Free Adobe Photoshop Course for Beginners

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[Music] hi there my name is Dan Scott and I'm an Adobe certified instructor for Photoshop now together in this course me you are gonna learn everything we need to know about using Photoshop this course is for beginners you don't need any previous knowledge in Photoshop photography or design so this is a project-based course which means we're not going to go through every single tool in every one of its little settings what we're gonna do is we're gonna set practical real world examples and then learn the tools and features necessary to make it both beautiful and easy you'll learn how to easily enhance images correcting the light and the color you'll know how to add remove and change colors and an image will select will mask and will combine images then we'll work with text will also add logos that we can create beautiful flyers and posters plus some banner ads you learn the Photoshop secret sauce where we can magic up more background or completely remove objects and people from images gohan before the end of the course you'll have the skills to mask anything including the dreaded hair using those amazing new masking skills you'll be able to clear cut images and start playing with some interaction with things like type in the background together we'll work through lots of popular visual styles and learn the tools and tricks necessary to make them easily there's my favorite section where you'll learn how to distort transform and manipulate images will make your own graphics using simple techniques to create graphics like this from scratch you wouldn't be complete as a Photoshop user without the solid retouching skills we'll learn here and finally any good Photoshop user should know how to put an island inside of a bottle there are exercise files that you can download so you can work alongside me there are also assignments that I set throughout the course oh they you can practice your skills as we're going so if you've never opened up Photoshop or you have any really struggle with the basics follow me and I will show you how to make beautiful images inside of Photoshop [Music] the end good work everybody sound mal a camera guy guys [Music] hi hi there in this video we're going to just get everything set up for this course of it all runs nice and smoothly the first thing you'll do is download the exercise files there'll be a link on the page here to go off and download those so you can play along you don't have to but obviously it'd be easy if you had the exercise files and work along with me the next thing to do is just getting your workspace like it depends on what I mean by workspaces just what Photoshop it looks like sometimes it looks like this sometimes it looks like this sometimes it looks completely different let's everyone right now get it all looking the same by going to window go down to workspace and let's click on essentials a default it's kind of yeah that's the basic kind of layout for Photoshop now yours won't have this group of images because that's specific for me but you what you might do is it might still be looking different you can get a window workspace and click on reset essentials they just kind of like rejects it to make sure it's kind of as it was out of the box that is quite handy if later on you dragging this and it somehow gets connected to this thing over here and this bit gets dragged out so if you ever get lost like this thing like man everything is everywhere let's go back up to window go to workspace and go to reset essentials and it goes all back to its happy home the other thing you might do this is more optional I have to do it when I'm teaching because and on a Mac it's under Photoshop CC preferences general if you're on a PC it's under edit and it's way down the bottom here somewhere ok so go to preferences general you might click both of these or is reset preferences on quit and reset or warning dialog boxes that's just kind of kind of like an you know if you've made any changes throughout the software and it's gonna kind of reset it back to the defaults and you might not do that I do it so that yours looks exactly like mine if you are kind of a reasonable user of Photoshop you might just leave that because you might have made some changes and you don't want to I guess wreck your changes the one thing to note though if you reset your preferences its on quick means you've got to go to on a PC go to file quit Photoshop or on a Mac it's under here Photoshop quit just quit it and open it back up and only then will those Preferences be redone next thing to note is I'm using CC 2008 tene okay that's the version of Photoshop if you're using an earlier version okay you might find some of the features won't work now what features won't work there'll be a few of them okay and if you are using say cs6 or cs5 which is quite old now and 90% of this course will still work so should you do it you should there's gonna be a few things that don't work and that's just I guess yeah you need to upgrade to the newer version but there'll be lots of useful stuff in here still for you but double-check you can go to help and go to updates just make sure you've got the latest version one other thing you might notice the difference between yours and mine is you might not see this 3d option here and a couple of like little weird things under filter and render we're not going to cover them in this kind of essentials course it's no big deal but if you are finding later on after this course you like man right I get was 3d in Dan's version and not in mine it's probably just your version of Photoshop is was not your Photoshop it's your laptop or your computer it's probably using what's called a 32-bit operating system and it just won't work with 3d says the Photoshop can kind of come in a couple of flavors and it will it'll do its best on your operating system so if you've got an oh crap you know operating system really old poor laptop fans are coming on it's all very stressed it might not do these things just because your computer can't just can't handle it so you might have to upgrade the same version of Photoshop you might have to get a new new upgraded laptop or computer alright the last thing to cover is the use of the images in this course so you got the exercise files you can totally use them to practice and follow along with me but if you want to use them in your safe portfolio or in some of your actual work ok your professional work you need to go in licensed the images now I've got all these images from Adobe stock its stock dodo be calm and I pay a monthly fee and I get 10 images you can start your 30-day trial and get 10 images ok but you got to go and find those images and pay for them to use them or just go and switch them out so do the examples with me and then find some other free stock library images to use for your portfolio or your commercial work great places to get free stuff from is a couple here so pixels is really cool ok and just good quality high quality free to use images is that there's free images calm there is is really cool as well okay really awesome images it's another place death of the stock photo calm okay same thing here get you're allowed to use them commercially and another way to use it is Google Images right you can't just do a search you can't just go I'm gonna use I need picture of a shoe and just steal stuff from iam okay and what you can do though is you can figure out which which are allowed to be used to so you go to tools and you can go to I do a couple of things I make sure I want to find large images so good quality ones I want to find usage rights and I want to go and this one here labeled for reuse with modification okay this I could use but I wouldn't be able to miss with it in Photoshop so I want this license and it will cut it down to the list gets quite small okay but you can see large images that I'm allowed to use in my work okay so and that's a way of getting around image licensing or if you've got the budget to jump to Adobe stock another paid one it's shutterstock another paid one is I stock they're all really good Adobe stock tends to fit in with Photoshop a little bit better alright this is a really long video we're all ready to kiss her to Photoshop and let's actually start making some stuff alright let's get into the next video hi there and welcome to the first video and in this video we're gonna look at how layers work in Photoshop it's quite fundamental as our bonus we'll learn the the super quick Auto fixing photo features in Photoshop okay they're called Auto tone contrast and color and what it'll do is it'll help us really just understand layers properly okay you can see my layers over here and you can see my super-awesome adjustments alright let's go and do that now in Photoshop okay first thing to do is open the file we're going to be working with we can do that under file and get it open what you're looking for is the exercise files you've downloaded okay and then find a folder called oh one layers open that up and inside of there there should be one called layers JPEG click on there and then click open or right so remember this video is gonna do a couple of things it's going to show us how to use layers which is quite fundamental refer to shop but it's also gonna introduce one of the the kind of most easy photo adjustments you can do in Photoshop it's using the automatic features so we're going to learn both of those so first thing we need to do is we need to make sure we can see our layers panel if you can't see it go to window and make sure there's a little techniques to layers even I can't see it there it is okay and make sure he's open and you will see background and what I'd like to do is instead of just like changing this version here I'd like to create a duplicate of that layer so that I can make an adjustment and then kind of see the difference between the original and the updated version and that's a really common thing to do in Photoshop to do that you right-click the word where it says background and say duplicate layer okay now this window appears and what we'll do is we'll give this a name okay we're gonna call this Auto tone and let's click OK now what's happened here can you see down here in my layers panel nothing really visually has changed I our screen but you can see down here I have two layers one called background and one called Auto tone they're both looking the same what I want to do is do this automatic adjustment and you can kind of tell and which one you got selected it kind of goes a lighter gray so have that selected and go up to image we're gonna use Auto tone cool huh okay so it's one of the really quick easy things you can do open up an image and if they're like our original there and if the lights and shadows and the mid-tones aren't all quite nice okay this automatic feature will go and adjust them okay so that's Auto tone so what we really came here though is to learn about layers you can see at the top here it's a little high because it's kind of small but you can see it Auto tone you can kind of see that icon or the thumbnail here has changed to this newer version but you can also see the background has there faded out version and what we can do imagine you when you're looking at layers you see the top one first you imagine you're a bird flying above and you see this one first and it's blocking out the guy underneath to turn this top one off and make it invisible to see the background see this little eye icon here let's click on him okay and now that one's completely it can't be seen completely transparent and you can see the background underneath it's just good way to tennis I on and off to see whether you've made a good adjustment or a bad adjustment okay you can go back to that original you haven't wrecked the original either you can always go back to it if you like next thing I want to do is let's turn off the eyeball on Auto tone let's click the background layer so it goes this lighter gray and let's duplicate it again so right click go to duplicate layer and let's call this one Auto contrast so we look to automatic tones okay that's one of the automatic features and we're going to go through the other two that are quite useful okay real quick and easy as well so we've got this kind of faded out version let's go to image you can see we've done tone let's do Auto contrast now this effect is definitely better than the original but probably wasn't as good as Auto tone you can see over here in my layers panel I've got Auto contrast let's turn the eyeball off on it so we can compare it with the original you can kind of see this layer stack here this one's invisible so I can't see it I can turn order contrast off to see the background okay and but if I turn order tone back on I'm like yeah for me personally it's hard to see I guess when you're watching these videos because color depends on your screen but you probably notice Auto tones a nicer one let's look at the last option and compare which automatic feature we like all the walls getting used to layers so I'm going to turn the top eyeballs off and have the background selected right-click it duplicate layer this one is called or a color or color even okay let's pick okay go up to image let's go to order color and pretty good looks pretty close to auto tones if I turn order tone on and off depending on what resolution you're watching this video and you might not see very much of difference okay there's a little slight difference it's just kind of maybe tonal range one's a bit more Auto tones I've got a a warmer feel to it and auto color has just a tiny green tinge to it so and a couple of things we've learned is let's let's kind of finish off layers and then we'll talk about these adjustments and where they're good form so and in terms of the layers what I'd like you to do is practice turning on let's say I wanted to just see Auto contrast okay so I turn this top one off let's see one of the things I guess I like to ask my classes when they're live is like hey guys I'm turning Auto color on and off why why is nothing changing okay and everybody goes yeah we know Dan and eventually somebody says it's because this one's on top okay and I could just just we're just getting used to this we get started so okay if you you can play around with all of these guys underneath and nothing's going to happen because this guy's on top and he's blocking the view of the other things now two other things before we move on from layers is there you can change the order of them so let's say that auto you want order color at the top what you can do is grab auto color by clicking holding and dragging the text here drag drag drag see it turns into like a little fist Lucky's grabbing it and then you'll see a little blue line up here there it is so that'll drag it just above contrast if I keep going another little blue line up here if you go crazy it gets lost she's got to kind of drag and just keep an eye out for those blue lines so at the top there means what our colors on top let's say I want auto tone on top that's it what a contrast on top you getting the song it you can drag it down you can drag it up just looking for those blue lines so the last thing I'd like to mention about layers before we move on is background background special so when you open up a JPEG or a PNG okay often it's called background and one of the big things is that it's a lot the trouble with that is like Yii Yii it won't do it okay okay doesn't like it so what we need to do is we need to give it a name that's the best way to kind of play around with a lock here okay or remove the lock you can double-click the word background okay and up here and give it a name and I just kind of call mine original the cool thing about that is that the lock has been removed I've never in my life gone man I wish that luck was on there it's always just the pain so if you're finding like let's be weird it is a bit weird I don't know just one of the Photoshop things okay so call it original now I can move to the top and do what I like with it you bring it up here because it's gonna come more and more important as we go through the courses some things you just can't do the background because it's locked you could lock it again by clicking this lock icon we never want to home but that is it for layers now what a will do is is turn off the original is these three here I don't want you to leave this class thinking our Auto tones always better okay it's not always this is kind of doing later on in the course you'll look at levels this is what this is trying to do order color is dealing with and saturation they're just doing it automatically and the thing is is if this was a different image you might find because in this case quarter contrast didn't do a great job right you might find that it's actually absolutely perfect for the job that you're doing so I find the auto features is really good when I'm I don't want to do amazing photo retouching I just want it to be bitter let's say I'm uploading photos to my facebook or business web gallery and I just want them to be bitter okay so hang an open up Photoshop it smash away at Auto tone because I figured out that was the best one for my kind of photo shoot and then just keep doing it and saving them so I don't have to go through and do any kind of hardcore adjustments that we're going to do a bit later okay so just quick and easy but don't think what I own is better than order contrast it really depends on your images alright last thing we'll do is we're gonna save this file okay so we're gonna go to file and hit save and something strange is gonna happen it's not gonna save it it was called layers JP you can see in the top left here but because we've added layers this is a specific Photoshop feature okay JPEGs can't have layers so it needs to be saved it as a different format and photo shops clearances you need to be PSD now if you're on a Mac like me you also might look like this that's fine but see this little icon here it's just better if it's opened up okay I'm gonna make mine a little bit smaller as well if you're on a PC it's already open okay so on a Mac just click there to open it up you don't need to change anything we're gonna call ours layers dot PSD and all it means is it's gonna be very similar to the last one except it's got this little bit here the file size is gonna be a bit bigger but it's great because it's got all this layers that we can go in turn on and off later on so let's save it as layers dot PSD and click Save now this pops up yours will cover this here maximize compatibility this is always on you never want just means that this is likely to all open an older versions of formats so sorry older versions of Photoshop see if you're sending this to somebody who has cs6 or cs5 it's more than likely gonna open the file size gets a tiny bit bigger but it's not worth turning that off to save the file size because yeah just means somebody might not be able to open it up you can click don't show again I can't because I am a trainer and I need to show this to everybody that's new it's a pain at the moment okay but let's let's just click okay and ignore that I'm not going to mention it again for the course alright let's go to file close and move on to our next video hey there hey I hope you're enjoying the course so far there's plenty more to come I just wanted to butt in here to remind you that this is a small part of my larger photoshop essentials course so there's more after this if you like I'll put a link in the description for that if you're interested I also have a photoshop advanced course there as well what you're seeing in front of you now are the things that we go on to making those courses if you did decide to subscribe to my courses you also get access to my InDesign illustrator After Effects Premiere Pro Dreamweaver and Adobe XD courses all right so that's the sales pitch over back to your regular scheduled programming welcome everyone this video is just going to be an introduction to navigating around Photoshop we're gonna combine these three images okay all into this lovely little collage here we're gonna move them around we're gonna resize them we're gonna practice zooming in and out and navigating no not super exciting but super fundamental let's get into it now in Photoshop alright so the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna open up a bunch of files let's go to file and go to open and what I'd like you to do is in your exercise files there is a folder called oh one layers double click that inside of there we want navigation and we want navigation 1 2 3 & 4 these are the images we're going to combine now you can open them individually by selecting them clicking open but that can get a bit tedious so what we're going to do is click this first one at the top here ok and then hold down shift on my keyboard ok and click the last one and it should highlight them all or open them up individually whatever works let's click open alright so in Photoshop when you've got more than one document open they transpose them into these tabs along the top here so click on the tabs just get used to it ok so those are all the images that I've got open four of them and what I'd like to do is combine them all into this first image here so we're gonna start with navigation - that's the one that I want to move into this navigation one document now there are lots of ways of kind of copying images into files and moving them around but I'm gonna show you the way that I guess it's just kind of future bulletproof it just works with later on when we get into slightly more complicated things like layer mask and adjustment layers this technique is still gonna work the technique is pretty simple okay and use the Move tool okay which is the first tool in your tool bar here and all you do is click hold drag your mouse clicking dragging okay drag drag drag drag drag hover above this tab for like a second and then it switches I've still got my mouse down still holding holding holding holding let go okay it's a bit weird I know I promised okay I have I totally understand and so let's go let's give it another practice though let's go to navigation three same thing okay I'm gonna get my move tool click hold drag I'm holding my mouse down holding my left mouse key down holding holding holding hovering around the tab and then letting go there is the technique it's kind of weird and but yeah it's gonna prove future proof later on let's go to the last one here the last one here click hold drag drag drag drag drag drag hold hold hold hold hold let go ah okay we've got a slight problem with this one's a different size now I've resized these first ones just to make life easy and they've fit in here perfectly but more often than not you're going to be kind of combining images and they're going to be really different sizes sometimes they could be really big okay if you've taken them on a you know quite a high-end digital camera that can be really really big so it's gonna bring us into some more of the navigation things we need to learn throughout this course okay I'm going to pile them all into here don't worry if you're like oh man these shortcuts there's too many and we're gonna kind of reiterate these all the way through the course and you'll find that the ones we cover right now in this video I going to be the ones that you use forever in Photoshop at least the ones you use the most okay so a couple of things I want to do now is I want to transform this guy here okay just too big so what I can do is I got it selected I know it's selected because over here my layers okay it's got that gray highlight and I can turn the I on and off so I know it's the right one then go up to edit and let's go to transform and let's go to this one that's called sky this one you're gonna use really often okay edit transform and scale and what I'd like to do is now depending on your screen you might have to zoom out okay especially if it's a really big image so we're gonna learn one of our first shortcuts okay for navigation will in a couple in this course can the really common one is if you're on a Mac hold down the command key and tap the minus on your keyboards kind of up the top there near your numbers you'll see that zooms out if you're on a PC hold down the control key and tap the - okay so - zoom is out and plus zooms in so give a practice with that hold down command on a Mac ctrl + PC and just tap + to zoom in - to zoom out so my name is Singh is going to allow us to see the edges of this transform box we've got here when we're scaling now what we're gonna do now is you can move it around by clicking the center avoid this little crosshairs in the middle it's just the center of rotations and it's not something we want to mess with for the moments anywhere inside of here moves it around and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna kind of like a line it up Photoshop is a really cool tool that's on by default called Smart guides and it just says hey did you mean lining up with this guy and you're like yeah that's exactly what I meant if yours isn't kind of snapping to the edges like mine go into view and just check that and show down here you've got a tick next to smart guides it'll just make sure that's on okay so what I want to do now is resize it I'm gonna grab this bottom corner just drag it and what you'll notice is that if I just drag it and it's gonna potentially distort it you could drag it and kind of hopefully get it there but a nice little trick is while you're dragging it okay before you let go is hold down the shift key okay so let's if yours is all gone a bit wrong let's hit escape when you keyboard that's the I didn't mean it button okay hit escape let's go edit transform go to scale now when I'm dragging this corner here hold down the shift key so down on your keyboard hold shift grab the corner and what you'll notice is it locks the height and width now we're not looking for perfection you just get it kind of close to these other ones we'll look at doing it perfectly later on but get it kind of close to the right size and last thing you need to do when you're using scale is that you need to hit the enter key on your keyboard otherwise it's kind of halfway through something see all these dots on the side it means hey I'm busy doing scaling now you can do anything else because if you go up to your panels along the top here you see it'll grayed out it just means you can't do anything until you hit Enter or return all right so let's zoom in you know what the shortcut is now remember it is command + on a Mac or ctrl + on a PC and and I want you to go in nice and tight because I want to show you one more shortcut before we go and that is kind of moving around once you're in this sort of kind of really close you have to be zoomed right in so that the image goes off the edges and say I want to go over here to the right okay you can use these little sliders okay this is the caveman way if you feel like you want to be caveman you can just drag these little scrubbing things up and down and it totally works because you might feel a little overloaded with shortcuts already so but if you aren't I'm going to give you one of the really common navigation shortcuts is that you just need to hold down the spacebar key so spacebar on your keyboard you can see my little cursor changes from that little move tool to the little hand and then this click hold the mouse and kind of drag it across okay that's gonna be it for the basic navigation for Photoshop we're obviously gonna build on these skills later on so if you feel like man not didn't get every single one of those don't worry we'll cover them again and again as we move through the course so just to recap whenever you need to move one image to another okay click on it grab the move tool click hold drag wait wait wait drag it down let go you often need to resize okay and it's under edit transform scale but to make sure the height and width doesn't get all distorted you hold down which key was it it's a test say it in your head yeah shift okay shift just means that the height and width won't get distorted now remember when you finished you've got to hit the return key otherwise life doesn't work a couple other shortcuts that I jumped - there was the zooming in and out which is command + + - on a Mac or ctrl + + - on a PC and holding the spacebar allows you to click hold and drag and move around alright that is gonna be it for this video we're gonna get into doing some actual photoshopping in the next video I promise so yep let's finish it the air I will see you in the next one hi there in this video we're going to look at something called levels is the thing I do the most in Photoshop I open up an image and I sharpen up the blacks and the whites really City come on here's another example looks good then BAM looks better what we're doing is making the blacks and the white super strong using something called levels let's go and do it now in Photoshop all right let's get started so from your exercise files go to file open and we're working in our exercise files and we're going to be using o2 color so double click to go inside there inside of here we're going to open up levels o1 click open alright the first thing is we're going to find this adjustments panel okay so this is where we find a lot of the adjustments we're going to do it in this color section if you can't find it go to window and come down until you find adjustments and it should have a little techniques to it go and if you hover above them all you can kind of see I can't point to it as well but you can see the name appears up here Watch okay it's the one you're looking for is levels it's this kind of histogram looking bar chart type thing click on him once cool and what ends up happening is and nothing except to know that we've got this little new layer that we'll talk about a little bit and this big ugly thing opens up ok now this thing is simpler than it looks ok cuz let me show you the technique here basically this is all the color information in our document you'll notice down the bottom here there's a black little pointer there's a kind of a gray one and a white one basically what it's showing is is that there's no really white information and no really black information there is a chunk of other stuff there's quite a lot of light gray you can kind of see and here's a lot of light gray and even then that doesn't really matter basically what you want to do is grab the dark guy and drag them to the right click hold and drag them how far just keep an eye on my image over here you see that further I dragged them the darker it gets what we want to do is basically drag them to the kind of first hump okay so halfway up the first little hump here and you'll notice that if I to might preview on and off okay so my livers layer here to the eyeball on and off it just really sharpens up their shadows or the dark parts same with the other side grab the white drag it to the left and how far you drag it basically just halfway up the first hump or at least until you feel like it's looking good okay there's no like absolute science here it really depends on your image but that's the really good place to start drag the both ends in until a half way up the hump and often it'll fix your image there's no specific way to drag it depends on your image so I can drag it to the left and it lightens it up and drag it to the right and it darkens it up so it really depends where you want it to be I'm just dragging it back and forth looking in the image until I find something that I like remember turn the eye on and off have I made it better have I made it worse okay it's better it's pretty over saturate is pretty sharp and that my friends is how levels work and it is the thing I do most often when I open up an image especially if it's something I've taken myself and it's a way to kind of really get the rich blacks and the pure whites and what Photoshop has done is that it's put it on a layer that I can turn on and off so later on I can come back to this and either make adjustments okay or just turn it off and go back to the original it's very quick it's very easy what you're gonna do now is a little exercise go to file go to open and there's one of the cool levels too now what I've done throughout this course is that if there's ones that I've taken from a website called unsplash unsplash is a cool website for commercial use images that you don't have to pay for okay the only thing that they require is that you leave the artist name and where it came from so that's what I'm doing so this one here came from a paid stock library site they don't require I paid to use it this one here I didn't pay for but Mathew Hamilton and his amazing photography just needs to be credited here anyway so open up levels to click open go through the same process here go to your justments panel find levels drag the hills in from both sides the center slider try left and right depending on what you're looking for and that will give you some practice with the most common thing to do in Photoshop in my opinion and in my current opinion it is time to get onto the next video all right see you over there hey there in this video we're looking to enhance colors I hate saying the word make palettes pop but that's kind of what we're doing and we're just trying to kind of like lift some of the colors so we're gonna take this image that we've been working on and really just kind of rich in it out but specially the background stuff this image here really one two three colors are definitely enhanced and maybe some popping going on now this technique is after levels is one of the first things I do so step two in my fixing up my images is levels first which we did in a previous video and then I look at vibrance just to kind of lift and raise some of the colors without going too far we might have gone a little too far in this image but that's okay let's learn how to do it now in Adobe Photoshop right to get started we're going to open up two files from that same folder called o2 color I've got open vibrant so one and vibrance Oh two vibrance o2 is from Mel Vista magazine and great so we're gonna have vibrance one to start with and what we're gonna do is in our adjustments panel we're gonna use this one here looks like a kind of a V with a gradient in the middle the vibrance adjustment click on that now I just mentioned that vibrance is a good replacement for saturation in most cases okay so if you have dabbled in Photoshop before and you use the hue and saturation slider case iteration is fine but vibrance is definitely better why is vibrance better in my opinion and vibrance what it does is it looks at the image okay and let's say the the shoes are quite red already okay but this kind of colored boards in the background and quite washed out so what vibrance does is watch this if I drag up saturation to the top kind of to get this really blue color in the background here kind of popping and this red has to be oversaturated okay and gets too much so I'm gonna turn it back to zero what happens with vibrance is watch this when I drag this up you'll notice that the blue in the background is better but it leaves the already saturated colors alone so it's just our gym really just a really good I don't normally drag it up this high and I've got this example just because we've been using it already and let's have a look at the Oh vibrance Oh - okay so same thing I've got about Justin's panel gonna go to the vibrance and watch what happens when I drag up the saturation it kind of like I'm going way too high I'm going all the way up to 100 but you'll see the green start getting quite strong and the Blues come out of here let's go down up down up okay but the problem is is these colors that already had it quite a strong color in them okay gets they start becoming kind of surreal or hyper real just a bit too saturated so let's leave this here and crank up this vibrance and you'll notice that the greens are the leaves you might not notice so I've cut it up to a hundred and continued eyeball on and off you know that like the blue in here really came on strong which is cool and the leaves got a warmer kind of green in there but you'll notice the bag down here or at least the the colors in here in there I'm gonna call it a scarf and they get a little bit more but not as much as these so it's more like the already saturated colors just get a little tweak and the ones that are just quite weak in terms of their color saturation can it get it lifted up okay to match some of those more saturated colors alright that is going to be it for vibrance you can use both of them vibrance and saturation to go completely overboard but that is it alright I will see you in the next video goodbye vibrance hi there in this video we're gonna change the color of stuff okay so we're going to change a green and make it pink and then actually pick guinea color we like same with this one here we've got rid shoes and ready green shoes alright it's super quick it's super easy we're gonna use the hue and saturation adjustment panel let's do it now in Photoshop alright to get started let's open up two files they're in the same color folder we've been working in open up hue 0 1 and hue oh - ok with you oh one open let's go to adjustments and to change the color we use this one called hue in saturation click on him and what we want to do is under hue ok this hue slider here grab this little I call it a little house white house ok a little arrow thing there click it hold it and drag it left and super surely see the colors updating come on ok drag it all the way to the right as well ok that'll get you through your full range of colors available and one thing you might do is that so I'm gonna pick any sort of color here ok and the other one you might play around with is saturation okay so they so the colors not quite you know poppy enough for you and click hold and drag it up a little bit I'm gonna mix mine out okay goes a bit too high but you can kind of see I can just raise it up a little bit cool and I want you to do the same thing for this is the one we worked on earlier for levels K hewo to do the same thing open up hue and saturation drag it around see if you can change the color nice and easy and fun just a little side note here is and I've worked on a few jobs we are being in charge of photographing say a product let's say it was glasses okay so we photographed there was a the same style but a range of colors so what we did is we well what everyone does is that you photograph kind of one of them okay say we pick the color red and we photograph it we get the right angles and we try a few things with lighting we get it right and instead of you know when you're on Amazon or Ebay and you're going through the different color options and somehow magically that shirt or those glasses or they're in the exact same position but different colors I mean like how did they line those up and photograph them all perfectly they didn't ok it was somebody like me you wait yet let's just do one and later on in Photoshop I'll go and adjust them and yeah I just sit like I said they were the glasses and went yeah the blue color and then I grab the slider wind yeah with the blue color I'll be looking at the glasses in my hand and looking at the photo shop and go yes close enough okay in it was there it's like I feel like it's a confession okay but and yeah that's you know that's the easy and quick way you know color matching is super hard regardless you know lighting and stuff affect it and if you like me had no budget and just needed to get them done it's a quick and easy way to adjust the hue alright so practice with hue oh - and I will see in the next video where we start looking at selectively adjusting the hue I'll explain more in the next video hey there in this video we're gonna change just one particular color in an image rather than the whole thing see the yellow in the glasses here and the yellow in the shoe really hey presto magic the green and blue and all sorts of other cool colors let's cover thank you see with this image Chuck Taylors all sorts of cool colors okay and it's only affecting the shoes not the color in the background let's learn how to do that now in Adobe Photoshop okay from the same folder that we've been using called color and let's open up selective hue one and selective hue OH - okay and we're gonna start with r1 and we're gonna go like we did before we're gonna use the adjustments panel and we're going to go to hue and saturation now the problem though is if I use hue and I just want to change say just this shoe here so I'm gonna put it back to zero okay I just want to change the just this part or just the yellow okay the yellow of the sunglasses and the yellow of the shoe here but to change it if I want to make a pink okay where you go so the Oh sunglasses and now pink which is awesome but everything else has changed color it's kind of cool but it's not what we want we want to just change the yellow so put him back to zero and what you do is see this with thing it's his master okay that's doing everything what you can do is you can be selective about the colors so you say I don't just change yellows please so click on yellows and start dragging them and voila okay it'll affect just the yellows come on okay so now you are going to be nice like always it's an adjustment layer turn it on and off I can always go in a minute now there will be times where let's say I want to change just the sunglasses yellow but not this yellow that's going to require us to do a selection a mask which is a little bit later in the course definitely doable okay but if you want to change everything that's yellow so be easy just select it from this drop-down and adjust it I'd like you to practice with selective hue - okay adjust both the background color and the shoes so reds and this guy here and giving it away Sian's okay so do the same thing as you did earlier on have a rectus and I will see you in the next video hi there the name of this video is pretty much a giveaway we're gonna turn kelvil images into black-and-white images but the cool thing is is we're gonna have lots of control about how it goes black and white same with this one black and white it ok color black and white we even gonna add a tint to recolor it alright exciting times let's get into it in Photoshop okay so to get started let's file open and let's open up two files from the color folder it's called black and white there is an O one and an O two will start without one now there's a few ways in Photoshop to make things black and white the best way in my opinion is under adjustments there's a slider here okay this one here called black and white second row down third one and click on that again it's this non-destructive layer which is cool because you can turn it on and off and up here okay depending on what you lasted okay you might set it back to default and it's made it black and white now what's cool about this is that it is adjustable so if I turn this eyeball off you'll see that this this is kind of considered reds right but let's say when I convert it to black it's this gray but I want it to be darker the Reds I can drag this way you can see you can kind of like got more control about it going black on white rather than going full black and white and then try to fix it with something like levels you've got this kind of full control here so you just go through and decide like how you want this thing to do is let's say I find that too dark so I'm just gonna raise the Reds kind of want this color here what color is it it is like a cyan something red cyan to try and make it lighter I'm trying to make it a little bit more monochromatic I guess so use work your way through until you find something you're happy with now one little tip for you is this option here okay if you hover above it it's got a terrible name okay it's got this drag an image and modify slider okay so you can click on this little hand here and what it allows you to do instead of having to like work out what color that is you saw before it in the eye on and off like you're saying your magenta and then turning it back on and trying to adjust them here you can actually just drag on this so I've got the selected goes at darker color and let's say I want to darken up this I click hold my mouse drag it right to make it lighter really lift to make it darker so often this is just easier okay I'm just going to kind of just drag them around maybe the background needs to be a little bit light so it picks the colors for you say this guy here I want you to be a bit darker to match this now that obviously the colors have been used in more than one place so you you will find that okay you might have to rob this one and kind of deal with deal with the consequences where the colors being used over here as well later on when we get into masking you will be able to kind of just work on a particular object at the moment we're just doing some adjustments clicking holding and dragging this jump to the second example do the same thing and I'll show you one last trick so adjustments we're gonna go to black and white I love this little inky stuff in water we'll use this a little bit throughout the course but I'm introducing it now mainly because I am sick of looking at shoes okay I've decided for a shoe theme for this course I kind of regret it or any of like video tin so now we've got ink and water and what we're going to do these same thing is before we can just adjust these okay but it's probably easier to click on this and say because you see this like two main colors in this ink splodge thing it's going to naman you can just kind of start dragging and let's say I want to make it everything darker so I'm just dragging it to the left okay and it just kind of picks what colors you okay work around my ground maybe a bit too dark down here okay so that on art drag our thing is pretty cool and turned it off the thing I wanted to show you was this thing here called tints we've kind of looked at something called colorize when we did hue and saturation this thing here works the exact same way it's just a handy way of doing it black and weighting it in one color and going to tint and this color here is the color it's been applied so it's got the sepia old world color now I can click on this and you can pick any color you like so you drag this hue slider up and down to find the kind of color range you want let's say I want kind of a kind of a warm pink click okay and now when I go to my little honor slider here I'm gonna decide to drag it so it's just a bit brighter Koha there's a good way of your even to be using it just to tint it but we've totally colorized this thing here so is the extra little tip and that is it black and white ink is pretty easy you get a bit of control a little bit of extra adjustment with this little slider and you can tint it if you need to and always it's non-destructive so this thing is just underneath ready to go you can delete this layer bike and see this little trash can down here you can delete him I'm super happy with myself so I am going to leave it here and yeah I'll see you in the next video hey there it is gradient time and what we want to do is this image here we've added this cool retro kind of style gradient I'm going to show you how to do that now in Adobe Photoshop let's go first up let's open up two images okay it's in the same color folder it's called gradient oh one ingredient Oh two from Jordan Andrews Thank You Jordan so we're gonna start with gradient oh one we're gonna do two things we're gonna add gradient to text and we're gonna add it to the image in the background well do the text versus it's the easiest to do okay so we're gonna have a full section on doing type a little bit later in the course but for now click on this capital T your type tool click once on your keyboard okay and over here in terms of the font size pick your font any font you like okay and sighs I've got mine up to about eighty ok yours is probably T forwarding to ten or twelve and over here okay we're gonna type in all and I put a return in stop don't worry too much about type at the moment and to move your type around we're gonna use our move tool okay and I'm just gonna click and drag it around so adding a gradient to this changing the color of the font is easy you can double click it here but can you font but let's look at adding a color okay to do it you need your text layer selected there's mine it's got the gray box around it and down the bottom here there's one called effects and there's one in here called gradient overlay now what you'll find in Photoshop is that pretty much true everything you do in Photoshop is like three or four different ways of doing the same thing what I'm trying to do is that and I'm trying to give you I guess like there's about three different ways of applying gradients this way I feel like is the most bulletproof in terms of future proofing just means it's going to work probably on most circumstances whereas some of the other gradients don't work in all cases anyway what I'm saying is is that later on you might go hey why didn't he show me that version of this thing and you like it better it's totally cool do it if you stumble across a different way of doing something totally there's nothing right or wrong about it I'm just trying out kay I guess cut it down to something the usable with the most usable versions so gradient overlay and by default it'll depend on what you last had selected now what we're gonna do is where it says gradient click on this little arrow here let's move them up so we can Tennessee coconuts a little drop-down arrow by default you some horrific drop shadows okay yeah well gradient sorry okay some terrible ones if you need rainbow colored gradients you my friends are all in luck okay so what we're gonna do is have to go and customize it so let's start with this first one black to white it's the easiest one to customize let's click on the little arrow to pop it back up so and what we want to do now is change the colors used and you do it by clicking in this color bit here that's why it's a little bit confusing using gradient overlay okay so you click on this anywhere in the color box this thing pops up okay and what we're gonna do is use the bottom parts of these houses okay so not the top parts use this bottom bit so this double click this first color swatch okay and using this hue slider drag it up drag it down find a color that you want to use okay I'm gonna use this one click OK double click this white house same thing drag this huge slider up and down until you find a color you want to use and then click in here ok and you'll have that blue to purple or at least magenta click OK and let's click OK again and have a look at some of the settings so where it says reverse just flips it top to bottom and we're using the linear style so it goes in a line from top to bottom and you can adjust that which angle okay you can see now it's going kind of more left to right from the side to the side and you can decide any size and linear you can play around where the radium and you can experiment on your own the different ones angle reflection they're just kind of different ways you can see the gradients are on both sides we're just gonna go for linear in this case and in terms of the scale you can lower it down it makes a bit more sense and then it's just got like only a tiny little gradient between these type you gonna leave minded 100% that's what yours is probably sit to now before we do the images I'm gonna show you gradients are kind of back in right when I I guess not even that long ago maybe six seven years ago gradients I didn't even have in the class because who uses crazy ingredients have come around full circle and a super cool now alright or at least I think so so and where I get my gradient colors from I'm gonna show you a cool little site it's the site here it's called grabby and I love all it does is just show you examples of cool gradients and and yeah once you've found one you like let's say we click through here okay you can see there's a bunch of different options okay I like on page two this one here it's my favorite one you'll you'll probably notice it from other videos that I've made and but this is where I get my colors from now to get those colors into Photoshop the easiest way is see it on the bottom here there's this yellow and pink so those are the two colors right if you click on it okay that is the number you want it says hash and then it's got some letters and some numbers so just copy that on your keyboard it's on my Mac its command C to copy well you can right click and go to copy jump back into Photoshop and in Photoshop remember when we clicked on to change color it's that big color bar there double click the green blue house and this is where it goes down here I'm gonna paste it in and place everything I don't think we need the hash it doesn't seem to mind it at all you can see the hashes over here so that's a that's an easy way to pick a pick a color from the Internet is using these letters and numbers let's click OK I'm gonna jump back in to grab int grab this end here grab this I'm gonna leave the hash off copy it back to photoshop double click this house grab him paste this one I love those colors and I click OK click OK again you can make any last adjustments but that's it for it doesn't really matter what it is and we've done it for type I'm gonna clear okay but doesn't really matter what the layer is there's a little adjustment we need to do for images but if it's a logo you've brought in or a shape from somewhere you've made an illustrator or brought in or drawn it with the shape torch we're looking a second to do and you can just have it selected down it effects and go to gradient overlay now the next thing I want to do is this image in the background and there's a slightly different process okay because first of all if I click on background this effects is greyed out and this is gonna happen throughout our Photoshop course where you just it's locked okay and it's called background to unlock the background double click background okay give it a name okay - shoes and now it becomes unlocked and I get to a better fix okay so that's half of the thing we need to do now click on effects make sure that layer is selected and go to gradient overlay just like we did before and in trouble is it's kind of doing exactly what happened here but I can't see the image so what ends up happening is you need to we've talked about all of this stuff it's this one here blending mode ok blending mode is a way of this gradient blending with the image itself ok so click on normal and just dissolve does nothing darken does something ok and you just gonna have to work your way through until you find a way a blend that works with your particular gradient and the colors in your image now there's no like absolute 1 you should pick from this it really depends on your image and the colors in your gradient so it's a bit of a lottery ok so click on multiply see if that works for you and it's I'm just gonna work way through until I pick something that I like I'm gonna turn the opacity back up Caliburn linear burn yours gonna watch me now go through them all light and I kind of like it's kind of got that retro abs but in that kind of hipstery way it's hard to explain right the gradients are cool now lighten I know screens kind of a nice one color Dodge not so good ok I'm not gonna go through every single one of them because I decided I either liked hide light or I liked a screen and that's totally sorry lighten it's totally just based on my gradients and my images I'm gonna leave it there so that's the difference between doing images and just say straight off text or shape ok is that first of all you need your layer unlocked then you add the effect like you do normally and just make sure when you do add your gradient you change that blending mode Oh before I go probably super important point that I haven't brought out yet is say you would you want to adjust this gradient now okay I'll turn it off see all star here you can kind of see the structure that's my whole layer and these are the effects ok I can turn either the effect or the gradient itself off to show through that original red color okay so what we can do to edit it so to turn it off that's all you need to do just leave it there okay but to edit it I'm gonna have the eyeball on double-click the word gradient overlay double click and you'll see it's gray here and it's got a little tick okay you might be accidentally on something else so I'm going to uncheck that make sure this is grey okay and that's we can go and make it so let's say that I don't like that anymore so I'm going to reverse it or play with a different blending mode as well okay but that's how you make adjustments okay I'm probably going to turn it off and make this back to white okay so tech selected a little properties panel here would tell me what color that I'm using I clicked on it and to get white just as a little other thing before we go is watch this any of these hues it doesn't matter if I click hold and drag and I'm dragging kind of past where I need it because up in the top left is white and down in the bottom left is black so what I do is instead of trying to like some people like just try and click in there you get it pretty close but if you click hold and drag pass I'm holding my mouse down and dragging it past that assures it's white all right I'm gonna click OK and if you want to tidy this effects up so I've turned it off so you can't see it but say that you are pedantic and you've got a bit of CD and you want to get rid of this you can click hold and drag it to this trashcan and that will get rid of it all right so it's project time I'd like you to practice using this one here okay so I don't mind what text you use but definitely play around with the gradient okay on the image okay go to grab Ian's pick a color pick your own colors you can you can do your own colors and I'd like to actually see at this time though we've been doing you've been following me along what I'd like you to do is I'd love to see your own one so dig through your files and see if you can find an image that you happy to share okay and and can be your family it can be your house second you can take a quick photo now of yourself okay and just I wanna see what kind of gradients and stuff you're doing and you can either post it here on this page and/or you can share it with me on social media on Instagram is bring your own laptop okay or on Twitter it's dan loves Adobe either way do an image can be this one can be in your own one and I'd like to see what you've done alright that is going to be the end of this one let's jump into the next video posse over by hey there in this video we're going to create a document or a specific size in this case it's going to be a postcard but you can do the same thing for us litter or a four a three it's a great way of getting started on a specific size really to go for your project alright let's learn how to do that now in Photoshop alright to get started what we're gonna do is we're gonna create a new page and bring our image into it I find that so much easier it doesn't matter with your newer advanced it's just easier to do it that way rather than let's say opening up the image okay and then going to image and go to canvas size and then kind of cropping it down and which way does it crop and that's a way of doing it but I'll show you this sneaky way it's a little bit easier so to get started what we're going to do is we're gonna go to file and we're going to go to new I find it's better to create a document the right size and then drag our content into it now in this new document window you can totally just like start typing sizes and resolution okay and you can change it from inches to pixels to millimeters up the top here are some handy presets so I can get a photo and I've got my kind of traditional photograph ratios I've got print is my US and a4 sizes now just know that there's this little thing that's his view more so there's all sorts of stuff all tucked in there and an illustration web and the one we want we want a postcard and this is hidden and an illustration you can see them they're gone him you know just so you know as well and this is the US size for postcards postcards turns out weirdly as I've moved around the world at the same size like business cards they're all different in different parts of the world which is kind of weird but anyway 4 inches by 6 inches I want mine to be landscape okay and we're not gonna just leave everything here matching mine the resolution the same in the color mode we'll talk about those a little later in the course they're boring not boring back to em we'll do them a little bit later so yours looks like mine let's click create great so there's my postcard and first the thing we want to do is we want to go file and try and save it weally in Photoshop is one of those little weird things where it won't let you save it it's basically saying like you haven't done anything no no nothing worthy of saving at least I don't know why so you can either do something like grab the type tool and start typing or we'll just go to file save as you end up at the same place okay and so what we're going to do is I'm gonna put mine on my desktop I'm gonna call mine All Star postcard mr. postcard now at the end here I like the v-system v1 v2 v3 never call this draft or final finals like the kiss of death if you call it final with a you'll be calling up final - some of you are laughing because that's what you do I do it - v1 v2 works for me and I'm gonna click save next thing I want to do is I want to bring in my gradient kind of background thing and so I'm gonna open up the file I was working with earlier so say you are following along with this of course you might have a file saved somewhere neatly okay that's got this gradient that we worked on in the last video okay if you don't you can go to file open and open up and exercise files and shapes oh three shapes there's one called gradient image just a save you in case you forgot to save it I'm using this original one okay it's got text and stuff on here what I want to do is I'm gonna click on the word shoes okay whatever that layer is gonna grab my move tool okay click hold and drag I'm gonna move it hold hold hold holding holding holding holding and drag it down here why I find this easier is can you see it's actually not the right size okay I find it's just easier to do this and maybe transform it so with it selected hit it transform scale and I can see it's just a little too big so I can hold down shift and it's still the wrong proportion so I'm gonna kind of leave it there and holding shift on the corners and get it to the right size alright friends that is how to create document doesn't really matter what you're doing and we just did a post car but you can do anything and I find it's easier to like bring everything you need into it and resize it to what you need knowing that it is ready to go alright let's get into the next video hi there in this video we're gonna make shapes and more shapes and other shapes and ahh it's a rectangle with a corner on it there's a star with another star oh it is shape tastic let's get in there now and learn how to do this properly in Photoshop alright to get started and basically we're going to be using this little menu item here so I click hold and drop it down okay so I just click hold hold hold my mouse key down until I get these options let's start with the ellipse tool okay and what we're going to do is of the top here you can pick a fill for your ellipse so clever to click and then pick anything you like if you want to pick a more custom color than just the random ones in here you can click on this little kind of rainbow icon here you get them that color picker that we've used a few times okay slide the hue up until you find something you want to use click okay cool and you can kind of just click anywhere up here to get rid of that fill drop down great so what we want to do is click hold and drag okay and you'll get kind of any old shape so if I go to edit step backwards and what we want to do is we did this with the rectangle marquee tool who remembers what key we hold down on our keyboard to get it to go like to be a perfect circle yep you remember it's shift okay so hold shift down okay it kind of makes the height and width locked in okay if you get it to a size near like well it's not quite right you don't have to keep going back you can go to edit transform paths and go to scale okay in the same thing hold down shift on one of these edges drag it out and you can make it nice and big I'm making mine super big something like that when you finished hit return on your keyboard otherwise it doesn't work so hit return and yeah that's how to draw an ellipse the cool thing about using this particular tool here these little shape paths is that they are scalable they're Victor they can go up and down in size no problem let's look at some of the other shapes now we're gonna use a rectangle it seems pretty boring maybe but hold on because there's some things you can do with it so with it selected pick a fill color I'm gonna use black in this case there here's don't have that selected okay so edit step backwards okay so don't worry the color for the moment or and what you can do is see this layers panel you can click in this kind of like dark gray area that kind of makes sure nothing is selected now I can pick a fill color of black black even come and Stroke is the line around the outside I'm gonna turn it on just to show you so I'm gonna have a white liner on the outside it's going to be say three pixels just for an example I don't really want a stroke but I want to show you how it works what we're gonna do is we're gonna draw a rectangle kind of about here come and you're like yeah that's a rectangle down and you can what you've got to see is this properties over here the cool thing about using this particular tool is that these can be adjusted you can see that the stroke here can be made really thick oh that's too thick okay you can decide where that stroke sets which is this option I think here nope is this option first one so there's the inside of the square that is across the you can see either side of that square or this one is the outside of the square I don't want any of them they're like you stroke click on it and I'm just clicking on the stroke that little icon there and see this little red line that means no stroke please okay awesome other things you can do with rectangles still not very exciting is these corners here so I am going at the moment it's with it yours is probably defaulted to this where it's got a dark gray box watch click it not it's not really obvious okay but and if you have it off so it should look like this and what I'm gonna do is you can change the one particular corner so I'm gonna do say 20 pixels in this corner here return you can see I've got a 20 pixel radius there's not probably big enough for you to see 50 pixel radius I'm gonna zoom in so we can all see it together a little easier no person editing this video is probably like you should have done it here Leo you've had to move around anyway so and a nice little trick with this is who knows what 50 pixels it's like it really depends on the image size so what I find is quite useful is see these little icons here pretty much all the icons in Photoshop you can hover above them see this like little hand with arrows click hold and drag it to the right you can see it goes up and you can see my little let's go changing over here drag them back to go to a square drag them back you can lock them together so when you do drag them all up they all go together all back to zero what I want is I just want this one to be a little bit rounded and we're gonna reshape it later on when we do our type it's gonna be that box there eventually couple other things we'll do is I'm gonna zoom out come on - and I want to do stars up in the corner these guys here okay so stars are not tricky but watch this click and hold down there they come into this one called the polygon tool give them a click and by default okay it's gonna give me a polygon I'm sure what shape that is Pentagon I want to say Pentagon and you can change the sides up here I can have ten sides and now it's a something I can't name let's go to undo I'm using the shortcut so it it step backwards and is this one here it's it's on a Mac it's pretty crazy it's command option Z steps backwards on a PC it's control option ctrl alt Z just kind of steps backwards okay so I use that quite a bit I'm probably going to use that from now on the course if you see me going backwards and undoing it's I'm just going to this option here using my sneaky shortcut great so what I want to do is I want a five sided stab but what I want to do is see this little cog here okay before you start drawing click on star and play around with the inset 50 percents gonna give you a traditional star see this one here you can undo it and just experiment have a little play around with the indents by like I quite like this one if you get down to like 15 and then turn the sides up to 50 you get this kind of like starburst that's quite a handy one for I don't know it's how I buy my wine okay look at the label and does it have lots of these gold stickers on it I don't even read them but how I buy my wine with this layer selected I'm gonna click on the trash to get rid of it and I'm gonna get my star and so polygon tool slides back to 5 click on the little cog and I'm gonna say 50% if you go to 80% they're gonna be super spikey you can smooth the edges of it as well just have a little experiment but it's gonna do a traditional staff okay I'm gonna draw her out and if you want it straight it's our magical key that we've done we've used that a few times now because at the moment it's just gonna be any old size so I'm gonna drag out and hold down the shift-key you see it kind of locks it into like more usable shapes it's not straight up and down I don't know why but you can this way here we go eventually I got it okay so hold shift and just kind of rotate it around until you get the kind of it's locked it's into a symmetrical shape that's what I want to say let's have a look at changing the color of this so with this layer selected at the top here I'm gonna pick white and one thing is that say this color disappears it's probably cuz you're on your move tool if you're on this layer on a move tool it's great for moving around but if you want to go back to shape it okay just have this tool selected make sure that layer is selected and this will pop back up and you could leave now cuz that's almost it for shape so I'm gonna look at some opacity because I want to recreate this kind of star effect and this thing here so hang around I'm actually going to draw that circle down there as well so you can totally leave you know how to change the opacity already and so I want to transform this guy to make them smaller okay so layer selected hit it transform scale now what I'm gonna do for the rest of this courses that is a super long way I'm gonna use the shortcut and it's this one here free transform it does a bit of all of these things does scale really easily so I'm gonna use command T okay you don't have to you can come in here and use this version but command T is just a super good shortcut to learn so it's ctrl T on a PC so a whole command T okay and same thing hold shift on the corners and I can resize it I want it to be about that every tune I went to another version of it so I'm gonna right-click it and I'm gonna say duplicate layer polygon cure okay and what I'm gonna do is the one at the bottom probably okay so this guy's on top this guy's on the bottom I'm gonna stretch him out using my super new shortcut ready command T and I'm gonna scale it out so if I hold shift okay I can drag it out there then I can grab anyway about the center and try and line them back up and then generally works um another little shortcut I'm gonna share with you okay so I'm gonna hit escape as escape is there I didn't mean it I'm gonna go back to where it was so I've still got two stars on top of you each other there's bottom one though I'm gonna get my command T ctrl T on PC holding shift makes their come from the top left it came but if I hold Shift + option on a Mac or on a PC so look down your keyboard hold shift and if you're on a Mac hold Shift + option on a PC hold Shift + Alt and what it does is can you see the difference it it resizes from the center I don't want I like bamboozled you too much for shortcuts so you don't have to you can just line it up you shift and just line it up but I want to make mine a bit bigger than it was about there come nothing really happens except this bottom one here I want to lower the opacity see the person a slider here it's gonna lower it down until I find something I like and I'm actually gonna use the transform I make it a bit bigger and we've got drop shadows on that one that's gonna make it look nicer later on but we're not there yet yeah if I want to resize this top one as well actually I want both to go to a smaller hold on both those keys you yep I'm gonna do the same thing for the circle okay so this guy selected my ellipse I'm going to duplicate him it's a right click duplicate layer you should give them a name yeah I'm gonna be honest with you I never bother nice I'm sending it to somebody that I need to impress ok and I'm going to my command T I'm gonna grab one of these side bits hold shift and option on my Mac make it a bit bigger and what I'm probably gonna do is I've got the big one on top I'm going to put it underneath with it selected I'm gonna go here and pick a new color we're gonna look at specific colors that might match the background in a later tutorial but that's what I'm doing so this guy's on top this guy's underneath and he's just a little bit bigger you could play with the opacity of this one as well because it looks kind of cool black bar here I lower the peso you have lots of them just to kind of I don't know start showing through things that's kind of cool when there's a bit of transparency going last thing I want to do is I want to get this I want it to be longer so I'm going to use my command T on a Mac ctrl T on a PC and just drag it out and the cool thing about live shapes can you see that corner is still preserved doesn't matter how long it doesn't kind of distort okay so I'm going to drag it so even past the age it doesn't matter enter on my keyboard to finish it and I'm gonna use it as a kind of a off-page into the bleed type box one other thing I want is a little circle down here okay and I'm gonna be lazy instead of drawing out an ellipse and giving it a color I'm gonna grab this guy I'm gonna right-click it I'm gonna duplicate him yes I'm gonna give this one a name because you're watching me let's go for small small circle okay and I'm gonna transform it holding down my shortcut keys grabbing anywhere but the center and it's gonna go down here somewhere okay yes return on your keyboard that's all epic shape building video done let's get into the next video where we start adding type and then we'll do drop shadows loads more to do but let's do it in a following video bye now hi there in this video we're going to pick some colors for our shapes I'm gonna show you a cool place like this to get some ideas for colors I'm also gonna show you how to steal colors from an image let's get into it now and get started welcome back and first up if you you can work on the file that you've worked on in the last tutorial if you are just jumping into this particular one if you go to file open and then the file called exercise files shapes is this one called coloring shapes okay open that one up that's where we're at now okay so we just randomly picked colors and they don't quite suit the background as much as I want so I'm gonna show you kind of two awesome things to do with color this should probably of being in the color section but it's hard to know it's hard to separate them all out into sections too much so we are going to look at just how to get nice colors like I get stuck in like I'm using like that gradient there I've used probably on every second job in the last six months just because I like those colors and it's hard to break out of your color schemes look at any moment designs is either this green that kind of I want to say meander any peach color and and kind of a baby blue all my works done like that so the way I get out of that comfort zone and find other colors they're nicest ways under window and it's under extensions and they don't know why they hide it so such a cool little thing so window extensions Adobe color things you need to be connected to the knit for this to work okay and this little panel opens up now the initial one is a bit boring is this Explorer one that is quite exciting okay we're exciting for me and can you see here it's nothing but just a bunch of cool colors okay scrolling down scrolling down there's some really cool stuff in here you can do searches in here if I need something from the eighties every time okay it'll do a search and that's some pretty successful 80s colors typing Cafe Bank actually popular brand like I'm from Auckland in New Zealand right and weirdly if you have an Auckland there's universities there's council colors so you can find all sorts in there if I can find obscure things from an Auckland Council then you can probably find maybe your brand and your corporate colors in there I'm gonna get rid of it and I'm just gonna head search actually gonna go create I mean back to explore and yeah like just some cool colors right you can say most popular this month or all time I'm going to go to all-time and some cool colors to use them the best way to use them is say you decide on this color here okay yeah click on this little dotted line and say add to swatches ignore this libraries thing we'll look at him later on close that down as well and now what we can do is we can click on my lips and if you're using it earlier version of Photoshop often you still need to go back to any of these path tools okay and you can use the fill up here I'm using a newer version of Photoshop so ellipse we can change it here as well so click on it you'll see down the bottom here those are the five color swatches that we've added so I can go uuuu and it's just the way of I guess picking colors that are nice and same with this ellipse color here I'm gonna turn the opacity back up and I'm just gonna pick one of the colors it's still not quite working with my colors in the background here but what you'll find is it's just that it's just a neat way of yeah busting young getting color options so you're doing some logos or some designs or web work and you just need to have like three color options for the client go to Adobe color themes and just find some new stuff all right I'm waffling and next thing I want to show you though is how to really kind of steal colors from an image that can quite quite often be a nice way to kind of differently match the colors because yeah justice so I'm going to have this front ellipse selected okay I'm gonna click on this and nothing really needs to happen you need to click on this hue slider and we're not really gonna use this just move them out of the way and then see little eyedropper we can start working through this the trouble is is it doesn't update this automatically it's picking the color which is cool but it's not going through and like let's click OK now will work so I've picked the pink from it I'm going to grab the green same thing click on the color swatch grab the hue slider and just move out here and I know pick one the yellows or in this case kind of an orange now other colors working for me mmm I'm not that happy with them so what I tend to do right is say this color here I can use my same trick pick a different color say I pick something from here something a bit warmer and I'm not like what I want to do is maybe just drag this little circle down a bit to get maybe something that is close to it but maybe darker ok darker that's being used in there so just yeah you might find that works good for you I'm gonna click on this one do the same thing I liked that color I just want it to be like a darker version of it you just drag us straight down okay and yeah I've made her ugly what I'm probably gonna do is I'm going to play around now you can leave we've learned how to little tricks okay remember window extensions Adobe color themes pretty cool and you can use the eyedropper tool you just need to have it selected and start stealing colors by clicking on this clicking on this and you can just pick colors from yeah using that great explanation down that's it cancel I'm now just gonna miss about picking colors that I like you can hang around you're like what I want to do is I want I don't think there's kind of like mud brown color poo brown okay with it selected I'm going to go to this go to this you don't have to click from just you know click on this one so now this circles are the same colors but I want this top one to be like this green I like that green I randomly picked it but I think it kind of complements this all very nicely and I dropper to like okay yeah I'm happy enough with it one thing though if you were dealing with corporate colors and you can click on this and just type them in here so hopefully you've got like a corporate spit manual somewhere ask the marketing department if you are the marketing department and you have no idea what the color is and input the logo and just use the same thing use the eyedropper to steal the color from the logo it's not exact but it could work and or type in the RGB colors or the same like hey colors if you can find them I'm gonna cancel I am done that is the end of the video let's get into the next one alright bye now hey there in this video we're gonna look at type in Photoshop okay there's just too big two basic flavors okay one is like this text box here which types on forever okay and then there's this one here the type tool which has effects width where you can kind of get it to type to kind of be bit more body copy ish well learn some tricks about resizing and some other quickie little things as well so let's get into it okay so we are continuing on with the file from the last project if you are just jumping into this one you can open it up by going file open and in your exercise files and 203 shapes you can open up this one call coloring shapes open that up and you'll get close to where we're at now so we're gonna use the type tool okay it's reasonably simple there's two kind of main ways of using it and now one thing to note is because we're working with all these shapes Photoshop really likes to and I've got the type tool selected and I'm on shape layer like this ellipse it's gonna try and combine the text into this shape here which is it's not gonna work for us so if you do run into that problems go to undo and go to select and go to deselect layers there's nothing selected so there's two ways of adding text right if I click once okay and I start typing or stars okay it'll just go on forever I'm gonna select all this text okay I'm dragging my mouse across it and I'm gonna pick a friendlier font size for you guys to see so just if you click once it's just gonna keep going forever you can put a return in okay so let's say I want all stars on two lines I can just click in front of it hit return and I've got a return let's ignore the giant leading actually no that suggests they're letting so I'm going to think both of these guys it's because I was playing with this earlier and the living is the space between the lines and it is this option here okay you can kind of hover above it it's called line spacing here note living okay and you can set it back too often Auto is a heavy science now the other way of adding type is let's go back to our move tool it kind of like commits that text you've done grab the type tool again and instead of just clicking once which types on forever we're gonna click and drag out a box so I'm going to kind of start halfway in here I've got to make sure no layers are selected or at least none shei plans I'm gonna click hold and drag a box like this and by clicking holding and dragging what it does is it allows you to have what's called a fixed-width box just means when I start typing or when I start typing it's gonna break down to the second line okay so it's really good for body tics we're doing this option here okay where we want the tics to kind of snap around so a couple of things useful things is I'm going to select all my text and delete it all okay I'm gonna pick an appropriate font size 20 is too big friend here front size is I can't even remember let's go for 16 points in this case I'm gonna pick a font I'm using Museo sans rounded I like it it's pretty and you're probably not going to have it okay it's just that font that I've downloaded from something called Typekit so just have a little look through here pick a font pick a weight this is like bold light medium but especially the font size get it to something like 16 okay it's probably still too big let's put in 12 for the moment and I want to show you a couple little things one is let's say you want to put in some fake text because you don't have it yet right among us which mine off being capitals delete that minds on capitals because under advanced here advanced okay I click on this button earlier when I was working on a side project that dis is when your row type make it all capitals I've turned that off and I'm gonna close that back in advanced is not that advanced okay just has some extra stuff that you might need and close it down back in there please great so I've got 12 points I've picked the font and instead of just typing in like mumbo-jumbo because you don't have the text here right you're waiting for the client to have is and there is something in here it's quite handy no delete all that I'm going to go to type so my cursor is flashing inside of here type tool flashing inside of here type there's this one called paste lorem ipsum you probably know what that is already if you don't it's just mixed up Latin words it's like yeah they're actual lamb words they're just in a random order so that they're just good to hold the place of text until you get it there's lots in there so that it just dumps a big lot of text in there so if you delete word it's probably going to replace by another word okay it's just there's so much kind of spilling out of this what you can do is I can click in there go to select and go to all so it's like all the text and find a font size that works for me 10-point font weights now we're gonna do a couple of things but we're not gonna go through every font option like scented versus rail line you'll be able to work that out and this one is the space between lines what I like to do is well you can type it in here you can go I want to be e 24 okay but I like to on these icons we've looked at it before you can click hold and drag on these icons right just kind of drag them up and down if your computer is old and slow dragging their thing just is painful you have to type it in sorry about that to move your type grab the move tool okay and make sure we're on that layer and I'm gonna move them around that's gonna work for me what else am I gonna do I'm just gonna add some type now okay I'm just gonna basically add this stuff in here you can totally leave now there's no super awesome alright one super awesome trick okay and say there's Allstars thing here so I've got the layer selected and instead of going and playing with the font size which is fine you can drag it up you can drag it up okay I'm going to undo and put it back what I like to do is that same trick we use to scale up these circles works for fonts okay so command T I Mac or ctrl T on a PC a long way members and edit transform and there's one and equal scale and I find this is easy holding shift just I find I can get us get the font size that I want roughly there hit return when you're finished and you can see it's bunted up to our weird forty four point four four in terms of the leading we're just gonna drag it down a little bit I probably can make this bigger now now you can go there's no super extra tricks I'm gonna grab my lorem ipsum and I'm gonna drag it so it lines up I grab this rectangle I grab this I'm gonna move it up and I'm gonna grab my type tool I'm going to put net see Taylor let me check you made some sweet cheese if you're not huge on fonts ok often it's nice to see use the same font but different weights so this one's that really thick thousand or if it was another font it might be called extra black or bold okay I'm gonna turn it down so like 300 yeah 300 okay font size again instead of using font size I'm just using the command T key there's a little bit of dragging this thing around moving it around getting it how I want and you can keep typing it out often a nice little trick is there's all stars layer here okay I'm gonna right-click it and I'm gonna duplicate it should give it a name I'm not going to it's gonna drag it down because what I want to do is grab my type tool I'm gonna put in a web address this and it's gonna be dub dub dub dub Scot font size too small I transformed Scot shoes doesn't exist so I made that up because it's my last name you when you're doing it give it your own name you could be I don't know Smith's shoes I think that's an actual thing there oh look a about shoes wrong I kind of like it it's kind of like I don't know feel like it's barn maybe a little too far nobody's gonna find my website Awesome's that's gonna be it for the kind of basics for fonts and we are going to look at doing type around a line in the next video so let's go and do that there all right see there hi everyone it is time to bend your text warp it around do some different shapes adjust it and definitely look at how to turn it into a fish shape alright let's get started okay so to start off with you need some type I've got this one here so this lay here called all stars I'm gonna start bending that one link you saw at the front yeah all we need to do is with it layer selected beyond the type tool and then there's this little option up here it's just kind of T with the underline underneath it click on him okay click on it and nothing happens get ready for amazingness aking type lower arc type okay it's up to you what you're looking to do with the type that's kind of kitten okay I'm not hating that okay my favorite is always the fish everyone needs fish shaped text once you've got the one you want okay the style that you like okay it's definitely probably fish okay you can play around with these options underneath just decide where it bends how it bends okay and and yeah this is kind of it's more just playing around okay and getting the type how you want I'm going to get it back to regular by heading cancel okay with a selected go up to this bending text tool option again and go through and experiment some of the other ones inflate squeeze okay I don't do it too much ever okay except a fish that's destroying text and I'm not a big fan of that but you might have a good use case for it so there it is okay let's click okay one last thing to show you is if you've got it and you want to adjust it say it's like to our queue for you okay with that layer selected you can click back on this and it jumps back into where you were and okay and you can keep editing it you want to get rid of it go up to here to none let's click OK all right let's out to kind of like bend and distort it next one we're gonna do is I promised you ticks on a path where it kind of follows a circle or any sort of shape it's doing in the next video hi there in this video trying to be clever here its tix following the path we even do this where it kind of goes around the top and around the bottom let's learn how to do that now in Photoshop alright to get started we are going to do the squiggly line first then we'll do that kind of bed shape so the technique is called type on a path so we need a path to start with and there's a few ways of making it then we're gonna use the pin tool if you click and hold down the pin tool for a while hold hold hold and we're going to use the freeform pin tool if you are a Jedi Master with the pin tool or the curvature to a pin tool you can go and use those but if you're a mere mortal grab the freeform it is just as it sounds you can just draw things now and to make your drawings a little bit nicer there's a sneaky trick see this little cog here click on that okay what you can do is says where it says curve fit you can crank it up a little bit to say something like it goes up to ten but ten is probably too much to go up to something like five okay what it allows you to do is when you draw I'm gonna draw like a little wiggly line there it just makes your lines look a little smoother turn it down to zero and we'll follow your mouse perfectly it's up to you what you want to do that's basically it okay paths a weed they don't appear in your layers panel okay they appear in this paths panel which we're not gonna really look at all we need to do is go to layers grab the type tool you don't need to change anything can you just grab the regular type tool and watch my cursor here okay well zoom in so you can see my cursors got the box around it watch this when it changes you see a little line through it that means it's kind of follow this path so be careful where you click on this line okay because that's where the text is gonna start so I'm going to click once kind of towards this end here and voila and I'm start talking start typing and so it's gonna follow the line around if you're finding yours is not working it's probably because I'm gonna undo I'm gonna go back to the beginning here they say it's not working I'm gonna hit escape on my keyboard those that I didn't mean it button okay and get out of that and before you go and click on here is to pick a font size so you can do it at the top here if you've got a font size of you know something really big it just doesn't work to fit on this line so it just feels like it's not working it is just your fonts huge it's a big something really small start with five point or something I've got a ten point and it worked fine click once and start typing here notice I'm a terrible speller what's in deleting okay so once you've got it here you can do some adjustments to do the adjustments and you can select the text okay and I'm gonna make a bold text here I'm gonna pick a color that you can actually see degree cool and say you want to adjust a few things and say we want adjust the stat point or the ending points actually before we do that you can just say Center and it will put it kind of in the middle of the beginning and end but let's say we want to leave it left the line and we want to just move this along okay to do that it's this tool here okay it's underneath the type tool it's called the path selection tool okay you might have to click and hold down you want the top one here with it selected there's two main things okay there are there is this dot at the end okay and there's this little cross at the beginning you can kind of see that mic on change see the little arrow that appears either side it's beginning in the end so I can click hold and drag it to say that's the beginning or I can drag it all the way to the end here okay and make sure as at the beginning now I'm very like specific about where I'm drawing because I know if I click hold and drag this and I drag it down ah you know then the other side and if it was lost so II it can be a little weird to get used to okay if you do get it on the other side find the beginning again that little cross and then try and flip it over and man can get weird even I find it a little bit troubling so I'm gonna flip it over again so the cross is a little sorry that'll cross is the beginning and this will I leave it in here cuz I'm going to show you it so it's a little bit hard so the cross is the beginning this guy here can be a little problem he's the end of the line not there it's we were there's daughters because what can happen is this oh we don't do that either flip it back across it's here's a little dot if I drag it up here can you see that how the word disappears it's just not enough room okay for that word to appear with us dot so far up so you can drag it back down be careful not to drag it on the other side to move this whole thing around just go back to your move tool and you can click and drag it to go and start editing again make sure you have that line selected and either grab the type tool to adjust the text or this path selection tool and we're going to start working on this circle because what we want to do is this where it goes top and bottom so there is not a like a magical way of doing it it's basically what we did up here but using a circle so I'm going to go over here I am going to grab my tools over here okay my shape tools we looked at these earlier I'm gonna use ellipse but what I'm gonna do in this case is instead of using the shape which draws my shapes like earlier okay I'm gonna switch it to path the big thing to remember though is later on in this course it remembers paths when I draw things remember they don't appear as layers appear in here it's a bit of a weird thing so later on in this course we in trying to draw a circle and it's not appearing and you can email me of course okay but it's probably because you haven't switched it back to shape and just show you that switch it back to shape when you're finished causes less problems but I want it this case to be a path okay and I'm going to draw a circle I'm gonna hold shift I'm draw it roughly the right size okay I'm gonna grab my gonna move it around using the this tool here okay the path selection tool I'm gonna grab it so it's kind of ya know transform it using my ctrl T and I'm gonna get it so it's kind of sitting inside yeah we need to adjust the circle later on okay return when you finished now all we need to do is grab my type tool and just be careful when you are clicking on this line to not get this version which has got a circle around it or the square around it this version here with a little line through it you can see is little tricky you click there at the top and I'm gonna say this is Scott shoes okay I want to do a few things I want to rotate it around now what we can do is you can play around with the the I guess center alignment right alignment to try and get it or what I like to do is just rotate it okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click on my move tool cuz I'm halfway through typing so some of my shortcuts don't work if I try and type the command T now it doesn't work because I'm halfway through typing okay so what I'm gonna do is go back to my move tool may only go to edit transform and I'm going to use rotate now I hope you okay for a little bit of a shortcut so I'm using command T we'll use this a few times in the course for resizing right we hold shift okay and we hold down member option on a Mac or alt on the PC so Shift + option okay and I can shrink this thing in and out it's kind of half what I want but I want to rotate it as well the cool thing about using that shortcut which is command key on a Mac ctrl T on a PC is that watch this if I grab the corner its scale but if I hovered just out here I'm not doing anything or just moving my mouse out here can you see it turns into the like a little rotation arrow so now I can click hold and drag it just kind of rotate it around here kind of get it to where I need it to be enter on my keyboard just to commit that I'm gonna pick a font Chinese white font size it's gonna be a lot smaller Sixpoint okay it's moving around the line again so I'm gonna have to rotate it again command T and just drag it around Scott shoes scale it up a bit another little thing that's happening there is I'm trying to drag and it's kind of like snapping to things which is kind of cool but sometimes just like go where I want you to go instead of jumping around you can get a view internal smart guides but what I like to do is on my keyboard is just use the arrow keys I looked on your keyboard just the up-down left-right you can tap things around it's kind of handy if you're tuning you ready then it's going to be the top part of my circle now what you assume is you can type out on the bottom of that same circle that's not possible what you need to do is just have a second ellipse make sure it's set to puff and draw out another ellipse don't worry too much about the size because you're gonna have to resize it to suit the circle and the font you pick okay to move it around go back to the direct selection tool get it roughly in the right position grab the type tool click all once down here and I'm gonna say established which totally missed it Escape key I'm going to go to edit step backwards and remember you gotta look out for that perfect okay so I got a flashing in the right place now est 2019 so it's doing what the top one did okay which is the outside now remember when we were doing this and we flipped that over by accident we want to do it on purpose now so grab the direct selection tool what we'll do is click hold and drag it and you want to drag it so it's on that other side it's a bit fiddly I know just click and hold and drag it until it flips on to the other side now I'm going to use my back to my move tool using command T or control key on a PC to rotate it around to get it to kind of where I want to go turn on my keyboard it's looking okay now if you are thinking that seemed kind of painful down it is kind of painful in Photoshop it does it fine illustrator does it better as well as InDesign they do this kind of like type on a path thing a lot nicer there's a little bit more sophisticated tools but Photoshop does it fine ish now you can leave now I'm going to go and play with my fonts integrate my type tool I am going to say you the like version I want it all to be light you know play around with the tracking as well hit escape I'm gonna undo what you do like version I want you to be this superhero version you can see it kind of adjusts the lines there's a lot of rotating to get everything to look nice same with established I'm actually gonna drop down the font size to something smaller the same thing here so I'm gonna make you the big heavy one and I'm gonna make you if you're finding it hard to select on I am finding it hard to fix my move tool transform it around a little bit actually what I might do it before I rotate it around with this layer selected this one here we haven't really looked at it's the it's called tracking or kerning case the space between letters I'm gonna drag it up or down so I'm gonna say I want it to be about 50 because because it's on the inside of the circle that kind of starting to touch so with Scott shoes okay I want it to maybe tuck it in a little bit because it's expanded out so maybe minus 15 now there's a lot of rotating and resizing cool so we're nearly at the end or we're at the end what I'm gonna do is add they're kind of s in the middle here and set your little project so I've called mine Scott shoes you give your zero name pick your own fonts see if you can get the type to bend round make it look nicer than my version and we're gonna pick a big kind of like here oh we're picking a logo type and I'm just gonna cheat by going the type tool clicking once out here you know tie back capital s I'm gonna go through my fonts and I've already gone through my fonts mmm lying it's the one that I want is that's not a logo I've designed I've cheated and just use the font where as a cause cord hobo hobos and I'm gonna grab my font size and just make it nice and big you probably don't have that font so go through and find a font that you like is a nice big kind of logo type I don't want to see what you make okay so you might have a really long name okay so but give it your name pick some fonts circles colors I'd love to see a screenshot of what you make for your brand it doesn't even have to be shoes just be your name just wanted you to prove to me you can do type on a path and add of when you're posting it okay give me a out of ten how painful it was okay I still find it painful and I'm I'm pretty good at this so you might find it even more painful so out of ten ten being mind-blowing ly brain-melting painful and anyone being super super easy I don't know what you're going on about Dan so send it to me on social media Instagram I'm bring your own laptop on Twitter I'm Dan loves Adobe or just post it here on this page thanks for tuning in one of the longer ones I will see you in the very next video hi everyone in this video we are going to add stroke around ticks and objects and even we're gonna get bit fancy with double strokes that have patterns in them alright let's go and do that now in Photoshop hi there to get started you can use the file that we've been working on or just work with any file we'll start with adding stroke to the text and then an object and doing multiple strokes over exciting so start with the all starz text so I've got it selected here my layers make sure it's this light green and adding a stroker on the outside you use this little effects and the like on down the bottom click on them and go to stroke it's that easy now yours is probably not gonna look nothing like mine mine remembers the last thing I did yours is probably gonna be whizzing through it they're black and like one point so you might be looking at and going I can't see it it's a little bit hard to see right so grab the size crank it up and you can see in my case it depends on what position yours are set to I think it's probably by defaults hit to Center I think so so inside K is the inside of the ticks and you can kind of see when I get to this size it's all on the inside of the font outside and Center okay it's Turtles both sides of the outside of the text in my case I want outside I'm gonna lower down a little bit and like I pick a color okay now you can pick a color from in here and what I'm gonna do is I'm not gonna hold anything down I could just click out here anywhere and it picks colors from the document okay so find something you like there maybe ties in with the background that's gonna work for me in a click okay and yeah that's adding stroke to text click okay so you really like it and you want to do the same thing to this see Taylor here what you can do is you can right click the layer so i'm right clicking the word not the icon or anything else just the word allstars right click it this is one here it's his copy of dyer style so that's what these things are called this little button down the bottom here it's called a layer style okay all of these layer styles so right-clicking it and saying copy layer style okay is i've copied it I can find the sea layer and see Taylor layer okay and right-click him and say paste layer style and along he comes to the right I don't like that there's something to get it hit it undo but that's the way to do that now you can add strokes to anything we've done it for ticks but you can do the same thing for objects okay so this little rectangle here I can right click and go to stroke and there's nothing different okay I just add a stroke around it the only thing you might notice is that it's kind of faded out we're like hmm like it should be exactly the same sort of color as this and the opacity is right up and it's not the same it's because we actually lowered the opacity of this rectangle okay earlier on in a previous course you might not be following along in order but all that stepand is and it's saying and adjust this to be really big and pick out another color click OK what's happening is see there's a pasady here on this layer so the layer selected the opacity was set to 50 but turn it back to its pure black color and that stroke comes back to life and both of those things I hate so I'm gonna go to edit step backwards it's that backwards to get rid of the stroke a better example would have been earlier on in the course member we made these circles here there's this one okay and I made a second one and expanded it out just so that I'd probably do that with an extra stroke around the outside earlier on in the course I guess we just want to stick to your current skill set but now if I was redoing this I would do a circle where the pink stroke around now let's go a little bit more advanced okay so there's all stars lay here and I want to I'm going to show you how to add more than one stroke okay so it's a handy trick and I'm gonna show you some patterns and things so with all stars layer selected I want to edit the stroke let's just say I want to edit it no double strokes just yet all you do is double-click on this word here called stroke not a fix double click on stroke and I can go in here and just edit it if I like okay so that's editing it also in here is the chance where I key to add more than one stroke so there's a few of these layer styles that allow for an extra version of itself or as many as you like actually so stroke in a shadow there's a few of them you can have doubles of so in this case stroke I wanna hit this little plus button now I have two strokes now the trouble is is that they're the same size and the same color so I don't show over here and and what happens is it's a layer order like your layers over here so the one on top gets seen first and covers this one underneath so if I change one underneath watch this and pick a different color I was gonna pick random color nothing happens because it's hiding underneath this top one which is this more peachy color okay but there's one underneath right make it a bit bigger kawaii kind of pokes out the sides so that's how to add double strokes now I'd probably pick something man so bad yeah okay um I'm gonna go a little bit further okay double strokes is kind of advanced and but this next but I don't I don't want to blow your brain but I want to give you like there's some cool easy enough tricks to do while you hear if you've made it this far in the video let's go bit further so where it's this fill type yeah we've done color nets than on one gradients is as you imagined it gradient we looked at that in an earlier video you click on this here to change the colors but let's look at this one called patent it's quite cool it's quite cool for this particular style here this kind of like seventies basketball kind of thing and you can see I'm gonna zoom in over here I've got this kind of like lines that run around the outside go and that's coming from this pattern so you can change this pattern there's some cool options in here straight lines vertical lines horizontal squeezed dots okay there's lots of things in here those top ones are quite cool all the rest of them are a little bit I wouldn't say Lane lanes are paired with these are lame okay anything to do down here they get like usable mmm whoa anyway so I'm gonna go to this one here because I quite like it you can play around the scale of I'm gonna make it a bit smaller and what you'll notice is that remember we had this was actually a pink and what was it I can't remember so go back to color yeah it was pink so it was pink and then I applied this pattern that goes white and you're like yeah what happened it's basically where the pattern see this pattern here it's got a black line with a white outside now we're not gonna go through how to make your own pens in this video okay birds basically yeah it's getting the white from this little squeak here there's a thing we can do to get round that we can go into the blend modes we've looked at blend modes a little bit in the past we haven't really gone into them hardcore we'll do that later in the course but it's just the way that this pattern is blending with the background in this case behind it is this green circle so at the moment it's not doing anything is just sitting on top normally does all we never does anything but then when you start getting into darken and multiply can you see the different effects that are playing here okay so have a little look through which one's gonna work for you in this case I'm probably just gonna go to multiply it is really hard to know what they're gonna do in these cases because and you know it's not you it's basically the top pattern texture and color mixing with the bottom pattern texture and color and because those are always different well normally always different every time you use something like soft light you'll be like ah it's different from the last time I used it and that's not you that's just part of Photoshop so even mean I have to go through and go that's painful kind of like hmm let's see what all these are do okay it is painful whoa difference it's kind of cool and so I'm gonna go back to multiply cuz that's what I kind of liked and I'm gonna scale it down just a tiny bit up a big bit I'm just missing around now yeah that's okay for me alright everyone so there is how to create a layer style using the stroke we've added multiple strokes and we got even fancy with that pattern stroke and remember you can copy and paste them by right-clicking the layer going copy not paste you can copy and then pasting it on a different text document or cross document say it's a different completely document open it up paste it across and it's a way of keeping consistent strokes and swishy lines that you've spent some time making alright let's get into the next video now where we look at bevel and emboss my absolute worst of the layer styles but loads of people like them so we're gonna do them together anyway let's go hi there in this video it's all about bevels and embosses making this kind of 3d effect I'll turn it off turn it back on all right I'm not a big fan of it but you might love it and that's okay I will judge you still but I won't do it to your face don't worry it's jumping now and learn bevels and um buses alright so we can add that bevel and emboss to any shape okay we like okay and say the text we're going to do this circle here so gonna click on the circle make sure it's selected to the eye on and off see now you've got the right one selected it's down here and under a fix okay bevel and emboss and that's it pretty easy okay so you've got some embed some bevel and emboss styles so the default is in Abbeville looks like it's kind of make it a little disc okay and the things you might adjust okay there's lots to play around with but the main ones the depth can you see how sharp this looks narrower on the edges here I'm gonna turn it down a bit and and the size how far that creeps in and then soften okay you can turn it so it gets really fluffy around the outside so just play with those okay those are your main ones that play around with the other thing you might play around with is see this shading as angle here is quite interesting why not interesting but you can see it's hit it's going straight from top to bottom which this I can make it look you can kind of look at this icon or my little option down here let's move down to make it easier you just click anywhere here and decide where you want it to go okay and that is our bevel and emboss let's look at couple of the other options so there's outer bevel which I kind of like kind of like I don't like I go through phases though I hit ingredients a couple years ago but now you can you can tell I am over doing the gradient so let's look at emboss kind of looks like it's sitting kind of it does outer and inner there's pillow emboss looks like it's kind of like sitting inside it like it's resting on material okay you just go through and have a little look about these things that you want yeah play around with the settings you want to that it's going to be it I'm gonna leave with this one click okay and as soon as I'm finished I'm gonna click on it and drag into the bin you might love embosses there's nothing wrong with them just personal text in its yeah if you love them okay we've got an exercise coming up in a second and you can cover the whole thing in ambivalent embosses okay and share it with me and prove me wrong all right that's it for this video let's jump it to the next one hi there it is drop shadow time okay you can see this text here this text here both have drop shadows applied okay it's not super hard to do but we're gonna look at it we're gonna do it for objects as well these stars have drop shadows use turn it back on it's not gonna take us long but also I'm gonna throw in some bonus did you knows at the end so hang around and yeah let's get started to add a drop shadow to text or any objects just make sure it is selected in your layers panel cuz it's a light gray color let's go down to effects and go to drop shadow and that's how you have imagined it okay so we'll do a couple little things just to be a little bit more clued on and how it works so by default it'll remember the last thing you've done so you all won't look exactly like mine so opacity obviously is just how see-through unis it is okay I'm gonna lower mine down a little bit now in terms of drop shadows it depends I look I like my strap up and down like 90 degrees okay so it kind of pokes off at the bottom there and in terms of distance it's how far it is away give that a play okay and the size is how kind of spread out or dispersed the shadow is okay so it really depends like I often just punch in 3 & 3 for these two and that's enough for what I do it's either 5 & 5 or 3 & 3 and that gimli gets to there kind of prefer stuff that I like you might hate that and you might like a big giant fuzzy one so do that as well there's no right or wrong let's look at two extra things so let's click on OK let's say that I like this and I want to add it to this layer as well so I can right-click it I can go to copy layer style find my Scott shoes which is there it is there I can right click that and go to pay style I'm going to do it to these two stars as well so this stay here can I do them both at the same time right click paste style oh I can fancy okay here this and bottom one here the opacity changed so I'm gonna lower the opacity again cuz that's about it anyway one last thing to talk about when it comes to shadows so I've got this top star selected and let's say I don't like it going up and down I liked it on the ticks but I didn't like it over here so edit my drop shadow I just double click the word drop shadow and move it out of the way and let's say I want to change the angle and what's going to happen is this guy here use global light so let's say I move it to the side yeah it looks great but did you notice it changed over here you might not so let's see it all change it even changed in this here under the bevel and emboss which we did earlier watch when I move it around you see they all change that's the use of global light ok just means that every layer style in this whole document will be affected by with the light angle that's kind of cool right because you want them all to be hitting the same angles but now cus we didn't I wanted to be ninety for them all but I'm gonna for this one particular star that I've got selected I'm gonna turn off that and watch now just that one star is working ok and adjusting the way I want I'm not gonna go through all the settings you can play around with the contours and the noise and you can play with the spread I never do those so we're gonna leave it for the moment and let you experiment but that my friends is how to add drop shadows alright next video alright to make this work again I have to do a little bit of a hack and what I mean by there is that there's some skills you're gonna learn further in the course things like smart objects and layer masks which are gonna make this a very perfect non-destructive professional version of what we're just about to do but we don't have those skills so we're gonna do a big old hack version where it works but it maybe not the most professional use so what we need to do is kind of smush all of this together ok so at the moment it's all separate layers and stuff we need to kind of smash it onto one layer and to do this quick and easy at the moment what we're going to do is we're going to leave I've save this version I'm up to it goes it Gray's out when it's already saved so if you're like man won't let me save is because you've already saved and nothing has changed watched I move it and then it goes hey I get to save it again okay so I'm gonna undo that so let's save your document and then let's save a backup so let's go to save as so we're gonna keep that one original with all the layers so I can do adjustments now let me go onto my desktop I'm gonna call this one hacked postcard it's not hacked it's just you're doing it the bad way let's click OK and what we're gonna do is we're going to go to layer and we're gonna go this one that says flatten image and you can see all my good work and almost separate layers have gone I can't separate them out that's the bad bit the cool bit though is it allows us to do drop shadow and kind of moving it around first up we need to i'll we have that kind of continued problem with background and it's locked so just name it I'm going to call one my post card so that's phase one it's got rid of the lock next one is we need to expand the background a little bit so the easiest way is an image and go to canvas size canvas size think of it as your page size so at the moment we are using inches okay six by four I want to be a bit bigger either side so how much bigger maybe maybe one and a half inches on point five Oh was that five point five either side okay and click OK and it just made I've got a bit of extra background now cool so the next thing I want to do is add a background behind it okay so I'm gonna make a new layer it's this little turned-up page here I'm gonna call this one my background with it selected I'm gonna say I want to go to edit and I'm gonna go to fill so I'm gonna fill that layer with what color I'm gonna fill mine with black you might say foreground background you can pick a color I'm just gonna pick black click OK and problem with the layout order is obvious now backgrounds at the top so click hold and drag them underneath now what I want to do with this you could have just picked a solid color okay what I want to do is add my gradient that we did earlier because remember I'm overdoing gradients all the way through this course so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go down to a fix I've got my that layer selected effects I'm gonna go to gradient overlay and it's remembering the default that I had okay from the last one but remember if you click on the word gradient here you can double click these two little houses to pick new colors but that's an earlier tutorial jump back and check out the gradient one if you want to know more about it but it might do is change the direction of it and I'm gonna lower the opacity lowering the pasady in this case because there's black is my background color it's gonna kind of darken it out cuz these the black and I'm just kind of raising it up a little bit playing where you want to be click OK now we're gonna use our drop shadow and rotation so click on postcard there's a rotate it you could go to edit transform use rotate but now we're using supa dupa shortcuts remember which is it you can't remember it is command T on a Mac or ctrl T on a PC ok and not they're just a bit further out click hold and drag I don't worry it's on the angle it's just like it's like I don't know just thrown down in a casual but professional I don't know my wife doesn't work that way has to wait it has to be on that kind of lean when you finish hit return on your keyboard or inter and now we're gonna add our drop shadow and yeah there's not gonna be much more than that that's what we're gonna do we're learning it now because it's gonna be part of your homework in the next video so hang her around if you like I'm just gonna add a nice big shadow opacity up distance up over the angle size wise it's beautiful I never play around with a spread you'll see it's not Y like it's just it's like the choke it just kind of moves the this kind of drop shadow further out I just never use it you might love it let's click okay that's our little gangsta lean we are now gonna air better text and get on to the next video totally skip ahead now cuz I am just going to add some text that you can stay if you like this is like a client presentation right so I'm gonna say my SuperDuper client is going to be okay I'm gonna keep these on all separate line actually I put a return in client and project what I'm gonna do select them all I'm going to say that right aligned I need a different font Museo I've been using through this final course you don't have that probably so a font you can download from Typekit if you want to go and do that it's part of your Creative Cloud license I'm not gonna cover it all now but I'll use a slab it comes in a slab version as well which I like so I'm gonna be on the light version I'm gonna grab the font or down the living I'm gonna do the leading yeah not so much leading not so much font size either yeah they'll do it for me I'm gonna duplicate this now we're being using the right click duplicate I'm gonna share a little secret if you hung around you get the super secret okay watch this click hold and drag it to the new window and it makes it duplicate and gives it the name copy go and there is there what's math things to hang around sometimes I keep telling people to go miss appear and then I give you a super secret trick alright so this one here I'm gonna use the in 900 the client for this one is gonna be Scott shoes the project is gonna be their spring sale postcard reluctant to date these things because I got stuff in my portfolio that's like 10 years old it's just holding on in terms of her being okay to edge that still head to it but it might be a big client or I just want to hang on to us I don't date them what's gonna date this though is the gradients you know I think I'm catching the end of this gradient phase as well I feel like the whole Instagram gradient filter type thing is gonna be did in a little while what's my portfolio is gradient testing all right so that's gonna be it for this video next video we're gonna set a project for everybody it's jump into that and do it now all right it is homework project time don't think of it as homework think of it as ways to really solidify what you've learnt so far and I promise you I've taught this loads of times and it's the people who bother going and doing these little extras that really find that benefits or at least find the tools stick a lot more than you know just kind of following along with me with the videos so your homework that's not really homework it's fun stuff to do you'll find the outline in your exercise files ok so exercise files there's a folder and they called projects and you can open either one of these ones a word doc and ones a PDF whatever's takes your fancy they're the same okay and in here it explains what you need to do quickly run through it here basically it's creating your own version of our postcard and sharing it with us ok you don't have to share it with me but I'd love you to so these are requirements okay so you choose your own theme pick you know you might have a business you work for your own kind of like side hustle that you do stuff for it could just be a church group or a social group or anything you can think of to do a postcard for choose your own image you might use one from your cell phone or if you're a photographer use one of your own or go grab one from unsplash I want you to fix that image okay so something from unsplash is probably not going to need much fixing but if you're using your own one go through do the levels just like the hues and saturations and vibrance all that whole section on adjustments have a look through that I want you to add a gradient it's totally optional I'm integrating it as you know but see if you can do this thing even if you don't do it you know don't want it in your final you don't this kind of like hideous gradient you can I just want you to run through the process just so you know about blending modes and those types of things once you have at least one shape I kind of did them all to try and fit them all in for this course so we've got circles and stars and rectangles with corners you just need at least one in terms of colors okay you might let the image drive the colors like we did for some of these circles or you can go to Adobe color themes to get inspiration for colors remember there's five color swatches that it picked for us next thing is you need to have just some text okay like this standard text here and you can kind of copy the structure that I had you're allowed to use lorem ipsum but you also need to do that text on a path okay remember this badge down the bottom here where it kind of wrapped around or maybe the stripey stuff on the line you can do either of those one uses of that or to or tin but I want to see that I want to see at least two layer styles so that includes drop shadow strokes gradients behind and buses hello looks did it hold us we didn't cover them all in this course you might find experiment with another one it surprised me with interfere there or out of either I can't think of any other ones but two of them at least and they don't want you to present it not exactly like this but in that same sort of vein where we saved a version of the document we flattened it down then we kind of it doesn't have to be on an angle okay good just be straight in there about a little drop shadow to make it look like it's you might put in the background a photograph of a disc so it looks like it's sitting there on the disc okay that's the way I'd like you to present it for this particular exercise and then I want you to save and share and over here just says save it JPEG copy we haven't really done exporting yet okay we did saving but just so you know file save file save as even okay an option and here is JPEG okay and you that's that's the easy one to share share around okay or you can just take a screenshot on my Mac its command shift four okay hold those keys down and I can Dropbox around stuff and then on my desktop you hear the little snapping noise that on my desktop will be a screenshot if it's an easy way to do it as well on a PC Carol remember there's a Print Screen button on there somewhere you'll have to google that one or do the save as JPEG and that is it my friends well I want you to share it with me okay you can DM me if you don't want to share it publicly but sure publicly okay great places that Instagram just tagged me okay you click on that link to get to my Instagram account you can tag me in Twitter as well there's a Facebook group it's just getting started I'd love you to get in there and you start using that and he just got going with that and yeah you might be the first one there Basheer it in there but also you can use these accounts as well if you prefer and you can use a direct message if you're not much of a social person just there's an assignments depending on the website you're looking at it ends up on a couple of places where you can there's an assignment section or a lot of them or you can just use the comments underneath the video this video right here you'll see a comment section and share it there alright that's it you don't have to do it of course but please do if you do I I'll see you in the next video in a couple of hours maybe a lot longer than that depending on your current photoshop skills and the people are gonna skip ahead I will see you in a couple of seconds in the next video all right let's go hi it's me again if you enjoyed the video a thumbs up really helps me and what I'm doing also consider subscribing to my youtube channel because I release a video like this every week and also know that this is part of my larger course okay so this is like a free part of it there's a larger course called Photoshop essentials so you could go check that out there's a link in the description for that full course also know that there's exercise files there's a free to download go go check that link in the description another link in the description will be the cheat sheet so I make it like a PDF cheat sheet for Photoshop with all the tips and tricks you can print off in a stick next to computer and be more awesome yeah all right that's enough how did you
Channel: Bring Your Own Laptop
Views: 170,830
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Keywords: photoshop, adobe photoshop, Free Adobe Photoshop Course, Free Adobe Photoshop Course for Beginners, Photoshop Course for Beginners, Adobe Photoshop Course for Beginners, free photoshop course for beginners, photoshop course for beginners, free photoshop course, photoshop tutorials for beginners, photoshop for beginners, photoshop course, learn photoshop, photoshop basics, photoshop tutorials, photoshop complete course, learn photoshop for beginners, learn adobe photoshop
Id: NNkGiab2dWU
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Length: 126min 31sec (7591 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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