From 'sad' To 'crazy': People In Los Angeles Shocked By Trump Shooting | News9

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[Music] I first of all I F like did he survive you know because I just had he got shot so um yeah like yeah like no no words for this actually like I was I was in total stare and then I was watching the video where he was holding his ear you know and then like all the security guards got on him like crazy like really like I'm getting Goosebumps right now when I think about this like for real what did I think um I was really surprised um shocked um didn't like it you know I'm not really a big fan of Donald Trump but still I don't like the fact that you know our ex president was shot it's something that didn't happen after Clinton at least I don't think so but now that it's happening again I think it just proves that there's so much divide in this country and that people really think that Trump is just I personally don't think he's adequate to be our president he's very vile very divisive and he's just I think that he's just dividing this country it's it's unhuman I don't I I don't care if you hate Trump you hate Biden you hate what you just Ste human beings you still people it's very unhuman I could not believe it I could not believe that that actually happened here in America it's it's ridiculous it's really ridiculous and it's sad it's pretty shocking the world we live in it's like we've gone back to the 1960s uh I remember as a kid playing on a playground when jnov Kennedy was shot maybe I was five or six um you would hope that the world has progressed to the point that we respect other people uh and obviously we're you know what 60 years later and we're in the same position we were in the 1960s very contentious the consequences are it could go either way they say he's okay which is a good thing um so this could also spur up a little more momentum momentum should I say for you know his campaign because he says he's going to come back even stronger he says he's not going to slow anything down he's going to ramp everything up so that could you know embolden you know his uh supporters I don't know I I feel like whoever attempted um to take his life I feel like it's just putting more attention on him um I don't know if it's going to increase his poll numbers or not but I don't know I just kind of feel like it was something planned to be honest with you it's making Trump more popular than anything he's a felon he um tried to get assassinated so it's making them more popular every time when they do something to him it backfires all the time it never fails it's making him more popular for
Channel: NEWS9 Live
Views: 13,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trump rally shooting, trump rally, trump shooting, trump, donald trump, trump shot, trump rally shots fired, shots fired trump rally, shooting, trump rally pa shooting, donald trump shot, trump pa shooting, donald trump pa shooting, trump rally shooter, shooter at trump rally, trump shooter, shooting trump, trump rally location, donald trump shooting, donald trump rally, trump shooting staged, trump shooting suspect, trump news, donald trump rally video
Id: rarm2ztNYsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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