FIRST TIME Watching The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey | REACTION & REVIEW

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hey guys welcome back to the channel I'm Spartan and I'm praji and we are finally beginning The Hobbit trilogy starting with the first one The Hobbit an Unexpected Journey [Music] all right so majority of you what we know that we're coming hot off the Lord of the Rings trilogy for the first time if you haven't seen those then check those out because we had a wild ride and the community response was amazing so next level it was super exciting for us and everyone who's new to the channel welcome we hope you'll enjoy the hobbits as well we know there's a lot of division on these we've heard that you know the books are quite small and these movies probably added a lot of unnecessary fluff and some people like them some people don't like them most people tend to agree that they're not Lord of the Rings tee up but many thought they're still worth a watch yeah we were both in the camp where we were still intrigued to see more of our characters we thought with no prior knowledge to the books usually we're able to enjoy something like we did with the latter season Game of Thrones we still enjoyed it enough even though it wasn't you know Flawless by any means and I feel like hopefully we can do the same with these yeah and I just feel like everyone else had the right to much load of the Rings and watch the hobbits because they were excited for more Lord of the Rings content yeah I think it's only right that we do finish off the journey and we get the whole picture and then we just kind of decide from there what we liked and what we didn't 100 now a bit of housekeeping we did run polls on our patreon and it was more in favor of us doing the extended editions so we are going to be doing the extended editions of these movies with the exception being this one yes reason being we've just spent the last 45 minutes on several different streaming platforms for whatever reason they don't have the extended edition of this one we got Max and it has the extended edition for the next two and not this one which is so weird it was just weird so we tried a few and we just decided you know what I think it's like 13 minutes of footage for the first one I was like we'll be fine with theatrical and then the next two will do extended I'm actually excited because I really want to just explore the characters that we know already we know that this is Bilbo story and I read in one of the comments on the Lord of the Rings video that essentially Bilbo wrote The Hobbits and Frodo wrote The Lord of the Rings which was actually interesting okay yeah that is interesting basically they wrote their Adventures yeah which makes sense because of the book um seen at the end so it also gives us more time I think to digest with some of the characters look I don't know we're talking before on a walk saying well who's probably going to be in this so I'm thinking Gandalf because they had history with Bilbo we're thinking Golem no doubt which would be good because we actually quite enjoyed him in Lord of the Rings trilogy and then he was sort of take it from us really quickly and we'll get to see younger Bilbo which would be cool and I don't know if we'll get to see some of the owls because they live a long life so maybe maybe Legolas will be in this maybe not I don't know interest no but I wonder how far back this set yeah I would assume this is around number but I feel like I've read that it was like 70 years but given he was like 140 or something when we saw him in The Lord of the Rings or around that and he meant to be you know probably more like photos HDR I assume that yeah around that 70 80 Mark period so technically Aragorn's like a little kid in this period I don't think we'll see him as little kid oh damn who knows them I'd be like oh mini Aragorn yeah but given we've mostly covered series on the channel it did feel almost like the band that was ripped off too quickly with Lord of the Rings because we got into what we got into this expansive World we're enjoying it and then we're like oh it's finished like that where's the next season or you know like we wanted more so I guess this gives us a bit of time to digest and slowly say farewell to the uh movies I'm sure some of you are gonna comment saying these are not worth it don't even look at these but hey we as we said we want to give them a try and we're looking forward to it to everyone on patreon thank you for supporting the channel if you do want to join the Spider-Man part your family over there while getting the uncut reactions to all of our movies or getting early access to sequel movies that we cover then we'll leave a link in our description if you're watching this over on YouTube and you enjoy today's reaction smash that like button subscribe to the channel for more and let us know in the comments down below what you thought of The Hobbit movies particularly this first one let us know did you love it did you hate it did it grow on you and did our reaction somehow change your view on it because we've had that a few times where our reaction has made people like things more through our eyes and they did the first time alone true all right let's go it hasn't even started yet but I do feel kind of giddy because the music and whatever I'm like we're back in the world you know I just I've missed it even though it's only been like a week you asked me once if I had told you everything there was to know about my Adventures okay so starting from The Lord of the Rings and then going back it is time what really happened oh he's so excited I'm excited it looks goddamn beautiful man terrible oh man stronghold of thrawn King Under the Mountain s the dark and that found it what'd they find a ring Maybe jacket The Ark in the Stone Arkenstone okay just remember this isn't Lord of the Rings different now oh yeah even the great Elven King front wheel oh [ __ ] I'm loving we're getting more in the factions put all the music honestly oh visually it's beautiful too because the quality's got an upgrade just a bit holy [ __ ] call out the car do it now what is it dragon oh [ __ ] oh what the hell I only ever seen a dragon in this world oh damn oh my God take that little boy my nice having [ __ ] that boy's gone such what and death was dealt that day for this city of man was nothing to smile oh my God Who the hell's small smugs yeah I think that's the dragon or someone riding the Dragon oh [Music] shh I want to see the dragon oh my God it's massive [Music] they're not gonna help are they this will cause the friction between the Elves and the doors remember Gimli and Legolas wow no help came from the elves that day damn or any day since I'm mixed on that like I get no one of the risky people's lives but oh oh when he was young good morning what do you mean do you mean to wish me a good morning you want it or not what are you simply stating that this is a morning to be why is that me asking you a question oh yeah I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure it's an adventure something he's never heard of before we do not want any Adventures here thank you not today hello Ronnie because he was hooked on them oh dude the metaphat even worse and they will last and Lord of the Rings damn there he is the culprits oh we're never gonna remember these names not even close not if we're gonna try now that looks like a beast and a half and I'm down for it imagine this man's entire like months supply has been rated in a night I don't know well it really is a pudgy party oh damn that's the guy I was talking about the Lonely Mountain oh the dragon's there the rain of the Beast will end hmm interesting what Beast well that would be a reference to smog the Terrible oh smog isn't that the demon that um Gandalf board no there is no way into the mountain that my dear Marlin is not entirely true don't worry Gandalf has the way just imagine we have the key I know so it's like one of Gandalf's big purposes there's another way in look if we can find it but dwarf doors are invisible and thirst oh I didn't know that that's mad that's why we need a burglar a good one too an expert I'd imagine he said he's an expert hey he's living asked the question man you must trust me on this should I skate off the gray baby I would interesting do you feel like Gandalf is responsible for taking me out on an adventure and then finding the ring and stuff I remember a young Hobbit who was always running off in search of Hell rules in the woods [Music] come home after dark what happened to make him so reserved can you promise that I will come back oh yeah don't we know sorry good enough I can't sign this you've got the wrong Hobbit I wonder what the Tipping Point is for him to really you know want to go off and on an adventure you must have thought it was a dream oh they all left like now he's gonna think it's too quiet you know you want to my friend off he runs yeah [Music] such a beautiful spot to live there like I don't think how peacefully they live there I said we need to go visit it next time I want to live there I signed it he's very proud of himself they took wages on whether or not she would turn up oh man beat the odds I didn't believe in our old man Bilbo my dear fella I never doubted you for a second I love it stop we have to turn around what on Earth Here We Go he's gonna have to get used to this real quick yeah Justin for greater things I love that the world is ahead um oh probably thinking why did I agree to this stupid Adventure now it's comfortable and it doesn't even know the half of it yet if you wish to change the weather of the world you should find yourself another wizard would everyone expects him to use his magic for all these random tasks the greatest of our order is even better two blue and who is the fifth well that would be radicast the brown okay brown blue white gray I wonder why these are gentle salt who prefers the company of animals to others he keeps a watchful eye over the vast Forest lands to the east oh wow I think they all have a different job I hope we get to meet someone that'd be fun just not Sarah man again not good I'm not good at all is this him oh my God it must be [Music] oh he's got a little bird's nest [Music] okay why are they all dying oh they're so cute man's trying everything he knows of the Sun why it's not working it's not as if it's witchcraft oh but it is laughs laughs this car really doesn't command its own presence that Cyberman and gandalopter no for sure oh damn dude she said why I did that oh and he's so cute too with all these friends oh he's like drawing the darkness out of the animal you're done oh [ __ ] he did it oh he loves them so much oh yuck dude giant spiders yeah that's the question like who sent them and why [Music] this man a sled of rabbits oh my God look at him go they're so fast oh is it like the spider that we met in the last Lord of the Rings that was all the way near Middle Earth yeah but they couldn't travel you never know this is Middle Earth You mean mortal yeah what is it trolls they've run straight to it his first troll encounter oh my god dude he's just carrying him like that I can talk we never heard him talk in Lord of the Rings [Laughter] oh disgusting yeah beautifully balance that is yeah with his snot oh it's green too oh oh my god dude what the [ __ ] happened there oh my God oh my God it's disgusting cookie oh dude screw that imagine having those three around oh my goodness yeah he is quite quick gotcha not quick enough oh that did come in clutch [Applause] [Music] oh the balls oh [ __ ] I respect it oh he caught it oh they've all come in oh let's see the fierce Fighters no fear the music's fantastic oh damn those teeth went flying lie down your arms but we'll whip he's off oh my God comes in surely then's off where you at all the cooking it's just sit on him the jelly oh my god well that wasn't a good Solution that's weird dude it's okay she took a dwarf kebab it's like a lamb on the spit the Dwarfs [Music] Ah that's when billboard found out they could turn to Stone the secret is [Laughter] like me trying to get something out of my mouth that was the worst possible improvise oh yes Gandalf let's go who's that no oh dear can we eat him too oh oh I can't say the sun yeah they turn to Stone oh wow that's how those statues that we saw were frozen I wonder why I can't see the sun because they're from the darkness maybe like the other Orcs and stuff this is when the mountain trolls then to this first South not some so darker power ruled these lands yeah I think he hasn't learned the full story to everyone and that kind of ties into that spider with that other um wizard yeah she was ashamed just to leave it lying her own oh no don't get greedy wow they have a lot of churches down here her sword is that well at some point Bill best defined the aux or doesn't he the one that lights up okay yeah oh is that a little walk sword the blue one yeah yeah this is about your size just to help you out a little I love his responses it's very level-headed it's about knowing oh wow there's that arrow is them again it's not blue [Music] so there's no Orcs just yet it's rabbits again oh he came to them so he doesn't have the best memory it seems why is that me yeah it is you actually probably not anymore I do like that little interaction between a couple of wizards like a bit more just exploring that the fantasy element of the world you know a darker dwells in there such as I have never felt fell for gotta even respect you went in there alone and slusted out I know he's got walls saw him come out of the darkness I'll be running out of the electron tomorrow was that a wolf are there wolves out there wolves no that is not a wolf oh they found them they can handle their own the dwarves they're pretty strong they've had to become tough I'll draw them off he's a Gundam and wax they will outrun you I'd like to see them try oh yeah they are fast I'll give them that [Music] he's doing well they come from every angle too surprises Wizards don't use more magic though like surely you could blast them away with something I guess they only use magic when they absolutely need to yeah [Music] I'll be freaking bang bang bang spamming the boss [Music] if you're gonna use your magic now you put epic end off moment move [Music] there's no way they can outrun these dogs wherever they are I know those rabbits were barely keeping up yeah this man's a warrior in half yeah maybe you'll get to try out his new sword s [Laughter] last one in making sure it's protecting everyone it's a true leader I love it [Music] oh these Elven lands Maybe oh [ __ ] oh it must be a bowl of that let him across oh yes it's still so beautiful this is where the council meeting happened the first time it's pretty sure it's Rivendell ah the common tongue it's known by another name remember you might still be right up and down yay if we are to be successful this will need to be handled with tactics and respect and no small degree of charm yeah so you stay out of it isn't this a throwback first time we were here we had boromia Aragon everyone Emily Legolas oh I do miss the crew so when we met everyone we could still see Lego last maybe because of age I hope so we live somewhere in this world hello oh mesmerizing man to attack [Music] to be fair that elves never attacked that we know of they just didn't help strange for Orcs to come so close to our borders it's something or someone has drawn them near I wonder what he ruled Under the Mountain indeed job yeah it's bad blood our business is no concern of elves for goodness sake solid show him the map it is the legacy of my people yeah he has no trustful with them I don't know at least that's why I put what's best for his people so this is your purpose enter the mountain yeah I was going to say I gave a bit of information you were not the only Guardian to stand watch over Middle Earth [Music] true others might know a little bit more well elrond also has vicious stuff too so he he knows a lot of things Tommy that was the one way that made it go overboard that's so funny laughs galandro oh wow okay what an entrance she looks the exact same I have no idea he didn't I do no way Saruman it's so weird to see him not be evil you've been busier late my friend yes he has did you think these plans and schemes of yours would go unnoticed wow look at the sun in the background Sauron is vanquished he can never regain his full strength little did you know there is something that was so he was always 10 steps ahead he just knew I'm not convinced Gandalf I do not feel I can condone such a question she knows something what does she know all the dwarves are living no way yes you knew oh he's just buying him time oh Bilbo's tactic came in good use yes sir was an interesting one it might be the highest of their order but he doesn't act like a I wonder if he started getting corrupted this early that's what I'm interested to find out [Music] you see awesome but that means you can lower the Rings it sounds very familiar something similar at least there are similar vibe to them oh this guy was Bilbo off too I'm trying to leave them maybe because he said he's been lost since he first found last yeah do you think he's gonna try to find games off or go back home go back home I feel like oh my God what do you think you're going to wolves to this life to living on the road nibbling in one place not belonging anywhere now they're used to it but they were yeah no you're right We Don't Belong anywhere wow that's what they're all fighting for just to belong what's that oh luckily Saw the Light what the hell what [Music] how does that even happen [Music] what the hell there is that like some kind of cake the Orcs what the hell [Music] oh my God imagine waking up that's the first thing that happens to you oh no oh he can't be seen remember they said he was quiet and easy to miss interesting Maybe okay there's no way I don't get how they orchestrated that trap to just release the floor like what oh [ __ ] you've got the ugly Swan first time he has to use his sword oh [ __ ] what the hell where the hell did he go now Jay the fact that he's about that is incredible oh there's some sort of king of the Orcs [Music] oh my god dude my kingdom oh is that his neck boy what is that chin it's like a ball sack [Laughter] all that nerve who it is thrawn King Under the Mountain he doesn't seem like Orcs are like goblins or something I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head oh no a pale Orc astride a white walk no Sam he's learning he's alive it was slain in battle long ago so you think he's defiling days definitely not Dan this man's filthy oh no way here of all places who's already been corrupted by the ring oh yeah 100 oh Tommy he's gonna eat that thing there's the ring oh [ __ ] damn it so he's had it all this time until now [Music] [Laughter] surely you can feel the precious isn't with you so he just talks to the pressures they're so funny it's like he's one and only friend wow so that's when Bilbo found the ring oh man this is where it all began I love the way he talks soon it's still so sad that he ended up like this oh he's singing a lot of girlfriends [Laughter] my God he's eating him like half alive okay so stop glowing it's dead it's dead yeah I was singing and that kind of indicates that that's not a goblin or an orc to bilberry yes yes oh no my friend he always does that like he chokes on the Golem oh he's scared it's pretty much yeah he doesn't do well with Elvish things what is it my name is Bilbo Baggins Baggins is buses and Fishes but we haven't tried her wishes before oh you're not about to show me the way to get out of here and I'll be on my way wow the last is it lost love refers to it I don't know what your game is oh he's so cute oh my God he looks funny because um that never grows him with his riddles the mountains okay then he was pretty quick I had no clue no no more riddles oh Gollum doesn't like riddles I want to play oh just just you and me oh he's the standout of this movie oh my God 30 white horses on a Red Hill first they champ then they stamp well I've always liked thinking he's like he's like I think I got it no I think I got it no yes not smart I'd love to try but I got no chance shut up oh my god dude oh my God laughs it's wind of course of this very clever but stay back well it's nasty nasty Hobbit says did you give up like there's a chance Brussels there was a chance oh dude holy soup all day oh he's struggling axles you gotta oh my God s beasts trees could be Golem this one we know peace I don't know this one oh my God that is so creepy oh my God he's ready to pounce [Music] oh I did love the way I used every word oh no he's got it he's got it it's time Oh I thought it was golden okay I was way off to Baggins and Gollum God oh my pocket oh no three don't tell me he guesses precious oh he won't [Laughter] yes oh my God don't show him lucky he didn't show him yet oh he's gonna use the ring power Well for now he's not a suspecting Bilbo so no problem s oh he hasn't even suspected him holy space oh no oh [ __ ] let him check his father he'll say what's the point of taking out of the pocket I'm not showing him oh dude Gandalf in his entrances [Music] damn this man has no fear dude it's Gandalf's world and everyone's just living in it [Music] Beast [Applause] oh [ __ ] that guy oh my god oh dude you would not want that oh my God he's like stuck [Music] oh he'll put it on by accident oh it's magically following him what the hell foreign oh [ __ ] man's back I think Gandalf was like where did he come from [Music] what an idiot that guy was an idiot what the hell well he's at all wrong for a while now I know oh [Music] I can't see you just walk to them just oh my God what's he doing God I think he's not sure if Golan can see him or not run past gold nobody helped him damn he's figuring out that he can't see him at all oh this is the TR which humanizes him here you keep calm candles get those words nowhere not to take a life you're sort of helpful because he helps Frodo leading to destroy the ring [Music] oh he jumped around him oh so you can interact in the same realm they can interact you just can't see him saw Lord of the Rings when his invisible they can still touch [Music] it [Music] oh man where is a hobbit tell me I'll tell you what happened saw his chance and he took it no this guy again long gone other things I love proven wrong he's thinking should I run away and just leave it or should I come back he isn't [Music] it oh he's so happy love that why did you come back I miss my books and my armchair my garden the simple things in life that's why I came back you don't have one at home oh man that probably hits me in the pool that was nice it's gonna help you get a bath oh Bilbo Heart of Gold and that restores his face as well that there is still good and honor in the world you know oh is this gonna be the big battle [Music] oh [ __ ] I get the sword back my friend the trees he used his head to climb up come on pull it pull it [Applause] oh that branch is not gonna last who's gonna get galandra's help oh okay that's a good one potentially oh face off oh [ __ ] they can climb trees well they're trying to anyway oh the little fat dwarf is yeah he's gone [Music] oh my God they're all gonna be the last tree come on Gand up a few spells nothing [Music] oh what's he doing there we go [Music] okay there's one way to get rid of him [Music] oh [ __ ] oh oh my God okay that's a Ledge he's holding all of them oh that's stared down let's see I love the standings is he gonna go fighting him and Leave Behind these people he's blinded by Vengeance but it's not the movie and people are hanging oh my God what just happened you got destroyed you charged the freaking Beast of a wolf oh my God he's about to lose everything [ __ ] dude oh Bilbo the balls and that's gonna show him he's more than starboard oh [ __ ] oh he's still trying to fight [Music] oh look at him knowing when to and when not to [Music] foreign yeah that's not gonna scare him [Music] they all about the tree baby oh my God when that soundtrack plays now I almost just hear obviously because it's like a very relieving soundtrack [Music] they're holding these [Music] oh Epic oh we should have guessed that's what was gonna happen I had a feeling but I didn't know if there's more powers to it but yeah he's definitely the eagle caller [Music] oh do the Eagles are ruining them yeah okay oh my God imagine that Gandalf last one to leave Epic it's a very nice visual that's cool oh dude what is that soundtrack oh [Music] I don't know to be fair why didn't gamble just use this in the beginning you know how much time we would have saved them I don't know travel by vehicles wouldn't be much of an adventure would it you know they got yourself killed so in your damn life this man's always angry nah he's thankful I think he's gonna retract all those words now I was wrong I've never been so wrong laughs that's nice the hog being Bryce no I would have doubted me too I'm not a hero or a warrior himself he's a hero not a warrior though but he has been one today [Music] all that they're home maybe okay they're not even close but a Lonely Mountain erabor a great background comes in handy I do believe the worst is behind us oh my friends you have no idea two more movies he was a Dragonite left yet it's probably been sleeping oh no it's just bathing in all the gold so why did the dragon want gold I don't understand I don't think it wants the god it obviously likes it because they said it takes its own loot at the beginning oh culinaries maybe that's where Dragon went after he left at the end of Jersey yeah all right so we've completed the first of the hobbits yeah overall I would say it was a good movie and it was enjoyable it wasn't a great movie I think what made it even more special though than Maybe if we didn't watch The Lord of the Rings and we watched this first was the characters that we know and love and the Nostalgia for the world yeah all that 100 I agree with that strongly yeah yeah so I guess where where I'm at and you can clarify if you feel differently but I sort of feel like I enjoyed the adventure thought it was I can definitely notice the disparity between the Lord of the Rings and this movie and I hope that word makes sense because I was trying to sound smart I know what you're trying to say but you know you could definitely feel in terms of the storytelling I definitely feel like this movie everything that happened could have been condensed to about an hour yeah maybe a little bit maybe an hour and a half it was more about the spectacle again yeah so I do feel like there was pacing in the middle the start was you know kind of fun the end was enjoyable in particular quite theatrical meaningful yeah a lot of the middle was a bit of World building it was fun and because we've got that Nostalgia for the world I could enjoy it but I can definitely see how the story writing point of view it it probably did drag on a little bit on on very small things look the one thing that it did well I think despite that was that for all the Lord of the Rings fans it kept you hooked at the right moments when you're like okay like let's move on a little bit it was like all right bring back Gollum bring back Frodo bring back yeah you know the ring and all these things these almonds even with elves yeah yeah even going back to Rivendell I will just preface when you said for all the Lord of the Rings fans I feel like a lot of them will disagree with you okay but what I'm saying is or at least for us as let's say casual orderings fans who have just watched the movies and maybe looking for a bit more of that connection to the world more exploration more Adventure behind the characters and getting some things answered there is satisfaction in seeing Bilbo and Golem's first to thrash together and even the riddles was really fun I enjoyed that I think especially for us because in the second movie we really really loved Golems yeah and in the third we were kind of left-wanting more from his character I hope it's not the end of him yeah I hope we see more of him in the next two hobbit movies yeah true but yeah so we obviously wanted more from his character and we finally got that in this first movie so one thing that definitely is noticeably better in this is I suppose like the cinematography the CGI the the scenery the quality obviously it's made a decade later and even the battles I'm not saying the battle's better in this one by any means not going into that stage yet but the slow-mos the the way it's done it's obviously you know have the benefit of technological advancement and that's one thing that I can appreciate with this but okay cool yeah there's some more smoothness behind it it does look nicer at times storytelling wise definitely doesn't meet the Mark um compared to Lord of the Rings yeah you can appreciate that extra decade of editing that it's benefited from and Technology it does look nice visually it's quite appealing well even small goes small at the I think it's really cool with the golds and then the blue dragon scales that looked really cool well I'm trying to think this came out in 2012. and that would have been sort of the mid-seasons of Game of Thrones right I'd say Game of Thrones start earlier yeah yeah much area and I also believe that you know this would have had a much bigger budget in the Game of Thrones at the time of this being made so yeah given the dragons look pretty good there I can assume that by that point they were doing pretty good yeah here look and they're they're still parts to enjoy about exploring the world like seeing those Stone mountains fighting and that was pretty cool a new element you know yeah thrown in the mix and the trolls being able to talk which we never got that in the previous one you know it gave them a bit more character personality so I could enjoy just the elements I think what I love the most about this whole world is look the story writing is often very good it's not some people in a lot of rings were like oh you know you guys look like you've seen this you're getting things too often well look when we come from Game of Thrones which is very Advanced the storytelling at least in these movies it's not completely unpredictable there's a lot I couldn't predict but there's a lot that follows a bit more of a traditional heroic sort of Trope and you know a lot more linearity inside the elements of that so you can assume some things that are going to happen in a certain degree of plot armor with with people I mean the fact that all 13 dwarves survive that entire time with ridiculous absolutely ridiculous kind of stunts and whatnot but what I feel like we really do get out of these is a beautiful Adventure it takes me to a world that I want to be a part of but I want to be in an explorative adventurous just magical adventure and you never know what's coming next from a landscape point of view from the world it feels like everything's alive yeah like from the grass that you step on to you know the clouds that are yeah and we're talking about Laura rings as much as we are hover just this whole world that Tolkien has created I'm just saying I can definitely see how it did create modern fantasy because even growing up and all the references to Fantasy and what you'd expect from it really do come out from these stories yeah you really do see the beginnings of it here yep did you have a favorite character so far it's still gunned off it's still going off I mean look the obvious one is uh what's his name the prince foreign foreign I mean he's you know pretty badass he's a warrior he's the kind of guy I like but again love is just too much of a standout he's too much of a weapon I honestly I loved he's my favorite in The Lord of the Rings trilogy and I think in these two he's just the most defined of the characters it is interesting to me in these worlds I'm starting to realize when you hear the word wizard you expect to be more magic they use it very very sparingly and it's not very defined to listen to these films what their powers are because on the one hand you know you'll see Gandalf and Saruman like blast each other with some sort of force push but then they don't use it when you know beings are charging at them so it's like it's very limited on what they can use and when they use it he's more but then he pulls any soul and starts Flying Like A Boss so I wonder why they do that like is it probably more of a grounded take on Wizards I guess I don't know yeah but I wonder if there's like a law kind of thing that's stopping them like is there a cost to using too much power like I have no idea yeah yeah interesting but it was fun to meet the I can't remember his name rub rugged something the brown wizard yeah it was fun it was cool I hope we made the blue Wizards too yeah well gantif was saying that he doesn't remember their name so I don't know yeah that was what I'm like there must be more Wizards around here we only met Sarah man before yeah and he was yeah he's not the best it was interesting seeing him here because I almost wanted to warn Gandalf like no you can't question like this is what's coming so seeing him being almost normal I mean we're sort of suss like is he already being a bit tainted has he not yeah I feel like by the third movie playing the third movie will we maybe get a bit of a hint it's a big gap though it's a long time so I don't know what I'm unsure of is obviously galandra literally was saying you know there's a darkness and it's not going to reveal itself yet I don't know if they're talking about Sauron or there's something within the trilogy that you know they're referring to like I don't know how far in advance they're going to like tie them together yeah well I'm kind of getting the feeling I feel like just the dwarves getting their home back is not enough for the story I feel like the story would make sense for it to oh no that was thousands of years ago I thought it was going to be when they beat I was gonna say when they beat Sauron but no that was like a thousand years no sorry yeah 400 years 100 Years of pace yeah I'm pretty sure that that's what they were referring to I don't think so because they did say that it was like two or three thousand years ago was the battle but maybe they still had Wars after that until they've gone to a point of Peace maybe the timeline is confusing I remember reading in the comments for The Fellowship of the Ring you guys were saying or you know when Gandalf came back to the Shire it was I don't know 70 years or something like well that makes sense then the gap between this movie and the next one was about 770. I thought I thought I'd read 70. what are you talking about what bro what are you talking about man Gandalf came back to the Shire in Lord of the Rings yeah from obviously this time where he's come because we've been previous times has come so the gap between the time he got billboard and Tommy got photo 70 years that's what yes are we good with that or just let's just accept it we'll look at it later anyways so my point was just the time frame as soon as numbers came into it I was like oh here we go mix guys because billboard wasn't billboard was old when he came knowing you're being you're silly you don't know what I'm talking about listen listen you know how Gandalf came win and and Frodo like went to go see him and he's like oh you're late blah blah that I had that interaction yeah then then Bilbo left and left the ring with Gandalf yeah and get we saw that scene with Gandalf saying hmm my precious precious whatever he left and Freddie was like where are you going he's like I'll be back I need to go learn something whatever oh that wasn't 70 years that's what people were saying in the comments no I heard people say it was like five years or seven years I don't know anyway do you have a point to make or yeah [Music] my only point was that the time frame of a lot of these events and things are a bit confusing like in Game of Thrones we knew that it took you know maybe like a week to get to this place or a month to get to this place there's not so much I think they'd probably fit in a lot for the movies so yeah yeah the books are apparently very big and to fit them in the movies they've obviously done a good job yeah by the end of the time frame probably didn't have time for that yeah what I wanted to say was I can really see myself Upon A re-watch of these movies I get the feeling that it'd be very fun to start with the hobbits next time because it's almost just watching the chronological order not all movies benefit from that but I feel like these would I feel like you almost watch the origins watch the simpler times and you know what's coming then when you get loyal Rings it's an even bigger payoff yeah true so I feel like that would be a nice way to re-watch it that's probably what I'll do when we eventually re-watch these I don't know if we got this piece of information in The Lord of the Rings but I didn't realize that Bilbo was also a talk yeah I still confusing the whole thing of talk because sometimes you're using it as like an insult I thought it was like stupid and then took is his last name I know that but then he also uses it like a talk like it kind of is almost like you're stupid as well yeah he did say that yeah down the down the chain his part talk yeah but then he also said that the story was a bit exaggerated so it was a bit messy but yeah I'm not too sure but when I first saw young Bilbo I was like that looks like Mary I thought the same thing that's why if you guys see the especially for the uncut reaction if you look at like I'll sort of like like I wasn't saying much I was thinking do I say it am I wrong I couldn't figure it out then I noticed mannerisms were different but yeah yeah so that was actually interesting that they tied that in you know like we still have I guess the took characters living on through Bilbo a little bit but I think like you Gandalf was probably one of my standouts but I really really did love seeing Gollum again and that was fun all his little like you know sayings like pockets and nasty like I don't know I just love it so much he's he's so fun to watch and like you said you're in the reaction I could just watch like a whole 20 minutes of him just chatting to himself 100 I did also enjoy a game to just focus on the dwarves a bit because I felt like that was one thing that was missing in The Lord of the Rings I was waiting for this dwarf Army to come honestly I never met whenever Gimli so it's kind of I've got to wonder where were his people and his family and we didn't really get to see that so that's probably why they're focused well I mean this is just the books but yeah but the point is yeah it was nice to get more dwarfs and learn a bit about their Heritage their culture just their people even the little bits like their songs and stuff like okay well this is how they live you know the songs that this thing are so beautiful oh my God like I want to watch the start of the movie just for that in Bilbo's house like that yeah yes I hope those songs aren't copyright hell but I oh my God I well I'd love to have the whole thing playing no no that'd be fantastic speaking of which actually I feel like I've got to get a I'm gonna make a Spotify playlist of Lord of the Rings and Hobbit music because it's got some beautiful music oh yeah great have I not done that I've got to do that I'm gonna do that yeah yeah maybe because we haven't finished anyway I I love the soundtracks I often love soundtracks and movies but they just have some iconic ones I know the hobbits are about bilboy's Journey or Adventures but it was cool to see in action like you remember in The Fellowship of the Ring when he was talking to the little kids at his birthday party and he's telling them about the Goblins obviously we see them in the later movies of The Lord of the Rings but now we actually get to see how it happened and I thought that was like a really cool full circle moment especially even like you know bumping into alron and galandra and people like that so a little trip down memory lane for us yeah well we'll be interesting to see how much he uses the ring because it took a massive I don't know if it's because Frodo was going so close to model Mordor but it took a massive toll and I'm thinking Bilbo lasted a very long life before he you know went on that boat with them to I can't remember what it's called but wherever they went the afterlife pretty much yeah whereas Frodo was like when he came back he's like it's not the same I can't settle down we're somehow Bilbo managed to for a long time but Frodo also had the sub wound yeah it's almost like ignorance is bliss like the other Hobbit says because they're just peaceful life what you don't know they just live pretty peacefully I'm laughing because you're like goal of hobbitses whereas after you've been through what like Bilbo and Frodo and Sam and stuff I've been through you've seen all that it's sort of hard to just go living back to just you know smoking a pipe and eating and lounging around even though it sounds like a lovely life don't get me wrong but yeah I can see how that adjustment back can be difficult you have that thirst for adventure still or even just you know the smoke balls out there it's hard to just live in like ignorance the way they live that's not really very sheltered from the rest of the world yeah well guys we hope you enjoyed our reaction to the first Hobbit movie if you did remember to give a video some love smash that like button subscribe and be sure to let us know in the comments down below what you thought of this movie what you thought about reaction we'll be able to make it a little bit more enjoyable through our eyes or is this just a no-go zone for you let us know either way we will be covering the next two so stay tuned for those subscribe to the channel so you know as soon as those drop and we will be seeing you guys on our next reaction until then take care yourselves see you guys thank you [Music]
Channel: Spartan & Pudgey
Views: 193,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pD5Djh7e1T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 40sec (3940 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2023
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