Gino Makes Holly Laugh In The Kitchen | This Morning

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it's been a long wait but gino's back and today it's a family favorite that he's making risotto risotto okay this is seriously a forgotten recipe it's a nobody does risotto with tomato sauce you're eating now because when you think about a risotto you think about something that is clear in color where you can see all the spinach the reason why the risotto with tomato sauce is to use leftover tomato sauce from the day before so my mother or my grandmother they used to do in the old days these two big batches of rice right this is this is absolutely stunning how can a recipe like this die out i don't understand i don't understand you know i tried to put this in the on the restaurant menu for example i can tell you that you sell all the other risotto as soon as you think risotto with tomato sauce people they're not comfortable with it because they don't know so this is what i wanted to bring recipes like this back how simple you really have an onion here that is gently frying to olive oil then we got chicken you can use chicken breast chicken thai you could use pieces of pork or pieces of veal or peas whatever really meat will do and funnily enough tasting this having taste the pressure cooker risotto i can absolutely taste no way means you can because it's that crunch slight al dente under your teeth when you bite into it and it's it's different but that is the experience of the risotto as i was saying it's the same experience when i eat fish and chips the crispiness of the butter with with the shapes yeah you know you can't take that one away we can kind of make it healthy yes but we can call it yeah yeah that was my point before but um okay risotto so we got the red onion gently frying and then now is the most important thing the toasting of the rice why it's important to send rice because then it makes the grain separates and it keeps the al dente bites when you do it okay very important see what i'm doing i'm actually it's like frying the rice into the oil once we've done the toasting of the rice goes in the chicken see the thing we resort and many people say yeah but you need to be there stirring for 18 minutes 15 minutes yes you need to serve it's not like you need to be here all the time you can do i love making a risotto purely for that so i can't move i pull myself a glass of wine i sit down it's like a meditation bravo plus i want to say to everybody at home now what you got to do in your life that you cannot spend 17 minutes to make yourself such a beautiful result your life is that busy that you can't spend 17 minutes here mind you if you've got young kids you can guarantee in those 17 minutes that's when they're gonna want your attention yeah yeah okay so then why don't we bring the children not too close to the pan next to the kitchen have a nice conversation how you done with your day look what mommy or dad is doing i'm gonna put the rice in there gino said that that get them involved we're gonna sort it out two things number one you're gonna get a fantastic recipe number two they're gonna know who gino is so i'll go more forward communicate with your kids better starting with the okay now we frying in olive oil yeah okay onions the chicken and the rice ora piano piano which she means slowly slowly one ladle at a time okay we put it in there but this is when now it comes with the pressure cooker we need to add alcohol okay are we adding the alcohol before the sock or after after before sorry after or before piano piano no don't just random same word easy after or before i'd say add it after before no you said after philip please explain why we are the after it's before why we do it before i have not a clue because in wine like any other out there is alcohol if i leave the alcohol into the wine into the pan it's going to be bitter yeah so that's the way you do it you put your alcohol first you put any other liquor into the resort okay and you let it bubble it away when you let it bubble the bubble of what's happening the alcohol goes away the flavor of the wine stays into the pan okay and that's why you do always before so you do that for about a minute what's going to happen you see you can smell in the house all the wine that's what exactly what happened once you've done that now piano piano one ladle at a time it goes in okay if we put too much stock at the beginning then it becomes boiled rice the only thing that you need to be careful at home is as the rice absorbs the stock you add a little bit more yes you can ask me a question i'm just asking you a question now you've got an earpiece in no no you don't know how long you've got no i'm just like listen at one point when you said i've got one ready there like one and a half minutes you go one and a half in once you've done all these shenanigans uh i you then put the passata in it's best oh it gives you tomato you could use chopped tomato you can use the one the sauce tomato sauce that you prepared yes it doesn't really matter once you've done all that slowly slowly cooks and then you are left with yes once it's cooked very simply you go the one with tomato sauce like this one how do we finish this off we always finish a risotto with uh cheese mm-hmm okay which one have you got in here because i love it i'm using pecorino the sardinian pepper cheese and butter what's happening when we put the cheese and butter into the rice and you start to stir this is called mantecatura mante catura wordamante caturadas it makes the sauce creamier and silky and it's okay so so you don't add any cream you don't have the only thing you have to do is to keep stirring keep stirring everything melts everything becomes creamy 30 seconds i just want to say this 30 seconds make the risotto at home it's very easy it's not expensive if you go left over put it in the fridge a couple of days after you can make the little rice bowl with breadcrumbs yeah put it in the oven this is absolutely delicious um thank you thank you for inviting me back we'll have you back whenever you like thank you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 529,457
Rating: 4.9064364 out of 5
Keywords: this morning, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, this morning funniest, Holly & Phillip funny
Id: N34m6uutC2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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