Photoshop Tutorial for Beginners 2022 | Everything You NEED to KNOW!

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in today's video I'm going to go over everything you need to know to get started in Photoshop as a complete beginner so without wasting any more time let's get straight into it so in today's day and age Photoshop is clearly a really really valuable skill set in fact I've been able to build a six figure of content creation agency and Photoshop is a huge part of that so you should definitely pay attention to this video watch it until the end and master Photoshop for yourself because you're gonna be able to even sell this as a skill so once you open Photoshop this is kind of what you're going to be seeing so the first thing that you need to know if you want to get started is to click on create new and that's how you can create a new document and as you can see here you can set the name of the document the resolution of the document the orientation and a lot more also the color mode so for this document I'm going to set 1080 by 1350 as the resolution and I'm going to call it Instagram picture because I'm going to edit an Instagram picture for myself and I'm going to click on create so now as you can see my brand new document is created and you're going to be seeing something like this as well when you create your first document alright so the next thing I'm going to do is Import in a picture of mine so all I need to do for that is to go my desktop where I have my picture stored I'm going to drag and drop it right to this document and boom you can see it's already in there so if I want to I can make it bigger or smaller with this thing if I hold down shift I can actually adjust the way uh it is completely so I can transform it like this I'm not going to do anything for that right now so I'm just going to click on this button but if you wanted to you could now the way Photoshop is kind of laid out is there are all these different tools right here on the left these are the ones that you're going to use the most uh to edit your pictures and manipulate them and if you are looking for anything that isn't right there on this bar you can always just go to window and then toggle on and off um any of these different tools basically right here you can find the history which is some which is a tool where you can either go forward or backward with the progress of your image so if you want to undo something you can do it right there or if you want to go back to a previous uh place where you were before then you can do that as well so that's really useful and then here you have the color selector and all these different things that you can use and here you have adjustments where you can do a lot of cool manipulations for your pictures and here you have the different layers which I'm going to go a little bit more in depth into later on in this video so now first let me go over to most important and most used tools right here so this first one is the move tool which is something you can use to move anything around any of the layers anything already on your picture now the next one is the selection tool which is also something that you're going to use a lot it is something that you can use to for example select a part of your picture and then make a selection with it like the name suggests and for example if I wanted to just copy and paste this part of the image I can just click on comment C and comment V and you can see I just made another layer right here and now I have this separate part as well and you can see here with this eye icon you can also toggle on and off any of the different layers which is a pretty pretty useful thing because you know once you have a lot of layers you might not want to see all of them at once you might just want to edit a certain layer so that can be really useful as well the next tool right here is the lasso tool now it is something that you can also use to create a selection so you can just press down your mouse or your uh whatever you're using your touchpad and make a selection like that now if you want to get go out of a selection you can always just click on this one and then click anywhere and the selection is going to go away the next tool is uh the quick selection tool which is something that I personally use all the time to Moscow people or mountains or trees or any different objects for example if I wanted to mask myself out of this image I would first need to click on this one which is the plus now if you're on this plus brush then you're basically adding more things into your selection and if you go into the uh minus brush then you're subtracting things from your selection so first I'm just going to add myself and you can see how smart Photoshop is at detecting like different edges and all that you can later one also adjust this but you can see how it's it's doing a pretty good job at selecting just myself that is it I did a pretty pretty good job now if I wanted to do any like really really precise adjustments to the selection I could hit Q on my keyboard like this you can see now all the parts that aren't selected are in red and the parts that are selected are not read obviously so if you want to make any small tiny adjustments you can just zoom in on your image which you can do by either just using your touchpad or clicking comment and minus and plus and basically then you want to go to this brush tool or just press B on your keyboard and then if you have black color selected you're going to be adding more things to the selection by brushing over it and if you have the white color selected you are going to take things out of your selection and you can switch between black and white by just pressing X on your keyboard so once you perfected your selection you will click on cue again so now I'm happy with my selection I'm just going to press come and see and comment V and you can see how I just cut myself out and now there is no background attached to this image the next tool is the crop tool you can use this to crop your image to whatever kind of size you want it to now the next tool that I use a lot is the spot healing brush now this is something that you can use if you want to cover up any imperfections or anything like that I don't know what would be the best example in this case but maybe like any school activities or anything like that can be uh you know easily fixed with this so I'm just going to create a smaller brush size which you can adjust right here on the bottom top even smaller one and then I'm just gonna you know brush over this and you can see how it disappeared it is a really really cool tool to use if you have any stains on a shirt or any acne or anything like that that you want to just cover up the next tool is the brush tool I kind of covered that already with the selection part but basically this is just the brush tool like you can brush over things with it it is really really useful you can use it in a bunch of different ways here you can actually select how big you want the size of the brush to be the hardness of the brush to be and the flow as well all these different things I think you should go ahead and experiment with it a little bit this alone is just a tool that I could spend minutes uh like tens of minutes talking on and this is not the video for that but if you want to learn it for yourself you know do some adjustments and see how it works but you can see how I can you know brush over things with it now a really cool tool that you can kind of combine with this and everything else is how uh the opacity of the layers work so if you go right here to the bottom um right corner and you click on opacity you can actually change the opacity of these uh different layers so you can see how it changes the whole thing now the next tool is the Clone stamp which is also a really really useful tool to use basically with this you can kind of also get rid of anything on your image or cover things up so for example if I wanted to make fix my hair on this image you can see it's all over the place I would go here and make my brush size smaller and then I need to click option on my keyboard and then take a part of the image which I'm going to kind of like duplicate on the image and then you can see uh yeah these up the object must be rasterized that's fine uh you can click OK on that and then you can see how it kind of uh just takes support of the image and uh lays over on the other part and and this is really really fun to use as well like you can see I already fixed up my hair and uh I just got rid of that obviously you would want to do like a much better job at this and take more samples and make it more precise but you can cover up anything for this now the next often used tool is the Eraser tool you can use this to erase any parts of a certain layer so if I wanted to erase uh you know my hat for example from this image I'm just going to deselect the lower layer and just have this one where it's only me and I'm just going to go ahead select this layer that I want to you know erase something from and I'm just going to erase it slowly and you can see how I have just erased my head um pretty cool right the next tool is the gradient tool so this is something that you can use to create different ingredients obviously so I'm going to create a new layer um which is which you can do by clicking on this button right here and if I click on this part I can make the gradient different color so let's make this one for example green and then I can just go and do this and then you can see I just made a cool gradient so this looks pretty modern if you ask me I can adjust the position of these so you can see because I already cut myself out of the of the frame I have um this I can actually make it look something like this which would be you know pretty modern looking and kind of cool actually so yeah you can use this to create different gradients there are a bunch of different presets here as well and yeah it is also really useful tool to know play around with now the next very very often used tool is the text tool basically all you need to do with this is to create a new layer or select the layer that you want to write on and then press somewhere on the image and then you can basically start writing so I'm just going to say um you know like fashion on this picture now I can you know move this around by clicking comment and T on this text and I can make it bigger or smaller whatever I want really then I can also obviously change the order of these so I'm gonna make myself overlay that text kind of and you can select this text and change the font to anything that you want to change it to and boom you can see I just changed the font that is how simple it is to use you can change the color of this hacks or anything really you can do whatever you want with it that's one of the reasons why Photoshop is so great because there are so many ways to manipulate your image and create amazing art so the last thing I want to cover right now of the tools is the different shape tools so you can have a rectangle tool a rounded rectangle tool ellipse tool polish gun line whatever there are so many different shapes and and things that you can use uh and you can see that you can select the fill here um so with the rectangle tool it's it's basically going to be like what the shape is filled with you can also create have a stroke if you want to or or if or you can have no stroke and um and yeah basically you just go ahead and uh that's how easy it is to create a different um any rectangle types and and this is the same way the other shape tools work as well okay so the next thing I quickly want to go over is blending mode so on this image I want to add a lens flare to it so I actually downloaded this cool lens for uh image from Google so I'm just going to drag and drop it on top of my picture and I'm going to actually make this be the top layer so it overlays everything else I'm going to press comment T and resize it so it's a little bit bigger and I want the lens flare to kind of come in something like this like it was uh the Sun and then I'm going to place this layer right here and then next I'm going to go here to blending mode and then you can see how uh it works with the different blending modes so for example with uh lighten or screen it Blends in pretty well so I'm going to select screen maybe make it a little bit even bigger and you can see how how it added like really cool lens flare effect to it now if I want to soften the edges of this I can just use uh my eraser tool make the hardness lower and you can see if I turn it into a smart object I can kind of uh you know take out Parts where I don't want it to have it and boom that is how simple it is I just added a cool lens flare to the image and made it a lot more exciting in my opinion another thing I quickly want to go over is the adjustments so if I want to for example make myself a little bit more contrasty or brighter on this image I'm going to click on this layer that I want to adjust it and then I can choose any of these different adjustments so you can change the Hue or saturation of it exposure Vibrance anything like that so I'm just going to create a curve here and create an s-curve to make it a little bit brighter and more contrasty at the same time and you can see how this adjusts layers that are under it so I can on and off it and see how it changes the contrast of the whole image but if I only want wanted to adjust one layer that is under it I can right click on it create clipping mask and you can see now it only adjusts my face and my masked out self now I'm going to go over blending options really quickly as well so select the layer that you want to change the blending options of and this is a place where you can do a bunch of cool stuff with it like you can change the stroke of it and here you can you know make the stroke uh any size uh you can also do like different bevel and embrossing here as well to make it look like 3D kind of stuff I'm not gonna go super deep into it but I want you to you know play around with it and check it out for yourself you can do like gradients overlays here um on whatever layers you're adjusting uh pattern overlays a bunch of cool stuff and one of my favorites is the drop shadow which you're probably going to be using a lot and you can you know adjust the angle of the drop shadow the distance of the drop shadow here the size of it uh the opacity of it and you can see how I created this cool looking text by just adjusting a couple blending options now that you have your Masterpiece ready let's go over how to actually export this image so so you're going to go into file save as and then you're going to go save on your computer and then you will select wherever you want to save it you can name it here and you can select the uh format here so I'm going to use jpeg for this one and then I click save I can choose what kind of quality I want it to be I'm going to press on the max quality and okay and then boom that is basically all there is to it you can see now my image is right here and saved on my desktop so I hope you guys enjoy this video if you did make sure to drop a like below and subscribe to the channel for more content like this and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Vince Opra
Views: 1,730,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop tutorial, how to use photoshop, adobe photoshop, photoshop tutorial for beginners, photoshop cc, photoshop cc tutorial, photoshop basics, adobe photoshop tutorial, photoshop tutorials, photoshop for beginners, adobe photoshop 2021, learn photoshop, photoshop tutorial for beginners 2021, photoshop tutorial 2021, photoshop tutorial 2020, photoshop 2021, how to use photoshop 2021, photoshop tutorial for beginners 2020, photoshop tutorial effects, fotoshop tutorial
Id: 61mkx_OV61s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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