BREAKING: Footage appears to show rifle and body on roof after Trump shot

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if these pictures are what they appear to be if that is a shooter deceased on top of that building 150 M away from the the rally venue if that is uh the shooter who discharged uh the bullets um that that led to the incident inside that rally venue there will be questions asked about where the Secret Service security perimeter ended if this building was outside that secret that secret service perimeter and if it was outside why was it outside just to reflect again that press statement from the United States Secret Service they say that at approximately 6:15 p.m. a suspected shooter fired multiple shots toward the stage from an elevated position outside of the rally venue Us Secret Service Personnel neutralized the shooter who is now deceased Us Secret Service quickly responded with protective measures and the former president is safe and being evaluated one spectator was killed two Spectators were critically injured this incident is currently under investigation and the Secret Service has formally notified the federal uh Bureau of Investigation also just getting a statement now from the secretary uh of Homeland Security who says that the US Secret Service uh director cheel and I have briefed President Biden on today's shooting in Pennsylvania uh this statement goes on to say that the Secret Service are working with law enforcement Partners to respond to and investigate the shooting we condemn this violence in the strongest possible terms and commend the Secret Service for their Swift action today but these are quite stunning pictures now that we're seeing these uh helicopter pictures above uh a building in butzler County pencil still unconfirmed as as of yet to what they show but they do apparently show a man or a person deceased a top that building possibly the elevated position from where those shots were fired inside uh to the inside of that rally perimeter where Donald Trump was holding um holding that rally so potentially very significant uh indeed if these pictures do show what what we think they may
Channel: Sky News
Views: 394,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5ZSqZ-L7KtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2024
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