Photography Masterclass - Import, Organize, Edit and Export

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[Music] alright hello everyone and welcome it is that time day so we are it's happy Friday once again we are live for the photography stream the Photography masterclass actually and it's my pleasure to be here live in front of you doing that class so my name is Terry white world wide design and photography evangelist for Adobe and I get a kick out of doing this class this is the third episode or third lesson or third class whatever you want to call it and the last two were a blast got lots of great feedback so apparently you guys are learning the stuff so I see a bunch of people in a chat already Jeremy Victoria Sean valdaire Howard Pinsky in the house Howard will be doing his master class later today on Adobe XD so with that said thanks for joining me and if you're watching this on the replay thanks for watching the replay those numbers count to this far as I'm concerned so with that said if you are watching this on YouTube live you're missing out because I can see a couple people dreams afloat Joe and Andrea over there on YouTube and Italy you're I'm not gonna really be paying attention too much to that chat because we're live on Behance so I don't want to miss your questions I don't want to miss that part of the chat if you are watching this live on YouTube switch your browser head over to Behance net slash live you can click and watch the exact same stream there and that's the chat it's over here that's the one I'm gonna be looking at and that's the one I'm gonna be answering questions bro so we have a full hour actually 58 more minutes or take fifty five more minutes something like that and we're gonna dive in and kind of pick up where we left off today as today's topic is going to be dedicated to kind of like a quick workflow import organize edit and export or share you know depend on which way you want to look at it I'm also going to do it I'm going to try and have time to do it between both both versions allow grooms so I'm going to start off in classic because that's where we left off last week and I'm also going to do it in the new light room which is just call light room or some like to refer to it as light room cloud so we're going to do both versions do the work full and both point out the differences between the two and also learn that some things will be exactly the same so some things I won't have to repeat so I think I'll have time to do both all right so with that said let's continue on and again if you just join me over on YouTube head over to Behance net slash live that's the chat I'm gonna be looking at over here alright so with that said let me go and switch over to my desktop and it is my desktop it's like I'm not even running a Lightroom yet because last week I showed you quickly at the end it was rushed out because I had to finish up but I showed you how to take your memory card so take one of these out of your camera put it in your memory card reader in your computer and then import those images copy those images off the card directly into Lightroom classic now and I showed you all the options for that doing the import from a card and doing the copy today I'm going to show you a different workflow that some of you may already be using some of you may use and prefer and like better I'm just basically giving you that you giving you the choice and snappy clam go I have you moved over from YouTube and oh great glad you guys moved over from YouTube because that's see I noticed you over here but anyway memory card we're gonna take a look at a different way to do that instead of putting the card in having Lightroom import directly from the card which works great been doing that for years there might be a way you'll prefer that's again your choice so let me put the memory card in now without Lightroom running so I just pushed it in and hopefully it will pop up there it is alright so it popped up in my where's an announced therapist popped up in my operating system there it is it's you know all of these memory cars no matter which the manufacturer they usually have a DCIM folder and that DCIM folder is really gonna be usually where your images are there may be other folders on the car that the camera created but that's usually where the money is so if I twirl that down and twirl that down again yep those are all the shots those are all the images that I took from last time these are the same images I use last week now I'm gonna go back because before I go into that memory card I'm also gonna remind you remember on day one episode one we set up these folders and these are the folders in Lightroom and I said don't once you set these up don't mess with them on the operating system mess with them in Lightroom if you want to change anything that still applies I'm not gonna mess with anything but that doesn't mean I can't add something that isn't in Lightroom remember I said you can work in your operating system until you put it in Lightroom once Lightroom has it don't work on it in the operating system anymore work on it in Lightroom so these new images which I took out a Lightroom again are in Lightroom so we can work in the operating system as a second method for importing the photos alright so with that said I'm gonna right click on the car at this time I'm gonna open it up in a new tab so we can see them side by side pull that tab down there we go and there's my DCM I folder with my images and we can just open up that folder and see all 42 images that are in that and again whether you shot raw JPEG raw plus JPEG they would all be there and before we do anything to those images we're going to go create a folder in our structure for where these should go so I would go into client work because that's what these are I'm sorry I forgot to correct her name from last week so I'm still misspelling Isabella maze name but anyway cuz about what you're watching forgive me I know that's not the spelling of your name and I forgot to go correct it but I'll do it but anyway and we wouldn't correct it here in the finder we go in Lightroom but I'm gonna go ahead and create that new folder and that new folder is going to be called instacart because that's what this this client work was from those from that company and I'm gonna go ahead and open that folder up so it's an empty folder I just created it and then I'm gonna go ahead and copy those images in so select off drag over let them copy and the reason I say you might want to you might want to do it this way first or not first but do it this way is because the operating system might copy them faster than the Lightroom method in other words if you're copying hundreds of images thousands of images from the memory card the OS may do it faster that would be the only other advantage of doing it this way is that I'm telling it where to put them I'm deciding which one's the copy I've made my folder first and away I go so if you can do it either way eat last time we imported from the card we made the folder on the fly inside the import dialog box and then we brought them in this way we're making we're doing it backwards we're making the folder first putting the images in the folder then we're gonna tell Lightroom to pay attention to them all right so now if I if I now eject the card which is there because we're done with it we copied the images off of it we don't need the card in the computer anymore so the card is now out of the computer and I now go into Lightroom classic and there it isn't there the client work folder does not have the instacart folder because Lightroom doesn't automatically look at things it you have to tell it there's something new there you should pay attention to now you can do it a couple of different ways you can go up to your file menu and you can say import or click the import button at the bottom and import photos and videos and go find that folder and import it but again if you're working from the operating system and trying to do things quickly that's a long convoluted way to go find the folder or whatever I know where it is I just left it it's on my desktop so here's the folder right here I can go back a level but there it is if I drag that folder right on top of the Lightroom classic icon Lightroom classic will go to import and go right to it so there's no I don't have to navigate out to find it on to do anything I already know where this and dragula top of Lightroom Lightroom says okay you want to import from that bovver here's the big difference from last week last week when we were importing from the card remember it was copying it was you had your choice and I went over the options of copy as DNG versus copy but notice those are grayed out now and ad is the highlighted option because Lightroom is now smart enough to know you're not copying us from a memory card you're you've referenced a hard drive and I'm assuming Lightroom is assuming that they're already where you want them to be because you put them on the hard drive in a folder where you wanted them to be most likely I'm just going to add them for you that's it so if I just go ahead and click import it will not copy anything it will not move anything it will not do anything it'll happen very quickly because there's nothing to copy they were already on the hard drive it's just saying I'm now gonna reference 42 photos or whichever ones I if I like for example last week there's this guy was bending over I don't want to import the shot of him bending over so I can not import that shot and I think there was another one that was very bad I don't remember which one it was but I also chose not to import that shot or maybe it was this duplicate I said I don't need two of those I cannot import that now keep in mind not checking them when you're coming from the car because it won't copy them to the hard drive not checking them once they're on the hard drive just means it won't see them but they're still on the hard drive so you guys that's another op if you are picky about which ones you import then you might want to do the import from the card because then you can be picky without copying to the harddrive and then having to go and figure out how to delete them later so just keep in mind there's there's advantages and disadvantages to both ways all right so now before we hit the import button I'm going to go over these options one more time that we quickly went over last week so I said there was a preview tax you pay the preview tax one way or the other it's just a matter of do you want to pay it now or do you want to pay it later the preview tax is that means that when you click on an image and you look at it large in Lightroom it has to build a preview for that large view do you want to build that now or do you want to just to build it automatically when you click on the image so that's the tax you're gonna build it at one way or the other I prefer to build it later because I may not ever click on that image so why build it up front for an image I may never click on so I always say minimal but if you like to build them upfront and you got time to do your imports then go ahead and build your 1:1 previews up front all right next one I always do smart previews I'll explain that as we go on in these classes but that is a checkbox I leave on I just always do it because that makes it so I can work on these images if the images are offline meaning I don't have that drive with me that they're on I don't slip in for suspected duplicates that's an obvious one I don't want to import the same ones from the same car that I imported last time so that's a given this time since we're not making a copy from a card it's there the backup option is gone and I can go ahead and make a collection for organization purposes right off the bat but I'm going to show you how to do that after the fact but you can't do it in point import last but not least I would also use my metadata template so that I would know that I would have the metadata about me inside the images and then lastly we didn't really talk about this I mentioned it but you can put in generic keywords that apply to the whole thing here as well up front so for example these were all taken in Atlanta so might as well put that keyword in now because that way I won't have to worry about it later all right so now they're all in there all ready to come in and I can click import and it comes in instantaneously just about because they're already on the drive there was nothing to copy done that's it now it's just building this part of preview but I can start working now that's building in the background anytime you see a progress bar up here in Lightroom classic that is something that's happening in the background you can go on about your day and keep working okay so now that's import into Lightroom classic both ways copying to the drive first which is the way we just did copying from the card the way most people will have done it for years the way we did it last week but either way now the images are on the drive in the folder they should be in where they should be inside of Lightroom and the client work folder in the instacart folder 39 because we we skipped one or two of those and or if there were duplicates we skip those two and I can now do whatever I want to do so at this point what I would what I usually start doing now is I start the elimination round I start the process of getting rid of photos that are bad and what is a bad photo a bad photo is some I'm not talking about a photo that just looks bad out of the camera but you can make look better I'm talking about a photo that's out of focus the flash didn't fire there and you it was an accidental shot you were walking and hit the shutter button it's a shot of the ground that you're not gonna use in other words images that you're not going to use you're never going to use those images no reason if we're having them tie up space on the hard drive the more bad images you get rid of the more your better images stand out and it's just a way of or duplicates for example two images that are exactly the same I don't need both of them and because we're shooting digital we can do that when you go quickly what go quick and get five or six images that are like like just a millimeter of a variance the person moved a little but you picked the best one or to get rid of the rest what do you need them for so that's what I mean by bad photos or photos you'll never ever use no sense keeping them that's why you're a photographer and if you're a professional photographer that's why people pay you because they expect you just to show them the good stuff they don't need to see the bad stuff all right so now how do we do that in classic how do we narrow these 39 images that we brought in or the good best photos and get rid of the bad ones all right so I'm going to go I'm going to click on instacart photo folder and I'm gonna now I'm seeing thumbnails but I can't really tell what I'm looking at because they're small so I'm gonna go in and go to loupe view so loupe view is the letter e on the keyboard or you just click the button down here or you can pull it from the menu lots of ways to get to loupe view and loupe view lets me see the image bigger as big as my display is and there's also full screen so hitting the letter F goes into full screen mode but I'm going to keep it to loupe view so we can see some of the other options as I go now this is a shot of the front of the building it's crooked there's some shadow problems there are some things I would correct but it's not a bad photo it's not out-of-focus there's nothing wrong with it it's just it could use some work all right hang on for a second did we just die here let me check and if you're still watching this the the connection to the stream looks like it just died so I'm just checking it to make sure we're still good make sure stuff Internet that's had my internet went out earlier today you can still see me hear me still live still good okay I'm getting a red thing over on Wirecast but a flashing red yellow alright but if you guys are still good I'll keep going alright so um again things that could be corrected in this photo will be corrected but it's not a photo I would get rid of all right this one's overexposed there's a guy walking by with his phone and you know he's out of focus and and probably won't use it it's just not great like I wouldn't use this photo so in that case I need to tell white room while I'm in this review process this is not a keeper this is one I don't need because I have the one that I will still use in that case then what I would do is hit my off that went green so we're good I would hit my letter X for reject reject it I don't know why it's an X but it's an extra protective you know crossing it out get rid of this photo now when I hit the letter X that actually that's a flag inside of Lightroom that puts an X on the photo if we go back to the grid it will show the X on the grid and that's marking that photo as a this is not going to ever be a photo I'm going to use no reason to keep it let's move on alright so we go to the next photo to people using the parking machine of two different versions this guy's kind of been not great so I would mark that as reject if I were to keep one of those two I'd keep that one alright Pete a couple people walking up again now she looks kinda out of focus I'm gonna check yep autofocus that's a that's a no-no so when I go back to out of zoom because she's out of focus I'm never gonna use this photo right there and even though I don't have another one there's not another one of them I'm still not going to use this photo because they're out of focus so I should have shot more than one I just wore sure they got it in focus the first time so that's an X all right Alan again needs some work it's tilted the white balance is off but the sign is nice and great and crisp and clear and sharp and this is good style out-of-focus was not a great shot but okay I'll keep it just for now because I can always go back and still mark things with an X if I did later decide I don't want it okay let me see what's going on here out of focus goodbye X just not a great shot she's like picking her teeth goodbye and it's okay that one's better so I'll get rid of that one but or the one that is good this one's more out of focus that one's in focus great I was just playing around with some shallow depth-of-field here so either one of those would be great this one just needs to be straightened and just time to decide which one I like better and I'm looking all the way around the image seeing what I got I got more the menu and this one less of it in this one I probably get rid of this one because again I don't need both Valon just needs some lighting adjustments that one's a better lighting adjustment adjusted photo so it did do I need both you probably get rid of this one if by the way I'm using my arrow keys to go back and forth boring shot but it's okay it's okay and that has nothing to do with this I remember I was taking that shot but anyway that's nothing to do with this this shoot so I'm going to go ahead and Mark those rejects alright then I moved on to the iconic Atlanta Marriott marquee that looks like a space station it's got just a cool hotel when you're looking at it from the ground up cool shots yeah I don't have anything oh I love that one now again love that one that was straighter this one shows a little bit more but it's crooked by the time I straighten I'm going to lose the part that is showing so let's get rid of that one now we're going on to an event so the event was at the high velocity it looks okay more of the hotel it's okay it's okay yep not having problems with these again but do I need all of them so pick a couple I don't need 50 of the same view so like I like that one it shows more but I like that one because it shows more of the little shorter thing on the right there but then then do I need this one so I get rid of this one keep that one keep that one ooh now that one's better so I'll keep that one instead so a lot of times you'll see me going back and forth picking between two shots that are similar deciding which one is better to keep so I don't need all of them never gonna use all of them so which ones are the better ones to keep get rid of the ones you're never gonna use all right so now they're done I've reached the end I have marked whatever my rejects are it now is time to say goodbye it's that portion of the show where you know we were on a reality TV show we'd be saying goodbye to those guests that didn't get to stay and these are the photos that don't get to stay goodbye how do we say goodbye to those photos all right the easiest way is since you've marked rejects is to have Lightroom to show you the rejects just show me the ones I've already marked as rejects in that way I don't have to waste time with all the rest the quickest way to do that in classic so I'm not even going to show you the other ways because this is the way you don't want to do it every single time on Mac command delete PC ctrl backspace will do this so keyboard shortcut command delete PC ctrl backspace will bring up this dialog box do you want to delete the 14 rejected photos from the disk or just remove them from Lightroom and here's where we separate the pros from the amateurs the amateurs will click the default choice the weak wimpy you're not a real photographer choice I'm joking with you but yeah that is what that really means that means I wasn't confident in my rejecting so don't delete them keep them in a folder just take them out a white room in case I ever change my mind cuz I'm not I'm not confident that I made the right choices if you marked it as a reject it's a reject you didn't if you weren't sure didn't don't mark it as read up if you're like hemming and hawing between like a shot you just can't decide then don't mark it as a reject and then you won't have to make the wimpy choice you won't have to make the choice that says I'm not I'm not confident in my choices because then you're not going to ever have to worry about clicking the delete from this button which is the button I do 100% of the time if I marked it as a reject I've marked it as a reject for a reason otherwise I didn't mark it as a region X I'm not too worried about that I really mean it on these fourteen photos am I really ready to let them go absolutely I can't click that button fast enough because it's time to say goodbye all right so X is bad X means no X means I don't want it I wouldn't a marked it as an X if I was unsure just keep it so in this case bye-bye they're gone now technically they're not gone gone yet they're in your trash or recycle bin but it's next time you jump to your recycle bin they're gone gone and they're technically still on the memory card because we we copied them off the card so all 40 whatever are on the card still but what I'm saying in this moment is those photos were bad they should not stay around they should be in the trash and when I empty the trash they should really be gone not taking up space not wasting resources and just keep it by the way the wimpy choice that just keeps them in the folder when will you ever look at them again they're not lightroom they're just taking up space on the phone or what are you gonna reinforce them so you can not like them again so I I never understand what people just click remove all right so with that said they're gone so now we're left with 25 keepers and you can still go through cuz now that I'm looking at these three I can say oh wait these three and these three are pretty much the same do I need all those I can go through that again I can say that's okay that's okay that's better so I don't need this one okay now I can go through that process more than once because now that I've narrowed them down to some better choices okay that one's pretty much the same as that one do I need both no I'm gonna get rid of that first one so yeah so now you can just do it again so now I hit command delete again do I want to delete those two absolutely because I left better ones st. done did I not do that did I not click delete oh yeah okay those are those are two I must have three Li's they threw me because I saw three so yeah do I need both of those probably not I'll keep that one get rid of this one goodbye so now I'm down to those two I'm down to those two them down to that one and if I don't need both of those or both of those and I would start getting rid of those but they are different enough to keep so that's what it's about folks it's about getting down to your best shots and the joke I like to tell is that what separates a pro photographer from an amateur photographer I'm not excluding this part is a pro photographer will go to an event like this shoot a hundred shots and show you the ten or twenty best till the client an amateur will go to a shoot like this shoot a hundred shots and post a hundred and one because they had to get a selfie in there too I'm just kidding but that's the difference an amateur will show everything they clicked and they'll show all fifty shots that are the same that no one wants to see no one wants to waste time if ever anyone ever invites you over to see their holiday photos or their vacation photos run if they're not a professional because they're going to show you every single photo they took and not narrow it down to just the best ones that's all we care about we don't need to see everything we just need to see the ones that are keepers alright so now that we've done that what's next so two things happen next first and for most look at the file names the file names actually three things happen next the file names are what came in from the camera so tlw for nine to five to tlw four nine five six those numbers and names mean nothing to me and never will I never be looking for image four nine five six what I will be looking for is the instacart shoot now luckily they're in a folder called instacart so i'd always be able to go to that folder and find them but if they're mixed in with other photos and collections or I'm just trying to remember what they were from then I would probably be better off renaming my photos so I'm gonna select all of them command a control a or just shift click and select all then I'm gonna go up to the library menu and rename the photos and when I rename the photos you get lots I'm on the one that I set up but you get lots of renaming options and what I typically do is a custom name and a file number or our sequence I'm sorry a custom name and a sequence and I've even been very clear on what that would look like so custom text meaning I'm gonna type in instacart or whatever I wanted to say in Paris New York whatever I wanted to say birthday party and then I want a sequence number and I'm very particular about my sequence number I want one that's four digits long here's why because if I'm searching for instacart one well that would certainly bring up instacart number one instacart number ten instacart number 100 instacart number 1000 it'll bring up all the ones that had a 1 in it but if I'm searching for instacart zero zero zero one it's only going to bring up that one image and I'm I do four instead of five or set of three because I never do a shoot that's more than 9999 photos never in life have I ever done that many so that covers me for anything I'm ever going to do because I've done more than a thousand so three zeros wouldn't be enough but four zeros for two zeros wouldn't leave enough three zeros would be so I created this custom naming sequence and you can just make your own and now we're going to go ahead we're going to rename these instacart and you can be you can be you know if you want to do twenty twenty you can do that if you're going to do the event more than once instacart Black History Month it was the event so I could do maybe instacart B H M - 2020 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 so forth and so on so once I click OK whether it's 30 images or 3,000 images it pretty damn fast it just renames them instantly and they're renamed alright so now if I ever in life in lightroom ever searched for the word instacart all these images will come up because i rename the files if i never even put in a keyword next up a couple things so why we named them after you do the eliminations why did I rename them first because if you rename them first and then go delete some of the bad ones you're gonna have gaps in your numbers this is a true story I did a portrait session for someone and I sent them a gallery or so I can't remember so I think I said I'm a web gallery of all the images and I had renamed them but I didn't at first and then I wasn't deleted the bad ones eyes closed just bad shots she obsessed over the missing ones I'm not kidding like literally obsessed to the point of I almost had to block her as a client like well where's number 6 can I see it and I'd normally do backups and all that but it was I've made my decision it was a bad photo still you had your eyes closed there's no reason we were ever gonna use it it's gone and delete us off the hard drive you have a car and she wouldn't let it go she just kept asking can I see number eight no number eight is gone it was a bad photo I don't remember what was bad about it but I didn't keep it because of that reason so I always rename the photos after I've eliminated the bad ones so there's no break in the numbers so no one will ever ask where's number fifteen because number fifteen is there even though the original number fifteen is probably gone yep here's everything I shot all twenty-two that's it that's our tall two hundred or whatever it is those are all the ones I shot here all the ones you can pick from there's nothing missing now because there's no way to prove this is anything missing because there's no break in the names okay with that said next up last week when we did the import we did the import with also a conversion to dmg and I mentioned that these are nef files which is Nikon's predatory format for raw canons a CR to Sony has their ACR I think of whatever it is Fuji has there so forth and so on so everybody has their proprietary RAW format and I prefer personally to not have a private area files if I can avoid it so I prefer to have them in DNG format unfortunately when you copy them first to the hard drive and then do an import there is no conversion to dmg by adding photos you can only do it from a copy copy is DNG so since they're already here I didn't get that option but I can go under my library menu convert photos to D and G after the fact so when I bring up that dialog box only convert raw files don't waste time trying to convert JPEGs delete originals after successful conversion meaning don't keep both don't keep being EF and add eng just get rid of the dmg or the NA up after the dmg has been made successfully click OK and that's a background process 422 photos that will just happen in the back and as it converts each one it will get rid of the any ups so the you'll see that you'll see this change to dmg like that and what it's done and it will just be done when it's done so that's processor dependent that will take as long as it takes for the number of images you have based on the speed of your computer this is going pretty quick because this is a pretty quick computer and there's only 22 of them and it is almost done I didn't have to wait because like I said anything up here's background process but just because it was almost done might as well wait okay next up now that I've got my instacart 22 photos renamed converted to dmg Organa and now it's time to do organization and then we new editing so quickly let's organize I don't do any organization in the folder I make a collection now we could have made the collection upon import but then we'd be importing 40 photos into a collection and only ending up with 22 so there's no reason to do that beforehand it's just easier to do it after how can I make a collection after the fact the easiest way in classic now is to literally drag the folder down to the collection area and it will make a collection from that folder there it is done you could select all the photos first or just select the ones you want and then do create new collection from the plus sign but if you if you've got them all just drag them down you're done now what about organization what do I want to do here what's the point of this well the point of this now is now I'm really narrowing it down to what I'm going to show or deliver whether it's delivering in a presentation whether it's delivering to the client as final images whether it's delivering to client as a proof whatever it is I'm ready to start that process and to start that process again we already went through them and we kind of like got rid of the ones we don't want to keep but I'm not gonna show a client two of the same thing unless I'm waiting for them to pick one but if it's up to me and I'm saying these are your and these are the ones that I want you to use I'm gonna have to make those decisions myself so at this point for example I like them both there's reasons why I would keep them both but in this case I don't want this first one to go to the client now that doesn't mean I don't want it won't use it for other things it just means that in this case I'm organizing really narrowing this collection down to the finals the ones I'm going to present so now if I hit delete on this photo in the collection it just quickly goes away no dialog box or nothing and you'll notice now that this says 21 photos because we got rid of one but the folder still says 22 because when you delete it from a collection you just removing it from the organization just like deleting a song from a playlist you're not deleting the song out of your library you understand I don't want to hear it right now so I don't want to see that photo right now same thing here I like this one better so I'm just gonna go ahead and remove that one from the collection now there's a break here I kind of was shooting looking up click click and oh yeah they've bent over there quick and then back to shooting up why I don't want to present it that way I would probably say that this is again where the events gonna be and then I would probably move that one to the end because that's worthy of that's where we walked into the event so again so just keep it in mind this is all about the organization then the question is do I really need three of these in a row like what's the difference really between them other than their angles well these are angled sideways this one's angled like straight up and down so do I need to sideways ones no let's just choose the best one for now keep going and you end up that way only showing the client the best work and what you have the way you want to tell the story so for example same thing here where I'm showing the entrance and then I showed the entrance again when I left because I got another angle well do I really want to show them both that's kind of confusing why would I show the entrance as I'm telling the story and then show it again at the end why I'd show the exit maybe like walking out but I wouldn't show me coming in again so I like this entrance better let's it up to the front let's get rid of that one so this is what I mean by the organization and while the parking thing was kind of cool and maybe there's a story behind it maybe there isn't so let's get rid of the parking thing for now and the love thing is now is just not a strong image a strong enough to present right now maybe I'll mark that as a reject and get rid of it later and the scooter is kind of like something that happened walking out at the very end so maybe that goes at the very end all right so now they're in the order of the story for example the next thing is it's time to do some editing so do some work on the photos to make the photos look better all right so to do that you do all your organization in the library module of classic you do all of your editing in the develop module of classic and then the other modules kind of speak for themselves so it's time to start looking at what we were going to do to make these photos look better so we head out we clog on the photo we go to our we'd go to develop once you select a photo it will take it into the develop module and inside the develop module you have all your options for making that photo look better and we're going to spend more time on editing this is kind of just a quick workflow thing you know we would import organize edit export rinse and repeat and just keep doing that and I don't have time to go through every single one what was the keyboard command to remove from a collection delete key just delete or backspace delete on that probably backspace on PC so I'm not gonna edit every single photo because we just don't have time for that and plus I want to get to the other version of Lightroom which we only have like 15 minutes before we before we have to end so I want to go ahead and do this quickly so what do I not like about this photo well first and foremost the entrance is kind of little slanted and crooked the building is definitely very crooked so I I don't know I probably want to go into the basic tab and I'd probably want to go into the cropping feature and I just want to maybe play around with the orientation of this photo it's okay to have things that are crooked if they're on purpose but I don't want it to look crooked and not be on purpose so I don't want to look like a mistake in other words so tilting it a little bit more that way makes it look more on purpose as opposed to a mistake all right next up there are some issues with just shadows and highlights so when I help hover over this that's showing me this those areas are turning completely black when I hover over this those are showing me in their lights they're supposed to be bright so showing me that those areas of the photo have no detail they're completely washed out which is fine for a light and all of the settings are set at zero so what I want Lightroom to do for me is set up a couple things first of all first of all for the profile because this is a raw file I can choose a different profile and I would go with Vivid I just like vivid essay just give me a little bit more punch to the photo you have landscape you have portrait you have color you can go in and browse and choose creative ones but I usually default on vivid even if it's a person next up the white balance is this photo really have any white balance issues none that I can see in other words not too yellow not too cold not too blue the white balance is probably about right I can tweak it and make yeah maybe warm it up a little bit just by dragging the temperature to the right a little all right next up I can click Auto I can say Lightroom you take a look at this shot and you tell me what you would adjust I click Auto and it fixes a lot more things for me now I don't always agree with what it fixes and so it's nice that I can adjust its lives but if I don't like what it did I can go change them and this the shadow area is still too dark so I can just drag on a histogram to kind of lighten up those areas of the photo until that warning goes away it didn't do that on auto alright next because this is not a really a person shot I can definitely add more texture to the shot to make it just more sharp and gray and have more detail to it and I could also go in and maybe again I like something vibrant like this so we don't want to go too crazy but we can definitely make it or viber and so if we were to hang for a minute I was do that press the wrong key sorry about that that's before and that's after so before just with a couple sliders a couple things we went from that to that and again that's the whole that's the name of the game just making the photo look better all right next up same thing here I would probably straighten this a little bit more because I don't want to look like an accident so head over to develop we would grab those straighten and because we have a nice thing to straighten on I'm just gonna use the angle tool and drag along this to make sure it is straight and now it is or maybe I want the sign to be straighter so maybe I take the angle tool and I drag it on the bricks there we go that be the most noticeable maybe dragging it on the bricks there we go now we know extreme because it's straight up and down like the wall is supposed to be alright so next up now that I did that go back to the basic panel again bit and you can select multiple photos and do this so if you're going to do some Saints like some of the same things to all the photos so you don't have to do it on every single one there is the ability to select all or select multiple photos and sync the changes across them all right and I covered that last week with the latest update as well so again Auto just again making some texture changes there I love texture and again keep going okay so now you got the idea you just keep going through making your photo look great or better than it did and let me get a little just do one more that's overexposed so this one's kind of like it's got got issues uh so we've got a develop and I don't know what it was maybe I was not just not walking straight or just maybe cuz I had a bag on my shoulder all my images are just not straight to me anyway let's go let's straighten it out let's go into basic and let's go to Vivat once again let's go to auto once again there we go that's looking much better already maybe I want to bring the highlights down some more and maybe even the exposure it just looks so still slightly overexposed there we go yeah yeah there's better that's better texture and again I'm still not happy with this not being straight straight so let's tell it what to be straight on be straight on that that's better and yeah because you gotta have something that is oh yeah he's walking under that thing that thing straight okay so now let's say you keep going and you do all the photos what's next so we did these three we did this one this one and this one holding down my command key so I can select multiple ones now that I've done that it's time to share them let's say the that's it the client only one of those three for sake of example so now I would just because it's me let's say those were the three that the client picked I don't want to have to ever look at the other ones the client didn't pick even though we're keeping them we're not getting rid of them because they may come back and say they want those but those are the three they definitely wanted so what I normally do is make a new collection well first two things I'm mark remember we marked the other ones that we didn't want with a reject why mark the client picks as a pick meaning those are the ones they want it so it'll classic that's the letter P that puts a pick flag on them so I will never be in doubt as to which ones they chose now that I know which ones they chose I'm gonna add those to a separate collection great collection instacart 20/20 edits include those photos yes great so now those three are in a collection all by themselves and I will never have to remember which ones they pick again or oh they need them out and put it in they need to print it again I just go to that collection now I could go I always go back to the other one and just focus on the pics but this narrows it down even more and that way I don't have to worry about it so those were the instacart 20/20 edits those are the ones that really want now it's time to do the export so we did import we did organize we did edit and now it's time to do share so to do share select the three in classic that is simply by going up to the export menu and depending on what you want to export them for will determine what you do next so I want to export them for them to use on social media for the web for Instagram let's say so I'm going to put them in the deck on the desktop I'm going to put them in a subfolder called instacart 2020 instacart 2020 finals let's say or you know whatever customer picks whatever you want to call it so put them in that cell phone or no renaming because they're already renamed no videos that I have to worry about because these aren't videos yes they're gonna be JPEGs because they need to go to the web yes I want them to be high-quality on the web yes I want them to be the sRGB color space for the web and resize yes so normally that would be unchecked I'm gonna resize them on the longest edge so if it's a portrait will be this edge if it's a landscape it'll be this edge and then I want them no longer than 1080 pixels by 72 pixels per inch why because that way they're as they're the right size for Instagram Instagram doesn't need anything bigger than that if you do need something bigger than that then make the number whatever you need it to be now here's another one that I learned kind of like as I went along I used to export all the metadata and the camera info and all that stuff and I was like I didn't care but then metadata can contain some personal things you may not want to share like your camera's serial number it could contain the location data if you shot with a GPS or a phone so if you don't want certain things to go out then just do your copyright and content EMBO only and that way the client doesn't have anything in the files that would be you know private why don't you put the collection in the original collection well collections can't be in collections you can put collections in collection sets so I could make two I put those two collections in an Instagram apartments from mr. car collection set but collections can't be in collections collections are separate all right that's four so that will do the export progress bar because actually making the files and here are the three files that are JPEGs there are no longer raw files they are no longer too big for the client server that they are the right size they are JPEGs and they are clean and fixed and sharpened and ready to go so that was the share part now let's send them to him however I would send them to him email and you can email it right out of classic as well so you can by the way so that is another way just quickly for you to know you can't email photos directly out of classic and it will you can pick the size and all that and it'll put it in your email program ready to go so if you want to do it that way you can do it that way as well all right last few minutes left him sorry that this got rushed but I'm going to quit out of classic and I'm gonna go back to the instacart folder I'm gonna launch the Lightroom cloud so Lightroom the cloud version and this is my real Lightroom cloud version so in here let's see we're going to end up on okay so I would go into my current work folder because Lightroom cloud paused collections albums and they called folder collection sets folders so I have a I have a folder called current work and inside the current work folder I'm going to create another album no actually actually wanted to be in here hangout let's do it here yeah there we go so I'm gonna create a album here and I'm gonna call it instacart hurt 20 20 and no I don't want to include the selected photo and yes I do want it inside of current work all right so I'll make an empty album and there it is now I'm going to go back to that folder because again I know where it is and just drag it right into that album and it'll ask me do you want to import them these are the ones you want to import you want to import them into the instacart 2020 yes add 24 photos or uncheck the ones you don't want done and it's doing it and they're there now you see these blue little circles that means it is now backing those photos up to the cloud it is syncing them so this album will be on my iPhone in the Lightroom app it'll be in my iPad in the Lightroom app it'll be everywhere in the Lightroom app in the Lightroom ecosystem it'll be on my other computer running Lightroom and you know I trim CC or Lightroom cloud and now once and again I'll have to wait for the syncing to finish but if I were to now want to do some of those same edits we did before and it's showing them in reverse order but I could go in and say that oh you know that's the photo we want to someone to edit yeah so I go and there's no developed module is just an edit tab I can go to edit no that's not the one you go to that one there we go and I can click Auto and I can go to crop and I can do all the same things we did I think that one I just tilt it a little better there we go all the same things we did in the last one all the same sliders all the same things to do the edit to make it look the way you wanted to look and I just don't remember what I did so I think I did I've roamed it up a little bit so let's go down to color temperature there we go I warmed it up a bit and so forth and so on so you'd make all the say minutes same exact slider same exact way and then when you're done the same shearing would happen by the way the same thing if I don't need these in the album I can delete from the Lightroom photos and my albums or in this case is because I'm on the wrong thing I'm in the last import if I go down to the actual instacart album there we go now they're in the right order and now when I remove these I'm just removing them from the album just like I removed them from the collection before so now in this case if I wanted to share these photos that I had edited it pretend I finished editing all three same ones then I would go up to my share button and I would either export a JPEG spawn a JPEG large export the original or more importantly I can define what I want to export just like I did in classic instead of it being small I want to do custom the longest edge 1080 100% quality file naming the original srgb and export three photos and it would ask me where I'm gonna put them on the desktop and I'll put them in that same finals folder because they're gonna have different names anyway and that's import organize and share in the Lightroom cloud version it would be the same exact thing alright so with that said I hope that you got more out of Lightroom from watching this class hope that you now have it just kind of an understanding of the way this all works together we're going to keep going doing more of this next week by the way next week if you're going to be in Vegas for a WPP I I will be there as well so check it out and with that said we're out bye everybody [Music] [Music]
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 15,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, tutorial, Lightroom, Terry White, Photography, Lightroom Classic, Image Editing, Image Manipulation, Getting Started, Creative Cloud, Adobe, photo management, library, catalog, Photoshop, Adobe Camera Raw, raw editing, importing
Id: gfjJzRTatiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 9sec (3429 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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