Pickled Aubergine | Gennaro Contaldo

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hi lovely peoples so many of you asked me how to preserve vegetables especially when vegetable comes in seasons you know and then there's just so much and then perhaps you buy so much what are you gonna do it right let's preserve one of the simplest vegetables eggplant melonzani aubergines this is a recipe very old it comes from my own time mancy jannina she used to do that it was so simple and you can do it so make sure you find a nice aubergines remove the top and then start to slice it don't do like me don't forget i am a cook and never you cut an aubergines with a knife towards you you do this way it's also easy so you started to to peel it why not to use the skin because this particular one the skin when you preserve it is a little bit too hard at the end of the day you know do this way it's much better start your cutting slices you can see how thick the slides are not very thick don't ask me what an inch is so perhaps a centimeter i always get confuse it so i just slice this have to be about a quarter of an inch something like that lovely color look at that you can do all the length way or you can do them in half i prefer mine also doing a half and then you cut them again look like a matchstick a little bit bigger i never forget when i was a little boy this was a stable dice for me to eat it put them in a sandwiches with some nice olives oh my gosh what a memory again so easy try to see what you do it don't be like me watching you so you done so now you get some salt make sure you use good salt please do not use the salt to look like a scent just so fine it and then you don't know how much you put them on top god knows what is inside this particular one english salt is coming it's called maldom salt mold them all the way you know and then again slice it it's such a joy to do it a little bit more salt just try to mix a little bit now we need to put something on top which fits almost covered because this isn't a plate and a very old plate and then once you've done this one you put a weight on top anything and then you leave about a couple hours nothing at all after a couple hours let me show you what's happened oh yeah you have the aubergines look they've been present you need a bowl here as well and then you need one other glass bowl or terracotta or everything's terrific you grab it with your ends you put them together and you squeeze it first you squeeze the rest of the water look at that can you imagine the aubergine so much water just keep squeezing be strong if you can do it ask anyone a little younger than me i'm sure they can do it look keep doing it straight inside once you've done it you discharge this water which is look at that so much that was just one aubergines look how much is it let's put them inside the bowl here then you put it back in a bowl you're loosing up a little bit now you get some very good vinegar very important the vinegar you use it you have to use nice wine vinegar it's available everywhere not with my jamie sorry i have to use it because i love it just put them on top probably use about 100 ml now the aubergines is a kind of absorber it's kind of a a cloth a sponge takes everything and because it's soft it does observe everything you put them inside grab them again again put between your ends and squeeze it okay in a bowl loosen that little bit okay now you get some garlic if you like garlic this particular one only use one clove of garlic you slice it don't do small slice it believe me the garlic is quite strong just put them inside enough because there's only one aubergines then you got chili fresh or dry if you want to keep them on for a long time you use dry if you want to do straight way you use fresh so i use dry because i love me just just a little bit on top if you cannot have a chili or perhaps it's too strong do not use it some nice oregano and full oregano you put them on top now you get some nice olive oil what i suggest you not to use extra virgin olive oil extra virgin is quite strong it's very very good i use it for everything extra veg but not this particularly one because you will taste it a kind of a bitterness that grassy darnati of extra veg you must lose the flavor of the aubergines with the vinegar and the garlic so you use our olive oil simple olive oil i have to be olive oil just put them inside i see not too much get a fork mix it oh gosh this is so good i need to like this get a jar inside put a cloth remove it from the top and start to fill the jar [Music] oh yeah just empty it everything goes i can see look straight in and if you have a little bit of bread you can even do this cut better come on come on oil is so important not to waste olive oil this is so important remember every olives is in a tear can imagine how much joyful tears i have inside here let's have a look he needs some little more oil so again just put the rest of the volleyball you know what i'm going to put them inside here because i don't want to lose it that's a lovely flavor everything this is another different way see close the jar leaving for a few days let me show the way i like to eat this one andrea bring him a dose bruschetta come on thank you here you go some string here perhaps you hang this one up you sure all right that trust you no no a small cake please take it i love it yeah give me another one under here because i'm sure i've got everybody here they like it grab it thank you andrea such a lovely boy oh my gosh you've got party you've got lots and lots of people inside you do one of these you can feed quite a few people that will love it my yes oh my god and this one is for me oh yeah oh yeah um oh my mom taste is so good so don't forget when you buy aubergines or peppers or fennels or little long broccoli or beans anything else you can do this way you can preserve it you can join the season whenever you like well also is memory if you buy those when they're in season so you start to preserve it two three months go by and then you start to eat it you remember that particularly days how joyful it was when you made it they say hey i didn't chuck anything away with anything andrea come on each one
Channel: Gennaro Contaldo
Views: 85,398
Rating: 4.9563808 out of 5
Keywords: Gennaro Contaldo, Italian, Recipe, Italy food tube jamie oliver
Id: f8WuVEIgAI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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