact same time you need to kill [Applause] Barbosa I love their bald skull heads right come on you too side is Jack on a moment nobody knows nobody knows what Jack's up to he's unpredictable there there there whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoo they did it they did it he's a de 10 years you carry that pistol now you waste your Shard it's not wasted he didn't waste it yeah but are you not meant to do that before you should have done that before he shot him I would never have risked that cuz he could have easily been like yeah well you're supposed to do it before you shot me so I'm still alive dumbass I feel you feel pain that's not a good first thing feel cold oh cold he's a way to die you're going to get your [ __ ] back at least oh they all are now feeling pain that must be her Rend this to go that long without feeling anything parley [Laughter] parley Jesus Christ your fiance will be wanting to know you're safe not fiance just going to run away and sail the seven seas for your will ful Commission of crime against the CR here's um here's oh it's who I thought it was going to be their bootstrap or Dave Davey Jones oh that means the crew is here I thought they left so where's the ship then is it in the harbor I should have told you every day from the moment I met you I love you yay now what go with him be a pirate oh [Laughter] way CHS you to I love it and this is how you thank me he's a pirate and a good man and so is he he's a pirate also it's right here between you and Jack so it's her as is mine yeah this is the day that you will always remember is the day that you where is he oh poop [Music] I oh I'm so proud of you what about Sparrow oh I think we can afford to give him one day's Head Start no you can't no way he's going to be gone and so it's well and Elizabeth too here a blacksmith no he's a pirate he's a pirate who is this guy is he Game of Thrones supposed to keep to the C we figured they were more actual guidelines did that come from Barbosa where's he at now is he still dead did we actually see him die cuz you know the rule if you don't see him die die then he's still alive drink up me youro I can't think of anything worse than sailing right out to seea oh I'm so excited to see the next one I've been on the ride wait this is based on the that just said based on Disney's Pilates of the Caribbean the ride is that what this whole movie is from no way I'm going to Google that it's Barbosa I bloody told you he was still alive the monkey says he wants to be cursed again oh the monkey's going to give Barbosa one of the coins and then he's going to be alive again there we go that's how it goes interesting see I told you I say interesting that's interesting before we say anything else we're going to do best pirate movie ever I know it's the first pirate movie that I'm seeing but it has to what the hell is going on with my ha it has to be best it can't it can't be best movie movie so let's do best it can be best movie movie best movie ever I did it best movie ever ever I really really loved it because many reasons it was very exciting and it was very I just it would I thought it was a kids movie it's definitely not a kids movie because we saw things that kids shouldn't be seeing I think we can agree that Elizabeth is not a secret pirate I had that written down because I thought she maybe would be but she can't be because if she had The Medallion and she wasn't a skeleton which we did not see then she's not a secret pirate but I think think she is a potential pirate because she did so well when she was out in the open sea and she like took charge she was a good leader she's going to be a captain one day we still don't know who Dave Jones is or what his locker is but it was mentioned a couple times in the movie so maybe we see him in the second one I also wanted to see bootstrap but we didn't see him did we no we definitely didn't is this wait I went to check I'm going to Google if this is based on the Disney ride cuz that's mad if it is because I've been on it and I really liked it it is wow okay that's crazy I had no idea but it's awesome the movie was Bloody hilarious no I I wasn't expecting it to be that funny but I thought it was it was it was really good I very very much enjoyed it we didn't see the giant squid right so we're going to see David Jones the giant squid and bootstrap in the next movie and if we don't I am going to be so mad you know how how I always say at the end of every movie in TV series that I love the sound effects well this one was like even better because we were out in the sea so we were hearing like all the water and the splish splashing and the the guns and the chains and and the swords but and it just everything like it was even better because it was out at the sea I think anyway I really love sound effects of movies it does something to your ears makes your ears go like all Buzzy and funny or or am I the only one that gets that I said that Barbosa was not dead dead because this is this is a rule right if you don't see someone die fully die to like the end of the dead and then burned like cremated or buried then they're not really dead and they can come back at any time the music was amazing I I don't know where I've heard it before but I've definitely heard well it must be is it from the the ride at Disney it might be from the ride at Disney I've heard it uh also what year was this made I'm going to quickly check that because the CGI was very impressive 2003 2003 which is actually later than I thought it was made I thought it was earlier than that 2003 is yeah that's probably okay then I was a wait to say the CGI is very impressive for the year that it came out but no that makes sense if it was out in 2003 that's all right I'll pass on that one I have a feeling that bootstrap is going to be in the next movie just because how much they spoke about them and also when they said that he follows the rules and also they said the last time they saw him he was he was sinking to the Bottom of the Sea but they didn't see him die and what is the rule you know the rule I didn't know that it was bad luck to have a woman on a ship how is it bad luck because they're like [ __ ] is it because they're crap at being a pirate or is it is it actual bad luck like it it does actually bring you bad luck I think we might find that out in the next movie also because Elizabeth is going to be on a ship a lot we also have the crew mate the the one that slapped Jack in the face so we're going to have two girls on the ship that's going to be double bad luck we're going to find out in the next movie the compass that Jack had it wasn't pointing North it was pointing to his ship or was it no it was the ship it was pointing to the ship so we know his Compass always points to his ship so that's how he always knows where his ship is but how does everyone else know where anyone else's ships are because they don't have a radar and they don't have a Tracker and they have no way of knowing where a ship is so someone please explain that to me I know it's a movie and I know it's a fictional movie I still need to know I still need answers and the last thing I had written down here was and I've obviously I've noticed it in heaps and heaps I movies but I noticed it a lot in this one it's everyone's facial expressions facial expressions do you know like when what I'm trying to say is a facial someone's face tells a story and you know what's a way to happen when you can see what's a way to happen in their face does that make sense or yeah yeah yeah I'm trying to get out of my head into the air so that I can tell you in the into this microphone that when you look at someone's face and you can tell instantly what is a way to happen right there and then is the best one of the best things an actor can do I think and I liked it a lot in this movie and I thought that was amazing and that is it that is everything I had to say I think I said about I love the music love the sound effects look I it was very dark and mysterious and spooky and and Majestic and I just I really really liked it and and you know how much I hate hate the deep sea but I think that added to it because it made me anxious and like nervous and I was kind of scared the whole way through the movie but loved it at the same time have you ever been like scared but like loving it like it was a good scared and that and that was it yeah I really liked it best mve ever best definitely best pirate movie ever because it is the first one is it the first one that we've done on the channel and I think it's the first pirate movie I've seen that's probably why I don't really know much about Pirates then hey it was very there was hey is John Wick a pirate because he used that parlay thing Andy uses the gold medallions John Wick's a bloody pirate well I have seen pirate movies before then there you go right if you enjoyed this video please give it a great big thumbs up if you're plans St and you haven't already why haven't you already you need to subscribe Please Subscribe and support the Channel help it grow and I will love you forever and I am off I am so so freaking excited to see the next one because I think all of my predictions are going to come true and I really really need that that's the only thing that would have made this movie perfect is the giant squid and if we see it in the next one the next one is going to be best movie ever like above this best movie ever I'm telling you I'm telling you right I'm going to go thank you so much for watching I will see you in the next one goodbye [Music] n
Channel: Dawn Marie
Views: 51,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: first time watching, movie reaction, classic movies, movie commentary, first time watching movie reaction, movie reactions, dawn marie reaction, dawn marie, reaction video, reaction channel, reaction video to movies, react to, movie review, movie reaction first time watching, dawn marie anderson, reaction, first time reacting to, first time reacting, first time reaction, pirates of the caribbean the curse of the black pearl reaction, pirates of the caribbean reaction
Id: kA2l5XxTzUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 14sec (2594 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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