Habanero Cheddar Summer Sausage Recipe - Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ

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welcome back to my channel I'm Joe with Smoking Joe's Pit Barbecue on today's video I'm going to be making an abano cheddar summer sausage stay [Music] [Applause] tuned all right let's get started on the summer sausage recipe I'm going to be starting with 50 lbs of Brisket trim now this brisket trim is left over from the briskets that I trim on my food truck and a lot of the fat has already been removed now depending on the size of your grinder you want to make sure that you cut the pieces down just small enough to fit down the throat of your grinder so I made a summer sausage video about 2 years ago it was a summer sausage video for beginners and I can't believe it's been 2 years since I've made summer sausage and believe it or not I still have one of those chubs of summer sausage that I vacuum sealed and it's inside my deep freezer I might take it out and have some of it later on in this video so the video that I'm talking about that I did two years ago has about 500,000 views so if you guys have not seen that video I highly recommend that you go watch that video now this brisket right here is pretty lean now if you're using a whole brisket you want to take off some of the fat if it looks too fatty you want again a 7030 meat to Fat ratio and I think I've got that with these brisket trimmings right here so I'm just going to cut up all these trimmings and I'll bring you guys right back all right so all of our brisket trim is cubed up the next step is to grind the meat now I'm going to grind this meat twice the first time I'm going to be using this 10 mm dye and the second time I grind it it I'm going to be using this 4 and 1/2 mm Dy the reason I'm double grinding it is because I really want this meat and mul ified okay remember we're making a summer sausage not like a hot link or anything else that you don't really need to double grind anytime that you're making a summer sausage baloney Etc you want a double grind and you want that meat emulsified enough that way you end up with a really nice product all right so now I'm just going to grind up the meat pretty simple process here I do have the switch on my grinder on and I am using a foot pedal so if I step on the foot pedal it turns my grinder on and by the way if you're new to sausage making and you don't have the equipment needed to make sausages check out meety yourm maker.com at the link below that's all the equipment I've ever used since I started making sausages probably around 3 years ago and it has not failed me once I highly recommend it again check them out at the link below so here we [Applause] go all right so I've got all of the meat ground up the next step is to add our seasonings now I am going to be using these seasoning packages from PS seasoning this is the 500b summer sausage seasoning now you can make your own summer sausage seasoning if you want to but I leave this to the professionals PS seasonings that's what they do now PS seasoning makes it really easy by putting together these summer sausage kits okay all right so I'm just going to mix this real quick and again we're going to be grinding this again so these seasonings will get mixed in there pretty good once I grind it the second time now one thing that I do want to mention is that these seasoning packages from PS seasoning this one right here the one that I'm using is the 500b already has sodium aorb mixed into the ingredients and what that's going to do is it's going to act as a cure accelerator that's going to allow us to go ahead and case these and smoke or summer sausage in the same day so you don't have to wait 12 to 15 hours for the sodium nitrate to convert to nitric oxide the conversion process is going to happen pretty quick in fact once we start stuffing these sausages the sodium iorbit is already going to start converting the sodium nitrite again into nitric oxide so if you're making your own seasonings at home you do want to add a little bit of sodium aorb you want to add half an ounce to 50 lbs of meat or a/4 of an ounce to 25 lb of meat and that will act again as a cure accelerator all right I'm going to change out the dye to the 4 1/2 mm if there's any meat in here I'm going to go ahead and pull it out and grind it a second time [Music] here's my 4 1 12 mm dye all right here we go all right so I've got all the meat ground up a second time again the first time was with the 10 mm dye second time with the 42 mm dye so I'm going to pop this in my freezer for about an hour letting it really nice and ice cold meanwhile I'm also going to be chopping up 2 lbs of a bonetto peppers and I'll bring you guys right back all right so I just pulled the meat out of the freezer and I put it inside of my mixture right here that attaches to my grinder the next step is we need to add our cure to the mix so this is the cure that I used to make our summer sausage this is the number 159 again from Pia seasoning a maple cure and this will treat 25 lb of meat again we have 50 lb so I'm going to be using two of these bags now inside of this Maple cure you'll find our sodium nitrate okay so there's no need to add any additional sodium nitrate into your sausage mixture I like to add the Cure in with some water so I've got 20 oz of water right here all right I'm going to start mixing it and slowly add our equal [Applause] [Music] Cure All right so that's been mixing for a couple of minutes next I'm going to add 2 lbs of finely chopped abano so I've made an abanet sausage before not a summer sausage just a regular sausage and I use 2% of the total weight in AB bonetto pepper on this recipe I'm using 4% because the 2% on the last sausage I made wasn't really spicy at all so this should kick it up a notch all right so I'm just going to mix it [Applause] up all right so the meat has been mixed for about 10 minutes or so and it's really nice and Tacky in fact you know it's really nice and sticky that's what you want you want it to stick to your gloves like this right here that is perfect got some really nice protein extraction now I did add another 15 oz of water I just felt it was a little too dry and those 15 o of water got me this really nice tacky mixture right here all right so next I'm going to add 5 lbs of high temperature cheddar cheese you can leave the cheese out but I love summer sausage with cheddar cheese and again all of this cheese and all these ingredients are available at PS seasoning so make sure you guys check them out and this cheese is frozen it came right out of the freezer all right so at this point you don't want to mix it too much maybe 1 or 2 minutes just to make sure that cheese is evenly distributed in the meat and I'll bring you guys right back now one last ingredient that I'm going to add to our summer sausage is 8 oz of encapsulated citric acid so this encapsulated citric acid is going to give us that really familiar Tangy flavor that you find in a lot of summer sausages it's also going to increase our shelf life now a lot of people used to use this as a cure accelerator but again the ingredients that we use from PS seasoning already had sodium a thoratec The Cure not so much the encapsulated citric acid now this encapsulated citric acid is set to melt at 135° but you don't want to take your summer sausage to 135 you want to take it to around 150 to give the encapsulate enough time to really dissolve inside your summer sausage and release the citric acid that's on the inside so again I'm adding 8 oz [Applause] total all right so I'm just going to pour out our mixture into my [Applause] lug all right so I'm just going to grab the rest of our mixture going to get our stuffer ready and I'll bring you guys right back all right so I've got my stuffer set up next I'm just going to load up my canister with our summer sausage mixture pack it in there make sure you get rid of any big air pockets all right load up my canister just like that so I'm going to be using these fibrous casings also from PS seasoning makes it really easy to stuff now one piece of advice is to put them in warm water for about an hour makes them a little bit more pliable easier to stuff so these have been sitting in warm water for probably an hour and a half now pull it all the way in and I'm going to turn this down to about 30% speed you want to hold it kind of tight make sure it Stuffs the end then slowly release it just like you're making sausage okay here we go I'm actually going to lower it down just a little bit more you don't want to over stuff these either leave some at the end so you can twist it just like that what I like to do is get the end and twist it really nice and tight just like that get yourself some butcher twine so right up against the casing you want to make a double knot make it really nice and tight and make one more knot and that is all you need right there so I'm going to get the rest of these casing stuffed and I'll bring you guys right back so I loaded all 28 summer sausages into my prom Max 100s Smokehouse and I will show you guys those here in a minute now I did debut this Smokehouse in my homemade bacon video if you guys have not checked that out go back and watch that video homemade bacon is absolutely delicious I do have the SmokeHouse set at 110° if you want to adjust it all you got to do is hit this wheel right here hit the center and turn the knob to the left or to the right now I'm going to be smoking these summer sausages at 110° we're not really smoking I'm just going to be drying up the casing for the first hour at 110° I have the in intake and the exhaust opened at 2/3 all right you guys have waited long enough let's look at these beautiful summer sausages what do you mean you can't see oh wait a minute Pro Max has a light inside of it how do you like that so I've got let me see 1 2 3 4 five sticks the back three sticks have six summer sausages themselves and the front two have five for a total of 28 now I do want to show you one thing if you can see here this casing actually split on me I've never had a casing split on me but this is totally my fault I mean who else am I going to blame right but I believe I over stuffed this casing right here so it's split in one two three spots right there I was going to change it out but I made a decision I'm just going to leave it alone and see if that casing holds up through the cooking process if it doesn't oh well it is what it is all right so I'm going to go ahead and close the door so we can start the drying process again 110° for the first hour absolutely no smoke so you guys will have to forgive me but as you can see there's three ports right here where you can actually put a probe but I misplaced the probes I'm blaming my wife secretly hopefully she doesn't find out I'm blaming her but I'm going to try to find them I have 1 hour to try to find them if I do find them I'm just going to plug that in run it in through the exhaust and probe one of the summer sausages that's inside the middle of the SmokeHouse so we will see you guys in 1 hour stay tuned all right so these sausages have been drying out for 1 hour I'm going to go ahead and adjust the temp temperature now you do get a really nice app with a Smokehouse from Pro Smoker so if I want to adjust the temperature I don't even have to come out here and do it I can just hit the set temperature right here I'm going to set it for 135° so we can start smoking 135 hit set and it instantly changed on The Smokehouse you can see it says 135 right now oh and by the way I did find my probe and it's not my wife's fault I actually found it it was my fault I misplaced it but there it is so sorry babe now one thing that I love about Pro Smoker what they did with their brand new prax 100s Smokehouse is there's two doors on The Smokehouse now so now I don't have to open up the big door and lose all that heat all I got to do is open up this bottom door just like that so here's my sawdust pan and I am using hickory sawdust for this cook and I did add a little bit of water just so it's nice and moist just a little bit not too much and what you want to do is push the sawdust from the inside out so you get that Wick effect right there so I'm just going to place this on the burner inside of the SmokeHouse right in the middle I'm going to close the door so I still have my intake and the exhaust set at 2/3 open I want to get some really good air flow with that smoke we're going to be smoking at 135° for 2 hours and I'll bring you guys right back all right so we're 3 hours into the cook and we're still rolling at 135° the internal temperature of our summer sausage right now is 92° just switched to 93° so let's take a look at our sausages and see what they look like oh yeah smokey smokey smokey you know so far so good the casings have a really nice color and this casing that split on me is holding up not bad all right so I'm going to close the door so we don't lose a ton of heat all right so at this point I'm going to increase the temperature to 160° hit set all right so I'm looking for an internal temperature of 130° and again we're sitting at 92 93° once it hits 130 I'm going to come outside and increase the temperature to 180 stay tuned all right so 8 and 1/2 hours later and these summer sausages came up to 150° so I just pulled them off and dunked them all this ice bath now at the 6h hour mark I did turn up the SmokeHouse to 180° and they sat at 180° for 2 and 1/2 hours and they came up again to 150° internal and that's when I pulled them off and by the way the summer sausage casing that split on me it actually held up pretty good not too bad at all so what I'm going to do at this point is I'm just going to let these summer sausages cool down a little bit throw them in the fridge overnight and tomorrow morning we'll give them a try all right so it's the very next day and our summer sausage is ready so I'm just going to move this tray aside and leave one behind here we'll slice in that bad boy and see how we did all right so I'm just going to take this tip off right here and yes I am using a filet knife look at that beautiful plenty of cheese it's looking really nice got some orange bits of abanet in there it smells absolutely amazing so I'm just going to remove this casing from the sausage so usually when the casing shrinks a little bit it could mean a few things number one you may have under stuffed them number two you may have added too much water so a lot of that water got out of the casing or number three a lot of the fat inside of the sausage mixture kind of leeched out and I'm thinking that's what happened with these summer sausages but as you can see there's nothing wrong with the summer sausage looks amazing so one thing I am going to do is I'm going to test the pH of the summer sausage so I do want the pH of this summer sausage below five okay now the other thing that I'm going to do since I do have a dry aging cabinet from Pro Smoker I'm going to throw these sausages in there for about 3 days just to make these summer sausages a little bit more shelf stable they're pretty much shelf stable right now but quite honestly You' have to keep it refrigerated because there's still a lot of moisture in this sausage all right so let's get a pH reading right here and see where we're at all right so it looks like our pH is right at 4.7 4.79 now for serma sausage you want your pH between 4.6 and 5 and we are right there right smack in the middle all right so I'm going to grab a few of these slices take my thumbnail picture and I'll bring right back all right so I've got our Habano cheddar summer sausage all sliced up and there's nothing left but to give this a try and see how we did check this baby out nice and cheesy got some bits of orange abanet all over the place and it smells absolutely amazing let's give it a try all right let's see how we did with our avanet cheddar summer sausage looks amazing smells amazing here we go that spice level is perfect the seasoning is perfect it's got that really familiar Tang this is amazing oh yeah man I am a shakuri freak and I am loving this right here going to make myself a little sandwich with some Triscuits the only thing missing is some fig jam look at that M so I know some of you guys might have some questions about how shelf stable is this summer sausage shelf stable is not like the summer sausage that you buy at the store where you can just vacuum seal it and put inside your cabinet forever right this shelf stability in your fridge will last about 3 to 4 months now if you vacuum seal it it might last a little bit longer one thing that I do is once my summer sausage is 100% ready I will vacuum seal it and freeze it and once you freeze it quite honestly it is good forever now as I mentioned earlier I'm going to throw these summer sausages in my dry aging cabinet for about 3 days just to remove more moisture from the summer sausage itself that's going to make it more shelf stable as well now if you don't have a dry Ager like I do toss the summer sausages inside your fridge for about 2 days let some more of that moisture escape from that summer sausage and that in itself will give you a little bit longer shelf life I hope you guys enjoyed this Habano cheddar summer sausage video if this is your first time to my channel do me a favor hit that subscribe button and if you enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up until next time Joe with Smoking Joe's spit barbecue see [Music] you
Channel: Smokin' Joe's Pit BBQ
Views: 9,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: summer sausage, how to make summer sausage, venison summer sausage, summer sausage recipe, wild game, sausage, how to make sausage, cooking, meat, smoked summer sausage, making summer sausage, recipe, food, charcuterie, smoked sausage, venison, how to, summer sausage for beginners, homemade sausage, homemade summer sausage, summer, homemade, beef, venison sausage, making sausage, waltonstv, how to make homemade sausage, venison recipes, pellet grill, smoker, smokin joes pit bbq, prosmoker
Id: 0r1wo3Hs1I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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