PERFECT EYES with Photoshop Neural Filters

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now without doubt this was the most challenging photo shoot i have had to date but the success of the final image was down to one slider in photoshop [Music] now i don't know why this is but when taking portraits over the years i've found that some people look great looking at the camera but some people look great looking past the camera it kind of gives them a bit more of a presence now this picture of molly the surfer i didn't want her to be looking at the camera but the way everything worked out the challenges of this photo shoot meant that it didn't kind of turn out the way i wanted it to the lighting yes but molly's pose no now i'm going to show you how we can change that pose so with the eyes anyway but before i show you the how let me just explain the why it's important to know why something was done now this photo shoot was done on a very bright sunny and busy day on saunton sands beach in north devon a stunning location that is a bit of a surface paradise before we went into the sea we rehearsed our positions on the beach so i knew where i was going to be i knew where the light needed to be and also molly knew the kind of position that we wanted her to be in as well now this did mean that when we went into the sea we had to go quite a way out to go beyond the breakers to the flatter water and that actually meant being chest high in the sea and i didn't have my camera in a waterproof case what now the current was pushing us around all over the place and it was really difficult to maintain our formation but in that small window of time when we did manage to get it just right my position the light position and molly's position the board's direction her body pose and head head turning when that was just right the only thing that was off was her eye position and when she was looking straight at the camera ideally i wanted her to look past the camera and the difference in that one little thing can make or break this picture so let's now dive into the computer and i'll show you how so incredibly easy is to just change that eye direction to make this picture i believe a winner alright so kicking off then in lightroom first of all this is the picture here of molly where everything seemed to work just right with the lighting and her posing the only thing is her eye direction looking straight at the camera that's what we'll quickly fix but before we do that let's just do a very quick edit on this image here bringing a bit of life and color back into the sky and the sea so we'll do that using the new selections and masking utility within lightroom so i'll come up to the right hand side of the screen we'll click to add a mask here and we're going to choose the sky first of all so i'll click on select sky and very quickly lightroom can tell me right there's the sky but if we look at it you can see that it's actually included molly's face so we need to take that off so we'll click on the subtract and we'll choose select subject so that will now take molly out of the selection of the sky and you can see now if i click on this little eye icon here and do before and after before and after you can see that it's actually taking it off her face so we'll go to the temperature slider here and we'll just add a little bit of blue back in the sky give it a little bit more of that day the color that it was on the day that we were there so that's looking good and we need to just change the color of this the actual c as well make it a little bit more a little bit more appealing so what i'll do is i'll click to add a new mask and what i'll do is i'm going to use this one here the linear gradient so i'll click on that bring my cursor into the c area here i'm going to hold down the shift key press down and drag upwards and by holding on the shift key that'll keep it in a perfectly straight gradient as i move the cursor upwards now it doesn't matter here if i go over that horizon line in fact i'm going to go way over that horizon line just there because what i can now do is very quickly tell lightroom to not include the sky so again i'll click on that subtract and we'll choose select sky and look when i do that it takes off the horizon line so we'll click on select sky that goes just there and it is actually on the subject it's on molly here so we'll do another subtract and we'll choose subject take it off molly it'll do that very quickly there you can see it's taken off our hands but the only thing that's left now we can see some of that red overlay if i do that off and on you can see that red overlay is actually covering on her board i don't want that to be affected so the way i can actually get it off the board there is again go back to that subtract and this time from the menu here we'll choose color range now i'll just take the tick out of that just there and i'm going to click on the uh yellow of the board just there and let's just see now how's that going i'm going to come over now to this little refine slider here and move that across to say take it off the board and you can see as i do that left and right you'll see that it either takes it off or adds it to it so i'll take it all the way across to 100 i think there's a little bit more left on there so i can bring the little sampler here over onto the board just a little bit more press down and then that's it perfect that's taking it right off there we go excellent so now that's done we'll come back to that temperature slider drag that over just to add a little bit of color back into the sea as well so that's that just there and if we turn these masks off let's have a quick look here if we turn the masks turn them all off turn it on turn it off turn it on right now that's done let's now work on the eyes so we'll go to the photo menu edit in and i'll just send it straight over into photoshop here rather than using a smart object let's just click on the top one here edit in adobe photoshop 2022. click on that it'll then send the image over into photoshop where we can now carry on working on the eyes okay so now that we've got the image open in photoshop what we'll then do is go to the filter menu and we'll dive in to neural filters so when we click on that it then opens up all these neural filters here some that are actually fully featured some of them that are in beta so what we'll do is i'm going to click on one down here called smart portrait i'm going to click this little icon to turn it all on and then when we do that over in the right hand side now we've got this little slide here we can see all these different options we've got of things that we can do to the face now the only one we want to use is this eye direction so i'm going to put a little tick in the check box there and i can drag the slider to the left or to the right depending on which direction i want the eyes to be going now i want molly to be looking past the camera looking kind of camera left so i'm going to get the little slider and i'll just drag it over to maybe around about -20 now when we do that you'll see in the bottom here it says processing in the cloud it's now going up to the cloud looking for similar face structure similar eyes which have got that change in the direction for them to put into the picture to blend them all in naturally it doesn't take too long and straight away there we go we can now see that molly's eyes are now starting to face slightly different direction i want it just a little bit more so we'll take that slider let's take it down to around about minus 30 something like yeah minus 30 will do something like that when we do that again we get the processing and job done that's it molly's eyes are now changing the direction we can then choose the output here where we want it to stay just do it straight onto that layer add a new layer have a mask so there's a smart filter so we can dive in and change it in fact that's what we're going to do we'll choose smart filter and then we click ok that then sends it back over into the main photoshop workspace where we can see here this is where we've got our neural filters that we've worked on we can see now that we've got molly's eyes have changed direction if we turn that off and on off and on and if we wanted to change it all we need to do now is just double click where it says neural filters it'll reopen the neural filters properties where we've got that slider that we can start to play around with again so a very simple and effective way and realistic way of changing the eye direction which can make a massive difference to your picture now i don't know about you but there have been so many times in the past when i've taken quick pictures of friends or family and then you look at the pitch and go oh you weren't looking at the camera to be able to change it now so that they are looking at the camera change that eye direction makes a massive difference as it did for me with this picture of molly here because without it with her looking at the camera rather than looking past the camera it just didn't it just didn't work for me but just being able to change that one thing when everything else was perfect the lighting her posing her head position everything else was perfect apart from the eyes so just be able to turn those away just slightly for me makes the picture a winner so just think about all those pictures that you maybe have got where just that small thing that you can change could make a massive massive difference so i really hope you found this useful um if you have and you like the video give us a thumbs up that always helps and if you haven't subscribed already just click on that subscribe button it's a free way that you can just support this channel and it's a really nice thing to do anyway but listen i'm gonna be putting out videos every single week so for now that's me i'm all done i'll see you next week you
Channel: Glyn Dewis
Views: 13,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe, Photoshop, Lightroom, Eyes, Editing, Retouching, Detail, Neural, Filters, Surfer, Devon, Saunton Sands, Smart Object, Mask, Sensei
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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