English Idioms - Learn English online free video lessons

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hey guys Chris here again for another video and so I'm gonna give you guys just a couple seconds you know to get into the video get ready for our lesson today and our lesson today is all about English idioms so if you can hear me if you're on the video and you can hear me and you can see me then right one in the chat and if you can't hear me or you can't see me then probably you won't be able to write anything because you know you don't hear me or see me so as soon as you get into the video today just type a yes and let me know that you're here and as always I'm going to be watching the comments and trying to answer whatever questions you guys have so let me know if you have any questions or if something is not clear because I definitely want to help and in case you guys don't know who I am if you don't know who I am then you can ask alright so I think a lot of you guys already have seen my lessons before and that's why you know I don't I don't really need to explain Who I am but okay for those of you who don't know who I am my name is Chris Chris Huntley I live in the United States in Florida and right now I'm actually not in Florida right now I am in Washington DC so this is a really cool place to be and I like it but you know it's kind of cold for me so but yeah my name is Chris or you can call me Chris americo's and that's how you can find me actually you can find me on Facebook or on other sites by looking for English with Chris americo's and I do videos like this pretty often so if you liked in English and you like free English lessons with with professional teachers then you're in the right place so guys today's topic is about idioms English idioms in case you don't know what an idiom is an idiom is Maya and the chat says come to Ireland here it's really cold I believe you yeah so an idiom is a special phrase that has a special meaning and we might not really be able to understand that meaning when we first look at the phrase but it has some kind of special meaning so that's what we're going to talk about today these special phrases so guys I just want to remind you that if you want more lessons like this if you want to check out my other videos because I have hundreds and hundreds of three video lessons for you just go to my page I mean you can add me on Facebook if you click on this video that you're watching right now there will be a description of the video and in the description you can find all of the links to all of my pages so add me on Facebook add me to your friends you know so then you won't miss any streams that I do and you know go to my YouTube channel add me there add me on telegram I put out a video every single day I do a new video every day that's right so you know definitely go there and check that out it's a huge resource so guys I want to tell you about idioms today and idioms are really difficult because nobody really understands what they mean until they learn them you know there isn't just some standard way or a rule to follow so that we understand this now it's something that's very very difficult and I see in the comments I want to like break the legs right right and that's another thing that's another thing so I see Miri and the chat says what is your name on Facebook my name is Chris Huntley or Chris americo's so if you search for Chris americo's you'll find me and I want to tell you that you know if you just click on the video that you're watching right now then you'll see in the description you'll be able to find me really easily but yeah when we talk about idioms they're really really difficult for people to understand and that's why we're talking about them today when we use them incorrectly they can be really really funny sounding to native speakers because they mean something different so when we say these words and these phrases in a special way that's when they have a special meaning and if we say them differently then that meaning is lost so it's not break the leg okay guys this is not the idiom the idiom is break a leg and when we say break a leg it has a special meaning what does this mean maybe you guys know you can write in the chat and and let me know what you think it means I see another good one in the chat it's raining cats and dogs yeah and that means it's raining very heavily or there's a lot of rain but break a leg that means good luck yeah if you tell someone break a leg it means good luck can you believe that I know it seems like it should mean something completely different right because it's a very strange very interesting phrase right it doesn't sound like something good but it does mean this it means good luck so today we're going to be talking about lots of different phrases like this alright so let's go ahead and get started with some of these phrases and understanding what they mean so that when you know native speakers we understand what they're talking about we don't think it's something different and you guys can write any comments that you want in the chat alrighty so okay one of the first ones that I wanted to talk about today and today we're going to be talking mostly about idioms that are connected to parts of the body all right like break a leg so that was a good one another one like this is I'm all ears I'm all ears yeah ears like this so what does it mean if someone tells you I'm all ears alright see it another good one in the in the chat right now it costs an arm and a leg right right that's a good one and that means it costs a lot it's really expensive yeah I'm all ears means I'm listening very good so it means I'm listening and I'm focused on you so yeah that's that's one that we use a lot when someone when someone says to you or what someone says like I don't know listen to my story or I need to tell you something or guess what happened today you can say I'm all ears and this means I'm listening very carefully you have all my attention great all right I see another good one in the chat here someone wrote head over heels and head over here head over heels or to be head over heels about something or for something this means to be like in love with it you're just crazy about this thing so we could say he is head over heels for learning English and it means he just absolutely loves it yeah great so okay let's go to a few more and let's see it looks like we have so many people in the chat right now guys great this is amazing thank you guys so much for watching today and being part of our our video and I really hope that you can learn a lot of English from these free videos that we do and if you want more free videos like this just click on the video that you're watching right now and in the description you'll see lots of information about this video there's a link to my page add me to your friends and go to my youtube channel and my telegram channel and join those because you'll get videos every day if you do that alright so another idiom that we have that's about parts of the body and everything like this we have an idiom to have cold feet or to get cold feet now what do you guys think that means if you know if I say John got cold feet what am I talking about what do you think well if we say that somebody got cold feet it means that they got nervous they got nervous or maybe a little afraid or scared and they decided not to do something for example let's say that you're going to go skydiving or you're going to jump out of an airplane right you're going to to parachute out of an airplane and just before you jump you get really nervous or scared and you decide not to do it and so after this when we're all back on the ground we might say you know we might talk about what happened say it was so cool it was so fun but John got cold feet right or like we could say Mike jumped I jumped but John got cold feet so it means he got nervous he didn't do it something like this oh I see another good one in the chat here someone wrote to play something my ear yeah that is another good one very good you know to play something by ear this means to improvise to improvise right we don't have music we don't have a plan but we improvise let's see I see that Indy wrote how to spell it but I'm not sure what you're talking about so if you can ask your question again that would be great what else Irene wrote cold B no no we were talking about to get cold feet to get cold feet mm-hmm feet like you know the thing you put your shoes on mm-hmm ah that's another good one in the in the chat to pull someone's leg all right to pull someone's leg what does that mean what does it mean if I say I I'm just pulling your leg John well that means that I'm joking yeah guys it means I'm joking so it means I'm not serious and you know it's a joke so when we we could say for example someone asks Chris how old are you and I say I'm 97 years old they say what really I say no I'm just pulling your leg it means I'm joking I'm not serious all right so let's move on to another idiom so another idiom that we have is to cry your heart out to cry your heart out yeah your heart so to cry your heart out just means to cry a lot right you're very emotional that's why we are talking about the heart and cry a lot have you guys ever cried your heart out over something or about something we could say for example I cried my heart out when Jon moved to another city you know because me and Jon are such good friends I see some more great idioms in the chat it's not my cup of tea yeah that's a great one but but right now we're talking about parts of the body idioms with parts of the body so you know we're not talking about that but ok cry your heart out yeah Maricel wrote great idea to have this live session well thank you for being here Marisol and you guys if you want more videos like this you know just to say thanks like to give back just you can add me to your friends and you can you know add yourself or subscribe to my youtube channel and telegram channel because that's where you'll get more free videos like this and you can just learn English all day because there's so many videos I have over 500 videos so yeah guys okay great let's get back to idioms the next one to face the music to face the music so to face the music means that you did something wrong or bad or you know there's something that you don't want to happen and you need to face it you need to be directly go to that thing and you need to handle this business you need to take care of it so maybe we can say that I don't know Mike and John they played a trick on Susy and when Susy found out they had to face the music like they needed to take responsibility for what they did you know if you stay out all night then you might need to face the music when you come home because your parents or your wife or husband might be very angry that you stayed out all night great so right now we're talking about idioms that are connected to parts of the body and these are idioms that people use a lot native speakers from United States UK Australia different places they use these idioms a lot now if you guys don't know who I am I'm Chris Chris Huntley or Chris americo's and you know if you click the video you'll see all the information about this video and I'm an English teacher and not only an English teacher I also do teacher training so if you are an English teacher and you want to you know improve what you do I help people with that I also help teachers set up their own language teaching businesses so if you want more information about that just send me a message and you can find more information in the description of this video and I help language centers in different countries around the world hire really good really professional English teachers from the United States and from other english-speaking countries so idioms are things that native speakers use a lot and it's important for us to understand them correctly and that means let's see let's go back to the chat I see someone wrote to rip my hair out I want to rip my hair out yeah that means that I'm very annoyed or frustrated or something like this med D in the in the chat med they wrote you're pulling our leg right you're too young well thank you for that compliment but no I'm not not as young as you might think I'm 31 years old and I've been teaching since 2009 so yeah about nine years there's just a ton of idioms I see so many people writing more and more and more in the chat oh it's great rule of thumb someone wrote that's a good one okay so what is a rule of thumb this is a thumb write rule thumb is a rule that we can usually use it's usually correct so we can say as a rule of thumb this is true but it doesn't mean that it's always true it just means it's a very general rule yeah great ok let's go to some more idioms we can say to get something off your chest to get something off of your chest this is the this is a chest right get something off your chest this means to tell someone your problem and that way you feel more relaxed you feel lighter you feel easier because you don't have this problem anymore a very similar idiom is to have a chip on your shoulder this is the shoulder to have a chip on your shoulder but these two things have a little bit of a different meaning right to have a chip on your shoulder means that you have a problem and you have some problem that influences how you communicate with people like we might say he's got a chip on his shoulder and this means that he you know he doesn't like a certain type of people or he has some problem that he always tells people about but when we say to get something off your chest this means that you share this that you share this idea that you share this problem you talk about it with someone and it becomes easier for you I see so many idioms in the chat right now it is ridiculous you guys are amazing Gronk I wrote lips are sealed my lips are sealed and a lot of times when someone says this they'll say my lips are sealed and they'll do this action like they're zipping their mouths closed and that's what it means to be sealed is to be closed completely closed and a seal is usually something that shows us that this thing was not open before and when we say my lips are sealed this means I will not tell your secret it's safe with me I'm not going to talk about it great so yeah we have so many idioms and that's why it's so great to talk about all them let's talk about another one what about to get a head start yeah head head start to get a head start what does that mean well that means just to get an early start to start before other people so if we say you know let's let's drive let's start driving tomorrow at 6 o'clock not at 7 o'clock because I want to get a head start it means I want to start earlier before other people might start yeah so this is another really really good idiom that a lot of people use you know maybe we're both driving to the same place me and John we're both driving to the same place and John gets there first and he says hi I'm faster than you and I tell him no you had a head start like you started before me so yeah we're talking about idioms and idioms that are connected to parts of the body in case you guys don't know who I am I see that there's a lot of new people coming in and I see that we have the oh it's 700 almost 800 people watching so that's great guys and I want to make sure that you're able to find me for the later videos so make sure you add me to your friends right now on Facebook if you haven't done it already just add me to your friends you can find the link to my page in the description to this video all right there's a link to my page you go there you click it you'll see my page you just click Add it's that easy and you should also subscribe to my youtube channel and my telegram channel because I put out a free video every single day every day that's you know 300 sick see five days in a year that's how many videos I put out alright let's see in the chat I see how can we know about the time of your next live video question I try to do my videos at the same time every week Tuesdays I do videos on Facebook and it's usually at around 12:30 p.m. New York time or 8:30 p.m. Moscow time so wherever you are you'll need to you know adjust the time accordingly but if you add me to your friends on Facebook you know just click the video go to the description you'll see all the information and add me to your friends then you'll never miss any of the videos that I do you'll always see them great mm-hmm I see a comment right now single day is that the same as every day no single day is just one but we have a special phrase that we that we say a lot it's not an idiom it's a different type of phrase it's called a collocation and this is basically special words that we usually say together so we have a special phrase like this every single day means every one day so there you go okay I see some more idioms are coming up in the chat a pain in the neck yeah or you might say a pain in another part of the body too so what this means is a pain in the neck it means that it's an something annoying something we don't like we could say John is such a pain in the neck means he's really annoying I don't really like spending time with him uh-huh I see some more some more comments in the chat good great comments because everyone's sharing so many different idioms so here's another good one a slip of the tongue slip of the tongue this means that we said something that we shouldn't have said or in the wrong way so we made a mistake when we were speaking it's a slip of the tongue it's usually when we tell somebody a secret great okay so let's talk about some more idioms that are connected to parts of the body and all of that here's a good one to be in over your head to be in over your head yeah what do you think that means what do you guys think that means to be in over your head means that you're trying to do something that's too hard for you you're trying to do something that you're going to fail at you're trying to do something that you're not prepared for and that means you know do we have us we have other idioms like this too so we could say he's trying to build an entire house himself he's in over his head another example like this is we could say he bit off more than he could chew now this one's a little difficult right guys so to bite something and to bite off means we have one piece and you bite it and take a piece with you so to bite something off and to bite off more than you can chew and to chew means like this like when you eat meat when you eat lots of different types of food you need to chew it so if we say he bit off more than he could chew it means he tried to do a task or he tried to solve a situation where it was too difficult for him yeah great so let's see I see some people writing here sorry I don't speak Spanish speak some Russian no thanks what else an eye for an eye that's a good comment good that's another idiom right an eye for an eye means when someone did something bad you you do something bad to them I for an i it's not a very it's not a very good practice but yeah all right here's a here's another good when I saw in the chat if cats got your tongue so he can ask someone this question a cat the cat's got your tongue cats got your tongue when we ask this question what we're saying is you know are you having trouble finding the right words to say maybe we tell someone something very shocking or we tell them that we know their secret and then they are like uh-uh they don't know what to say and their mouths like open like that they you know they just don't know what to say and we can ask them cats got your tongue and it means you don't know what to say right like you have no words so yeah okay great let's go to another one how about this one keep your chin up keep your chin up so here's our chin right this is the part of the body that's the chin keep your chin up it means be positive yeah be positive and be cheerful be happy keep your chin up we might tell someone this when they look depressed or sad or something like that so if you see your friend like if I see John and he looks really sad I'm gonna say hey John everything's gonna be okay just to keep your head up stay positive so Wow I see there's even more new people who are in this chat right now and that means I need to tell you again all of the information to contact me if you want to schedule you know English lessons one-on-one or Skype or whatever if you want to learn more about English if you want three English videos add me to your friends add me to your friends on Facebook just click the video that you're watching there's going to be a lot of information there in the video description and start clicking all of those links all right add me to your friends subscribe to my youtube channel subscribe to my telegram channel and that way you'll always see all the videos that I have because I have so many free videos it's just like amazing I have over 500 free videos and video lessons every day new new lessons every day so you know can't can't beat that that's great alright I see another good comment here you scratch my back and I scratch yours yeah so what does it mean to scratch me to scratch and describe someone's back ah that feels good yeah so it means if you do something for me I'll do something for you so the phrase was if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours probably see me scratching a lot yeah so that's why that's why we need to learn phrasal that's why we need to learn these phrases these idioms because they aren't clear when we first see them and they aren't clear when we first hear them we need to make sure that we understand people correctly and if we don't know what they mean people will not understand us and like I said at the beginning of this video what you really need to do is make sure you don't use them incorrectly because if you change one of the words or you say it a little differently it changes the meaning completely okay so you want to make sure you don't do that you have to have to be very careful how you use them all right well you know guys there are a ton of idioms about parts of the body it's just crazy and that's why for today that's going to be all for our video but you know next Tuesday I'm going to be back here doing another video and you guys can jump in you know ask questions that you want to know about and and yeah so thank you so much for watching the video today and and for joining me and spending this time in a useful positive way because you guys need to improve English around the world I'm asking you right now to help me with this okay help me improve the world's language the world's English maybe you don't like the fact that English is you know the the international language today but it's a fact and we just need to accept this right now because maybe later Chinese or you know any other language could be more popular and didn't everyone would need to learn that also so we can help improve relations between countries we can help become friends with other people in other places we can help you know increase our business we can do lots of great things by learning languages and communicating with people properly correctly and respectfully so thank you so much for you know coming onto this video and participating and writing your comments you guys have been great and yeah thank you so much so don't forget to add me my name is Chris americo's if you search for me on google or on facebook you'll find me and you can see all of my links to all of my all my pages and channels and everything in the description to this video alright and don't forget to add me to your friends so that's it for the video today and I will see you guys next week on Tuesday all right take care bye bye
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 5,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english idioms, english lesson, english idioms vocabulary, idioms flocabulary, kris amerikos, kris amerikos lessons
Id: O2KBjaC3K6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 23sec (2003 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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