Photoshop vs GIMP: A Complete Comparison

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Hello and welcome to yet another tutorial by  Davies Media Design my name is Michael Davies   and in this tutorial I'll be providing  an in-depth comparison between GIMP and   Photoshop quick disclaimer I've been creating  GIMP tutorials and courses since 2011 and have   been a strong advocate for both GIMP and Free  and Open Source Software. In fact some of you   know I'm not afraid to talk a little **** every  now and then about Adobe. But I think many of   you on my channel would like a more neutral  objective approach when comparing these two   programs so that's what I've decided to do for  today's video. I'll be using GIMP 2.10.18 and   Photoshop CC 2020 for this tutorial which are both  the latest versions of their respective software. But of course before I get into that I want  to direct you guys over to my website at As always I have tons  of GIMP, Inkscape and Darktable tutorials,   as well as Help Articles covering Free and Open  Source Software - so definitely check that out.   You can enroll in my GIMP 2.10 Masterclass:  From Beginner to Pro Photo Editing on Udemy.   You can enroll in any of my Skillshare classes by  visiting And you can get more with   a Premium Membership to Davies Media Design.  I'll start this video with an introduction to   Photoshop and GIMP, and we'll follow that with the  strengths and weaknesses of both programs. I'll   by no means be covering all the features found  in both programs as that would make this video   excessively long. Let's start with an introduction  to the two programs. It's no secret that Photoshop   has been a cultural icon for the better part of  the last two decades and that it has both defined   and dominated the photo editing and manipulation  landscape since its inception in 1990. It's become   so ingrained in society that the brand name  itself has become a verb - as in to "Photoshop"   someone out of a photo. Today, Photoshop has  become a staple in the photo editing arsenal   of photographers around the world. It utilizes  many AI powered smart selection tools as well as   non-destructive editing features. Additionally,  Photoshop has tons of intelligent tools for   creating mock-ups for branding assets, web design,  and more. It is considered the industry standard   software for photo editing and manipulation  and is the go-to program for professional   photographers and creative agencies. On the other  hand GIMP, or the GNU Image Manipulation Program,   has paralleled Photoshop since its inception back  in 1996. Originally founded by a couple of college   students as a viable photo editing program for  Linux operating systems, this free software has   evolved through community-based development to be  by far the best FREE Photoshop alternative on the   planet - as well as arguably the best Photoshop  alternative period. GIMP has everything you need   for editing and manipulating your photos including  both basic and more advanced tools. Though,   it hasn't quite become a verb - which perhaps is  for the best since I don't think people want to be   "GIMPed" out of a photo. GIMP has had a meteoric  rise in recent years thanks to its improved   development and community support. GIMP has become  an obvious choice for everyday photographers,   photo retouchers, and digital artists. All that  being said let's dive into what I like and dislike   specifically about each program, starting with  what I like about Photoshop. Photoshop's strengths   start with its world-class team of developers  and software engineers. As the "Golden Goose"   of a multi-billion dollar company, Photoshop  essentially has an endless supply of talent   and resources to maintain and develop the program.  As a result the program is constantly innovating   with new features, improved performance, and  cross-platform functionality. Photoshop is   undoubtedly a very complex program with multiple  integrations that work seamlessly such as the   built-in RAW processing interface "Camera Raw,"  smart objects for creating interactive design   assets, and Creative Cloud app integrations for  bringing in compositions from other Adobe apps   like Lightroom or Illustrator. Additionally  Photoshop has integrated tutorials into its   home screen to help beginners learn the program,  as well as Adobe Stock templates to create quick   projects. Of course you'll need a Creative Cloud  plan that includes Adobe Stock in order to access   stock templates or photos. Adobe Photoshop's user  interface is simple in design but also packed full   of features. It has grouped tools, dialogues that  can be repositioned anywhere around the canvas,   and a dynamic options bar that changes based on  the tool you have selected to reveal additional   tool settings. Getting into some of the tools,  Photoshop has a variety of smart selection tools   that work quickly and intelligently. Though they  aren't perfect as I demonstrated in my "GIMP vs.   Photoshop: 90 Second Background Erasing" video.  However, tools like the Object Selection tool   and Quick Selection tool are quite effective  smart-selection tools. These tools also come   with the "Select Subject" button in the options  bar to quickly select prominent subjects in the   photo. Additionally the "Select and Mask" button  within these tools brings up a properties dialog   for quickly refining your selection regions  - further extending their capabilities and   speeding up your work flow. I can't talk about  Photoshop without mentioning the features that   made Photoshop famous. Its Airbrush, Heal, Clone,  and Warp tools, as well as its object removal   tools. It's infamously good at transforming  the body which has sparked a worldwide debate   on body image, and whether disclaimers should  be required on heavily Photoshopped images. The   Content Aware Fill feature can erase pretty much  anything within a selection area from a photo,   and the Spot Healing tool can quickly paint  out mistakes in a photo such as a stain on   someone's shirt. Photoshop naturally has a full  suite of image adjustment tools like Curves,   Levels, Dodge and Burn, and various transformation  tools such as the Free Transform and Crop tools,   as well as a variety of filters for common  tasks like blurring or sharpening. However,   one of the program's major strengths comes from  its non-destructive editing features - most   notably the adjustment layers that make it easy  to preserve your original photo as you work or go   back and tweak adjustments you make at any point  in your workflow. Photoshop is undoubtedly a   world-class photo editing and retouching program  used by many of the best photographers in the   world. It performs well even with larger image  sizes with most of its tools being lightning   fast. It works on Mac, Windows, and iPad with  the new Photoshop for iPad. Of course it also   has a huge community of creators that create  thousands of informative tutorials, articles,   and courses on the program. Finally there are  plenty of add-ons, plugins, brushes, fonts,   etc. you can download and install for Photoshop  to further enhance the program. Let's move on to   GIMP, which certainly has had a different  upbringing. Rather than having unlimited   monetary and developer resources to maintain  its software, GIMP relies entirely on volunteer   contributions from an open-source community of  part-time developers with day jobs. There's no   massive corporate umbrella or army of nine-to-five  top tier software engineers dedicating their work   lives to the development of GIMP. Despite  this, GIMP has managed to survive nearly a   quarter century at the time of this video,  while becoming a powerhouse alternative to   Photoshop. This bootstrap mentality of GIMP's  development process often works in its favor,   creating a culture of community around the  project. There are many features found in   GIMP that are obviously inspired by Photoshop,  but GIMP is not simply a carbon copy of that   program. It does many things differently while  in fact doing some things better than Photoshop.   Opening GIMP for the first time you'll immediately  notice that, like Photoshop, it has grouped tools,   a dark theme, and dialog boxes surrounding the  canvas. There is also a Tool Options dialog   that allows you to adjust various settings for  your tools. Like Photoshop, the dialogues can be   moved around to create different workspaces. GIMP  also uses a layer system including the ability to   add layer masks, group layers together,  and add layer modes to layers. Fun fact:   there are more layer modes in GIMP than there  are blending modes Photoshop. Like Photoshop,   GIMP contains many smart selection tools with  its most powerful tool being the Foreground   Select Tool. This tool contains similar features  found in the Object Selection, Quick Selection,   and Select Subject tools found in Photoshop. GIMP  has powerful retouching tools including the Heal   tool, Clone tool, and Warp Transform tool. These  tools work just as effectively as their Photoshop   equivalents, allowing you to retouch photos in  a timely manner and get professional results.   It has all the vital image adjustment tools like  Curves, Levels, Dodge and Burn, and more for basic   and advanced photo editing. It even has a suite of  transform tools like the Unified Transform tool,   Scale tool, and the more advanced 3D Transform  tool. GIMP has a variety of filters for common   photo editing tasks like sharpening and blurring,  as well as filters for more advanced effects like   the Long Shadow filter. Most of these filters  run on an open source engine known as GEGL that   allows for faster performance and cool features  like the split view preview option. I have an   entire tutorial dedicated to the GEGL concept on  my channel. Just like Photoshop, GIMP has a large   community of content creators that create how-to  tutorials. Davies Media Design, for example,   has hundreds of free tutorials on YouTube, Help  Articles on our website, and multiple GIMP courses   for mastering the program and improving your photo  editing. In the areas where GIMP is lacking there   is usually a third-party plugin or resource to  fill in the gaps. For example, the G'MIC plug-in   does a great job of offering additional filters  and effects, while the Resynthesizer plug-in   gives you access to an intelligent object erasing  tool that works just as good if not better than   Photoshop's Content-aware Fill. Additionally,  there is a full suite of complimentary free   and open-source software programs like Darktable  for RAW processing, Inkscape for vector graphics,   and Blender for 3D design and animation. They  use a similar code base to GIMP. Like Photoshop,   GIMP supports third-party fonts, brushes,  and patterns. It even supports the use of   most Photoshop brushes. Finally there are some  great free stock photo websites like Pexels and   Pixabay that have free assets to download and  use for any of your GIMP projects. Ultimately,   GIMP finds its strength in its simplicity, making  it ideal for the casual photographer or beginner   photo retoucher. However, as you delve deeper  into the software you'll learn that it is powerful   enough to accomplish professional-grade editing  and manipulation tasks. It works on all desktop   operating systems including Windows, Mac and  Linux, and at the end of the day it's absolutely   free and backed by an awesome community. Alright,  so I've covered what I like about both programs   but let's get into where the programs have their  weaknesses - starting with Photoshop. It's most   glaring weakness is the subscription fee you pay  every month, of course. For many businesses and   individuals this is an unwelcomed added expense,  especially in tough financial times like right   now. And yes, I know pirating software to get  around the price tag has become common, but this   comes with many unnecessary risks that I won't  get into for this video. Outside of its price tag,   Adobe also has a tendency to constantly update its  software. This is usually more a good thing than   bad, but constant updates can be a nuisance  to some - requiring ever-increasing amounts   of computing power and a never-ending learning  curve, especially since Adobe forced its users to   stop using older versions of the software. If one  version of Photoshop contains a bug, for example,   but the update isn't compatible with a user's  operating system or graphics card, then the user   is stuck with the bug or needs to upgrade their  computer. Sticking with compatibility for the next   weakness, Photoshop does work with Windows and  MAC operating systems, as well as on the iPad,   but it does not work on Linux operating systems.  Of course you can use a virtual machine to run   Photoshop on Linux, but it's not quite the same  as running it directly on your desktop. Finally,   for users who simply want to edit photos for  personal, small business, or passion projects,   Photoshop contains more features than they'll  ever need. This complexity can slow down simple   photo editing tasks, especially when working on  a computer running below the recommended system   requirements. Let's move on to GIMP's weaknesses.  Having a volunteer workforce is what makes GIMP   free, but this does come with drawbacks. For  one, development on GIMP can be inconsistent,   with new release versions taking anywhere between  three or four months to be made available - versus   Photoshop's steadier one release version per  month schedule. It is often the case that   GIMP has more ideas than it has developers to  implement those ideas, and so some features get   delayed over more routine bug fixes, while other  features go overlooked entirely. Another weakness   in GIMP is its lack of non-destructive editing  features. Though it has made up some ground on   this front in recent years, it still does not  have popular features like adjustment layers   or smart objects. For many photographers used  to working with these features in Photoshop,   this can be a deal-breaker. However there are some  workarounds to preserve your image as you work,   and the GIMP team has promised adjustment  layers in a future version - GIMP 3.2 to be   exact. Lastly, GIMP does not currently support  full CMYK color modes. This means that all your   images are edited in the RGB color space and thus  may not properly display if you need to print your   work. This is once again a deal-breaker for some,  especially those who work a lot with printers, but   for people who only post their work online this is  a non-factor. GIMP does offer CMYK soft-proofing   modes that allow you to preview how your colors  will look once your composition is printed, which   I cover in a dedicated tutorial. But for some this  is not enough as it still creates compatibility   issues, especially if someone sends you a photo in  CMYK mode and instructs you not to convert it to   an RGB color space. Once again the GIMP team has  plans to implement a full CMYK color mode soon,   but currently the program does not support it.  If you're still wondering which program you   should use, let me sum it up this way: GIMP is a  fantastic free alternative to Photoshop for small   businesses, casual photographers, influencers who  post their work directly to their audience online,   and even professional or freelance photographers  working on a budget. It's also perfect for   beginners wanting to give photo editing and  manipulation a try without having to make a   purchase. In other words, if you aren't working  with clients or agencies that require you to work   in Photoshop, GIMP will do the job just fine.  If you're a professional photographer working   for an agency that only uses Adobe products  or someone that isn't as budget conscious   and is willing to put in the hours to learn  the ins and outs of a more complex program,   then Photoshop is certainly for you. It is, after  all, the best photo editing software money can   buy at the moment. Just make sure you have a  computer powerful enough to handle the program,   otherwise you may not be able to take full  advantage of the power of Photoshop. And   remember ultimately you can still download GIMP  for free if you decide to purchase Photoshop.   That's it for this tutorial hopefully you liked it  if you did you can check out my YouTube channel at Don't forget  to subscribe and click the bell icon to be   notified each time I have a brand new tutorial.  You can also check out any of the links to my   resources in the description of the video. But  thanks for watching and I'll see you next time.
Channel: Davies Media Design
Views: 359,378
Rating: 4.91536 out of 5
Keywords: gimp, gimp tutorial, gimp for beginners, how to gimp, GIMP 2.10, GIMP, basics, GIMP 2020, Photoshop CC 2020, GIMP 2.10.18, GIMP vs Photoshop, Total Comparison, Complete Comparison, In-Depth Comparison, Photo Editing, Photo Manipulation, Software
Id: 3qYkFow3BlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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