Complete Photoshop Guide: Blurring the Background and Adding Bokeh

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hi there this is animation pics imperfect intoning they'll take you through the complete process of editing a wildlife photo right from scratch right from editing it in Camera Raw making those color and exposure adjustments and then you'll get it into Photoshop separate the background blur it out add bokeh effect and maybe do a little bit of dodging and burning and make it more interesting by adding some filters and all that crazy stuff it's gonna be one hell of a ride so without any further ado let's get started [Music] [Applause] [Music] before we begin just so you know this video is divided into sections so if you go ahead and skip to any section that you like you can use these time stamps so here we on Photoshop and let's go ahead and import the photo so I'm going to open up the finder and I'm gonna drag our photo and drop it into Photoshop now keep in mind that this is a raw photo and that's why it opens up in Adobe Camera Raw if that's not a raw photo if it's a JPEG photo it might not open up in Adobe Camera Raw if you want to turn it on for JPEG here's what you gotta do first of all let's cancel this for now and you gotta go to the preferences Photoshop cc preferences now if you are on Windows it would be under edit and then preferences on Mac Photoshop CC and then preferences now inside of preferences you'll go to Camera Raw now inside of Camera Raw these are the two settings that you can see only need to do click on the drop down menu and select automatically open all supported JPEGs and HEI sees hikes I don't know how to pronounce it but select that option it says that all JPEGs will be opened with Camera Raw from now and hit OK now if you open any JPEG let's open up a JPEG not a raw so I'm gonna go to my folder I'm gonna go to stock photos I have a JPEG let's open that up inside inside of Photoshop and it opens up in Adobe Camera Raw so that's the way to do it if you have a JPEG instead of raw and if you want to open that up in Camera Raw and that's what to do alright so let's open up our picture that we wanted to open so I'm gonna open up my finder there we go and then I'll go to my folder and there let's just open that up all right now I already have made some adjustments as you can see so let me show you the before so this is the before if I set it to default right and this is the after so let's go over it and let's start it from scratch but before we do let's save this as a snapshot so that we don't lose the Edit all right so we will go here to snapshots and click on the new snapshot and then you can name it whatever you like edit one all right now we can reset it click on this grid and Camera Raw defaults we have reset it all right so let's adjust stuff so hold the shift key to adjust the white point and the black point automatically hold the shift key double click on the blacks it sets it automatically hold the shift key double click on the whites it sets it automatically isn't that cool now what I usually do i play with the white balance first but i just wanted to show you that lets increase the white balance and make it a little more warmer something like that that looks wonderful and I think the tint is alright let's now flavor the exposure a little bit of exposure maybe you want to increase the shadows maybe you want to decrease the shadows I don't know it's totally upon you so I want a little bit dimension so I will decrease the shadow and if you are wondering that these areas are losing details don't worry about it even locally paint those areas with adjustment brushes and then increase the exposure there alright so now let's plan the highlights let's set it to canvas fit it the screen and to fit it to screen whenever you zoomed in and you want to fit the image to screen all you gotta do you gotta press command 0 ctrl 0 on windows right let's play with the highlights let's decrease the highlights I don't think we need so much of a highlights here but I'm gonna keep it somewhere around that and it's ok and next you can just try increasing the white see what it does to your photo maybe this is okay and then let's increase the clarity just a little bit just like that I'm doing a very quick job here maybe a little bit of D haze okay that's fine do you want to increase the vibrance now what is vibrance when you increase the vibrance it amplifies the colors of the mid-tones just the mid-tones and saturation amplifies the color of each and every pixel right so why bronze looks much more natural than saturation so let's increase it a bit it looks okay but the blue is oversaturated do not worry about that we'll take care of it okay let's increase it a bit and let's go to the curves first don't curb you can use the parametric curve where you just have the sliders or what I prefer to do I prefer to use the point curve so directly on the curve just like that maybe I'll increase it just a bit and from here I will decrease it just like that all right now no sharpening right now though do it at the end let's go over HSL adjustments okay this is the one that we were looking for you think it's still blue first of all let's go to saturation and decrease the saturation of the Blues I think it's too much so let's just go ahead and decrease it just a bit now you can increase the Akwa if you want to let's see what happens I'll increase it it looks good what about the Purple's all you gotta do you gotta play with these things see what works for you for greens let's increase the Greens a bit just like that and maybe increase the yellows just a little bit let's have a look at the orange it's okay you see this nice pattern it looks wonderful doesn't it now let's go to hue you want to change the blues let's shift it to the left or right and see what happens it does look a little better let's shift it a little to the right it looks purple ish so let's take it a little bit to the left do the same with the Aqua let's see what happens left looks good the best way to figure out where to go is take it all the way to the right see whether it looks good or take it all the way to the left which one looks good the medium one the middle one or the right one or the left one the one which looks better you move in that direction now it's time for us to control the brightness of each color and that can be done through luminance now let's play with each ladder and see what it does first of all let's play with the blue because that's the most prominent color here so let's make the blue a little brighter let's make the Aqua a little brighter that looks wonderful what about purple make it out of brighter magenta does nothing what about greens make it a little darker because we want attention on the peacock right so the more contrast we have between the subject and the background the better so you can make greens a little darker what about the yellows let's make it darker as well this is fine and this looks okay to me at this point what you might want to do see these areas are super dark over there as well so to get it back we can use adjustment brushes so let's choose one of these brushes let's reset the values right here and we will simply increase the shadow all the way to the right and we can adjust it later doesn't matter increase the exposure as well and then let's just increase the brush size and start painting over here now I know it's too much don't worry about it you'll take care of that just paint right now you might want to paint a little bit there as well okay it looks great now set the exposure to normal and shadow to normal and gradually increase the shadow to see which value would go best with this okay and then maybe a little bit of exposure is okay and a little bit of clarity okay now let's have a look at the before and after so this is the after and let me show you the before I will have to reset it so Camera Raw defaults so this is the before and this is the after looks wonderful when you're retouching it right from the start you can press B to look at the before and after but the thing is we have already retouched it before and then retouched it again so it doesn't make sense to look at the before and after with the beef or as the previously retouched photo of course you can set the before the starting photo but let's not get into that and once you have done it all you have to do you have to click on open image now it will open the image inside a Photoshop now let's go ahead and blur the background to be able to blur the background well we need to have a great selection of the peacock so let's make a copy of the background layer first and this is just for safety purposes and to look at the before and after ctrl or command J I usually do this all the time now you can use whatever too we want in this example we're going to use the quick selection tool so this is the quick selection tool let's go ahead and select the bird alright let's make the brush a little bigger and start selecting him it is male alright now let's zoom in quite a bit make sure everything is nicely selected the beak checking in the auto-enhance it helps sometimes in the previous versions if the auto-enhance was unchecked the selection would not be nice but in the newest versions in CC 2018 even if it's unchecked the selections are great all right I think the selection is pretty good it's not bad all right now let's go forward and select the other areas you see at first selection looks bad but then the computer analyzes and does all that math and see now the selection is much more better and accurate paint on the areas that you want to get selected and then you need to paint out the areas that you don't want to be selected so in this case every area that we are selecting are the areas that are getting selected I know that sounds complex but you get the idea right just keep on painting and if it selects something extra just like this let me just do some mistake for you if it selects something extra it's just processing okay then what you gotta do you gotta hold the option key or the Alt key it turns into minus and then subtract this area just like that if it does that okay if it doesn't do so you don't you don't have to do it right let's go back and start from there try not to paint outside the area that you want to get selected see it's taking time let's check auto-enhance off it it kind of slows down the process but and gives you better results but in this case I guess we'll get better results anyway let's zoom in here this area seems to be a little tricky okay pretty good see it went overboard a little right there we will hold the Alt key or the option key and just paint on in here to subtract that and it did a pretty good job now at this point a couple of areas are remaining right here so we'll paint over those areas and it's a pretty good selection now what we will do now we have a basic selection ready and we have to select some other areas like these areas so we can just add these areas right there and again it does its own math and stuff let's select the rest of the blues and you don't have to be super accurate here just keep on selecting it because we will be refining it later manually all right now once the selection is like the one that you want it one this once the selection is good let's go ahead and select these areas as well okay it's pretty good it's not bad okay all right you can press Q now once you press Q it takes you to quick mask mode red other areas which are not selected color the other areas which are selected so now you can simply take a brush the areas that you want to select you can take white and just simply paint let's decrease the size and you can simply paint on those areas which you want to select and then it does you can refine the selection all right so I took a brush I will increase the flow all right let's just maximize Photoshop sorry about that and let's just add a couple areas here let's make the brush a little bigger and I'll add these strings or lines or whatever they are okay all right they look good you can make the brush a little smaller and add a couple of tees you're in there maybe add some of these there can take your time as much as you like but I'm gonna do it really quickly you can make it look good I added some extra so if you want to erase something change the color to black press X to toggle between the foreground and the background color and the background color was black so now it's black so press X again to get white back and let's see which areas need some selection this area is fine that area is fine this area needs some selection let's make the brush a little smaller with white color we'll simply paint over this area all right now you can simply use I have selected the soft round pressure opacity and flow which means the harder I press on the tablet the more intense the brush will be which means the more opaque the brush paint will be so you can choose this brush if you are using a tablet but you can simply go with the soft round doesn't really matter in this case here's the selection is fine it's fine it's fine here now here's a little bit of discrepancy we can press X and get it look okay that is okay right there there's a little bit of discrepancy right in right there so you can make the brush a little bigger and just paint in those areas just like that okay cool now let's zoom out have a look at some other areas here a little bit of fault you can press X to select some extra areas to change the color to white and to be able to select the extra areas here as you can see it's totally gone wrong so we have to do it manually now keep in mind you can also use the pen tool and all that kind of stuff but this way is much more easier and quicker for me all right now paint on the inside you might have learned this in schools while you were studying art that first do the outlines and then fill in on the inside and there we go it looks beautiful doesn't it once you're satisfied with the selection you can press Q again to get into standard mode with those marching ants and then you can do you can simply click on the mask button click on it and you have the selection ready now let's turn this off and let's see what we have here but we want the below areas as well so we will get into the mask we will get into we will select something called the gradient tool okay and then we will select white to transparent so white on the left hand side transparent on the right inside not black so this one is already in there because white was the foreground color this is foreground to transparent all right hit OK now then we will add a simple transparency gradient right in there so with the mask selected not the layer mask selected white to transparent let's drag it from down to up just like this now it looks much better I can turn this on for reference to see what you are blurring now let's have a look at this turn this off and let's have a look at how it looks it looks pretty okay now all we have to do we have to blur the background so let's make a copy of the background we don't want to hurt the original photo control or command chain and you can just name it background blur now if you simply blur it it's gonna be problematic why because in the background you have the peacock as well so if you go to filter blur and then Gaussian blur see what happens the peacock also blurs and the blue color leaks out if I hit OK this is extreme if I hit OK if I turn this on see the blue edge around we don't want that right so let's go back by pressing ctrl or command Z and let's fit it to screen now we have to remove for the peacock and how can we do that we can do that very easily actually so we can choose the lasso tool doesn't matter what to you choose and make a selection around the peacock or you can use the existing selection right here as well so you can hold the ctrl or command click on it to make a selection around it now let's expand it so go to select modify and expand we can choose somewhere around 20 pixels and hit ok see what happens this is a good expansion I will expand it even more select modify expand maybe 5 pixels more ok now as you can see the below area has been selected as well we didn't want that so with the help of the lasso tool and the minus 1 this is the subtract as you can see lasso tool with a minus we will subtract this area out the bottom just like that just we have to make a selection of the peacock from the outside just like that ok so let's subtract this area out as well and this area out this is extra and this area out as well so now we have a selection just around the peacock and to check it you can press Q again to see which areas are selected press Q again to return back to the normal mode now simply go to edit fill make sure content-aware is checked color adaptation opacity hundred normal it ok and it does its math again the artificial intelligence and all that kind of stuff and tries to fill it up and it has filled it up let's turn it off and let's have a look it has filled it up I know it looks bad it doesn't matter because anyway we cannot blow it out ctrl or command D to deselect that to remove the marching ants now let's blur it but before we do anything I would suggest that you convert this into a smart object so that we can change the values of blur later so simply go to filter then word for Smart Filters this converts this into a smart object ok now let's turn this on and with this turned on we can do it you can go to filter blur gallery and let's choose let's say tilt shift now inside of tilt-shift let's understand how tilt-shift works first of all let's increase the blur to some crazy number let's say let's increase it 191 that's fine it entered we're okay with this okay let's see what happens let's choose a high number like crazy number like 169 that is okay alright now let's have a look at what's happening here so this is the line you see this line this is the line where the blur is zero and this is the line where the blur is whatever value you choose in this case 178 so it gradually increases from zero to 178 and anything on top of it is 178 similarly this line is zero and this line is 178 now you're not seeing anything here because there's a layer on top of it if I move it you'll be able to see what I mean let's move it at the top okay you see what I mean alright so zero here 178 here and all 178 below it so what do we have to do we have to move it down right here okay and from here gradually increase it to the top just like that and I don't think we need so much blur people need just a little bit maybe just like that that is fine for us and once you're satisfied with the value note 500 maybe something like this is okay now if you want to add okay here's what you have to do at the bottom we have noise motion effects and effects so click on effects and there is bokeh now you can increase the light book a little bit just like that okay it looks good it looks good now do you want color in Boca I don't I don't want it I usually keep it at zero you don't want to mess with that and then this is the main thing which brings the Boca in so let's take this to the left a bit just like that and take this one to the left as well now all you could need to do you need to play with these things to see which value works for you me I guess I'll take it a little bit just a little bit and take this a little bit to the left now it looks interesting but the bokeh is very small how to make the bokeh big simple increases the blur so we can increase the blur to some high number to make the Booker look interesting let's go for one 110 106 that's fine for us and now we can play with the values a little bit to see what works for you that looks fine for me it's a little bit bright here but we can take care of that no problem hit okay now this looks wonderful doesn't it so let's zoom in and have a look at this area is a little distracting to me so I'll create a blank layer on top of it and with the help of this - which is called the Healing Brush tool make the brush a little bigger and I'm gonna sample an area just like this by holding the option or Alt on Windows click to sample and make sure current and below is selected and just simply paint on that area to fill it up okay simply I don't like this area as well so I'll take a sample from here and paint it right over there just like that it looks better maybe cover it up here as well maybe cover this up okay looks wonderful fit at the screen looks great alright so let's have a look at the before and after so this is the after and this is the before this is the after looks so much more better now let's add a couple of effects to the background as well so right now we have the subject which is the peacock on top and we have the background right here so we can add radiance and lens flares and all that stuff so let's go ahead and add them to add a flare create a gradient adjustment layer click on the adjustment layer icon and let's choose gradient and let's single click here and we will choose let's say choose any color really doesn't matter make sure it's any color to transparent so we will choose something like this which is color to transparent or brown to transparent and we can change the color to whatever you like so let's double click here to change the color of this one and let's change it to yellowish and on the right hand side as it fades we will choose double click here to open up the color picker dialog box and we will choose something like red and you can change the color any time it really doesn't matter what color you choose in the beginning so you can change the color at any moment now let's move it to the right and hit OK once you're satisfied now style you can choose a radio now you can move it forever you like even have to move it later as well and there is skill deal with it later hit okay now change the blend mode because this is brightening stuff which is the blend mode which brightens stuff screen right so change the blend mode to screen now this looks great now at this point you might want to double click here on the symbol and then you might want to move it to the top a little bit and maybe you want to change the color to let's say let's change it to red let's go to H and change it more red hit OK I'm satisfied with this color hit OK and then we can Claver the scale something like that that looks good and then we can move it a little bit to the top or a little bit to the side totally depends upon your taste hit OK and then you can decrease the opacity if you want to just a bit and this looks wonderful now let's do a little bit of dodging and burning to add dimension to the bird now what is dodging and burning fellow dodging is brightening and burning is darkening dodging and burning is brightening and darkening particular areas of the image to add dimension to it that's pretty much all there is so if you see my face like this and there's a light coming in right from there if you brighten that area and this area faces away from the light right if I darken that area what will happen is it will add dimension to my face let's zoom in and let's add dimension to this bird so let's create curves adjustment layer on the top of the subject so click on the adjustment layer icon and choose curves and all we will do we will take it up and this is for dodging dodging is brightening burning is darkening burning makes things darker blackish so that's how you can remember it let's increase it just a bit just like that and hold the Alt key or the option key click on the line between these two that way the brightness is just limited to the subject now I can increase it a little bit more now select the mask press ctrl or command I adjustment layers come free with the mask cell hit zoom in and simply take a brush and if using a tablet then I would suggest that you would choose this brush soft round opacity and flow this is a great brush and decrease the flow to 19% or something like that if you're using a mouse then I would suggest going lower with the flow now let's zoom in and let's write in some areas up make the brush a little bigger and simply just start painting with white keep in mind white shows up black hides there simply brightening up the areas to make it stand out alright but a backlighting just like that let's zoom out and let's have a look at the before and after so this is the after this is the before this is the after he added a little bit of backlighting if you want you can increase the value right here just like that okay looks good now let's add some dimensions here as well all right this looks great now let's see if we can I think it's too much let's decrease it a bit and then let's add some brightness here as well looks good let's zoom out and have a look so this the before this is the after he added something extra to it zoom in and let's add some more I guess right here and if you want to erase it press X to change the color to black and then you can erase the extras all right it looks pretty good now let's zoom into the beak and maybe will brighten up the top a little bit with white maybe be eyes just like that looks interesting right now let's have a look at it now you might not be able to look at it with zoomed out so here is zoomed in before after add some dimension to it now let's do a little bit of dodging and burning here as well so let's make the brush a little bigger and maybe we'll add something here probably here as well here okay maybe a little bit here okay this all looks good let's zoom in here and do it here as well you painted a little extra press X and erase those extra areas and let's fit it to screen okay so we have done what the dodging now we have to do burning so this is dodging let's do the burning for burning they'll do just the opposite create a curse adjustment and now take it down just like that now hold the alt or option click on the line between these two one another way of creating a clipping mask or limiting that to the layer beneath it is just simply clicking on this button this does exactly the same thing so let's bring it down just like that and collapse it select the mask press ctrl or command I and then simply paint on the area that you want to be dark or that is facing away from the light take the brush now just darken this area now you might think it just clicked just dawned on me let's change the foreground color to white and just keep on painting now it just dawned on me that as you can see the background blurriness is like totally blurry and it has no noise while the subject has a lot of noise so how do we counter that well there's a way to do it first of all let's add some darkness here and then I'll tell you how to do it ok let's do it so that's why we have it as a smart object right that's the advantage we can go back to the blur gallery by double clicking here and let's go back to noise let's click on noise once this is all done now it takes time and all that stuff it's updating it's crazy now let's go to noise now while adding noise you might have to zoom in really tight so let's zoom in tight and we have to match the noise of the subject with that of the background so it will update now let's add some noise let's increase the amount this level you can play with the amount and see what works for you this is too much let's this is okay I think the size is perfect probably this is let's let's keep it that way let's decrease the highlights which means that it decreases the noise from the highlights highlights usually don't have noise and we're satisfied with it now it's okay now it will again take some time and for that all processing okay now it looks even more realistic let's have a look again it looks fine it looks realistic okay now let's resume back painting the blacks or the dark areas take the brush foreground color or white and just simply paint on the area that you want to be dark this is okay zoom out and we'll do a little bit of burning right here okay before after ads much more than time dimension to it so let's do a little bit of darkening here and there not much required I guess in this case we can add some here as well okay it looks great and let's have a look at it before and after so this is the before before dodging and burning after dodging and burning adds a lot more dimension let's have a look at the complete before and after so this is the before not interesting at all this is the after interesting isn't it now let's add a few more layers of dodging and burning and we'll do that in the background as well so let's create a curves adjustment layer this time as well just simply take it up and we will create a clipping mask by clicking on this button click on the mask press ctrl or command I now take the brush make sure this time the brush is bigger and you can increase the flow if you want to 200% and simply I would suggest just a DAB on the bright areas alright this looks not very interesting it's too much I guess let's go back and just dab once let's see what happens and what I would suggest in this case you go back to the soft round brush and then do it it's kind of too much let's go back spanked you spend a little bit there it looks okay let's zoom out and let's do the same a little bit there it's too much a little bit here okay maybe a little bit there okay this was just for a little bit of punch to it now for the background let's create a curves adjustment layer and do not create clipping mask in this case let's take it down just like this okay collapse it with the mask selected ctrl or command I let's zoom out and take the brush make it a little larger interesting right okay looks great looks interesting let's paint a little bit here but I think it's too much so go back to the curves and just control it there we go let's go back to the mosque and let's erase it from here by pressing X black is the foreground now and let's erase it from there it looks interesting now we can add one more for brightness let's add curves and maybe we'll add a little bit here just like that and ctrl or command I will add something right in here just paint that area with white just like that okay that looks a little interesting maybe a little more alright looks interesting have a look here's the before here's the after now what to do now to make the image more interesting let's add some gradients and vignettes so click on the adjustment layer icon and choose gradient and this time we can choose a gradient from black to white or something like that and hit OK and you can move the gradient while the gradient fill is open just like this hit OK and change the blend mode to multiply okay and that way you can open that back again and control it maybe I'll decrease the scale to something like this 45 is OK and just simply move it down this adds a kind of punch to the photo hit OK and have a look here's 2 before here's the after add some punch maybe I'll just take it down a little more just like that or just simply decrease it to 40 and then take it down ok interesting now let's add some vignettes to it create a levels adjustment layer now once you have it take this slider from the right to left this slider darkens the bright areas just like this ok now you can also take this slider from left to right it darkens the dark areas ok collapse it select the mask and then take the brush make sure the foreground color is black press X to toggle between the foreground and the background and make the brush harder just like this increase the hardness and click once just dab once on this object then control or command T and adjust it the way you like it in the direction of light maybe like this this is interesting now you would select the mask open up the mask properties if you cannot open up the properties that way by double clicking here double clicking here either opens the selected mass or the mass properties you might have to do that settings in the Preferences but if you don't see this by just simply selecting this you can go to windows and then make sure properties is checked and then you can click here to open up the mask properties simply increase the feather here I'll go with 450 just collapse it and guess what you can move it with the move tool you can move it the way you like it isn't that interesting or you can simply do it through the levels properties so double click here and just control it from there just like that I'll keep it at that this looks okay to me maybe I'll increase it let's close it maybe I will move it a bit just like that and let's decrease the opacity you can choose not to but that's totally upon you let's see let's come back to this one and decrease the opacity of that one as well just like that and it looks very very interesting what you can also do you can also transform the mask if you would like to let's come to the levels ctrl or command T and you can also transform it and add some darkness to the left hand side as well so maybe something like this would be interesting to you now let's add some global effects let's add an overall contrast so click on that judgment layer icon and select curves so in curves you can use the hand tool to really control where you increase the contrast select the hand tool and we want to brighten this area click and drag it up just like that a little bit interesting and your honor darken and this particular area click and drag it down I think we will have to drag it down a bit drag this down a bit more control it a little bit better and zoom out and have a look looks interesting so here's the before here's the after I think you don't want to make it so dark this is ok but let's make it a little brighter ok at this point what you might also want to do let's let's make it very subtle let's create a stamp visible lamp by pressing the button command option shift + E ctrl alt shift any on a windows ok now you can convert this into a smart object if you would like to but I'm gonna keep it at that because it usually makes it slower so go to filter and then probably let's go to Camera Raw filter and let's make it a little warmer by increasing it here from here and if you want you can probably play with these values like shadows and all that stuff blacks and at this moment you can also you can go crazy don't worry about the highlights don't worry about the shadows losing details now it's all about art you can increase the contrast from here make it more interesting and then you can increase the vibrance if you would like to play with D haze that see what it does it makes it more interesting now you can also go to the effects panel and then you can add a post crop vignette on top of it let's take it to the left just a little bit ok and you can control the midpoint if you take it all the way to let you'll be able to see the midpoint so this is OK now let's control the intensity it looks interesting also you can take this opportunity of Camera Raw to add some sharpness or remove noise if you'd like to but I don't want to remove noise because if I do it will become smooth so let's go to this section the detail section and you can increase the sharpness if you'd like to so i'll increase it a bit and then let's control the radius by holding the option key the Alt key and keep on increasing it to the point where you begin to see the halo effects so take it all the way to the left and slowly and gradually increase it at this point we see halo I don't like that so for me one point one is fine and details also you can hold the option key or the Alt key if you increase too much you'll see a lot of noise so details be careful about details but we don't have to worry about noise because we added noise in the background to make it look more natural it is okay zoom out and have a look in this image he has added noise as an effect so don't worry about noise as if now but if you want to remove noise you can use the noise reduction right from here but I don't want to do that you can also do it try to do it see what what it does and control the luminance details and all that stuff to reduce the noise see how nicely it has reduced the noise you can also increase it way more and totally decrease the noise just like this but to me you know you might like this but I don't really like this I'll just decrease it all the way to zero to me it's fine hit enter and that's fine for me it okay hit enter or return is the same thing and there you go let's have a look at the before and after so this is the after let's turn the background to black this is the after and let me show you the before it's gonna be a huge difference so this is the before her this is the after plus this is not even the before before this is after applying Camera Raw so here's the final result this is the before and this is the after isn't that a drastic difference so that's how to blur the background at the bokeh edit the photo make some color adjustments make the image look more interesting editing wildlife photo from start to finish and here we have the final result just a quick little recap so first of all as you import the photo into Photoshop if it's a raw photo it will open up in Adobe Camera Raw if it's not a raw photo if it's a JPEG image it might not do that so if you want to enable Adobe Camera Raw for JPEG images as well make the changes in the preferences as discussed in the video now once we are in Adobe Camera Raw we will make the basic adjustments but for the Adobe Camera Raw really shines is in the HSL Department especially for this case we edited the hue saturation and lightness of each and every color individually we knew that blue was the more prominent color so we brighten that up decrease the saturation a little bit because it was too saturated control the greens and all that colors especially in this image in the HSL Department that was very crucial now once you have done all those adjustments in Adobe Camera Raw including the local adjustments by using adjustment brushes hit OK open that up inside of Photoshop now inside of Photoshop you can just look at the photo wonder what can I do to this photo to make it more interesting and the first thing that came to our mind that the background was a little distracting so we blurred the background we made a selection of the peacock ok created a mask we had the background beneath it he converted that into a smart object blurred it added the bokeh effect added some noise to make it match with that of the subject and after that we did some dodging and burning to add some dimension to it then we added some flares lights effects color effects and to draw the attention of the viewer towards the pika he added ruin yet effects we added some gradients from the bottom we created those vignettes and to top it off at the end to apply the final effect finishing touch we created a stamp visible layer and applied Camera Raw on it again made it warmer add more contrast added an extra vignette and here we have the final result so that's pretty much it for this video hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and note to subscribe ring the bell so that you don't miss any other future tip trick or tutorial I would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting this channel on patreon and helping keep its imperfect free for everybody forever thank you so much for all your support thank you for watching and I'll see you guys my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 216,050
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blur the background, photo manipulation, photoshop editing tutorial, fantasy soft light effect photoshop, blur background like dslr, how to blur photo background in photoshop like very expensive lens photography, add bokeh in photoshop, photoshop bokeh effect, make bokeh background in photoshop, how to edit photos like a professional in photoshop, photoshop blur effect, lens blur photoshop, adobe camera raw, dodging and burning, flares, add flares, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: 9Hbha3mgTiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 37sec (2737 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2018
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