Phrasal Verbs - Learn English online free video lessons

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hey guys welcome back to English is fun with crisped americo's and if it's your first time here you might not know who I am but before we get into anything before we talk about phrasal verbs our topic for today and before we talk about English in general make sure that you come into the video and press like and press share so that other people can join the video too and right now I want you to write in the comments if you can hear me and see me because that's very very important so if you can hear me and see me write a comment right now and you know if you can't hear me or you can't see me then also write a comment because that's also important for me to know I want to make sure that everyone can see and hear me before we get started so that nobody misses anything alright guys so yeah you're just coming into the video make sure you write that you can see me or hear me and hear me write both of them so guys what I want to talk about today in this video and it looks like we have about 350 or so people already on the video watching so I don't want to talk about right now in this video is phrasal verbs okay now I know this is a big topic that a lot of people have trouble learning in English so that's what we're going to be talking about today and when I'm talking if you have any questions or you don't understand something make sure that you write a comment and say hey Chris shut up I can't hear you right or you can write something else like like I don't understand can you explain it differently all right great it looks like we've got around 430 people on the video now so we can start so if you guys don't know who I am my name is Chris Huntley or Chris americo's and I make videos English learning videos and I help people learn English that's my job I'm an English teacher I have a language school abroad where American teachers and British teachers and Australian teachers come and and work and teach people English I also help businesses around the world find the best teachers so that they can come and work for their businesses and I do a lot of other things too like I help people set up their own language businesses so I see some comments right now today's topic is phrasal verbs and if you guys don't know this already phrasal verbs is kind of like my thing yeah it's something that I know pretty well I actually make a video about phrasal verbs every day that's right if you go to my YouTube channel you can find a new video about phrasal verbs every day so you can find my youtube channel by looking at the description of this video or you know you can just go to my page on Facebook and follow me or add me and that way you'll never miss anything and you'll always get updates so yeah looking at the comments are now hello from Poland hi hi I'm in United States I'm in Florida hello from Brazil hi Brazil someone I hate phrasal verbs well why do you hate phrasal verbs guys you know I understand it they're difficult to learn but they're really not that difficult so I'm going to explain it today and I hope that the way that I explain it is going to help you understand phrasal verbs on another level help you understand them a little better so I see someone route I teach English in Poland - very cool very cool I've never been to Poland I've never taught English in Poland but I have some polish students and last night I watched a very interesting Polish movie called the lure I don't know if I can recommend it here because it's kind of graphic but let's see someone else sorrowed i'm an english teacher in argentina that's great guys oh hello from kyrgyzstan hello from India hello from Italy hello from Crete Crete is a beautiful place and so is Argentina I've been there too great guys it looks so great that everyone is here from different countries someone says you're so cute with this beard well what can I say I'm getting older so let's see what kind of phrasal verbs are you going to teach us well guys today we're going to talk about the basics of phrasal verbs okay we'll start out with the easiest ideas about phrasal verbs but the things that we need to know so that we can use phrasal verbs correctly okay and like I said I do this video well I release videos about phrasal verbs everyday on the YouTube and I do live videos here in this group every Tuesday at the same time so you definitely want to follow my page and you definitely want to click like on this page English is fun so that you never miss a thing and English is fun has lots of useful resources so today we're going to be talking about the basics of phrasal verbs and basic information that we need to know to use them correctly alright hello from Kosovo hello from Brazil hello from Finland hello from Mexico wow guys this is amazing and we already have 720 people in the video so that's great so guys let's go ahead and get started you know before I talk about phrasal verbs first of all I saw that there's a lot of people here who are teachers of English or who are you know English speakers who live in different countries and I want to tell you is that you can contact me if you're trying to open up your own business I've done this I've opened to several businesses about language teaching and different types of businesses online offline so if this is something that you're interested in send me a message and you can find lots of resources because I put out videos all the time so add my page follow my page you know search for me online English with Chris americo's alright guys so let's talk about our topic today our topic today is phrasal verbs and this is a very very big topic there are thousands probably hundreds of thousands of phrasal verbs and this is one of the topics that is you know the most difficult for English learners probably articles like a and B that's difficult that's difficult for people there's also you know present perfect that's difficult for people phrasal verbs is one of those very difficult most difficult I'd say topics for English learners let's see someone wrote this topics very interesting great I hope you I hope you really like it let's see someone else wrote how long will this video be the lesson today will be about 45 minutes long maybe an hour alright so we're talking about phrasal verbs this is a very important topic and first I want to ask you why are phrasal verbs difficult to learn so everyone who's watching right now make sure that you write the answer why do you think phrasal verbs are so difficult to learn I see someone wrote I'm interested in teaching online great definitely send me a message and I'll tell you more information about doing that so guys write your answers in the comments below this video why our phrasal verbs difficult to learn okay waiting for you guys to write some answers there all right well I'm gonna go ahead and and tell you why I think they're difficult okay I see some people have answered now they have multiple meanings yes this is true they have multiple meanings that's one of the reasons why they're so difficult so okay let's talk about it there's really two main reasons why a phrasal verbs are difficult the first reason is native speakers think that these verbs and these words are diff native speakers like me people from the United States England Australia New Zealand Canada they think that these words are easy and you might be thinking why like why would people think that they're easy if they're so difficult but honestly it's because for us these words are very small words like if we say put and we say off we think that these words are very small right each word only has three letters and that means that these small words put together to us to native speakers they seem really easy so when we talk to other people from other countries native speakers who are not English teachers they don't understand that these words have so many different meanings and they're difficult for other people to understand right what could we say instead of phrasal verbs instead of using phrasal verbs we could use Latin words or Greek words right like let's take the example go on when we say go on it means continue but most people from most countries know the word continue but they might not know the phrasal verb go on because continue comes from Latin and go on is just an English phrasal verb but native speakers don't understand this when they're speaking right they just speak automatically so yeah that's one reason why they're very difficult the second reason that they're difficult is that they have a lot of meanings like you guys said already and they usually have at least two meanings almost every phrasal verb has at least two meanings so to give you an example we could say well let's use stand-up right to stand-up is when we you know go higher after we've been sitting or lying somewhere but stand up for something means to defend or protect or fight for something so as you can see these are two different meanings and a lot of meanings a lot of phrasal verbs have two different meanings at least and sometimes more so guys when we're talking about phrasal verbs that's why they're so difficult and we want to remember that this is the reason why native speakers might think that it's easy I'm gonna go to the comments for a second I see someone writing you talk too much and say nothing at all well cool you're welcome to exit the video thanks for that if you have some patience though you'll see the content that applies to you so yeah there's two reasons why they're important native speakers think that they're easy and they have two different meanings usually now what are those two different meanings we can separate these two different meanings into directional meanings and meta for ik meanings all right now you might not understand what that means right now but let's go back to our example with stand up so usually when we use stand up we're talking about a directional meaning right direction is like north south east west so when we're using a phrasal verb with a directional meaning it's easier to understand stand up sit down right here it's very logical but when we use the metaphoric meaning of phrasal verbs we need to understand some different type of meaning right it's not direct it's not clear at the beginning so let's go back to some of the comments here is there any rule that tells us what prepositions should be used as a certain verb yes we'll talk about that a little later there's no rule but but there is a way that we can understand it more easily let's see I find the idiomatic meanings are the ones that are more difficult to learn students need to memorize them can't rely on rules that's true that's true so yeah metaphoric or idiomatic meanings of phrasal verbs are more difficult to learn so how do we construct a phrasal verb what is a phrasal verb a phrasal verb is a verb plus a particle and this particle might be a preposition or an article or another word it's usually a small word so we have a verb and a particle that's how we make phrasal verb and sometimes we have more than one particle but we'll talk about that a little later so when we talk about phrasal verbs we also want to understand something about their grammar and we want to understand that there are different groups of phrasal verbs as far as using them grammatically okay so when we're using phrasal verbs and we want to understand the grammar of phrasal verbs there are three categories that we're going to talk about but before we do that I want to make sure that everyone understands something about building sentences in English okay when we build sentences in English it's very important that we do it in a certain way the correct way because in other languages maybe we can move the words around in the sentence but in English we have very strict very exact sentence structure usually so let's talk a little bit about sentence structure before we go back to phrasal verbs because this will help us understand how to use phrasal verbs and how to use the grammar of phrasal verbs let's see sir can you take your class more than one day I do this video once every week but if you send me a message we can talk about classes as often as you like someone write what's the best way to learn English the best way to learn English is to practice practice practice and also to speak with native speakers and let's see groups categories your accent is cool thank you and Maria writes go to the point and provide proper examples yeah there will be examples but you're gonna have to be patient so yeah guys let's go back to sentence structure so we need to understand sentence structure to understand phrasal verbs typical sentence structure in English looks like this first we have a subject then we have a verb then we have an object and then sometimes we have another object and sometimes we have more information like a time or a place all right so this is the typical way that we construct sentences this is usual sentence structure in English now this doesn't mean that it's always like this it doesn't mean that you can't do it a little differently but sometimes we use it differently to talk more about an accent something different instead of just saying it the usual way so let's see where are you from I'm from the United States I'm from Florida that's where I am right now and yeah if you want to find out more information about me or watch videos about other topics you can go to my page or to my youtube channel all the information is in the description to this video and those of you who stick around in this video and who stay with us they are going to learn a lot about phrasal verbs because this is just the beginning ok guys so I talked about sentence structure and so what is the subject we said we start the sentence with the subject the subject is the person or thing that does the action ok does the action the verb is the action and the object is the person or thing that receives or gets the action so subject does the action verb is the action and object receives the action and there are two different types of objects there's a direct object and there is an indirect object so so I'm going to give you an example where we have two objects for example I gave the ball to the dog so in this example I gave the ball to the dog the word I is the subject gave is the verb the ball is the direct object and to the dog the dog is the indirect object all right so we need to understand sentence structure before we talk about the grammar of phrasal verbs and that's what we are going to talk about now and guys if I don't answer your comments directly or immediately just you know you can write them again or you can send me a message later and and then I'll be able to answer because there are so many people writing comments that I can't read all of them alright see I see a comment here I'm going to be a regular student in your online classes that's great to hear you're welcome to come back at the same time every week on Tuesdays yeah someone else wrote phrasal verbs are very difficult I agree they're very difficult that's why we're talking about them today and if you want to learn more about phrasal verbs after our lesson today you can go to my YouTube channel where I have a video about phrasal verbs every single day every day all right let's see Lucy says I used to teach all the grammar in Poland but in England there's a different way of teaching the language to the foreign students that's true when you're in an english-speaking country people learn English differently and for different purposes someone's asking a question about my example why is dog an indirect object good question so we said that the subject is I the action is gave and the action goes directly from me to the ball that's why the ball is the direct object and the action does not go directly to the dog first it goes to the ball direct object and then it goes to the dog indirect object okay that's why it's indirect so let's talk about phrasal verb grammar there are three groups or three categories of phrasal verbs and in the first group we don't have an object okay so you need to understand what an object is to understand this that's why we talked about sentence structure so you need to understand that there are three groups and in the first group the phrasal verb does not have an object and I will give you examples here in a minute so just wait just wait for it the second rule of the first group is that the verb and the particle cannot be separated we cannot separate them we cannot put another word in the middle so we have the verb we have the particle we cannot put something in the middle we have to keep them together we cannot separate them okay so no object verb and particle cannot be separated and a good example of this one is run away run away right we don't say run away him right we can't say that because there's no object just the words together run away have a special meaning and we can't move these words we can't separate these words and that means that because we can't separate them if we put some in the middle like run him away then it loses this special meaning uh let's see some more comments if you need yeah if you want to help on skype you can send me a message or you can go to my page and sign up for lessons what else more examples please for each group yeah so we can also for example we said run away we could also say that sit down is a good example of the first group a lot of times when we use verbs from this first group we use them as commands and this is the group that probably has the least amount of phrasal verbs alright so there's no object and we cannot separate the words great let's go to the second group and first I want to make sure you understood about run away so we cannot separate them we cannot say run there away okay this changes the meaning of everything and we cannot say run away him like I like I said before this is also not correct because you cannot have an object for this group of phrasal verbs now let's go to the second group of phrasal verbs and in this lets someone run away from prison actually we would use a different word for this because run away is really about you know running in a direction so that you move further from something but from prison you're already inside so first you need to escape so we could say break out of prison for example good questions in the chat someone else for pick up is a phrasal verb yes it is that's absolutely correct pickup is a phrasal verb great so the second category of phrasal verbs this cat has an object so remember we said the first group or the first category did not have an object like with a runaway but the second group has an object and in the second group like in the first group we cannot separate these two words we cannot separate the verb and the particle okay we cannot do that a good example of the second category is look for look for so what does look for mean it doesn't mean that I'm looking at you yeah that's look at but we're talking about look for so before you before you start to think about this we need to remember that look for yes it's connected to look but it has a special meaning this is what we do before we find something first we look for it and then we find it if we lose something we need to look for it let's see another question here where are you from I am from the United States right now I live in Florida and I teach about phrasal verbs every day so you can find me on my youtube channel or you can add me on Facebook all of my links are in the description of this video so just click on the video or look above the video and you'll find all of the links and thank you so much for all of the compliments that you guys are writing okay thank you so much for the support I'm glad that you guys like it I'm glad you guys here and I'll keep it up every Tuesday and you know to show me that you really like it go ahead and press like on this video and press share so more people get in here and see this information so let's continue look for this is an example of the second category it has an object we have to look for something and the verb and the particle cannot be separated so we say look for something but we cannot say look something for that's not correct so for example we cannot say I looked my keys for no no no no that's not correct but we can say I looked for my keys okay because here we have an object after the verb and in the middle of these two words we put we cannot separate him we cannot separate these two words that's the rules of the second group all right now we're gonna talk about the third group and the third group is the last group that we'll talk about today let's see someone wrote Chris how many languages do you speak well I speak one language English let's see another question do you just teach phrasal verbs I teach phrasal verbs and I teach a lot of other things I teach teachers how they should teach students I teach people how to train teachers teach people how to interview teachers I teach students all kinds of English business English exam preparation everything another question do you give special classes for schools yes I do I've worked with a lot of schools in a few different countries and I love working with schools so if you have any questions about that send me a message all right Group three now remember group one does not have an object group two has an object and Group three has an object all right we also said that Group one we cannot separate the verb in the particle in group two we cannot separate the verb in the particle but in Group three we can separate the verb and the particle okay so we can move these words around and one already wrote in the chat pick up pick up is a good example so for example we could say pick it up or we could say pick me up or pick those toys up pick those toys up or we can leave this at the end so we can move them or not so we could say pick these toys up that's okay or we could say pick up those toys that's okay too we can move these words around but the third category has one more rule if the object is a preposition is a pronoun I forgot the word there for a second if the object is a pronoun it must go between the verb and the particle must go in the middle that's right guys so in our example before well okay let's use a different example let's use the example turnoff alright so let's see I love to read an English speaker down it sorry I didn't understand that comment if you share this video you can see it again and again on your own wall pages that's true that's true good reason to share someone else for don't you speak Russian ah no I only speak English guys so yeah you know they say that someone who speaks two languages is bilingual someone who speaks three languages is trilingual and someone who speaks one language is English so that's about me someone said please tell your channel on YouTube all of my links for classes for YouTube for everything are in the description of this video ok so just look above or below this video and you'll find out you'll find out everything that you need to know what's your profession I teach English I manage language centers and language schools and I help schools find language teachers let's see okay someone wrote that they didn't understand the explanation about look for so let's go back to look for let's go back to our examples from each category in our first category we had the example run away and our rules of the first category are no object verb and particle cannot be separated so our example here is just run away we don't add other words here usually okay that's the first kind of phrasal verb the second kind of phrasal verb in the second group it has an object but still the verb in the particle cannot be separated so here we can say for example look for your keys look for your keys so here's the object your keys but we cannot move these words we cannot say look your keys for so the object needs to go after the phrasal verb and with the third category we said that there's more rules right the third category has an object the third category phrasal verbs the verb and particle can be separated and we have one extra rule if the object is a pronoun it must go in the middle so if we have verb and we have particle the pronoun can go in the middle now what's a pronoun a pronoun is I you he she it we you they or other words like me us him her them so these are pronouns and when our object of the sentence is a pronoun for our third category of phrasal verb we have to put it between the phrasal verb sorry the verb and the particle and to show this example we have the verb turn off okay so I'm going to show you four sample sentences for example and I want you to think is this correct or is this not correct according to the rule that we just talked about okay so four sentences you tell me which one is correct and which one is not correct are you guys ready let's see I'll answer a few a few of the comments first are there any differences between British and American English phrasal verbs yes there are sometimes phrasal verbs especially the metaphoric meanings are different in different countries where people speak English so in Australia and England and you know it state might have different meanings it's in an English course you indicate I don't know what you mean by indicate but yes I have lots of online courses so you can send me a message and find out more about that alright are you guys ready so I'm going to give you four sentences you tell me which ones are correct and incorrect the first one is turn off the lights is this correct or incorrect okay this is number one number one correct or incorrect you tell me the second sentence turn the lights off is this correct or incorrect just write it in the cut in the comments section you can write number one correct or incorrect number two correct or incorrect like that okay the third sentence turn is that correct or not turn them off and the last example is turn off then turn off them is that correct or is that incorrect I was explore and you should understand that number one was correct number two was correct number three was correct but number four was not correct because we have a pronoun a pronoun them them is a pronoun and when we have a pronoun as our object this word goes in the middle of the verb and the particle so let's show you I'll show you that again real quick turn off the lights this is correct turn the lights off this is correct turn them off this is correct turn off them and not correct all right so guys yeah number four is incorrect I see a lot of comments here saying that it's incorrect everybody understood that's great very good guys so the last thing that I want to tell you is I want to talk about the best way to learn phrasal verbs okay because a lot of people you know they see that there's thousands thousands of phrasal verbs and they get just overwhelmed or shocked or something they don't know how to move forward they don't know how to start learning phrasal verbs and how to do it correctly so I'm going to tell you how you can learn them and the best way to learn phrasal verbs honestly the best way to learn phrasal verbs is not by learning lots and lots of different verbs the best way to learn phrasal verbs is by learning particles okay so we talked about that for people hearts they have the verb and the particle so if we say you know off then take is our verb and off is our critical and each particle has some general meanings that we can see are the same with lots of different verbs and that's why it's very important for us to start by learning particles not by learning verbs okay guys now this is probably the part of the video that most people wanted to see when we started the video but we needed to start from the basics so that everyone understood what we were talking about all right so you know right now if you haven't done it already make sure you share this video on your page and then you'll be able to watch it again and again and other people who you know will be able to watch too so we need to learn particles and let's use for example today the particle up all right the particle up now we can think about the particle is having a directional meaning right ah that's easy and also we need to understand that this particle has a metaphoric meaning okay so when we talked about directional and metaphoric meanings really we're talking about particles there are the ones that show this meaning and for example the particle up we could say stand up or wake up right and these are mostly about direction but we can also use up with other verbs you might not know it or you might not have heard it before but let's imagine this situation you invite someone to your house to have a meal and they come to your house and you put food on a plate in front of them okay and they're waiting like a good guest they're waiting for you to come to the table and to be ready to eat and you tell them hey you don't need to you don't need to wait you can start now what can we say which phrasal verb can we use we can say eat up eat up yeah we might just tell them you don't need to wait eat up and that's because the particle up also means just start something or to do something faster or more so that means that when we see verbs with up sometimes it has this meaning also so we can tell someone eat up or maybe you're at a bar and you just got a new drink and the bartender says we're closing in five minutes yeah it means we need to probably drink fast right so our friend might tell us drink up the bar is closing in five minutes and this means start drinking or drink faster so guys the the the best way to learn phrasal verbs is to learn particles alright guys so thank you so much for joining us today for this video and make sure you check out all of the other videos that I've done before this we did videos on lots of different topics and you can find all of those videos on my page in my group on my youtube channel so make sure you add me to your friends or follow me on Facebook and you can search on Facebook or on Google for English with Chris Mary coasts and that will give you a link to all of my videos and everything that I've done so guys you know if if you enjoyed today's lesson make sure you press like make sure that you share I see someone said I can't find you in YouTube well you can see all of the links to all of my pages and my youtube channel and everything else you can find all of that in the description of this video so if you click on the video it will open up and you'll see the description or the description might be above or below the video so just go there and you'll find my youtube channel if you can find it right here right now I'm going to write it in the chat it's a Google link so you might need to copy it but but yeah so guys yeah if you liked today's video make sure you come back next week because I'm here every Tuesday at the same time and you know if you didn't like today's video or you didn't like the topic or you felt like it wasn't difficult enough for you write me that you know send me a message and that way I'll know what topics I can use next time you know it's not cool to just complain so make sure that you write me and you give me your you know your input you tell me what videos you would like to see and what topics you would like to see next time so guys thanks again for watching make sure you go to my pages and you add everything so that you get all of the updates and so that you always see when there's a new video thanks again and for those of you who who didn't see it the link to my youtube channel is in the comments and you can also find all of the links to all of my pages in the description to this video thanks a lot for watching guys and I will see you next week take care bye bye
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 6,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phrasal verbs in american english, phrasal verbs in english, kris amerikos phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs, difficult phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs conversation, phrasal verbs get in english, phrasal verbs get list, phrasal verbs get off
Id: sOItaL3wqsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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