Sicilian Calabrese Sausage (Old School Recipe) | Celebrate Sausage S04E13

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hey there folks welcome to the channel I'm glad you could make it because in today's episode we have got a special treat for you a lot of you have been requesting an authentic Italian sausage recipe but made in the style that none now would have made and let me tell you today's guest has hit the nail on the head I am very pleased to introduce Sunny with the YouTube channel that's Aroma manga mja he's going to be sharing his family's Italian sausage recipe in a style that has never before been seen on this channel take it away Sunny hi everybody my name is Santino sunny all right and I I have my own channel and it is called dataroma mang mja I want to thank Eric from two guys in a cooler and from celebrate sausage I guess it's season 4 we're going to teach you how to make beautiful Italian sausage siliana Sicilian and calabres it's together all in one stay tuned we're going to show it to you right [Music] away hi everyone my name is Santino and my channel is that's Aroma mja mja today I'm going to teach you guys how to make Italian sausage the old way the really old Italian fashion way how I like to do it is I take a little bit from how my grandparents and my parents did it and kumbar and and different kadis and Uncle ants we used to all get together and everybody put in a little bit of their own flavor and I put my own flavor I'm going to show you what we need for ingredients very simple very easy but I tell you when you're going to make this sausage and your friends come over or your family comes over and you put them on the barbecue or you you can dry them however you want to do do them when they eat it they'll they'll go nuts believe me so what we're going to need first is salt Co salt okay not the regular so the coarse one uh red chili peppers crushed chilies black pepper of course paprika and uh the fennel seed finocchio we call in Italian orio which you're going to put some of those in there and you of course you need your casings now the casings what I do I I get them from uh basspro uh you can order online or you can go right into their store and it's the PS seasonings and they're the hog casings and they work fantastic and it's way cheaper than going to your butcher you go to the Butcher and you get a a handful for $40 and these are $8 and you you can make up to 25 lb but I they say 25 but usually I make 30 lb and more of meat so you get a lot a lot of casings so the first thing you have to do with the casing you got to make sure that they're clean so the way I do it here's the the casings and I soaked them in lemon overnight okay so I put lemon in there soak them in lemon overnight then the next day I clean them through the sink so you open them up and you run the water through them a couple of times inside out and your casings are ready so what we're going to do today is I'm not going to make it where how they you know you got to measure so much and and I never do that on any of my videos it's most likely you know a handful of this this this that's how it was done in the old days and that's how I'm going to show you now it's very simple and very very easy today we're going to do one4 leg we're going to do the the the half of the leg the hind leg for the the pork and the front shoulder so that should give us in meat wise maybe about 20 lbs in the end okay very simple so you've have the skin now the skin is usable uh because we make uh in English you guys call them brol we don't say we call it a and I'll do another video also to show you how we make uh the broli where you take the the skin of the pork and then you take the ground meat you could either put beef or pork and all the different spices and then we roll them up and we put them in the up that's a different story but anyway I'll show you how easy it is the the first thing we're going to do is we're going to want it to cut it up in the chunks so when we put it in the machine it's going to come out nice and easy okay and you want to keep as much fat as you can so uh if you can see how I'm cutting it I leave the I leave the uh the skin and I'm just going to cut just before the skin like this okay and put them all in my chunks so when you do cut them you cut them enough that that I can put them in my machine for grinding so what we'll do I'm going to keep cutting this all up and then when I'm finished I'll come back and we'll start the [Music] grind okay so I did one right now I didn't do the leg yet but I just wanted to show you what this for the skin see how I left some meat on here before that I forgot to tell you guys one very important ingredient in the end we are going to put pepper sauce okay so I buy this one from Costco this is a really nice vegetable spread it's a little hot it's got the little bit of zing in it uh but it's a nice vegetable spread and so for something like this I will use half of the of the sauce on it okay so we'll mix that in and I'll show you that so it's a pepper sauce um and this one is called travalini okay and it's you can get this at Costco and it is wonderful it's one of the best sauces that I've ever used for that so it's very very good sauce Trini pepper sauce okay so that's that so now I'll show you pretty much what to do uh let me move this over when you get to the skin all right A lot of people will throw away the skin like I said we don't throw it away um uh I enjoy to make what you guys call B we we call it so what I do is you got to make sure that you take the fat okay you don't want that fat on the skin left so and you want to use your fat in your sausage of course you don't waste nothing okay uh so you go just like I don't know if you've ever skinned a fish but you see it's pretty much just like skinning a fish get all the fat off right and you're left with this okay so we'll try again so again take the knife cut you'll feel already where's the skin and then just follow through just like you're skinning if you've ever skinned a fish same thing you see what you get left just like that okay so that's that if you're going to make your sauce nice Italian sauce that's another video one day you can watch on my channel but uh I say all the bones I leave a little bit of the meat on there to give that nice flavoring you boil them first get all the bad particles out and then you put them in your sauce I tell you fantastic before anything the most important of the whole process the whole process is a little bit to start with the wine so we are going to have a nice glass of wine which is beautiful and AAL everybody AAL before we begin now the big leg as later I'll sing for you I'm a singer also and I'll sing for you a little bit Italian see you when this leg is [Music] finished come come time to say [Applause] [Music] good [Music] [Music] he see how I start with a little fat then I'll [Music] take okay so now we ground up the meat all right so now it's time that we got to put our ingredients so you need the coarse salt like I said and like I said I never on on this amount of meat okay which is probably I would say maybe 15 17 lbs okay I'm going to take one two and a half okay and that's the salt that I'm going to use if always put less then put two put more because if you put more you're screwed so on a matter of 15 to 20 lbs I put about 2 and 1/2 uh handfuls okay of the coarse salt that's one if I need more when I cook it and when I try it before I put them in the casing if I need more then I'll add more okay paprika is more for the color you get a little bit of the flavor so it gives you a nice orangey Flavor now you can also put if you want cayenne pepper but because my family doesn't like it too too spicy especially my wife I I make it more uh okay so I've put that that much now in there okay don't be afraid of this this doesn't get any uh spicy okay the black pepper now the black pepper I like to put Lots so I'm going to start one hand two and three okay so we put the black pepper the chili the crushed chilies I'm going to put one handful and that's already good enough okay and then the finocchio the fennel this is what really makes that Sicilian style and then I'll take one and that's it of the Fel then I take my sauce now some people they put wine I don't like wine I don't like to put wine or garlic or some uh the northern Italians they put the orange peel I don't like the orange peel I don't like the wine so I'm going to take and I'm going to put half of this pepper sauce any kind of pepper sauce will work or mixed vegetable sauce will work but I just I go with this one because I really really like I make also my own pepper sauce too uh you boil the PE you you barbecue the peppers take the skin off but it's a big process so for now I'm going to use this because I really do like the taste of it so we're going to put half okay like this all right that's about half little more okay now we have all the ingredients that we want to put like I said if you want to put some wine you can put some wine if you want to put uh the uh the the chili powder you can put chili powder you want to add garlic you can add garlic for me this is already enough okay so now we're going to mix them up make sure when you mix it you get everything going like this so you get that beautiful color look at the color already how it's turning if you see that it starts drying up on you you add a little bit more sauce but this is just perfect already oh the smell already is amazing okay all mixed look at the beautiful color that we have here fantastic right okay the smell is amazing so now we're going to try okay so what we do we're going to make like a little little Patty like this okay and I'm going to put them on the put it on the uh frying pan and let them fry up a little bit here and we see what's going to happen okay now we're going to try see oh see the bones here show this bones here see these bones this I'm going to make my sauce fantastic okay so let's try it out and see what happened here you can put a little bit of the juice you see how that juice is like an orangey you still get all the the flavor in there and let's try see what we have here look at that oh my god oh oh it's beautiful I wish you guys can taste this it's so so good nice [Music] com okay so now I've reached the end so what I do on the end I pull them out I leave my myself about 2 in okay and then I take it and I tie him okay so now what do I do see how it looks a little bit more on the white like it's not really red this if you give it 10 minutes in 10 minutes you see how look how it's already turning red slowly in front of you so what I do now to tie it up I don't use string I don't use nothing I take them and I just make a little indentation like this okay then you take this put them through the top this is the reason I was saying don't overload your casing because then they will break okay you see and then I make one look at that then take it again move them like this and come just like the old Italian sausage look look at this you see that there is a beautiful beautiful string now if you want to hang them you can hang them right and leave them hanging for however long you want usually I'll hang them for a day let them dry up even if I'm going to use them as for the fresh if you want them to just dry uh and you want to have dried sausage then you're going to leave them for two weeks in a cool place uh dark cool place and uh you leave them for two weeks and they and you'll see that they dry up some people they like to put pressure on them first so you can lay them down and then put piece plywood or whatever you have with some weight on top of the plywood to flatten them down okay if you want you can still take a now but I might mine are good because I'm keeping them for fresh but if you want you can go with the with the needle okay if you're going to make them uh if you're going to hang them and you're going to make them dry then you want to get all the air out if you're going to do it fresh is good enough so this is how to do the sausage the old Italian way then I will show you and that's that you guys that's how it is done look how beautiful these stringers are look at that you can't go wrong H so now I'm going to hang them for 24 hours and then tomorrow I will vacuum pack them because I'm not going to make uh the the the one that's dry and then all you got to do you cut the lengths that you want usually I'll cut them right in between here and I put two or three every every pack I vacuum pack them on the barbecue and Away you go freeze them you can keep them Frozen for over a year you never have any trouble okay so there you go all done thank you once again to Eric from two guys and a cooler and celebrate sausage we hope you guys enjoy and I want to thank my cameraman Bobby The Magpie we call him and we will see you again all soon I hope you guys come to my channel AR Ben the channel is called that's Aroma byebye okay there she is and we're going to dig into it now after it's been frying for a few minutes you could either reskin it you know what what they do is a lot of Italians when they put this in their sauce they don't even put the whole sausage like that they'll break it up get it out of the skin break it up and then put this in the [Music] sauce fantastic now that is an old school sausage recipe and what a voice to have a talent to be able to sing like that incredible thank you Sunny for an amazing video recipe folks you will find a link to Sunny's YouTube channel that's Aroma mja mja in the description box below he's got an Incredible video library of authentic Italian dishes so if you want to learn how to cook authentic Italian food visit Sunny's Channel be sure to subscribe to them while you're there and let them know to guys in a cooler sent you thanks a lot folks for watching this video if you have any questions about this sausage recipe leave them in the comment section below and if you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a like there will be a recipe Link in the description box below if you want to give this recipe a go for yourself and don't forget if you're new to this Channel and you enjoy sausage related content hit that subscribe button and that notification Bell because we are in the middle of a month full of daily uploads and I don't want you to miss a single episode like the one that's airing tomorrow where I'm not only going to show you how to make the hard salami but we're also going to be giving away a brand new digital convection smoker your not going to want to miss it we'll see you tomorrow [Music] bye-bye oh
Channel: 2 Guys & A Cooler
Views: 22,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easy Sausage Recipes, sausage, cured meats, meat preservation, pork sausage, Smoked Meats, celebrate sausage, italian sausage, sicilian calabrese
Id: YgQvPuh4lvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 1sec (1261 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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