Design Masterclass: Animating Designs

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[Music] [Music] hello and good morning everyone good to see you paul here i'm going to dive into animating designs going to be a lot of fun i want to welcome you all good to have you here jan's in the house froza garth and everyone feel free to say hello cody bear christian uh michelle awesome uh so good to see you so say hello in chat thank you for that michelle audio and video are good that's what i like to see so um yeah thank you so much for joining me today i'm so happy you guys are here so we're going to go ahead and show you show you design i want to talk about animating designs sort of creating designs as well like here's kind of what i have so far let's actually just kind of jump into this full screen right so i have i have this kind of going on which is kind of cool this is a design i've done before i was thinking about animating it and my goal i do have orange and teal going on i was actually going for red and uh green and it's not quite there so either way thank you rick good to have you here and again this is just sort of a simple design that i have created that we can animate we could do a number of things i also wanted to kind of jump on my ipad too if we have time so um see right in here i have a number of elements got this hand oh yeah that looks good in fact i'm gonna start labeling these uh top hand like so let's make sure that includes everything including a vest and this blood oh yeah there's blood there this is the circle right hope you guys like this design um yeah um yeah love drawing roses cool so do i right um this is actually pretty darn tricky so let's just delete this some of those extra elements you can see my rows right over here right and this one in here what you can do is you can actually take this you can always turn this into a brush that's what i'll do to just kind of save me time i'll take this and then drop this turn it into a brush we'll make this a an art brush art brush means it's going to stretch right we'll click ok and there's our art brush we'll go right up here and select that brush and draw and here's our here's our flower right like that so again it's not colorized right but you can see how you can get a really cool design really quickly right thanks to brushes love it um all right tanya good to have you here so again that's really fun what we can do there just with a simple with a simple drawing we've created right over here something to do in something like that i want this to kind of animate so it's gonna be the rose coming up around the wrist the hand moving down right and then this blood kind of dripping i haven't decided whether i'm gonna include the brush the blood or not um uh but yeah that's what i that's what i could do okay so let's let's take this i already have that as a brush so i could delete that um let's see if i could drag this out boom all right this is also something i didn't know for years right i would love to hear your tips that you didn't know for use but i didn't know you can go in here i always saved the original but you have the original right here if you just click and drag it out and drop it this is your original file i never knew you can do that now drop on this one this happens to be a pattern brush but we see you see we have the corners and then the middle part and i was just blown away by that right i'm like i had no idea why didn't anybody tell me so i don't really need this one i could delete that right don't need that layer again we're just doing our cleanup right because the layers are going to matter for us notice that this design is 1080 by 1350 so i'm gonna go ahead and um thank you michelle didn't know that oh good okay and um cody bear likes the blood edition okay cool well then i i'm more apt to keep it in and that's why i like you guys so awesome michelle didn't know that either again blew me away it's like oh man that's so nice because usually to edit it you just double click right so if i edit it i can double click by the way we could change we could do hue shift click ok go over here we'll change the color of this line it's not going to be perfect but i'll just change that to a green right and now we have let's get rid of that now we have like uh you know a not perfect flower but we could always tint it the color of the line too but that's usually what i do is i double click and then i change those settings okay we got our circle let's delete that we're getting all of this squared away i have this hand which is not oh yeah put these two parts together but this is sort of the design that i'm do going with and i just need to start kind of putting these parts together a little bit more efficiently if i can right like this needs to go with the rose layer so we'll just drop that in like that okay there's also this part of the hand guys it is like a week until christmas and then two weeks till my birthday which is december 29th so uh yeah that's what's going on around here and uh just to clue everybody in since i only have this is for my last design master class i'm going to be going on my sabbatical in january so i am actually leaving thursday of next week is our last working day and then i come back in february february like 9th it's insane but again i've i've worked 10 plus years to get uh to get this time off so it's my 10-year sabbatical so i'm gonna miss you guys in january but i'm gonna still be creating and doing stuff uh just so you know and um that's kind of what's going on with my schedule take these let's group this together um thank you michelle appreciate that right on thank you rick you know rose naming all these layers let's go in here let's name this uh let's call this hand it's our main hand don't need this layer and this is the cleanup we do so we've actually boiled all this down to essentially uh four layers which is actually pretty good right um currently have this saved in creative cloud um because i was thinking about adding some hand lettering to it but i'm gonna do hand lettering in my um design mess or my photoshop master class so yeah there will be replays during my slots just so you know um yeah i'm so excited about some of this stuff okay we will save this we'll call this rose hands i usually just keep this name really short i'm just going to call this rose actually okay so i'll just save that on my desktop as rows right and got that done right i could do some simple animations of just this building if i want to but i'm going to use good old after effects right here so here we are in after effects i have a couple other designs i'm going to i'm going to reference in a little bit maybe i can reference them now maybe i can huh do i thank you chris i appreciate it so speaking of previous streams this is a previous stream i did on animating lines i could show you how to do this but this is also sort of taking a design and animating it so it's a similar style but these lines are actually building as we scrub through this timeline so i can probably uh quickly show you how to make this uh would be good if you guys are interested but again i already did a whole live stream on it so so there is that that's probably not going to be as simple as i think it's going to be but anyways if you're curious about that we will make a shape with no fill and a stroke here's our line that i just a shape layer right in here this ellipse and then we have the lips path so right down here this is where that magic happens if you're interested in this i drew out a shape and i i could import a shape as well but i just drew out a circle okay so now let me move my big honking head to the other side of the screen so i'm getting in the way but you can see right down here i just like i love the simplicity and magic of trim paths do you guys like this um yes you're wondering if you need to learn after effects um you know personally yes you know you could start out in photoshop and use that timeline um but uh you know you're going to quickly want to jump into after effects so here's what i just created i just created this layer and we'll call it circle ignore these other ones in fact you can click on this little button i love this because sometimes you'll download a composition doesn't that hide it oh here we go this guy sorry there we go so i have just this circle layer everything else is hidden okay here's my circle or it's actually going to animate in should probably turned off everything as well so let's just turn those off there we go okay so and just isolating this i have this circle we'll twirl this down we'll go to add and we'll add trim paths so we're going to add to the contents trim paths it brings up this trim path and here's my ellipse all those properties right i'm stroke my fill right in here we want the start and the end of that line so i can come in here and say hey you know what start add i could add two keyframes when i click on these stopwatches i get these lovely little keyframes bam bam okay i usually want the circle to be complete maybe five seconds in so i'll scrub that over five seconds in and now i can take either one of these starts or ends and i can adjust it so i'm actually gonna make it uh make it make the start at 100 and the end at 100 but now i'm basically animating that line come together like so if i want to animate it out i can take the end and take that down to zero now it's like um the line actually i could even do something like this i can stagger these but now you can see that this is going to go out and then you can see that line kind of chase it which is kind of fun right now remember everything else is there right all these other lovely lines let's turn this on let's turn everything back on let's take this circle this stroke is massive let's take that down to like again like one point maybe one or two points oh maybe about two because i want to make it about the same size as everything else too and now we have that circle animating in with everything else yeah i'm okay with that that's okay it's kind of breaking that line but you get the idea cool hello vahid is waving from iran good to have you here man so again hopefully you can see the power of that and then you can start to take a bunch of these designs and what i did is i started running them all together so let's take a look at this one i'll hit the space bar we get our first animation all right we get our second one right and i just have one animation roll into the next and it's kind of fun cool again a lot of fun take this use it all right now back to our design okay let's go um maybe i'll make an entirely new composite now that you know how that is done so i'm going to close this project because this is how after effects would look when you first launch it right from here we will go to actually what i'm going to do is i'm going to make sure everything is in its same folder so we'll go out to my desktop we get all this messiness and we'll do this rows folder we'll take this rose we'll put it in there everything is going to be in this lovely folder right here i like to keep everything self-contained take this [Music] and let's just save save this to my desktop right in here in that same folder there we go okay let's delete that comp let's import it import that rose illustrator file um we can layer options merge layers into everything into footage but i actually want to make composition footage dimensions are going to be layer size right so i'll go to layer size hello froze i see ya stina over there as well on linkedin good to have you here awesome lori lorianne as well eai design awesome so layer size click ok there it is there it is the layer size you can see that it's actually giving me this black background that's my black background by default so i'll go to composition composition settings and this is what it made this was my illustrator document size but right down here we have the background color that we could change to white there we have it click ok boom it's about 30 seconds long and we can have some fun with this all right sean and becca are here drinking my peppermint coffee all right all right here's this rose so this is what you get initially you'll get this initial comp it put everything in this composition this rose composition double click and then sure enough here are all my layers top hand hand the rows the circle everything is like that in the center uh you could do command k will bring up the that uh the document settings composition settings right but right in here and in here we have a number of settings that we can work with so we have this top hand we have this top hand start to animate in so it's actually at its final position and maybe i want it to come in over the course of maybe four seconds and don't worry we want to play with this time a lot is the plan let me know if you guys have questions because i'm here for you i just i i like this line style so i'll twirl this down look at all these properties that i can animate so i can say hey we want to animate the position and maybe the scale maybe the rotation i'll click on a couple things like that and it'll add these keyframes right but that's four seconds in so i clicked it there right that's those keyframes because they're in their final position then i scrum back scrub back to the starting the zero zero point and then i can animate it so now i can take this hand move it up right i could take this hand i could rotate it so let's just scrub on these numbers we can rotate it like so uh and move it up some more kind of like that okay so we could have the hands kind of come in like that let's watch it comes in like so i want it to actually slow down at this point right i'm going to add some easing right here easing is gonna be the one thing that makes all your stuff look awesome right so let's right click let's go to keyframe assistant and we're gonna do an easy ease so it's gonna i could just as easily do an easy ease out yeah let's do an easy ease out so that's means is this going to slow down as it reaches that final point so notice how the icon for the keyframes changed but i'll hit the spacebar to start it and then it will slow down into place like that that's how that works cool muriel is here uh jenna awesome can you set the background too transparent yes actually the background is transparent great question right down here this little transparency icon toggle transparency click on that yeah you can see it actually is transparent so i can make animated gifs and um have some transparency gifts can't have transparency can they am i losing my mind maybe so either way that is transparent we'll see the hand come in we can do the the same thing with the other one and we're going to kind of talk about some of the problems we're going to run into as well with this okay because one cody bears like cody bear demanded that the that there would still be that blood there so we really need to animate that that's going to be interesting right it's going to be totally interesting oh good do the easy ease is going to help you out i throw easy ease on everything but i think they need to have more they need to have bounce they need to have rubber band and different things like that i really wish that would be that's actually my feedback for um the after effects team because right in here i want the ability it's like a rubber band it would go past its final resting point so rather than me using the graph editor which is right in here and it looks like craziness let's click right here hello crazy um but rather than dealing with any of these properties just give me the ability to do rubber band uh bounce things like that okay but that's the graph editor and that's getting more complex than we need to be okay plus and minus will allow you to zoom in on that timeline that's fantastic let me fix this really fast let's crop the left side of so you can see a little bit more okay that's coming in other things are going to come in as well i could take all of these and animate them at the same time or here's the thing you ready for this um oh yeah maybe maybe it's an expression but still sean i i just want a drop down to pick it i don't want to have to write an expression to do a bounce you know i think it's just overly complex all right uh so i have the hand i have the rows these two elements the two separate elements but maybe i want them to be part of the same element right it's like well this is different paul this is different and that's what happens you're like oh i want to animate these two in the same way that other hand animates in right but uh there are two separate elements so again you could do this a number of ways um and how i'm probably i'm gonna probably do this the easier way as i think about it but you could always take if you have two items and you want to put them in you want to group them together you can make them right click into a um into a new composition so just keep in mind remember this rose is a composition i could take these two elements and i can say hey put them in there in their own composition so i could treat them as one element so this would be hand and rows right and you move all the attributes all that fun stuff but now they're in their own little grouped composition so if i go back we can see hand and rows they're grouped right in this in this separate composition like so okay so that's one thing you can do let's do is there an ungroup and uncompositionize i don't think there there might be a composition let's see i want to like remove remove it i don't want it to be a composition anymore anyway so i could always go in there you can see those two items like so i could take those i could copy those i could paste them back in right there they are so there's this and this so those are two different ways of doing things but i think i'm going to take these they're at their final position so i'm going to hit p for position now that we know how this works i can hit p for position it brings up position hit those two stopwatches bring it to the beginning take these both move them down and let's also hit r for rotation let's hit u to you know show all the keyframes but i'm going to have for rotation we're going to rotate it like so like so oh this is this is a good this is a good reason yeah those are rotating independently there we go kind of like that that's what's happening select these two hit you we're learning a lot i know this is a design master class but this is all about animating design so hopefully that's okay you know this could easily just belong in other sessions as well so let's go to easy ease out like we were doing before here's the problem with easy ease out is uh what if we want to animate this back so let's take these keyframes we'll copy it we'll paste them we'll copy these we'll paste these right so this is ooh so sorry about that zoom that was an extreme zoom but now so i've copied and pasted these keyframes down here right but let's watch the animation so it kind of hits right here as opposed to let's take these two we're going to take the hand and we're going to do easy ease so now it's going to ease in and then ease out so i'm going to use easy ease for all of these boom boom okay you get it let's time everything out let's make everything go for four seconds and let's get this done huh you guys demand to be entertained right let's clean it up there we go um oh thank you michelle so thank you i you know again i i have second thoughts about sort of doing a design master class and i'm covering animation but um yeah thank you i like doing it you know and at the end of the day you know we're trying to make ourselves more valuable to the people we work with and we just we make designs and they demand motion they're like hey i gotta be animated so that's what we're doing here we're animating it like so animating in animating out okay we have parts that need to still be animated right so let's try this um the rose especially so let's animate this rose and by the way um this is kind of also my special request uh yeah i was on pinterest everybody uh love pinterest let's go to um instagram you know here here's a case where you know again i did an animation right the initial design was cool but i'm like you know would be cool is if this was video so i knocked this out so i do have people asking um if i'm gonna show how this is made so if i have time i will this is all after effects um obviously video and uh c cinema 4d so that's what was used to create that okay and uh this is what we're doing in 90 minutes i'm going to show how to do some we'll do some fun hand lettering which will be a blast okay all right so that's a shout out for that project just get you excited about it let's go back to this one because this one again the basics of animation are here right and now we have a case where we really want this content to be more organic right could the ae file be embedded in an email it would be if it would have to be an animated gif so that's the situation there uh oh i'm glad you like that michelle yes perfect steve knows what's up thank you and uh bruce is here so bruce not to worry we've only gone from we've gone from illustrator here's our design we want to animate it we brought in that illustrator file into after effects and we've just done this simple animation but we have this lovely organic material actually everything here is organic right even that circle we can animate that but like this needs to bend and do some different things so uh let's let's make let's add some fun to it so again parallels between illustrator photoshop after effects you know you learn one you're gonna learn them all like right over here we have uh where's the puppet warp there we go puppet warp tool right over here and again i'm in um illustrator now puppet warp selecting that puppet warp uh we can have a number of pins and with puppet orb allows me to bend this like kind of organically right so i want the same control in after effects do we have that same control heck yeah it started here first as well so kind of zoom in on this give me some space but right up here we have this puppet position pin tool so we have a pin here as well right so bruce here you go uh click it right there now we can add our pins down here and remember this is on the rows we'll click there we'll uh add a pin here we'll add a pin here we'll add a pin here we'll um you know throw in as many as we want maybe we'll put one right here at each sort of juncture but now that i've put them there you can see i could bend these so this is really going to be fun to work with right uh again garth the goal here is like learn one you're like hey this and that's what happens like this is what this is the the history of the puppet pin tools it started in after effects and people like oh i could really use that in photoshop and now i could use it in illustrator so it kind of starts in one and then trickles down okay so i added all these pins i added like four or five pins let's take a look down here sure enough here's my puppet effect that i essentially added here's the mesh and here we are twirl this down so here's the puppet effect i just added and here are all the pins this is great because as soon as i see it over here down here in my timeline it means i can animate it so this is super fun right so right in here we can kind of twirl this down um i've already oh it looks like they're already there we'll hit u is your uber key right you hit u and it shows all of your keyframes so here's all those points that i've added right they're already in their final position so now i can go scrub back to the beginning i have this is already turned on so i'm just pointing it out to you but now i can have some fun in coming in here and grabbing this point pulling it down grabbing this pulling it down right kind of shoving all these parts into the person's hand is what i'm doing let's cram it all in there cram it in kind of like that why not so we just made it all smaller now we'll scrub through this timeline we can see it kind of come up and you know bring it into the center like so okay yes it is in photoshop 2. cool so that's super fun right isn't that right and the key thing is is we don't really want to have any dead space so let's let's take this let's let's let's play with this some more because this is how i'd start to build this out like for real not just kidding any more i'm not kidding i'm not messing around anymore let's just fit this yeah everything's really small um let's take a look at the timeline timeline is super long right i'm just gonna this is just for instagram this is just for fun right but it's gonna come up here i really want all these hands the hands and everything to i want to hold this final position because we need to have the rows touch the person's finger for that blood to drip down and then we need to reverse it all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to just grab these keyframes i'm going to grab these keyframes i'm going to copy them paste them copy paste yeah imagine that copy and paste what a concept and you'll notice if you ever do after effects on a live stream you quickly run out of space it's too much let's stretch that out i'll probably have this go for like 15 seconds long okay so that means i need to adjust the timeline as well so we go to composition we did this early composition settings what's it set to 30 something like that duration is my last used duration which is a weird one uh we'll make it 15. why did why is my frame rate at 25 frames per second because that's what i used last time we'll make it 30 we'll click ok there we are okay so now we have this what just happened did i break it let's undo that command k make this 15 like so there we go it's back anywho you guys get the idea my goal is to knock this out in an hour let's get this done how much time do i have left 20 minutes um oh you got a new computer finally enjoy after effects again super simple we'll have that kind of go up it stretches out the cool thing is is we're gonna have this stop right the hands will stop but we'll still have some of this motion for the puppets puppet uh the puppet pins animate up so it's gonna stop it's gonna it keeps moving like so maybe i'll have this move up a little bit more oh yeah like that right maybe that's where it's gonna prick the person's hand is such a cruel cruel flower maybe i'll go right there boom and then we'll have that drip so let's do it uh do you have any favorite after effects plugins no i don't but if you guys have your favorites uh let me know because i would love to hear them like i don't use i don't use after effects enough to want more plugins so uh that's the situation i'm in so we'd love to hear what plugins you like all right so let's do this dripping and by the way we could do this with all parts and maybe i'm gonna do that since i'm on this whole puppet warp kick let's have some more fun with the hands because the hands are gonna have structure as well so with this hand here right there it is let's have this hand move same concept uh puppet pin tool boom oh we're going to end a lot here that's for sure boom boom shaboom shovel ammo shabba chubby right so many pins let's go right here even this one uh when you're using pins and this goes for all apps you want to you sometimes need to put a pin this will be my stabilizer pin so this one's not going to move i use this to keep this spot in position so i can animate this more freely okay so that's what i did to the hand we'll hit u and here's all of our key frames oh yeah look at all of them let's take all these wonderful little guys a total of 11. yeah that's quite a few right they're in their final position but down here let's have some fun let's kind of move this we'll take this we'll move this in like that move this down right we're just going to have some subtle movement and it might not be perfect it might look like jello and and we're trying to not make it look like jello right so it's just gonna be some little movements happening here okay so that's all so it's gonna go you might not even hardly notice it there we go so let's try this out yeah you like hardly notice it but again maybe we actually have this extend a little further so let's do this so there we go we we we can do that this guy is a wild one he's wild so we'll have him like extend out a bit cool so each movement is on a different layer yeah each pin is on a different layer trust me if i wanted to make this look really realistic i would have this separated out into a separate composition and these would be all separate elements and i would have some masks that would animate to reveal say this part or something like that so you could get really crazy with this animation which again this is a minimalist design i think it's worth it to do that extra work to have this you know kind of grow around so i think this part is going to be something that i change later on but again i'm only i'm trying to get this done in an hour that is the goal let's take this crazy puppet pin that that guy's going to animate all the way over and he grows like so all right so we have that do it you guys understand how all of this works you guys know how the puppet pin works let's go up let's take a look at this one very flat like look at how flat this hand is like there's no life to it whatsoever so let's give it some life again doing the same thing um using puppet pin tool why not all right what's going on it's honestly it's looking great well you guys are you're too kind you were too kind because i'm like okay this has issues but thank you all right so we have that we'll scrub back we'll hit u that's our uber key u is gonna reveal all of our key frames there they all are lovely i don't even really need to worry about it i'm just really just focusing on the timeline right focusing on the timeline just scrubbing back to you know say two seconds right moving things around a little bit right so the starting position might be like this this will be like that i'm gonna get rid of that blood too this is gonna get worse before it gets better it's getting wonky that's okay we'll just stretch that out right so we're kind of extending that hand and then the hand should see that's what i want like it's reaching in like that perfect it touches the person gets gets a little prick it's like oh why yeah rose you're hurting me where are you rose hit you bing there it is um maybe we'll go seven seconds let's grab these sorry i'm not looking at chat but what are you guys saying this is so neat i've never touched after effects oh cody you're just yeah you're making my day because that's the whole goal with this you know it's like this is just animation for designers that's all this is animation for designers right we want you to you know if you happen to have creative cloud and all that stuff like make it approachable for designers right and this is what designers want to do you want to take something cody you like your stuff again just this little just these little movements like this you can create a looping animation right all you want i i could probably work on the overlappingness of this but that's fine you get the idea so seven seconds that's when the prick happens let's take this hand um i have a problem with this hand now okay so let's take that hand let's go back out let's actually twirl this down guess what everything is right in here so we have this this hand right this is the top hand um right click um reveal in finder let's do that boom here's our file right i actually want to edit it so let's double click on it let's go out here let's take this crazy blood it's like oh what are you doing paul look at that it's disgusting let's cut it out there let's put it on its own layer let's paste it in right this isn't even that fancy of a shape right i i could recreate all of this in after effects which i'll probably do so let's just get rid of it all together okay uh is that cool so we're gonna get rid of that um you got it susan wilson she is reading from the same script we are on the same page so let's save that let's go back in here boom and it magically disappears so i'm just showing you that i opened the right file edited the right thing got rid of it and now at this point seven seconds in by the way you could see it doing its pre-rendering this is a brand new feature in after effects but now i can go ahead and start drawing so i'm going to use the pen tool i'm going to create a do i even need a yes i typically do layer new shape layer created a new shape layer so this is going to be the blood layer right here okay and i have the pen tool selected from my tools up at the top right now we can start to draw this in click click right it's currently just set to oh how are we going to do this this is going to be interesting we'll do that all right so let's change the fill to red uh do we want to have it does it have a black outline let's get rid of that black outline click okay boom here's our blood okay so what do we do put it behind or underneath the hand there it is let's go to edit it and just kind of smooth it out a little bit um it wouldn't really go like that i'm having problems let's just kind of have it uh let's just show you how to animate vectors right so we're gonna animate these actual shapes right in here so we have the content we have the shape and here we have the the path itself so let's turn on the path because that's we're going to animate it so maybe it does start selecting it i find to be difficult and there might be an easier way okay so you can see that morph zoop the blood's gonna form this is going to be our little droplet goes kind of like this and uh yeah uh yeah i could use opacity but you know what like blood doesn't appear out of nowhere it actually comes from a source so it's going to be behind the hand okay right in here i don't want it to exist until that point so i'm going to grab this in the composition i'm going to grab this timeline say you know what scrub that to there make sure it appears right there okay so now boop like that it's gonna go like that and we're gonna play with the uh positions we're gonna turn on position so now that i have a head of the blood drop like created now it can go down like that so it gets created and then it drips down and that's where it's going to drip down and fall off this the screen and maybe we could do some more fun things with it i don't know i don't know people you think i know what i'm doing i don't do any of us people don't really know what they're doing they're just kind of like making it they're making it up as they go along i'm no different so you know what it's okay to make mistakes too it drips off really fast so let's slow it up let's make sure it's underneath everything else except for the circle and uh let's check it out hit the space bar like that this rose is going to pull away it has a mind of its own so there we go easy ease okay cool all right uh it's a vector animation the color doesn't have to be realistic in your opinion uh it matches the color of the rose oh yeah i was going for a minimalist look i liked i almost liked the idea of this maybe it drips maybe this rose is a different color this could drip and hit the center of the circle and then the circle can change colors right so that's those are again just like other ideas we could do uh within five minutes and i kind of like that idea as well but let's just see this play out real fast let's hit the tilde key we will go to fit and we'll hit the space bar start at the beginning tilde key as long as this composition is selected we'll bring that up full screen so we can go ahead and go like that get the little prick the blood drips um so that would be cool so again it's a little choppy i like i like the idea of it hitting the bottom of the circle and then there's a there's a transition that happens okay so let's do that oh yeah let's start a new project frank let's do it this is going to drip down where is our blood there it is hopefully you don't think this is morbid it's gonna drip down right there that's where it's gonna disappear okay what is it command closing nope that's not it i always get this option uh closing bracket will end the timeline right here okay so option uh open bracket closing bracket chops the timeline because we only want it to exist that far it's gonna drip down it's gonna hit the bottom there and then we're gonna have this beautiful circle do a fun animation a single drop of blood can save lives yeah sure yeah why not ah okay oh it hits the leaf with a splash so yeah that stuff's fun i think i like the the thought of the circle changing colors because it gets me to show you how to animate other things so let's think about this ah new shape layer draw this out uh take this move this down take this okay a couple things we could do here okay oh you're all quiet waiting in anticipation that's cool i'm thinking of the best way to do this so i have this red and it's going to animate up and so let's just do this let's flip these two okay let's do this all right duplicating this move this down huh this is gonna hurt your brain okay you're ready for your brain to be hurt i don't mean to but this is what's gonna happen okay uh and let's just turn this alpha matte there we go okay so this is what i want i have the original circle is right here here's the blue one uh here's my shape layer that i just added right so here's this is the thing that's going to morph and change okay but i want this circle to just be inside this blue circle so i duplicated the blue circle and i put it on top so now this is going to be treated like a mask can i double click and change this maybe not uh anyway so this is going to be treated as the mask so right down here i just change this to alpha matte circle right [Music] what just happened i just delete something let's undo this i just i just broke something and i hate it when things oh that i actually double clicked on it that's my that's my fault okay i'm back here we go here we are i'm back okay so here's the circle we change this to alpha matte circle there we are that's in there so now we can start to animate it we'll go to the blood we'll go hit you we got to make sure this comes down right when it hits there so that's when these two things are going to kick in right there so shape layer do your thing we are going to transform its shape so we're going to ch transform the ellipse position and stuff okay well i don't have time to do i don't have time to do all this but you can see where we're at i'm going to animate this you guys know how this is set up now i'm just going to animate this into place right real quickly like let's do it u position boom boom boom there we are and i'll move this into place so cool i am just seconds away from finishing but i don't have even that much time so thank you so much for watching i will finish this up and show it to you uh is the plan at least in my next session so thanks so much for watching i'll see you guys soon thank you so much see you guys you
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 2,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Creative Cloud, Creative Cloud, Adobe CC, Adobe Cloud, Adobe creative suite, #MakeAdobeCC, #AdobeCC, #ACCTags
Id: iSDoEkeolrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 10sec (3610 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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