Photoshop Masterclass: Hand Lettering

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do [Music] all right hello and good morning good afternoon good evening wherever today may find you it's so good to see you and to have you here so um thank you so much for joining me just making sure everything is squared away and uh good to go i want to say thanks for joining me and uh yeah let's get this party started uh hello bobby blakely's in the house tony braswell froza andreas steve jan in the house i did some of this earlier this week but i had like so much fun with it that i want to share it with you some more uh yes happy fancy friday and yes i did change my shirt gotta love the buffalo check all right uh so thank you so much for joining me uh if you join me elsewhere i want to say hello as well um so thanks for being here hello okay cool all right let me share my screen as you can see we'll jump in here waiting for some files to sync just so you know and it's taking some time but let's go ahead and jump on over jup here we are in good old photoshop on the ipad so hopefully you're into this that's where i'm going to start out let me just reorganize this a little bit maybe make myself a little bit bigger and i should be able to see that again i'm just like working on my ipad like so all right so hello hello happy friday awesome where is there it is also using apple pencil so i'm jumping in here um kind of waiting for a file to sync let's just jump into this one for instance all right pretty straightforward i'm in photoshop on the ipad and again i did this a couple a couple days ago but i'm going to do it some more because i think this is going to be very fun right here is currently my design right i can see it right there and we're going to do some hand lettering in here so i'm going to add a new layer and from here i'm going to write out some words and i'm going to do that a number of ways so many different ways i could do this oh thank you so much michelle you are too kind i could use a brush right i could grab any any brush i want in here so these are some of the brushes that are already built in right we'll use pressure for size and not pressure for opacity but i can come in and just do like chaos oops why is that so transparent let's up the opacity chaos right so just some quick hand lettering as you can see uh where's this design from i don't know i think i got it off of adobe stock yeah that's that's where i got this one um so the cubes don't matter so much as uh as does the fact that there's a bunch of squares back there just so you know um i could show you how to create those squares by the way i've done this before as well but yeah uh i would create these squares probably in illustrator just so you know right so so the key thing is we need to have a colorful background because we're going to steal colors from the background so that's the idea right um we could take a look at doing this and again i did this on the darn desktop let me switch back over really what's happening over there oh what is that what are those hidden messages i'm actually just doing some um of course some beta testing around there new features but here i am on the desktop so i could actually use something like illustrator to make those squares so i'll do this right this is what i'll do i'll duplicate this boom right take this take it down like so right so i'm making all these squares uh that's how i do it make all these squares right take all these squares and i want to use a couple different swatches to colorize these so i'd come over here and i'd select my swatches right just by holding down the command key i'm selecting a bunch of different colors that i want to use let's throw a blue in there and a teal right so i have about eight or so colors we'll go to scripts i'll do random swatches fill and i know this is a photoshop master class don't hate me but random swatches fill we can now fill that completely with all of those lovely colors so that's actually how i would make a pattern like that right we'll move this over i could do the same thing again those same colors selected right these other colors let's go into scripts random swatches fill on this side right and that's how we can make all those lovely squares that we can then sample and use smudge brush with it right so that's what i'm doing making all of these running the scripts on it right and we gotta have all this randomness from there we can copy this and bring it into photoshop into a new file why not there we are paste it in we're gonna paste it as pixels right just like that and now we have our squares there we go okay here's another way to make a cool pattern okay oh good thank you michelle you love how i using and that's why i decided i started the design master class just so i could use different tools uh but obviously it's gonna be different for the photoshop one all right so let's do this so to file new let's try this i will just do 100 by 100 pixels you ready for this we're going to do that again we're going to do it in photoshop right so we we just want a plethora of colors so i'm going to open up my gradients and you want to go out to just grab legacy gradients because that's where you'll get all of these nice ones right and from here i can go ahead and let's create a new layer by the way click we could add that we could add this one like i love these lines but this one gives me lots of colors okay look at all those colors in fact if i double click on it i can change this from linear to something like reflected so i've just doubled the number of colors in here right another thing i can do is i could do angle um i like diamond is what i'm ultimately going to go to reflected is cool and then diamonds right right so there's my uh diamond design we'll click ok we'll hide those squares this is actually 100 by 100 pixels so the reason i did that let's go ahead and just rasterize this and scale it down fifty percent like so we'll have one up there one here one here and then one here and uh from there yeah let's invert some colors let's take this command u to hue shift it to something else right so again just generating random colors that i can then tile that's all i'm doing invert hue i don't know changing something like that so we have that done now let's take this and let's make let's actually turn this into a pattern uh define pattern so that's what we'll do we'll do colorful and it will look like a pattern right i can probably do some more randomness but uh let me know uh that's a great question by the way actually i'm asking i'm asking myself a question like how would you do randomness and there is a way and i have to dig it up because it's been a while but how would you generate random random colors in photoshop like i did in illustrator right so that's the question so i just think that's something interesting think about all right so let's go to patterns and here's my here's my pattern like so let's jump over back to this design new layer add that pattern and now we have a bunch of craziness right so now i could use these two let's just rasterize this layer too let's save this file and again we'll call this diamonds because i already have too many things called colorful but i have those two layers now ready to go marsha's in the house marcia you are never late you are right on time and that goes for everybody wherever you're at in life you know what you think you're behind whatever because you're looking at somebody that's i don't know you just you're at the right place where you're supposed to be right now so uh that's all i have to say about that save the diamond uh don't worry about saving that so that one should sync it might take a second i'm gonna switch back to my ipad and get to painting and all that fun stuff all right so while that one loads we'll go back into this file right we did that we did that hand lettering right i'm going to delete that layer just add a new layer and i'm going to use the smudge brush this time smudge it's going to be a lot of fun kevin's in the house what's up kevin so here we have this and i'm going to rotate my canvas like so and i'm going to write a bunch of words kind of in the same spot and then we're going to put them together in photoshop on the desktop right so again a combo today so chaos using the smudge tool we will go up to the options we're going to sample all layers and we're going to use pressure for size which is what i used previously the pressure for size that is we're going to make the strength 100 percent and then we'll just like play with the size but we'll be about 80 pixels so now we can just jump in and just do h let's undo that let's even undo this there's going to be lots of undoing new layer turn off this previous one and then the s let's actually move this over take this move it over because i can't even fit chaos in this space right here so again let's move that over to the side throw the s in there there we go chaos taking this we could actually merge down now we have that one word all set up like ready to go so that's what i'm going to do that i'm going to do that a couple times with this phrase that i'm going to write out do is new layer turn that off i could have done let's do that on the same layer is a friend wait for it move it over there we go there we have friends chaos is a friend and this is not my quote it's actually bob by bob dylan do overall fast and i'm going to show you how to replicate this on the desktop mine there we go we got it just some quick hand lettering right pretty easy all right so we created this maybe we'll you know hey we'll even complete a design but really what i'd love to do as well is use illustrator here as well and i get it i've we're using multiple apps but i'm going to do this anyways create file really fast we could also do this on the desktop in photoshop but jumping in here using the pencil uh we will turn off color there and uh i even need a different quote at this point i need a different quote cause we're gonna do something else we'll do i'll just do this really fast by the way here we go there it is we'll do i want a few strokes there we go let's take these here we are bring it down new layer why not find your fire there you are quite simple just some quick hand lettering i could do some guidelines to make sure every that baseline is all synced up but what i need is i need a vector path and i'm like okay i could use illustrator to do that right there it is save that right this will be find your fire and we'll use those in photoshop right and again we could also do that on photoshop on the desktop uh with a mouse but it's so much easier if you have apple pencil right all right guys i'd love to see things oh good khalid awesome i'm happy to teach you some things and uh even getting myself into a jam that's probably what's gonna happen just so you know i'll be like what am i doing i'm gonna open up my colorful design let's transition over okay where the heck is it that is the big question uh get out of the way there we go let's switch back over oh make sure you close your files so i don't have this closed on uh in photoshop on my ipad so i'm closing that that's now called colorful right i could even rename it or duplicate it we have colorful copy now but those are going to sync now i can go to my desktop right so sorry about that no i'm on my desktop all right [Music] i need to remember to use several programs at once just to really make your brain hurt you know make that brain hurt why why do we do it let's sort by name why is this why is it not coming in if something isn't coming in i know for me usually it's uh my creative cloud login like uh that is the situation dang it oh that is the situation i just noticed i'm so sorry everybody so let's take this let's open this and try to figure out how to share it with myself son of a biscuit i just gotta sign out and sign back in so that's fun let's check my illustrator so illustrator let's go into app settings account there we go so this is fascinating okay so i just learned something and you might run into this right so the short of it is i actually have two different uh adobe apps so on your ipad you could be logged in as uh under different accounts so photoshop can be under one account illustrator on your ipad could be under another account and they both work just fine on your desktop you're always going to have only that one account so on your ipad it can get awfully confusing so now we know hopefully that makes sense so again basically on the desktop you you're only logged in under one account whether in photoshop illustrator after effects it doesn't matter you're always under the same account on the ipad you can have different apps with different logins and that's what i'm realizing that happened so that's okay because i'll do a file open we did that illustrator text we'll open cloud document sure enough there's find your fire let's open this up again this is just some simple line work you know and here we have this text find your fire let's take it and let's bring this into photoshop again i did just some hand lettering in here create a new file we'll make it larger say 3000 by 2600 there we are paste it in this time we're going to paste it in as uh shape layers paths i should really bring in each one each letter i should bring in separately but i just paste this in as paths so here's my work path we will go ahead and save this path as find your fire so the cool thing about this once it's a path we can then stroke it with some different tools all right yeah so andreas that's a great question yeah can you share the project yes i can but my two accounts i have a corporate and then a personal adobe account that both are under the same email so i just don't know if that will work i could try it you know it's just ridiculous it's it's kind of silly i'm gonna see what happens there we go i just invited myself so if i get a pop-up on my desktop that means that will work so here i am in photoshop here is my text uh let's make this text larger like so and uh let's see what we can do with this first off this i know this is going to be very complex uh but don't okay yes all right son of a biscuit yep i'm a i'm a i must be a 75 year old man from the south or something i don't know either way i'm going to take this text i'm going to make sure i'm on my own layer right in here and we can take this path and we can start to stroke this path so let's go right up here we can go to stroke path under stroke path you get a number of options so you can stroke it with a brush like we were doing before in fact what we could do [Music] don't mind me take all the stuff paste it back here there we go stroke path with a brush simulate pressure hey why not let's see what happens boom ah horrible why is that horrible because the brush i chose and my color in the center are not that great so let's change that to something like white or even black just so it will show up and for our brush it's just set to the default brush so you do need to go in select your brush first we'll do um uh any one of these we'll do a dry pastel soft square number four that's what we'll use so it's like this that's what it will look like go back in here stroke the path with our brush click ok and there we are it is simulating that pressure so now we can see what that looks like again this is going to take some work to get this to tie in just fine exactly mike son of a biscuit son of a biscuit eater so okay not that great right it doesn't even match our theme our theme is all about fire right so let's do something different because i'm thinking i could probably take this path let's go in here right click stroke path this time um let's try this out stroke path smudge let's turn off simulate pressure uh we'll check or we'll take a look at our our smudge uh settings in a second will it'll be revealed to us and let's take a look smudge this is what we need to turn on sample all layers even for this brush we're going to go back up we're going to select hard round strength set to 100 percent right now that i have that set up correctly i can go to stroke path smudge click ok it'll go through and it will stroke it there you are so turning that off that background you could see again find your fire done much easier because i have a lot of control in here uh let's even take down the size to about a hundred and try this again because i think this is fun we'll go to pass right click select our path stroke it the same way with our smudge tool i just made it a little bit smaller so we can see that text to make it a little bit more legible and there we are boom okay find your fire cool easy enough that's showing up nice and neat looks good that was magic remember i only outlined i just scribbled text in um in illustrator on the ipad just like really fast it wasn't even that pretty but you can see how gorgeous it has become we're going to try something else right that's going to match the theme even more because this doesn't say fire so can we use actual fire let's try it out we'll go to our paths this might be awfully messy because this is a these are a lot of pads um and i don't know if it's gonna let me do it to be honest with you we'll go to filter we'll go down to good old rendering so we could render things along a path so we'll go to render we'll go to flame selecting flame see i knew this is what it was going to happen so if it's really large it's going to say hey the preview is going to only show say the first 300 pixels but actually hey it actually works out okay so we can start to adjust accordingly we could do multiple flames along a path remember it's just showing that first part right but we could start to play with these settings like there we go take that length down to 330 that's much looks much more like flames multiple flames along a path and it should be following the path as well notice how the the flame is going the direction of the path which is awesome so with that done we'll just click okay have it go through and render out that text there we are hiding that find your fire right and we have varying levels of success with this right we're noticing that this n is not perfect and that's okay let's go into our path and let's clean it up a little bit ultimately i would really just clean it up in um in illustrator because again illustrator is going to give you uh the control that you need right see what are some of the problem areas i'm kind of digging it though like i don't even mind the n we're gonna try some new things here right i'm actually going to like experiment a little bit because this n was it doesn't have a lot of points so let's see if we can add some points to it and see how that changes the design because i have a feeling it might add more point more flames based on the number of points but i have no idea that's why we're going to test this out what am i doing use the direct selection tool bring that in like so right bring that down whatever you get the idea okay select it let's make sure we are on a separate layer and let's run it again run it again can you save a path and use it later yes you can so look this n is much more reasonable but look i have this multiple flames along a path why does it not quite look the same so let's just click okay because i feel like that preview is lying to me or i'm doing something wrong anyways so that n looks a little bit better and there we are right we want to add some more to this we can do that all day long uh you know if you happen to have um freeform pen tool maybe you have a wacom and uh maybe you lost your pencil to your wacom we could do some hand lettering on the desktop now [Music] oops undo that new layer hide in this case since i want to make a path i'm gonna make a path right so i don't really need this on a new layer maybe that's just out of you know habit and i'm gonna combine shapes i'm gonna see what happens this let's check this out let's go in here okay so let's try this again there we go let's take a look at our pads panel and let's pull this out so we can actually see it perfect this is exactly what we want we want to have everything oops let's do one there we go some quick hand lettering on this work path as it was mentioned if you want to save it you can jump in uh first off save select all of the points so come in here i usually select them all um and then from this flyout menu this is interesting that if click down here there's not the ability to um save the path but make sure that path is the work path is selected and then you can go to save path we can call this find there we go here's our new find we'll go and we'll stroke it with that flame checking the time got 30 minutes muriel thank you for joining me there we are let's crank this up multiple multiple flames one direction multiple flames path directed but we want to adjust the angle so there we go i don't know you can see it's getting ridiculous there you go it's basically going path directed [Music] giving me that flame along that path at this point click ok we'll have that render out yeah is the preview lying to me look at that that's starting to look like a little bit like hair right because it's that angle is going along the path so as it curves it kind of spits it out like that almost makes it look like fur or hair rather than flames biola let's complete five new projects in 30 minutes let's do it but for this what i would do is i would probably take this design seems to be my best one um and start to clean it up i love how random it is but i can still add some more random elements to it so i can maybe what i want to do is i want to jump in and maybe you don't want to draw something at all right i know this is about hand lettering but maybe you're struggling with that you could outline type uh you could use the shapes available in photoshop so go to the custom shape tool from this menu right up here yes i already have this tricked out i've showed this to you guys before but look at all these awesome wonderful shapes that we have here for the custom shape tool if you don't have them just append default shapes and that will give you all of these so then from here you can just kind of jump in i'm looking for a nice heart let's get a nice pleasant heart there's two of them this one is the lamest heart i've ever seen biola do you do you agree like who made these i'm sorry i hate to be mean but this is not working maybe because it's a heart frame i don't know use this one this is more like associated with cards let's use this heart right we'll take that draw it out this is currently a shape right but i could anytime you draw a shape you get the path for it in the paths panel so like we did before we'll save this path and we'll call it heart there we are now from there let's make a new layer don't forget to make a new layer i forget that and we'll render that out flames and i'm going to do [Music] i don't know what should i do uh yeah we'll go with that we're going to make something abstract clicking ok yeah it's crazy but there's our fun background that i could potentially use so bring that down there it is make it a smart object command l for levels nope don't want to do that and i made a mess so there you go that's how you make a mess definitely need to have less flames here we'll do shrink it down and i should be able to can i cut there's not there aren't scissors in here okay anyway all right uh again just another take again find your fire because what this needs this i kind of feel like this needs a s you know some variation like some something that i can't put my finger on [Music] all right cool cool almost look like a dragon all right find your fire i think that's good you guys get the idea you can use the same exactly right clarissa you can use the same path as long as you just create a new layer and this is what everything looks like i start having all these different versions different elements different curves that i'd start you know sort of putting together right so again just even taking a standard circle heck not even a we'll just use curvature we'll go we'll jump in here curvature pen tools click click click click we can have an interesting shape right here and we'll just call this curve and we'll light it on fire let's just light it up let's light up that curve one flame along the path this is what i'm talking about i love this this is cooler right this gives me sort of the shape that i want right so we'll turn this in scale this down right what can i do with this i can start to make this look like a heart um bye um manipulating it which i will do in a second let's let's try another curve curvature tool like that so we end up making an abstract heart oh i did not want to put it on that layer so you do need to deselect your current path if you want to um you know make a new one there are kind of like that escape curve two there we are probably adjust that a little bit more hey let's just run flame on it last used process oh that did not work because why did it not work it cut it off so let's scale this down and move it to the center so when you run the flame on it we're going to get that whole flame we have that curve there we are okay i'm going to do one more this time we'll just use the pen tool we're going to make the bottom of the heart kind of like that why not it's all about experimenting today since somebody said my heart looked like a bottom anyways there's your heart's bottom boom okay heart ba-boom ba-ba sha-bam shablamo moving that down curve curve it's getting hard to tell what's what start renaming some things there we are cool are we good i am playing with fire make it pop oh yeah ah you could assign uh different colors to the flames you could do all sorts of things right it could get kind of crazy looking um i think for my purposes this this works just fine uh i like how it's hard to read deal with it but i'd say this one is done i haven't even saved it yet let's save this project find your fire baby there we are boom done okay i was doing all this while i was waiting for another file to sync so let's see if it's if it synced and i'm sorry i'm on the wrong side of the screen this whole time now that i'm in photoshop let's throw me the other side there we go pyromaniacs greeting card okay so this is what i have to do i have to actually log in maybe do something like this and that's about it okay so i just had to just kind of jump into my my email to uh see if i got a notice and i did not so all right let's jump in here let's do this we made this one that looks great let's close it let's go in here to this one turn this on remember i did this on the ipad i'm gonna do the same thing on the desktop using the smudge brush so jeez chaos is a friend of mine so you can see in here so this is what i'll sometimes do carol and biola and stuff like kind of depending on the look you're going for i'll type in the text i'll use like a um a cursive font right i'll use i'll use a font that i like i kind of want to imitate but i don't i don't want to like i'm not trying to rip i'm not trying to recreate it exactly but i'll take a font i'll like twist it and just kind of use that as a guide so that's what i do in this kate case use it as a guide take that down and go from there okay so that's kind of the text i want to use so that's what that is there for we'll turn that off we'll just go with a blank layer smudge tool sample all you get layers finger painting by the way finger painting is going to take whatever color that you have in your foreground so if it's say green it will let's turn that on and it should do it oh geez hello oh because the strength set to 100 we'll take that down to 26. um but it actually gives you this hint of green a hint of uh of your foreground color and that's what the finger painting is just so you know okay usually don't use that i'm gonna turn that off i crank up the strength uh if you want a little bit of blur in there then you're gonna use uh you can take down the strength a little bit but let's jump in here and see what we get uh undo that undo that i'm doing all caps the color is based on uh your initial uh selection area like your initial mark that's where it steals that color from and uses it the whole time right so there that is shrink that down oops still needs to be a little more chaotic so let's go into our brushes and our brush settings size is going to be based on the pen pressure there we go that'll help out a lot so that's that's the one tweak i did to the basic brush and i'm going to take this down to 90 percent strength is going to be 90 so now it's going to pick up even more of those colors behind it it's going to be a little bit blurry we're going to see if we like it see that little bit of blurriness it makes it look a little bit muddy uh which we can fix later on you know and what i mean by fixing later on i would jump in and crank up the contrast so i'd use something like maybe levels and uh just kind of like crank crank up crank up this all those colors see it was muddy now it's like not muddy anymore right so it looks like that will work um oh i love that tim that's awesome disco toothpaste let's do it new layer look there we go oh move that over throw an s in there there we are nope so there is a little bit of a lag so when you get into this michelle and carol and everyone it might be a little bit of a lag um that's just based on the speed of your computer but i did two different layers just so i can do a little bit of overlapping like that chaos we'll put those in a folder we will throw some uh levels why not all right again that to that clip it uh one of my favorite new tricks by the way as well i'm not crazy but look at that h again we could redraw this all we want i love this trick by the way i put this in here right and then what i will do is i will change this blend mode for this layer it's going to i'm going to change it to normal so normal means any effects any adjustment layers you put in here is just going to affect this layer group so i don't have to worry about i just like how contained it is now right but i'm also not crazy about that h so let's fix that shall we chaos is a friend of mine we'll save it let's try to draw that h again move that over smudgeroosky man that got bright that is bright there we go that looks cool there's our h that we want chaos it's not even that crazy we can make it look much more crazy uh checking the time i got five minutes cool let's take this hey you know what let's just throw a shadow on that okay cool let's make it a little more crazy that's what i need so that is done that is good let's get the rest of this because i only have five minutes and since we have everything set up michelle and everyone you know the levels the shadow all i need to do is take this drop it in that folder and of course turn on the folder but there's friend and is a let's put that in there let's hurry up people i gotta hurry of mine [Music] there we are yeah this is our last stream shoot this i'm just realizing that this is my last stream uh you know what for like uh like six weeks you guys gonna miss me you're gonna miss me you're gonna be like oh this guy yeah i'm gonna i'm going on my sabbatical man you guys are you know you guys are friends of mine i don't know why i did chaos but you guys are friends of mine and uh i'm still gonna be around you can still get a hold of me online and all that good stuff so i'll make sure i bring that stuff up right now there you are so stay in touch you could see all of that all of my info below and thank you so much for watching i get a sabbatical everybody it's been years in the making it's i had two years to take it and it came down to like the last couple months i'm like all right nothing's really opening up i gotta take it so there we are you guys are friends of mine and uh i appreciate all of you so thank you so much for hanging out with me on this fine friday feliz navidad indeed thank you so much everybody you guys are friends of mine i'll get this posted later on as well as my there we go um there you are super fun uh shout out to luke choice who's the creator of this uh this style if you ask me so thank you so much everybody i'm gonna miss you already stay in touch online and through social media thank you so much everyone i will see you all very soon um got jason up next thanks for watching you
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 3,436
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Creative Cloud, Creative Cloud, Adobe CC, Adobe Cloud, Adobe creative suite, #MakeAdobeCC, #AdobeCC, #ACCTags, creative cloud, adobe creative suite, Photoshop, Hand lettering in Photoshop
Id: vDegV5jvPT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 35sec (3455 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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