Pimp and Prostitutes interview-Kelpy, Ashley and Crystal

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all right Kelpie and Ashley and Chris Crystal yeah these are my girls right here Crystal on the left Ashley what's happening I'll try to remember these names um so where are you guys all from you're from Washington uh yeah well I mean we're kind of all around like I'm from Southern Orange County but I kind of bounced around central Orange County and just like you know moved around my whole life um you could you're from she's from Seattle but kind of like you know same thing bounced around southern Cali um same with her honestly how did you guys end up in this lifestyle um that's actually kind of interesting story like I kind of say they found me like we always used to kind of joke about it talk about it like oh we could do this to get some money and things like that we never actually took it seriously um but about two years ago I kind of just started you know dipping my foot in the game kind of like figuring out the ropes and stuff like that and then they were kind of short for money and I was like you know there's some ways we can get some bread you guys were in the streets before this happened yeah yeah I mean we're actually currently we're homeless yeah so um I kind of just told them like yo we can get some bread you guys can uh you know your white girls it's kind of a rare thing to see out on the streets so we ended up just going for it and Ashley and Crystal were you working as sex workers at all before the before we met him yeah um no no I mean I like I tried to do some things on my own I had a little bit but you know nothing you need a pimp yeah real talk so tell me why you need a coffee well it's not just the security aspect and like taking care of the girls but it's just I found at least what most of the females in my life past girls I've had these girls something about managing money is kind of like it's a thing they struggle with a lot for sure so I'm really I pride myself on being like a CEO minded person I'm really good at managing money so I'm not taking their money per se to go spend it on random stuff for myself but I'm helping them manage it so that we can put it into Investments things that are going to make us more money things that are going to look after our health and all kinds of good stuff not just you know [ __ ] yeah and you guys will work where um I try and keep them off the blade um they have worked the blade a couple of times but mostly I just try and post ads and that's cracking since they're white girls people want them so so the internet is your is what you guys do it yeah mostly just Ad work posting ads on all types of different sites magazines and it's it's working you worry about the law um I mean like I said I've been in some some trouble before I actually just got raided yesterday but um in terms of getting caught up with the law on this it's not a big fear for me right now just because I kind of know the people I'm working with most of the tricks I'm kind of familiar with them you have regulars yeah definitely regulars is how we make most of our money I mean we will Branch out sometimes but like I said the regulars are really consistent money and pretty much like three times weekly sometimes bi-weekly things of that nature and being Caucasian you're you're I think you're the first white pimp I've interviewed yeah honestly a lot of people always told me like oh bro you're pimping you're pimping all this I'm like you know what I wasn't really pimping before I got into this this game but when I actually got into the game I just kind of like jumped off the edge and just started swimming real fast I picked it up just like I picked up all the other uh activities that I've kind of messed around with I just I learned them quick I pride myself in being a very intelligent person pretty street smart and book smart so I kind of used that to my abilities when it comes to this game and other ones I may have dabbled in before and uh drugs are part of your guys uh yeah we all um we're on different drugs um they're using crystal meth uh and that just kind of you know helps them keep working but they were doing that before they started working with me um before they were in my stable they were already messing around with drugs um I personally cigarettes um and opioids but I really cut back on opioids a lot of just like you know coding promethazine and percocet and stuff like that but mostly just nicotine is my my only Vice trying to stay pretty is this just a business Arrangement or is it a romantic aspect to this um I mean I guess you could say it's a little bit of both like I love both of these women um I mean we've done things of like you know a sexual nature and things like that but for me the number one thing I focused on is the money um and I'm sure they'll probably tell you the same thing as they're really just trying to you know have a better lives for themselves and that in this day and age really involves money it's like the tickets of freedom is what I call it yeah how old are you guys um 19 they're 18. so you're all kids now we're young yeah but we still about our [ __ ] we still getting this money like I said feds just took twenty thousand dollars from me when they rated me yesterday but um we're gonna make it right back you know and uh actually and Crystal you tell me how you guys grew up and how you where you came from before you got into this situation um I kind of grew up in the valley like Marina Valley and my dad lived in La my parents weren't together my dad an addict um wasn't there a lot I haven't seen him in many many years um grew up in a horror house things like that so a whorehouse or a horror Porter House yeah Quarter House yeah yeah um so the independent thing your mom was a hoarder no my grandma oh your grandmother yeah we live with my grandma I'm sorry right yeah and um yeah then made our way around California um my mom found another guy and grew up in a pretty nice area but um I always felt like there was something missing or like was in LA like I like kind of got attached to that place and like I still view that as like my home um and so it's a nice city yeah it's a show a nice city not really living though like um the like privileged life uh white picket fence life kind of thing yeah yeah so that's how I grew up I grew up white picket pen Style um until I was like I maybe 12 or 13 and my parents divorced kind of screwed all that up we moved um more down south Orange County and then after that I struggled with drugs and stuff so I was in and out of rehab for a long time um and then my parents uh they sent me to like an Amish type of like a cold huh yeah sort of they were trying to control you or just yeah in the right right path yeah um in the beginning I was just they um put me in rehab for smoking weed or running away they're like they uh so they're they're very strict very and you were rebellious I didn't like to be told no I'd say so then yeah yeah I think that's something we all kind of got in common is that like rebellious streak we've all kind of strayed away from society's Norms in terms of not just drugs but just the way we think we all kind of have that different mentality from go get a nine to five you know hustle every day in a legal way to get minimum wage and all that we kind of we saw more for ourselves because we knew we're special people and so that's the reason we kind of dabbled in this and once we started doing it we realized like yo this works for us so we're sticking with it and just trying to go up from here you know Ashley and Crystal you would say this Arrangement works for you guys yeah it yes is the best possible situation like we all met each other at the perfect time yeah you guys have been together how long um I don't want to say exact specifics just because of the [ __ ] going on right now but it's been months um close to a year and we've been friends even before that probably like three years now so is that the typical abusive pimp nah definitely not you know what with girls that I've had in the past um if they get a little bit of a really strong minded uh Rebellion then I have I have checked a girl or two in my past but kind of learned from that you know the Gorilla Pimpin Style just doesn't work I'd much rather you know just get them to do what I want with my mouth rather than you know slapping them around and [ __ ] like that because at the end of the day that's not good for nobody they're not going to want to go work if I'm beating on them they're not going to look good if I'm beating on them giving them black eyes and things like that so yeah I just kind of tell them like yo this is what I expect from you guys this is what I want from you guys a lot of times they go above and beyond you know if they're not doing exactly what I want you know I'll kind of give them some motivation to do it and yeah that's that's my main job other than managing the money and keeping them safe is to just be that motivator in their life that they both knew that we all need honestly so your role is like their manager you're their security guard you're their everything like that yeah I mean there's been times when we've had tricks that are you know most of them are unpredictable but some that kind of just freaked me out a little bit and I think it makes them have a little bit more peace of mind when I'm there you know you know just in a defensive way kind of able to intervene if anything bad were to happen have you guys had incidents yet um we've had a few people try and short us on money but we always made sure we got that right back and um you know we've had people intentionally like you know try and stay longer above their time limit of the date and things like that but we kind of just shut that [ __ ] down and you know get them out of that situation and usually move on from that trick and just find a new one so a couple of your style seems to be a little bit of a throwback too like the 80s I'm 100 old school in every way and the way I think the way I dress the music I listen to because the old school is the best school like you can ask anybody around here and they'll probably tell you like oh the old school you know they were doing this wrong and this wrong old school works this new [ __ ] going around of people you know beating on their girls because they think that's old school and you know just putting them out there busting cheap dates all that type of [ __ ] it don't work like it might work for you but it's not going to work in terms of the relationship with the girls that's why you see them constantly switching hoes back and forth because the girls aren't going to want to be out there and not feeling loved you know just having to do this every single minute of every day and then you gotta leave time for relaxation leave time for fun and most definitely Gotta Stay Fly um their tennis shoe pimps down Orange County oh you know what honestly in Orange County I've met a few pimps and they're all just gang bangers right they don't even like you could call them tennis shoe pimps for sure sure but they're mostly just uh you know Chicanos cholo gang bangers and they just find it you know they realize prostitution is a way to make money so they kind of get into it yeah but it ain't it ain't a real pimp in my opinion right a real pimps gotta have love for his girls he's got to have respect for his girls he's gotta earn it and demand it but he's going to get it either way and it's got to be a good mix of both you can't just be being on your girls demand and respect because that ain't respect at the end of the day that's fake and so I'm just really big my whole life thing is keep it real you know I don't like none of the fake shoes fake jewelry fake clothes that all these people be wearing out there especially The Pimps because they're just basically spitting in the face of the culture and then face the game and yeah it just gives a bad name to all the other pimps out there including myself a lot of people like you know homies I've had and [ __ ] like that maybe not current homies they're kind of like oh bro you're a terrible person for doing all this I'm like bro you don't know the half of it like I'm not saying these girls wouldn't be where they are today without me but I'm saying that I wouldn't be where I am today without them and I think vice versa honestly too um and that's because I keep it old school because I keep it the way that it should be played this game is not something that changes as the times go on seems to be what people think but it's something that needs to stay traditional because that's the way it's always worked it's the world's oldest profession and it needs to be played by those same rules that it was created with and you'll make sure the girls get what they need in terms of drugs and 100 as much as I don't like them doing the drugs I would much rather go buy them a nice meal than I would drugs but they need the drugs to stay normal and to work so yeah I make sure that they're getting safe drug Supply and you know all the paraphernalia they need to consume those drugs is it difficult with the two different personalities um you know what they're they're pretty close friends so a lot of times they have qualities about them that will be difficult for me to manage but I'm a people person so I can honestly handle that pretty well you know kind of please both of them including myself and it works out you know we don't have any issues with that more than normal you're still a young man did you have any idea that one day at 19 you'd become a pimp um I'm not gonna say I knew that I was gonna be a pimp but I had definitely like a personality where like I said I'm a people person so I was kind of always having girlfriends when I was younger and even if it wasn't in a romantic aspect like I just felt more comfortable throughout my entire life with females than with males so I guess you could say that it was an idea in the back of my head not a for sure thing but definitely there did you describe yourself as Hustlers oh yeah we are the number one hustlers in Orange County for sure I mean Pimpin is my number one hustle for sure but in the past I've had other hustles um and I've always been doing better than my peers like I said I'm making sure they're living the lives they want to live and just free of anybody telling us what to do free of any roadblocks for the most part so yeah we're definitely the biggest Hustlers out there how about emotionally for the girls so they they get depressed or angry anxious anything like that um yeah I mean when you're dealing with anybody who's addicted to substances myself included if I'm not having my drug bad day and same with them if they're not having their drug that day there's going to be a little bit of attitude a little bit of emotion involved but I try and just bring them up you know like they're both beautiful young women I try and just reinforce that they need to love themselves just as much as other people around them love them and for the most part it works I mean we all got our mental issues that we struggle with whether it's you know actual mental illnesses or chemical imbalances or whatever [ __ ] you want to say but we're just people you know we got those types of those types of problems but we make do with it and we work it out what are your relationships like with your families um well I'm gonna let them tell their own stories because I try not to I don't like to talk bad about their families and both of their families oftentimes piss me off but as far as my family goes um I had a decent upbringing uh my family was kind of like like hers very strict very controlling um and my dad kind of just allowed himself to get bitched around by my mom a lot and they were always fighting and you know beating on me and [ __ ] like that so not gonna say it was the greatest upbringing but I always had a roof over my head and food on my plate and now my relationship with my family they know what I'm doing but I think they probably just don't really they try and look the other way about it you know like when the cops came and served that search warrant the other day they were they were on my ass about it but I kind of like you know calmed them down called him about it and told him like yo this is what's going on like I'm sorry I didn't come out and tell you guys straightforward I kind of was under the assumption that they knew and Ashley how about your your family you still speak to them um not really at the moment or I'm trying to distance myself from them um like my parents never did anything to harm me physically or anything like that but mentally and emotionally um they weren't really there obviously my dad um haven't seen him since I was really little so um we've only had a little bit of communication for a couple years and we're both kind of ghosters I would say hard for us to like keep that communication fine um so it's not really a bothersome to me anymore as much like it was but uh yeah I always felt kind of like I was trapped yeah not feel like living with them yeah or with my mom for such um and my stepdad I am not fond of him really at all but um yeah so I always wanted to leave ever since I was really really little my mom would always complain because I'd be the only kid that would cry to get picked up from school because I didn't want to go home um yeah so we got in a last final argument out of all the millions and millions of arguments that we've had that go nowhere because there's that emotional disconnect where she just can't understand anything that I'm trying to tell her so um she kind of gave me the go ahead and I um packed my stuff and I hopped out the window that night and I left they give you an inch you take a mile for sure I mean it's much better I think to be out on our own because like we are young but we're adults and just living with our families especially the types of families we had it was so controlling and so it was just preventing us from doing anything that we needed to progress in our lives so I think us finding each other through fate or through God whatever you want to you know say how we found each other it was a beneficial thing we're all friends we're close we love each other and we're kind of just able to you know progress together rather than just before it was kind of me progressing alone and you know having girls and dropping them for new ones and things like that but when we found the two when I found the two of them and they found me we really just grew and we made a real connection that I've never had before with other girls what would you wish your families would have done differently um for me personally I don't wish they would have done anything different I think the way that they raised me built me into the person I am today it definitely built my character gave me a good mind and kind of just look at the world a different way so I wouldn't say nothing I think what they did even though it was harsh and you know abusive I wouldn't change it for the world Crystal what would you say about about your family are you still in contact with them um a little bit uh they don't really like to talk to me um so it's usually like they won't speak to me for a few months and I'll try and reach out um through multiple phones because they block every number that I text them um but I'm not really sure our relationship me with my parents is always on and off it's um like it'll be really bad for a few months and then it'll be okay and then it'll be really bad and they'll be okay but what do you wish they had done differently I I wish that they just spoke to me when I was when I was growing up with them it's kind of they would see me struggling and uh they didn't want to deal with it themselves so they would put me in like a place where um I'd get professional help I guess rehabs and stuff right yeah I just wish they would have touched me and tried to just be there honestly yeah I guess if yeah if I had one thing about my family I'm sure we all kind of wish that our family would had just been there more the three of us because at the end of the day if you don't have somebody to count on you're gonna go look for that type of Love somewhere else and I think that's what we ended up you know Finding not necessarily looking for it but just kind of finding with each other is that love that we never really had from our families and that connection that bond is it's something real you know just because we're not blood related doesn't mean that we don't have that that same care and passion for each other that our family should have had for us what would you guys say is the most important lesson you've learned in your lives 18 years honestly most important lesson I've learned in my life um it's not advice that I'm going to take myself never have never will but really just focus on the things that Society tells you to do in terms of jobs and careers because you don't want to be you know walking outside to have a smoke and you know getting put in cuffs cops drawing guns on you undercover agents and [ __ ] and they're running in your house trashing your place just looking for [ __ ] you know looking for taking all your property you don't want that so I would say you know stay in school definitely just even if your family doesn't love you love them you know and that goes for anybody if they don't love you try and love them because you can't fight hate with hate you can only fight hate with love and just being real to yourself being true to yourself is the number one thing in the world so follow all those rules and you should have a pretty decent life no matter what your upbringing is all right actually Crystal and Kelpie thank you so much for sharing your stories yeah thank you for having us wish you guys the best of luck be careful out there most definitely most definitely stay out of jail I'm gonna try my best no promises but I'm gonna try my best all right thank you very much
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 3,045,424
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Keywords: soft white underbelly, swu
Id: kCMqhEi4KtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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