Trump rally eyewitness saw spectator 'hit in the head’ by gunfire

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Rachel Scott is back with us now Rachel you've been here since the beginning tonight we were talking to each other during World News as the rally was just getting underway and you've been getting these horrific stories from Witnesses and you're with another one tonight yeah yeah we're with another uh group of witnesses that saw what happened I will tell you hours ago this area right here was filled with Trump supporters eager waiting to go inside of that rally right now tonight this is an area where Trump supporters are gathering they're left with shock about what happened tell me what you saw inside yeah I was just about like 30 ft from Trump and then I saw the people that have been shot and they were bringing them down the stands right above me and I just didn't want to get down I just kept standing but I saw yeah I saw the man that was hitting ahead and he there was a lot of blood and I knew there was no way he was going to survive that and then there were two of them that they brought down but it was like real chaos and chaotic but I didn't get down and so it was very inter we were just right right there you know about what was going through your mind as you saw that person with tons of blood on them yeah at first I was thinking I thought different thoughts like maybe this was the shooter and then he committed suicide or maybe someone shot him that's what my first thoughts were I didn't think about just like someone that was in the stands yeah that's what I thought and now knowing that this is someone that was in the stands how are you processing this no I think we're all in shock yeah we're in numb that this happened I say when I heard this going on I thought it was a firecracker just like with Kennedy people thought was a firecracker and I looked we were 20 yards away from Trump and then we were 20 uh yards U away from where I thought it was a firecrack but then now I'm thinking maybe those were bullets that were going over our headit and then they were saying get down get down get was I just wasn't processing took me like 2 minutes and I finally hit the deck but I think it's just like you're in shock and uh I don't how did the guy get the gun in there how did he get the gun well let me ask you this because is this your first Trump rally no no so we I've been I've covered a number of trump rallies they've been to almost every single Trump rally this cycle you've been to a number as well you're fully aware of the security precautions Trump supporters as they're making their way in they have to go through magnetometers your bags are searched your pockets search as well and so any area where you're around the former president there is a sense of safety and so to have this occur what was going through your mind as you heard gunfire get down get down I think first I was in shock but I do think I kind of I'm drawn to some of this kind of I tried out for the Secret Service I passed everything but then they said take your glasses off that was the end of it so my whole life would have been changed but I couldn't see but I guess I'd like to be where the action is in some way so but I mean not not this you know obviously this is just horrible just horrifying but Trump survive that's that's good it would have been horrible news at worst news if he had been killed so that's good you know at least had that but yeah we're we're all in shock and it's really something I I just got done saying every generation thinks well we're past that we're not going to have any more assassination attempts and then you have something else and maybe that's really hard to stop I thought it was firecrackers yeah you thought it was firecrackers yeah I mean so many people did what initially when that first happened there was a lot of confusion for everyone that was inside of that Fairground near we heard the pop pop pop pop pop sounds we heard shouts of gunfire but we did not know for sure we were just all told to get down and then from my understanding it was also law enforcement that told you all to just stay down even though the former president was already escorted to make sure that they had theit under control they kept saying stay down stay down but then curiosity overc came after about 5 minutes they start up and there were like six or seven men with AR-15s or whatever they you know were they AK-47s or AR-15s and they were just like Hawks they were looking around staring at everybody and their guns ready and one guy looked kind of nervous I mean it was just I was just ke kept thinking we're going to be a part of History here you know so but it's just bad when I got it was shot because I there was so much blood and things I he was right above me so I thought oh there's no way he survive that but yeah what a day a hard thing to witness and I so appreciate you all taking the time to speak with me and I'm glad that all of you are safe please get home safe again with just the sense of disbelief trying to process replaying those events over and over in your head that's what everyone here that were that was inside of that Trump rally is still having to contend with as they process the moments that happened those frantic and chaotic moments of what they witnessed inside with yeah and I can't help would think there's going to be a lot of trauma after this event for for all of those Witnesses who are there watch this unfold before their very eyes um and also knowing that you know one of their one of their fellow supporters somebody who was just there part of the rally uh at least one person lost their life today
Channel: ABC News
Views: 888,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Butler, Donald, Pennsylvania, Trump, p_cmsid=2494279, p_vid=news-111919147, rally, shooter, shooting
Id: bX2T-FfBkhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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