How to repot a plant? | Beginners Guide to Repotting

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[Music] hey everyone before we learn repotting less than two three basics of containers first that's material size and drainage containers or pots are made up of different kinds of materials pots made from clay stone or concrete or porous while glazed ceramics plastics metals and glass they're non-porous and porous just means having minut spaces or tiny holes through which liquid or air may pass so in the case of clay pots this material allows air to pass through the sides to reach the dirt and the roof it also allows water or moisture to the fuse through the container and both these mechanisms allow for faster evaporation which makes clay pots an excellent choice for beginners if you're gonna go for a wood container make sure to use a liner because over time it's just going to deteriorate the wood keep metal and stone containers away from heat sources or direct sunlight these two materials have a tendency to absorb a lot more heat and will cook your soil and your roots but to fix that just add a buffer like plastic and now for the size this one is simple the large of the pot the longer it's going to take to dry lastly drainage holes these are highly encouraged especially for beginners no drainage holes no problem you have three choices place the plant into plastic and or make your own holes but I'm not gonna do that here check out these videos from Laura from garden answers she makes it super easy and it's extremely fun to watch and it's a great skill to have she made three of them one for ceramics one for metal and one for a glass and finally you can pot up a plant in a drainage list pot but I'll show you guys that does it for an episode so now we can talk about repotting repotting is simply placing your plant into a new container and/or soil and we do this for a number of reasons we'll switch our containers to put the plant into something bigger or because we want something nicer to look at the main reason to size up is because the plant became pot bound there are varying degrees of pot boundedness like this spider plant who's only slightly pot bound versus the spot onea which is moderately pot bound up to this philodendron coelom which is highly pot back oh no that's extremely pot down oh my god yes so here's some signs that your plant may be pot bound if you find that your soil is drying out way too fast even after a good soaking because there's more roots and dirt in the pot another sign is where there was once fast growth has been replaced with slowed growth even though all the other conditions stayed the same and are ideal and some visual signs include roots coming out through the drainage hole or your plant that's pushing itself up and out of the pot one reason to change the soil is to change its composition to something better or something more suitable and another reason is you want to discard a bit entirely because of pest infestation the best time to repot is when light is abundant and temperature and humidity are high for those of you who live closer to the equator or tropical or warmer regions yeah that's gonna be like all year for those of us who live farther from the equator or live in colder regions then they'll be during the spring and summer months but of course these conditions can be achieved through artificial means too so now let's get to why you click this video in the first place let's learn how to repot step 1 remove it from the container you could water your plant a few days or hours prior or just remove it while it's drying either can work and it's just a matter of preference massage decides to loosen the soil from the side of the container if you're having trouble just scrape the sides instead grab the base of the plant while holding the container down and gently pull I find turning it on its side makes this step a little bit easier basically your goal is to keep most of the roots intact but it's all right a few severed some already we were gonna do that anyway step to tease the roots once it's removed from the container you may either have an intact root ball or just some dangling roots both of these are fine if you have a root ball with roots spiraling then yeah you're gonna need to tease and teasing just means severing some roots to promote new root growth if you have the dangling roots you can just skip this step step 3 place it into the new container some people recommend lining the bottom of your pot with rocks or stone or broken pieces of clay to prevent clogging but between you and me rocks clay nothing yeah your pot will still have a tendency to clock sometimes if that happens just take something skinny and just put it up the drainage hole and they'll flow out some soil will flow out too but at least your plant isn't sitting in the water so whatever you choose place a layer of soil at the bottom next measure out where you want your plant to be making sure that the soil level is where it was originally for this diff and bachi it was here also make sure to leave enough space between the lip of the container and the soil this is to prevent water just spilling off the side when you go to water your plant now add or remove as much soil elision need to get the plant to stand freely on its own here are some helpful tips shake the pot shake the plant shake both at the same time you know up and down side to side this will help the soil particles get into those empty spaces step 4 give the plant a thorough shower this will eliminate even more air pockets and ensure the soil particles are close as possible to the roots and step 5 if possible if you have enough remove some foliage to help your plan to vote more energy to root development repotting is very easy and it's a necessity for the health of your planet imagine being the one stuck inside the same container day in and day out those days turn into months which turn into years you circle the pot again and again until you forget what it was like to actually grow free you see other containers and want to make a change but you're afraid you're comfortable where you are it's safe here you don't want to suffer any of this because there's no guarantee that you'll even make it right could you imagine the heights that you reach if you do [Music] all right I hope you enjoyed that and if you want me to keep creating more videos please leave a like a comment and please please please subscribe alright cool thanks I'll see you guys you [Music]
Channel: This is a Plant
Views: 483,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: repotting, indoor house plants
Id: Fy8kP2EYpcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 39sec (459 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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