Pikmin 4, Nintendo's Bizarrest Simulation...

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they're checking out Pikmin 4 this is a new release just came out I haven't done a Nintendo video since last year uh but it was Pikmin and it is my foray into Nintendo with simulation games of which Pikmin is one so I really don't know what's coming here but I've just kind of made an effort to play a few Nintendo releases maybe on the channel this year so I I think I'm just gonna start fresh from the beginning and have a journey into Nostalgia I had briefly just started the game for a second so like just to make sure that nothing like inappropriate was in the game of course is because I want to Shield my viewers eyes and ears but you can play with a friend now and that's a good time because Pikmin too well could you do that I don't know but I love Pikmin and honestly it's it's like one of those few Nintendo games that I could still stream because it involves some amount of like planning and simulation and it's just goofy uh this is a tremendously long load screen right here so I'm just gonna let it run while I enjoy the silhouette of that Pikmin over there um although it is a big cut scene there's a lot of talking at the beginning I'm just gonna let it play out because I don't believe in skipping the story when it comes to Nintendo it's too precious to me Okay so prequel see I'm guessing it's a sequel after the crash woke up to find my ship was in pieces this is the story of Pikmin one and as it happens the other Pikmin games too he really has a bad habit of crashing all the time one would think he would have gotten insurance or a cell phone by this point in time all right the onion the notorious pooper of Pikmin just something about the sound effects in this game so utterly satisfying I have encountered the strange new species of Pikmin I guess they need to go over the story of what Pikmin is because of children today not knowing what Pikmin is this strange innate desire to pick up objects able to find and transport my missing ship parts like the notorious guggler or whatever the names were time passed foreign apparently wait yeah there's a dog in this game I don't see it on the back cover of Pikmin 3 and I that was the only Pikmin game that I haven't played but apparently we have mammals now the command also Wanderlust thank you very much for the sub I appreciate it also I'm gonna go ahead and turn back on the alerts now for a moment okay so we've arrived although the beginning of this game I will spoil it now it takes place inside we arrived at the last area we had left to explore oh my God he just went right through the window it's like I am bread it is surprising that Olimar has never encountered the mundane life of indoor objects oh my god look his ship actually works where will the conflict be in the story this time one wonders rather than the separation of him and his crewmates something about this area is different from the others we've explored so far we have like some sort of plush dog having come to life like Indian in the Cupboard wait who are where are you running off to okay so we already have the Pikmin we don't have like any type of faux naivete that we don't even know the story of Pikmin one and two Pikmin 2 I I enjoyed because it kind of started you fresh from the beginning we have some sort of spatula that we need to get past a lot of duct tape and like a rug that can't be a good sign the Pikmin don't usually Scurry off like that all right he is familiar now I'm trying to gauge where Alamar is even at he's like something too much of an expert for me I suppose we'll have to call them back while I search for the missing ship parts the ship is looking pretty good though all right I mean okay I'm up for it new mechanics we are riding a dog now I have domesticated this animal it's of some of the Pikmin head this way oh my God no you're not gonna do what I think you're gonna do oh cool we could actually jump press I don't think we've had the ability to jump ever this kind of makes it into like a platformer at the same time I enjoyed the planning of the oh my God it's as if we just cut to a cut scene that showed exactly the same thing we just did uh we have discovered the Red Pikmin the first of the primary colors hey F dog thank you very much for the 30 months appreciate you doing good hope you're having a good day use B to call them back with my whistle my whistle whistling at the Pikmin they love that I'm getting sort of like a Blues Clues Vibe here wish I knew why the Pikmin ran away and hid in the first place hmm I better make a note of this in my Voyage log I'll do it later story doesn't matter that much generally I start to get more fed up with these things oh although I do enjoy his fake language when arrived at the apparent the Pikmin started acting quite strange I do like his Pros though they flew out of the onion and immediately hid I can't find my spaceship parts without them I suppose I'll just keep looking for them and call them back using my whistle I need to find my finishing chip Parts it'll be much easier if I have Pikmin to help me and send it although it's primarily I always thought of it as kind of like a simulation game um or like it was a poor man's RTS when I was a kid uh like we never had a computer growing up so I would just play Pikmin and stuff like that when we eventually got access to a GameCube and this was the first of my are we just gonna jump off of this oh my God uh get over here right they've like found drawings and coloring on the ground man the mundane habits of Pikmin please me although this does seem like it's going to the game make the game much easier to play because there's a lot of chores oh no it's a bookend I stand corrected I've selected the wrong button there we go okay we have saved the blue Pikmin something tells me I'm about to lose everything like I get this vague sense of foreboding finding the ship parts yeah I was gonna say that camera could get kind of obnoxious pretty fast so you jump and then you run you use the same button because they didn't add enough buttons I guess under the controller here all right well we will jump fantastic uh the police are gonna come why would the police come I'm doing nothing illegal right now oh because of the property damage yeah that's true before Olimar was merely in like uh like a natural environment now he's entered someone's house and he's trespassing one would think that he's familiar enough perhaps with human civilization in order to okay the Pikmin are oh this looks like actually a lot of fun to be a picnic although if the fan turns off momentarily they could be sucked into the deadly blades and be jibbed alive how playfully Nintendo games avoid Mass amounts of violence I will all allow it I suppose I think uh we can't really send the Pikmin off now yet can we no it doesn't seem as if we can oh no I can just shoot them out foreign I can't even see what there is well I'll send one of you to your death well what good did that do me now I'm pikminless oh no he's up there no don't jump I just lost him what a waste of human life you could have just lost all of the Pikmin let's continue rushing around everybody's rushing yeah he he has no mind he can't return anymore unfortunately now unfortunately I will probably be able to uh to get up to this slight step so now that is causing problematic I had just issues in my life I have 37 out of 38 of the Pikmin should I Rush here I guess okay yeah let's run that is useful for running oh good more yellow Pikmin okay I hear voices I check the area it does give me the sensation of being a very small boy again you know come on I feel like I'm just looking around abandoned forever no friends this is what gaming was like back when I was a kid you know you need to play games I think I've figured out what I'm doing although Nintendo games and their nefarious puzzles always seem to have a way of like making you want to figure out them out like The Legend of Zelda baffled me as a child never being able to solve all of its ridiculous puzzles ridiculous oh I found the backpack okay there must be a ship part here somewhere this is the perfect situation to rely upon my pup's powerful snoot track down one of those ship parts oh she's a girl dog she just clipped into the backpack you're right it is like one polygon although somehow Nintendo games have a way of not really ever needing Graphics although the shaders look really good here in order to achieve good gameplay it's just such simplistic ah this the blue scent oh no it's escorted wallywag I don't know what its name is that thing have swallowed the whole ship oh yes now we Embark Upon Our career of mass murder okay I'm pretty sure I know oh that looks like fun all right I was assuming that I would just throw them around okay but charging into it it's uh it's ah probably hang on a second oh this could be really like the Dickens to try to beat this boss fight okay it is oh my god I've just jumped off of the whole thing because the camera of course it was the camera's fault why I've reached failure yeah I agree yeah actually that's valid art style over graphics oh they've maintained some of the same music okay so I'm going to need to just continue the charge there we go Boop him we're good okay but I need to prevent them all from getting Mass murdered oh I didn't do that in time okay but now I at least understand the like Thorn charging animation there we go good all right it took only two so easy that a child I do feel like they're trying to get new kids to like Pikmin but I don't know why they called it Pikmin 4 in that case the interstellar radio we located it at last so this back in my possession I can finally call for help all right fantastic no I mean that wasn't so hard I do like when Pikmin stops holding your hand hopefully that will be the only hand holding because the last game had a rather extensive set of tutorials either that or perhaps we'll just be in tutorial land for hours harvest the corpse now they Feast yeah I mean I do believe that there is some like philosophying done on olimar's part at the end of the first game like uh do the Pikmin act violent without me there and then he sees that as he leaves they were already violent to begin with so they were the dominant species on this planet all right good The Voyage log has been updated I'll put that in my notebook for later days and weeks past but one month later so he's just been living in someone's house rescue Corps okay they took off toward this remote planet with Noble plans to bring me home safe I mean I always kind of questioned if it was Earth like I legit didn't know I suspected it might be because there were like Coca-Cola bottle caps but what if Coca-Cola was just like an Interstellar Corporation and they happened to have subverted Earth you know as like an alien company double shipwrecks are rare and extremely unlucky might think that I'll help that's an interesting Theory what if Coca-Cola has conquered all of humanity or likely not just Coca-Cola but other large corporations [Music] sorry I'm getting into the deep lore yeah I can't help but think of it though all right so now we're going to be uh rescued by other people we have an emergency mission from I believe the other people who is it Alf and then Brittany who had a surprisingly average name all offers have redirected to evacuate the spaceship immediately finding the dispersed rescue core is your top priority their ID badge and deploy immediately oh my God we have like me character creator we could be all the different races of Pikmin I never expected that I'll take it uh I you know personally I kind of prefer just being Olimar so I'm just going to make someone who just looks vaguely like Olimar I don't actually like this amount of character customization um yeah I feel like that's like Nintendo I just feel like has like a static protagonist in my mind we're always an Italian plumber you're not Italian get over it you know I need someone with preferably bald or as close to bald as possible ball is beautiful it is Noble but we'll make someone new let's make someone like uh I think the green hair is kind of appropriate here because he looks somewhat plant-like the orange jumpsuit is complementary color although the blue looks pretty decent I'm not gonna lie uh my name is Rob so I guess I'm gonna do that that's valid it's a good name all right I mean I look kind of clown like Planet Karen oh that makes sense yes because I'm wearing an orange uniform newest they happen to accept A Dangerous Mission in rescuing their missing colleagues there's something just oddly relaxing about this green Pikmin I mean it made sense because of the plants the the Pikmin are vaguely like fauna or Flora who can really say and to have green hair is sort of like plants sprouting up out of one's head so why shouldn't I attempt to become as the pikminar you know [Music] it is honestly the one thing I liked in the original Pikmin was that they didn't really hold your hand that long I do find that Nintendo has become like perhaps more accessible even I I'll say I really like how it kind of Vibes with younger kids like I remember back when I was a teacher um like I found a Nintendo switch cartridge in my classroom and I'm like kids are playing Nintendo still and like that was oddly heartwarming you know um yeah like it made me feel made me feel good okay good here we go we're back in nature this is the Pikmin I remember everything isn't exactly the way I remembered it although I do like them taking you indoors we have found a smaller snoot oh wait no it doesn't even have a snoot actually I mean would you call that a snoot anatomically young loyal okay oh Otachi oat no Ochi Ochi our pup of home planet Ghia of another planet an elite breed of space dogs that long served the shepherd family this is okay so he's related probably to Chris Shepard of Mass Effect so perhaps out of one of Chris Shepard's affairs with his like Intergalactic alien ladies he's somehow fathered a dog perhaps at least this is the Deep Laura as I explain it to myself Ochi the dog all right welcome of Mass Effect [Music] yes it could be booped so it is there for a snoot perhaps [Music] we have some sort of Pinocchio man in need of rescuing yes his uh his find my phone radar is going off um this is an interesting obstacle so the dog you're telling me can clear this out all right I will send the dog to the stem oh my gosh the Ingenuity of the canine look everyone it doesn't actually have a butt it just has like more fur and sort of like uh like a crease how adorable that's nice very cute all right so now we've found unfortunately his uniform is also orange I was trying to differentiate the characters but I unfortunately couldn't he is strong boy thank God it doesn't have a fun is that you Ochi yeah I think that would be a little bit much honestly of a Nintendo game to think of the of the potential number two that could uh arrive out out of his rear thank the Stars I wasn't sure that my SOS signal had reached HQ you and Ochi found me and rescued me to go we don't even know your name you must tell us your name I've never knew no Chi to listen to anyone other than our Captain Olimar I do like that they're all like subservient and submissive to Olimar Colin why does everyone have such an average North American name although I do find that kind of funny he looks like he's been cursed to be made look to look like a toy though I suppose that is almost everyone other than Olimar Colin the rescue Corps comms operator although I did like them putting these people into Super Smash Brothers the Pikmin universe is perhaps one of my favorite of Nintendo's kind of cursed deep lore my path got cut off by a landslide and when my my Hunger became unbearable I decided to nap yes he's a master of explaining the latest recruit of I don't like you calling by my real name this is reserved for the Pokemon games I was rough Landing well we enter the past atmosphere and lost control oh no I I don't really want to know what happened just we have to get out of here six officers in the ship my god there were three characters in uh the second Pikmin game as a Shepherds I wonder how they'll manage to keep the game interesting and engaging with a customizable character and like five other people okay there's other people we have to go find them you have another item for me how very Nintendo gameplay if you tap up on the left side to open a review my God it's like we're learning left and oh here we go [Music] fantastic you can use this anytime to confirm what tasks are top priority yeah everyone is hungry there's never like any hunger meter in a Nintendo game handy apps okay so we can get like find my phone for the other people nah I don't really need that oh my God we've got like a whole UI all right so we actually do have another man now all right I I don't seem excuse me to be able to like get rid of him um not that I would want to but my God this looks honestly it does look very good like for a Nintendo game very good it's mainly the shaders the polygons she is the SS Shepherd I can see the ship but I have no idea how we're going to reach it from here you know there's something familiar about this area I remember something it's just up ahead let's go honestly everything is looking very good and pick Mini the plants on this planet Arch again it does look as like as if he's landed somewhere more hostile and tropical perhaps Florida you'd never see you never hear about it in the end yes he could be it could be that he's wound up in Florida okay the dog can't just hit the wedge now we need to find another route by looking around oh my God could it be send the dog to oh it can dig up the dirt it just does various tasks to over complicate my life perfect job for the rescue but they're known for being excellent diggers Colin looks like the type of person to see hey Mr leprey how you doing what's going on brother steal the batteries from my TV remote honestly a valid a valid Quest or side quest for a Pikmin protagonist see why rescue pups looks like they and we keep getting more of the deep lore of the Pikmin World they left just so much unexplored back and I want to say it was 2001 or so when this game first came out looks pretty deep we're going to have to Dive Right In I do have a memory of the original Pikmin yeah let's go in the undisclosed uh glow hole I was gonna call it I was gonna call it the glory hole but I don't think that's the right thing it is a glorious hole get into the glory the glory the borough of beginnings oh so an underground level a carbonized storm thanks very much for the kind words this is one of the top 10 glorious holes is it OG he's trying to tell something perhaps another rescue officer is down here empires of the Underground hmm look at that game about the ants I always try to go back further into hang on a second uh those could be related to the bull backs I I think my favorite part about Pikmin is the species names just because they're so gloriously like um this is dumb okay this is a dead end I was going the right way oh that's very nice with the silhouette because honestly I am finding the uh wait a second I have to go tablet menu radar map gameplay guide uh uh what hang on a second I'm trying to change the inversion on the controller because it's really throwing me off okay here we go settings settings uh vertical controls horizontal controls motion controls Pebble pitcher radar map position control type normal I don't think I don't find this to be normal at all I find this to be very much inverted oh wait no it is it is an inverted I stand corrected actually it's just that that orientation really throws me off I feel like Pikmin is meant to be a top-down game you know all right we're gonna play it like that and we have some lady some squirrel lady check place to find the captain the terrified individual you see over there is the captain of her what what a bad Captain Shepard wait this is Chris Shepherd what's happened to you there's no time for a history lesson Cherry up and do something honestly Sandy Cheeks valid except that she has elf ears all right let's send the dog to take out the fluted baliwax or whatever their names are we didn't even get to meet them before we slayed them can I Whistle to the captain captain I'm sure that she likes that fraternizing with the crew he took care of the creatures down here can you get down we are usurping you with the round robin I hope so my arms are almost numb I've been hanging on so long I can't do this she has a like a honestly quite a hairstyle what's your status Colin are you okay all right she has some she's some sort of football player I suppose we can get that maybe she's like related to Tom Brady or something you haven't seen since rookie training I was Captain Shepard the rescue card if you don't remember did you order Ochi to get rid of those creatures by all right you'd really just like telling me the obvious that happened first time I saw you and training I had a feeling you'd make a top-notch dog trainer all right this is Commander Shepard of honestly why does why is it Commander Shepard okay yes or like embarking on the war crimes of fickman oh my God I forgot about the Deep lore of how Pikmin is all just about committing massive war crimes in a Nintendo game we have killed everyone are we happy now were they violent before before we got here did I did I do this am I the cause of this and it's an allegory and did this cave and attempt to reach the very opening well then what are we waiting around here for let's get back to the SS Shepherd okay very cool I do like their changing of settings that is varied although I do hope that they'll stop with the story soon I'm not gonna lie like Pikmin I'm gonna start I I get it who's who like give me the I think the thing that was enjoyable about the original Pikmin I'll go ahead and say and this is actually kind of playing out a little bit like Pikmin three Pikmin 2 is one of my favorites too uh because they added like one character and a couple new mechanics couple new Pikmin although Pikmin 3 I found it to be like a perhaps too much Story how are we just going to float up there all right well whatever um all right I I think I can handle it myself we just press a on top of it oh my God we could have died [Music] not gonna lie uh I was kind of curious there it seems they've added a few new mechanics but I did like the kind of introspective Vibe of olimars like non-speaking monologues I I don't really I don't really feel like I'm that crazy about that many characters I wonder why they add in the customizing thing I guess like it does kind of make it so you don't just have to play as like a like a stubby man with a with a big nose you know like I feel like that was kind of in the first game exercise is a bit more caution yellow yeah I feel like I don't even although I do like that they say that you can just skip through them all right I'm gonna start skipping through because I'm finding this to be just a lot of story do you guys feel me on that yeah it is it's like the fizzy lifting drink it it I had like a Wonka moment there that's actually a valid Comet fold up gorilla yeah oh is it the demo content oh is this in the demo honestly did not even see it this is a uh what do you call the flowers in Pikmin I can see that red number one sticking out there yeah I mean these games they don't need uh they don't need dialogue all right so we've found the ship here we are back we've secured an energy source sparkly objects can be used as an energy source okay this is the essential text bring it to Commander Shepard they've created at least I'll give them this it's valid that they've like yeah there's a lot of sparkly stuff around here this all the like the gemstones or it could be that Walter White is made like so oh no that's it oh my God they made it and honestly a great homage to well themselves Game Boy Advance SPS are like ridiculously expensive that one's in pristine condition who would have thought that it was just like lying around in the garden okay honestly like mildly uh self-deprecating self-reference all right I'm enjoying this homage to the past now although now I'm feeling old this is as if you would have found an NES in the original Pikmin okay Rush toward it dog here get it oh my God no don't get a concussion not now on top of war crimes we can add animal cruelty to the things that Olimar has done oh this is fantastic how is it turned on this long there must be a boy nearby party oh no the dog counts as only three maybe he's secretly like three persons in one possibly 1500 points the demo is over okay so this is just the demo I didn't even realize that they had a demo out I guess we could have done the checked that out before let's send our dog there you do the work for me I'm not even gonna do any of my own work to begin with sakio hey thank you very much for the uh thank you very much for the setup I thought I was getting like a pun out of your name Nintendo with the law nod to Legacy here that they left behind I suppose this is Nintendo regretting like it's past marketing decisions like why did we call it the Game Boy we basically eliminated half of our like uh potential audience you know I mean that is valid I I can kind of feel them trying to make up for it in a lot of ways although it's like you know oh yes I have to pluck it okay ah now it's Pikmin I have plucked the first of the Red Pikmin ah I can feel honestly the Nintendo energy now all right but it should be one of me versus all of them all right let me get rid of all of these side uh less important people all right now I can throw the first of the Pikmin at it oh but the dog is also available for some lifting okay good so now in addition to subjugating the local population we can also be cruel to animals I smell a sequel ah very good yes and we are an invasive species invasive okay now I get it I've played the game before stop telling me I'm telling me how to live my life okay I'm assuming we can match the a button ah yes good okay it's Pikmin again uh this does look much better I gotta say I did play the first game like last year like I said and the graphics are are pretty dated like it looks it looks bad it's a good thing that they're re-releasing it I'm not gonna lie I mean even here the graphics don't look that great but I don't really care the shaders look good it looks pretty and uh wait a minute what was happening why are you Milling about like that oh I gotta select Ochi okay never mind send him grab that two-pronged fork babies shouldn't be eating here after all I mean is that like a baby Fork that seems very dangerous honestly oh it's a treasure how can we physically collect something this big that's okay I like that light Ray that miniaturizes objects during collection this shouldn't be okay now I'm on board I'll examine it with the sensors on the SS beagle right away let's hope it contains the type of energy We need oh yeah wasn't it like they were running out of food on their planet or something so they had to send people out New Treasure item detected okay so now we've got a fork this is a rare treasure look at the auto lock on the plants is very nice I don't believe that was originally there uh we need 10 for the Game Boy we might have enough okay so let me zoom out uh still the cat I mean the camera has always kind of been the issue here honestly I think that the Wii remote might have been the best way to control the game I'm not sure right here because I'm gonna say can I actually I don't know if you could do this with the Nintendo switch controllers like by their orientation to point the Pikmin in the right direction could you do that in Pikmin 3 I never actually played it extensively enough I gotta say like Pikmin for the Wii not only were you playing Wii but also like probably the best way to play Pikmin not uh obviously not with a GameCube controller a game sphere anyone remember that was a nod to Drake and Josh let's have the dog work alongside them go Dog go Dog go no we could we could double up on it we're able to and then they move more quickly right apparently not there's just something that gives me great great happiness to see a Link cable Port look there's the charger on the left and the Link cable port on the right and then those two prongs over there are so that you can attach things to the Game Boy Advance SP you remember when you were a kid and you were like telling your mom that you were missing something you were like actually it was a Game Boy Advance SP that I lost at the fair or wherever you went so obviously you wouldn't have lost your Game Boy Advance SP it would have been in your hand the whole time okay we need to find more treasure apparently this like a bike Bell is going to be very valuable to us okay here we go send them in good we can double up on the Pikmin 10 should be the max good there we go bring it forth a rare piece of uh gold this is this is gold sure not just regular metal yeah but how is this teleporting things oh no this is the miniaturizer and then that's just a module on the rest of the ship it's valid did you make a great combination robinouch okay thanks but honestly I remember I should have just named myself Olimar although then that would have created like a great confusion in the beginning in the end of the game I'm not gonna listen to any of you they're quite the right equation for a copy that but good effort Rob oh now you're prescribing me to be a better listener well I don't just don't want to hear anything you have to say right now energy from the treasure will soon be extracted it'll flow directly into the SS Shepherd oh fantastic I I really do like that if there's more nods like that like if we could find a Nintendo DS maybe a very rare copy of Pokemon uh like red somewhere I think that would be an occasion of great joy all right so now we it truly was about subjugating a population in order to obtain the riches from their continent uh or in this case planet in Pikmin this is I suppose Nintendo's letter like yeah that was what it was about all along imperialism although I think they were that was kind of like oh the end of day song spark Liam Stone of advancement a noble body dent okay I like all right whoever's writing the script is doing a good job here uh appreciate being able to skip every cutscene yeah that is true path creator I love this uh Pikmin is just so goofy and Brilliant the stone of advancement is great for the GBA okay I'm just gonna skip the cutscenes secure energy source uh here we go in no I don't really need to pin these I mean who goes back and reads like well I don't think I got enough reading out of the Pikmin game I didn't have time to read before bed today from my uh from my books so instead I I just played Pikmin and I read the journal logs although there probably are people who appreciate the Deep lore of Pikmin out there more than me they collect the amiibo they go to Nintendo Land yeah less yeah let's have more subjugation of Pikmin and less talking there we go although I think I knew that I expected that more but we'll just skip through it now all right uh oh my God it's turned into an open world game I installed a few new apps out of your tablet okay this does seem useful oh cool yeah let's let's go explore the planet is it gonna oh cool we can get like kind of an open world Vibe all right I mean this was kind of in the original game a little bit but uh good The Forest of Tranquility oh the sun speckled Terrace it looks like there might be a missing rescue officer here okay yeah let's go see if we can find somebody I do like you know raising the size of our Posse as it were in which to explore oh yeah it was Planet hocket tape that was our Homeworld that was a good time Acorn Aaron gift in the 10 Subs thank you very very much Corin I do appreciate it I will send these back to Planet hakatate to our people to let them know that there is enough food on this mysterious planet thank you very much if you are getting a gift sub please be sure to say thanks I do hope you've been enjoying the videos thank you very much uh all right man they've really it's a little heavy-handed on the text I'm not gonna lie it's a little heavy-handed on the like number of characters uh uh I I do kind of just like the like Olimar versus the world I feel like they could have done with just like a dog but valid valid you gotta expand the Pikmin Universe somehow they couldn't make it into like an MMO or an FPS or something like that so I'm willing to extend them and Olive Branch here okay but it is me and the dog okay we're gonna rescue someone us we have some sort of clock oh yep okay I know how this works all right we have to get in Before Sunset animal Arch is good okay so we are actually on the timer now good it's me and the dog versus uh uh what do you call these things again is this a bull box or a a Wally no this isn't a Wally [ __ ] is the the dog could die hopefully it won't and what happens if the dog brings it back to the red onion oh I'm assuming that it's just yes that's a bull borb is it a spotty bulb orb wait a minute the spotty bull borb uh they've kept the same sound effects I do like the sound effects in this game all right we have to go over to a one flower the dog is quite useful because I always wondered what would happen if you totally ran out of Pikmin but it does kind of beg the question what happens if you accidentally kill the dog I'm sure they call it something different like oh it just fainted don't worry don't worry about it it'll be back in a few minutes uh actually at the end of day it'll rise back up through a some sort of a cult ritual but you know that's not always How It Ends in Pikmin all right but I'm still feeling like the same kind of Pikmin energy and it does look beautiful I gotta say like just the shadows and the Sun it's allowed them to kind of like expand out the hole ah just the sound of like amassing them and throwing them at an object is very satisfying look everyone a giant red ball come in Rob uh I don't want to know I don't even want to know I just I want to figure things out for myself maybe that's like something that I find look I can just it's basically Pokemon now no get back in there there you go there was always like even as a child there was always this vague understanding that perhaps Pokemon was somehow inspired by like you know like uh like um animal fighting birthday I think when that originally happened I don't know how they responded to that remember that well I mean also people thought that DND was played by kids who were performing like a cult ritual I cried oh my god oh good look at the blur wow the bokeh effect is beautiful all right someone left some gloves over there bug color oh it was bug collecting all right uh uh now okay I suppose we'll find blue Pikmin therein oh look everyone a blow hog a fiery blow hug there's a spotty bulldorb over there and another uh blow hog I can't remember but I think it's funny to say blow hog blow oh call the Pikmin out of the onion okay we need to do something else I believe we're going to need to charge the Pikmin at that wall of branches although the surfaces appear hard and unforgiving so uh let's just go back over here we're gonna need something well we have 17 Pikmin oh and we have the dog as well I think can we still tell them to oh no they bring back the uh I didn't know that this took place in the uh Breaking Bad universe it could be that Walter White is somewhere nearby no don't eat them oh he he ate it to put it in his mouth that's actually kind of fun oh we just took someone's salt all right let's get the Pikmin oh my God they have autonomously begun bringing things back how intelligent they are I should take a note of this in my journal oh there's my health bar too okay good I have it pile of raw material right that's very vague it could be that good crystal blue it is fun a binary Ash I hope you're checking out some pictures to pick out check out some Pikmin too okay destroy it cause more property damage I'm sure they'll be upset it looks like a child was making some sort of sand castle over here punished him for uh uh continuing monarchical forms of government sand castle there will be no sand castles in here there will be only Freedom castles foreign okay send back the no can I call back the dog with the whistle okay the dog just looks confused when did you see it turn around and then disobey me uh oh look everyone a toilet seat oh wait no that's a gutter drain right a cave it's a cave areas crawling with creatures I do enjoy how they make mundane things more like exciting or interesting okay go take that egg oh it's the nectar okay good let's drink that up good I understand how this mechanic works okay so uh to explain this to the laymen in the audience who have not had the privilege of playing Pikmin um okay so when your Pikmin develop flowers overhead they become faster and um better able to keep up with I was gonna say Olimar but I guess I'm just gonna yeah your character I don't really like that okay but I'm gonna stop complaining about how you got you have more options uh I have more uh what a boomer I'm becoming oh no they made it better I'm so upset oh my God what's the dog doing yeah I don't know what the dog is just kind of hanging out with the other Pikmin although I wonder if the dog if I can give him some sort of like Dragon Ball Z substance in order to make him faster like the in flowered Pikmin another glory hole yes uh we can't really differentiate these two different types of Pikmin so we just get those Pikmin close to it good I do like the auto lock that is good although it can get a little bit tricky okay I should send the Pikmin down that I'm gonna say I gotta figure out how to direct them with my whistle because this is honestly this bad oh this is interesting uh no wrong button no left and okay there's that I'm trying to figure out how to use my whistle to direct them with the uh that wouldn't be B I don't know yeah I'm gonna have to figure out how to direct them as a group because just throwing them isn't always the best option I will throw my life at them for a moment okay these ones should die from destroying a few we can overwhelm them my God they really look over like just confused by that okay it's midday good amount of daylink we might want to just spend the first day just getting more Pikmin okay those ones aren't brolic enough in order to get that oh here we go um switch over to the dog and rush into the pot oh he was a strong enough boy in order to get through those oh he needs to conserve his charge energy ah geez hang on a second a little bit the camera is a little bit tricky here cameras a little bit tricky but you know I think it was in the original game too so it's just giving me like odd Nostalgia honestly ah the bad controls I miss the bad controls nah they're okay oh no fight them don't just stand them he's like what these things basically look like an STI if you were to look at it throwing a microscope you know what would that be something you wouldn't want obviously they're right yeah the right stick although the right stick is being used for oh maybe I clicked down on the right stick hang on a second why do they look so confused why isn't anything coming out judging from the left okay yes so we've maybe reached the max number of Pikmin no actually surprisingly that isn't giving me the uh the thing okay I'm like all right with us collecting treasure it does still look very good although I feel like that the kind of survival bent of the first game was always kind of where it's at survive although I guess yeah you gotta kind of get it more of an original plot line after a while survive every game is about surviving survive um how will we get down this drawbridge one must consider I'm assuming that if we just put Pikmin on the bridge we'll be okay put it to good use if it was finished okay so we're going to need to finish construction here somehow uh we're going to need to get like more what are these graham crackers we have like some sort of graham cracker Bridge acceptable uh we can't really get into the water which just means that there's probably gonna be more blue Pikmin soon but uh are they gonna go back the other way okay good they use their minds and not their bodies yeah first you survive now you have to thrive that's valid although what will the treasure get us I think that was someone had mentioned that to me in the video I actually did on pigment I I really do uh I do think that this game fits with the channel in some ways you know like of all the Nintendo games yeah and I was thinking to myself like why was it that people didn't like the other ones as much or like the first one really just stood out to people aside from the fact that it was the first one but somebody told me that they took the like rescue timer off of it in the second game I remember as a kid actually really liking the second game hello the energy we can get okay good good did the Pikmin out of the onion oh did we need more energy in order to get them out okay let's go ahead and energy oh maybe that's the motivation [Music] suggested what are we supposed to be doing here I need to consult my iPad yes the second game did have very interesting Pikmin in it that is valid oh yes you can get your statistics in order to use it yet another number to judge yourself and your results in life oh the isopods some days I feel like an ISO pod if I wake up really tired and cranky man another day of being an isopod I know we have only 12 of the 20 that are remaining with us on the 17. it seems as though more of these what do you call the the like oh yeah what are these things called the uh the flowers with the numbers on them can someone look that up but they're they do have a name it's like a pedal plop or something like that pellet posies thank you very much yeah that they did a very good job with the nomenclature in these games okay we have more of the inferior Leaf Pikmin ready to call the Pikmin out of the okay hang on a second let's just put them back everyone clean up now oh we can have a minimum of three all right okay and then bring them back out and then we need to get them with us before the night otherwise danger could erupt Pikmin will happily okay I I know that Colin I'm not that dumb and you telling you're telling me that I find really insulting honestly all right I guess we'll go into the glory hole uh tomorrow although if this is a fiery blow hog I should be I should be able to murder it no this isn't a good time to notice something no I we almost could have died to the fiery blowahog unless if it's like a watery blowhog oh yeah no they'll be fine Red Pikmin are actually resistant to fire I gotta say I don't want to die and I don't want the dog to die though I would I'll probably get in trouble with that all right the SS beagle to a base egg let's get the rest of these pellet posies because the night is rising soon Michael Jackson will come out it'll be like Thriller all right which one is it gonna take them the longest to do I'm thinking this one we've got five Pikmin on here can we get more come on get in there boys okay good we got six out of five what are you doing okay we'll have to leave that spotty bulb orb for tomorrow oftenly uh I mean oftenly often mixed up with the regular bullborg and people think that they're part of the same species but they're actually a different genus from the original billboard hmm how do I measure that dump they think I'm pretty dumb all right wait a second you don't go back there and try to help someone else out I never authorized this the dog might sit here and get itself killed oh God they're getting more treasure okay dog get the treasure but I'm probably gonna lose a lot of You by the end of the day hello oh look at the time everyone's gonna die okay we gotta hang on a second we gotta go I might lose a lot of people we have 11 stray Pikmin Jesus oh no only three okay so if they are within range of the uh of the onion and the ship then they they will survive the night I presume where do you think they do in the onion do you think that they're mating well actually they must not mate up there get back here dingus 19. honey oh no oh no okay that is that is it all right back in with with you all uh end day there we go end I want it to be over [Music] thank you it was a dwarf bullboard yes they use would that be is that mimicry is that the biological term for their synonymous it's like fake biology the game okay so we have a dwarf bull Barb often mixed up as being in the same genus as the spotty billboard but they're actually not they just use it in order to deceive potential Predators uh amphibious ambigian thank you very much for the sub I do appreciate it also casual gaming Market thank you for gifting the sub I'm sorry I missed that before they play cards and sleep oh is you think it's like that painting of the dogs playing poker okay so now we've returned to our like base area I get kind of a zombie apocalypse vibe from this game no one rescued we didn't do anything I didn't even go down the yeah uh whatever that was okay I'm just skipping everything they're attempting to throw more story at me but I'm having none of it [Music] okay the bugle call again [Applause] uh okay we could keep exploring this area um no I think no oh we have to keep talking to Colin why do I have to use you as the intermediary of exploration I just kind of prefer to get into my ship I hate you but you know I will I will allow it for now this is me and my dog all right back to the sun speckled Terrace yeah Colin is I don't really like any of the characters I like Olimar maybe the second guy I like too I think I like the second guy because I I thought it was uh man so critical of everything that means just because it's like a game that was so I think I first played Pikmin I knew about it since I was a kid and I was like oh that looks really cool and I think I've played it when I was about 14. so half my current age actually although I still remember it like as if I had played it when I was a kid I think I I had kind of like a another Nintendo Renaissance when I was about 14. I was like ah you know I really love this I think I got back into like Pokemon because I outgrew it for a while you know when you go through that phase when you're a kid and you think you're like too cool for all the stuff that you liked when you were a younger kid and you like sell everything or give it all away like I really regret getting rid of and selling so many things back to like whatever it was GameStop all right in we go clearly this is the next event we're supposed to go for and we're going into this strange hole ah when will I do another stardew Valley video I don't know I've been getting the bug to do stardew Valley although I I just did one um probably 200 days because there is still a lot I won't do on that campaign I don't know maybe a couple months from now hey Dr Peter thanks very much Happy you enjoyed it foreign sorry my original I get so like reactive when people ask me when there's another video because I I never realized that people get it in like a kind of a micro uh see it in whatever feed they get although I had originally in my YouTube career it was like I didn't do enough games so it was like just zomboid and rimworld and it was sort of like ah those are the only games that I can do now and I felt kind of like I really like them although it is kind of a curse of every single YouTuber and like person on the internet is you you kind of find yourself being trapped with that so I think I feel it to a great extent when I play man I really have a lot of issues um yeah I know honestly I really like stardew though I I hope I'm happy that you liked it I don't know why I'm so like wait a minute what's wrong with me what is wrong with me yeah you're right I think that's just like the curse of the internet uh yeah the variety I think people come for whatever one game they enjoy and then you know if you enjoyed it in the process we did a we did rimworld I think the rimworld stuff is kind of unique star dude yeah I feel like I'm getting a very healthy serving of variety now oh the ice Pikmin I probably shouldn't be doing this at all uh I have just Frozen one of my red picking it's fine it was one or two it was the cutscene I think it's gonna die okay if you unfreeze them then they don't die they just need to be reminded not to die okay I can't seem to get the ice Pikmin in this cut scene yet just a few of the Red Pikmin are just gonna have to die oh my God look at them how is it this is actually a very good idea for a Pikmin I could see oh yeah then we could get back to the snow environments like we had in the uh in the second Pikmin game remember that oh mcvinor thank you I'm gonna check out nordland oh yeah we did nordland in a couple of odds recently or uh one bad recently it was good yeah I think actually one thing that that's been nice is just like getting to do so much more though the one thing that I I will still say that I've found with YouTube is uh wait a second can we get the ice Pikmin to carry this one back please give the ice Pikmin a chance everyone unfair to the ice Pikmin to not give them an opportunity oh their flowers turn yellow wow look at that oh look at them being like ice and everything that is nice oh they're like kind of heave ho heave ho sound effect when they bring things back to the ship it is nice oh Pikmin video probably not because I just can't really think of anything to make it like enough of a challenge although I did think of it when you said it you know I might continue it in the vibe that's possible uh the main reason I'm probably just gonna do like actually I mean if people liked it a lot then I would do it I doubt many people will really see it on the one hand I do stuff that I like but I'm also at the point where I can't totally do everything that I just want to do all the time like sometimes sometimes I'm like well this game would make a pretty bomb video like uh there's other stuff I want to play probably more uh but I can't really play at all right now uh so yeah I still do get that so that's the one oh look some paint although I gotta say like since we're on Nintendo yeah and this is such a rare type of thing oh the yellow onion with the high throwing Pikmin yeah Nintendo games are those ones that I really just feel like I'm chilling when I play like I was playing Super Smash Brothers uh during the week just to kind of chill it's like very often I spend so much time on screens that I'm like I often don't really feel like that I can relax when I'm uh gaming some of the time it does happen to you oddly enough you know although I try to bring in more variety and I think over time I think Nintendo was one of the last big like forays into that oh this is odd we just bring back the onion all right I'll allow it okay good now we have enough Pikmin access in order to be able to like send them here it is nice having a pet no it's continue continue that's fine have I lost any pigment okay those look ready to erupt at any moment oh no frozen solid okay so the ice Pikmin frees it and then the other Pikmin hit it I bet you this thing isn't safe to touch I don't know never mind okay who is this looks like an interesting character how do we show our support for Pikmin videos a follow on YouTube or 10 million bits that would be far too much yeah I'll probably put a video out on YouTube for it I don't know we'll see one thing I find that's interesting though about the VOD channel is oftentimes I guess I have to oh I have to carry him back he's Man Down come on yeah stop that stop that we got a man down that's not necessary bring him back bring him to the ship we must save him generally what I've found is people really like uh well pz rimworld kenshi I think those have always been my kind of three stable games and I would say if I if I had to be trapped in a in a room or on a YouTube channel playing three games forever those would be the games I actually really do like all three of those games and ever since the last couple of years even when I did play them a lot I liked them although um now I think that I've had an opportunity to do more like variety and stuff I I like them even more and I I realize why they were such good games to kind of build the channel off of in addition to that we've gotten to do like City Builder games and stuff like that too and it lets me open up the stuff like simulations like Pikmin okay we got Russ I guess he's from like the gorillas Russ isn't that one of the gorillas members name he does look he has like bottle cap eyes okay here we go there's for lost Rocky uh so he's just irrelevant he's there for quantity of characters I suppose I mean but when I think about it like how lucky am I that uh I don't know I get to do stuff like Sims Pikmin Nintendo like we get to do so much variety on this channel I I'm one of the luckiest YouTubers like not everybody gets to do that I I just feel kind of spoiled when I like when I think about what I get to do for fun on my channel a lot of people get kind of Trapped with one thing it kind of had like the opposite of that over the last year or so although that being said I can't really just do anything but uh yeah I mean I I think as we go uh outside your squad will come okay here we go return to the surface as we go over the next couple of years though I'm starting to find like you know all these things are starting to seem kind of silly like oh yeah like it would grow the channel a lot if you did this or whatever and I'm just sort of like I don't know I'm just vibing I'm kind of like having a good time oh director of Destiny refreshing goo and creatures [Music] I mean it makes me genuinely happy whenever I'm doing whatever I'm doing and that way I can start to like kind of do more projects because when you do one thing over and over again it does kind of eat away at your happiness although I think then that causes you to get more opportunities go okay and it would be fun if we did this and then you get bigger ideas and I think that's how like the I guess that's how like the creativity cycle goes I was talking to one of my friends who's like an artist and she has gotten tired of painting portraits of people's dogs and cats and sort of like oh that sounds like fun but I could see how that could get tiring here we go all right lesson learned oh look at that look at that Onion Roll wait the onion absorbed another onion and that's oh garlic oh so we got flarlik in here oh you know what wait a second why did they do that I guess we're getting too many Pikmin to the point where I would just be dizzying the array of Pikmin we would get so now they're probably making the Pikmin be like uh how to say this okay we're going to need more graham crackers for this bridge because it's really killing my time management here thank you where are we going to get ourselves more graham crackers rugged scaffold oh we could probably move the base oh that is kind of convenient good wow oddly convenient and getting rid of all the headaches from the other games okay watch as I just basically ruin this spotty bullborg's day frequently mixed up with the dwarf bulb orb okay we really need to mash the a button here no he's attacking he's attacked we won't attack you yep it's fine sloth will be their end nah they probably won't try to murder me probably take his corpse back to the ship ease it to create more ice Pikmin because damn it uh what else are we gonna do with more Red Pikmin obviously it's more ice pick than we need although I'm maybe a little uncomfortable getting the Red Pikmin out of the Red Onion I mean the ice Pikmin out of the red onion wait a second will they become Red Pikmin or ice Pikmin the onion produced different Pac-Man wait a second no no what is this there's still Red Pikmin did we just ask something yeah no it wasn't it wasn't a frog we will meet frog like species later though sorry I'm very like I'm very meticulous and snooty about this no that was a spotty bullborg these are the dwarf bullboards uh this looks dangerous I don't think I'd like to do that I've we've probably got like electric Pikmin right and I do like that though how they've made it that Pikmin just kind of hesitate for a second and then go back to what they were doing if you accidentally hit them once in the original game honestly that was kind of an issue oh no uh what are these things called oh no uh I do believe that the boss that looks like them is called the burrowing snag grip although I I don't recall what the names of these things are here go dog there happens to be one left that was oddly convenient wow I brought the perfect number of them look at them go look at them go a sheer wig uh sheer grubs sheer grubs yes isn't it that the sheer grubs are the white ones and the sheer wigs are the purple ones or something so what are these sheer wig something like that how long have we been in the game about an hour and a half although Nintendo games just perhaps because of the amount of story in them now it does occur to me like I really didn't think of Nintendo as they do a lot of like Exposition at the outset generally in their games although it like they're kind of done with it you can tell okay I'm not gonna throw I will demonstrate he will die if I leave him in there look at him freaking out order you to swim back to me kind of horrible but and also like pretty funny to commit like Mass genocide on your Pikmin all right let's see if I can kind of cheat my way over here uh nah I don't seem to be able to sometimes you can throw them behind a bag fortunately it doesn't seem to be able to happen here to be I will let's have a discussion here friends our Pikmin carnivores or herbivores or omnivores I mean we could chat about it honestly however that being said I'm not even sure that they eat they might just be like photosynthetic murderers like the Venus flytrap oh Jesus now it's gonna kill people oh God we froze it oh that is actually kind of cool whoa sweet I love this we can actually use the ice Pikmin for something useful thank you ice Pikmin get that good nectar love that yeah put the team on your back oh look another uh thing onion oh no we're definitely going to need yellow Pikmin for this wow wait a second what do we do here metal plate is raised can I like just wait it down no I can't okay never mind did he fall through I looked down about him for that oh a clock uh hang on a second uh all right lots to do right here we have some pellet posies uh one two and look at the size of that one Jesus that's really impressive and then I'm gonna get the dog to pull out no actually can the Pikmin do this oh the Pikmin can do that or the dog also too can do it all right midday midday this is very nice this is honestly getting the roots off that much soil was a difficult to pass I'm impressed they're like ants carrying ten times their body weight but perhaps to an even greater magnitude oh my God there's something just so satisfying about a pellet Posey foreign how do I oh no you know what I'm going to need to get the high higher bouncing picnic in order to get this send the dog it's like uh some sort of plush dog like a stuffed animal dog isn't it red red 40. it could be that that's just a bunch of like food coloring dye like deadly food coloring dies or what is the bad one wasn't there one that like lowered your sperm count like yellow five so they had to stop using yellow five and now they use like yellow 69 or something like that is red tin oh yeah what's that that's red five they use that in food coloring seemed to be a smackledorff by this okay so we can't do that never mind uh I've got only I think it's best to just not worry about the Pikmin like it's kind of like if one of them dies it's not that bad as long as I get most of my stuff done for the day although there are crazy people who will try to play Pikmin without losing any of the Pikmin and I think that they're nuts um okay some sort of scheme has arisen go go people oh yes we have cleared the bag it's something just so satisfying get about getting a bag out of the way look at that okay before we enter the next glory hole we have to go over here oh my god oh look some uh binoculars that's what you call those although they look like toy binoculars and not real ones this time freeze if we go down the cave go find out it is a glorious hole every Pikmin the death of one Pikmin is or is this where we're going this uh the death of every Pikmin is is indeed a tragedy I I do agree with you it is sad when they die like I had it oh Jesus crackling cauldron I was feeling hotter than usual when I looked down the ground was on fire I picked but a Red Pikmin just gave me a sideline glance totally unfazed even as the fire licked at them they're clearly capable of more than just skillful attacks okay so we're going down to a call some sort of cauldron level okay so we're going only with the Red Pikmin now this does remind me of one of the Pikmin puzzles where almost all of them were set on fire and I just lived with it but if you call to them then they unset themselves on fire also mcviner thank you very much for the 11 and 13 cents sorry that took me a minute appreciate your very kind uh donation Aunt tiny sorry you know I don't have the notification sounds and everything is like going off so like it'll appear on screen then I'm just like where is it thank you very much appreciate it Nick veener my friend you've been enjoying the videos thank you for uh I don't know honestly it makes it worth it to do it with you guys it's uh I do like Nintendo games just kind of like to chill although honestly I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty bad at commentating them like I'm supposed to be entertaining although I don't feel very I don't really feel like I'm saying the normal things that I say when I play a simulation game like I'm not gonna lie Platformers basically the worst type of game for commentating it's one of the reason I almost never play action games or Platformers like you'll never see me play an FPS something like that a very seldom very rarely maybe for like a one-off video quick and probably like a VOD K but uh yeah even Nintendo just feels like it speaks for itself a bit much this is one of the reasons I do like Pikmin though because now that we've gotten through all the like the cut scenes and stuff oh what are these things again yes the Flies these things are really a pain these things are a pain in the blow hog I feel so oddly anakians playing this game [Music] it's supposed to be a blank 10 euros hope you didn't would enjoy the support hey thank you very much my friend love it I appreciate you be stupidly sentimental when I am five years older than now I still hope to enjoy some AAA content I hope you're back in AAA five years from now for the record oh a new ability honestly I did not know this how many was this in Pikmin 3 I'm I don't recall Elemental resistance in Pikmin too we have more paint all right and we have more of the yellow Pikmin the yellow Pikmin are going to be very very useful to our cause one two three four five and we'll send them in the sixth okay we need other people because these other ones haven't been lifting a lot I bet you these Pikmin go to the gym oh all right now I need to separate the groups whoops uh nope that's not working how do I disband them all right and now I'm gonna need some uh control control help shortcut settings missions oh you could set new shortcuts that is kind of nice okay I like this type of customization settings controls okay controls here we need to know shortcut one uh how do I ride slash Dismount throw send look around shortcut one two three manual Target lock tablet jump charge Rush ride this how do I disband the Pikmin though there doesn't seem to be any button that allows me to disband that you should be able to separate them into groups because I'm approaching a fiery blowhog this is not okay an occasion to which I would normally bring yeah see I've just thrown the yellow Pikmin possibly to their deaths I mean I'm just gonna send them in anyway because like you can just literally whistle up and to get them to get out of the blaze however that being said this is something that I might not honestly feel very comfortable doing oh R and L thank you I can where did it say that oh no R and uh uh uh thank you although what I meant was that um like I need to be able to tell the Pikmin to just kind of stand there while I approach another option look oh no I need to be able to let the Pikmin just stand there while I approach another object and let them kind of hash it out on their own you know like the ones that just kind of stand there idly I need to be able to do that on my own I'm trying to figure out how oh hold y down uh oh disband whoops thank you this band would have been it yeah like that like here we go I'm gonna do it right now okay if I disband okay you know what I think I need to set another control then there let's go back we'll go into the controls I'm gonna add in some shortcuts hopefully I'll be able to disband okay here we go this band oh this is even better honestly this band oh wow okay great that's what I needed oh awesome so you can actually customize it that's even better than in the old Pikmin games for some reason I thought that they had like removed that like why would they take that out that's like the most essential Pikmin feature I sound I sound like the know-it-all kid though why would they take that out that's such an important feature in the game oh my god oh look okay we can get that probably with the yellow Pokemon but let's get everyone out because it doesn't seem to be any time limit right now what are we on still the second day I think we extended it by just like waiting around here a lot it's banned all uh left to next to the left oh left sick click I'm trying to think of what I actually want to do uh there is one other control I want to be able to do because you should be able to kind of do the thing where you go like I can't remember what it's like but when uh he plays the bugle that is useful open control guide oh shortcut settings and then you could go into oh you can only use left stick click when holding your joy-con controller in horizontal mode I wonder if there's another way to do it oh wait a second oh you can do it up there yeah there we go oh does only Olimar have that ability okay valid the only Olimar has that I do kind of like the disband there okay so yeah then you can disband all and then they all kind of go their separate ways okay that is more or less what I wanted uh let's see if the yellow Pikmin so now I can just ban them okay I don't know if the dog is resistant to electricity but he seems to just be standing there maybe send in the dog as well everything is like so oddly uh if I oh no I accidentally touched those Pikmin it's never mind all right so what is up here I believe that this was the fiery yep that's the fiery blow hog definitely not a place I would want to take yellow Pikmin anytime soon okay come back with me although the dog honestly I feel like I could leave behind as well just another person to manage look there he goes he's setting himself on fire igniting himself I won't allow it no Ochi Smithers unleash those literally exactly this I'm just gonna let him die learn your lesson like Pavlov's dog maybe learn when you're dead sorry I got a little morbid there I I didn't mean it oh I could totally throw the red Pac-Man Pikmin at it from over here though oh my God they're going to crush that one on the ground oh what did they get over there is that like some sort of guitar pedal what is this is it an eraser what is that what if one of the Pikmin found something like more lewd oh look everyone it's uh it's an anchor I don't know like uh what they would miss perceive d let's see um a lot of massage thank you a lot of Massage okay a massage chair yeah a rod of lordly Might I could totally see it happening uh Pikmin currently outside yeah okay here we go good oh look everyone it's a microphone oh my God that's the Pikmin the Lost Levels I think they used to have more stuff like that in Nintendo games or I always felt like I guess the one thing that they do kind of leave in there it's more like suggestive is like zero suit Samus stuff like that I'm trying to think of other characters like that um there we go I need to cross the Pikmin back and you there leave Pikmin who is thinking about Olimar all right now I'm feeling like uh insecure about how they all want to be commanded by Olimar and not me no I am Rob the unknown Pikmin character no one knows my struggles validate them all right I need to disband these Pikmin oh this banding the Pikmin is so satisfying although honestly now it kind of makes me miss the Wii controls because it makes me realize just how bad like an analog stick is for controlling some of this stuff sadly now we have the this is the adult Pikmin DLC this one is rated M for mature I guess these fire Pikmin are gonna have to destroy the oh that's the source of the Flames that's actually kind of a cool obstacle I like this what is this let's see how they do over there with that and then I'm going to destroy the rest of this lava who why is there lava Underground okay they're raising up what appears to be a bit like a sweet potato or something I still don't know what it is I'm I sincerely think it might be a sweet potato or like a yam all right it's how it is so it is it's a yam a pancreas it could be someone's placenta look everyone placenta no I think it is I do think it's a uh I think it's a sweet potato okay I have to be careful not to accidentally throw all of the yellow Pikmin to their untimely deaths now look it's another paralyzed man oh my God what have they done okay there we go get him oh look more yellow Pikmin pluck [ __ ] although nothing has really increased the amount of plucking oh you know I just realized why it may ultimately end up being useful to have more crew members because they can help me pluck yet even more people I do I gotta say I also like it how they've made it into a two-player game I'm not 100 positive I think that might have been in Pikmin 3. but I'm not sure don't put me on that I think we might have found another rescue officer okay another human uh schnauz claim treasure appraiser who's traveled extensively his unique techniques unique techniques were used to develop a leading appraisal AI yeah right so we didn't have enough work finding Captain Olimar all right stop telling me about it well actually I feel like he just does them I'm I do I'll say it right now I miss Olimar not it's like it's like making a Mario game where he just never appears in Luigi is the only protagonist although Luigi is like kind of goofy enough in order to be his own protagonist Luigi's Mansion uh Luigi's Pro Bass Fishing 2017 Luigi's uh um uh Adventure in time Luigi and Luigi Superstar Saga Luigi's uh NFL Street uh Luigi 2000 oh my God what is that this is an interesting enemy look at that thing okay it's definitely dead now oh whatever look at them go it's like some sort of like Patty all right we will go in again for more ribs although I I miss my time sing that sizzling floor now has been extinguished uh okay oh we just found it from the other side oh well there were two ways out oh look some sort of Krabby Patty and like a like a doo-doo donut that could be like some sort of fecal matter over there though it does make me a little bit nervous honestly I don't believe we even need to go for this anymore I think we can just avoid that and then I will switch to these Pikmin and then I will get that hamburger like some sort of jeweled hamburger honestly that looks pretty gross I wouldn't eat that even especially well maybe the sweet potato because it is an underground like root food you know what could that be it could be the Nasty Patty what console is the sun uh Nintendo switch yeah we're actually playing this on the Wii U they've forwarded it to the now I'm I'm of course lying the Wii U though probably the most inconvenient console name to say like imagine how many times you have to repeat it especially if you were a kid and that was I pity the kids who were raised on the Wii U and that was their first console name okay what is this the fizzy lifting drink again everyone take some fizzy lifting drink I do like that scene a Wii U no not a a waifu not a uh a Wii U like a Wii for the Nintendo but Wii U you you know like the console between the Wii and the switch no I'm not trying to say ooh it was like Nintendo's worst console ever pretty much I mean it had some redeeming qualities I didn't play much for it though deceptive snack I don't know what that is it looks like some sort of like sushi cracker illumination goo Dusty bed uh oh it's like an eraser daughter of the Earth cookie of nibbled circles I like how it is the word cookie in it SS chocolate oh it's a uh oh a macaroon but like with jewels in it and creatures okay there we go it could be a macaroon like a multi-colored macaroon honestly that's making me a bit hungrier than expected oh the virtual boy still holds the title but the Wii U was the was the Wii U really the second worst selling that is a surprise I mean they've I think the switch was the best selling so they followed it up with one of the best ones of all time yeah Pikmin is making me hungry to eat insects outside I mean can you think of how big a human would be I would be like a huge spotty billboard I mean as if I already didn't feel like a huge spotty billboard okay you found the three although I find it insulting that the blue Pikmin have been marginalized so as to play second fiddle to these new ice Pikmin although I do believe there are new glowing Pikmin the ball um there was something else out here that I'd forgotten about that I needed yellow Pikmin for now I do actually know their abilities not a lot of people think that I know a lot about Clinton but I actually know I might be one of the most foremost experts on Pikmin something is unstable here I am of course otherwise known as the doctor the professor of Pikmin I don't really know that much although there are a few facts about it that I remember fondly it was so much fun to play it last year for a video [Music] all right come on let's get done with this let's go Pikmin I don't have all day I don't want your friends to die here we go 28 out of 30 and I think the other ones are just those ice Pikmin zero will die so far no one has died under my benevolent command here we go thank you my generous bosom of of command if you will we will end the day oh we do have a yellow onion now what do you know wait a second where is the yellow onion it could be that they haven't really found their own onion yet it's kind of odd having seen them all like intermingling thus in that one onion it's making me a little bit uncomfortable I think I might throw up in a few uh in a few seconds do you think Pikmin like are able to get along like all the different races of Pikmin or do you think that they like you know in like humans have their own like set of stereotypes and unfair judgments about Pikmin of other of other ethnic groups I like to think that they relate over like similar bonds of well uh like um pugnacious war-like behaviors and that perhaps like just as we as Americans have found similar values in hard work things like that you know despite our differences perhaps this has helped the Pikmin in their quest to achieve solidarity Among Us okay we've got a lot of new people now I am liking it DJ scallywag also thank you very much for the three months sorry it took me so long there I apologize they bond over the yams it could be that they share a common diet all right I don't want to hear anything about what we have to say this man gives me access to something new we don't really know it is interesting though that you can just create more Red Pikmin before the day as even begin let's see what you have to say they are very cute thank you very much for rescuing me the other I'm really quite flustered I only came here because I heard there were rare Treasures to be found also you did it for money in about okay oh so we can actually view our Treasures oh that's kind of nice because I do like these this is one of the funnier parts of the game I have the vibrating Rod of uh dominance collect 50 Treasures but we can see them all here what is this one a lesser mock bottom a Dusty bed the Creator whoever does that really does a great job with that writing I gotta say I was always kind of like they'd use great verbage in the first game um all right what is in the lab I guess we're probably gonna need to use this this isn't merely just a collection anymore what is the lab components inventions science raw materials maybe I could use it to get a bugle thing like Olimar has oh this is kind of cool whoa I actually kind of like that we could get a survey drone oh this is very neat charging horn oh great wait a second uh do we have the bugle thing that oh this could be really useful oh you do find oh so you can play as the other characters like Britney or is that just a different customized no never mind oh Scorch cards so that you don't die uh Scorch guard for the dog so that he doesn't die also and so that I don't die yeah these would probably be useful I think the survey drone looks interesting I'm gonna buy that I'm gonna get the treasure gate uh uh yeah that could be useful I'm gonna do that this is actually a rather good feature it's not very like Nintendo like of them but I still like it actually I still like it scrummy bone oh cool so you can heal the dog emergency kit for yourself or a pickpick carrot ah yes which is where the the term Pikmin came from you actually can see the pick pick carrots my word they do actually look like the picpick carrots from the home world of planet hockitate my pay to win micro maybe that's why it's making me think it's less Nintendo like uh yes micro transactions um okay so now I yeah let me go ahead and use these why for actions pack all right I'm gonna figure it I'm honest it's gonna take me less time to figure it out on my own than if I do it with the tutorials I know I'm a dingus for that okay but the pack so what do we have okay so we can use the survey drone and there's probably a shortcut that'll let us do that oh look at me go I can see everything from up here that's very nice it's a little bit counterintuitive some of the controls but honestly that's kind of cool okay and then what is the other one we can do um what did he say about uh that yeah the charging Horn uh that was the one I probably should not have skipped there because I thought I could just get back into a menu this is a really important thing just because I control the game like this uh controls really quick uh uh Rush charging horn charging horn charging horn I guess if I'm just selecting the Pikmin I should not do that serve it oh there is a survey drone um pack pack backpack oh pack would probably be a pretty useful one to have there pick up a secret Castaways treasure oh sniff out yellow oh this is actually kind of interesting okay I'm going to have to get the Pikmin with me though to actually see what's going on okay let's continue exploring with Colin his average like North American sounding name I wonder what they are in Japan or maybe it is like similarly kind of simple names I don't want I maybe it's like I want him to be named like snoopophilus or something like that or Olimar Olimar sounds like alien but also friendly like Ollie and Lamar [Music] I don't know I wonder where they came up with Olimar how did I miss the dog skills I'm sorry yeah it is very cute see it's probably one of the few cutesy games I can play on this channel trying to think of similarly cutesy games it does it does feel a need in me though I'm not gonna lie yeah there's something like very heartwarming about things now I've noticed the loading times are a little bit long although not really much longer than they would have been on the original GameCube maybe I'm just used to playing games that load super fast okay all right hang on a second oh now the dog can jump oh this is actually kind of cool I'm gonna be able to do it oh this is great okay this could be useful so now we can move around with the dog yeah that that's good because all right we did this in the tutorial I believe we basically just got the demo content before Oh this is great I can ride around on the dog oh great let the animal cruelty and Sue um of course I'm kidding uh it'll happen later probably when the dog it probably is gonna happen later when the dog jumps through a fire or something like that all right let's say uh we'll take 20 Red Pikmin 10 oh no only ten ten ten at least they keep things simple for you kind of interesting how you unlock the ability to bring more Pikmin with you I guess I could have just done the auto it is nice to get it suggested to you oh look they come along for a ride so it doesn't even matter if the Pikmin are the inferior leaf-headed pigment or if they're like the superior flower headed Pikmin I almost feel like I'm narrating The Sneetches here [Music] partial construction into a vital oh turn the raw material into clay at the SS piglet oh that's interesting okay let's go ahead and I'll throw the Pikmin over here at this thing I do enjoy being able to go around faster though I gotta say so are you gonna okay you can't really do anything when I give that to you let's go retrieve oh my God look at this we could just send them over there look he's putting doodoo on it oh this is gonna look great wow wow look at them go oh this is gonna be very exciting oh my God it's like watching a bunch of Gobstoppers go on to a like onto more Gobstoppers like the ones from Willy Wonka I wonder if it's safe to be on the bridge look they're doing it like it's like the Chinese 2008 Olympics ceremonies honestly that was the image that came to mind like where they did the thing with the boxes and up and down they went very well coordinated very nice hmm so much fun yes it was such a good time oh the dog actually bounces instead of running oh look at that I want to say that there was another zoom out here a little bit I would have said there was something else high up where I could throw the yellow Pikmin back here oh 39 over here this would be nice let me just throw the Pikmin beneath me okay I guess I'm just going to have them all construct everything to this get more materials more of you go because we're building a bridge our own return to the home tackling cauldron okay at least it does tell you 100 on the areas that is nice okay we have nothing left we've run out of raw materials I feel like a commander now though hmm I'm gonna need my Pikmin back can you get like a little mini map up here I believe you can yeah okay this is important oh cool discovered caves nice okay so I believe that one was cleared right was that it looked like it was gonna lock onto it uh ZL oh interesting so oh that's actually really useful oh I like that I like that okay I wanted to get this thing okay so then you can just press ZL oh I like that so now I'm oriented properly and I can get the Pikmin to come with me back there okay so let's go ahead and do that let's gather up these other Pikmin come with me I need to use you we're not just uh using them for our benefit because they're smaller than us it's also because they're not as smart as us okay don't question why we're using the Pikmin or you will be banned from the Stream uh of course I am kidding I will explain why I'm subjugating them at your uh at your questions though they do enjoy being submissive you can't you can't uh mix that one up the Pikmin they don't like it's like uh dostoyevsky's Grand Inquisitor you know they like to be it actually benefits them with here we go what the hell [Music] I was certain that this clock would have it feels like I'm doing something wrong like this should so obviously work [Music] yes I'm throwing them directly at it never mind I guess we won't get anything come out of that let's see if we can get them to this other onion though okay fantastic good at least you can do something right you idiots no I'm not being so mean to them thank you Peck well what would it sound like if I were grateful for these Pikmin thank you I love it when my smaller friends perform menial tasks for me what [Music] oh charging at the wall which wall um oh yeah this wall oh that's a good idea yeah I wonder if that'll work good idea let me see if I can Rush at it uh no unfortunately that did not work I was thinking that might work too can I just like weigh it down with a bunch of them now they all die I mean they all slip whoops not not necessarily die but Maybe um I think excuse me oh my God just getting over this cold I really don't sound too particularly good still so then this is that little Bridge it's another area we haven't really got to yet oh we still haven't really gotten this uh Cave cleared yet have we where was our original landing spot I want to say it was over here oh and then we had one of those things on that side one of these over here trying to see where we're supposed to go next maybe here is going to be the next one we're already kind of looking that way so let's just let it be oh charge the clock wall it's not a bad idea yeah let me try that oh cool and oh that's actually how we get more Pikmin out let's try that oh that totally worked you're a genius [Music] thank you cast I mean and thank you bunny mumbles I totally missed that before and small Poppy I did not uh I did not expect see that is like actually a rather difficult puzzle there was nothing actually that was rather difficult and um it's amazing why am I saying this actually I just didn't see it and now I'm feeling bad so I'm saying it must have taken a genius with a J to solve that problem no thank you that was actually rather smart I'm curious if you thought that up yourself or if you've seen it used to always happen to me in the Legend of Zelda like oh you're supposed to dig in the dirt I never would have expected that and then like just totally new puzzles I never would have thought to solve certain ways actually you're a genius kind of nice that you can Rush a little bit faster okay so you can oh no he does kind of like slow down he slows his role as he goes starting to get used to the camera a little bit more I'm liking this a little bit better now let me send them out I'm liking this I'm like some sort of grand General um there's more over there some sort of button or like a coin there's something else that Pikmin really seems to me did does anyone know how this game was inspired I'm genuinely curious Oh by bug collecting right didn't you say I didn't know that because I want to say wasn't it the Legend of Zelda that we like inspired by I want to say miyamoto's like exploring around in the forest as a kid or something like that I want to say that's how the Legend of Zelda was inspired but it's not perfectly clear to me in memory [Music] oh no it's uh oh I hate those things I can't remember what you call them but I hate them I don't like them like a glittering uh uh beetle some kind of some kind of beetle yeah like him playing around in the garden at his home I mean to me I remember when I was a kid I enjoyed like collecting things you know like that was one of my hobbies as a child so I would collect like a paper clip or like a button or like uh even weird stuff like a gum rapper or like an old used up lighter uh that somebody had used for cigarettes on the ground at the park and to me that was like really exciting like look at all this people left all this great stuff on the ground you know and that gave me excitement as a child and I think that pic shut up I wasn't weird uh but you were weird because you weren't doing it um whoops I fed up I have to come back come back my children here we go get that thing out some sort of astronaut point okay good we've got another area here and now I can by the orientation controls are pretty good and that is very useful for not getting one of them that is very useful for not getting killed all right we might as well get a couple more pelotosis right here and then oh clear that was I'm actually surprised at how much wait a minute no I don't want to send you all to their debt [Music] what have I done but what is happening in there I think if I just send all of them in there well okay there we go it was just a matter of sending more lives at the problem and then the you know that spared more of the human life in question here we are good okay this looks like a very significant tree maybe not never mind we could move the base and we'll do that in a moment I think I'll let them make their last deliveries oh I think that's uh that's another one of our humans right what are you doing over there just kind of what are you doing I'm definitely gonna need blue Pikmin before I get over there though oh or now I could jump and jumping hasn't even been factored into the whole equation Pikmin is one of the most complex games ever created there's a river behind your house and it was connected to a dirt a home built a muddy plastic frogs and called it froggyville yeah like there's something so interesting about miniature worlds to young children you know maybe it's because you are so small when you're a child that it's like even smaller things are interesting to you okay I need to turn around and go over here because I think that another onion part is gonna be a lot of this stuff will be useful to me am I going a little bit faster here I think I think I might be let's bring out the camera I'm gonna go over to the map again okay I could get that if I fix that paper bag uh there's this thing up here which I'm not going to be able to fix and then there's this crap over here really struggling honestly yeah the whole idea yeah creating your own little world maybe as a kid okay don't get on top of it you are not smart let me do the thinking now that didn't really work either oh no I need to put them atop the bag I stand corrected I just need the fat ones to weigh it down the ice ones do look rotund finally yellow onion but I wonder if that gives us more yellow Pikmin or if they just Consolidated all of the Pikmin into one onion that like perhaps they decided that there were just too many Pikmin that they'd made this onion certain how would you know you aren't even here you're just like zooming me like we're still in the pandemic or something like that no get out here I'm in the Outdoor World over here man all of this wireless communication is really starting to piss me off oh wait a second I'm being ambushed there we go the sheer wigs and sheer grubs they are a nefarious type I have 16 now would be good a Saturn Panda 77 thank you very much for the two months I have to head out Hey DJ scallywack thanks very much for coming out appreciate you mush all the Pikmin together I don't know that's like asking could you mush all of the people in the world together to create a like a really good human you know like all the skills and talents of all the humans combined smarter and more athletic than all of the other humans I'm guessing probably not although it is picnic so perhaps huh get iced chill out oh my gosh that might have been one of the funniest jokes I've told all three it is nice being able to jump off of a ledge because sometimes like when you see stuff although I will say that dogs like in real life they do take falling damage um unfortunately there's also Friendly Fire is on with dogs yeah Friendly Fire falling damage I'm trying to think of what other forces they they succumb to there's clipping I mean clipping is is turned off in real life yeah like if real life were a game I think it's too close to night we might as well just like sit by the ship overall um it's about what I expected I think Pikmin for I mean like I feel like Nintendo games kind of defy getting ratings somehow I'll just get some pellet pros and before the end of the day uh I don't really care I usually just send the Red Pikmin to their deaths anyway [Music] I'll take more red it's fine we're gonna need them at some point I'm just gonna throw their lives at the problem anyway overall I mean I I think it's like I expected way too much story at the beginning I I don't really like that I'm not insane about that although I think like in terms of mechanics yeah I like it it's good it's good so far I'm gonna end the day I gotta saying I'll I have a temporal mechanism a perforated raft and a satellite man all of the same charm from the first game kind of remains although I do feel like they've added a few new mechanics I feel like for the most part it's it's about the same reasons as I would have they would have uh followed up on Pikmin too which I don't I don't dislike I do like it and I'm glad that the franchise is still around some games like uh isn't it Super Mario Odyssey like was very inventive and it's new mechanics and stuff like that I still have yet to play that I mean I thought Super Mario Galaxy for example was Nintendo like really really Reinventing the whole platforming genre like what an insane idea I just want to see if we can do anything else here oh cheese skills I I mean I do like the dog mechanic I think that simplifies and like makes everything oh what so he can carry things of like greater weight or something like that increasing his level his strength makes him better at physical tasks I I think if we could get him faster that would be nice Keel himself like some sort of Mage dog Super Mario Sunshine was like yeah they've always come up with like very interesting ideas okay so he has four on his pup Drive hmm Rush level two I think buff is probably gonna be pretty useful here I think we could just max that buff that makes him pretty useful all around I think heel might also be good though too just because he really isn't too smart and I don't want him to die oh he doesn't have any healing at all so there is that and I don't want to waste my time on trying to heal him because he's he's really just not all that smart [Music] it's okay he's he makes up for it in love in like dog love and snoot contact cheese on bread also thank you very much for the prime I appreciate it cheese on bread thank you it was a weird thing I got two colds into oh I like this with the multi-colored onion the singular onion it was weird I got two colds in two weeks I woke up in the second week with exactly the same symptoms as the first week like the onsetting symptoms I don't think it was just one extensive call because I started getting like swallowing pain then I got like muscle fatigue aches and like Shivers all at once which is usually my onset symptoms for a cold I was like geez like I feel like I just went through this just last week and it like lo and behold I had gotten exactly the same cold again it was just I was like that was weird so now I'm almost through the second hopefully two of two colds unless if I'm experiencing some sort of like Bill Murray Groundhog Day illness where it just keeps coming back which would be like honestly pretty annoying um but if that is what my life is going to be from now on then whatever like you just got to live with it oh this is the most satisfying of moments when the Pikmin emerged from their womb-like shelter in the onion and they climb on the back of me and I live out the dream of being like a mother that I never was like a brother from another mother but it's actually um but I'm actually an alien I don't know where I'm going this I can't formulate thoughts right now um okay so this was the original starting area this is a lot of the puzzles that we haven't solved yeah now we come to now we have reached in the words of Patrick Star an impasse we have solved all of the first Pikmin puzzles you know the obvious ones that were there right in front of us and now the time has come in which we must solve a new new riddles and Mysteries and it looks like there's Olimar right over there and his head is covered in some sort of red substance that's disgusting okay I'll have the Pikmin help one another we must foreign let's see if we get the uh Castaways um I kind of want to use my pack to use the like yeah let's use the drone on him here I mean I'm not targeting you for a missile strike but what the hell his entire face is covered in hair you look like some sort of fruit now oh and he's looking at the body of a dead man [Music] it looks like they're contemplating whether they should eat it yeah UAV online I'm gonna call in an airstrike hey actually this is the new Pikmin multiplayer mode we made it versus and you can um you can fight people with it oh this is bound to be very very satisfying I do like it when they bring the chocolate over to the chocolate bridge oh this is really nice look at that I wonder what they'll do with it oh look they've made the Pebbles into graham crackers and then they put the they set the graham crackers at the edge of the bridge and the bridge comes down and then that makes the way ready for us it was more treasure to be had over there but this is perhaps the most important of events Red Alert I see something okay this cutscene I want to know about who is that next to them doesn't look like any of our rescue is this Alum does he grow hair on his face oh no it's an imposter dude an imposter sassy Baka your Pikmin cannot join you oh Jesus oh my God we have a a fight this is actually kind of I like this a mini game in the midst of everything yeah what are they gonna do him in their dungeon oh my God that's sort of unspeakable acts will be had down down the glory hole again dandori battle oh so this is one of those fights where you have to try to create more Pikmin or something like this okay this is sort of I'm gonna presume like the multiplayer mode that they created for Pikmin I think I guess we can figure that out later okay so this is kind of cool I like the environment changes they've got okay so that might be the real Captain Olimar there who knows and they've like oh my God they've just absorbed him and booped him out oh no this is like that episode of Adventure Time where they everyone is turning into like the squishy version of themselves or what is that it will thrive do you believe you will not need the leaves I will test your abilities to see if this is true or is this the bad ending of pikminable dandori battle I've provided the Pikmin you will need to support them in the challenges ahead okay okay I'm assuming that this is going to be extremely easy okay so he is oh my God I'm not even playing as him but [Music] but I'm assuming that we're just supposed to be making more Pikmin so disorienting to do this in split screen when there's not actually a second player although I gotta say that is admittedly cool to have an AI playing in split screen while you're doing this I'm pretty confident in my ability to throw Pikmin I'm feeling good about this okay I'm gonna need more okay I need these ones oh no we need to steal his crap if we want to do better now we should probably get everything away from his base can I perhaps call his Pikmin over to my shelter this is actually rather difficult I feel like one two three four five uh oh no he's already taken that one get that tomato what the hell and they've even put enemies in here too okay we've already got that one no we got the tomato [Music] that's our tomato can I have my people like sabotage him uh hang on a second wait I need more of you get back here they could never get that strawberry in time we need this last one [Music] stay away oh no you are going for my strawberry you jerk okay fine you can get that thing I don't need it this is a good match huh because you're a loser I understand get that other strawberry nope it's already mine it's already mine think again I don't know what's over there but I already got two of the tomatoes I don't think that he could possibly win this fight look another tomato is ours they should totally have done the split screen in the other orientation here that's very confusing okay just get more this these are low hanging fruit oh fiery blow hog okay oh no what is he getting over there [Music] oh no we can't possibly get that back in time uh never mind yeah I bet you it's even worse on handheld right when you have no room on the screen for that right it's okay we'll get the lime we will need that lime and get that other strawberry too oh my God he's caught up so much by getting all of that golden treasure that I didn't even think about well okay good I'm going to get the apple as well this is just such a ridiculous game mode why does this even exist he's actually very good at it too I'm not gonna lie although it is testing my skill I feel like it would just do better by like depriving them of it this is a rather good game mode though I think this could be kind of fun to play with a friend this would be legitimately fun to play with them I can't I don't have time for that okay I do have time for another strawberry though it's very very stressful this game of the you will never come close to human intelligence let's get that the fiery blowhog that man that gold really nearly cost us the day okay that was way too many in this one I guess I could have left the dog available but no I didn't really think of that in time okay I think we're winning by so much there's no way we could lose anymore although I will say that that was actually rather demanding I do like how they've switched up the color palette too I think I can just watch and wait here though all right I'm good I won oh is he getting more gold yeah he very nearly killed us at the Gold there I didn't know that was an available treasure one by at least 30. okay I got silver I'm really just in a struggle session right here the strength of your dandori power is magnificent I will return this one to you I'm guessing that's not Olimar then okay he's like a doppelganger of Olimar then who was that yeah who was that I okay I'm liking it better now you know a couple of mini games it's decent for variation I still think we're kind of seeing like the base Pikmin formula but I mean what did you expect it was going to be a simulation you were going to be commanding a bunch of olympah all imposter uh oppenmar Oppenheimer okay we found some other guy um okay here we go confirm bring this huge man oh no I thought he needed 15. he needed only three wow he actually is a purple leafy head right um honestly it was a little odd a little a little making me a little bit uncomfortable now we gotta figure out this thing I have no idea how we're gonna get this down I don't think you can I agree if only the Pikmin could be thrown higher wait a minute the yellow Pikmin could get up there oh I suppose we need to find the handle for the other one now too possibly the yellow ones that would make sense of the yellow handle is this who is this Bushman error home planet pnf404 unable to read data Maybe This is somebody else who needs to be like de-leafed foreign foreign material transport okay we got more raw materials um man where do you think the dog comes I'm pretty sure the dog uh guys did you play Pikmin three I actually Pikmin 3 was the one I didn't play I played Pikmin one I played Pikmin two I played a little bit of three I liked it the dog wasn't in Pikmin three right this is a new thing I kind of like it honestly if it could move slightly faster I'm although there might have been more levels for that that I just didn't see uh I feel like it would be honestly everything is amazing it's it's it's kind of like finding Epona in the Zelda games you know like uh oh it was oh he wasn't in three okay I thought he was I bet thank you um hang on a second we need to disband everyone yeah get over here I it used to be in I want to say one that if you okay we could okay we could just disband them here whoops there we go okay now I've got the yellow one uh oh there we go nice lock on I was thinking how the hell am I going to oh no I just threw one to his death oh giant pumpkin oh yes this is a huge pumpkin guys wow look at the size of that thing oh look at them struggling to lift it but they can't just leave them there no that wouldn't help me accomplish my goals really 39 out of 30. oh yeah the one is just down there right as much as I'd love to watch these Pikmin carry a pumpkin back I think I do have one listen where is that other guy is he still on the ground beneath me see where'd he go honestly I lost that other Pikmin a shame on me I don't know where he went you can sometimes see where the Pikmin are on the map but oh he returned to the ship how oddly generous of the game to have him it used to be that the Pikmin were just stranded out there and then they would be left for No One oh did he oh you're right he did he got one of the pieces of sugar oh that could be sugar I hadn't really thought of that I thought they were like gemstones like we found the house of the richest man who was just concealing a bunch of diamonds in his backyard you know probable money laundering sparklyum collected 1500 really great good job Ochi and Rob with all the energy you've collector we can continue our restoration of the SS Shepherd's radar um you know I'd say the one thing that I I find is a little bit like Nintendo games kind of make me into like a completionist you know what I mean like you want to collect all the parts or something it would kind of be nice to know like how far along we are in our journey like how much treasure do we need in order to although I think that this game has a lot more variety than the first game oh look there we could get the uh the blue Pikmin I'm wondering how we could do that from here oh I bet you that we go through one of these portals that's gotta be it okay hang on a second we just got to figure out what this thing is right here are these more pellet posies okay those are just pellet posies then um we don't really have a map key here okay those are other enemies uh we have to go to either here or probably here I'm thinking now like there's got to be some way up onto this thing I don't see how else we could do this uh yeah let's go back there and see if we could find a way on because there's not much else going on over here so go to the left oh level completion on the top right of the map oh that is nice we got the 44 percent that yes very valid very valid thank you I'm guessing right here we could oh you know we could just jump with the dog I totally forget this that we are like capable of jumping yeah like look at me go oh my God I I just totally forgot that that existed that's so easy um how did I miss that oh God [Music] yeah like I just kind of forget that that exists because that wasn't in any of the other games that looks harder to get um let's just see if we can go to this place because I think this is gonna be where we get the blue Pikmin and blue Pikmin are very good to have around blue Pikmin are water resistant they are the only ones with mouths which was why when you know we were positing our theories on [Music] the diet of Pikmin Perhaps it is only the blue Pikmin who do the eating because they are the only ones with mouths after all his jumps do seem a little bit like I can't actually jump into it industrial maze oh this is kind of cool oh nice okay so a maze right let's do the uh suggestions okay no ice Pikmin required basically [Music] potentially potentially they might eat through their skin I've never actually theorized about that but you've got a valid point I always thought it was kind of weird that the that the blue Pikmin had mouths oh guess oh 18. thank you very much for the raid hope you guys had a good stream uh what were you guys doing we're checking out some Pikmin 4. this isn't supposed to happen oh she's all the way to over there okay um okay so this is like another one of those kind of mini games I did find that last mini game I'm not gonna lie I found it thrilling sometimes I feel like this could be kind of like a diversion okay so don't fall down oh my God you could actually fall off the edge of the stage okay I definitely won't be able to get over to that uh yep I am I am stuck already am I completely stuck can I throw the Pikmin over though did I just utterly fail the puzzle to begin with I think I did is there any way out of the I'm soft locked now oh no this is like the least if I were a younger child I would just Panic here I have no idea what I'm supposed to do nope that's not gonna help oh yeah you could swap the Ochi oh yeah how do you swap the OG again tooltip said to Dash for a second what have I done I should have read oh there is that oh yep okay I'm gonna play as the dog okay I am stuck I am a dog I'm just a simple dog oh I know what I can do [Music] oh my God let me tell you that was really satisfying okay so now we can switch back to Olimar thank you I mean Rob me there we go okay United at last good okay we are on the dog again good good oh I have to Dismount the dog wouldn't it be great if you could ride a dog I think when I was a kid I always never understood why more people didn't ride dogs because when you're a kid you're like the right size for riding a dog you know like it just seems like the right thing to do hmm have I messed up completely now I'm trying to see if there's a way to just like totally screw myself and I think I've already done it I think I need to do this yeah like well when you're a kid you're like why don't more people like kids are like a child could ride on a dog and that would be okay I think we got to the other side that I totally mess up here though I think the only thing that I messed up was that I can't whoops uh here we go Rush oh cool I can just run fast enough okay here we go this does actually work going up the down escalators sometimes works just keep jumping nope that doesn't work all right that did work everything is so counter-intuitive oh wait I don't have to do it whoops never mind there we go okay don't fall off we've had like a piece of a puzzle or something like that that seems obviously useful and then the rest is like a copper puzzle piece oh no okay we need to find a way to clear the path oh no uh exactly the thing that we just didn't take care of a second ago um I will Dismount the dog I think I'm gonna go up here myself oh the dog can also come up that thing never mind [Music] oh that was my Rush ability to ride on the dog again okay good there they go those pictures need us look there they go that is kind of funny all right we'll just leave them over there I love this game oh my God it's just always so goofy I don't think I need all of the treasure either I feel like I need it all but we do have those grates over there um let's see can anything else be done [Music] um I think we want to get more of the treasure from over there hang on a second so let's just do this and then we get the Pikmin to get that what seems to be like a tech deck dude you guys remember Tech Deck it's unfortunate that this great is here it's more like a not great get it oh my God because it's not oh wait it's an an F board why would they use F that just sounds dirty hey this is an F board what do people do yeah you guys remember Tech Decks like Tech Deck dudes oh it's a fingerboard I thought it was something else nope don't don't ask me what I thought it was I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore we played with different toys as a kid there we go it's a fingerboard it's it's definitely a fingerboard all right there it goes there it goes uh I think we'll just get our pick one back at the end of this all right okay now what do we get the blue Pikmin enter here we go yeah Tech Deck dudes guys Tech Deck dudes were like very much uh in Vogue uh as they say uh for a while Tech Deck dudes were all the rage yeah there were people who were real enthusiasts about tech deck you know like people would learn to do a kick flip with a Tech Deck that's like that and the dudes looked like thumbs that was Tech Deck dudes it was a fad it was like uh there were a lot of other toys like this when I was a kid like there were Mighty beans there was a there was some dumbass crap you could buy um and I bought it all I bought it all I thought these would be like the most exciting collectible toys the movies that Pikmin just kind of brings me back to that how long does that stay there for this is a very generous platform although I do like how they've you know they've kind of combined Pikmin with platforming here I like that they've added in uh jumping like I'm surprised at how much I like it okay take that I'm not sure how an egg is gonna help us I feel like I'm missing something here how the heck are we supposed to get over there okay there's a toy train over there I gotta figure this out oh no there's more to be had over here all right let me go ahead and grab these things hey Lone Star 86 thank you very much for the six months of Southern appreciate it yes Beyblades well those were banned at my school when I was a kid because someone got a cut from one and it was no laughing matter who gets cut by a Beyblade that kid ruined Beyblades for everyone else in the school unfortunately I never really got into Beyblade as a child oh I've moved the uh the obstacle somehow okay here we go good that's taken care of now I can get more yellow Pikmin onto this okay I think we've figured it out and what's there at the very end okay then we find the the dead man at the end yeah someone got cut and there was bleeding okay don't laugh it wasn't funny nothing funny about getting cut on a Beyblade I think it honestly probably was just annoying they have a bunch of I could totally see that like as an adult just kind of hating that like why are these children playing with these things and bringing them to school some kid would probably get upset I lost it so it's gone mine is gone I don't know how we're gonna get bad [Music] magnifying glass there okay take him there we go good I don't think I can do much else here oh my God oh Jesus it's lucky that I didn't lose my head on the fan look at that oh we can move the base here okay that's great how do we do it Underground oh whatever fine get up that toy locomotive and then let's get this okay bring him over there and then as for this last thing off yes battle tops can oh off brand babe let's yeah well you Ben blade Beyblades but you didn't bend battle tops battle pops yeah that does sound like you could seriously like if you put any type of blade on the ends of those things I mean it was a fun toy trying to think of other stuff like that yeah there was a lot of that I don't know that was a fun childhood I think the only thing that they had were like fidget spinners fidget Spinners came into uh popularity again anyway this just reminds me of so much like Nostalgia there's so much Nostalgia about Nintendo games too you know like they're almost always nostalgic for whatever they were in the past though Nintendo is a company that'll I I never realized this until I looked it up from one of my friends told me like Nintendo has been uh around for a really long time like they used to sell uh basically trading cards like they've been around for like 100 years or something like that I mean video games are only kind of like a recent Endeavor of Nintendo I have to look it up I mean don't quote me on that I they used to sell like they were very uh collectible whatever it was they were selling yeah trading cards in origami something like that right like okay here we go parade Adventure series all right so we found uh memory fragment personal injury plank yeah that's accurate stately rubber cutie unlimited locomotive detectives truth Seeker everything has such a great like epithetic uh oh these are worth a lot and great adventure series okay you know what that was from investigation complete [Music] uh yeah what do you call that there was like it's a special name I don't even know how to pronounce that what is it pachenko machines that yeah pachenko or was that yeah they had like they had all these other collectible things I can't remember what it was but yeah like video games weren't there their main I mean I think it was before video games existed and then they were like yeah let's do video games that's cool they existed before try to quiz you on my Nintendo history I don't really know very much about them I think that's the most interesting fact it's a timely voice crack right there uh oh ah darn you know what I'm just realizing that okay I totally messed that up I thought that these greats led into one another okay then I just messed that up then there's like some type of challenge that you get there underneath each of them um let's go ahead and look at the lake area to see if we can do any of that otherwise I do think that there was one other bridge that we had to finish off I think we should have enough like treasure now let's go send a bunch of them in here I know it looks like I'm sending them through their deaths but remember they were yeah they're fine ignore that you really don't get very much of it though it's like two treasure for that sending that many people in potentially to their death whatever all right we can use it for materials for the next area we're gonna go so I think that this area is not going to be as useful to us whoops uh did someone just go in please don't tell me they did whatever if they do then they're dead no there's no Pikmin under there okay so we're fine um I think the game pauses itself when you do this huh all right so we've got to get 15 over here I guess we're gonna need to rely on the blue Pikmin for that because there's definitely a blue Pikmin onion over here somewhere where is that yeah there there is the blue Pikmin onion see it right there we'll go dead close-up view of it all right if we want to get to that though we need something else these giant watering this is actually a very nice way to see the whole level okay what kind of handle is on that I'm guessing we could go over there figure out that puzzle then we come over here figure out this thing and there's more exploration to be oh my God what the hell this is huge oh there's probably a boss fight up there or something that would explain such a long path I'm sorry for making you all so dizzy right now all right well whatever you're dizzy so what okay we need to go that that away oh yeah and there was the giant red ball up there as well I forgot about that how could I oh I know what I'm gonna do okay we've got to get that thing down so we gotta go bring the yellow Pikmin Over Yonder at least I think it was the yellow pigment oh whoops nope um oh no actually that won't work oh no you know what I could do oh I can't climb it for some reason that is a odd can I Dash over it no that's also odd how am I gonna get over there that is tricky you know I was a little worried I would get like stuck on some of these obstacles but I feel like that it is kind of nice to like play it with your Twitch chat it's like uh guys how do I do this and then just a bunch of people have like a brilliant idea oh wait here we go yeah I could totally do it over here oh they're like singing man I would be so afraid if what if one of them got trapped in there and crushed in half well whatever they're fine um I think that this is another Bridge we have yet to Journey over um no no wrong way wrong way we didn't do it right um there it is okay how do we get up there again oh we gotta go around the other side I gotta say that drone is pretty useful can I just lock that to something um controls shortcut settings is drone is drone an option drone can I go straight to drone gear and skills oh wait a minute no no that's not what I wanted I know I've messed it up shortcut settings uh missions no I don't really want that pack I think pack is what I'm looking for yeah there we go okay that's a quick swap to the Drone fantastic oh is it the top option that I didn't see hang on a second oh oh the Drone like a quick swap to the Drone oh that is great okay so I can instantly swap to the Drone with one button thank you I feel like the president of the oh my God [Music] all right we're getting over there and then I'm pretty sure that that Giant Wheel means there's gonna be a boss fight or something like there's no way that thing's just a regular wheel no way and they'll probably encounter that guy in the next I'm like oh my God here they come it is very exciting to watch them build that would actually be like a very spiritually fitting end through our Journeys get to the first boss fight and now the boss fights in this game are like ridiculously inventive they're very fun um like it's always like some sort of strange centipede that goes round and round and then he exposes his red bottom and then that's the vulnerable moment where you can you know outsmart him and I just always feel great by the time I'm I'm done fighting them about myself about my level of intelligence about the fight itself about my having done good and made an impact in the world even it just feels great I think that's oh that was the first Pikmin 3 boss I think that's all I played in Pikmin three um it looks like a okay maybe it's not a boss this thing corrected it's just more soil oh there's gotta be one somewhere around here uh jump why don't you oh it does work I was like am I just not able to jump onto this okay more challenges [Music] a new cave more down here look this way no I didn't actually get another boss fight maybe I'll do another cave the caves have been kind of inventive although I do feel like I it would have been fun to encounter another boss fight here I also didn't want to like spoil the game for myself because I feel like that if you do that it could just kind of like I don't make it kind of boring um I don't know I love Pikmin and I feel like that part of the joy is just like the problem solving in it uh so I didn't really want to spoil the whole thing for myself by watching somebody else's yesterday or like I don't know playing too much of it on my own I wanted to and I like a little bit shame on me for doing this blind because I'm like uh good enough I just I feel like I should do more like I should know more about the game but I'm also just like that's Pikmin I never played Nintendo I wanted to do it uh yeah it did look like a boss right although what else is there hang on a second oh actually that does look like a boss Arena over there just trying to see could we it's like a big paper bag over there yeah you know let's see if we can get to the end of this part hang on a second um I'm gonna end the day let's see if we can get to it before like the end of this stream hang on a second end day I'll be right back one more second I just have to I'm like increasing my fluid intake be right back [Music] oh awesome we've unlocked enough stuff to level up the dingle hopper oh fantastic okay we oh we actually did rescue a few other humans today or I mean hockitations is that probably the name of the pocketadians detectives truth Seeker I think I'm going to borrow a few of these to call these this is much more fun to call these items this rather than what their real names are yeah I'm just gonna continue with this I would like to get to that first boss fight though [Music] what's my favorite fluid yeah I did have to increase my fluid intake I do like having Gatorade and orange juice for when I'm sick that's good uh okay updates on The Cast Away no I don't really care about you people here um let's go ahead I just want to kind of get to the boss fight the boss fights in this game are oddly really fun Nintendo games just have like a great way of I don't know it doesn't feel like it doesn't feel like a like a chore to fight a boss it just feels like probably one of the more fun parts it makes you want to go to the next boss fight or the blossoming Arcadia now that being said like we might not be able to I think we probably should based on what I've seen here let's just finish one area although there are some levels in Pikmin where you need to like you know go progress part way through one area and then you have to go to the next area and then the next one so I'm gonna give it a full look here and if I can't do it then I'll just end it there but like uh I mean I think we should be okay oh I did forget the upgrade you're right I don't know I I mean like upgrading wasn't really even in the other Pikmin games nah I think I can do it without upgrades this is a speed run I'm trying to do it with limitations uh Here We Go Auto confirm of course I'm kidding him not I just have a poor memory uh I'm still trying to figure out how I'm gonna get over the water to get to the Pikmin who are in the water oh now that the dog can jump though yeah we can totally okay this should be very very simple for us right uh just keep hitting your dumb head on there there we go 10 for the baseball or what would they call it like a ball base a ball of white leather no they wouldn't really know what it is okay a ball of game having all right we're gonna go do a couple more of these things hectic Hollows unable to climb up the wall oh maybe we could find Olimar oh yeah we do get a couple more rescues here ooh like a Babushka that's very fun okay let's go in with these ones to be here a freedom ball you know like it's America's path time what's America's future time probably football probably definitely yeah football would be with a one it's so sad that baseball is because although football is so much more popular although who doesn't love the violence you know it is thrilling are they hurting themselves in some way with that like sulfuric looking gas all right they're fine all right we will continue through the mushroom board well here we go 14 of these pretty sure we have that much material we'll probably find more of it throughout the case auto lock is very nice oh it seems we've found another strain of pick oh no these are just the uh ice guys never mind I thought we found a new one finding them in the cave was unexpected all right climbing up oh now they can the wall if I had read about that before it would have made more sense to me oh God oh look they're like spider people oh my gosh it's like we're playing the original Pikmin again now that I'm here commanding my Pikmin alone oh yes oh that is kind of interesting that you can send them individually okay that is good that is good I do like that [Music] uh I can't tell if they're doing anything never mind cool okay those ones are going to freeze it and then they'll destroy it and I don't know they're really struggling with the dwarf bullboards oh did I just leave those all to their deaths I didn't even realize that okay cool yeah this is becoming a way faster way to Commandments go do that yeah rather than having to lock onto every single thing and throw them all at it he's resisting more of you okay charge into the box then we can get the dog back you know honestly I think they did a good job with making the game like still fluid I was worried if they would add too many pieces to the game and it would just be like a mess because there is a lot of content too excuse me no it still feels very like fluid though it feels like they're presenting things in like a very piecemeal fashion for me and that that actually seems to work for this type of experience oh look [Music] the bot right and then the rest of you guys bring back treasures and somehow I don't feel like I'm spending 95 of my time managing my Pikmin either which I admittedly was kind of fun but I mean despite the fact that it was a chore I actually really liked it in the original game uh it appears as if we're definitely not gonna get that one for now though now let's just leave it babushka oh yeah this is turning into a doll video in his Babushka play Pikmin ah he's a funny dude oh you can freeze water wait really oh you know I don't think I'd actually even thrown them on to it I don't know why that yeah why didn't that occur to me I feel like it like a dingus now babushka I can't say it that way I can't say it I got a second I mean he's just kind of chilling there how would they freeze the water actually let's just test it out oh this is a matrica I thought we called it a Babushka never mind matrishka doll yeah oh you throw 10 in okay that is useful to me thank you for this information yeah they they see okay one two three four five six seven eight nine oh this is so cool oh my gosh wow oh we can go up back above the surface and then get the blue Pikmin that is kind of cool they're like Ice Nine from curtavonik Kurt vonnegut's cat's cradle look at them go go look babushka [Music] like how he does it it makes me wish that I were Russian some of the time [Music] mostly I'm good but you know sometimes it makes me wish that I had a babushka so what happens how do we get them back or do they just remain in there forever stay this is your new life oh interesting does it not it still stays Frozen oh my gosh that's so cool whoa it like quickly goes back all right yeah you know it cracks up that is cool okay they really did a good job on that mechanic well I never would have expected that holy Pluto thank you very much for that and Phoenix Wrights thank you very much I totally didn't see that I am sorry I should have I should have seen that when you said it get that good nectar don't they seem a little bit like problematically addicted to the to the nectar I always thought that they're like oh I can't resist I can't resist it any longer yeah there's secretly just a whole planet full of junkies it's nutrients actually they're nutrients of course I'm kidding I just love to say everything in that voice no okay we found a guy some of these dungeons have multiple levels I think that the dungeon format is actually like pretty well suited to Pikmin let's go into this the fiery blow Globus oh Jesus what is happening happening what is the red stuff hang on a second let me let the Pikmin go let my Pikmin go what is that oh it's for the dog oh the red nectar I no I might die we have to take it to the hospital now spray consisting of ultra spicy compound side effects still unknown was it like a fire flower Voyage like keep the sample sealed in a bottle soon and Spilled in your pack all right we have another man wasn't I told to bring down the not the yellow Pikmin here oh maybe I can exchange them here let me get an exchange student out of the out of the thing excuse me hang on a second uh this is kind of bad don't I need yellow Pikmin here I don't think I can go back in trying to figure out what I did wrong oh I can't jump on my own but I can jump while mounting the dog I might be able to do that though all right let's throw them at this and see if we get anything out of it maybe there are other yellow Pikmin just around though available for the taking I feel like something bad is gonna come out of one of these one of these days that was kind of a major fail uh whatever that thing is looks like it's from the DLC I didn't buy the DLC whoops yeah here we go oh this looks satisfying oh look take it down from the spider web oh my God no one's sustained any brain damage oh no they're struggling okay never mind one of them helped all right uh how will I ever get to that yeah like a ruin it's one of the ball hammer use that to hammer a a ball that's lying around any ball you could use that to hammer it when it needs to be when it needs to be hammered when the time arrives New Treasure okay hmm I I'm not even sure if yellow guys would get this though I feel like there's something more that I'm trying to figure out to figure out the rest of the level nope I'm just gonna have to leave you chat do I need to go back and get yellow Pikmin I don't know why it didn't recommend that I take them oh ramming it good idea let's see if this works oh that totally worked how did you know [Music] ah zombie horrible thank you very much I would have just totally gotten out of the dungeon ramming it actually works really that was a guess holy cow that was actually really good he was kind of like dangling all over the ledge there I was like possibly looked up at it no that was a very good guess very nice guess of you to have had that okay let's see is this Olimar why do they all look pale and identity-less dingo from planet Ori excels at solo missions not a joiner by nature but he'll show up it sounds like his e-harmony profile lend his physical abilities when need be that sounds even more like an e-harmony profile potentially a couple more candidates for the mission [Music] search for lost rescue officers okay I think you've done our we've done our job here although the days do last quite some time when you've got um a wife and kids to take care of you know I mean uh when you have to go through all these dungeons [Music] that cutscene something about it is very satisfying seeing all my people float up also peckenwolf thank you very much for the 10 months as well as coda Lone Star sorry I missed that before jupitaru thank you for the 300 bits and chupitaru for the sub and the bf-96 sorry that took me a little while been a little slow I'm a slow boy aspiration ritual poll now we're talking mama doll head empty vase okay that one I felt like they could have put together but whatever congratulations complete all right if the word gets too big I just take a guess what do you do oh my gosh sorry it's raining really hard outside like suddenly where I'm at right now this is like um Florida Summers is something I've gotten used to it's basically like Winters in the Northeast you just stay inside all the time it's just like I know I don't want to experience the weather right now you go out in the middle of the day and it's just so it's not nice it is not good it's not fun um oh look there's the ball the ball of greatest Steam or whatever it is okay now we can bring these ice oh I'm actually very excited now to use the ice pikmin's ability hey look at him he's not even right he's riding bear back he's riding a dog bareback and with no hands oh we need 30 ice Pikmin in order to do this okay we may need to do more then but I understand I need to put many of you back oh you know uh this isn't gonna work because I've got a room for only 30 right now I'm gonna need like at least another 10 if I want to do this okay let's go ahead and see what else is on the map okay I really want to get the blue Pikmin because I like them foreign we might be able to do this trial over here we might also be able to do that and this I think before we get to the boss yeah but if we need 30 over there that might there might be more work to do let's just do a little bit more exploring okay first off I want to see if I can get the water area over I want to say it's over here oh no it's over here what is this like timed trial because this guy look looks like he's asking to get rescued okay we need only 20 so we could get Mr Berry head over there yeah I think that could be done let's head back to the ship yeah Southern Summers man you know what I mean like you just stay inside all day if you do go outside you're just utterly miserable I was out for about an hour today and I hated everyone for all for the whole time it wasn't good I don't recommend it here we go all the people they just felt my wrath you get it's not it's not pleasant at all okay that guy looks like he really has to go to the bathroom over there look puppies what why does it say puppies like welcome to the puppy store we'll put it in a bag for you wait I'd rather that you not you don't need to do that for me all right what happened to the red one over there is it okay here we go Mr Berry leaf pink face he looks like The Lorax okay I don't know what I how I feel about these Leaf face people I feel like you know people are supposed to have like regular faces oh wait a second no don't die don't die get on me oh God how am I gonna no no everyone's gonna die everyone's gonna die oh those two are definitely gonna die everyone dies okay everyone dies okay don't die no I've lost some of them oh no I killed the dog what have I done ah jeez oh God I didn't mean to do that um what do I do now I'm just gonna go into this new dungeon with 18. all right well it is just a trial I thought I had to bring everyone with me all right two have died two have died collect all the treasure and creatures within the timeline all right we'll give this one a try so dumb I I feel like that kind of thing always happens in Pikmin though I couldn't even have them along anyway so two died for nothing I'm so glad though at least it happened I mean it was bound to at some point make a huge mistake like that usually 20 or 30 die though in those situations like not that few get away with it all right you're gonna explain a game where I already know what I'm supposed to do okay I can't carry it home I'm gonna find like a Boston cream donut or something ridiculous over here um why are there other Pikmin over there already fighting with the local indigenous species figure that out Oops I meant to charge Adam okay I can also do damage with the dog smack there we go okay get that eclair how was I even able to identify that yeah apparently I'm really good at identifying pastries despite the fact I'm just not a fat kid uh wait ah man I'm totally forgetting I'm not used to playing picnic with this many controls I don't know why it is hang on a second okay we probably should help out the like the wild Pikmin over there but I I want to complete this as well I should have just done this man I could be so much more efficient a Fishman okay let's get that that way at least we have more Pikmin with which to do the jobs there's all these dead people and food around uh hang on a second oh these ones won't be domesticated until I prove that I'm the strongest okay there we are come with me I am better than you please I know what's good for you that's not very convincing is it oh like a waffle I did not expect that wasn't it covered in sand uh whatever okay good we have the eclair and the dead guy and what will be next oh no only two out of three I really messed up whatever okay we still have another uh a blow hole to get over there or whatever there how could anyone possibly finish this no we don't want to waste our time with that crap hang on a second um no don't leave the Pikmin there's a lot of big jobs to be done here you have a pink leaf for a face why are you giving me orders why don't you get that off of yourself okay hang on a second the gold is gonna be worth more than everything else more than all the rest oh no please don't do that whatever I will do the combat for us oh no they can die unfortunately that is too bad I do regret your deaths I just want you to know in advance [Music] oh no they they seem to be like invulnerable right here okay never mind okay go get the gold the gold is the most important item phew okay I think that we won the challenge pretty much so we do get more treasure for this it just seems to be like this indiscriminate amount of treasure you know good goat mining like the Gold Rush Jesus I lost pin oh I did lose 10 seconds so I did why did you have to point that out [Music] I did miss that unfortunately oh well oh well they're dead they're not coming back although it's funny how these ones out here in the wild continued their labors oh okay here we go can we get the Jelly in time I need all of you I think there's what 24 I have 22 23 24 okay we might be able to get the jar of jelly by the time that this is over who knows why those other things are there oh no we need only 12 for that what is this wait a second for the love of God is this nectar in here okay no it's not never mind I have no idea why there's this giant thing of grass over there okay apparently there's a lot more gold up there that I should have gotten but well whatever you can't have it all all right I I think that's pretty much it that's all I care to do I don't oh no I've played as a dog maybe the dog is sleeping with the pajamas all right good we're gonna get gold I think barely I mean silver definitely not gold but we aren't that good I'm thinking these mini games are like they're interesting but I do like moving the the main quest for I feel like this is probably gonna be the best multiplayer Pikmin game although I still like one will always kind of have a special place in my heart you know [Music] there were Pikmin in it yeah I didn't even I really messed that one up I'm not particularly I never said I was good at it I did say that I liked it I don't think I claimed being good at it though also work all three thank you very much for the uh for the sub 30 pieces of raw material not on I don't think that was worth it I feel like you could have been nicer he could have been nicer to me I'm being very entitled right now though it's like level one oh no are you telling me I'm not good enough thank you Dear God it's like reminding me of the stardew valley like actually when I played winter and I was just like oh this game is so chill God I was like stressing some of the time when we were playing it before [Music] um oh no I've really messed up now this area [Music] okay some of you guys are gonna die hang on a second um [Music] I'm gonna just have to end the day and let these Pikmin die how am I supposed to get out of here [Music] I think I'm dead I think I'm dead guys oh you know I know what I could do um I just will leave his dead body here whoops oh well all right see if any of you manage to survive [Music] come on man okay yeah hey most of you won't survive oh look they just totally crossed the deadly stream whatever all right well wait until we have access to more ice Pikmin or blue Pikmin one or the other that's fine all right what else do we have we have the time trial we have the other man lying there on the ground we have a paper bag we have another challenge and then we have some other crap up here so let's go ahead and see that all right keep riding the dog all right I guess we just spend the rest of the day doing this more or less what happened to the other ice Pikmin oh it would the game asked me uh if I wanted to keep I mean I forgot that I I was supposed to have 20 of them in order to complete my goals and then I I just forgot that's that's the true story uh unfortunately unfortunately that is the way it went uh these are all new Pikmin uh it seems many of mine died well oh well uh opposite Daisy it does make you feel like oddly remorseful like was it me was it my fault did I not care enough or would it have happened to anyone anyway generally in these instances I have a small crisis and I stopped playing the game and I just like reflect on life and the way things are going you know knowing I can't really have it all at the end of the day thinking there's a little song their Pikmin song I think I lost I'm pretty sure I lost two back there honestly pretty good I thought I was going to lose all of them all right I think we've got another glory hole coming up here and then well after that I I don't really know what lies next but I found a hole that should lead out to the top of the mountain but the inside was more convoluted than expected okay cool got a couple levels here all right I'm gonna go with the game's recommend record every word is turning into Pikmin recommended Pikmin though aquiferous Summit yeah no I should be able to swim like Olimar in the first game could always you know walk around underneath the water he was heavy and he wasn't buoyant in his suit however that being said I had my doubts about myself here we go okay we have tons of ice Pikmin it recommended that now I guess the game is trying to teach us how to use the water and the ice mechanic all right how many is it going to take for a year okay interesting so we're going to have two options here we can either go here or oh this is how you're supposed to learn about the I wish I had done this before because then I would have known that but I didn't so I don't the ace Pikmin are a nice mechanic though I like them I feel like they would have been useful in the first game they kind of make fights really easy but what was the point of that oh did we just get more Pikmin now we have like 50 with us somehow I think we did did that just give us actions I want to say that was more ice Pikmin it's funny how they just stay there in the water cool I guess I can get these ones too it's good that they get a minute oh yeah look at us we got 55 Pikmin Geez Louise what happens if we get more we get an even deeper freeze no this is actually a fairly simple one I mean at least it's raised the number I wish I had gone in here before otherwise I wouldn't have had all those mishaps with killing those other Pikmin but it was kind of funny there we go two what is that like a playing card oh hey maybe wait is that one of the um is that like one of the old original Nintendo collectible card things [Music] I want to say that was one of the things that originally Nintendo sold am I totally off with that guys did anyone recognize that image of a bird and there was an image of a bird what am I saying yeah are they called harifuda cards I don't know the name yeah okay so then that actually is a really that is like a an original Nintendo throwback that reference that is actually really cool I like to see that code star thank you very much for the sub thank you love you back wow that is cool it's like a little Nintendo history lesson I love how they've added all of these like nods to old stuff in their games ah like I know that not as many new franchises come out nowadays I guess the one that comes to mind that I didn't really play was like Splatoon that game looked pretty good people seem to it actually that looks like very inventive in its mechanics he's just like ooh I should have played that that looked like some but less I did not I could always go back it was for the I believe it was for the Wii U H whoops I should have gone with the other one never mind so it has like an ice [Music] wow we've got our Pikmin up to like 60 now geez what are we doing it's great okay I definitely don't want to throw those there we go step by step here they pulled that off I think I got the ability that makes me like resistant to the lava too be careful here okay it's fine it's cool oh gold I I the game does seem to kind of like stop for a second when you throw exactly the right number of Pikmin at an obstacle that is a nice thing because in the first game I would have to do all this micromanaging like uh I accidentally threw one more than I should have over there that is kind of a nice thing to have like when I hit 10 it kind of stops me from sending more okay one and they got automatically attracted to me but whatever oh okay there we go they are building the bridge they're actually doing really well with the multitasking here we go we'll send more of you over there and there's a big button over on that side oh origami that also seems to be is that another Nintendo reference I think I'm like surprised maybe there is more stuff that's like special references than I even realized now that I mention it hanafu oh is it hanafuda hanafuda I mean I wouldn't really be able to say any of it I wouldn't be able to grab that word the back of my head that's that's pretty good you've got good history there I kind of love knowing like the older history and now it it's kind of funny being not like 12 anymore I actually can look at some of this stuff and just like feel my age animal Enthusiast dalmo he loves animals and they love him it's a it's a he CK okay hmm keep going uh okay big white button we've got a couple more ice Pikmin and then we've got the origami thing [Music] here we go one two three and four oh nice sweet this the one thing I will say though about this game like the extensive impact of it a lot of these I'm just trying to think if Pikmin really is though it's heart like a simulation or a puzzle game it does kind of have that although I'm kind of leaning more toward the puzzle side of it maybe if I knew the entire game by heart I would be I would have more to say but it's also like I feel like I am learning enough that I'm just like uh I feel like I'm just kind of commentating on what I'm doing sometimes I'm curious about that with Nintendo games like would they make decent games for the channel a couple of them here and there not most of them most of them wouldn't but like uh yeah I don't know I can't help but Wonder all the time I think the way that I did pick I was pretty satisfied with how I did it the first time I was just like okay I'm just gonna reflect on this whole Adventure what it was what it meant to me it partly helped that I had played it as a kid I think that's everything here okay so if we come back to the surface here I wonder if we're going to emerge at the boss fight or if we're just going to have a little bit more treasure aquiferous Summit we got dalmo it's reunited in Pikmin simulation like simulator Talisman of Life crane okay so then this is one of the original Nintendo cards hanafuda that's so cool skin of the Phoenix this is like sort of a Nintendo homage like cave a cave of homage welcome to the cave of homage we've been waiting excuse me I'm getting like all nasal again sweat out the demons they'll take a shower in a bit but for a big run oh actually I already did shower today let's take another shower take a bath I think baths are pretty underrated okay here we go um is this the well I guess I'll go with the recommendation because this could be the boss but although this could be a horrible recommendation now if it is a boss fight oh I mean we've already kind of fought this boss like in the demo but all right I guess we'll find it again I mean it was a pretty cool enemy I liked it I thought this thing was oh Jesus Christ yeah this is challenging though it is don't be fooled I wouldn't I wouldn't be dying this much if it were easy whoops okay I just totally messed up the controls please don't re-row at the last second okay there we go it's fine oh Jesus Christ we can freeze it too I don't think this thing is like a true boss in the game although this is the most class-like enemy that we've faced so oh Jesus it's using artillery strikes there we go okay twice and that should be enough to kill it oh cool we got more pink stuff sweet and that was enough for the rest of our Pikmin oh cool we got more Nintendo cards or hanafuda cards oh wow I never actually expected to get more of them like out here let them go sup up the nectares so what else is there in this area that does look like a pretty significant object though oh Jesus Christ the dog can drink that crap it's also I've also gotten addicted to the nectar oh my god well hey oh cool a pomegranate or something like that I mean that's not a pomegranate at all but you know well I'm willing to call it a pomegranate for fun destroy that ass hmm okay this is a very satisfying mechanic though oops let's go with 10. oh I don't know I guess that's the is that the end of the first area usually there's like a big like you know uh like widescreen portion where there's a first boss like the burrowing snag all right at least I know they did that in Pikmin three I think in the first Pikmin the boss fights were just sort of like Yep this is a boss but there was never really any enemy X name explanation or anything like that so are you able to dig that up okay he just looks depressed now oh wait a second no I'll send more for their most probable depression it looks like they're gonna yeah they got a peanut look there they go they've got a peanut good job boys all right let's see if we can get this thing with the rest of them uh this may not be enough okay we got 20. I think that's all the treasure in the first area right I was thinking that would be a slightly tougher enemy but like whatever still cool let's throw another one or two at that just so that if they lose somebody as they often do okay this is the best part of Pikmin [Laughter] fall uh it's like a testament to the value of teamwork and you know pushing each other even when things don't look so good uh finding lessons in Pikmin I do love it all right so I think for the last thing I'm like we're pretty much done with this area like I guess there wasn't a boss or I guess that was the boss or I mean was that the boss it was a pretty tough enemy I do kind of like though that they didn't have to give us like a whole cutscene oh dragon fruit thank you I'm sorry [Music] man I rarely eat dragon fruit as you can probably tell we've got 33 helping that one it's unfortunate we're gonna have to spend I think one more day here but I think we just get oh no actually I'm I'm a little bit boned now I think that this is going to require me to get more Pikmin but I did clear the area though all right I'm willing to say that maybe I'm supposed to go to another area to get the rest uh we could go and get this guy probably with our other ones but I feel like that's pretty good either that or we have to get Olimar but I wanted to get blue Pikmin as my last thing but it seems like I need to do more so I think I am going to leave it there anyway I'm gonna end the day um I think that's about all I was gonna get to I thought there would be like a slightly more climactic boss battle ending but yeah I don't know I really wanted to play Pikmin 4. I'd had it on my list since the very beginning of the year and uh I don't know I just think it's a really fun Nintendo game and it kind of combines a lot of the stuff that I enjoy in most of the simulation games I do with like I don't know other my other gaming interests that you rarely see on the channel but um I don't know yeah I wanted to uh explore it with you guys try out some of the new game let me know how you like it um that probably this is gonna be a chill one I just like to like cover one or two Nintendo releases a year but um yeah I might do like some more retro stuff we were thinking of doing some Pokemon videos um but yeah mask moral or ethical question regarding our state or government and how it's affected if it can includes how Pikmin is an allegory then it will be allowed and that my friends is why we are playing Pikmin today is two ah explore the Simi underbelly of Society through various mundane objects that we dig up in the backyard although I do kind of miss the time limit I gotta say because I think that was one thing that made the original one so exciting so long live long live I still love the first one it has a special place in my heart but um I gotta go back and play three now too now it occurs to me anyway let me know if you want to see more of this um most likely I'll end up doing this as a one-off but uh yeah if people want to see more Pikmin I probably could do a little bit more and um it's just a crazy month coming up honestly
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 102,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian vods, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguous amphibian vods, pikmin 4, pikmin, pikmin 4 gameplay, pikmin 4 full game, let's play pikmin 4, pikmin ambiguousamphibian, ambiguousamphibian pikmin, pikmin 2023, ambiguousamphibian nintendo, nintendo ambiguousamphibian
Id: 3gFKEdi62jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 58sec (12898 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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