Photography Masterclass - How to Get Started in Lightroom Classic | Part 2

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[Music] welcome everyone happy Friday it's that time of the week and I'm very excited again to be back to you another week another Friday for my new photography shuttle or photography masterclass that's what we're doing today and every Friday at this time so 8:00 a.m. Pacific I'm on the East Coast so it's 11:00 a.m. my time welcome everyone I see a bunch of people in the chat already I see a bunch of people actually in the chat over on YouTube that won't really help you very much today because I'm not going to be looking at that chat so if you are watching this over on YouTube currently live I head over to Behance dotnet slash live that's where the chat is that I'm going to be looking at today and answering questions bro you're welcome to hang out on YouTube but you'll just be hanging out you won't really get a chance to talk so if you want to interact head over to Behance net slash live alright so with that said we're gonna do things a little slightly different today it's a slight change of plans normally I would just simply pick up where we left off last week but between last week and today we got some new updates in Lightroom so I'm gonna talk about those new updates first for them especially for the people that already kind of know they've already got started with Lightroom they don't really need to hang out for the whole hour they can drop off if they want or you can drop off if you want after I cover what's new and then if you are hanging out for the part two of the class that's what I'm gonna be doing right after I talk about what's new so just a quick recap and for those of you who also watching this on the replay thanks for the replay numbers we love those as well I love those and again just thanks for so many people being here and watching live alright so last week we did a very very very getting start at with Lightroom to help people understand a there is a difference between Lightroom classic which you manage your meaning you are responsible for the storage of your photos and Lightroom which is just one word Lightroom but it's Lightroom in the cloud that the images are synced and backed up but we spent all of our time last week mostly on Lightroom classic understanding where the images are in hard drive understanding how Lightroom deals with them and how you shouldn't deal with them once they're in in classic you shouldn't be messing with them on our drive today we're going to pick up after I do the what's new with just continuing from there so we're going to talk about importing images now that you've got Lightroom set up the way it should be I'm going to talk about maybe do a quick edit or two and then we'll do some exporting if time permits and if not we'll just continue that next week but we'll do as much as we can with what we have all right so let me just check one thing really quick here on the stream so make sure we're still good we are still good there we go okay my Behance window was spinning for a second there alright so with that said let's go ahead and pop over to my desktop so we can cover the what's new get that out of the way and I'm gonna be covering what's new between classic and what's new between Lightroom and what's new on Lightroom on mobile so we'll just get all the what's new stuff out of the way as much as I can today and then we'll continue our topic that we worked on last week and thank you Robert for saying part one was excellent Alberto thanks for being here and people from Amsterdam people from all over the world being here early in the morning in some cases I saw someone it was like 5:00 a.m. their time somewhere and somebody's watching in the middle of the night but thanks for watching no matter where you are and again I really appreciate you supporting my new master class so let's go ahead and and switch over to my desktop here I've got Lightroom classic open and also by the way I saw a couple comments there's like one or two comments on over after the stream was over like who's using classic I'm thinking the vast majority of photographers are because we're not thinking classic in terms of Lightroom six like that yeah that would be very old Lightroom classic is an evolution or an upgrade from all those previous standalone products and it is still a part of your membership and part of the Lightroom photography plan and all that so don't think of it just because of the word classic it's something that outdated and is no longer available or any of that so I think that's kind of where the computing also came in last week but anyway jumping ahead to what's new so a startup and what's new and Lightroom classic then we'll jump over to what's new in Lightroom and again if you hear me refer to it as Lightroom cloud it's just so I can tell the difference of course to tell you the difference between classic and library all right so let's start off with classic one of the first things that's new and this will actually go a long way for people that import RAW images I'm going to go to my preferences and there is a brand new preset area and in that presets area you now get to set up your default presets for all the raw images you import now first and foremost for those of you who are new the whole point of the whole point of a raw file is that it is unprocessed by the camera hey Jason Levine glad you're here brother it's it's my buddy Jason he'll be doing a masterclass on audio and video later today but anyway your RAW images are unprocessed by the camera so therefore they can come in looking kind of unprocessed they can look dull they can look underexposed they can look exactly the way they were shot and many times people are kind of disappointed when they see the raw file come in because they're used to that JPEG preview they saw in the back of their camera that looks so beautiful and vibrant and gorgeous well you can get that you would just set up a preset that kind of does some of that magic as the images coming in so the Adobe default is don't do anything just bring in raw file you could also bring in and in from the camera settings so you can choose that and now you could also choose a preset so I could I could have literally I could have a user preset called make it look better and so that preset might but you know it might do an auto tone it might bump up the saturation it might bump up the vibrance it might you know increase or decrease the the exposure it might do a lens correction it might do all the things that I would normally do when I bring in an image I can now have that done instantly when I import RAW files so if you are always doing the exact same things to your RAW files when you bring them in like for me I'm doing a lens correction I'm doing uh you know unusually an auto tone doing all those things well I instead of a preset that does all that set it here once from now on whenever I bring in RAW files all that stuff gets applied automatically and then I go tweak what I don't like about those things that would be the easiest way to explain you can and you can also use defaults for specific or specific to camera models so if I'm bringing in images from my iPhone maybe I'm gonna use a different preset if I'm bringing in my iPhone 7 plus which I don't use anymore but if I'm bringing in images from my new Nikon c6 mirrorless camera I can have settings set up specifically for that so that even takes it to another level because then I can say from this camera that always kind of shoots things or this lens and all just kind of shoots things a little dark bump up the exposure by a quarter of a stop I can do those kinds of things now upon import so that is number one new feature all these new camera defaults that you can do all these new I'm sorry raw defaults you can do based on changing the raw files as you import and again the reason we say raw versus JPEG is and this will be the case for anything inside of Lightroom all of this is non so therefore when you're bringing these things in and you're making these changes if you don't like them after the fact like maybe it did make an image too bright just go change it on that image you never you're never destroying the actual image so I can apply that make it look better upon import and if it did it to an image that I don't like I can always go back and change it all right I'm gonna switch it back to the Adobe default for now and let's go into the second new thing in classic and this will really be a big thing for people that work with big files in Photoshop so and he bounced out of this for a second to show you what I'm talking about inside this particular folder I have a light arm so I have a Photoshop big file PSB that's what PSB stands for now normally it's a dot PSD for document Photoshop document but if your document is over a certain size it will you know you Adobe Photoshop team recommends saving it as a Photoshop large or Photoshop big file which is a dot PSB prior to this update Lightroom didn't support PSD files so you could go in bring in a raw file take it over to photoshop start adding hundreds of layers to add accrete your masterpiece and then not be able to bring it back in the Lightroom because it was a PSD file well now that's no longer the case I can drag this folder containing my PSB file over to Lightroom classic in this case and Lightroom classics import comes up I see a nice preview by the way this is not my art this is the wonderful artist Isabelle LeMay she loaned me this file back when I was showing Photoshop on the iPad for the first time and so I would set my metadata to not be my copyright in this case and then I would add that PSD file and that PSD file comes in and works very quickly and I can zoom in and see this beautiful see this beautiful three gig artwork that she created with literally hundreds of layers everything you see this image is on a different layer and she just composites these amazing scenes so PSB support now in Photoshop I'm sorry now in Lightroom classic next up and this is kind of something that I'll just mention I won't get a chance to show but when you're in your develop module of course we always want things to be faster so again I'm on this three gigabyte file more GPU accelerated editing so when you're doing lens Corrections and transform adjustments expect them to be faster now because the team continues to make progress on making things faster based on not just your cpu speed but also your graphics card because a lot of people have beefy graphics cards like fast graphics cards that are just sitting there idle they're not doing anything they're not doing as much so we are offloading some of that processing that the processor might be bogged down with over to the graphics card just to speed up everything so more GPU editing and specifically for lens correction and transform adjustments and in that same vein II GPU Empowered enhanced details so enhanced details is a is a way to make a image look better sharper if it especially if it has a lot of a lot of lines in it basically a lot of like buildings and architecture and things like that so now that that sped up if you have an e GPU and a GPU means external so like you know the new MacBook Pros can have an external GPU and a external case and if you come back to your desktop and plug that in everything is faster than now that gets faster in Lightroom as well all right the next thing I'm going to talk about and this is something I use all the time as a matter of fact in this photography class you're going to see me do it when we start doing a lot of shoots I use an external monitor I'm plugged into one now but I use an external monitor on my tethering setup when I'm shooting in studio because I'm tethering to a MacBook Pro it's great 15 16 inch screen but I want a nice big screen even turned into portrait mode so I can see it full screen and make sure I got everything in focus make sure it looks good well you can always do a second display in Lightroom but now you have way more control over let's say you have three displays before you couldn't really pick which one was going to be the second display now you can through a holding preference set up for that so for example if I go to my preferences here in in Lightroom there is a whole new display tab and that display tab is currently showing me which which displays I have connected so we're looking at this little one that's the one I'm streaming on right now but this second one which is my 27-inch iMac sitting off to the side over there is now set up as my secondary window and you if you have three monitors or like I said I have one turned in the operating system so turn physically and turn in the operating system so it's really just at all it's a landscape monitor on this side but makes it nice portrait monitor you could then I could say no no don't use the iMac use that portrait monitor as my second display so you get to control all of that in this new display tab as a matter of fact it won't really work well here because like I said I am only on I'm only streaming one of the monitors but here's where you would go enable that once you have set it up as to which one you would say show you'll go to the window menu secondary display and then you would just show it in whatever mode you want to show it in so I normally show it in loop view so whatever photo I have selected in the grid shows up on the second display nice and big in loop view and you can show it fullscreen or not so if I show this now it's just going to bring it up over here because of the way my streaming setup is set up but I would just this would normally be over here on the monitor you don't see nice and big so I can see that that loop view all right so I'm gonna go and turn it off because like I said we're only seen when display here but if I were on my regular tether and set up that second display would now have that nice it would have always had that nice loop view so I'm seeing the images in both places all right so more control over that and last but not least and this is kind of a cool one because people are especially new people are confused about this let's go to my page Arizona shots for example and one of the things that people will ask we're gonna do a whole section on this one of the whole episode on this and one of the upcoming classes but when people want to edit multiple photos at the same time that's one of Lightroom's great strengths is that you can select more than one photo and edit it but people are confused because it's not set up that way by default so there's just more the new feature is that auto sync is improved to let you know when you are editing more than one photo at a time so let me explain the process for those of you who are new let's say I want to edit this photo and this photo and this photo at the same time great I head over to the develop module and of course it's gonna bring up one at a time to develop but whatever I apply to this photo I want to apply to the other two that's why I select them all and you might be doing this on two photos you might be doing it on two hundred photos so you might be doing it on two thousand photos that's why this is really an important workflow but by default people don't know how to do that because it's not owned by default so if I were to do this with the default setup it would just edit the one that I have selected the other two would not get edited even though they're selected so it's already doing one of the new things it's highlighting over here in the bottom right auto sync is turned on auto sync is turned off so it's even glowing letting me know when it's on so this is the default we're just saying where a sync is the choice meaning that you have to manually do it if I turn that on now lights up on sinks on so now whatever you do is gonna happen to everything you've selected so if I for example go to my basic panel and I were to decrease the infos or watch what happens not only is it going to decrease the exposure in the one week we're looking at but watch what it pops up when I do this let go expose your updated for three images it's just a quick brief display to remind you that you've got multiple images selected and you're editing all three of them just in case you forgot because I've done that by mistake sometimes sometimes I had select awesome you know I had all my images selected I forgot oh this one image is too dark I brighten it or crop it and all 300 images got cropped no I didn't mean to do that so now it's reminding me hey you've got multiple women who selected hey you're on auto sync letting me know what those things are happen so those are the new things inside of Lightroom classic let's switch out those switch gears and talk about the other Lightroom Lightroom the newer Lightroom Lightroom again I'm gonna call it Lightroom cloud but it's just officially called Lightroom so I'm gonna switch over to that Lightroom or it's my friend Cathy refers to it rounded corner Lightroom versus the non rounded corner room so we've got a rounded corner Lightroom this is the newer one let me see what's new over here so one of the new things and this is and I'll point out if classic already does this or or doesn't so for example one of the new things is the feature that classic already has and that is when you do an export now one of the new formats you can export in if I choose export you could always export it as a JPEG of course you can always export as the original and a tiff now one of the new options is that you can export as DNG so you can export out a new even you guys want out a new raw file even though it might have originated as a JPEG and again I know that gets kind of confusing because DNG is really a container of whatever the information is whatever the is so often more often than not it means that it's a raw file and that's the way it started but dmg doesn't only refer to it's just drop out it means this is digital negative so what's the benefit of doing this when you export out or export out an image as a dmg and you go edit it or rien port it it's never changing the original just like any other raw file so that would be the that would be the advantage it's it's more of a non-destructive workflow okay one of those things that won't won't get a chance to show I'll just mention it is that now if you're on Android meaning you're using Lightroom on your Android device you can import presets and profiles from Google Drive so do you sync your presets and profiles over to Google Drive you fire up your Android device you will be able to import them on your mobile device from your Google Drive without having to do that on the desktop first all right next up of course both versions support new the newest cameras and newest lenses we always do updates for those alright some of the other enhancements so I'm going to now get into specific platform so now we're start off on the desktop so one of the new enhancements on the desktop and this is one that I love I have another folder here called space station and it's not really the space station but it looks like one I'm gonna drag space station over and now I get to drag it directly to an album that's the new feature is that before when you did your import you could only import to all photos you had a choice to choose an album but a lot of times I'd forget to do it and then have to move those images or copy those images into an album after the fact yeah so anyway I could I'm just reading a comment so yep same here so let's let's drag that in now when I do my report brings up the same import dialog box and it's already chosen that album to bring those photos into so now if I were to import those photos it would add them to the all photos like it always does but it would automatically put them in the album well I'm not going to do that just yet we're going to a whole other section on importing later but just to let you know that is a new feature drag-and-drop right into an album so that when it imports it goes right into the album problem solved and you can create the album first of course if just want an empty album to drag them into before you do the drag alright next up and this is kind of one that I'll have to find an example for let's do an HDR there we go so HDR high dynamic range is when you're going to select multiple exposures and combine them into one new exposure and usually you're doing at least three it could be as little as two it could be as many as as many it could be more than five or six or seven but usually you're doing at least two photos and I on average do three so I do a overexposed a underexposed and a come in the middle and that's just shooting bracketed on your camera so you just switch your camera your mirrorless your DSLR whatever your camera is not an iPhone to brush you brackets and you can specify how many brackets to take are only images to take in that bracket and how much exposure difference between them so I usually do three exposures with two stops in between each one alright so for example this hmm I'm just trying to side which one did it okay I think we did that one before way I'm done before in this class artists look at this one now before I would have right clicked I would have done I would have done photo merge I would have done HDR or control H and that would bring up this dialog box and the problem is it always brings up this dialog box no matter what and by the way this what I'm about to show you does exist already in classic and you would then make all your setting changes and then click merge and you get your new file so this is combining all three exposure so we get the we get the the detail in the stained glass windows we get the detail in the shadow areas of this church ceiling and we would click merge the new feature is I just got to get the keyboard shortcut right if I just do command shift HPC ctrl shift H [Music] this convention page I might have to do one first okay what it's designed to do is after you do one let me just go and do just go ahead and do it hu merge I cancelled out of it and that's why it's not let me do okay so I'm gonna go ahead and merge that all right now it's merging it and it will make the new file so what that will do going forward is I said okay I know what your settings are now I know what you like so if I select three more and I do command shift H it's not doing it it should actually do the merge without the dialog box and create your next image without you having to bring up a dialog box that's what the feature is but maybe I'm using the wrong T's ah either Anki written down it's ctrl shift H just like it is on classic the website is wrong it says command anyway so that will do it with the images selected that you don't get the dialog box you just end up with the HDR so ctrl shift H or ctrl H for HDR with the dialog box control shift H if you don't want to see the dialog box you just want to do it all right and they need to correct the website because it says command all right next up and this is kind of a cool one this does up both both of those keyboard shortcut combinations work now classic and Lightroom rounded corners and the next one is actually exclude to the Lightroom cloud ecosystem and that is in Lightroom you have the ability to share an album so you can I can say hey for this HDR album I want to share it with other people so I can either choose how I want this to work anyone can view it as long as they have the link or I can say invite only only the people's email addresses that I put in here will get the link or be able to look at it because they'll get an email and accept the link but what was added to this recently was the ability to to say that not only this person I'm inviting can view it but they can also add photos to it so wait hang on Lynn's asking the question about the HDR will this work in bridge HDR works in bridge because a CR has Camera Raw I'm just my hesitation is I don't think the keyboard shortcut would work in bridge you'd have to try it but yeah bridge has Camera Raw built into it which can do HDR just like you can do HDR in camera raw in Photoshop I just don't think it has to keyboard shortcut so you'd have to try that part of it but yeah you can do HDR bridge all right next up so the the sharing and album and now and like I said the can contribute is not new that was there not long ago I was there in the last couple updates but what is new in the can contribute is that now when you share this out to somebody and say hey we both shot the same wedding or the same anniversary party or though whatever you can import your phone you can add your photos to this album what's new about that is that they can and here I'll just show it's easier to show it so if I go to an album that has been shared with me let's go here for example Victoria share of this album with me so these are three images of Lisa and I can see Victoria's little little thumbnail there she shared with me so I know where these images came from and now I want to add my own images to her album this is her album not mine but I want to I have some images of Lisa that I want to add as well so I'm gonna go to my Lisa in the wrong spot let's go to Lisa there we go here's ones I took I want it had these three shots to it and have a little photo shop on there I'm gonna add these three and by the way you notice that I flagged that one as a pick a flag this one as a pick with five stars so forth and so on so if I select these three and I right-click and I choose add three photos to album I get to add them to an album either I can happen to my albums a different one or I can add them to ones that were shared with me that I am able to contribute to so she not only shared the Lisa Hound album with me but she also enabled my ability to contribute so if I were to choose that what's new is that prior to this update my keywords would not be included my star ratings would not be included my GPS coordinates would not be included now I have a choice to include those things so if I wanted her to have my keywords as well I wanted her to have my star ratings as well I wanted her to know where these photos were taken at my IMP if my camera had GPS enabled on it I can add all of those things or not your choice and now I've added I've contributed these three things to her album so if we go back to that album that was shared with me I don't know if it updates instantly or not let's go see there they are so yep she'll sin and she'll see where I'm seeing her little thumbnail she'll see my little thumbnail on the bottom of her and by the way let's say she shared this to five people we would each see each other's thumbnails so we know who contributed which photos the other thing that's new in this is that you now have the ability to export photos that were contributed by others before and you couldn't do that this you can export wait hold on you can export photos that have been contributed by others and shared out albums this can only be done if the album owner has provided download access to the contributor so there is a caveat if the if the person didn't turn on the ability to download the pictures then you can't but if they did which depend on the situation they will or they won't you would be able to export them out as well alright next up speaking of keywords let's go to back to mine back to keep scrolling the wrong thing there we go let's go back to mine and let's say I want to add a keyword to this photo I want to add the keyword puppy to it so if I go all the way down here to the bottom right of Lightroom cloud there's the keywords or I hit the letter K that I bring up the keyword window you can see that I've already added three keywords to this photo manually one of the new features and this is also in classic this also works the same way is that it has autocomplete because without autocomplete you could start typing and type too many peas or too many Y's or make a typo of some kind and now you got a new keyword that's wrong so when I start typing puppy it autocompletes it so that way I'm using a consistent keyword that I've used in the past so there won't be an air won't we have three different versions of a keyword because I mistyped it two other times and again classic works the same way alright next let's let's jump over to mobile and then we'll wrap this up I'm just making sure I'm not missing anything yep okay when pop pop over to mobile let me get my iPad over here this fire this up all right tell me now make it so you can see it all right there's my iPad and I'm just gonna hide the other stuff in the background for a minute never mind that that will hide other things I don't hide okay so I just show you the iPad here and on the iPad I've got I've got Lightroom in my Adobe folder of course I can just go and switch over to Lightroom and that's showing the albums that I have that last album I was on so what's new is that Lightroom on the iPad supports an iPad OS feature called split view so split views been part of iPad for a while now but the applications have to take advantage of it so for example if I bring up the dock and I say oh they're Safari I kind of want to look at some instructions or looking look at whatever website Wang working on this photo may be there I'm the one reading a tutorial on how to do something I kind of want to put them side-by-side so I don't have to keep switching back and forth now if I tap and hold on that app and bring that app up and I can even dock it to the side I get the split view kind of look there and I can then say yeah let's go into that website and now I'm looking at that website with Lightroom on the left side and Safari or whatever app supports split view on the right side doesn't have to be a web browser it could be anything I can also change the size ratio make Lightroom a little bigger or make the web browser a little bigger and just again support for split view is now new and if you get tired of looking at both windows side by side meaning I looked over and I saw what I need to see in the website I don't need to see the website anymore I can either just expand the window all the way out so that that browser goes away and now I'm back to looking at just my room all right and that's the new feature on iPad split view a couple of quick other things duplicate photos are identified faster doing import so it Commendatore - for it to figure out which him which images were already imported now it doesn't and experienced smoother import from photos on an SD card so if you're importing your photos from an SD card on Lightroom on your iPad or iOS device you will get that so on Android we already talked about one of the features and that was the Google Drive presets the other one is just on when you're looking at the learn content which is that the home screen at the upper left corner there when you're looking at the learn content and you anywhere during the process where you're watching that someone added a photo you can tap and hold to see the before now so that is a learn content feature that's it okay that's it that's that those are the features that are new in the February updates of Lightroom those are the main ones there's some other little enhancements but those are the main ones I want to cover today so I'm gonna quit out of this I'm gonna quit out of Lightroom cloud I'm gonna go back to Lightroom classic and we're gonna now continue the master class we're gonna pick up where we left off last week so this is that intermission point for those of you who came just to see what's new I'm done with that part now now we're gonna continue with the getting started with Lightroom part that I started on last Friday so you can always go back and watch that replay as well and if you want to stick around great if you drop off I understand that you came just to look at the new features all right I know they got caught up on the questions I haven't seen anything new dented to do other than hello thanks for doing to make masterclass and hello Mexico City all right cool hello that's a ellos and Lynn Smith you're welcome all right so what that's it continuing now with the master class on getting started with Lightroom classic so when I last left you in the last episode we were showing how to manage the photos where they are just on a hard drive so forth and so on and we were basically we were we left it with this we were in this particular catalog we had imported our family friends landscape portraits travel and work photos I'm looking at them on the left hand side there's a new photo I just import it in a new folder called huge freakin Photoshop files that photo when am I not able to click on that my Lightroom do something weird there hang on it usually means there's a window open somewhere oh wait I want to quit out of us I just relaunched that something I was acting the funky there I just make sure we can do this all right there we go and now so we're going to do exactly what I talked about before I want to manage this new photo this new photo really doesn't belong in this catalog because it's not my work but let's say it was my work and let's say that I want to now manage where this photo is because it's not in the right spot remember we made a folder called my photos and videos and it has all these things in it and now we have this random folder called huge freakin Photoshop files that I used in the demo earlier and it doesn't belong there it doesn't belong there it's not the right name it's it's it's a composite it's maybe it's client work whatever it is it needs to be in a better spot and it's now time to think about that how to manage that in Lightroom so if you do end up importing things from from the wrong place and you now want to fix the mess because oh no that's an that's not organized it's not in the right place I saw lots of people asking questions last week well what if I want to clean up my mess that I've already made can I do that in Lightroom or do I have to start over and the answer is yes and yes you don't have to start over you can and yes you can fix it in Lightroom it's just whichever one you think is easier so if it's a minor mess meaning it won't take you too long and just kind of rearrange things the way they should be then just rearrange the catalog you already have if it's a major mess lots of missing photos lots of things that are just wrong so forth and so on then you might want to start a new catalog and import the things that matter from the messed up catalog and then start from there so I'm gonna fix this mess right now so first and foremost maybe we need a new category because this is really not my photo it's a it's technically client work or contractor work so I'm gonna rename this folder first and foremost because huge freakin Photoshop files was just a name I gave it for a demo so I'm gonna right click on this folder I'm going to choose rename and instead of huge freakin Photoshop file I was going to call it client work alright so now it's got a better name cool still in the wrong spot and by the way if it were client work I really don't want just random photos in the client work folder I want the names of the clients in the client work folder so I need a subfolder I need a folder in client work for this particular artist so to do that I'm going to add subfolder so I'm on the folders area up here at the top and I'm going to click add subfolder which means it will add it for the folder that I've already have selected add subfolder and include the selected photo which is great her name is I'm bad with name spellings I think it's Isobel I'm just gonna go with that it's lamay I can't remember it's that or not but Isobel if you're watching I am screwing up your name I know I am I'll go fix it with the right name after the fact when I go look it up but it's something like that thing glad I know it starts with a while I just I don't remember the way she spells it but I'm gonna cook great because I can always change it so now if I twirl that down her image is in her folder with the bad spelling but we'll fix that you know when we know the right spelling and client work is still not in the right spot so now the only thing I have to do is move client work to my files and folders that's it I fixed everything in Lightroom everything is in the right spot I did not go to the finder it did not work behind Lightroom's back I did not cause a problem I just managed the operating system right here inside of Lightroom classic and that's what this whole folders tab is you are managing your operating system you're managing your file storage right here inside a library so now if I were to say show me this in the finder show me where this is in the operating system there it is along with all my other folders and it's in the right spot it's in my files and folders and if I were to twirl this down it will show me that that is the folder that I created if I were to twirl that down it shows me the PSB file that I created so it's showing me everything that I did inside of Lightroom without me having to come to the finder and do it or the Windows Explorer and do it and messing things up it's just easier to do it right there aligner okay so now that we I know I've drilled that into your heads and we fixed our issue there we can throw that up and now we're going to talk about how to import the right way so question someone's asking I'm always missing the start time one of these master classes they are what mine is that a a.m. 8:00 a.m. Pacific time 11:00 a.m. Eastern time you would need to do the time zone conversion for wherever you live so a TM Pacific time is the start time for my master class every Friday all right next up so let's talk about importing so now we got our catalogs situated we got everything organized now it's time to learn the proper way to do an import going forward so you don't mess up anymore because starting with a clean desk or empty drawers in your desk is great but then you just start opening drawers from now on and throwing things in them random willy nilly you're going to end up with a mess again so the right way or the best way is to learn the right way to import so that you don't say you maintain what you've been doing I saw where most of you will end up is with one of these it's a memory card I have a memory card with some images ready to go that I shot yesterday in a bit and what I'm going to do is Fred's asking me a technical question aren't you using Dropbox for your catalog absolutely we're going to get to a whole episode on that that's how I manage my Lightroom classic catalog so that I can open it up on multiple computers one at a time of course but that's what that's where I store it let's get it synced backed up so forth and so on all right but anyway back to this so this is where many of you will end up and this is where many of you have to make a decision as to how you want to do your import there's two ways to do this from one of these once you put that card in your card reader and it shows up in your computer well here if I got like room open I'm going to go ahead and push it in and in a second or two once it mounts Lightroom does this cool it flight one is already open it will say oh you just imported an insert a memory card you've got some images on it I'm ready to go to work and keep in mind where those images are right now they're on a physical piece of media they're on this physical piece of media called Nikon z6 and where do I need them to be I need them to be in that folder called my photos and bit you know wherever they belong in that folder maybe client work because this was actually a shoot for a partner but anyway now that I've got these photos ready to import from yesterday or yesterday evenings event I have to decide how to manage this dialog box so this is the first way the first way is this works from left middle right so notice the arrows are even pointing in the direction of this workflow it's left to right so on the left side of this window is where the images are coming from we already know where they're coming from they're coming from the memory card I just put in it's already selected it's already showing me the images that part's taken care of done the middle part is the how how do you want to import these images so the left part is the from the middle part is the how the third of the right part is going to be where so the middle part is how you have two choices when you're working with removable media a memory card or a camera you plugged in copy or copy is DNG now that we could spend a whole episode just on D and G but we're gonna I'm just gonna give you this in a nutshell for now because we're gonna have a few minutes left in this class copy is d ng is my default choice that's the one I use and what that means is that it will take the raw files that are proprietary like being my shoe with an icon so mine are dot any F files be shot with a cannon they might be dot C or two files if you shot with a Sony they might be dot a something but I don't remember they might be whatever files or whatever format your camera manufacturer puts them in so DN g is is Adobe's proposed non-proprietary standard that anyone can adopt and use either internally in their cameras or the software so here's what here's some food for thought JPG has been around for many years and the one thing you never hear he never heard a headline saying what if JPEG goes out of business because there's no such thing there's no JPEG company it's a file format joint photographic experts group is what it means but it's a file format it's a standard and companies will come and go cameras will come and go things will come and go thanks for the spelling by the way and JPEG will be around because it's a standard anyone can write to it all camera manufacturers write to it all software can read it all OSS can read it it's a standard but if a camera manufacturer goes away and most likely then the support for that format would go away then you might be stuck with images one day you can't open and that's what DNG does for RAW files just like JPEG does for non RAW files so just in a nutshell I convert my images upon import from whatever format they're in from the camera to D&G so I know I'll always be able to open them even if Adobe went out of business dmg would still be around if Nikon went out of business DNG would still be around canon went out of business dmg would still be around so that's my my bit on that if you don't care about that just do copy that way of copying the actual Nef files or whatever your camera is directly so first and foremost copy next up if you've already imported from this card it will default to new meaning just show me the ones I haven't imported or you could say show me all images even if I have imported somebody from this carbon ah so new is there going to be the best choice then of course it's gonna let you choose which ones you want to import so if you saw one that was a mistake on a focus bad underexposed you were walking it was a picture of the ground you just didn't want an image no sense wasting time importing it so I can just uncheck the box of the ones I said nope I already know that's a bad one don't even waste my time bringing it in alright so this is the whole section of letting me see them you can look at an image bigger so if you say oh I can't tell if that one's in focus or not oh yeah it is it's crooked it needs to work but it's in focus I'll use it so you can look at it look at them in loupe view you can uncheck all the photos and then just check specific ones because maybe you only need a couple right now you can check all you can so this is the witch witch once in how now the question is where to put them where do you want them on whatever Drive you want to put them on so I want them on my hard drive but I want them in the same folder that the other images are going to be in so let's let's get to that first I'm gonna go to my hard disk I'm gonna go to I can't remember where that folder is actually I think it's in my demo files it's my life in class I just want to make sure I know where it is yeah okay so it's it's there so I'm gonna go into users sorry white yep I'm going to my again let me just see what it is it's awesome Dropbox okay it'll go to Dropbox gonna go to demo files gonna go to this is a one-time thing by the way because it'll remember it from now on I'm gonna go to Lightroom classic or no CC demo files and then Lightroom classic and then my photos and my photos and videos and inside a client work and inside a client work I can then say you know put them in it use about one a folder that I need to fix the spelling on or make a new folder insert into a subfolder that I will create right now and I'm going to create that folder and call it ok we'll just call it last night last or now let's go let's give it a real client name let's call it instacart all right so that's the that's the client name that's where it's gonna go all right now we we kind of told it where but we skip some of this stuff up here so let's go back up here we're where we need to choose some things so first and foremost there is the preview tax and I don't have a couple minutes left so let's do this the preview tax is something you're going to pay it just depends on when you want to pay it you're gonna pay this it's a matter of when not if meaning do I want to build big previews now so that when I click on an image is loads instantly fullscreen or maybe I won't click on an image all the images so why build them upfront so I usually do minimum minimal upfront or you could go all the way to 1:1 upfront so I do minimum and minimal and then that way it'll build them upon clicking on the image so it might be at a slight delay the first time you click on each image to go in the loupe view but it will save me the time upon import build smart previews I always do this because this will let me work on these images even if the if I take the laptop away and the images are stored on my hard drives at home I'll still have the smart previews to work on of course don't bring in duplicates you get it one time make a copy make a backup copy this one time just in case you want to make a copy of the car I usually don't do that but a lot of people do it's a one-time copy and then last but not least you could add them to a collection and actually that's not last but not least last but not least is your metadata preset so I created one called Terry white photography ATL and a metadata preset is just this it is your info so it's or maybe I didn't create this one hang on switch - oh that's why I suppose on custom area it's who you are your copyright your photography email address your your email address your photography website so forth and so on so all of the stuff about you would go in there and get embedded into the copyright info or the metadata of each of the photos that you import all right so now that I'm ready to do all of that I just click import and it will begin the importing so it made my new album or collection it's importing them copying them from the card once they're done copied it will convert them into DNG and stick them all in that album so that's imported into classic that's how it works now they're done importing the cards been injected now these operations happening in the background are whatever things I asked it to do in that dialogue box so I asked it to convert or - I'm sorry to convert to D and G and to make smart previews those are the two operations happening in the background now when I say in the background that means I can continue working right now with the images that have come in because it will just keep doing that work behind the scenes and that's why these are just letting you know something's going on but it's not stopping you from working all right and unfortunately we're out of time that's all we're gonna get a chance to do today and it was have a lot but hopefully you got something out of it and we'll pick up where we left off right now because we've got some images we need to edit when you talk about exporting I mean talk about how to import into our cloud all of the above on the next episode so with that said I want to thank you guys for watching today and again hopefully you got something out of working with Lightroom classic this is the one I use all the time if you like Lightroom cloud that's a great one too we'll be talking about more on that a little bit later so with that said hopefully I got everything covered that you guys wanted to see today I know there's always more but I think you guys got something out of this I'm looking at the comments here happy Valentine's Day to you as well and thanks mark heaps for being in and bye everybody have a good one gotta go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Adobe Creative Cloud
Views: 23,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, tutorial, Lightroom, Terry White, Photography, Lightroom Classic, Image Editing, Image Manipulation, Getting Started, Creative Cloud, Adobe, photo management, library, catalog, Photoshop, Adobe Camera Raw, raw editing, importing
Id: bdH6i0wNBtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 43sec (3583 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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