Grammar Series - The Subjunctive Mood

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome to make belief ESL my name is Andrew and thank you for joining me here in the classroom today for today's grammar lesson I want to take a look at a sometimes difficult grammar point and that is the subjunctive mood okay this one can sometimes be hard to learn because it looks strange and it looks sort of difficult okay but actually it's not that tough so let's take a look at it together okay i roam here first what is the subjunctive mood okay I wrote it is used to talk about moods or states that are imagined in doubt or not factual okay just remember that in English a mood in this case means a form okay so when we say the subjunctive mood we actually mean a form okay and there really are only three moods or forms in English okay the first one is the indicative form okay this one is usually used to talk about facts okay and it looks like a continuous form we can also say that so the children are playing outside or we are eating dinner okay plane and eating our Indian ditka deform and it's used to talk about facts okay if we look at our second form or mood it's called the imperative okay the imperative is used to give commands okay it looks like open the window or play the guitar or stop it okay in all those examples right if we say open or play or stop those are commands okay so that is the imperative mood okay the third one is the subjunctive mood and that's what we're going to study today so if we look here how and when do I use the subjunctive mood okay I put example it says he suggests that she see a doctor okay this example right here or we see the verb is in the base verb form is an example of the subjunctive form or the subjunctive mood ok remember normally we would say she sees a doctor right or he sees a doctor and it would be I see a doctor you see a doctor ok but what the subjunctive it doesn't matter which pronoun we use it could be I it could be you it can be he/she we they it every time it will look like this right he suggests that I see a doctor that we see a doctor that you see a doctor right in every case there's no s and it always is in the base for base verb form ok I also wrote here use the subjunctive to make demands requests or suggestions especially ones that are urgent okay and remember comparing that to the other moods the imperative is used to make demands or commands and the indicative is used to talk about factual things ok let's see if we can look at some more examples of the subjunctive mood so the first thing I want to look at our verbs that are followed by the subjunctive ok and I put some examples up here as well as a list of some of those verbs so the first example the coach insists that we practice twice a day ok this is a really good example of the subjunctive ok notice here our verb that we use is insist ok this is a common verb that we use to express the subjunctive mood ok so the coach insists that we practice ok there is the subjunctive form of the verb ok so practice again I wrote there it's in the base verb there's no plural again it doesn't matter if our pronoun is I or you or we or they he she or it for any other noun we still put it with no s at the end so that is our subjunctive okay another example the organizers asked that I show up on time okay again ask is another common verb that we use that is followed by the subjunctive and in this case show up again is in the subjunctive form right that is the base verb style okay and again notice the meaning of that right we could say the or the organizers asked that I should show up on time right that's what they mean right is that I should show up on time right in British English this would be much more common right to say the organizers asked that I should show up on time but in North America is much more common to use it this way to express the same idea okay one more example the teacher demands that they not be late ok again demands is a common verb that is followed by the subjunctive we can see here also be gets put in the base verb or subjunctive mood style ok in this case I use a negative notice where the negative goes it goes between the subject in this case it's the pronoun they and the subjunctive verb which is B so the negative not in this case goes in this position ok I made a list here of common verbs that are followed by the subjunctive I'll let you read those ok just notice the type of words that they are right there all stuff that is insisting or demanding or recommending right so again here if I just took one if I took the word recommend right she recommends that we read the book right or the school recommends that we bring our own supplies right so again these types of words are using the subjunctive ok i want to see if we can look one this time adjectives that are followed by the subjective in the second example here I put adjectives followed by the subjunctive okay this is another common style okay let's look at the example it is essential that all passengers remain seated during the flight okay just going back to the meaning remember we're using the subjunctive to talk about things usually that are more urgent right more in urgent situation so this would be something that's urgent right I might hear this on an airplane ok notice we've used the adjective essential this case instead of using a verb okay and that again is followed by the subjunctive form using remain there okay all right next example it is crucial that I pass this test if I want to go to that University ok so again think about that it's used to talk about something that is imagined or something that is wished and again I'm kind of imagining this future a little bit right and again it sounds pretty urgent right it's crucial that I passed this test so that's the adjective earth at we're using and again there is the subjunctive form that I pass this test ok and one more example it is extremely important that everyone followed the guideline so again it's extremely important there's our adjective in this case we use everyone instead of using a pronoun and there's our subjunctive form again so that everyone follow the guidelines ok I made a list again of some common adjectives that are followed by the subjunctive ok again just to take one example let's say necessary so it is necessary that we listen to the teacher or it is necessary that the child follow the rules so again that is using the subjunctive that's the form that we put it in ok I want to see if we can look at one more thing before we finish all right last thing I want to look at is just a couple of situations involving the subjunctive mood the first one I put is in the passive voice okay we can also use this in the passive voice so looking here John recommended that I be hired for the job okay notice there it starts with B right which is a typical characteristic of the passive voice ok so this subjunctive is in the passive that I be hired for the job okay I mentioned here that we don't use the subjunctive in the continuous form okay this is a bit of a lie okay but you'll see here in my examples we can use it in the continuous form but it does have a cash okay it is vital that someone be waiting at the airport when I arrived okay notice this is also the subjunctive there's our adjective vital that was on the list okay that someone be waiting at the airport notice that we still have to have be okay and be is in the subjunctive form so we can use the continuous but only when we have be there in the subjunctive form okay one more example with that I suggest that we all be working when the boss gets here so again it's in a continuous form but our verb be is still in the subjunctive mood okay and lastly i put here with should okay i mentioned a few moments ago that in british english it is common to you should within this subjunctive verb style okay and here's what that looks like the dentist insisted that i should brush my teeth twice a day okay that's probably how they would say it in British English again in North America we would say the dentist insisted that I brush my teeth twice a day so that's how we're going to use the subjunctive verb in North American English okay that is the end of today's lesson I my examples were clear and easy to understand thank you so much for joining me here at Maple Leaf ESL and I look forward to seeing you again next time [Music]
Channel: Maple Leaf ESL
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Keywords: ESL, English, Study, Learn, Teacher, Teachers, Student, Students, Education, Language, Lesson, Online, Free, Maple, Leaf, Lessons, School, grammar, grammar lessons, english grammar, subjunctive mood, subjunctive form, the subjunctive, how to use subjunctive, subjunctive verbs, subjunctive style, subjuctiv, subjuctive, subjunktive, subjunctav, suggest, recommend, urge, insist, ask, adivse, advisable, recommended that, essential that, important that, crucial that
Id: yJ1n1r8eXmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 08 2019
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