Photo appears to show Trump rally gunman on top of building

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let's go to Aaron kki now our our senior investigative correspondent because Aaron I understand there was some there was a photo a potential photo of the shooter um do we have that yet or is there confirmation that it is in fact the shooter well the the photo is from Getty Images and law enforcement sources who have seen it tell ABC news that it does appear to be the shooter so they are taking a look at this image again from Getty Images uh and they are uh under the the working suspicion that this is in fact uh going to be the the the shooter now as Pierre notes they still have not shared a specific identity they undoubtedly have a name that they're they're working with scouring uh his background talking to uh any known acquaintances or I don't mean to interrupt you I just want to make clear to our viewers because as you started speaking there was a different photograph but the photograph right now that is on the screen is the photograph that you were talking about about um and once again Aon if you can just describe what law enforcement sources are saying about this particular picture yeah the the the the image comes from from Getty Images uh and and and it's being scrutinized by by law enforcement officials now but their working suspicion is that this appears to be uh the the the shooter they have not released an identity so they they don't know for sure but that is a working belief now of of law en enforcement officials uh that this image from Getty Images does in fact uh capture the person who uh may have tried to assassinate former president Trump at his rally earlier this evening in Pennsylvania Aon kki thank you we're going to leave the picture up on the screen and and go back to Pier Thomas because Pier I know I KN you've been talking to your law enforcement sources this gives us a clear picture of of what we're dealing with again we were hearing over the court through your reporting and others that the shooter was honor Rooftop in a perched location 200 to 300 yard away from the venue from the president um what does this tell us um from your sources in terms of how this event played out and what this individual was able to do well what I can tell you for a fact that image that we have up on the screen right now is being circulated by law enforcement they have that image from Getty they are circulating it the operating assumption is that it was likely the shooter this information this image is being passed around through uh various law enforcement agencies uh for their evaluation that image that we are looking at is an image that law enforcement has they have control of the image they are using the image uh to to study it closely obviously and and build from there the other thing I can tell you is that this investigation now is of the highest priority FBI director directly involved uh in this case and because from this particular shooting incident it affects the entire threat environment which we already said earlier with was extremely elevated people have been warning for weeks and months that the rhetoric in this country had produced a spike in political threats that no one can remember seeing in recent memory period full stop the AG very concerned about it from my reporting the FBI director speaking over and over about his concerns about this particular moment so right now law enforcement across the country we have statement from uh the police here in Washington DC a source just reached out saying that they will Elevate Security in Washington based on what took place as well so this is again a moment where law enforcement is re-evaluating everything with
Channel: ABC7
Views: 4,907
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Id: UZZ1Rfx-gms
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Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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