Oney Plays Pikmin (Complete Series)

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they play with friends welcome to MBTA's this is my this is my special channel I'm taking over for Chris and I'm playing one that one of the few games that I'm any good at he's playing Pinkman welcome to Pikmin with dingdong and Julian and also Chris's there thanks no the way it should be alone you bully me does this remind you of of your past ding-dong I choose not to remember how come you don't how come you never want to collaborate on your as a reason I'm not there anymore huh it's filled with bad memories that was the inside of his brain first there it is his brain it killed him why is he staring right into it because he wants to get smarter is he [ __ ] stupid he went to Jupiter to get more stupider now he's going to Venus and he has a penis you know women are from Venus and manner from Saturn from Mexico and from Mars to buy candy bars with a knack for adventure with the back for adventure look at those low-tech low-res textures they're very blurry whose racialize I think they could have improved on the lighting everybody we're gonna complain for this whole playthrough wow that looks [ __ ] oh that's fun I like this game on I like pic let me - it's one of my very top favorites it's a lot of fun yeah well Julien what do you like about it I like that it's really weird I like that the the general mood is a lot of fun and I think it's fun to play the atmosphere as a big part of it for me yeah I like the I like the creature designs yeah well Julian whenever the text box comes on screen there's a tiny bar at the bottom Oh Julian yeah what are you doing he's grabbing the flower why'd you attack your friend stop playing with my rubber chicken could you get it aren't they supposed to make noises no they're supposed to go there's the ones that scream yeah yeah well you push down them fifty at once good times why'd you make it a little news for the rubber chicken because he's dead it's funny don't throw it back a matsuri a bag Do You Know Who I am I'm holding it like a gun isn't that funny yeah I like when people hold their cats paws and break them into weird positions so they pretend they're machine guns oh my god break them is that a thing that people actually do yeah they pick up their cats by the front and hind legs go I remember from the one at first I was just gonna say that's the only place I've ever seen it now I've seen people do it lots of times that it wouldn't work they would their legs would Bend yes people do it anyway in the Cask Oh [Music] is that the sound of pushing the box Chris this is pissing me off Julian what do you think that thing feels like if you stick it up your butt it's a massager that's the throb you later Chris I wanted to ask you earlier if if I just if I just ripped open ding-dongs pants and started sucking his dick would you stay like would you stay in the room probably don't have to be into it you could just be like what if he suck you could be like uncomfortable and trying to focus on something else is your pants they start sucking your dick well then of course he believed I'd probably leave then maybe I would I would not stay in either of those situations like how frantic me would you try to escape or would you just accept it oh I would just say can you guys please stop he's doing it to you I would slap him right on the head really hard I wanna be goodnight Lucy Liu from Charlie's Angels oh what'd she do the first she does the lancers yeah oh no oh my foot could have been a really good leader that's simple Charlie's ain't good yeah isn't it like start looping or like once you'd be level it just puts you back to the start of that level or something what was that just something to John's to switch between characters on day one the dolphin is emulating stinky what would you do if you don't fish don't smell good when you put them on land what would you do if dolphins just grew like human legs and walked around they would then they would be raping everybody you think it would be an epidemic then put them back in the water to stop it I can't stop burping just got to wait for this why is your [ __ ] house so hot well I have no idea actually stop secreting steam disgusting I don't listen when you say good things only the bad thing I mean they didn't anyway let's let's talk about something else Julianne why do you tie your hair back into a huge spike because it's too hot in here I still need you know what this weekend I'm gonna do I'm gonna finally go for it I'm gonna try the pompadour pompadour yeah II think so because that's what I that's what I grew the hair out for you only if you do it I'll still be your friend nice way do you promise oh just say give me the funny chicken he's got a little like orange clip for some reason get me a doughnut Kramer Julian you should tie this rubber chicken to your belt and just walk around with it I do all the time that would like his burger would do yeah exactly you could be like the Melissa Mike guy doesn't wear a tail you know it's like his hat has hair where's the Hat any where's the tensioner yours on it I am Mike the hardcore and also we recently showed Chris Mike and Melissa it's really good and I liked it yeah it's a good show an entire classroom had to watch it it's great I like the part where he hates he says how much he hates composition in the video that's 20 minutes long would off with composition Chris are you saying that there's a reason he may not like it I think there's a raisin way he may not like what's the raisin his principal hand him in a raisin and said that's all you get nobody made that cartoon that's actually that's pretty close to how he screams in it oh yeah he says this is not metal he's trying not he's allowed while he screams so oh isn't that the worst thing when people are doing yeah oh my god so Isis did it it's my favorite yeah he goes he did he was for scream bellows affair to run it's that kind of [ __ ] it's really relatable as well that's why it's super fringy that's why little kids like watching youtubers who screen because it's a special privilege that they hope to one day have because they can't they will call it with my degree and the bar moves down they're all gonna scream and they'll say finally I get to do it get to do is you sound Irish they get to do it I finally get the [ __ ] door you prick you're pre what's what's your favorite color of pikemen pike yeah originally the game is called pikemen is about tribal people and then everyone who said oh no no no no don't do this they were Pike red and there were pikeys for short pikeys come here you [ __ ] pokey and then a Nintendo got deleted Miyamoto has the famous quote where said Pike should take a hike what do you think is the worst thing the Miyamoto ever actually said like hypothetically speaking yes that's a boy there's one photo of him showed on screen when he when he was throwing the Pikmin at the audience at e3 oh yeah and he looks really a little fit of rage they start attacking the audience behind closed doors he like grabs Reggie Reggie by the collar drags right you would grab him by the combat Miyamoto grams Reggie by the coloring drags with the Roosters hitting him for no particular reason like [ __ ] ren and stimpy stupid [ __ ] American Reggie's scary Reggie yeah Reggie's not scared sighing yeah it looks like a monster if you freeze-frame any point of time when he's talking he always makes a really ridiculous face because he doesn't have a normal facial structure looks like he was grown in a petri dish [Music] by the way we went to Denny's I feel sick to my stomach after eating it yeah we went to Denny's and it was like a [ __ ] carnival and it's not a lie it was seriously every table the guy sitting right next to us look like did you see what he was doing he was getting up and stealing things from every single tasty really he was pocketing some of it really yes looking around I look like a melting version of Trevor from GTA yeah you kind of did and then as we're leaving this whole family of a there's a really bad sir there's a really fat one with the ponytail and he was like marching in yeah y'all shut down there I'm gonna get us a more frosting precisely half of his teeth in the wrong order yeah what's the right order to be missing your teeth well it was like you got us he has a tooth missing a tooth has a tooth missing a tooth it was like there was such big gaps between his teeth yes so he can clamp his mouth down further than most people can Julian why do you like Pinkman so much I don't know I told you it's a fun game I like the I like the mood and I think it's fun to play that's exactly how he sounded so he said are we talking again and then they go to a good burger they say I ordered this and you didn't give me this so can you make a joke okay here's a joke I will give you Newburgh oh no what I made this wasn't what I ordered but that was funny Kel Mitchell you're going places they never did whatever happened to him and he had drug problems and he did he remember there was an episode he was in a tank of the show it was an episode of Kenan & Kel where they kept doing close-up shots of his face it was really shitty and I turned off the TV as a young boy you got scared just one day you just want to grab his face and squeeze as hard as he could pop it all at once did anything ever scare you when you were a kid that you're watching TV so you would like run out of the room not run out at the only time I ever did that was with Final Fantasy 7 was at the beginning of the game when the when the timer was going off right before the city exploded I turned off the PlayStation and ran out crying I didn't play it again for a few years it's adorable it was very scared but my dad felt really scammed when he bought that game why so we went to Dublin for my birthday and I bought a bunch of Tasmania stuff those obsessed with pastime and my dad went into a game store he's like what's a good game buddy no and the guy was just like oh Final Fantasy 7 it's the best thing ever my dad put it in for like an hour and he stood up he left it there then I played it and that was right when that happened and I turned it off it's adorable why did he hate it cuz he didn't like the stupid anime is that Akers reading or writing he likes playing poker ding dong what did you get scared of when you kid my god his old face did you did you run away from the TV I remember Yoshi's Island I didn't like seeing baby Mario get carried off and I would cover my eyes when it happened the banjo kazooie game over screen I always ran up to the system to turn it off because replaying that came out when I was like 7 hours of a year ago still haven't gotten over it what else the the moon hitting the earth and Majora's Mask freaked me the [ __ ] out that makes a little more sense to me at least Resident Evil was like one and twos that seems used to freak me out the concept of dying scared me a lot as a kid it still does I remember I was a I was a very big baby about it in the Christmas story when he's shooting the bad guy bandits and his daydream and they're the crosses over their eyes that scared me as a kid because I didn't like the idea of people dying and I remember I've run what was it we we had a board game it was 1313 dead-end drive and it's supposed to be you're supposed to be trying to kill each other I said cool can we not do it that they die can we just say they're sleepy I didn't like the idea of death we who does and now it's everywhere it's in this very guy enjoy it would you old scared of this game yeah since like death is a I felt weird about it when I was younger and I first played it I still I still get a little bit of that seeing dead bodies of some of these things just staying there it still makes me feel a little bit weird like when the little the little sad ghost comes out that's okay it's gonna happen right now yeah he goes [ __ ] do you think they had to add that in what just to make it feel more cutesy yeah it was probably just like a game play sort of thing it makes it obvious that's true it's true you know these people are on earth Chris he's walking around yeah this is the future this is the future yeah is it really yeah how far we talk I always I always got the impression that it was supposed to be after humans had died off but then like you come back to like this area and Pikmin 2 and it's got like new human stuff in it this is modern times do you like how liquid B monarchy like hell Louise an [ __ ] yes everyone treats him like [ __ ] and then at the end the game he tries to kill you Louie it's the the player two character oh the little fat guy right yeah I remember him and I've only ever played this one second was pretty good the second one is good I like I mentioned before and I like that they improved on the gameplay a lot but I think it's a little too fantastical I like when I like this game being very sort of grounded in reality [Music] the pants off how earlier you were singing you were singing the bells of Notre Dame but with crash bandicoot that was really funny no it was Hellfire you're singing Hellfire it's the same thing it's not the same song what was I doing it's a different one you're Joey God that is how fired you did start doing alright it's because I was thinking of the opening they do use the they do I thought that was very funny you'll collect that big pill Julius what do you think of these big pills what are they I take them I don't remember what I think they said it's like nectar of flowers crystallized which doesn't make any sense I guess that's sort of that sort of disproves my thing about this being grounded in reality is that guy dead yeah what do they do with who they eat them really yeah big meter cute they are like I said when they kill things I like the ones with no noses the ones with noses should all be gassed in the others why cuz they're different they're all different the yellows aren't like the blues which ones have the noses the red Rises Chris that's a real life thing what you can't can't talk about red people that's too you can't talk about anything Julie it's true and really feel sick from that do [ __ ] purple bastard you can say that there's a boy who was purple joking [ __ ] science her name was cyan but she was not that color fine you [ __ ] white yes let's actually say things that we can use in the episode is that if you say so that's fine what's wrong with that I'd leave everything kill the whites it's fine look at all those guys head-butting the walls I can't do anything right they're not gonna tell you ever see the video of the guy who gets really mad at stepmania and there's like all these holes in the wall he punches a new he punches his monitor [ __ ] mutt as you can see here's all the holes of my wall it was the [ __ ] game he just keeps playing it and he punches new holes in the wall because it keeps getting angry at it you break stuff all the time I do not this morning you were you you broke a computer a remote yeah sure did a TVs you're getting through the computer the refrigerator and three light bulbs get in there you only got to say one second those aren't real seconds those are video games seconds may get to watch the Mongol 90 night I love this [ __ ] sign I don't like that you can't skip it I like that you can't so it can be tense it makes you realize you know what sometimes you gotta just end the day it's tense because you don't know if you made it out safely or if any of your piggies died pinkies I'm very happy with how sore I am you're sore yeah my my back really hurts oh look they go hungry yeah no matter what you do somebody's gonna be sad and hungry and and that died just like real life you can't save everybody but you can't save the game one day there'll be a sunspot and all electronic material and on this planet will we be wiped out Suns nothing is permanent that's you got to put all your work onto a memory stick and tie it to a rock and shoot into space there you go isn't that more likely to get [ __ ] up in space is it no is there's like cosmic rays it would make the text go all Wiggly Julian you put it what would you put on a stick and sent the space no that was very porn that was static shots weakness with sunspots wouldn't you yeah you know speaking of which doodle-dudes Julian what what that's probably when is when is that episode going for us never mind that shouldn't be that's probably not timely listen you told me to do it I know you didn't Kris Ted exactly [ __ ] if you're gonna tell me that my talents to waste Julian look if there's a solar flare or sunspot or the Sun just [ __ ] burns out or a lunar deadening while we go to do pole vault to the next planet okay our son murder or a lunar genocide looters Genesis let's let's go to the moon some day and tie let's go to the moon and make sandcastles me to the moon we can all go [ __ ] die I know you got the blue onion it's only one thing that's worth keeping up with right now there might be a meteor hitting Earth at some point really no and that happens every five years there's like some time they mention it and then they're like oh yeah but you don't have to worry about it I saw a shooting star this week we saw we saw two of them when we're in Arizona yeah well why don't you just outdo me I'm like five shooting stars I love shooting stars but do you like shooting people you see people falling through the sky if there was a Plane full of chance Julian I got shot down do you think they'd survive No why did they get shot imagine 15 chimp carcasses not desert why did it get shut out the beginning Chris mm-hmm why did they shoot it down as one of the chimps was making serious threats to who girls on line so like that a plane had shut it down one of the ships from the grin said translates to that that's the chip that was harassing my daughter and then imagine if that was like what ended up happening was that one person on your flight harassed someone online so they shot the hook this is Jim physics there's no physics here at work through these quantum gym physics we're using a lot to zoom in on the quarks and their brains and you can see what they're thinking what does that mean that's a chimp brain their core - a string theory chip physics why are there quarks in their brain that that's the quantum theory Julian are you trying to say quarks I think you said quarks I think same things usually like game theory you know just make things shift Theory make things which they wouldn't know jump theory this is chimp theory I could be a channel chimp what would you do if a chimp ran at you with a big kind of massive boot blade were you gonna say [ __ ] Kumasi boob are you making up words now you're killing all your little rettenmund they're fine clearly they like fire flyer wait I do they yeah how hard you think it's chimpanzee you slap the school down he could crack his skull with one slap chimp probably not okay you said they discovered the chimps aren't as strong as we thought that's what one article I saw said Wow one article saw they're the strongest beings in the universe there are masters they're the seed that will become our masters once they evolve get the cog have you seen the video of the baboons in the South African town no tell me well they're smashing through cars and [ __ ] [ __ ] everywhere why are they doing it well people settled in this place where there happened to be baboons and if I'd be fighting to give them crowbars and crowbars and chains run through the to countryside with the chain slapping dogs to bed like that they settled down and they're like settled and family won't be that's annoying and then all the baboon starts breaking in their homes and stealing their oatmeal and [ __ ] everywhere I hate terrifying the videos where they they feed the hyenas outside the village with all the meat at night that's a silly idea because if you stop feeding them they're gonna come and [ __ ] kill you yeah they're not your friends hyenas are really gross looking they look like bats with legs I like hyenas they're fun they're scary they're fun cartoon I'm thinking of real hyenas hyenas are scary they're they're like scuzzy scuzzy yeah who's scuzzy you don't man's Julian this Guzzi oh they do who's goes e they hoot and a holler lutely holler and they run all over the door yeah there's so much fun because people always say they're laughing and you hearing cuz you seen the video it's laughing I think we've seen the hyena shoving his uh his little head up the elephant's rear I would like to see is on the inside of the belphins behind is that actual a real yeah and then the elephants behind explodes the hope for me runs away it's not too silly it's real [ __ ] fact it's not real my inna shove head of elephant's rear true on Snopes let's talk about nice things we'll go home and [ __ ] kill myself otherwise are there any nice things left in the world the emoji movie is the emoji movie there's just me three at e3 this year there's the color magenta there's the colour it's a good movie blot in red there's Bollywood films there's was our fun I've never seen one actually have you seen that robot movie that everyone loves you showed us the clip it's a fun one what's it called again the funny tumble man that's the one watch my film my wife watch my real but you like [ __ ] dumb bunnies oh my god we're sitting in a furnace right now it's not that hot it's uncomfortable but what are there nice things are there there's a smile of a child there's nothing left that's wasn't in the world it's not nice not nice no children they're [ __ ] brats a lot of them are they throw a baseball my I threw it back into their head but not before I put ball bearings inside of it a giant nail you know people have started shoving syringes into gas station pumps so that when you shove your hand in to pull it out you get jabbed with AIDS I hate did you share that sometimes when you go to the grocery store they just give you aids oh it was a hoax it's better than it did it be a hoax than a real thing I can't believe you something reheatable man claims he was injured by a hypodermic needle the gas station gave me aids and I hope they give me a Frieden milkshake every week shake it's as false the lady who got the finger in her chili I know what have you did it but we all have our fingers Michael the pain in my own stump well I'm not gonna get all these guys back hurry gather you picking picking pick your pick men pink you're picking pick your nose all the way to Trader Joe's can pick your nose but shake the world [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you're right I hope I didn't lose anybody I probably did hey ding dong yeah how come every time you come over to my house you don't flush the toilet I do every time you don't pick up that better be a joke what what do I do what you know pick up the clothes overhang myself well I promise never to kill myself but what if I used to stay there Bill Cosby's house but every time I expect something god damn it every time you expected something you just what I didn't say anything you could understand who's really mad at you I just made a I made a massive rookie mistake in front of thousands of people what was the rookie mistake I didn't catch I didn't gather up on my pikmin before the end of the day I'm sorry Julius just sleep well knowing their own hell there's no they probably don't have souls you see them come out yeah you see their souls coming oh yeah that's a good point that's true welcome back to [ __ ] Chris welcome back to the worst game ever all these bONIES welcome back to blue yellow red eye free color every day slap your thighs together neighbors downstairs are gonna hear that wonder what's going on Rose downstairs okay let's talk to them okay hello oh sorry we woke up your baby what would you do if you're just in your apartment and you shriek [Applause] oh I say [ __ ] you stop mimicking me mommy is mimicking me Julie stop enjoy why there can't be a spy he's not spy enough my dad can't be a spy he's Christian Weston Chandler Jolie I'll be a some fun for free I'll join your loop to make me the creator of sonship I'll be a thumb thumb as long as you said Rosie choose free if there's a girl one he would he wouldn't [ __ ] Julian if it was a girl one would what are you talking about he would he would be like you would to you only you only wants to [ __ ] a beautiful woman with big booby gingy yeah I say this the flu is I think I'm the most disgusting thing I've ever seen that's why they're awesome I wish they were real wait why did flu you know what that's not true Felix look at the movie that has some of the most disgusting looking things I've ever liked the Hedgehog the cartoon had really awful dad some really the SatAM one or the no the other one like goofy one I was talking to you about the Julian we were talking about you were saying when we were talking about the sonic R 2 you were saying how I already got it what's left Julian's stop spying on people you were saying how though you you like the designs on the show and I just showed you the one images you want oh I said yeah that's there they are Julian what Evers I remember that joke yeah I think I started the wrong file like everybody this is for the second time this is the actual say file now we're back and it's funny it's not Julian nice try Chris chuluun Chris would you think you're funny no okay I don't either Oh as in I think Chris is flies and I don't think I'm funny though let's fish for compliments I think you're kind of funny that's a pretty good they found out by complimenting people you can get them to do anything it was my funny joke see that in the video took my little Chris laid-back and pulled his legs in the air you have to commit commit to what [ __ ] water on the need deleted my safe oh [ __ ] whatever you were farting and the voice came out everyone this is the most comfy recording we've ever done yeah it's nice and cool in here I'm lying down it's not hey everybody ain't lying down stop hitting me don't you know you're not supposed to bring people into your home to [ __ ] with them that's exactly you bring people into your home as a guest and you can't do anything you know you hang up to red lights if you bring a guest into your home and you murder them they become a ghost because that's the most important thing the ghost of a guest print the guest ghost and that becomes a new sitcom hello I'm guest ghost I'm like Casper but I'm less cool caspere's has buried it's not very good no Casper I don't think Casper has to be the the least cool yeah wouldn't be anything lower he's a little nerd what if him said the n-word Orcas then he a Benny be hardcore hey what if Casper said what if Casper ooh sagged his uncle's our hero go and say the word and go No why is it when the the dad dies I'm getting drunk or whatever why does it he that he forgets everything well why is he look different as it goes compared to the other like the uncles well you're talking about the 90s movie no I'm talking about the reboot of the 90s movie the reboot it's the same movie but they flipped it back with this they flipped it upside down down or vision Dunkle's we're gonna have a song Chris that cut it from the film really superb does that kind of like it is ways that real yeah that is really gonna sing about I know you're not so perfect and stinky says I'll fight you and Casper search swirling around going no they flushed him down the toilet that's a thing they would have done yeah they would have Julian just fat so make you horny no to stretch no Caspar closest thing to making me horny from that movie is the sequence where like she's like fluffing him like a pillow and like he gets stretched out what does he get he gets like slightly inflated doesn't ya his dick gets inflated by her yeah I know I'm not just can I keep and even that is why he he uses his new inflated [ __ ] to it's uncomfortable because it's I don't want something sexy to happen to this character gross so ghosts are capable of inflation for porn easily go go spit into every our tweet we discussed this ghost can be used for anything Wow what about what about alien slugs they work too but they're not as fun to me I don't like aliens a whole ton because it's you know it's very grounded in reality at least it's it's meant to be that's the point of using aliens they say you don't believe in aliens I didn't say that Jew doesn't believe in aliens who are watching that aliens documentary talking about those I said there's alien you were rolling your eyes at because I said like they're probably worried aliens or something right no it was that I was like I was like oh UFO sightings are probably like time travelers from the future well yeah because that [ __ ] isn't what it would be Julian I'm an expert I would know what makes that less likely than aliens there are aliens they just never try to [ __ ] come here Julian you would know Julian exactly what if you heard a pitter-patter on your glass at 4 a.m. and you looked over and it's a little orange ghoul they would [ __ ] I would that's that kind of [ __ ] daylian I find getting into a saucer he gets into a stealth bomber where do you fear that because I know that's you like spooky stuff that's the thing that scares me most about like that's I imagine like seeing little little creatures scamper around in my bedroom when I'm sleeping in bed or something and that's what's ok well what if he what if he tapped on your glass and he was clearly a ghost and he said like he's he's if he's a cartoon ghost then I would not be scared but he's slightly cartoonish that blue animated Giff gun he's more uncanny than okay well what if he lured you into the the four planes for two plates yeah he brings you into a portal and you enter the four plane he says you can stay but you must become a ghost and leave it all behind probably look [ __ ] thanks Julie just leave your friends behind without explanation you disappear to your good friends Jewel and you [ __ ] up a bunch of lives forever you can't holy unless exactly he doesn't care Julien let's listen come on you wouldn't you wouldn't drop everything at the chance to be a ghost no you really wouldn't Julian if I knew it was gonna ruin some people's lives you're there become a [ __ ] ghost anyways then if ghost exists and guess what you're becoming one you don't know that what if you can only become a ghost under certain circumstances what would you want to be a ghost they even say in Harry Potter that if you're a ghost and you guys stay ghosts you're stuck like I believe in Harry Potter Julie yeah Harry Potter is the ultimate Bible Harry Potter you get a choice so now all you can do for the rest of your Universal days is [ __ ] inflate incited vorb and ghoul on a plane where you surrounded by other exactly okay so you left behind your friends and ruined their lives just to get sick of something after a [ __ ] hour is there like it would be an hour I'm sure he would enjoy it for like a year it probably would be about a year is there like a ghost Society no well I mean they'd be all hanging out it's like just imagine a bunch of manta rays it's that kind of a lay-around yeah in space yeah I probably saw that's what I I the ideal afterlife for me is just being able to float around in space and like see random [ __ ] [Music] what if you want it's probably just what I what if you wanted to become a goes very badly so you were awaiting death your you're in the hospital you're about to die like next few minutes and just as you're about to go out and you're at peace you go yes finally finally I guess I get to ascend you wake up and you're in your bed in turns out they revived you like 20 years later so you don't get to be a ghost anymore cuz now you're being disappointed but it's not like it's not like I would never be able to die anyway because of Everest if that ever happens if that ever happens like if you got revived it wouldn't even be like you died you're just awake oh I was be happy because it would be like oh you know I get to spend more time making cartoons or whatever but like ice like I was about to say it's not like I would never be able to die anyway because just statistically speaking okay you're about you've got to die for good event you're about to die and then fatso comes and says Julien I'm gonna bore you I would weigh on half I'm gonna bore you would you let him do that or would you die of natural causes am I still alive this is getting confused you're dying in the next few minutes would you just die from natural causes or would you let him for you I mean I wouldn't be too thrilled about it but I guess I would do it just because it's an experience he says you have to enjoy it wouldn't be Julien yeah what would you do if your uncle was like Julian I'd let him Julian is you're more into it than I am do it that's not my main thing oops Julian what would you do if your uncle grabbed you by the paw and brought you out into the desert he brought you to his shed for a nice weekend of sand fishing but then you wake up one night and your uncle's gone and there's a huge huge huge Daddy lung like standing above the shed looking down at you oh well how huge huge huge huge like 50 feet hundred I I mean he'd probably eat me but I would be less scared than if it was like the size of my torso why bugs being big to me makes them less scary Oh spider like spiders and [ __ ] they spiders and legatee bugs in general like a harvestman okay well what if he started having babies above the shed and they started banging off the roof and they're the size of your torso then that would be okay I mean it's like I'd probably be upset anyway but it would be like it's a different type of fear you know well how would you defeat it how are you gonna defeat a giant daddy long leg you set it on fire yeah you got to be creative you get a you hit bought all that hairspray get a can of hairspray I got get a lighter I just said you were sad fishing you're doing the Miss use the fishing have to throw it up at this that spiders belly and pull out his guts easy let's turn this around you trying to [ __ ] with dear sweet Julianne yeah if you had to get bored you might something Chris what would it be like inserted through the mouth huh um I don't know it was a beautiful woman with what I live after no oh really yeah you have to die you have to get maybe I don't know like an elephant so I'd have more space a blue whale okay okay what if you lived a shark that would be pretty cool it would be like that it would be like that one onion video about what the kid who got attacked by a shark and it just keeps talking about how it was like saying I they keep saying how awesome it is yeah wait no if I got bored by a tiny fish would I still be the same me sighs or what I shrink down I'd stretch okay how about one of those see-through fish so we can look outside Oh they'd be kind of fun like the the where you can see their little brains yeah I could poke them from inside and [ __ ] with them that's why you'd want to do because you want [ __ ] but poke the fish's brain and make him do funny things poke his cerebral cortex meets a and then you would find neocortex Christo's walk ears what would you do what would you do if you found out you were related to dr. new euro koi Tex go to the doctor and see if there's anything wrong with me why don't you well if you got what would be wrong with you well if you got bored by a whale and he was feel like he's got like a million STDs or something what what do you got bored by monstro and he was in there neocortex is in there and he's inserting crystals he's doing sounding with them just saying that over and over I try and like kill him what he's not looking I'd feel very threatened actually I [ __ ] up real bad they all died yeah [Music] I lost a lot of bloomin good do you think his penis had a shape like his actual head so it's flat on me like a horse's dick mr. mr. cortex mr. Cortes flat - oh cool yes he doesn't see that all the time he says once that's the most is the most quotable thing in the whole game oh I still lost man's good he says well well we'll Kristen cause if it isn't crash bandicoot Bundy I have a proposition get me the Chaos Emeralds give them to Isis and I will reward you with virgins what are they gonna do with the Chaos Emeralds why didn't crash of river cross over with the call of duty cocoa interrupts this is crash they're not virgins he already had sex with them crash throw their child soldiers I'm losing secret yeah it's uh no preciously what doesn't crash ever do anything cuz he's a stupid boy why do we always talk about crash no I don't know why can't we talk about Jack Black in his career from 1994 through 2005 he was in biodome what we want oh he was yeah he was he he was a minor character I remember they showed us biodome and why it's not educational it's not good or educational was it like a film study course no in biology they were teaching you how certain human minds does not function through human minds Kanaka he's laying there making noises that's always new fun Chris are you having fun Chris yeah did you drink your energy drink hold the funny chicken and tell a secret Nutella tell a deep dark secret is gone stop doing the stop patronizing me with a chicken give it to me give me the chicken Chris is stretching its legs out please don't ruin my rubber chicken what are you gonna do about it okay what'd you think what the chicken [Laughter] okay okay I'm I'm the man with the I'm the man with the dog you're the man with the frog again because I was talking okay I'm the man and you have a dog and your dog is [ __ ] on the sidewalk okay hey could get that dog out of there where get the dog out of the sidewalk he's about to get into it like he's flipping into it is he like vibrating this is supposed to be about the dog [ __ ] oh get that dang dog out of there oh my god the dogs died oh no holy [ __ ] dude he was murdered every Pigman ever how many was that was it like 50 yeah how did you manage the heads because a bunch of them were holding bombs rod cut this off cut this a in rod could to my life into pieces if you were taking a shower one morning and then your neighbor let's let's say you're not one of your neighbors who lives above you yeah you're taking a shower and suddenly a pair of legs noclip through the ceiling and they're dangling above you and violently shaking going I wouldn't touch them because I feel like they break my arm back no um I would go straight to the authorities arrest this woman her legs are just stuck in my ceiling I'd call the police and say something really [ __ ] weird is happening and you can come check it out they come and try to handcuff her and then they get thrown around and I start rag dolling around the room do they die their eyeballs fly like three feet in front and then it just starts their eyes pop out of their head like in the eye so I do not like bloody like I mean like you know it's all digital like it's their their eyes are hovering like three feet in front of their head I would assume that I'm either dreaming or that the world is simulating in turn and a rag dolls and they have like sphere shaped hit boxes so they're tumbling on the floor continuously I would just go straight to the dad that's go straight go see you tell mr. Trump yeah say your country's mr. Trump you got a dose of the person's Tomblin it won't stop then he'd come over and he he goes over to the official White House keyboard and opens the console it's the one who's everybody who's in the White House the White House controls the world's gravity and [ __ ] just with one shitty old peep out of here and it goes through the floor you you pull the curtains on you look outside and there's a huge smear trail of everything computer and his whole CIA falls through the floor into the center of the world so yeah what happens when you reach the center I want to see Trump like flying around noclip and through the like New York and good just photorealistic I love T poses you were talking about CNN does this person see how embarrassing @e pose what a [ __ ] idiot all of his tops we'd see he'd be like I was composing today number the top response this is some guys say [ __ ] idiot he posing [ __ ] you're the president that just says no clip with the - before it everybody who reads it starts falling for their chair he scales down all the buildings in New York with all the people so inside he has a press conference he starts like the the GTA might he picks up people from what if he did that thing when I was doing in Space Station where you right-click on somebody and shrink them 1% every few seconds it's a somebody somebody after a couple days they notice that they're starting to shrink there's a bunch of giant CIA agents in the back of the room walking around aimlessly have you seen the videos of the guys pretending to be the elder scrolls oblivion yeah those were fun uber yak don't like the idea of it when uh seeing that applied in a real-world setting is very uncomfortably really funny I wouldn't want to be alive after a certain amount of time but that's what the whole world is like just people awkwardly interrupting each other the only one who could think properly yeah your your way of communicating with people would be a dialogue wheel and you would have to look at their face and see if they grin really big why is this level so dark because it's in a cave is it because of my favorite level I love it very much because it has the dopey Wild West music you know in the water I'm gonna be real mad that Pikmin is screaming up a store because they found bombs I don't know what they are are you gonna blow him up again no that wasn't worries not if I do it right that was really terrible who's funny it was funny but it's also embarrassing I don't recall you saying you were a Pikmin master I'm not what is it what is looking up what is actually the the really record for how how mostly it takes to beat it I just dropped it under your sofa what yeah I can't find it are you serious yeah that's what dropped earlier that's a joke you do that you do the song and I'll sing along just give me a beat dink-dink da-dink-dink tink-tink-ta-tink ta-ta-tink [Laughter] Isak terrific Trump is no clipping his wit his arms were flipping through the sky he's ripping the whole town through the ground his shoes are slipping why can't this be real what no could be I want to pose Trump to be the world's like weapon that flies around in destroyed cities a random how long is Pinkman around around like how long has it been how long does it exist how long does it take to beat I can do it in 15 days how how long is a day like 30 minutes 10 minutes so no I don't think that's exact but it's about that long Chris yeah what would you do if I told you a hypothetical I would be intrigued to see what you had to say praise yes speak louder yes yes [ __ ] computer do a half of that it goes again yeah okay here's a hypothetical what if venom from spider-man boy grabbed you by then and your face what if venom from spider-man jumped up really really high and then landed on you and then you were venom from spider-man really happy do you like him yes that's his biggest crush is he really yeah venom or is it who else is horace horsecollar is definitely more but who's horace horsecollar the the the tall horsey from the old Mickey Mouse cartoons I really like him Chris don't make fun I like him too god damn mom would always people that you associate with us true Chris degenerates now maximum degenerate yes yeah you gotta get the mean right oh-ho maximum degenerates okay life as fast as you can Julian do it too pretty hard yeah I play in the game there's people who can like flop their fingers like really fast I'm the one hand I can't do that I can't do that they're hurt put your legs behind your head I can't do that now what stink that's a song that's a song is the song just called wet cycle I don't know you're the one who told me but I think the song is just called what the but what are you talking about put your legs behind your head I'm gonna make you wet the bag and it's supposed to be like oh look like for [ __ ] squirts what do you guys think of songs that tell you to kill the police it's a noble cause I put it on loud and when the copper come I say yeah oh [ __ ] I won't comply I put on one when I'm an uber driver I put on the song I'm going to [ __ ] kill my Oberer passengers my favorite song that's really funny when I get onto a plane I play blow up the plane a great classic blow up the plane I have no shame fly through the sky and make it rain I would like to hear a single tear uncomfortable delight the coconut [ __ ] kill it I want to lie on a bed of nails and then why shouldn't okay so the next person new lies on it gets infected see what they're not gonna see it obviously well I'm gonna evenly spread it across each nail obviously and they say what's the brown stuff on the nail and they say dross don't worry about okay little slipper in Greece it makes you lie better you go get acupuncture what do you think is a hold one of the needles up and there's a huge turd on it and you go what is that oh it's cream ha ha have you seen the video of the guy who's trying to steal copper from an electrical outlet no and he grabs away he's a he's being electrocuted and he's awake and aware of it and he can't let go because when you get electrocuted like that your brain makes you cling on and you can't let go but he's awake and he's he's aware and he's getting burnt so badly that the hole opens up in his back and you can see his lung poking out breathing it it's [ __ ] real I swear tits yeah she's fictional but at the same time - you have to keep in mind that whenever you see videos of the sort of thing I guess yeah it looks because you you're not used to that as much as people say you're desensitized of that kind of thing when you see it it just seems so unreal that's actually a thing that can just end up happening yeah it's art and he's his like the hole in his back is massive and his lung is like breathing in a nap he was he was fully aware he's fully aware cuz he said look at this funny situation this will go green this will be on my last play let's play with man's playing with copper what and then a copper showed up but he said you're under arrest a chain of people tried to free him they all sound electrocuted let's talk about horrible morbid videos all these Pikmin I'm gonna have to come back one more day it's almost [ __ ] what else do I need just one that sucks what what what is the worst things that happen in your school's growing up yeah I mean there once had a good amount of like awful things happen at school I don't think I had really had anything someone always dies at school yep I never went to schools that were big enough is the thing I went really well with like maybe 50 kids at most I dig I went to public school twice for two years of my life and that's mmm not really enough to the shittiest one I remember as a kid got murdered and we fought really and there was a huge like memorial wall that was in the hallway and because no one really knew the kid cuz he was kind of awkward it was just empty no one wrote anything on it anymore just should talk to him the whole time it's just like wow that's cool you can't can't hold off on that a little bit maybe people are [ __ ] [ __ ] and so especially around that time around that window that's the point where you think like oh [ __ ] everyone I'll book this Julian Julian how do you feel about this horribly depressing game about death is it all about death it's my life what about death it's a cycle Julian that it's the circle of life it's the circle of poo he says with some Southworth have you ever seen a circle of poo probably not go back and watch Old South Park I did start I like gold sorry it's using I always hear that from people where they say like these at once [ __ ] terrible in the shows not good until season 4 season 2 actually has a lot of really entertaining episodes like since season 2 it's entertaining season one even has some ok Epis I hate season 1 there's there's some good stuff mixed in the overall a lot of the episodes are just hard to watch but there's good things mixed in here and there season 2 it's already like in a good yeah it's starting to get their season fours when I started getting really good for me yes very good but I like Susan - I like season 3 I like all of that and a lot of people will just say Leah don't even bother watching people a lot of people say don't start watching til season 8 I've you know what that's a very strike after that I do you think that's because they're younger people you match race so right at all don't they do you think it's no there's no writing well no I mean as in like they say good episodes here in there - you think because we remember the episodes fondly do you think it like even this alga do you think it's nostalgia no because we went back and rewatched a lot of it I I feel like because a lot of people always want to fall back in that - it's just like yeah they're just being nostalgic we've gone back and revisited a lot of different things from what our younger and we got to learn that they're not as great as we remember I don't think we're like closed off to that kind of thing what was the last thing that we have we looked back on fresh three crash Psychonauts Psychonauts kind of a little boy do you guys like slugs legs are okay they're nice I hate sports Chris I've communicated creepy-crawlies I don't know I'm scared of them I like beetles fun my sister ruined my life I used to love bugs and then she made me [ __ ] terrified of them because of how terrified she was of them what she did she probably just freaked out they came in she whispered in your ear Chris coming to get you she there was a time when we had like brakes outside of her house was cuz we had extra brakes left over and my mom was like move those bricks she she casted a brick to bug no I picked up a brick and it was a huge huge huge black spider on it and I was just like cool but she screamed so loud and she was so genuinely terrified that she almost had like a panic attack and it made me afraid of them and this was back in this is back before Ireland even had any like actual biting spiders now they do for some reason that always happens one bug got introduced and it bites and before that Ireland had no biting spiders we I think I mentioned this then like ladybugs put them on and they they do bite and they introduced way too many of them when we introduced them I forget why it was to control something but after they did that during the wintertime you have like 50 of them just coming in during the winter and they're buzzing around lights and everything and they latch on to you they don't want to come off you try to pull one off it tries to sink into you see they're a really shitty I hate them all so they they produce a stink when you crush them too so they're they're not nice in any way at all do you like raccoons yeah I like I like your recruiting I think they're very cute yeah you're funny don't you dare do you like elephants I like elephants I like elephants too we should start an elephant raccoon bug Club why it why the bug part so we can get the elephants to step prick that would be really satisfying just like coating a floor with a million bugs and walking an elephant over it Jesus you killed so many of them Jesus we're really the same music is the first level again oh you can do that yeah holy [ __ ] that's the procrastinator [Music] who's the most repulsive human to us huh Rita Repulsa who's that this Power Ranger oh she's pretty repulsive it's not really the spring HUD craze y think so she's like 300 she is though she's an awful that way she's like 20 years old she goes that's clearly not her real boy yeah she's an Asian lady yeah she's cute just because she says she's 300 doesn't mean she's 303 she's probably like 20 years old hundred years I forget what the number is I feel like a dummy because I think he's a 605 she says it's been one year for two days I've been trapped in here for three hours I think three hours is ideal that's a good now it's time to conquer ass Oh wha who is she she's scary you stupid robot she's got an attitude hire her clone her five times [Laughter] who voices alpha again I forget you professor I'll meet him he goes I got ya yeah yeah that's funny he says oh yeah yeah he's Mexican alpha hahahaha the gameplays or Dan sounds like he's drunk I don't remember yeah weird he's like telling a joke and he starts laughing at himself he just looks like he's drunk the way they speaking and everything I like typing news and there was I would like to see that movie because I wish I could remember what you I feel like it was Nightmare Before Christmas but I've never seen it on another Nightmare Before Christmas VHS it records what some sky died there's a big yeah regular for the for the movie and I was always like I want to see it there's very very bad CG and I think you would appreciate it I loved it was there Billy quit the show because it was getting cold a [ __ ] that is what his quote was that I think he said like I got if I got called a [ __ ] one too many times because it said he went to he went to report it and then they laughed in his face yeah exactly they treat him like [ __ ] the entire time he was on that show and he was having like a crisis about that buzz own sexuality and everything and he when he left the show they have an episode as like a send-off to him and because he already had left that couldn't get new footage of him or anything so he's on a teleprompter screaming to go look he's getting married on the alien planet he's so happy he can't even talk [Laughter] Zordon I mean alpha no lon [Music] what if they broke Jordans like cage you just walked out of him no he just walked out of it he's a giant have little tiny legs and arms thank you he's why isn't he he's trapped in a time skip or something doesn't make any sense he looked even goofier almost like the people who made it didn't get I'm really really upset they got a chance to make a movie that was gritty cuz I've always wanted to see the Power Rangers in a serious tone they not too serious but they made it too serious that's the problem for me is that that's not what I like about it I like how stupid and goofy it I know I do too but I wanted to see I wanted to see it looking in goofy either I wanted to see you anything they didn't do either way no they just made it boring like I like a goofy it is but the show is like boring lead like there's really boring parts to it you need to watch it again I've watched it like a million times yeah yeah I used to have it I used to be obsessed with it okay tell me this see did you watch the remastered episodes no oh boy do you know what they did to it no okay so I forget what year this was I feel like it was 2010 or 11 I forget it was 2000 maybe he's even 2009 yeah they ABC kids they were they were airing oh it's no weirdo Mighty Morphin Power Rangers remastered my friend Black Hawk 64 was very excited to watch it and say come on guys let's all watch this it's gonna be really fun and I already like Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for how goofy it is I was like ok I we all stayed up and we watched it and I remember how furious he was because they didn't just they didn't like just clean it up or something then remaster it like that yeah for whatever reason the people who were editing it got really bored with whatever software they were using so there's all these strange edits that they do so in the opening when she bursts and goes they cut her out and make her look like she's in a comic book for no reason and they put like a lens flare behind her oh no they started doing things like that I remember and one of the episodes bulk and skull get pie on their face or something and they're walking away and then there's 3d text that slams down in the background and says epic fail yes let's watch it yes during a commercial break they they edit it together and they stole it - they stole the [ __ ] Street Fighter 2 versus screen text and they put it over they said Zak versus Billy dance battle and they edited then one of the episode you need to watch oh this is the best I was laughing because they made it even goofier funny we modernized with awful show there was a show I saw a Nickelodeon or something at one point where every time a segment ended it would say whoa and the big text of law would scroll across the screen you know I forget what it was though icarly it's probably our Carly was it I don't know cuz it was about they were that was when the main stream was just barely starting and they hadn't remember and the trailer was icarly that was the whole trailer I miss Fred he was a good he was a good content creator too bad those children would you have had him on the show Chris yeah I didn't know that that he sold the channel of he sold it to like some company and then they they're trying to get little kids to run it but they haven't uploaded in a year you are the CEO yeah you are the vice-president you are the you're the main man a giant red button that says post video and there's a bunch of four-year-olds running around you're the assistant to the manager of Treasury you're the creative producer here's the equipment you're the IT manager manage those IT bastards you're about a boy oh no I killed it you there hide the body he was my friend would you be happy if the actual Matrix movie was like he entered the matrix video game so if you jump over somebody they go flying like 50 miles per hour has there ever been a show like based on video games where they actually have like funny like no like they never have like people clipping through well I reckon Ralph kind of did it where you could see walking into the wall when he was about to get into the destroy a Call of Duty games I don't think that was intentional it was he was like walking into the wall and he was like going left and right just like in a game so that was the one time but like you never see like people act intentionally clipping through walls or glitching or music cutting out or voices interrupting each other [ __ ] understand what if it's about video games some people I would guess means also if you're if you're trying to do that sort of thing they typically aren't aiming for that anyways no girls usually like oh yes in five to ten years people would be savvy enough that they will it it is it is strange I remember when we were in the uber a while back this is during Christmas I remember because we're talking about the he-man Christmas special and our uber driver actually like had a conversation with us about it well it's just weird to think about that where it's like wow I I mean I mean that's that's who's it's a new generation coming in your your surgery your 30 year olds working at all these positions are familiar with all this your old Chris I'm 26 so am i we were all born in 1990 that's gross it's very handy for remembering how old you are it is great I love it I always forget it's true it's true I owe it people will say like how old are you and I'll be like yeah I'm 26 and you'll be like no you're 27 or no it said I always round up because the way that I remember is I just remember what here it is you're an 80s kid no listen like I was all the same age Chris what no I'm not I'm done what am i I'm an alien man you're you're like a year and a half okay so I die in half a year yeah you had alpha version of me before I but it off from it yeah when you were like a worm and then the mouth open wide open I came out of it yeah yeah I think you looked way funnier when you were playing Knights and Mysterio with me he was just a little wine by that I mean a big one that's my favorite version of you to visit value drew his mouth he's really going I didn't Rob it's a picture you're really Chris you're actually a little Doughboy yeah I'm a child everyone at home send in videos will display them all live that would be terrible here's a video we'd go to like prison where he's saying Jules I'm saying here's video one here's video eight oh here's me ride ride ride show us and put on put on screen anything you want yeah literally anything you know it sucks get that off screen I'm sorry Rock rod put a put on a put on a picture of put on a picture of Lisa Kudrow DNA and put Lisa Kudrow's face off okay they're funny ride delete all footage Jillian yeah tell me this mm-hmm the the t-rex from we're back what would you do to him [ __ ] his face that would hurt yeah it looks all soft like a pillow but his teeth aren't I don't think I would get in far enough past his lips oh are you saying you got a micro dick Julianne is that it he's a [ __ ] dinosaur that's 50 feet tall yeah okay whatever okay what's your excuses what what if the alien gave you a serial and turned his his sharp teeth into like dildo I don't think it would roll on back to the dawn of time and sing this song with me [ __ ] you I love it it's one of my favorites but it's really it's not real it is real it spoke to me now it is the other things hello little man oh I like the dinosaur that says yeah I like the song in that movie the guy who wrote the music for that song died in a plane crash ready yeah I think it's the same guy who did the music for Titanic James Horner how the man who made a shin-chan died how did he die he fell off a cliff did he really like hiking or something oh the guy who created the Segway flew off a cliff - on a Segway apparently yeah we were talking about this before segways if anyone's ever if you've never seen videos of Segway accidents please educate yourself because when you fall forward on a Segway it keeps going so it drags you along with it and I'll just scrape your face up on the ground sounds good [Music] what's your favorite animal dually the Bob or what my favorite animal is actually an octopus I love I really like octopuses okay I think they're very cool was yours ding dong X alot holes are pretty cute they're pretty good wasn't it I like them a lot oh those little those little salamanders that they have the little on the side of their head yeah oh they're cool there's a man who goes out to see just how uncommon they are and I think he was fishing for like two straight days before he finally caught one I see I put her right back he slapped it and put her right back said what are you doing here and he slept across the face here's a question uh-huh what's your least favorite thing about society oh Jesus ingrown toenails it's not society society that's what's your least favorite thing about the human body yeah Society is a group of people doing things yeah a group of people getting ingrown toenails I'm like oh you suck fine let's have a [ __ ] argument okay I like oh boy trees trees are okay I like B why are they only okay I mean they're not getting up and walking they allow you to breathe it's true they look nice yeah they cows birds and insects that's true well the insects are gross and icky Chris I agree but you could hang a tire swing from them yes you can burn said tire swing with child inside you can also not do that yeah if you push the kid around super fast equals lit on fire by himself push the kid around how fast are you pushing really you're just pushing well then wouldn't you catch on fire minute Roger Karen I Drive by and I push him really quick isn't you're not pushing it man you're [ __ ] running him over this is what you made you're attacking me we are the muses stories of evil waiting for you music figure out what I was trying to do honey you mean oh honey you mean you what if they change the movie's name to he you Disney's he you and then Along Came you he slapped his size together sweater flapping thighs together buddies that's the sound of thunder Chris what would you do if they said if they were watching the movie and then he said they said and that long came you and you were suddenly in the movie mr. [ __ ] with you changes your pants fall down we push you over make you okay oh Ivy you're in grease grease like these everybody there's mostly almost sexual idolize the human body they are blue eyes the view but party and so is it's depressing when you tell a joke that's so stupid now we used to Ricky the booth everybody don't you make the poopoo says insert laughing at yourself so I can't stop laughing okay there's a kid in front of me hello I liked her I liked her ending the jumping class or just kept going hello did you like that yeah nobody told nobody even [ __ ] mentioned it was funny nobody even brought it up don't know what the [ __ ] it was like okay wait none of the kids still standing here we never finished it okay yes I'm gonna kill you stop I'm gonna crush your head why'd you do that cuz look at him now he's a little little red finger head did you see a poor boy no siree he smells his blood smelly blood does smell really bad look this smells awful have you ever like cut your finger and sucked on your finger oh yeah the taste of it what's the worst injury you ever took um worse injury I keep breaking my fingers I tripped and fell down the stairs because I was excited we moved into a new home and my tooth went right through like the bottom of my lip Jesus well you know what the worst pain I ever was in was I went to some restaurant and I got a piece of chicken stuck between my teeth and it just started rotting and it rotted my tooth and I couldn't get it was so far lodged in between there and I had no idea what it was I had to go to the dentist and he picked it out that I this is me revealing myself as a [ __ ] wussy but I think the worst pain that I've ever had was when I had the stomach flu whoa I got it from having ramen I remember I was talking to you when that happened Julian oh yeah I remember that I do remember that I think they didn't we both have the stomach flu like around the same I think so yeah like it was in the space of a month or two and not only was it like really painful and it was just constant vomiting but I was like it's not even diarrhea it's just pure liquid coming out of you and it's like spraying out man that was they I had a I had a funny hallucination for everyone watching I hope you enjoy that I had a fever dream when when I had the stomach flu that because there was an animation job that I was behind on and I couldn't work on because of the stomach flu and so I had a had a fever dream that I was an animator on the My Little Pony cartoon the the new one that everybody loved and so I woke up I woke up from the dream and I went no more ponies no never say about how my sister talks in her sleep tell us Chris she sounds like The Exorcist she goes like it's really scary or Julie and honestly she grind what if I said though the one I remember was that you were saying it's a Christmas tree oh the one that I remember that was really weird to me was that you said the bonsai tree he cut it down oh yeah those [ __ ] Kappa Kappa Mikey what should an episode of Kappa Mikey which by the way is [ __ ] terrible it's an awful show now it is like so not even funny beta is unbelievably really really hard to sit what is Kappa Mikey it was a it was a terrible terrible Nicktoons exclusive show no and the premise I like the premise but they did absolutely nothing it doesn't look like what it's supposed to be either that's why they say it American cartoon yeah those of Japan yeah so he like it's an American cartoon interacts with anime characters and they never take any advantage of that all and doesn't look like it either it's not it doesn't look like anime because it's like I don't either it looks like a Canadian cartoon of anything yeah and you were just you were mumbling about how he cut down the bonsai tree I couldn't believe that this is what you're dreaming about I don't know why but the other one you said you were on a train and you were mentioning how there was Christmas lights hung up well okay then my sister did really [ __ ] weird [ __ ] in her sleep we were in Spain as kids and she got out of bed just sleepwalking and she she ran down the hall to a fire escape door which is pretty much just the door that leads to nothing and you fall out of it and die and she opened it my dad grabbed her and shook her awake and another time she pulled me out of bed and like stomped me on the floor and got into my bed though she might have just been awakened pretending to be asleep that's like you might have a scary thing that happened me everything when I was living with nyle he was getting annoyed with the clock he takes the batteries out and leaves it on the counter the next day the clocks back up on the wall I'm like god damn it aside in like it either I take out the batteries put it on the counter and then we both find out we did the same thing and we're like what why did what was the batteries put back in the clock then and neither of his knew why and turns out was because he actually put it up but he was messing with you probably well there was a weird [ __ ] that happened in that apartment where my [ __ ] ketchup just exploded out of the cupboard one night are you saying your apartment was haunted Chris yes there was a ghost and he made the catch a blow up I don't believe in ghosts he made me leave my food out I got mold I don't believe in ghosts but ketchup exploding from inside of a cupboard doesn't make any sense and at 100 why just cus from pressure its goober depression or fell down or something no it didn't it exploded from within the cupboard the explosion clearly happened from what I could see the ghost of an old woman through the catch of me that was my story don't make fun of Chris from my story I just said I don't believe in ghosts I'm just saying it makes those sad Chris oh the ghost of exploding ketchup you should be in it you should be in that ghost hunting documentary go with Chris boards won't talk to me I'm too similar to him he says you look like me said no I don't care something ready to hunt the ghost with you I saw the ketchup ghost what if he will you saw the catch of ghosts what the hell but if Chris boards is telekinetic and did that and he doesn't understand the towers and a mind crush on the campus understand his powers so he thinks they're ghosts what the heck oh he pushed his friend down the stairs why does he say it was either a rape victim or a goblin yeah it can only be one of those two things well it was a rape victim guy and that was that was haunted investigators that was the one video is that he says did you that either could have been the the ghost of a rape victim or goblin What did he say gobbling goblins are real Chris how dare you we're gonna disprove scientific fact why didn't he say GU Lee was that a ghoul II because it's out to grab it and a gun doesn't goblin isn't as funny as grouille yeah that's like if he got scared by a ghost he went jeepers creepers Jeepers Creepers that's one of my favorite horror movies I like that movie I like the second one I like you both I like the second one more actually I like the second one more I like them both movies [ __ ] you're stupid they are stupid but [ __ ] you still I preferred the creeper in the first movie though the black lady annoys me because she says well you listen to the [ __ ] let me turn it on for you don't listen to this well you hear this song but you better say oh no this song is scary he's gotta get you he's already here I invited him he's already at the door don't be something he's me in a few minutes don't play the song here let me turn it up louder I love the idea though that he's like a demon that just like like just adjusted the human life and just [ __ ] with people did you did you like how he carefully peeled his face off to hang it up at the end yeah that way you can see right on didn't peel off his eyes he just cut two big holes through his head and it's a peel off his eyes as they peel off his face cuz he did and let's do it we didn't know it yes he did no he's hanging his face no the creepers real he blew up my house it was that'll be the reboot is that they find out some minecraft creeper do you think they would do a reboot of it I don't think it was popular enough it doesn't matter there was very good-looking chips movie so it was a popular Hill reboot it eventually everyone knew about jeepers creepers on a frozen element jeepers creepers where'd you get those babies oh I like that song anyway me too I don't know what I would say my favorite movie mom he's just cool cuz you don't know anything about him all are the pale man he's awesome just a guitar man terminus is awesome I would say he's but I like I like to pay oh man better because of the fairytale setting Terman doesn't really have any mystique to him though he's just some guy I mean that's it's part of the magic Chris I know creeper though you're like who is he he's a demon why like that but scary because then you see him and you know goofy he looks cool he wears a hat he's like yeah he wears a cowboy hat and he's he likes music and he I mean one must assume since he makes a song play that scene in the second movie were ripped off the head with his wing is really scary looking dog made a really face mmm it was scary at the time at the time yeah it's all listen they're fun movies yes I would not ever say they're scary Chris they're silly oh absolutely silly fun fun there's scary moments like in the first movie there's a really good it's the first shot of the movie when they're just driving down the street in the car he goes and slowly in the background you see a car getting closer and it's very subtle and it's nice and I like we're live or the subtlety and a turn normal activity 5 when there's like the thing that goes by in the back you don't know what it is it's a ghoul or is it yes no it's the person operating the camera that's really funny thought maybe some of the hugest scares in those movies were just people wandering on the set what if that's all the first movie was was that they actually were like just filming their house at night and they were going by a couple times to check the cameras but you know what yeah it was a diamond maybe they just like set up secret cameras in the couple's home and there's when and harass them and an edit of themselves ghosts the couples like no get out home intruders guys Oh Lamar get your [ __ ] together I'm trying Halloween 3 was a lot of fun to watch why I mean 3 is so good Halloween 3 I mean you know good no it's actually I enjoy it a lot very silly and that's why it's a lot of fun I think it's it's silly and all the right ways Jeepers Creepers is like a middle-of-the-road silly for me where I can I can have fun with it but not be that inves but Halloween 3 is very goofy I think your brain carrot I think Jeepers Creepers 2 is more the first but did you ever see Halloween 3 Chris no and I hate it because I actually like the idea that what they were gonna do was the Halloween franchise's just gonna go you know what well it's just released a movie every year and it's just a different story but they didn't do it well that was the problems that that came out everyone won no this is stupid where's Michael - Dude they wanted to do it for the second movie and the studio didn't let them do it oh I did for the third one and people hated it because that would have made this series way better you know would have been cool you could have done anything you wanted it would have been like a creep show or what yeah each movie was just supposed to be a different story out set at Halloween oh we've been a way bigger success then probably would have got way more hyped for it every year yeah it would have been like an event it probably would still be going now tell us what the Crypt obey they didn't do that they did a Tales from the Crypt movie I think that was they did like three didn't they yeah yeah they probably did do it for you I poured a little blood if if you if you think you can write such a good Halloween movie then show me you just write something goofy okay we'll give me a plot go on let me the man thinks he here's the thing on the ceiling yeah and yeah he dismisses it as nothing but things start falling down from the we know and he sees a bone on the ground there's a bone on the ground and then he doesn't know what happened what happened and one night his uh his roast beast feast he was going to have mysteriously has been taken into the attic and he hears the noises and he doesn't know what's up there but he keeps offering it meals and then the next morning it has grown wheels and its wheels are real wheels okay and it rolls out of his garage it would be called meals on wheels that's good okay I I applaud you me that I would watch that totally he's calling with stupid ideas like that package of fuel those together or something okay I like that kind of thing feels like there's a one of the bone have to do with it I don't know because he was either snotty okay fine bones are spooky I give you that one that was good know what it was the point is when you're making stupid little movies you go to see on Halloween they don't need to necessarily be anything that gripping as long as they're entertaining okay I think you're kind of turning your brain off when you're doing that sort of thing anyways okay you could probably do something cerebro - you could I don't think it has to be one or the other okay my movie but what's a smartest or a movie you've ever seen the thing what if you went to see a horror movie called cerebral and the and it's about a giant brain well the the trailers make it seem like it's a really intense horror movie and you go to see it and it's actually just about a man with palsy I was like it's a it's a great big emotional struggle it's a drama it's Oscar bait yeah that's all it is treilery completely misrepresented with the film well do you want to see the the movie that Hogarth was watching the movie yeah they had way better effects and they actually had back then okay here's my movie dad is tucking his son in it says good night son I love you and his son says I'd see a spider on the ceiling that that kills the spider unbeknownst to him the spite of which the spider was slain still has goop and the group of the spider turns to cool no it falls down into the little boy's face no and then he goes to - it's dad's bedroom he spits on his dad's face Oh No and the both certain getting spider-like appearance and then they both go out together with their new lung legs okay I have to get long pants but nobody will serve them because they've got spider legs this is very spooky it's not even a horse like district 9 and it's funny and it's cool daddy longlegs hey okay Julia now it's your turn to come up with the horror movie we didn't have anything or about it they're spiders there's I didn't either and drove out into the road what does that mean okay the mother is afraid of her family now that's the horror aspect the horror aspect she's a [ __ ] Julian what's your movie we're making we're making our own creep show what s'mores there's a there's a it's New Age there once was a boy and he won man tuck it he had a big dick you could pluck it sorry to be the trucks the story that's a horrible story and then England's war it's a horror movie because everybody feels really uncomfortable by dick you can block it boys I guess it makes everybody uncomfortable because they have to look at this little boys dick for and I was half I bet his dick came down and knocked off her crown and then he plucked it after Julian that's the weakest one yeah I imagine I'm not funny that'd be the one they show in the middle Julian you are the weakest link goodbye I remember that [Music] hey everybody what's worth what's more great no they they did grind house and grind house was a lot of fun never seen it but you never saw grind house no really right people always say it sucks you said really well no I'm surprised what you saw death Proof oh no I didn't oh I thought you did no oh that's part of it I've never seen it that proves fun I thought everyone always says the dryness sucks I don't know why it's good death proof is a lot of fun the first first one just kind of okay do you think machete was good I never got to see it I thought it was poopy yeah and really liked it too much but grind house was fun just as an actual experience going to a theater and getting to see something like that again having fake trailers in the middle and everything I saw drag me to hell in the theater was the best movie experience I ever had that's very fun yeah because you didn't have to care about the plot too much because people always ruin experiences when you're trying to get invested in something serious and everyone was having a good time and it was really fun and I liked the movie and the music's good you know I'll say this because it was the best experience you at least got to have that make some sense alright there's movies I wish I could have seen and actually gotten like the full experience cuz I still ate myself I didn't get to see hateful eight I didn't see that the idea that they give you like pamphlets and everything there's an intermission that's a real movie going that is something I would kill to have I would love to have an experience like that and I didn't get to see it it makes me sad why do you want to have an intermission because once it's if it's a film that's actually crafted very well you'll be invested you'll be like 'hot boîtes critic ill bill was supposed to be one movie it wasn't supposed to be broken the - there's this be an intermission in the middle and they were telling him like no you can't do that that no no no won't go to see that but I would [ __ ] love that I would love to go see that as one big thing there's like an intermission in the middle of everything I would [ __ ] love that there'd be a lot of fun because that's what it is it gets to become an event you're not just seeing a movie then it's like a huge event that's good it's good I do I like that that's what grindhouse was and guess what it didn't do well oh I was really happy that I got to go see grindhouse I didn't the the group of friends that I had back then I was I didn't expect that the what's a fun to be into that kind of thing it's a fun time the the segue I was hoping to make with all this was that uh we saw a Cloverfield Lane recently cuz I I never actually had seen it before Julian did you see that slow down i I really enjoyed it I'm sorry Gary I already knew all the history I knew all that I knew what the ending yeah went into it still I was like okay I know the endings gonna be stupid whatever I'm just gonna hold my attention towards the actual movie part cuz that part's actually really yeah enjoy really good yeah it's [ __ ] great and then it gets the ending and I was anticipating it and everything and when it came I just remember thinking like holy [ __ ] okay as much as I've been warned about this so all the exceeds it I didn't know is that bad yeah it's terrible it's oh my god and it keeps going - that's JJ Abrams jerking himself off - it wasn't brief it goes for way too much time yeah it's awful I I wouldn't mind that either because Julian I remember you were saying like your roommate was complaining he's like oh why they call it that I wouldn't mind if it was just called that and it was still just the same movie and that ending isn't there I'd be completely fine with that it's like Oh Cloverfield will now just be a series like that like what happened well it's probably not going to be I don't Oh course not they don't think they're gonna make they tied it in for a reason it was just a stupid decision that they made with that because it's like oh let's just repackage the movie cuz yeah we don't have the confidence for it to stand on its own let's take a little trick like that to get people to go see it which they didn't need to do it was a really good movie until that I did that I love [ __ ] John Goodman he's my favorite it reminded me that he's a good actor because I gotten used to him and like bit parts that's all so that was the thing with his his character in that - you actually like feel sympathetic with for him at actual points I couldn't get behind what he's doing yeah you can rationalize and say like you know what yeah he's he's a he's a little over emotional and he he lashes out and goes cuckoo bananas a lot of the time but at the same time - its justified given what he thinks the situation is I'll be really sad when he dies yeah I love him as an actor what can you do JJ Abrams gets another book I like wouldn't the funny saucer sprayed the fart cloud out did she action hero kill it yeah and then she heard the radio and they say we need help and she go I'm gonna [ __ ] save the day and she drive off and it goes bang boom I need to watch Iron Man 1 again cuz even though I don't really care for superhero movies I really like Iron Man 1 I like everything about Iron Man 1 except for the villain he's super boring I I think this is what I've just been realizing because I don't really care much for superhero movies is the less it feels like a superhero movie I think the more it works for me and I think that's why Iron Man kind of worked because the first half doesn't necessarily feel like a superhero yeah and that's another thing is in a lot of like superhero movies the movie usually gets boring once they get their powers and they're like I'm kicking ass now or if you I think the worst is when you force an origin story and it's like actual like straight comic yeah I guess I you know I don't know Iron Man's history though so maybe that was very straight and direct but that was one of the few times I really enjoyed a film like that I really liked spider-man 2 with by Sam Raimi I need to watch it again cuz I'm wondering one of my favorite it's super I love that movie how I feel about it is when the Avengers first came out it was a really funny movie and it was like wow superheroes are funny this is cool well now that's like every superhero movie and I could I could tell like they were trying to do a little bit Marvin after a while it just starts to get like okay I get it you're all clipping jokes and now I don't really care anymore because it doesn't seem like a big situation but like I don't know if they don't do that then usually they come off really droll and boring but at this point it's just so oversaturated and none of them really stand out I'm looking forward to that Thor movie that's coming out looks really nice he's fighting the Hulk he looks cool and he say he my friend and the hook said naw you my enemy my Z sound like that he was dropped in China before he had flown to space I thought that it was supposed to be the inverse I thought Hulk fight the what's the alien Thor called Thor Galba no he was like the horseface what's his name he died a man who below what is his name still bleed no I'm actually limbs in do oh my god Chris look this up on your phone gran your phone what it's something bill watch blinky bill no where's his name Kill Bill Thor versus his name beta ray bill I've never heard of that okay never mind oh shut up have you ever tried reading comics yes from a new perspective I haven't actually really tried reading comics I have tried so many times to get into comics and people always recommend me stupid [ __ ] and it makes me hate them even more which one is have you been reading I hope it's nothing current no the last thing I read I remember someone recommended the comic stuff of Civil War and I [ __ ] hated it and then someone recommended Marvel Zombies and I got this annual where it had a bunch of comics in it and it started off and I got really invested and then it just turns out they didn't know what they were doing with it and they just got bored of it halfway through and it did looted that sounds like a thing that would happen does it happens to every [ __ ] comic I don't know any good comments please recommend me a good comic and then I'll read it and I'll hate it and I'll say Frank [ __ ] you what Frank is good hey Frank was it Frank the comic that's the yeah that's the remember the the weird cartoon man that you said his real trip that's a comic yeah okay it's a [ __ ] it's a to mainstream for probably anybody that cares now but uh I have always enjoyed Robert Crumb cool people will say you're a weird sex pervert now for that I mean I am it's true I'm saying woman are [ __ ] yes okay filthy [ __ ] they all come over here now I can't go back oh my god I'm coming so [ __ ] hard what I was scraping like pee off your toilet and eating it and I came good my name bam bam we on effect yeah down [ __ ] you down watch it down there get down that's the blues you go brown brown gamer you ever heard some shitty games of Sergei let's talk about the Angry Video Game Nerd Steam song talk about it okay I appreciate the use of a guitar you know that the man makes the music the musical tension around the four-minute mark really makes any true admire the the what good point III appreciate that the music is in the song because it creates the melody it creates musical tension I like when he says are we making fun of right I don't know I'll be the angry video game nerd and you you be the game you've ever heard you be the game okay Oh what is these pieces she asked me et I'm the video game [ __ ] [ __ ] dude okay [ __ ] put me in the Atari I put you in my oven instead no that's not where I belong now you're broke you did it with the CG effect no Leanne okay Wow so that's what it's like to be the videogame why did we give him a southern accent you gave him well what were you you you're the [ __ ] son game yeah Julian yeah what what's your favorite my moment in Pikmin move bah bah bah what your favorite emotion bah bah bah bah I don't know probably the final boss or something I like him well you you spoiled the game now that we know there's a final boss so sorry let's turn it on boss everything comes to an end what would be the final boss of YouTube stop holding back your laughter you're smiling so hard over there what that would be you Chris no it wouldn't it would be you caressed ukulele wait you Chris what does that mean that's the bit of the Jesus that you put in your mouth yeah oh so you can look this eucalyptus eucalyptus he looks like a spilled painting it's a pun did you know the koala bears they can't even digest it right so that to [ __ ] it out and do each other and then they give each other the AIDS you know koala bears satellite to get down from trees they [ __ ] right underneath themselves on the train then this slide Mountain Goblin they slide that a tree down and make a cushion out of it to land on no think they slide down it like a snail trail and that's why trees right now so just fall out of the trees all the time and die because apparently so that she wants but eucalyptus numbs their brain eucalyptus no it doesn't yeah what it makes them that makes them wastoid would fall out of the trees yeah they become brain don't we look up some animal facts ok yeah list off okay the gruncle no men it's not real and ok blows in its eyes the ostrich is a big fan of walking on one for the car stretch is quite literally a big fan fans of our animals for fun you just have to ask it really nice let's look up ostrich facts they run they don't actually put their heads on the ground sorry just a picture of an ostrich coming out of a fax machine what why is that happens it's hyped in ostrich fax with an X fax okay why would someone have made a photo of that ostrich ax Chris the ostrich male is called a rooster and the female is called a hen that's all the rooster in the gusto and ostriches eye is bigger than its other eye which one an ostrich can live up to 50 years t miles an ostrich 20 L could lay up to 40 or 100 eggs a year uh-huh an ostrich eggs can weigh up to 3 pounds that's the most boring fact I've ever heard who cares but what if they told you what colored the eggs were I knew a man who had an ostrich farm in waxford and his name was Patty Hall and did he weigh the eggs for you he had a pet Fox he kept in the tiny cage and the Fox was crushed inside of it that's tragic that's that fun story well yeah it's funny if you think about if you're a tiny child like I was cuz that guy's probably it's funny if you think about it if it was a cartoon it's like that funny song Julian the Fox says this sound blah blah blah he goes ha ha ha ha ha ha wee wee wee wee wee wee that's funny are you making fun of me I don't say those things no I just say Julian you should you should yeah talk about how I'm a fool no I was gonna say make the actual sound that if I'd space does I make weird noises they go they make really weird noises no foxy sounds exactly like this look it's our friend oh there he is like held in those laughter yet again he'd been a big smile ding-dong Chris there's a beetle Blanton smile some time there's a beetle blaster on screen yeah that looks like the Starship Troopers thing that sprays lava laughs do you like Starship Troopers I do one of my favorite films Julianne I was an idiot it went over my head I was just like I took it for what they wanted me to take it as mm but I took it played straight I was like this is just [ __ ] dumb war propaganda no it's not that's the point exactly that's what I thought I was just like I just read it all at face value and I was like how old were you when you saw it oh it was not long it was like two years ago look Julian Jew sorry I was a fool so I really was a fool it's fine we were all fools what what age were you at your most foolish so when when he said they're scared and everybody started cheering what did it what did that read as to you I know I don't remember I don't remember Julian what age were you at your most stupid probably when I was besides being a stupid child yeah when you're old enough to like function as a human I would say 15 teenagers yeah that's the same for everyone really dummy I was really dummy what was the funniest prank you ever pulled one time I pushed my father into a knife and he death I never did any funny pranks unfortunately one time my dad was walking by me and I was a kid and I saw it in the cartoon where another character sticks at his leg and they trip over oh I remember doing that it did that's my dad and he just tripped and looked anyone get hurt he doubled on news needs to get backed up with his fists up the [ __ ] no he literally is one what the [ __ ] don't worry and I was like how old were you Chris um six seven there was another time let me see if it funnier you were so young yeah you got that there was another time where I was just lying face down on the floor just like doing nothing and my dad walked into the room and he went Chris I didn't I did I just didn't look at him anyway oh gum hiccuping go ahead I got makeup thing from screaming [ __ ] I needed to get this joke sorry you are crap [ __ ] every time Chris [ __ ] to it cuz you're correct alright why am i hiccuping every time I scream you wait crap but what is him I looked right about what what the [ __ ] you're doing it's lying here and I was really young it's funny I like the the evolution of the word prank because now the most horrible thing you could ever do to somebody showing that you're a no respect for them in any way whatsoever is a prank it's true hiccup I'm sorry like abusing your child okay don't die now what's up my hiccup really hard for like a day straight and I was crying by the end of it you know there's a woman who hiccup for 14 years oh that sucks you know Afton where she her neck stretched out because she her head was bouncing every time she did it with that not like ruin your chest muscles - hiccup like for four straight I don't know what it would do to you by the time you stop you just be so jaded and sick of life anyway [ __ ] you God you don't exist I have the hiccups for 14 years what if you did that thing where you bonked your noggin and you heard a ringing in your ear a rim then the man shoots the gun next few years you're saying oh I'm Daphne here you really shocked that you turned into her hurt I hate hiccups I was get the hiccups when I eat rice what do you know what do you think of me right well you think in the pit pups oh no no I only have the hiccups never like scream really hard what have you ever had the PIP UPS no do you know what that is Oh tell me this when your urethra has hiccups so is hell yeah Joanne what would your urethra sound like it would probably it's it always strikes me is really dry it doesn't look like there's like a mucous lining in there so it's probably just like let's go a little peepee in there it's probably it would probably just go yeah ideally it would go Julie what would you do if you flush the toilet and you're tucking your dick back into your pants but a tiny little centipede just fell out of your take and straight down the toilet you got flushed away instantly I would be really upset when it because you wouldn't expect it to it observe it you know of course would suck well if you went to the bathroom in your your pee knee what I'd probably assume is that it just fell out of my foreskin that it was like hiding in my force as a little beady eyes on my dick yeah I'd be very upset about that too I'm sorry I'm sorry viewers I know that sounds disgusting does they learn to speak eventually no it rubs its head on your have some water because you're holding it demand some water where do we have water in the sink give me Diet Coke through there give me a can of anything give me [ __ ] please kill me Oh what would you do if they came out with a Pigman and all of the new Pikmin were just racial stereotypes what are their abilities do they have to do with like what the stereotypes are yeah like the black ones run real quick and steal stuff the yellow ones build technology the yellow ones yeah the red ones for smoke pipes and help you burn [ __ ] down are you referring to them like that because that's what their stereotypes would be the yellow one the black one and the red one yes I'm saying that they are black stereotypes Asian stereotypes yeah so many Asian cuz I figured people would be smart enough to figure it out on their own you're the stupid ones I'm [ __ ] gonna kill myself your height if I kill myself can you please upload a tribute to me on this channel yeah and make it in moviemaker and how monetize it that may get really stupid have the blue background with the white marquee we'll turn the speed down so it's an hour long we times new roman and Pappa ruse lots and lots of mid-roll ads on it mm-hmm we'll come on screen see my kid I can't believe he's gone and I'll go to a mid-roll ad I don't come back in it's so tragic that I get another one just do it back to back well I'm a hiccup in so much I don't know cuz you were screaming you think they could ever possibly make it back in time now who are your favorite youtubers who do you have actual respect for and who do you know on YouTube it doesn't act like a youtuber but excuse me there's slime boy slim [ __ ] you there's good youtubers I would say I like lazy game reviews I think is my favorite very good still I don't know who that is he's very informative and talks about hardware as well as software in sync toad music Chris looks really miserable I'm so sorry I can't go away because I stick up s-- remember the scene and baby driver we kept hiccuping to the music now if I never had a hiccuping problem on the show before it's only been a year well that's sad I know why they all do it okay do you know how to get rid of them kill yourself like 10 seconds how about this I was told a way to do it mister work so far but I don't know how what's work know how to community he didn't do it long if you like like president this is what you do you crack your neck like that's to do anything hold your breath and do it I'm gonna hold my breath for a woman let's see if he keels over [ __ ] across the size of a virus why that make you laugh cuz you've got a face it's Prince look like a funny deform Asst performance of course I have one facial expression it's called being a [ __ ] Chris Rock um you don't want to say [ __ ] anymore I was gonna say [ __ ] I know what you're gonna say fool Finglas does that mean it's a place in Dublin is it really it's where horses roam the streets that sounds pretty fun it's not that sounds pretty fun it's really scary I like that there's that one Island because a bunch of people just drop the pigs in the water and it's just an island filled with pigs and they like to go swimming yeah what if my good friends lives in Finglas and every time I visited them there was [ __ ] weird [ __ ] going on outside the horses would fly so I was horses in the street there was shady characters at each corner there was uh upright pianos lying on front lawns alley there was like wacky land the taxi driver said never [ __ ] walk down here by yourself okay okay I said okay yo mister look at that and point out the window and you saw yourself walking down the street by yourself I said believe it here Tokyo there do you know you're not he looked at me so cos is the tail of the scary taxi driver incident where you were inside of it and outside of it Jesus who is a outside and inside it was astral projection you're [ __ ] read to her what was it that you're saying they never projected before you were telling your friend that you like a chicken inside of your something you know I was like wide six why did he say he just went no I used to know this guy called Terry he's the loveliest man and but when he was a little boy he was really really gullible and no matter what you said he'd believe it so you'd be like Terry there's a chicken in my tummy and he'd be like yes sir really it was really funny he's from Duluth if you guys ever visit Ireland you have to learn all the different accents there is why how many there's [ __ ] all I really know [ __ ] and sucker there's the Dublin one was revolted gold there's the d4 one which is posh Dublin I can't do that one at all so I'm not gonna try it there's waxford there's waxford where I'm from where it's like oh okay so it's all the same that's just you doing a different pitch to your voice slightly no the core coin is actually different it's like oh [ __ ] you you're right slightly and then there's the smelly accent and how does that go [Laughter] oh god yay you did it Chris listen I wanted this to be family-friendly okay let's make it family-friendly hello little [ __ ] [ __ ] this little bit's B that's not family throws I said bits B say hello viewer it's me blippi blippi here again she can't be on would you have blippi on the show no I'd be freaked out because he'd be I'd be scared look at this man he's pink pinheaded ugly stupid unfunny lovey beat the [ __ ] out of you said look he's black and blue bleeding that would be that would be completely justified we'd bring him on just be like [Laughter] he uses as a little athletic body to kick our asses it runs you over with a with a little bulldozer blippi blippi tve Mattie's not on blip TV he could have been you what he would have been big on there probably I miss blip he I would take my kids to the playground and they'd see the strange man wearing the hat and I'd have to explain let him do his show just ignore him you know that if you go on a website called distro kid comm you can get your song on Spotify dot-com did you know if you go to the website Pizza Hut calm yeah you can order a Domino's Pizza all you have to do is hack the URL to Domino you type in the promo codes a pretty good light give me different pizza and then go to the URL bar and type in Domino's Daum me know hey guess what yeah I like dominos I eat it when I'm hungry so [ __ ] you guess what I like dominoes dominoes is that the best crust Domino's is actually really good guess what I used to sting here's a life hack go on Domino's org go to the order page order a pizza this is the days of the hack you ready for it when you when you leave a comments a smile at this is not a joke this is real you want the best pizza ever you go to the pizza page this is really you liked for a little fake mustache there this is real you go to the pizza page you order less cheese less pepperoni less jalapenos and you order that pizza and it will be the perfect [ __ ] pizza you say Bala Pinos yes no Chris the secret is that you do Bala P do extra cheese extra snow you do extra extra cheese extra soggy disgust exercise makes the pizza I used to so sad until one time it was just it just he said like tomatoes and almost puked that's wrong with to me I was hurling to the roaster slug-like they're orbiting they're [ __ ] nasty what the hell are you talking about they're slug-like orbiting listen they have a gravitational pull look this is the way I see it you get a pizza if it has too much cheese on it it gets real heavy it makes you sick if you get the light cheese you get that as I say it tends to ruin the crust yes you get the layers when I say just enough and it makes it taste great will you put the vegetable bowl on the pizza it make my teeth feel real Goods but when you put the extra cheese that's too much yeah so get less um this is not a joke get less cheese you ask for double sauce double salt oh my god and a handful of salami that's special instructions that's Jesus a head full of salami would you do if that guy with the [ __ ] epic brow showed up and just handed you a slice of I would be terrified that would be a thing he would do what if he said say oh sorry about the [ __ ] pizza here's some but if he said he'll open the salami I dare you what would you say there's a little baby inside no it'd be like a human face on the he said there's nothing wrong with salami and you just like peel it in half and there's just a perfect centipede just alive inside of it here you go you go huh that is my boy plate shriek thanks for the tip you a centipede Billy crawls back onto his finger and they both leave laughing now I crawl into his finger oh that's gross just say into his fingernail yeah his fingernail opens like a little door come back inside little centre pod Julian yeah you're doing great I killed the ghost why is there a ghost frog doesn't mean there's an afterlife and the scares a good song goes frog goes frog ghost frog ha ha ha ha who are you going with it it was a funny funny song it's my favorite really though it's gonna I do the Fall Out Boy version of it donut in Adana daughter Donna Donna farm guy above ahaha that's not the fallout boy version what's the hell will you do it I don't know anything about music I keep telling you this [ __ ] they do they did the Ghostbusters one remember yeah we Godard are there we're gonna call I'm not scared but they do the little rabbit mask you know they saying I forgot you go dirt dirt dirt dirt dirt no I got some bad man dark guy not even a good one the good ones are Japanese one Batman yeah they say Batman I love you it's the song a sexual side but man pull it up on your phone I believe you okay I don't want to waste my data do you really say how [ __ ] hard to come by it is you have to find data packets out on the street they have an iPhone app for it to catch them in small netted balloons be fun that would be fun you know I think we've lost a lot of our humanity with this age of the Internet I feel like it's like kids these days they always got their face buried in their fight why do you do you like all those political comics when a Pokemon go came out that it's all but the kids looking at their phone or like there's a they all they were doing it every situation because it's just like this is unhealthy it's a thing I have no awareness of so they would they was the one there's like a kid being tucked in and he said no tell me a story about Pokemon go or they they would they would show like all the kids with their faces down on their phone it was like a Pokemon riding them on like a saddle like on their neck yeah like [ __ ] kids on their phones am i right people were going outside and [ __ ] like it wasn't a bad thing it was better than most like yeah exact if 'ti also I love those comics that are literally just like there's a big thing and it has the thing it represents written on it and then there's another thing that has that thing written on it that's the best but why did what's the point of that there's like literally no reason for that if they're just gonna write the word oh that's a joke I actually saw a really funny party of that you want to see it was it the onion ones where those the Kelly comics those are my favorite it was it was just they were you didn't know they were really bad at recognizing any aren't I I it's because you have very low right throwing my iPhone anywhere you've got 20 feet of couch right here and you hit I hit the microphone stand which is really thin yeah you ain't great at it Jesus okay Julian we were talking earlier about what have you ever done to annoy me and I couldn't think of anything I'm sorry I'll remember that no it was it was funny it made me laugh well they didn't annoy you but I could approach if it broke I would be furious but it's actually perfectly fine I gotta say these iPhones are made out of good [ __ ] but they're unhealthy I'm gonna look at mine right now kids should be using the Pony Express okay bets am I gonna be able to finish or not yeah you'll be fine I think so I kissed a girl and I kissed a boy Justin get off what'd you think about the little murmur she's stupid do you know who's gonna be called the little murmur because she loses her voice and she lets out a little murmur I don't get it if she wanted legs would he just grow legs like abnormal fish exactly yes it takes a long time it only takes like millions of years yeah I mean she's already a fantastical characters lady it's not like she had a rule Oh Julian they did it on their own I didn't put him there Julian you're funny you can't get over this I can't get over it it was so much soft like their couch is huge and soft and they literally she also didn't do a gentle from them through it like a baseball I'm sorry Julian it's okay I still think you're pretty epic those are very loud I want to die yes what what do you want power unlimited power shall we achieve this hey favorite life and Resident Evil I wanted what is your favorite Resident Evil game Dinges Resident Evil high flyers let's give the brief let's give get let's give breed raise rez rave reviews Resident Evil the great balloon race was quite the spin-off and wasn't expecting it Resident Evil beat scooby-doo they were on the the scooby-doo movies that would be a really good model actually what it would be perfect you know it would be a good mod Wyatt death Resident Evil meets Scooby dum Scooby dum was a character I'm not dumb I know about Scooby dum okay I didn't think I know a thing of you is gray he was Donald he had buck teeth he had a big [ __ ] scarf she had the down yes I did have the doggy down he had a little hat get him flippers he had a hula hoop it's try to get him to leave it behind but he wouldn't he wouldn't do it he had a long Japanese most - feathers sticking out of it they had his eyes closed all the time he could be a stereotypical character yeah good yeah you had the buck teeth sure did you like dog what was your favorite song from scooby-doo on Zombie Island I never actually saw it I remember all my friends like I loved it still it's still cool I never saw it there's a good song in there which one is that is that the one about how there it's terror time again yes your window zombies on the prowl and they're coming I remember being animated pretty well it is it's a Japanese who is it oh it makes it's a studio ghibli I don't know who they outsource do you can even tell though that was the thing with a these cartoons you could always tell when it was outsourced to a Japanese to do because it was just like a huge jump in quality apparently the hunchback of notre dam too was animated by the guys who did Akira and the hunchback of notre dam - looks like [ __ ] ads is garbage yeah which is very strange well apparently a Carol was animated by akira toriyama well that's stupid because akira was animated by Dragonball a Dragonball was brought into the world by Akira no Dragonball was bought in the world by the dragon no dragon ball because he remember he rides the motorcycle and he says I wish I had a dragon ball and his wish was granted so he had to make that we have to have the dragon balls no because his final wish was I wish you needed all seven Dragon Balls to make a wish next time the Pikmin were real yes there would be pests yeah they would just be constantly [ __ ] up your [ __ ] I know abou nobody would be able to stop her would you feel bad killing them no they would feel barely feel bad carrot killing them now they would feel disgusting maybe I'll slimy that mucus all over them they're all shiny look I stand upright like little people though you wouldn't kill him I would I wouldn't I'd scoop him into a little cup and then pour the mercury on them but then they would swarm your fingers and kill you know I'd poem you're Korean oh you're American don't you dare don't you kids there whoa they almost went in the water okay let's let's let's play a game besides pig now this is the game I say I say some trivia and then you applaud me Pigman was made in nineteen 2001 ray 19 2001 it's so truth Pigman was developed by a Redman yellow man [Applause] they all shared a bloomin onion they said let's make a game do you like bloomin onions they're actually pretty good I love them Julian doesn't like onions onions are good I like onions I like hot water I like throwing it out on Babel know the hot water challenge that's what you asked for when we want the I hope you like hot water got a hot water for my wound and they said we can get you hot water he said I want it I just want know if you have it ok here's a fun new challenge uh-huh it's called the nail glue challenge it's where you use nails to your face know where you lay down for bed you use nail glue and you weld your penis shut and you try to pee out of it it's called the the buck don't do that I could prank challenge you when you put a bucket above a doorway and you glue a knife into it and see if it could fall on the person's head I got a new challenge it's called the death in the dark challenge or you die in the dark and see if your friends can recover your body if they can revise you like that sounds like fun best played in the woods or on a beach I found I was like six months late he looks like a green skeleton they'd be crying they're so happy I'm a hot water column you know why did they do the hot water challenge cuz she saw it on ghostbusters it's truly was in the new movie haha yeah that was Melissa McCarthy Leslie Jones throws the hot water on the ghost yep and then the ghosts praising all over a ghost holds up Hamtaro party she says this is what's wrong with America I like her she's stupid that was I mean that was like the funniest thing that she's ever done was overreacting the images like that yes how do you it's really did someone is sending you hamtaro porn I don't know how at that point you can you can think of it it's it's insane seeing celebrities react to like internet humor it's the weirdest thing remember when Mel Gibson got sent a photo of Hamtaro porn he said I can get into this you made a movie about it it's called passion on the Christ household Apocalypto cuz his passion for those little hamsters and their big adventures and Christ because he was creeping hard the creep and Gretel eat inside satanic he's trying to make us Satanic temples what beware the creep in Christ what would you do at foam if like images of Jesus were just him as like a vampire II looking ghoul I'd be very happy I did I'd be would you worship Him more I might be more interested yet like not like a lot like a cool vamper like more like a Nosferatu vampire sure absolutely of Courtin that is the cool vampire why is there not an actual goodness for a - movie what modern Jews fought - I don't think that's good though I like it a lot hey you it's just boring to watch you see this thing god dammit that's Julian yeah over here I think scary oh he got killed it wasn't supposed to get 8 [Music] because I didn't think he was gonna get dammit this music sounds like the Wind Waker soundfont is it's on the I wonder do these games use the same sound font oh they do yeah they're 564 use the same one as a agree on time oh I always wonder how they make sound fonts like how do they make a French horn noise and [ __ ] I go and then they slow it down I guess you're right if I if I eat controls I eat make a sound font I'll reveal out of ding dong that's an evil villain he tries people I was later to make sound fun that'll be fun whatsapp yeah that's what he's supposed to do they're kicking the [ __ ] out of them throwing them is really satisfying that's half of why I love this game so much you got to make everything satisfying or else your game stinky no look over here it's not true yet is you don't have to try it all Chris why you press one and then you're all on the keyboard and it makes it that's what I've learned they got better good smacking animations good smacking particles good smacking sounds really makes you feel like you're smacking a guy in it he was supposed to throw the ball there were many graphics in this game as well as many smacking we got the new smacking physics engine I think this game is called smack arre nose I didn't I didn't read the title I give it a 9 do you remember in like 2009 when that boxing game came in for the ps3 and all the faces were really funny cuz it has face punching physics oh yeah I remember that you say advertise like with 316 when I came out and they're like you see that man you see sweat on it yeah that was a big thing they kept bringing up it was ah remember back then used to be like whoa now it really looks photorealistic but they still haven't quite reached photorealism unit there's there's certain things that I'm there's points where if you squint it kind of looks like a yeah resin evil in some oil on the that's how detailed it is yeah Petey looks really nice he was one of the I think the most fun yes he's he I think is one of the nicest examples but there was there was an NBA game the induction he's really good the way it zoomed out and makes it look kind of convincing but then they were like the screenshots like the guy's hand is going through someone's head yeah and you see that and from a distance by seeing that you're just what the [ __ ] did this happen in real life yeah it gets really unsettling in movies they haven't quite reached actual I mean that they're doing really good stuff at least looks really nice now come on throw it obviously to Planet of the Apes there were scenes in that where I'm like okay that looks pretty dang real did you see the new Apes of the planet I saw a planet you saw eight planet yeah it's just a planet with a big monkey face on it to monkey hanging outside and screaming because it doesn't want to be applying to grab near planets but he can't did you if there was another planet and that's what it looked like at a planet yeah I'd be terrified that it ever would drift close to Earth cuz I'm aware of pop it in its mouth without thinking twice no cuz he looked Julia be like that his hands would be like at the side of his head so you wouldn't be able to quite grab anything why is this the final man this is the final man is oh he doesn't seem like it right yeah I thought it was just a minibus the spider boys a better spot a bar ah what do you think of the funny spider pig joke funny what is the joke right it's silly this spider-man throw the bomb gig yeah it's something it's funny because they put it in the trailer and that made people think it was funny that's never understood it that's the reason and my if it wasn't in the trailer people who go um what it's because the trailer does the thing where the music stops and it makes you go yeah oh that's funny oh me get it [Music]
Channel: OneyPlays
Views: 1,449,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oneyplays, oney, pikmin, pikmin oneyplays, pikmin best of, pikmin lets play, pikmin video game, pikmin gamecube, oneyplays complete series, oney plays complete series, oneyplays complete, oney plays complete, oney plays pikmin complete, oney plays pikmin complete series
Id: 5qtL6fDJhg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 20sec (9380 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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