M&S Face Backlash Over LGBT Sandwich | Good Morning Britain

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just serve like a cheap cynical corporate act of tokens ten grand donation to charity from a company that makes eight hundred and eighty pounds I worked out per minute in profit I mean tomorrow well I mean it may make a lot of money but I think ten grand for a charity like the Albert Kennedy Trust which helps LGBT homeless would go a long way but not only that the visibility of something like this is brilliant as sandwiches is such a visible thing in a shop and you think about Marks & Spencer is the epitome of middle England I love the idea that my grands going around doing a shop here getting a nick wearing a tangerines and then there's this bright rainbow colored sandwich and she can be like oh you know that's like I've got a gay grandson it makes me proud it's not feel as concerned as I do that Paul gave Egan's have been it has bacon in this country have also been excluded I mean for something supposed to be inclusive well the gay community well a lot of gay people have been excluded by the ingredients in their I took there's any evidence that there are more gay vegans than heterosexual vegans that not particularly no no not particularly you would always going to exclude somebody this is very not the ingredients fine but you've got you know gay person has been basically called a guacamole you know it's ridiculous no no no I've seen on Twitter a woman say I am a lesbian not lettuce and also in LGBTQ the reason there's no queue there is because quinoa and also corn probably doesn't taste very good where's the me to pizza you don't have that this is a serious point series you mean there are some issues and campaigns that you wouldn't celebrate with food so what I'm saying is that I do this all the time and look at charities in alignment and make sure that brands really have some truth so people have absolute vodka they have a huge LGBTQ positivity and they raise millions of pounds it's massive so here you but wrong about this is 10,000 pounds of the miniscule donation with millions millions your issue your shoe is with the pride and they should donate the amount of fat content please do you like crazy here but I think I don't think you're the one of the desk qualified to say yeah well with a gay people like carbs because we have people you make assumption I don't that you can like to gay people about what they think about the Sam I'm not I'm actually basing actually on the reason that I got involved with this was a high profile gay person when on Twitter ranting about this and saying how patronize they felt and I agree with them and I was like come on I mean I'm literally a homosexual so I think I have a practicing homosexual is that and you'll probably agree with this is that when you're gay so often you don't see yourself reflected in the world around you I remember being a kid and you know coming from a family that didn't talk about these things the idea that we could go to M&S and see a sandwich with rainbow the idea that we could go down Oxford Street or go to any high street and see pride with rainbows in the windows and glitter and think week now so should we now have transgender salmon LGBTQ I mean I mean exclusively as transgender sandwich which is half you know she's in pickle half tuna cucumber would you find that offensive imagine I've heard about the ingredients but if there was a food that raised money for trans cause ISM I would say what a good thing for me it's about you could have all these brands you have all these different sandwich or any food over Pride Month and 10% goes to the charity there you go you've done something really well disagree with raising money yeah but I don't like about it is basically saying let's go pay and work for a BLT go okay so let's move Rocca moly because we'll add that in I find it offensive boys quirky isn't it and it doesn't taste good I like it so great I won't live I just I don't find it batter amazing really no I don't find it patch nicely pat you on the head here's your sandwich I think it's a good thing listen to it I would feel bad chin eyes in your working life peers it was legal to sack someone in the workplace for a business any business just because they were gay the idea that in about 15 years since the first equality act we've come from that situation to big mainstream middle England companies celebrating things and having products like this but not a celebration that to me is tokenism I think there's actually what it's done is raised exactly those lacerations that for many many people of course it's a whole community which is now celebrated included and for many people it is you're diluting it too if you're a child at school and somebody says oh my mom's a lesbian I'll write the letters in the in the sandwich there's an opposite there's something there as well you wouldn't have other marginalized groups having to put up with this would you you wouldn't have a black sandwich you would have a disabled sandwich you would oh you might you have so much is inspired by you can have a Caribbean culture sandwich that's not particularly unusual thing could you have you have a white straight male sandwich we're celebrating people like me your community straight white men it's not historically a persecuted community which has had to struggle but come on last year when Harry and Megan got married Percy Pig married penny Peake he might not like the vegetarian diet that she's put him on but that was clearly an example of corporate sexuality no one's got outrage I won't actually want to hit mother gay people about it so get it get involved in Sui cuz I think my Twitter blew up with all the gay people feeling equally bad for an eyes by this you've made some interesting points I'll give you that they seemed on I think a moment of of agreement the Sultan and Brunei has backed down now from enforcing the death penalty if you're caught in a gay act which is very magnanimous of him the old bigoted but I think it's a good social media pressure and the corporate pressure on the hotels there was a really good thing to watch actually and to watch the Sultan of Brunei just not get away with this disgusting medieval throwback in terms of punishing gay people in Brunei I think he's got a long way to go by the way and there still a palling oppression of gay people there but I think we can probably all agree that is the kind of pressure on social media that is effective yeah and it shows if an absolute monarchy can change its mind because of people and companies and profit margins then just think what else we can do in half of the Commonwealth countries still criminalize homosexuality ten countries still have the death penalty we stand up for stuff like that we can get a long way yeah I think using social media in that positive way is fantastic and getting people celebrities everybody to really push it is a great way of driving how fantastic but a sandwich sandwich apart for the fact disenfranchises gay vegans and gay Muslims is that it is distasteful it tastes nasty the at the guacamole has ruined a good BLT right if I was a gay person again I'd be like why have you created a really distasteful off-putting sandwich either Chavez I can't taste it to dispute that well I clearly look yeah you're having a real problem trying it on me I mean it's almost finished it's my first ever gay family [Laughter] genuinely but is always case that's all where any gay person I know I have a lot of gay friends I know that sounds terrible my ear right now again right that sounds a we're centers but they are I couldn't mention any other going through miles dispenser okay that's the sandwich I want load you because yeah exactly I'm not a big fan of lettuce tape but I like lesbians what I'm les Keitel maybe I'm just making a fuss about nothing Spencer said M&S has an amazing lgbtq+ cousin why have you left the queues off them they just couldn't fit them on the line won't be funny they say queue in their statement they don't put cute they've got it on the side but that's what I'm saying there's no food yeah so it's kind of an umbrella term for other other menorahs they've been left out as well right so gay vegans gamers love queers right has everybody been included in this inclusive gay sandwich they can do a range of stages they should do a range definitely yeah sandwich right now you've had a million quids worth of publicity getting your deep fat corporate pockets and if you really want to make a difference to get charities right pay a million pounds not ten grand that's the tokenism I don't like pay a million for all the publicity that I have single-handedly brought and then that's fine it's called the Piers Morgan effect forever he knocked a product it flies off the shelf you
Channel: Good Morning Britain
Views: 454,993
Rating: 4.4818072 out of 5
Keywords: good morning britain, breakfast show, news, morning news, gmb, good morning britain interview, itv, piers morgan, susanna reid, Talk Shows - Topic, good morning britain debate, gmb debate, marks and spencer, m\&s, lgbt sandwich, m\&s lgbt sandwich, lgbtq, trans rights, lgbt rights, gay rights, m\&s food, good morning britain transgender, benjamin butterworth, nick ede, piers morgan angry, piers morgan rant
Id: 01Q93g8Celo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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