Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End * FIRST TIME WATCHING * reaction & commentary

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hi yes hello and welcome to the channel if you're new here hi my name is Ashley and if you're a returner welcome back so if you haven't seen the title or read the thumbnail We are continuing on into Pirates of the Caribbean if you don't know on Fridays we are doing franchise Fridays where I make my way through a series maybe finish it I think I'm going to be able to finish Pirates of the Caribbean in March or make a little bit of Headway like in Marvel get a whole bunch of stuff under my belt and we can keep on trucking right along so that's what we're doing on Friday so hi welcome we are continuing the Pirates of the Caribbean now I watched the very first one over a year ago my last one was about sixish months ago so while I was getting ready earlier I had my reviews playing so I could remember what was going on and you know what I could have lived the rest of my life without remembering daav Jones Davey Jones squid man with all his little tentacles uhuh no thanks no thanks could have lived the rest of my life having forgotten that he he existed and that he looked like that anyways today we are on into the third installation of Pirates of the Caribbean which is called Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End all right so far the first two movies we've had Johnny Depp love him Orlando Bloom love him the female lead can't remember her name love her though um I this is almost 3 hours long this is a crazy long movie for some reason I mean but these tend to be action-packed comedy packed too like very quick wit fast on liners um you know what I'm excited about wrapping up not wrapping it up but I'm excited about continuing through Pirates of the Caribbean and having all of it under my belt so no more d d and let's get right on into today's Millennial movie well franchise Friday which is the Pirates of the Caribbean at World's End [Music] well what a start duly appointed representative of his majesty the king yeah dude ain't messing around dude has a job and he's doing the job right to assembly suspended what oh oh my God we saw that happen I want to vomit right to Verdict by a Jory of pears suspended what so that's why so many people are getting hung hanged or associating with a person convicted of piracy anybody that has even thought about piracy dead a child a child shut up what dark movies these are is now the time buddy you about to die is now the time to be singing a a sea shanty wow no way the col High [Music] EV wow all these people are like you know what and I do it again I got to be honest with you I got goosebumps right now this is kind of badass is this the first ever flash mob finally finally never shall we [Music] die well except for y'all right then except for there y'all de what a dark start to episode three or the third movie whatever we have even more singing OMG is the third movie of musical hey girl hey girl you Blended in I'm so excited for you whoa H gross Thief oh and Begg oh my God she's scared this poop out of me for you are ignorant of his meaning who's to say she's ignorant of it what makes you think she's alone [Music] ooh what makes you think I need protecting we want to talk about character development she went from a damsel into in distress to a damsel causing the distress what what a clever way to travel smart and you didn't need a coconut head oh is that the same scary monkey that got me 27 times in the last one but absent my merciful nature sense of fair play oh you have a sense of fair play oh yeah she was packing she was packing quite a bit where's this one where girl what are you keeping where I mean I guess anything's a dildo if you try hard enough he move please closeth [Music] no what what is that it's like the last of us all over again I don't like it yeah girl just follow along just bow down wow what intricate workings that's a beefy dude yo look at that cocaine pinky you know that's what it's for and try to make all with these well we don't we don't know anything about that definitely don't know that Thief oh hey buddy hey this is the thief oh face familiar to you n we don't know that guy has he has no further need for [Music] it girl we both gave it away it's okay sou hang I assure you I have no idea he will get caught well this is not looking good for us are you listening to it as one of the nine pirate Lords you must honor the call ooh we we got pirate Lords and a car oh heavens we teaming up I love this mlim why does he need so much steam by Lord Cutler Becket against East India trading oh my God what a little butt yeah that's a that's a different view ain't it that's a different View and yet you sit here cowering in your bath water girl than me Jack Sparrow what what are y'all giggling about it's so I can send him back myself well if you don't help him now you can't do it later so oh a fake tattoo you have deceived me weapons oh he knew it from the fake tattoo got it no Nice kill him he's not our man what what what a pirate thing to do oh man didn't see that coming you know this guy looks like a good reason to you know all team up [Music] together head [Music] shot oh I didn't say this earlier but now is a great time to say this I wore my goon shirt today cuz I thought it was fitting oh it was a bomb the whole time smart smart smart smart that is coincidence is now really the time is now really the time to be quarreling amongst yourselves why should I expect any better I need the Black Pearl to free my father M so we got a bunch of deals going [Music] on look the monkey's actually coming in handy all that because of that little monkey right there got the CH and better yet a ship at a crew hey we got a ship we got a crew it's time to go on a pirate Adventure that's so cool that's so cool I don't know if any of these movies were made in 3D but like if it was that was probably the coolest scene look at that well who has that piece oh that guy of that I wonder does it matter it does matter that way we can at least keep count of how many we got we don't want anyone running off to Singapore do we a certain somebody no sir execution execution orders this is very relevant but could you imagine when the first person see an iceberg let's say it is Pirates exactly little monkey could you imagine they accidentally stumble into the iceberg area why don't that obey woman just bring Jack back the same way she brought back Barosa exactly that's what a weird and that's why we can't just bring Jack back all willy-nilly I knew there was a good reason oh whose foot is that ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh unnecessary and uncalled for over the edge over again Sunrise sets flash of green what are we talking about ever gazed upon the Green Flash Master Gibs oh so they know what the green slashes some go their whole lives without ever seeing it me I'm one of those some say it signals when a soul comes back to this world from the dead M it's not getting to the Land of the Dead that's the problem it's getting out it's getting bad called it oh let me tell you something my fear of the dark would not allow me to be a pirate no ma'am does he know well that's not a look of reassurance I didn't want to see him again I did not want to see him again I hate it you GNA cry I hate it I hate it is it your first time crying could you imagine being a mere human and coming up against old Hammerhead looking ass I could never Dutchman sails as it's Captain command how's that going for you buddy the immaterial has become immaterial what a quote oh look at that okay honestly though I'm scared of the dark but like stargazing like that that'd be kind of cool how long do we continue not talking yeah y'all still aren't talking there is a cast must be peed in the air again don't you feel like we've paid enough but she has the little heart of David Jones on her necklace I we're good and lost now what certain you have to be lost to find the placees can't be found I'm confused are we lost or are we not lost it's on purpose to get lost to find what's never been found listen we wanted to find the Land of the Dead not join it so is this what flat earthers think is out there I think y'all just going I think y'all just got to go over well hope they're not dead y having flashbacks is that Johnny is that Captain Jack I hate that I can see his pores peanut ah there's Captain Jack scared the [ __ ] out of me is this going to be like a never- ending Loop look at how many of you there are which one's the real one probably that one the one having an existential crisis I take it back it's not him he's the one who laid the egg I'm not mad about this much shirtless Johnny Depp though what are you about to do with that goat proper it is neither proper nor suitable are you going to beat your own ass okay it will all have to be redone all of it all of it because one was it sir you are crazy you are going through it where did you just land peanut Stone okay so we're going crazy well I mean I guess we're taken so nothing's supposed to make sense I guess me in geology when I was in college and it's going to be back close to him it's not a rock it's a crab did he just lick the crab's ass you think oh that's scared me scared me scared me honey I don't think you going to move it that's also probably what I would do you know just give up Morse code for crabs were the writers of this movie okay when they wrote this part I don't think they were okay are the crabs going to be moving that boat [Music] no oh that's crazy I've seen that gift before him taking off running well you know what after that scene I still have no idea what's going on with with uh Jack Sparrow I don't see Jack I don't see anyone glad y'all made it alive though there's the crabs oh we're going to find the crabs is closer than you think is she I can't decide if she's actually good or bad now that we know that she has the little heart locket on I don't know listen you might be badass but you will never be as badass as Jack Sparrow riding a ship carried by crabs through the desert yes slap me thce and hand me to me mama I hope I can remember that slap me Thrice and hand me to your mama to my mama not your mama I expect you're able to account for your actions then uh which ones lack of discipline upon my vessel why why is that sir cuz you've been alone remember you shot me a you're still holding on to that he thinks we're a hallucination oh is that why he's acting like that hope to save a certain distressing damsel rather damsel and distress I one OMG I just called her that earlier too so you can't be here QED you're not really here touch him touch him he's right there his lip twitch is so good Locker you say I yeah you're in DAV Jones locker but it would seem that as I possess a ship and you don't you're the ones in need of rescuing that's a good point by him four of you have tried to kill me in the past one of you succeeded you know what that's a great Point by Jack don't tell me I didn't enjoy it at the time what' y'all do don't need you you scare me be him a nice guy who are you new friends yeah you're still in David Jones Locker you weirdo Li yeah you're still the Captain Jack you are still the captain oh what are you doing what are you doing no what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing that's an order understand oh get into it tell them about themselves as you should somebody's got to be the adult I just thought with the captain issue and doubt I throw in my name for consideration you have my vote baby i' vote for you see see good job now don't get in hey it's not the size that matters it's what you do with it yeah if you would just be honest about what you had to do girl it would clear up so many things well I have no choice that's what they all say I thought you thought I loved him that's not her fault will it's yours for not trusting her if you mind get choices alone how can I trust you okay valid valid point by you will I love how he has his little Fey staglin he's having a great time ah is it the souls of the Damned I hate it when they show up it reminds me of that scene in Hercules where Megara goes into like the whole I don't remember you know and the souls and that's what it reminds me of uh yeah y'all better not y'all better not F doors will die at sea to the other side but he doesn't do that clearly to be with she who love him truly is it you are you in love with Davey so he wasn't always tentacles it was a man once ah the puzzle pieces are being put together I'm following it's like more people who have died it's more souls it's my father we've made it back no no girl don't fall for that we're not back does that mean they've already killed her father are you dead she ain't dead I think I am stab the heart yours must take its place someone Coss a line come back with us I don't think he's really there I'll give your love to your mother shall I oh he's big dead he's big dead he's he's either already big dead or he is very much metaphorically and literally on his way to be big dead you know what I mean runs C too oh now we have no hydration doomed to ro to reach Between Worlds her pessimism is just really bringing me down sunrises don't set so we still haven't figured out the riddle Up Is Down that's just maddeningly unhelpful oh so it's opposite day why are these things never clear cuz it's a riddle Jack the Dutchman must have a captain what kind of trip am I on where we can get rum and salty wenches sortly winches once every 10 years 10 years is a long time mate when you could just live now I never thought I'd see a Johnny Depp with like miniature Johnnies on top of him what is that I don't know what do you think where oh so he's gone full crazy again jack you have to let some people in on your crazy give the man his eyeball back no you can keep it now you can keep it now rocking the ship we're rocking the ship oh fun we're rocking the the ship up is down so you literally need to flip the boat over I'm still not really understanding what we're doing but I'm going to trust the process that Jack has it figured out I don't think that's how that works y'all you're doing great though oh you let the Cannons loose so they'll help you smart you know for everyone's sake I really hope you're right about this Jack a scary does he die no oh yes yeah he did he did Big Dad okay so now what can will not swim Jack I'm still real confused because we're losing cannons and will is not swimming and I don't understand and here comes our Green Flash I don't know can't confirm I've never seen the Green Flash so now we're now we're back on the right side of the world glad to see the babies made it we're back they're back okay so it worked interesting okay oh okay well that happened fast monkey put it down if we don't stand together they'll hunt us down one by one I think they're going to do that anyway friend Captain Jack Sparrow the last pirate of course Jack wants that to happen y'all should have known your pistols were water logged looks like we all live to see another day sorry I love those two we can resupply that get back to shooting each other later there it is priorities why don't you both go ashore and leave the ship in my no ah ah I got a bigger one what is that is that a skeleton or a rock formation oh neither it's a thing if that thing blinks I'm out of here sometimes things come back mate we live in proof you and me okay that's valid sometimes things do come back like all y'all who just flipped a boat upside down okay well at least that big squid thing didn't come alive so that's good well that's not a good sign we got company who who would be here whose boat is that oh his original boss that's who it is wow that did not take long did it you paid me great insult once that doesn't sound like me you deserve the punch in the face honestly release her she's not part of the bargain will please you heard Captain Turner Captain Turner I need the PE to free my father that's the only reason I came on this Voyage good point by will tell me you were planning this was my bur to bear oh so a little tip for Tad action did no one come to save me just because they missed me no Jack no oh yay there's your friends even the [Music] monkey look at how nice and clean those saes are your friends appear to be quite desperate Jack yeah what are you going through his stuff for Jack it's not here Jack oh the heart that account has been settled by your death and you're not dead close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream that's how I get by same and so it was oh well so many deals are going on right now regarding the Brethren Court no doubt in exchange for fair comp both shots Lord Beck is not going to give up the all the shippers can out run the Dutchman is he M the two-time got two Ed sucks don't it honor is a hard thing to come by nowadays a pirate talking about honor we have Calypso we have the meats the goddess herself bound in human form imagine where do you have Calypso the belligerent Oculus and his friend with the wooden eye both and Jack is turning in everybody what interest is she to you uh womanly things the god what everybody wants Elizabeth done what cut out the middle oh everything is backfired there's so much happening right now who am I Captain Jack Sparrow baby shook his hand good great glad we agree you know in Pirate days you really couldn't get anywhere fast you weren't just going to ski didly dle anywhere just quickly oh hilarious thank goodness for that because if I wasn't this would probably never [Laughter] work and guess what it worked and that was without even a single drop of rum so you're just naturally dumb I love it send this pestilent treasurous carted yeasty codpiece to The Brick yeasty card piece love it how soon can we have the ship ready to pursue what's that noise oh we going to need some time to get the ship ready to pursue wow she really went through with her deal we will arrive at shipwreck Cove and you will be free but until then you're not Calypso excuse me he thinks she is the goddess they boun you to human form so the ru of the Seas will belong to man wow he thinks she's a goddess and it keeps her safe because he believes in the goddess I see what we're doing here and some men offer desire as justification for their [Music] crimes I will take your Fury oh oh this is crazy weird she is a goddess oh oh [ __ ] scared me what what in the xenomorph trimmer was that [ __ ] oh he got impaled he got impaled well we don't have to worry about that guy I guess you will be free a he died really thinking she's a goddess forgive me c wow he really do be thinking that okay let him think he's dying it's fine he made me Captain yay he did yeah he did you are not my captain wow your father will be overjoyed to know you're safe he's still alive it can't be true he he returned to England did Lord Becket tell you that he's dead he he said I can't keep going through this roller coaster what I thought she wasn't your captain the captain shall have my quarters oh so crazy crazy to see daav Jones taking orders wild I did not know know what about your dad being dead which side you chose oh I see I see well now you do uh have you informed your ex-boyfriend that you are actually the goddess of the sea might be something he's interested in knowing oo ooh ooh ooh oh yeah I forget you stay on a ship you start becoming one of those Critters you know my name oh Lord oh my God it's like the last of us all over again it makes me want to throw up oh oh yummy yummy yummy yummy and now he sends you to tell me that he's coming to get me something like that and he wants to help you but he can't save me he can't come because of you he's got to turn into black pearl and then he can save you you he who slays him must take his place oh and if he saves me he loses you oh I got to be so honest with you they're back and forth will and Elizabeth I'm not into it I wouldn't pick me oh oh that makes me sad for him tell him not to come well she's kind of also in the jail cell with you so I'm already a part of the [ __ ] gross gross you know my name okay okay so he does it remember that William oh so he really is almost gone a message in a bottle attached to a dead body you know what I always wondered how you got messages in a bottle out I guess you just break the bottle a breadcrumb trail oh multiples a I betray you among them or trap why can't be both do you notice anything what if what you notice something that is not there to be noted no it's too much of a riddle I said to myself think like Jack this is what you've arrived at you've not seen fit to trust her with it they don't trust each other we've established that move on mate if you choose to BL your heart away you lose it for certain true let someone else dispatch CH like Jack you yeah exactly you're free to be with your Charming murderers and Jag is to be captain forever I'm free for him free to sail the Seas beyond the edges of the see he doesn't view it as a prison as binding to the Dutchman or end up just like Jones oh yeah that's true I would hate to see your beautiful face get turned into one of them tentacles why did I think he was going to kiss him oh knocked him overboard and now he has to choose Jack gave him his Compass so he'll use it to find whichever one he wants more whether it be his dad or his boothing oh she has them all thinking that she's the goddess I love that what are you doing choosing a side oo okay fun Becket knows of the meeting of the Brethren I fear there may be a traitor among them definitely is a traitor among them I had nothing to do with your father's death okay but no body no death no body no death James come with me what why are you going to ask your X boo to get on the ship possibly run into your latest X boo girl what wow I never pictured her getting back together with this guy part of the crew part of the crew p a prisoners oh [Music] no yep good for you good for you oh man well she ain't got to worry about that X boo anymore hey and now Davey gets rule over his own boat again do you feel days you know what I admire that last action of Life take that as a note one of his hands is a claw and the other hand is a tentacle I hate it the Dutchman is under my command oh cuz he still has the heart not for not it's called Shipwreck Island where Li shipwreck Cove in the town of shipwreck you know for all that pirates are clever cogs we are are an unimaginative lot when it comes to naming things no you're very direct when naming things what' you call him Larry do not forget it was by my power you returned from it yeah I wouldn't be talking to her about some [ __ ] it took nine pirate Lords to find you Calypso you're the goddess you're the goddess that explains everything kind of sort of it gives more context at least I cannot be summoned like some Mongrel pop apparently you can I was going to say apparently you you came so not yours his suck it Spar you didn't tell him oh I believe you're familiar with a person called calypso an old boo thing ing men with their wildest dreams and then revealing them to be Hollow and not but Ash well we can't help it that your dreams were [ __ ] you love them yeah exactly do not test me oh I'm testing you baby what do you think Davey Jones smells like not good yes I will accept Calypso murdered can you murder a goddess how do you propose to lead us there with the company what is it you want most not will literally using Jack's line oh it really is shipwreck Cove all right I don't know what I was expecting but a literal mound of Rex chips is fitting and I owe them all money well that sucks for you jack oh my God is that Captain Hook that's what it looked like Den nine pieces of whatever we happen to have in our pockets at the time I kept it safe for you just like you said when you gave it to me uh-huh and where'd you keep it safe at we need it back oh the eyeball smart made you Captain well yeah Jones is under the command of Lord Becket they're on their way here look she came she's useful not likely anyone among us where's will not among us and there's the traitor there is no need to fight if they cannot get to us they going get to you girl I'm bound her in her bones we have her we must free Calypso I'm intrigued to see how this goes cut out his tongue shoot him man cut out his tongue then shoot his tongue I agree with that he'll agree with something we release calipo oh silence you oh no hey now everybody calm down ain't no need for this kind of ruckus this is madness this is Pirates why I think that big old candle was a birthday cake I never said I was smart oh he came for her from all that I love from you is he going to fall for it you w there oh is my nature can't turn a hoe into a housewife I'm just kidding oh girl what you doing hey hey hey human man how doing I would give you my heart literally or metaphorically if only you had a heart oh oh oh not the Crab Claw hand oh well that's embarrassing that's embarrassing oh he just walked through it what I guess he is kind of like a ghost they will learn in this life it's how crol I can be she did all this on purpose my heart will always belong to you oh we should be the ones to set her free I like that start a movement of your own whose Boons your Boons those Boons cuttlefish huh pin them up together and they will devour each other without a second thought human nature is oh is he comparing them to cuddle fish that's a big [Music] man Captain Swan you know what there is a first time for everything we must fight yeah to run away he we must fight to run away I call on Captain Teague oh hang the cord oh oh oh you better care about the code or you get shot I think I F I found the keeper of the code y'all the Codex the law of being a pirate and a puppy all I wish said fancy that or parlay we've used it before we could do it again and each pirate only ever votes for ah French of of course they're all voting for themselves again Elizabeth Swan oh plot thickens not be keeping to the code [Music] then I think you're supposed to keep to the code and that means Elizabeth Swan is now the pirate king queen we're at War all right bold move love it and so we shall go to war wasn't ready for that voice to come out of that man it's not just about living forever Jackie it's about finding something to live for the trick is living with yourself forever oh I see oh my God that is so morbid give is here let's take it's go time but they got a lot of ships with them yeah yeah oh and there's even more oh my heavens we are simply so Abandoned Ship abandon Abandoned Ship Abandoned Ship oh there's a little Landing [Music] Strip oh I was like who's in the bucket Davey Jones because ocean water got it I hate it look to your left blaming Elizabeth oh blaming Jack oh because of the compass no causes lost if there was but one fool left to fight for it your dad's not doing great well you made a deal with me Jack to deliver the Pirates Oh Lordy be Jack technically I propose an exchange oh and you can take Jack and no fighting you have no right King oh yeah she is kind of like pirate now that's not really his piece is it that was like misleading cuz that's something Jack would do or you cannot fight in which case only most of you will die so people are going to die regardless we will fight and you will die I don't know I still don't know if her dad's for real dead no body no death but we did see the body when like all the dead people were floating by so I don't know brother you've successfully arrived aboard the flying oh you're crazy again that's exciting stab the heart h ah I don't like a crusty jack o o o o o can we stop everything about these movies is disgusting I need to use the backp as a flagship to lead the attack will we now all right oh he went above the pirate Queen no longer Mutiny I can't get over the fact that dude hit his piece of pirate in the dude's fake eye the items brought together done Abracadabra is that it oh pretty simple must be spoken as if to a lover oh what is does that mean Calypso I release you from your human Bond that's how you would say it to a lover no no you didn't say it right will and Elizabeth are going to have to say it aren't they is he going to say it right I release you from your human bonds get into it Mr Man he did it correctly good for you good for you he understood the assignment I can't wait to see what she looks like who was it that betrayed you Davey Jones D Davey Jones yeah your lover broke your heart just now this is it thank you thank you for your clarification buddy y'all really trying to hold the ropes to a goddess is that what you're trying to do cute cute oh it's herself but big for you is but a servant humble and contrite you do not really feel that way what what I don't I don't speak this what is that crabs Calypso is crabs Calypso helped Jack out of the desert with the crabs is that it that's what I said I mean she didn't kill you so that's some help I don't know looks like a Storm's a brewing won't bring your father back Miss Swan and it's not something I'm intending to die for wow then what shall we die for good question they will hear the ring of our swords and they will know what we can do get into it girl voice the colors here we go we we we go to battle maybe Calypso will come in clutch later well this is fun you know what I made the statement earlier and I didn't realize how true it was going to be her character development is crazy I want that job I want to be a little a little a little pirate flag man that's what I want to [Applause] be Calypso calyo Calo and she ain't coming back to make whoopy baby she coming back to end yourself have you noticed on top of everything it's [Laughter] raining okay you know I know it's been almost 20 years since these movies came out the team that was on the CGI they deserve a raise I that be true ah a captain never refuses to Captain whoa you're afraid to get wait n further in farther in the tunnel was that one in the background did that one in the background just scratch its ass on the pole and then sniff it drop my brain you licked your brain earlier I still can't tell if Calypso is helping or hurting our chances I'm going to say it again this movie if it wasn't it should have been made in 3D I just come to get me a effect admirable though it may be oh they're guarding the heart I blame fish people oh so fish people the fish people do non fish people seems contributories you turn them against themselves that's how you sneak away with the chest if there were no chest we wouldn't need to be here to guard it hey look there's no chest so you don't have to be here anymore oh oh oh think I got oh oh what is this he's just going to kill him a little bit oh my God nope nope nope not going to watch that won't be watching that I hate everything about daav Jones everything about him looky here boy and he has your heart wow okay the stunts progressively get better and better like throughout the movies wow Davey would rather stick with this fate than be free all because Calypso broke his heart oh no Elizabeth will you marry me it's now the time it's now the time exactly that maybe the only time I don't know why yall were busy giving each other the silent treatment let make my choice my choice oh he's made his choice he's not going to find his dad okay okay I'm a little busy at the moment now now what's the urgency with getting married oh dearly beloved we here we're really doing it right now to be your wife what a crazy wedding day but hey good news is they say it's you know like a good sign whenever it rains on your wedding day so kiss husband and winch kiss yay y'all are married don't really know why I had to be right now focus on getting out alive a look at a monkey him happy but maybe that's the point of getting married now in case they don't make it out alive I mean in case you needed a weapon you could have kept it I already have the keing no you don't chopped off his uh tentacles almost said testicles oh oh no oh e gross nasty get out of there get out of there you're going to hit oh what do you do that grip strength though boy my pistol nice okay you have the chest someone else got to find the keys that got cut off of his face he's ready for an adventure oh my god well okay no no that's your son not how I envisioned that reunion to go it's will he's not going to remember is he oh yeah Will dropped the chest with his heart in it when he was trying to talk to his [Music] dad oh well that plan backfired for Davey didn't it oh oh uhuh uh-uh uhuh no thanks no e but there's your key get it get the key will your dad doesn't remember you let it go A hey good job will oh and now your sword is stuck yeah they love each other Davey it's a whole thing do you feel day do you who was that oh Jack's got the heart and the keys and a knife he's ready do it do it do it Eddie tonic holding life and death in the Palmer one's hand hurry up do it CR is a matter of perspective that's true I oh my God what do we do about that what what what what what do we do now a and now the dad sees his son [Music] die oh wow that's awesome okay wow it got really serious really quickly will look at me look at me he could let will stab the heart and then will would live forever but then he would be doomed to you know oh who did it who did it I called it will did it so now Will's going to live Davey's gone and now his whole ship and whatever's left of his crew on there is going down wow he remembered no he's still going to die even though he stabbed the [Music] heart they have to cut his heart out will for real is going down when I said that I was over there little love story I didn't mean kill him I still like looking at him and I think it's time we Embrace that oldest we got something else going on buddy that paray parlay he expects us to honor our agreement well yeah one usually does take another one at their word damn they got cannons on cannons on cannons but the Dutchman is back because it has a captain and that Captain is well but I don't want him to get all tically faed I don't want him to get all o oh they're becoming human this be exciting what does this mean for everybody ready on the gun all right all right there I like this little pirate Captain will you know it's still two boats against a whole Army of them so like I'm not real sure how this going to go well I guess if you take them by surprise you don't really have to worry about all their cannons I guess he is speechless good business yeah just good business wow he really wasn't ready for this wow he is remaining so incredibly calm well this is a cool shot isn't [Music] it well guess we don't have to worry about him anymore huh oh and all those other ships since they never got an order they were like you know what I'mma just [Music] leave oh do we have some new oh oh it's the recently humanized Pirates I was like who's this new guy they're not scary Little Critters anymore they're just scary [Music] humans yes get into it what a celebratory face [Applause] ho I go and get it now go and get it you threw it you got to get it so Will how does it feel to be immortal now buddy I still have a debt that has to be paid if you'll have me but only as my dad not a prisoner wow will became Davy Jones essentially kind of sort of Elizabeth is now the queen of pirates your chariot awaits your highness she's going to go to him Mrs Turner oh yeah cuz I got married ah goodbye puppet oh does this mean they could be together because they got married once is quite [Laughter] enough bad things happened last time I'm going to need the other one oh boy oh my Heavens it's nearly Sun y'all for real can't be together even though we got married and his heart is now in the chest it's always belonged to you it has always belonged to you that's [Music] precious well see you again in 10 years sweetie pie you will not be disappointed oh heavens the black PE what happened to your ship and huge is and gone where is it yes there it is sailing away the ship we're on the ship I love that he has a teddy at least he's even what do we do about the ship oh oh I see now my dumb ass just cuz they work together well once doesn't mean they're friends now if we could see that item you told us about on the charts what item oh well good luck finding that now you can find a boat anywhere but you can't find those Maps anywhere so he kept the most important thing wow Water of Life and how to get there off the co Coast of Florida is that what that just said it worked rum Dr out me that's hilarious and it's over well let us talk about it 10 years later okay she was pregnant is he going to meet his dad for the first time you know what you know what I didn't think Orlando Bloom could get any sex here but you make him into this Immortal pirate big fan oh my God I'm so glad I went back and rewatch that because that puts a nice little bow on that that puts such a nice little bow on that I'm so thankful that Kayla told me that there was an incredits I'm so thankful for that well I'm going to be honest with you okay I'm coming down with a bit of a sinus infection scratchy throat I have a killer headache so this it's relevant in the fact that this was a 2hour and 48 minute movie and I was probably only really invested in like the last 48 minutes you know when they all had to band together and then you know the whole the dad remembering will you know thing that's when I really got invested um so I'm I'm not I don't want to blame it totally on the movie because I also like don't feel 100% so it also could just be because you know I'm on like a zpac and steroids you know what I mean so I don't want to cover for this movie but this is the third film and Jack lost his boat again so I guess the fourth movie is US finding the Fountain of Youth you which will be interesting I'm excited about it because you know the Fountain of Youth is something that we've all learned about and I'm excited for that take right um very interesting that Calypso was actually the the Mystic person you know um which explains things interesting that will is now you know I guess can he stay will or does he become daav Jones you know I guess he just I guess he stays Captain Turner that's what his dad called him at the end so you know so was it ready for him to get stabbed but I can't believe that I called it that like Captain you know that Jack Sparrow was going to stab well that Will was going to stab the heart that way he can live forever and that was kind of cool that like when he came back all of the henchmen got un crustified because I guess it wasn't really their fault that they got crusty it was Davey Jones fault for not following the rules anyways this definitely wasn't my favorite of the three that I've seen so far and I don't really know why and so I don't want to BL so that's what that that right there that is why I tell you that I'm slightly under the weather because I don't want to say that it's the movie's fault you know what I mean it might not be this this isn't my favorite of the three thus far and if I'm honest with you I want to say that the first one was my favorite so far but again like I've said I'm excited about number one franchise Fridays because now I'm sure I have forgotten things from the last film I know I have even though I watch the reviews like I know there's names that I've forgotten and things that I've forgotten so I'm really excited about franchise Fridays for the simple fact that now I'm going to film uh the fourth movie and the fifth movie probably like later this week you know what I mean so now I get to keep all that stuff fresh in my nogget while I complete a franchise and I really love that for me so I don't really know what to give these stars like I don't or I don't know what stars to give this movie because all I know is it just was it my favorite right I would not rewatch this one first if I was rewatching Pirates of the Caribbean so I don't know you may totally disagree some of the stunts were really cool um you know like them flying on the parachute towards the end and and the and the then the choing the thing and they go up the thing and you know that was cool and stuff I don't know just wasn't my favorite and it could just be a me problem because I don't feel great you know what I mean you know what I mean you see what I'm saying so take that as you will and thank you so much for watching I hope you like subscribe stick around because coming up Monday we got hidden figures and then Wednesday we're continuing on into Firefly Friday we got Pirates of the Caribbean the fourth movie which I don't know the title off the top of my head so and then the following Monday we have the 1989 film The Abyss so hope you like subscribe stick around that's what I got coming up for you we're going to round out Firefly in the month of March with the movie Serenity so we are putting a nice big bow on that and uh yeah so links to social media down below if you want to be my friend outside the YouTube verse and I'll see you right back here on Monday bye
Channel: Ashleigh Burton
Views: 80,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BlcJar6ZU_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 51sec (3831 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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