Hebrews ~ 1:1 to 2:4

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word new book today book of Hebrews you know the Israelites would always call each other Israelites but when when they crossed the Euphrates River then the Canaanites and many others called them ever which from this comes Hebrew which means those that cross the river and the first report of it you'll find in Genesis 14 13 where it was Abram later than his name to be changed to Abraham who would be called the Hebrew which means simply the one that crossed your phrase River this is this is interesting to a scholar in more ways than one a sort of an oddity because so much attention is drawn to that Euphrates even back to there and yet in prophecy in the in the book of Revelation you are told the word is used Kadhim which means you you don't just look east you go to the refrain teeth and look east from there and you'll see your enemy you'll see the trouble that was for the end days and name that's exactly as it is today so that's that's how we we come here to what about the author the author of course is Almighty God he's the author of every book in the in the Holy Word of God but who did he use for this he used Paul there's there's no doubt about that as a matter of fact Peter ends in 2nd Peter chapter 3 and you will find there in about verse 15 that Paul wrote a letter to this people the Hebrews and if this isn't yet where is it because it is the letter from Paul Paul Paul many people said well it's not quite his style oh yes it is you would show your ignorance if you didn't recognize it because his main language was Hebrew in other words he studied at the feet of gammy and he could speak more languages that is to say than anyone he could speak Roman because his father was a Roman he could speak Greek but it was colloquial Greek or you might even say street Greek and this is how you recognized Paul's teaching but he was educated in this language so that makes it a little bit different but a person that is understands the manuscripts has no problem with it whatsoever so naturally Peter in second Peter chapter 3 15 gives us the credentials of Paul and if you if you don't recognize Paul and you better throw Peter out also because he was giving him credentials so having said that chapter 1 verse 1 the book of Hebrews lets go with it God who at sundry times many different times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the father's by the prophets all the way back to the very beginning even in Adam - Adam he would speak at different times bringing a message always a prophecy verse 2 hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the world's now this word world is not cosmos or ear its meaning soil or or a geographical location it's a on its times in other words he put him over all times that means the first Earth Age this one and the one to come God is the same yesterday he is today and he will be forever so here we have this beautiful truth of the power and the all all encircling of God's wishes that if you believe upon this Sun then naturally you're going to believe God because God sitting in he would say in Isaiah 7 verse 14 a virgin will conceive will bear a male child you will call him Immanuel being interpreted what does it mean God with us so he was God with us if you've seen him you've seen the father verse 3 who being in who who being the brightness of his glory that's the Shekinah glory and the Express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power when he had but when he had by himself purged out sins sit down sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high do you know what he's quoting here and it's important we're gonna go there it Psalms 110 and and you need to absorb it this is why he was quoting it Psalms 110 this into the authority that comes forth from this Psalms 110 and it reads you'll have it on the screen the Lord said unto my lord sit thou at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool but that promise is going to stand our enemies will be made his footstool they're going to get everything they coming to them and then son first to the Lord shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion rule thou in the midst of nine enemies you take charge and he shall three thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power in the beauties of holiness from the womb of the morning thou has to do of thy youth in other words that freshness that control is always there with him verse 4 the Lord has sworn and will not repent I mean you can you can nail it you can count on it God's not going to change his mind thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek now to understand this you must know what the word milk of the deck means in whatever language you so choose to pick milk is king so deck is the just righteousness or our God the Lex whichever you want making him king of kings and Lord of lords that high priest forever and yet at the same time King verse 5 the Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath he our fathers not happy and that day of wrath is coming and it's not that far off verse 6 he shall judge among the heathen he shall fill the places with the dead bodies he shall wound the heads over many countries and he's going to break the leaders break them back they will they will be brought to to toe and brought under control on the Lord's Day we will take over on the Lord's Day that is to say Christ shall and we're his servants verse 7 to complete the chapter he shall drink of the brook in the way therefore shall lift the head so the nephew Liam the the fallen ones he's going to do away with them those are the first seven thousand you'll read of in Revelation chapter 11 that died instantly at his return and so it is so returning men to first the first chapter of Peter of a brother of Hebrews let's pick it up with verse 4 hebrews chapter 1 verse 4 and it reads being made so much better than the Angels as he hath my inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they what his son of God the only begotten he that was promised when God would say at Sandra's times meaning in the beginning let us create man in our don't overlook the word our image in other words God included himself and his image carries forth almighty God's image through this son and for this reason much better than the Angels wife it was God with us verse 5 and in to which of the Angels said he at any time thou art my son this day have I begotten thee and again I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son now I can't resist it you know especially in the trouble times we have today of how the heathen rage you cannot help but go back to Psalms 2 that's what he's quoting from and and when Almighty God quotes from a book then it does you well to go there and check it out so Psalms 2 and it reads we're going to take the entire chapter and it will say when we get there very important that you recognize the time and why God would quote that from this songs especially in this generation here we're we're in the closing times of the end times listen to it carefully Psalms 2 verse 1 why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing white wonder they blow themselves up why do they do these strange things first to the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying know they that in every way they go against God the very foundation of home life itself questioned though God made it so very clear as to how it should be trying to take God's very name away from the little children and then wonder why the children are so controlled how that they do as they do why because because God has been removed from their vocabulary verse 3 let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us get rid of them those that will not convert verse 4 he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh the Lord shall have them in derision and he shall they will not have a prayer of a chance that is to say those that go against him all that are with him and for him I don't care of what tribe what people what language then you are guaranteed his protection but if you go the other way and act as the heathen the infidel then God help you because you're going to need it verse 5 then shall he speaking to them in his wrath and vex them in his sore displeasure verse 6 yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion who is that King king of kings and Lord of lords there's just one verse 7 I shall declare the decree the Lord has said unto me and this is why we came here this is where he's quoting this in that first chapter of Hebrews thou art my son this day have I begotten thee and there that scripture is fulfilled and why we're here let the heathen rage we have the son first they ask of me and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession you take it over what it is God has promised it and so it is verse 9 thou shalt break them with a rod of iron and that's what Christ is coming back with not as the babe to be crucified but as king of kings and Lord of lords and he rules with a rod of iron thou shalt dash them in pieces like a Potter's vessel verse 10 be wise now therefore o ye kings be instructed you judges of the earth wise up notice where the power comes from who issues it it's from our Father and the son 11 served the Lord with fear that's reverence and rejoice with trembling you can be happy in it you can rejoice having it in your way twelve kiss the son lest he be angry then you perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a little blessed are all they that put their trust in young and where is your trust your trust had better be in him not the heathen of the world you know we've had so many experiences such as Bangladesh where we had heathen raging and nothing was done about it but that time is coming when somebody's going to do something about it how precious it is it is written and it shall come to pass as it is written so we returned then to the sixth verse chapter one the great book of Hebrews and let's go with it and again when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world he saith and that all the angels of God worship Him well he men you well God with us why wouldn't they verse 7 and of the Angels he saith who maketh his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire and he's quoting here I'm not going to go there but it might make a good home assignment for you it sums 104 who are those ministers our fire God is a consuming fire so naturally it is those that minister the truth in these troubled times that that ministry that flaming fire has the blessings of God it always will have those blessings of God it will nothing can stop it for that day is approaching and God says what he means and he means what he says and those ministers of fire as and as well it's well written in Psalms 104 home-study for you verse 8 but unto the son he saith thy throne O God notice what he calls him thy throne O God is for ever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom everything in it is right what he does his decisions are right that's why you can love him so much that's why that you can see that Shekinah glory shine from him because he always does what's right he wronged no one but he does see that everybody gets everything they got coming to them sometimes that makes people think he's there being picked on you earn it you receive it you're gonna get everything you got coming to you if you have been loyal and a loving servant of Almighty God you got blessings if you fall in the other camp you got trouble and boy are you gonna get it you can guarantee that God will keep his word that's why he is right and righteous and you might say well wouldn't he let them slip through you trying to bribe him do you know what kind of a sinner bribe is try to bribe the judge he is the judge so repentance can cover a lot of sins when you're sincere and it's never too late verse 9 thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity you hate sin therefore God even thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows you know this is something that many Christians overlook there's the anointing of the oil of our people well what is that oil that's it's olive what is the olive tree when you pronounce it L yeah that's God's title and his sacred name in that oil that is so healthy it is it is not the oil that performs miracles it is your obedience to obey God and use it in praying for the sick your home or whatever the case may be and anoint it you know you might say well I didn't know Christians were supposed to know then you show your ignorance because Christ means The Anointed One and the etymology of his name even comes from as rubbing with anointing with oil so it's very very important and should never never be overlooked verse 10 and thou Lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the works of thine hands not some Big Bang Theory and don't you ever listen to one of these quacks that would have you believe that while it was evolution caused all this to be and do you know something you want you want to hear some my opinion of evolution and it should be yours because if evolution were a fact you would have to be an ending in other words if we all came from me buzzers they would have you believed you would have to still have that process in motion today of moebus turning into this and this turning into that and then they would stand on their feet you would have all of these various translations transformations of growth and evolution but if you know something you can dig into a bank out here and pick an old shell what it was thousands of years ago was still there pic alive when today looks exactly the same why because that's the way God created it so don't ever let anyone pass evolution is building something 50 feet off the ground it's going to crash okay God created what he would have and it is his to control and his to do with as he so chooses but know that of a fact and understand that and if you want God's blessings you will always follow that verse 11 to continue in verse 11 reads they shall perish but thou remain us and they all shall wax old as death the Garmon they're not gonna be around but you're going to have eternal life and do you know something that word Eon that we we read in in verse 2 it has nothing to do with your spiritual body you do not when you overcome and inherit eternal life then certainly your garment doesn't get old by that I mean your body is maintained for your soul and spirit eternally verse 12 and as a Vestas shalt thou fold them up and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall not fail why because you have eternal life those that don't have it they're out of here and you might say well that's kind of sad no it isn't if somebody's going to be trouble and if somebody isn't intelligent enough to see the very graciousness of God his righteousness and in loving him and following him what it brings you in the inheriting eternal life if you're a troublemaker you're not going to be in heaven because we're not going to have any trouble there well how does God eliminate it then he eliminates the troublemakers they go in to that they're blotted out they don't exist but you have that beautiful eternal body that never grows old and never has illness but has eternal life with Almighty God verse 13 but to which of the Angels said he at any time sit on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool and again he's quoting that Psalms 110 again that's why it's so important he didn't we know one that tried to take that seat and you can read of it in Ezekiel 28 verses 18 and 19 there was Tyrus which is to say the false rock which is to say none other than Satan himself he wanted to take that he wanted to take that seat but it was denied and he will never even get close but the Messiah connotation being Messiah shall sit there it is his throne and it is his throne forever verse 14 to complete the chapter or they not ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation and of course that's it that is as it is the very word of God what is ministering spirits that is to say when you receive the truth you can't help ministering it that means to pass it on that means to share it there is no way that anyone can prevent you if you're an heir of that salvation and and someone asked you're going to minister that eternal life you're going to tell them how they can acquire it where it comes from comes from our Father himself it's his promise and he always keeps his word his word is solid his word is secure his word is not as the word of men you can count on it you will find no flaw in it when you look properly it is complete within itself it is man that has flaws and those you have to correct in in your very life itself chapter 2 verse 1 let's go a few verses here therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip in other words you need to pay strict attention to the Word of God as you covered it as you've read it you can't remember the whole thing of course but at least don't let it slip the main part you can remember it's in blue into your mind the the presence of the very Holy Spirit and the gift of God was just to say you turn life you cannot let that slip away verse 2 for if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward if they get fair payment verse 3 how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and was confirmed unto us by then that heard him in other words it was ministered it was passed on don't ever let it slip its steadfast it's solid is something you can really base your life upon and and have a little sanity about you in a very troubled mixed-up world you can have that solidity of spirit knowing God touches you God leads you and God directs you and brings you to the very throne of God God ultimately how precious it is to be a servant of his and to pass that good news on Oh what was that good news at the eternal life salvation that means saved from this mixed-up hedonistic world into the beautiful life eternally chosen by God himself as a blessing and a fair gift to those that do what is right that gift is yours it's there for the taking let him know that you love him that's what pays the dividends next verse for God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and with diverse miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit according to his own will God's will is something you want to be sure and follow when you pray for something pray God if it be your will what if he loves you and you're in good standing he's not going to give you something that can bring hurt on you or your family that's why you always want to pray in his will many men think that shows the sign of weakness it does that it's strength to know that you love enough that if he doesn't want you to have it you don't want it regardless of what your desires may be because you want to be an able servant you want to be a loving child of the Living God one that he he can be so very happy with because he created you to bring himself pleasure you might say well would you document that the last verse of chapter 4 the great book of Revelation all things were created for his pleasure you give him no pleasure and you're in a heap of hurt that is what serving him is it's really about but most of all is receiving his love and understanding and blessings whereby that you are well taken care of by the hand of the Living God all right bless your hearts don't miss the next lecture listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett arkansas seven two seven three six don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again must have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from put powder we go throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular denomination Reverend or organization why we're having judged people we have a judge that's our Father he doesn't need your competition you know he he feels he's quite capable of taking care of that himself but you do have the right for spiritual discernment to know right from wrong so always hang in with that those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again always a pleasure no I've got a prayer request you don't need that number you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking right now let him know that you love him that's what he wants most from you it's written in Hosea 6:6 I don't want your burnt offerings I want your grace that's your mercy your love did you do that and you receive His blessings father around the globe we come West that you lead guy direct father in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen ok and question time we're going to go with James from Indiana was or is Jesus Jewish no he is of the tribe of Judah half and of the tribe of Levi half well why would he be that way and how can you document it well Mary's cousin Elizabeth was a full-blood Levite married to a Levite priest meaning Mary's mother that enabled her to be a cousin of Elizabeth herself was a Levite but her husband he'll as you'll read in Luke three was of the tribe of Judah therefore you have the King line and the priests line joined in one and that was the genealogy being the son of God of the Lord Jesus Christ thank you for your teaching you are welcome Kathy from Georgia when someone is buried why do they always face them toward the eastern sky well you let's clarify one thing when one is buried it is customary but the way a pastor knows his place which is is at the head of the deceased well how do you know where the head is it will always be on the west end facing upright meaning looking toward the east at the Morning Sun it is it is just a custom and it really means not that much because to a student of God's Word we know from Ecclesiastes chapter twelve verse six and five and six seven rather that when when the silver cord parts when you die instantly your spirit which is the intellect of your soul and it dwells in whichever body you're in the spiritual body our flesh body well your flesh body is dead so it moves into your spiritual body and returns to the Father from whence it came so they're not out there in the growing a hole in the ground only the remains are there so really it's just a custom be that as it may nothing wrong with it but so it is Lisa from South Carolina my husband has been married before and has not asked for forgiveness I have not been married before does that mean that our children is cursed I really appreciate the teachings well thank you we appreciate you you know I see you put me in a position you want me to judge I don't know whether your husband has a repentant or not many and maybe you don't either God does but your children by 1st Corinthians chapter 7 as long as he does not prevent you from teaching them Christ then you have every right to be with him for maybe you will even convert him if he is not a Christian or if he is a Christian then that's God's business so but whatever the sins of the father do not fall on the son so don't don't try to say that God would punish some little old child for what its parents did I realized there are diseases today that may carry over but the sin itself is not going to be accounted by God to the child Charlie from Kentucky your so thank you for your comments I think God for all of you it's the only good truth that I have been taught about the Bible well bless you chapter by chapter verse by verse we'll get it done for you my question is I would like to know what does the only begotten one mean it means that Jesus Christ mother Mary was the only virgin that ever conceived by the Holy Spirit and brought forth God's promise from the very beginning let us create man in our image and that boy was in the very image of Almighty God himself further documentation you'll find in st. st. John chapter 14 when Christ would say if you've seen me you've seen the father and so it is why because he was the father with us dureena from California is it okay to constantly ask God for His grace and His Holy Spirit to fill us up and to feel his peace within us like multiple times daily asking multiple times is fine the main thing is is don't turn it into a chant this is God does not appreciate chance well why would he not appreciate a chance well you get the flesh into it okay the the flesh gets very involved in a chant and that's not you yourself speaking to him so therefore he doesn't like that but as far as you asking more than one time a day it isn't necessary all you have to do is ask him once in that day and through the Holy Spirit he'll grant it but if it makes you feel better you go ahead that's communicating with him many of us communicate with him many times a day in asking guidance and asking assistance to understand scripture to know a deeper meaning or what the meaning truly is that's that's communicating with our Father through spirit okay then from me Indiana if the moon is of Satan is it okay for me to still enjoy the moon the moon is not for a Satan or from Satan in mythology Saturn is known as Satan's planet okay that's where the word Saturday comes from that that is Satan's day his planet and you it is scriptural and you've heard me teach sermons on it but as far as the moon is concerned Satan has no power over the moon it reflects the Sun and gives us light in the dark night when when it is it's time but Saturn from Scripture is is brick represents evil Gag Gag more from california in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 4 it talks about the god of this world is that Satan absolutely God allowed him to have the power as god of this world meaning the the the VINs that transpire in this world this is why that in Matthew 4 he could offer it to Christ if Christ would worship Him but it's his that's to say the negative you might might say for clarity the negative part of this world belongs to him because it is that that would lead you astray that that would mislead you it's it's his world and he's going to do it you see when when some when some group tries to take God away his name away their of Satan that's Satan were working double-time and you might as well recognize that and realize they're damned unless they change their way but those that strive to bring the word forth then certainly that's as it is but this world belongs right now the the wickedness of it the evilness of it the raging of the heathen that's strictly from Satan himself Tommy from Alabama which Bible do you recommend well naturally I recommend the companion Bible if you want to really study God's Word number one there are a hundred and ninety-eight appendix in the back of that Bible that has more biblical knowledge then most people a lot of people will ever have an opportunity to attain it really gives you a lot of good help and but there are many works the main thing I do recommend is whatever you do stick with the original King James as best you can and the Strong's Concordance whereby you can document whether a man is telling you the truth or not in all of the languages whether it be Hebrew Aramaic or Greek it is all brought out quite well for you and that gives you a pretty good double check to keep God's Word clean pure and honest and if it wasn't if you didn't have that ability then you would have to take some man's word for it and that's not that good an idea Doris from Florida what is the Holy Spirit can and how do you know when you have received the Holy Spirit I think I understand but I want to be sure I've studied with you since the year 2000 thank you pastor murmuring god bless you you are so welcome but what is the Holy Spirit is God spirit there's there's no other Holy Spirit other than his and it is his spirit and when it is upon you how do you know it when you love him he promises it will come to you when you receive it he promises you that he will be with you he will never leave you he will never forsake you and and when he promised it he meant it it's guaranteed and you can certainly count on it that's what the Holy Spirit is is the spirit of the father and the son which is the same okay Katherine from Louisiana when we die we go to heaven or hell what happens on Judgment Day well it's according to the let me say you do not when you die go to hell okay there why because hell doesn't even exist at this time hell is used in the manuscripts if you check it out sue L in the Hebrew it's grave there in the grave hell doesn't exist until after the great white throne judgment God doesn't send people to hell before they're judged this is why the parable of Lazarus and the rich man in Luke chapter 16 documents there is a paradise one side of it is good the other side not so good because they didn't make it and they're going to be judged because of that so what happens on Judgment Day I would never pretend to even be able to answer that because God says I want to do the judging and you stay out of it okay but all you can do is teach do what's right and you will receive blessings it is true that you must spiritually discern and when you receive the Holy Spirit you have that ability it's a gift from God to know I mean you can immediately tell there's something wrong with that and then you know how to fix it the Holy Spirit will guide you through it until you make the correction but it is not our business to judge what happens on judgement day naturally what does happen is God does his judgment but know this the Lord's Day will transpire before Judgment Day and people go to paradise and they will be a thousand years in the Millennium in spiritual bodies and there will be teaching as Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 so stipulates because we are priests with Christ for the thousand years what do priests do they teach they hopefully prosper the Word of God pass it on and minister it whereby people are blessed from it and then comes the great white at the end of that thousand year period comes the great white throne judgment and what follows it immediately following it is the second resurrection but most of all the second death the second death is death of a soul that's not good Joseph from California if you have been if you have been doing good will the Lord forgive you I have been sober for five years now all you're doing real good that's that is great I'm real proud for you that's that's and and God will forgive all you have to do and you need to repent though which I'm sure you have because he has strengthened you to make it this five years that makes you a blessing to the rest of us that we see yet that you can overcome in his name you can overcome even easier as you have done so you've been you didn't feel good and our Father loves you for that you can count on it Kevin from California in in Ezekiel concerning those discs is that the same as the UFOs UFO means an unidentified flying object to God those were not unidentified they were flying objects all right his his Ark was even altar was even a board one of them and there's understand if God created this whole earth and as God stated in job chapter 40 I placed all the planets out there in orbit where they are I put them there I know exactly where they are I've got him right where I want them and if he can do that he can certainly have a vehicle that is capable of doing what Ezekiel described but it's not unidentified and it certainly has a different power plant than burning fossil fuel it's awesome no doubt Donald from Tennessee is it a sin to get cremated or do we need our whole body your when your body dies you're through with it there is no sin in being cremated again I'll go back to eat easy a STIs chapter 12 6 and 7 this body goes back to dirt from which it came everything you have eaten or taken into your body is organic meaning it came from the dirt it was growing by nature in an organic form and naturally it deteriorates back to dust or dirt from which it came but your your spiritual body is eternal it doesn't get old it doesn't get sick it doesn't wrinkle if time means nothing to it it is eternal so there's nothing wrong with cremation it is very expensive nowadays to have funerals for some people that are not in a position don't go in dead over your head for a box you know there's nothing wrong with cremation because they're already with the father anyway and he's probably said my good and faithful servant well done and and what you're doing is maybe putting your family in debt to see that they have a nice service and it would have been much nicer to let the body be turned back to ashes to dust and and for their with the father already Leroy from Maryland did Adam make the ultimate sin for him not to be forgiven thank you no no he didn't again I wouldn't want to judge but the there's only one unpardonable sin and Adam didn't commit it okay the only unpardonable sin is for one of God's elect that's somebody that knows better but know Satan's coming first that knows we are supposed to stand against him if someone gives in to him and refuses the holy spirit to be able to speak through you that's unpardonable but I know that's not going to happen God the elect are ready to go there they say bring it on and not premeditating but they're ready for action max from North Carolina did God create people before Adam and Eve yes he did he created all of the races that's why we have more races than one and he looked on the last verse of of Genesis chapter one and it was good he loves all people he loves all the races when they obey Him when they follow him and when they take his lead so there's that that's our fathers way that's why he created them that way he expects them that's the way he wanted them and he expects them to stay that way Pauline from West Virginia is it okay to have a picture of Christ in your home you know an idol is something you worship and certainly you're not going to worship a picture of Christ so therefore there's no problem with having a picture to bring memory of him but you worship the Holy Spirit in Christ in that way not a picture so there you go I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying our father's work most of all God loves you for it makes his day when you study his word and that the letter that he has sent you to improve your life to give you a better standing when you make his day boy is he going to make yours we're brought to you about your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you won't you do that bless God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me and you listen good you stay in his word every day and his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you you [Music]
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Rating: 4.9107141 out of 5
Keywords: Hebrews, Book of Hebrews, Bible, KJV, Murray, Shepherds, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold, Chapel, Pastor, Pastor Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Holy Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold Murray, Book of
Id: yba3jhlGp-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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