My Top Portrait Retouching Tips and Tricks in Photoshop | 🔴 LIVE REPLAY

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so today we going to be talking about let's talk about what you're going to do thicker light how to make eyes much more attention grabbing right usually even we take a picture eyes a little boring and they don't really capture the real essence of eye eyes are really windows to human emotions so eyes need to be represented right so we got to be talking about aren't you going to be having a couple of one or two or even three examples to cover eyes then we going to be talking about how to add dimension to a portrait I'm not talking about dodging and burning we will be talking about dodging and burning but in a different way today different technique of dodging and burning and also I'm going to be talking about how to add dimension really quickly to your portraits and maybe it's going to be really useful for black and white portraits portraits that have a lot of texture to it that's kind of then needed then we going to be talking about how to add dimension to hair because hair actually frames the face and we don't want to miss the hair right here and then I'm going to be teaching you a secret action I did talk about this action before but this action can be modified according to your portrait I'm going to be talking about secret action to really soften your skin with the skin texture still maintained in no time at all and after that I'm going to be talking about a little bit about color correcting and the cool way to make your images pop in just ten seconds all right using blend modes it's going to be fun so let's see whether we can start here phyto how you're doing Norway amazing everything is fine people can't find it yet what Andrew shall I start hi my buddy how you doing hi Tiana from Texas great to see you okay I'm not looking there because I'm tracking and comments with my phone because I have to share the whole of my screen right now so Michael Robinson is here great to see you so I think we shall begin Andrew shall we begin hi Eddie how are you doing Melissa good morning Melissa I hope I'm pronouncing your name right if it's wrong just let me know okay shall we begin let's begin the first we will be talking about kicker light and before that let's go ahead and switch the screens so today by the way I'm in color yesterday I was in black and white so Andrew suggested me go color maybe that will pump up the mood and make you more energetic so let's switch the screen to somewhat somewhere maybe this one okay let's go ahead and open up my Photoshop and then open up this and switch the screen just like that so now we are in Photoshop and I think we are good to go as you can see in this bowl trade the eyes are not lit not much interesting it's kind of flat and we're going to add some kinks to it some power to it some reflections to it so first off have a look where the light is coming from the light is coming from this direction have a look so let me just show you where the light is coming from if we just draw an arrow that is coming from this direction a little bit just direction just like that so here's the tip how to find out where the light is coming from just look at the catch light of the eyeball so here is the catch light this clearly gives you an indication of where the light is coming from okay Andrew gave me a green signal let's go ahead and begin that so now what do you have to do this is just for representation purposes create a new layer then with this elliptical marquee to create an ellipse just like that and here's one more tip and the tip is this while you are creating an ellipse and if you want to move the ellipse to a different place here's what you need to do press and hold the spacebar and when you hold the spacebar you can move it right it's interesting isn't it now you can adjust it by the way if you hold shift then it keeps the circle in proportion but I've also not completely circle right they are a little bit over right there a little bit ellipse so we wanted to have the qualities of ellipse at the same time you want to move it to the eyeball and just stay away from the edges make it a little smaller than the edges and just leave it at that now look at the direction of light so the direction of light was this right now all you have to do select the polygonal lasso to hold the Alt key or the option key if you're using a Mac is the audio-video all right everything all right behind awesome now hold down the Alt key then make a line perpendicular to the direction of light from a little more than the halfway of the eye make sense for example the light is coming from this direction right so we need to make a line in this direction light is coming from this direction okay but camera is a little opposite light is coming from this direction so we need to create a line in this direction so let's create a line and when you create a line press and hold alt or option so more than half from the top more than half from the source of light just create a line little more than half and there we go and fill it up just like that so this is a negative selection making it just like an orange slice now all you have to do you have to delete the iris area because we don't want to brighten the iris area iris has to be dark now select the elliptical marquee tool again press and hold alt or option and create an ellipse again now this is a negative selection why because we are pressing and holding the Alt key now move it just like this just like this okay this creates a seascape C shaped direction now fill it up with white how to fill it up with white make sure the foreground color is white press X to toggle between the foreground of the background color and then press alt backspace option backspace option delete if you're using Mac Mac does not have backspace does it I don't know now once you fill it up with white if you are confused how to fill it up with might you can also use the paint bucket tool to do that then you can go to filter blur Gaussian blur now how much blur to give it see your images is going to be different you might have a 24 megapixel image some of you might have a 10 megapixel image so the values see there in pixels so they might be different for you how much to blur blur so much so that these become smooth these corners go away right it becomes a u-shaped corner so now it's becoming uShip don't go too much stop at just the point where it becomes U shaped just like that maybe this looks right click OK and change the blend mode to overlay isn't this interesting now take a brush make sure foreground color is black create a mask and then delete the areas around the iris the extra area is everything fine tiffany is watching hi Tiffany how you doing a hundred is watching Jerry on Jay Rowan wheel the man I hope I'm pronouncing your name right I'm so sorry if it's wrong so let's go ahead and paint it's light tan Koreans and Han will have a look have a look at the before and after this before this is the after now how to make it even more dramatic here's a open up the left side style of box how to do that that will click on the right hand side or layer or right click on it and go to blending options so we'll double click on the right hand side of the layer it always works take this letter of the underlying layer from left to right what are we doing deleting the dark areas of this layer which is the underlying layer level should benefit from this layer from the layer in which we have the bright area of the iris so pupil I'm sorry pupil has to be completely dark I was really bad at science so all you have to do take the slider to the left just like that and make it a little smooth outer make it smooth pressing the alt or option click on this and just make it smooth just like that it's interesting now click OK if you're satisfied now copy the same to the right or left eye here's how to do it present hold alt or option click and drag to that eye since there is a little smaller wise it's smaller because it's away from the camera we need to make it a little smaller just right and then move it to the right size there we go and have a look at the before and after so if we make a group of both of these how to make a group present hold ctrl or command click on the other layer control the command G this makes a group so this is the before this is the after now if you want to pump up even more make a copy of the group controller command J now we have more juice so make a group of both of these groups control the command G select both of these and now control the intensity using opacity so just like that have a look before after and this makes a ton of difference if we go ahead and have a look before after before after isn't that interesting okay so before we move to the second example let's take a few questions so let's have a look at okay so it stopped tor is it okay right now is it working is it fine is it it shows me all right I don't know what's happening is the audio all right is the video all right Mary Kay says your voice is breaking up Andrew is everything all right guys let me know is everything all right if it's not all right elegance which a restart my life so that it becomes alright okay Andrew says it's alright you sure Andrew okay okay great awesome it's fine now was it wasn't sounds good to me Eddie says it's working fine okay thanks a lot for letting me know that okay did you miss a step if you miss any step due to the audio or the internet or something do let me know I'll repeat it for you okay all right set up for you guys so little wonder the second example I have kept it as a sequence kicker light example number two so in this you'll be able to see I chose this example because I really wanted to make it clear about the direction of the light so let's change the background color to say dark gray the direction of light plays a very major role right so in this two all you have to create a new layer is the audio right broke up for a second fine now sounds great it just lifts alright okay seems to be alright to me now similarly make a circle just like that make it a little smaller stay away from the edges okay once you have made that now let's move the selection by the way can I give you a tip if you want to move the selection select any selection tool and take the cursor inside the selection and then you can move the selection all right you cannot move the selection by using well you can move it but if you take it inside the selection it just doesn't move if she could not move this because the selected area is empty the move tool if you move it from inside the selection it moves the selected area it doesn't move the selection so if you want to move the selection move do it from the outside or using the any selection tool you can do it from the inside so that was a little tip there once you do that do the same things direction of line this time is a little different direction of light is from here okay coming from here so we'll make somewhere around just like this and then we're going to choose the elliptical marquee tool present hold alt or option just like that and then fill it up with white not black hole height and then filter blur Gaussian blur it seems to me all right change the blend mode to overlay right out of the box amazing now we can dramatize it by going to blending options and then take the slider of the underlying layer from left to right just like that have a look it's golden now we can make a copy of it just like that and put it in this eye you might have to move it a little bit there we go and have a look isn't this wonderful now let me show you the before and after before after make a group of make a copy of the group and then control the opacity and that's pretty much it or after right make sense did you understand it okay Dustin says suppli make it to see you live good to see your Dustin - amazing Lizette says please share guys please do share it I'm so great to have you guys Connie says amazing Thank You Connie now let's go ahead and move on to the third one okay let's close it down just for housekeeping purposes we need to keep our computer optimized you don't want to lag during the live stream dream so now let's talk about dimensions let's talk about how can we use screen and also multiply multiply to add dimension to your portraits so open up screen this example now this is the image I already talked about as to using calculations how can you create amazing black and white conversion see by using calculations so in this as you can see this is the black and white version that I created so this is the original version so this is the black and white version that I created and now above it I added see this thicker line have a look this - I've added the kick alight before after right isn't this amazing but this example was for something else this example was for how to add dimension how to make it even more dramatic well it's gonna be really simple all you have to do make sure the topmost layer is an adjustment layer so create an adjustment layer any adjustment layer doesn't really matter by the way guys let me know how the audio is how the video is because again and again in my phone I'm seeing those round loading going on and again again again and again so let me know okay only had to do create an adjustment layer any adjustments layer will do let's create levels now once you create that adjustment layer make sure it's the topmost adjustment layer to make it more dramatic all you have to do change the blend mode to screen now what does screen blend mode do well screen blend mode lightens things up right now why did we add an adjustment layer it acts as a virtual copy of anything that's beneath it we don't have to create a merge to copy if we create a merged copy any changes we make in that merged copy will have to make all those changes in these so it's better to create an adjustment layer it's at it acts as a virtual copy of anything that's beneath it now change the blend mode of this one to screw this brightens pretty much everything so press print to the command I now brighten of the areas that you want to bring forward towards the camera so to add more dimension to add more highlights and stuff so take the brush make sure the flow is around 20 ish that's kind of a sweet spot I always work on 20 maybe 10 sometimes maybe even one sometimes depending upon the time you have and the kind of and paint it with white so make sure the foreground color is white and start painting up these areas with point the areas that are already bright you paint it up with white and this will come with experience right which areas to paint which areas to not paint the areas that you want to have light that those areas you gotta paint for example in this we don't want to paint this area if we paint this area this will make Oh home fries flat you want to have we want to make it look bumpy so we on a pink chair and paint a little bit here maybe a little the nose maybe giving the nose a little dimension just like that okay now we just painted the forehead have a look at the before and after so this is the before this is the after add so much more dimension now we can go ahead and do tons of other bunch of other stuff just like that maybe add a little there and the party is not over yet you can do so much more just to wait just wait there's one more step after this okay now you can take as much time as you want in this I'm just quickly doing it for DeMars demonstration purposes now interestingly if you break down the word demonstration it becomes demon stration strange isn't it totally opposite of what we intend to use it for anyway that's out of this out of the scope of this tutorial animates here over with that and you don't have to listen to my boring talks anymore now before after tons of dimension now how to make it even more dramatic you get the try it open up the layer Styles dialog box right click on the layer on the layer and then go to blending options and then the layer style dialog box will appear take the slider of the underlying layer from left to right break it down make it even more dramatic now what that does I know you know we painted on areas that are already bright but sometimes you kind of spill it over a little bit so we want to delete if you want to totally be sure that we painted on the already bright areas so how can we make me make it sure we can make it sure by deleting the areas that are dark so there's a mosquito on my laptop just flying it away take the slider of the underlying layer from left to right and that deletes the dark areas making it even more dramatic okay have a look isn't this interesting before after adds ton or dimension to it before after okay let's take a few questions before we move on to the next example very cool thanks for teaching great to see you hundred people online amazing to see you guys it's reducing but that's okay my friends are online with me I'm so very proud to have tho have them now next move on to the next example by the way you can also use multiply for darkening stuff you want to darken up if you want to darken up this stuff open up create a new levels adjustment layer and then what you do you change the blend mode of this one so you get to try it multiply screen lightens multiply darkens now it's too dark controller commands I now we can go ahead take the brush make sure the foreground color is white flow this time go fine and just paint or the areas that you want to be dark just like that maybe this area just a little bit this area dislike dodging and burning but very quickly of doing that so there you go that's pretty much it so have a look so what kind make a group of it before after that's fantastic have a look again if you make it black have a look before after wasn't that interesting okay now let's go ahead connie says we help you thank you so much connie you're one of my greatest friends online andrew is one of my greatest friends Katie says how to create a creamy finish on a portrait we got to come to that okay we're going to come to mixer brush and then we're going to be talking about tap smooth links offering it's going to be fun so let's move on to the next example here so you can also use the same techniques on here to more often than not we often go ahead and ignore the hair but hair is really important so in this as you can see the hair is a little flat it's not interesting maybe what about making a couple of strands a little lighter what about highlighting a couple of strands wouldn't be fun similarly in this create an levels adjustment layer 8a levels adjustment layer I need to work on my articles a and the and then what do you need to do change the blend mode to screen so change it to screen and then control the command I take the brush make sure the foreground color is white and start painting with flow maybe this time you increase it to 10 start painting in those strands and this time make sure you don't paint all over the highlight areas just paint over the strands so this area you want to highlight a little bit more a little bit less this area we need to highlight and you can also manually decide you can decide which area to highlight which area to not okay if you paint a little extra by mistake you can always switch between black and white and paint the extra areas with blacks just like that and you can go ahead this Y little strand just like that maybe brighten up this strand here that's interesting maybe let's brighten up this area brighten up this area just a little bit the side of her hair just a little bit the middle strand and we are pretty much done have a look at the before wow this looks awesome doesn't it if you don't agree with me let me know give me a dislike is there dislike button any so this is a v4 this is the Astra is this wonderful now you can also add a layer mask to it sorry blending options layer style to it take this just like that click OK just as we did in the previous examples before after have a look before after okay let's take a couple of questions and then we'll move on to the next one richard says just got there hope you're having fun we are having a lot of fun here it's so glad to have you so Etta great to see your kind little about retouching workflow I will still I'll make a video about it in future how do you determine which blend mode to use a matte watch my tutorial on blend modes in depth ok you'll understand what each blend mode does when you bind up the areas where would light okay Melissa Jordan asks would you brighten up the areas where the light would hit well I would of course why not also you can manually lighten up the areas where the light doesn't hit but it kind of starts looking fake but yeah so that you need to find a balance a very good way to of adding a dimension is that find out those areas Melissa pointed it right find out those areas which are already bright and then add more gradation to it that adds more dimension but it when it comes to hair you can do anything you want just be cautious don't just go to this extra dark area and start to just brighten this up don't do that but you have more control when it comes to hair bikini because you can choose single strands and highlight those strands as a hair colorist would do so on and so forth I hope that makes sense Andrew asked do you use frequency separation I'm going to talk about that today Andrew Timothy says excellent tutorials thank you for the time you take in showing us your tips thank you so much Timothy now let's move on to the next one okay I don't want to save it next we want to the next one action by the way this photo was submitted by Jason guy he's an awesome awesome photographer he is so much more professional that by the way you can check out his work in this group itself Photoshop and Lightroom just search Jason guy here his name he's an awesome photographer he was very kind enough to help me with this raw photo and thanks to him so this is the moment you've air waiting for it this is the most important thing if you don't take away anything from this video anything from this webinar today take away this thing this will save you time exponentially right I might I might stop playing tricks and just let's jump straight into it but all I just want to say it pay attention to this one this is really really really important don't watch the rest of the webinar don't go back and watch what I said before but watch this thing this is important I did talk about it in my tutorial but not so much in depth right okay so I'm going to teach you how to create an action in which you can change the values and soften the skin really really quickly but you need to keep in mind that you remove the blemishes before softening this game okay so let's start creating the action go to Windows and then go to action guys this is really important do not miss it okay so I already have that skin smooth action let me just do a demo off it how it works it's really amazing if I go ahead select this action play this action it will do everything automatically now this value comes up High Pass it asks me what High Pass do you want I'm going to choose a value where the skin tones are well blended in don't look at the texture that it's just like frequency separation blurring in frequency separation just like that but it's a little different don't look at the texture just stop at a radius where the skin tones are matching up pretty nicely so I guess for this or this 18.2 is nice maybe 9 I'll go for 9 9 is nice every skin tone is matching really nice lates looking good click OK now again it's going to ask me Gaussian blur value now when the Gaussian blur value all you have to do take the slider all the way to the left and then keep on increasing gradually stop it just when you see squint skin texture just a little bit of skin texture if you go way to head you see all of skin texture the things we don't want so just when you see it the moment you see it stop there for this I'm going to stop maybe 2.7 even 2.8 looks nice too may click OK now it creates a mask for me gives me a brush gives me the white color all you have to do simply increase the flow if it's not increased and paint over those areas make it really smooth make the skin smooth really easily so just paint and it's done stay away from the edges and just start painting it's so simple now I will tell you how to create this action but just have a look at how it works so it works this way so quickly we have before after I have a look show you before after isn't that wonderful guys do you mind if I wipe my face off just a little bit okay let me just quickly do that you okay we're back in action now let me teach you how to create that action so go ahead and delete everything let's start right from scratch to create an action it's really simple first create a folder I have already created folder called portrait retouching and then once you create a folder create a new action and you want to put this in set portrait retouching now these are folder in actions panel they're called sets now why are they why aren't there sets though it's good for organizing purposes for example you want to have a different set for landscapes different set for portraits or even different sets for creative retouching so so on and so forth you can have sets I've created one for portrait retouching and then you can name it smooth skin okay you can even color coded so let's color coded orange anything you want and then hit the record button now once you hit the record button it starts recording it just acts like a tape recorder and the next time you play it it just does it whatever you did make a copy by pressing ctrl or command J made a copy now right click on this layer layer which you have created and convert that into a smart object I'll tell you why it click on convert to smart object now invert it how to invert it press ctrl or command I done change the blend mode from normal to vivid light done then go to file other iPass now you can choose any high pass value right doesn't really matter choose anything but choose somewhere which is something which is reasonable like 10 12 something like that don't it doesn't really matter but choose any value and then click OK done now go to filter blur Gaussian blur choose any value it's already good value to Bonnie click OK okay now we have done that it's smooth create a negative mask how to create a negative mask personal alt or option click on this mask button this creates a negative mask now select the brush tool right click here it's already selected but again select right click it choose a brush brush 2 it should show up here that you're selecting the brush to so that when you play the action it automatically selects the brush tool for you it doesn't show up right it just doesn't show up so select this 2 and then select the brush tool again does it show up yes it does it shows up select brush now press D to reset the swatches but it didn't do anything right why because it's already white and black if it was in some other color it would make it white and black so it's necessary to have reset swatches here if it's not there and if you are in say yellow and green it will create a trouble for you why because it will open the mask give you the brush with yellow and green you don't want that right or some gray color because we have selected the market won't be color but you don't want it to have a strange color so make sure you reset the swatches your brush is selected everything is right stop the action ok stop playing recording just click on that and we are pretty much done ok it's done now you can go ahead think before you save there before you say action is ready it's fun all you have to do make sure you click on this box beside high-pass just click on this box and click on this box beside Gaussian blur now if you do not click on these boxes will not ask you for the values it will not ask you for the values of hi passing caution where it will put the values that you selected and you don't want that right because every portrait is going to be different the resolution is going to see it's depending dependent upon the resolution the resolution is going to be different the size of the face on the frame that's going to be different so it's also be depend on that everything is going to be different so make sure it is clicked now let's go ahead let's test this lets not select the brush and let's change it to somewhere red color some fun now let's test this skin smooth just like that and it should do the job and ask you for the values high-pass okay choose a value where everything is smooth click OK the skin tones are blended together though choose a value of the Gaussian blur so that texture is just visible click OK and they choose to see the brush and white in black color to action work just fine now all you have to do is paint so play the action and just paint doesn't matter which tool you are in doesn't matter which color is selected just play the action and you're good to go right and think by the way the more the resolution the more the resolution the higher the value of high-pass the higher the value of caution do so I make sense okay now before we move on to the next let's do a little bit of softening here and why we are doing this let me give you a couple of tips this method does have a couple of demerits and one of the damaris merits is it's pretty much not a demerit if you are careful with this but the demerit is this it just doesn't work around the edges so don't go near the edges if you go near the edges the hair just comes here why because it was blurred globally right don't go here the edges okay let's go ahead and see whether it's alright okay stream is fine don't go near the edges just think and the second demerit is that well there happens to be no second demerit yeah so I was going to give you a tip which is very essential when you're softening stuff please don't soften this smile lines right if you do that it when you look at the photo and these smile lines are retouched these are soften it just tells you that it just gives you a plasticy feeling it makes the face a little bit plastically it doesn't look right it looks unnatural so do not soften the smile lines they are good stuff I do not soften it right I'm not softening it I'm erasing the softening from that place to erase the softening make sure the foreground color is black and then paint again and paint it with white to soften black to erase the softening and that's pretty much let's erase the softening premiere have a look at the before and after so this is the after this is the before makes ton of difference isn't that wonderful so that's all about that action doesn't take much time just click on the action play it and just paint over the skin that's pretty much it so diner a scanning correct blemishes with this method no you have to remove blemishes first and then use this method to soften the skin whether you're using Lightroom to soften the skin whether using Photoshop or any other application please remove the blemishes first but small blemishes small little bit skin discoloration it just takes care of that but it's very similar to frequency separation it's just frequency separation but in some other way so in this method similar to frequency separation you first have to remove the blemishes okay would you use that instead of frequency separation Timothy sounds nth out what does that mean hundred anyway Timothy asks would you use that instead of frequency separation well I would I would depends if I have a ton of time if my client has paid me a lot of money halli is this um very less money I'll use this method frequency separation is much more gives you much more control over the softening what if you want to soften around the edges you seldom wanted but if you want to spend a bunch of time extra time use frequency separation or this method will be amazing most of the time right it's worth a try all you have to do just give it a try just play the action and just paint over the skin it's very quick it gives you much faster result than frequency separation and here's one great thing about this method and the great thing is this in frequency separation you just soften certain areas and if you soften extra there is no mask thing you can add a mask but there is no mass thing in this you can paint right in frequency separation you have to select separate areas and then glare it also frequency separation requires a lot of practice if you don't have proficiency in it if you don't just blur the right areas it will look fake it won't look right so both has its own prey pros and cons less time this one more time frequency separation if you want to do more intricate stuff frequency separation if you just quickly want to soften the skin with the skin texture still intact and amazing results in this method I hope that answers your question it's the sound all right all right Connie says the sound is all right that says the sound is all right let's look at a couple of messages sound is good guys quickly let me know whether the sound is alright or not okay sounds good to me brand sells good now okay Andrew herb let's not do it I just want to go ahead and refresh just disconnect and then connect let's not do it it will take a lot of time and we have just a couple of examples left all right so now let's move on to the next example and this is one of my favorite things to do it's close in and this technique was taught to me by Troy Davidson he's an awesome photographer he's also a member of this group and he taught me a lot of techniques some of which I have created a video about and this is one of the techniques which he taught me about using mixer brush while frequency separation so in this example as I told you earlier you're going to be talking about frequency separation a new way to do frequency separation so first off make a copy of the background layer if you want to but we won't we will create a new layer and name it healing or blemishes name it whatever you want and first we need to remove the blemishes andrew says if anyone has any tests and technical difficulties try another browser I switch to Chrome and add to working ants working fine it's chrome is the best browser ever I have try switching to opera and maybe Mozilla Firefox but Chrome is always the best all right so let's first remove these blemishes how to remove the blemishes use the Healing Brush tool by the way I have a complete tutorial on how to remove blemishes and there I discussed a lot of techniques depending upon the time you have and how much more intricate do you want to go use the Healing Brush tool make sure aligned is checked and then and in the sample current and below or all layers is check if the current layer is checked it won't sample anything because the current layer is empty current and below just go ahead and just sample just rain towards this area sample paint over this area sample paint over this area seems alright I have MS and often better than a year ago every morning thank you for your time and thank you can remove those blemishes just like that I'm doing it really quickly okay one thing I remove those lenses let's remove this one too once you have removed those blemishes all you have to do let's apply frequency separation and the best part of this is that the blemishes are on its own layer have a look there on its own layer anytime you won't go wrong you can just go ahead with the eraser tool and just erase it and do it again so have a look before after right so let's take a break I need to drink a little water so let's go ahead let's take a little break [Music] you you you okay so we are back I'm sorry about that I just go ahead wiped off had some water and now we are ready to go now create a merged copy how to create a merged copy ctrl alt shift e right this creates a merged copy of anything that you currently aren't watching in the canvas create a copy of that merged copy ctrl command J now as in frequency separation name one color and name the other details turn off the details come to the colors and it's pretty much the same as frequency separation as we used to do before but wash for a difference filter blur Gaussian blur let's add some blur and stop just at the point where all the skin texture just goes away by I think four point five number two be yet four point five click okay turn on this details layer and now in the details layer selected with the details that I selected go to image and then apply image and once you go to apply image make sure layer you have selected is the color layer and we want to select the blurred area and we want to subtract that blurred area from the details so all we have in this is just the details and make sure subtract is selected scale is to offset is 128 click OK now you knew that you knew frequency separation you might have learnt about it and change the blend mode to linear light now interesting thing if you need group of both of these details in color if I turn this off it's the same if I turn this on it's the same which means that these two layers are combining together to give you the whole poetry but if you look at it individually it's blurred and it just have has the details by just turn it off it just has the details isn't that interesting so it separates your photo into two parts color and details it allows you to edit just the color or just the detail so you want to soften up stuff edit the colors remove a wrinkle edit the details so on and so forth now earlier what we used to do let me just show you earlier what we used to do what we usually do take the lasso tool feather 15 somewhere around that select an area that you want smooth make smooth and then what we used to do you used to go to filter blur Gaussian blur and then added a little blur just like that and it softens that area have a look okay and do this time and again filter blur Gaussian blur and soften it according to the amount that it needs so on and so forth now this is time-consuming isn't it you can also repeat the filters but again making a selection again and again that's time-consuming now instead of doing that what you can do we can use the mix for brush but before we get into that let's understand what mixer brush does to understand that let me go ahead and create a new document just to show you what mixer brush does okay so I'm gonna duplicate the layer and we're going to just businesses for depth demonstration so I'm going to choose new and what does the mixer brush do so if we choose the mixer brush right click on it and choose the mixer brush tool okay and make sure you have clicked on this one right this makes the color transport if you have not clicked on this one if you try to paint it it won't be transparent so it chooses a color so make sure it doesn't have a correct check on this it makes it transparent now here is one of the most interesting tools in Photoshop this is the wet value how much wet the brushes this is the load value how much color or how much load that the brush is taking right and this is the flow value flow and opacity just like that okay let me show you what it actually does if I choose a mixer brush before I paint see what it does it just mixes up stuff I take it it just smudges off stuff they take the lipstick right from here it just look it kind of softens it why it does that and if I decrease the wet value make it a dry brush you might have guessed what would happen the load would end very soon just as it did right now increase the wet just a little bit the load stays a little bit more increase so just as a brush it acts just like a brush of the brush was completely wet you can drag it all the way around your room you can drag it may be very long if the brush is dry we can drag it not so much drag it a little and the color ends and that's what wet is notice how much the brush is taking now you don't have to fiddle with load you don't have to fiddle with makes you DOS you just have to fill it with two things that is wet and flow now this is me kind of making things smooth have a look it's pretty much doing the same thing but we don't want so much of wetness we want to decrease the wetness you want to make things a little smooth it's just like that so are you understanding where I'm getting with this let's go ahead and delete this turn this off and the same thing we got to do with the color let's select the color layer make sure the mixture mixer brush is selected decrease the wetness to maybe 5% and the slow to maybe 20% and start painting maybe and this gives you a plethora of option you don't have to select anything using the lasso tool and you just have the complete control maybe you want to blend at the color the skin tone of the under eyes to this all you have to do just merge it slowly with this just like that start painting and if you want to do it really quickly increase the flow and increase the wetness if you want to merge this area this dark area with this bright area all you have to do is paint it that way just paint start painting that and it's pretty much solved right if she so much more control don't paint over the highlight paint in the direction of the colors you want to blend Troy's a genius he taught me this technique is an awesome retoucher now this you do Thea if you have plenty of time and if you want really professional looking result now we just retouch a little area have a look at the before and after before so let me just turn on this after before after before after now to use this you need to be really proficient while using the brush so you have to have the right directions if you go wrong if you just paint in this direction this won't look this is looking nice right number if i zoom out this has become flat so you need to be really good with this that's the drawback of this you have to have really good skill set to use it now you can use it with the tone paint over the highlights it will just flatten that up you want to do that so on and so forth this is time-consuming but this is one of the secret techniques to edit really good beauty portraits just like that don't paint over the smile lines I've already told you smile lines are good it shares like that hello now this time if you want to soften this area just this area you can easily do that but with that technique the action technique you cannot get near the edges he seldom have to but if you want to be really really intricate about this and technical about this then you can use this technique this allows you to go near the edges no problem at all go near there's not a single problem the hair doesn't come up on the skin skin but then again I use that method more than this one maybe when I'm retouching say 20 images in one image I will use this one the image which is really really important okay doesn't make sense to use this in all the images because it will pretty much give the same same result in most of the images and take more time have a look but if the image is really important use this technique before after or it wasn't that interesting okay let's take a couple of questions so now we have Brian yes you are painting a quick clear picture thank you thank you Andrew for the shout out there okay now let's move on to a couple more examples and we just have two minutes which will quickly wrap up finish up now color correction let's talk about color correction and then we'll be talking about a very nice technique to use a pen tablet or a mouse gr Gio asks now I just use a mouse this is a dell wireless mouse it's an amazing lamp and by the way I've been trying to get a sponsorship from Wacom it's just not giving me anyway so in this image as you can see there's a green tint talked about this in my tutorial already there is a green tint how to remove that green tint first off you need to be thinking about how can i select that green tent that should be your first priority we can do that by using the hue/saturation adjustment layer let's go ahead and create a hue/saturation adjustment layer I use it all the time okay any type of discoloration you have for example there standing a part of the skin is stand for that matter you have to use this and this is one of the very easiest and best tool to use when it comes to correcting skin color so taking care of the green color cast here's what you need to click on this button and click on that green color which you want to remove so click on the sample of the green color just like that and it gives you that but it it says it yellow doesn't really matter we can live with that and now take the slider of the hue all the way to the left and just to see which areas is it effecting now you want to narrow down the selection this is the selection now look at those two bars now what are these two bars this is the target bar the bar which is above and the bar which is below is the result bar so we are selecting this area of the target bar we are targeting this yellow area and we are changing it to us blue because we change the hue as I change the hue look at this area it changes right it changes it change the lightness look at this area becomes white and becomes black just look at this area just focus on this area that's what it does so this is the target this is what it makes off the target bar this is the result sorry this is what it makes off the target bar the result bar the target bar just remember the target bar the result bar now the selection we need to make the selection more finer so let's go ahead and make it a little thinner so I can see like that selection is very broad make it as small as you just just make it small take the outermost sliders take it in and make it really small and move it if it isn't making any difference move it to the left Wow now this has a perfect selection as you can see as soon as it makes a perfect selection just stop if you move way to the left the selection just goes away just stop at the point where it makes a perfect selection just it's just at the midpoint of the core of discoloration just stop at that point for meets this now take this adder slowly to the right and stop when it covers the whole of that area of discoloration now this fine take this all the way to the left and this is fine now increase this just a little bit of the think of this as a fuzziness slider when we go to select color range we have a fuzziness slider what it does it makes the transition between the area that we have selected and the area that I have not selected smooth and this is what it does let's make it a little smoother just like that little smoother from the right to just a little bit now it's pretty much done you don't have to do so much let's bring back the hue to zero and move it to the right or left let's see which one looks good it makes it more green we don't want that this move to the left and it fixes that have a look it just fixed it fixed ever look before after it's gone in a similar way you can fix tanning you can fix irregular skin tone or problems like that hope this helped you if you have any questions ask it right now before I move on to mine I think last example and the last example is really fun the last step is amazing it will just make your images awesome in no time dances I will follow your YouTube channel thank you so much now good stuff get a tablet and you won't go back I know I know I just need to do use a pen okay that's pretty much done let's move on to the last example it's gonna be fun light leak as you might have guessed that's what it is in this I will be talking about light leaks so you can go to websites like brush easy calm and download light leaks for free or you can just google light leak overlays now what that does it allows you to instantly add amazing colors amazing light leaks caused by the lens creatively to make your images really colorful make it pop so I have a couple of slightly I'll look whoo where is that I might have kept it in e there we go have a look at the light leaks that I have so you can choose any one you like you can download light leaks by using Google or brush easy and make sure you download the license fund I'll probably post a link in the comments after the live session ends so choose any one that you like and just drag and drop it into Photoshop hit enter change the blend mode to soft light I have a look isn't this amazing can also try different make it a little larger before after it's amazing isn't it you can also try overlay overlay it's kind of too much soft light is awesome before after she's dark gray have a look before after wasn't that interesting thanks a lot guys I had a great time here I'll see you next time bye take care don't hurt each other
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 118,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: portrait retouching, photoshop tutorial, webinar, live, piximperfect, portrait photography, portrait editing, photoshop techniques for photographers
Id: E0jBSDaT7A0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 41sec (3521 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2017
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