Lil’ Mama and Master J (update-Summer 2022)

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all right little mama and master jay hello welcome back how you doing thank you it's good to see you guys again tell me what's been going on in your world oh well wor world's been like a war it's been really quite like crazy um [Music] which it's hard for us because we're trying to get off into doing some different things we don't want to be in the game no more like we want to we want to do something i know me like i've been like applying for jobs has gotten hard to make money on the streets yeah it's getting harder jay can you help with that excuse me can you help with the finances at all i'm quite sure i i've been doing little odd jobs here and there and it just ain't working out i mean come on now i'm a manager and you know even even those even that's getting hard put it that way mark this culvert stuff sucks it's good but it sucks you know you guys have been together how long too long too long we've been together like three to four years now how much your time is spent fighting um 22 hours of the day maybe a year or two 22 hours at a year at the end of it i keep asking him why that's why that's why we fight because like it's ridiculous i know i stay with him because i really care for him i really love him i don't know what what he sees me as i don't know maybe i'm his at the end of the day he can just like land on me and i'll drop in the ground and he'll be set maybe you guys deserve each other who knows what's in the bag um first some personal things like lotion and personal if you tell him well he acts like lotion and stuff like that just making sure there's no gun in there no no way no babe and where do you guys stay now well we're still moving around we're still moving around um i don't know we're we're not together as much as we used to be but i'm hoping that that'll change you know um what do you what would you like to see jay do or how would you like to see him change how i would like to see him change is this instead of him getting mad at me and wanting to fight me all the time maybe he should try to grab me and and hold me that's what i would like to see more loving and less fighting even if i'm mad you know because i know if somebody's really mad at me that's what i try to do that's what i would try to do jay what would you like to see little mama do or change uh just get herself together make her mind up where she's gonna go which i mean come on god put us one thing about it god will put somebody in your life he has a reason but we don't want to decide we don't want to make the idea oh that person's going to stay in my life forever that might be not being god's plan right now what i've learned since the last time we talked is to try to focus more on what god wants because this is people change on you in the middle of the road i i'm not used to that i don't like that i'm not a fighter as you know per se as you know people may you know be led to think but i ain't go back down neither kid woman child man whatever you know i'm a leo if i'm challenged i'm gonna come out you guys have good times together there's still some yes there's still some parts of the relationship there yes we get we get our laughs in and stuff like that but i think the pressure of the world and the pressure of some of our peers he's getting to somebody here's the thing i'm gonna tell you what's going on you know we're already going through like a lot of jealousy problems and stuff like that right and and then it's like you know it's it's sad to say but it's an envious thing it's an envious thing it's like you know well i thought you had a life like dude what do i need to tell you to get a life or something like why are you guys all up in our business now 24 7. you know you guys were doing your own thing and when we were there you guys were showing us off and now we're together the moment we get together and hang out here you guys come want to want to do you guys have people in your lives that you you trust we try but it never works it never works out you trust each other yeah we do we do and then it is uh it's hurtful because sometimes trust gets broken but at the end of the day we know where we're coming from you know what i mean we know that we feel like you're on the same team yeah that's good so and drugs are still a part of your life not like they used to be huh no yeah i don't know mark i want wanna i was telling him like i wanna do some different things i wanna i wanna take a cruise or something i wanna go to hawaii i wanna do some different things with him you know and and just but i don't know what i don't i don't know if this man has another life with others i don't know what's going on because it's not going through it's not happening and me i have a family too i have i have others in my life too but i'm trying to show him that i can make time for him and i don't know what's going on with him but i just since i have seen you mark i think i lost my sister and my mother yeah and i just got word i just got word today that my other sister out here looking for me because it supposed to be another death in the family and i'm scared to call i don't i don't want to hear it but i know i i'm gonna have to um and i have to be there for him when that comes up because at the end of the day i'm ready i am you know like just ready to just separate myself like where where our camper is and stuff you know i had found a sofa i found a piece of carpet i found some mattresses and i was about to set my own thing up you know what i mean and then he comes at me like this and it just like i just everything just dropped you know and and then it's like when you're in situations like that you still have to go through other you know situations you know it's hard out there it is it is you get depressed you get angry with what happens when emotions come up most often you know what i i know this i know by you letting us you know do this interview it's going to help a lot because at the end of the day i don't care what i've been talking about i don't care what's going on i don't care what happens when we go back out there and i'm talking about how he's doing this with somebody and how i'm doing that with somebody we go stick together and we go we we we're about to go well we go get her you want to get a room and take a shower and just get out the world so yeah now i got to shut up because i'm talking about things that we need that need that's gonna help us feel better and he wants me to be quiet i think i'm gonna try to work on being quiet are you guys faithful to each other 100 look he knows what i do right you know he knows that i'm faithful to him now ask him is he faithful to me don't yeah we are we are i'll answer that because what little mama's doing for money is just what she's doing for money is that's not really that's it and i keep telling him that over and over again i don't care about you know what i mean i i care what it is is maybe that's the problem you know what i mean that i really i i'm really not even i'm trying to do what i got to do so i can maybe a miracle that happened or something i don't know mark i don't know it's a complicated relationship isn't it yeah but before we we um [Music] i don't know before we separate we go you know we're not gonna go out backwards i'm sorry i'm not gonna separate from him like this and he's not gonna separate from me like this i'm sorry i don't care how hard i got a fight [Music] what's funny who are you laughing at me or you or every a lot of you just whatever you think i'm joking i don't know or maybe he's joking you want to take off the glasses maybe you might see your face take your hat off oh yeah handsome man he's got good eyes beautiful eyes that's my froggy what's your favorite thing about little mama okay i smile i smile it's just i gotta take and then like he i'm we're gonna go to the hospital too because he's having oh my god he had a okay baby we'll be done in a second see see when you hate yapping people when you do that you know what i'm saying sometimes just have to well that's we're here to talk we're doing an interview boy we can't just sit here yes we can can't anymore mark i am i do am i doing what we're supposed to do you're doing a great job i'm trying yeah we're here to talk it's true i'm not here to just sit here stare at the camera what's your favorite thing about jay this right here that's being able to pull through you guys you guys figure out a way to get through yeah always do oh i do would like to be in five years in five years mark i want to be doing something different i want to be [ __ ] managing the mcdonald's and having like my own spot and don't have to be in the streets and i want you know i want him to you know i i don't want i want i don't want him to i want him to work but i don't want him to do a bunch of hard work or work hard a little bit i want us to be a team i want to i want to enjoy some dinners with him matter of fact if if we could get our crazy uh cousin out there that just did the interview curly if we could get her to take us to this i already got to set up what i want us to have for lunch today and everything and nobody take me nowhere okay well whatever i i i know what i'm gonna go get i know what i'm having for lunch today mark you got to try it the best chinese food place it's off of 130 in wilmington i don't know if you've been that's like by the nickerson project area they have these egg rolls they make they like the size of burritos and they have like shrimp real shrimp and uh beef and steak and chicken in them but what i like is the rice the fried rice that you get from a chinese it's more like home-cooked rice and it's so good simple simple pleasures yeah so i just want us to so jay take a little mama for some chinese food i i'll be taking him you'll be taking him but that's okay because we're gonna take care of each other there you go all right you guys great seeing you again thank you thank you you guys are you guys are survivors thank you thank you thank you america stay tuned and i'm gonna tell i'm gonna tell you guys you guys better stop bothering mark because one day y'all go come see him and me or frog is gonna pop up at this door thank you you
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 870,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, swu
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2022
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