Phil, Jase, and Al Compare Churches & Preaching Styles | Ep 56

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[Music] what about you too much well it's just uh you need a little bit of everything what I realize is I need you don't wanna be a drag I thought when we were filming the show that we were like hamming it up but what I've noticed is every time we get together I keep saying the same thing I don't dynasty episodes breaking out but then I got you know the more I'm around and I'm like now I just think this is all we do yes insanity Wow he can't so I can only be sigh you know I'm saying he he is uncle sound Jerry and just here comes I I see him he's walking like he's on a mission arching he's charging I'm like just just sit out there be up be a crowd member good church-going nope no give me the microphone and then here's what's funny you ask that a speaking he's like no I don't do that unless he's inspired well he's he's digging he's digging me preaching for sure cuz like every week you know he comes and tracks me down and you know I'm up I know and Jace's up this way come on next week I made sure you know we have one guy who's a shouter and he literally shouts he scares people Church but I like heaven I don't know what kind of Pentecost was they are there's about fifteen or twenty forty versions of Pentecostals I don't know well my god yeah I don't know he just where did he come from where did his name is lively which is it fits all Roenick yeah because he'll he'll sit there and he'll build as you speak and then all of a sudden it's just uncontrollable it's usually Jesus at the highest decibel level possible [Music] our sound era our guy in charge the podcast is Pentecostal thumbs up VP City and then course Cole is a Pentecostal light because he goes Willie down to Christchurch they're not quite they won't quite jump over all the pews but they're you know they will get pretty rowdy yeah I don't mind howdy uh you know how I I'm like I love preaching when people are fired up people should never come into your assembly and have the thought of oh I thought y'all we're going to heaven cuz what gets me which gets everybody you've heard this this is the most used illustration in all sermons you'll see these same people at a football game they're hollering Retton hugging strangers half jumping up and down scores oh it's hallelujah praise Jehovah thank you Jesus yeah at the game at the game now they go to the assembly the next morning and it's just crickets kill you sailors that they've been baptized and lemon-juice you know just I mean you need to have some excitement I think there's a few passages in the bubble that had been missed representative you know you had in Corinth you had this situation going on where they were given these gifts miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit well that was an exciting thing and people went nuts so you know Paul come in there and said let me remind you of the gospel I mean of all the insults in the entire Bible I think that's number one yeah if you have to be reminded if you forgot the gospel you need to be reminded of it and first getting his 15 it's so he they basically come in there and said you know settle down a little bit how about a little decency in an order but you know a lot of people taking that to mean you can't be joyful and that it's a fruitless well they say they'll say it's irreverent they say yeah it's if you're you know somebody's excited or welfare you know you can't get up easy you gotta talk into the mine so we've been filming for five minutes do you need a bottle or something no I was like this funny thing about these sound men have taught me something it doesn't matter what you say if nobody hears it but I look you bring that up I know where we're gonna take some some questions from our powerful audience out there but you brought this up I mean you thought about that doing everything in would you say decency in an order but you said reverent yeah so they say it's irreverent when you think of of being reverent what do you think of what's the first thing pops in your mind pious quiet yeah highest quiet is that what you think that's how we use the word self-control this just popped into my head which might be the Holy Spirit or I might be completely crazy I thought of Hebrews 5 in verse 7 it says during the days of Jesus's life on earth which is what we're talking about in the book of John yeah he offered up prayers and petitions no I want you to notice this this phrase here with loud speaking of my shelter loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death now if you just stopped right there you get a vision of Jesus was he was crying out at various times passionately yeah you know but when you see him characterized on TV or something never like that yeah but this is inspired by the Holy Spirit I'm pretty sure he was an emotional fella after but listen to the next part of it which is my point and he was heard heard what loud cars and tears he was heard because of his reverent submission well our take on the definition of reverent does not go along with that verse it's true loud cars and tears and somehow another that was reverent submission so always go back to you know was that Hebrews 5 7 and that's a good one he you know it goes back to what Jesus said when he said love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength in 4 years you know I tried to figure out what each of those meant and it's hard to figure all that out but what I've noticed is among denominations or religious groups they tend to zero in on one or two of those aspects and then you can go right down the road and they zero in on one or two that's why we you know we we're kind of kidding about you know going Pentecost or whatever that that seems to be more emotional more passionate you can go right on the road and you'll see a group that have they focused in on you know mind and strength they want to be intellectual yep and like you know they miss grace they're like oh look how good I am you know you said I mean so that's just about take but yeah and one thing I've always appreciated about all my cruise Matic friends is that they've been much more open to the concept of the Holy Spirit and how he works in our heritage you know not so much we kind of had to just come to that realization on our own study you know cuz you just we were taught when Jason language school we were told Dad that that studying to prepare yourself for a lesson was 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration yeah I said that to motivate us to make matter that and I look I'd lean up and go he said what does that mean I went to school because they were supposedly not coming from any kind of denominational background that's why I went in there but what I've noticed and then I think this is universal from people behind pulpits everybody makes mistakes you know just think about how many things you've changed your opinion on this right from a biblical viewpoint through the years I'm changing my opinion on things every couple days you know I'm like oh never solve that now things that matter okay maybe not but the reason I did that I always treat any kind of speech like eating fish when you run across the bone you do know spit it out keep eating the fish yeah but that doesn't mean you know I go running out of the building like you know it's on fire saying I'm never coming back here that guy's an idiot I mean he got up there saying whatever but you know most people that's what they do when they go eat lunch after the service they're like can you believe he believes tell that pastor dinner we pastor for dinner so our good friends at black rifle coffee we love their coffee this is the one we like the most murdered-out these guys are like military I mean they're hardcore we'd like this one cuz it's dark roast so that's what we're drinking in our Coast but they got different there's a K Express though it's a medium but but I like to help the veterans no matter what they're up to silence or smooth as this that's a light roast so you got all these different kinds you know whatever your tastes are for coffee but these guys are awesome we love their company we love their coffee veteran-owned they do these small batch roasts to order coffees you can sign up which is what we've done on their coffee of the month deal where they send it to you it's called black rifle coffee company is the name of their business it's fantastic so check it out black rifle coffee dot-com slash feel and if you go there you're going to basically get if you enter feel as your promo code you need 20% off your first order including the coffee club if you'd like to do that so we're big on these guys love the love that they're veterans and their coffees amazing so it's black rifle coffee dot-com slash feel but yeah I mean I tell you what though it's one of the things I love about what we're doing here and and we've heard from a lot of you out there that are digging it too that this isn't a this isn't a church thing this is a kingdom by unashamed is a kingdom Bible study well it's we're studying below I'm gonna tell you right now as much as we talk we're gonna get it wrong every once in a while that's that's what this is all about you have conversations you study the power of the Bible is explaining it there's where the power is that's the Holy Spirit is unleashed when you explain what this means but don't you I said that that means you get it wrong well I mean I've gotten you've passed on a few emails to me I'm look and I'm like okay I mean it's so minor a point but this guy or or young lady they're like they disagree about something you know and to me it's a trivial point okay I could be wrong no big deal but it's to them their life so I had one that I answered to and I said I don't think I said that now I don't watch our podcast you know we talk so much I would never watch this but he was saying that I said something good but good that I knew I wouldn't have said so I said no and I responded I said I would I would not say that now if I did I was just having a bad day and that so look and this guy you know he had all this argument well when he he said well I went back and looked at it and you were right you didn't say that but he sent me uh you know it took me ten minutes to read it and it was all about some he thought I said that I didn't and I thought here we go with that you know if you if you wake up I got a I heard something today and I'm fixed to send a scathing email you know I say rule number one is make sure that's what the guy said just yeah but I've got a general rule about scathing emails don't write down things you don't like I mean if you can't have a conversation because because it always seems worse when you're reading something that's like aimed at you it always seems more accusatory Stern more negative I mean but if you just had a conversation like we say hey it's like well I don't think I said that then cellphone disagreement should be talked through not written through the scathing email is probably not a good at you you're good on that well you don't send text no so you're gonna or email let's see some people send a text and you it's misinterpreted I just think the devices that enable human beings like wium and the information transfer is so rapid yeah yeah that you don't have time let me put it this way there's different gifts in the kingdom some prophesy some just encourage some gifts of administration the body's a unit each member belongs to all the others we all have different tasks first Corinthians 12 that's good if you're going to in it and if as Proclaimers which in this case all three of us are we proclaim to huge audiences small audits is 101 rehabs prisons gala get-togethers where we're doing a lot of verbal verbage verbiage is coming out of us which we talk a lot well well if you just think about it the text that came to my mind when all these collateral things are swirling around and what people are saying doing this where unfortunately Christianity is divided and I think someone said the last count was about twenty five thousand different denominations are coming out of are coming out of one book so you say wait a minute here that's a lot come on so everyone has their Creed's they're their what they're standing on and just goes on and on and then the world is looking I think if the world adheres to what the Apostle Paul said in Galatians he said start out by saying it's for freedom that Christ has set us free stand firm then don't let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery on below they said the only thing that counts and this is really the crux of the matter the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love if they see that all these other the way things are saying the excitement level and you know you know I'll be given a lesson and I will not be not be aware that I've raised my voice substantially you'll make a point you tend to don't realize that yeah I began to raise my and the next thing you know you're screaming I'm shouting we know bang in the end of the podium course I change my format what I do now is to to get around that somewhat when I go up to speak now there's a table there yeah and there's a chair and a mic it's a table one of the reasons I did that I grew up and I sit down at a table and I open my Bible and then most of them they have a podium and with some kind of beach that puts the speaker higher higher Elam I thought about that and I said you know I think it's a visual thing well I don't think it's a plan well I'm just saying yeah I'm saying we are brothers here that's true I'm not above them I don't want them to look be looking up at me right I want them to I told them the other day I'll keep your mind and I must say look we're all brother's here we need to love one another and that be seen we're gonna be known by our love for one another that's what we're gonna be known for love's the greatest gift so we're gonna show them what love is there's blacks here there's whites here we're all together we're worshipping God together we're eating together it's it's it's a great thing yeah I just think in a lot of ways if you get theologians on one side and just it flies through every little scripture and argue every little point you're never good at the end of the day our love becomes further and further away and the main thing well that's what he's done for us doesn't become the main thing and we're sitting out here arguing about little text about this and I think what you're saying is the relational part of it I mean if you get if you look at it from a relational beef and you get that on straight Jesus says my lord God is our Father the Holy Spirit is our indweller counselor if you're pursuing that then it puts in perspective all the things you might disagree with on things that I say do not matter you know the or or are just objective I mean I got a verse for you on rates they get Timothy 2:23 and my point is gonna be why don't we use the same passion in fulfilling this verse as we do any other verse because this says don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments because they produce quarrels that's my point and the Lord's servant must not quarrel but he needs to be kind of everyone able to teach not resentful now that here's the key verse those who oppose him or disagree he must gently instruct in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to the knowledge of the truth and truth and they escape the trout that came from the evil one which is my point ultimately it's not up to you anyway God opens the heart God moves you you can only do the best you can and share and allow His grace to make up for your mistake well and what what you're describing that is I think and from my perspective is knowing your audience and it does affect your approach like our church you know our church twice if a road we basically have three different services we've got the sort of the main one the big one that's that's first that Jason is you do worship for then we have a second one there's a lot more people without a church background in there a lot of young people with a lot of higher energy but they don't know as much about the book and you got dad's group which are almost I mean most of the audience is unchurched completely so that's correct your approach and how you share the Bible with all three of those groups doesn't be different I mean I have you noticed when you do that Sunday so I'm when I preach in the first service most of this audience you know has been in church understands it so like you can just assume a lot of things they know because they do for the most part i illustrate a lot about you might not read a lot of the Bible because you already assume you can just you can just check it obviously you know over an ax 3 when this house but when I go into that our second group I mean I realized they don't know they don't know I I say somebody Elijah's who's that you know so it affects the even the way you illustrate the way your approach I think a lot of that's your audience too so I mean it is but it's the same Jesus and that's why tender I think Sunday mornings I've said this many times I think that whatever you're together 60 to 90 minutes I tell my Bible class not to my anything like that that 90 minutes I think the worship the singing the sermon the Lord's Supper it should all be around on Jesus just because that is he is guy here's the image of the invisible God that's how we communicate and you know see see God as real so every night local police departments all across America they get these hundreds of hundreds of calls from burglar alarms it's a problem you wouldn't think about it you know we live out here and grew up out here in the middle of nowhere burglar alarm out here it's the dogs the dogs this is a garage our first line of defense but in town it's a little bit different in taste and I are more aware living in town do you have a you know security system myself but most of the times every time I've turned on the security system when it goes off somebody in my family has triggered and a lot of times you get complacent because of that yeah so our good friends that's simply safe they used a lot these real video evidence which really is great because that not only does it help you get police there faster because they know something's going on it's not just oh it's right up there with being armed it is now people are scared not only will they get caught because they can now have you know facial recognition and all that but plus it's just embarrassing oh yeah that's the number one fear now is people's internet reputation oh look here's what stupid criminals do well how many times you see that where you see these funny videos with my securities but it does really it makes you realize that you know criminal behavior is stupid it doesn't pay so our friends that simply say if they protect your home from fire water damage carbon monoxide so it's 24/7 monitoring professionals is basically 50 cents a day no contracts which is a great deal there so if you go to simply safecom slash unashamed you get free shipping you get 60 day risk-free trial so I mean you're out nothing to give it a shot nothing to lose simply safecom slash unashamed and see if these guys can help you out so I think that should be the focus that I mean I'm really passionate about that we can do classes we can do you know have series I'll the shirts don't have series but to me what you've once you start getting away from Jesus for that 90 it's I just think that's a bad deal one thing that amazed me and I learned a valuable lesson it wasn't my idea I think Owens came up with it but we're the brothers the seating where they sit we replaced pews you know just pews and everybody sitting in rows is the way most that's where can churches American churches they have that well now they know like I love them now I have chaired these new kind of mega churches they got away from the pier it's way more comfortable it's like a movie theater see well what we did was we put tables there with chairs around the tables everyone sits at a table and we have a meal when we meet what struck me after about a year and a half there was that it really helped encourage to encourage interaction if a group of brothers and sisters are seated at a table with a meal they're the Lord's Supper is in the middle of the table we stop and we remember Jesus in the midst of the meal we stopped the meal and do that which is very first thing instead of like being infused and there here's someone seated next to you and you really the pews what they do I'm not knocking on per se I'm just saying if you get in rows and pews your interaction is curtailed significantly runs yeah rather than being at a table like we are right here we're carrying on a conversation if we add food here and we're taking the food while we're talking here we have breakfast and it's ER and everybody from the homeless and the ones that's been around for years you're not being decently in an order the environment is more conducive to interaction between human beings if there's tables with chairs around than pews I've learned and known your small just a thoughts some small and starting like you guys did that's a great idea because you're there the problem is for most churches if you they grow they get so big you can't how do you do then officers like our places like what we're so landlocked into our situation we couldn't do that's why I like the 90 minutes focus on Jesus go for the big crowd try to get as many people there plug them into Jesus and then you do the offshoots the spokes you know of the wheel whether it's discipleship through small groups or having these house church services on the other functions like a house Jerry building which is following what everyone needs to remember is that all these texts were reading it was 300 250 to 300 AD from the beginning of the church the big happening at Pentecost the Spirit was given and they just took off but the whole thing basically was Street preaching and just reaching out in small groups there was there were no synagogues when they went to the synagogues by the way trouble trouble came their way when the Apostle Paul Elam went to the synagogue's one after the other in the book of Acts you say they beat them as to death they ran them all you say the structured part got in the way of the gospel so they just went there were no church buildings and all these texts were reading they just stayed around there for fast-forward 2,000 years what you're looking at is the American the American and the European model of Christianity which in my opinion might not be the best model it needs to be more diffused smaller groups you go to China we have brothers there millions of them but they are literally underground on the whole thing North Korea China anywhere else where there's authoritarian dictatorships I mean they really really get after so they're quietly meeting in their homes and they're hiding but they what I'm saying is you don't want to build a structure with a tall steeple on the front and red China or cool you won't be there long you understand what I'm saying I'll well I don't know where we got into this structure on the street corner I mean basically you didn't get that from the New Testament they were meeting in homes that's right well I came in 300 Constantine was the first emperor of Rome that became that converted to Christianity so what happened was it became then the state religion you know which actually didn't do us any favors people get this idea though when you walk into a building at a certain time that all of a sudden there's some rules that you can't do certain things I'm not talking about evil I mean just things like I've seen places where you can't eat you know once you enter the sanctuary or whatever you gotta like put your honeyBun down don't be chewing on the honey bun as you walk on bring that coffee which proves my point the in America the American model is strong on on organized process its structured so stiff that you move outside of that and you're suspect of being a little bit too excited about the fact that you're going to receive immortality at the end of this well we can I mean if you go to Europe if you go to Western Europe you can see I mean you can go back about five or six hundred years in time you still see those cathedrals I mean Notre Dame was nine hundred years ago and so what's sad is you walk in those buildings and dad and I do it is it's a museum now it's not the only nice thing you're doing the architecture yeah the only nice thing in Ukraine no this is 20 years ago but was the church buildings and they were these state-run Orthodox but they're you know they're people are starving to death I might sell some of this gold-plated Cathedral because we went in there there would be like seven people in there you know I'm little Ariel they were just a few might take this sell it demolished the rest of it and give the proceeds evil we were filming notre dam when we went to Paris France and Paris we were looking at it and I said are all these people worshippers because if this is a long line it was a long line that went out of sight and they were all going into the Cathedral and I said oh this is a gigantic worship service they said no no no no there they're paying at the front at the don't worry son they're paying money to see the the architecture I said what no so it has apparently lost its meanings right and when I saw that I just looked at the American model with with these gigantic structures that I'm thinking you know yeah we came out of that ad where acts 17:24 God God I mean that famous sermon by Paul oh yeah does not live in buildings built by humans man that's right like silver and gold and all that he does not live there no what does that mean that's a hard sell guys in America hey that's a hard sell in America but we need to be more diffused there needs to be oversight but we just don't need to be quite not nearly as structured as we have because we're not down we're not down on Church we have to be relevant and we've lost a little bit down on it I mean I remember when I was when I was they were like questioning me on what my ideas were about doing the worship and all because we have two services and one of them is what is the word contemporary I guess you know non-traditional yeah there you go that's my point well I don't even know how to describe it they they have a band okay they're excited and the first service is not it's more laid-back because I'll capella music which I love both but I I lean toward the more you know contemporary mindset but anyway they were so you end up with two groups miss dull and when I'm six I know I didn't say that you said that but that's what it seemed but they're like you know there's dull and then there's this we need to live in this this up so one of the dangers that we talked about quite a bit on the podcast is what everybody's having to face and that is that our kids in my case in your case dad our grandkids are way smarter than us when it comes to computers phones that's another note pads tablets and me my you know my everything that happens from any can't think technical software TV I say stop find someone under 25 years old now exactly Missy hates it when I say that she's not I was like we're dumb no offense we're not you we find some I under 25 you're right cuz they can fix it immediately I called my son he don't even know what I'm talking about I'm like yeah I'm like he's like press this button tip tip tip up bumps off so the problem is since that's the reality that we all face you got a couple options of course the dad option which he often says is just take all computers and everything and throw it in the river and but he has a young guy that works for always an approach or our good friends at circle who do the circle home plus basically they've come up with an app for you to be able to police what's coming into your home your Wi-Fi and all these different things so basically it plugs right into your router you download the app it really allows you to watch out for your kiddos cuz I mean you know this is just a it's a bad world out there like no halo over your house it's like a force field Star Trek yep this is what it's doing to the computer in cell phone world just so that you're with us so right now because you're our listeners you get a limited time off or $30 off from circle home plus go to meet circled come meet Circle dot-com / unashamed and then you enter unashamed when you check out you can get $30 off for the initial thing that you get from those guys let's meet circle comm / unashamed and be sure and put unashamed in to save you some money and protect your family so but they were laughing it up you have to loosen it up somewhat but they were a little nervous about me being a part of it you know so they were trying to figure out what exactly are you gonna do you know cuz people are like cuz we have the other service if people want to go there and I was like well well if you're a hint your whiskers are down to your chest that throws in another thing about what's that guy you know in this middle of the American structured Christianity JC a little bit well and love not left us right of Center I said something I shouldn't have said cuz I was looking at him like best as a ridiculous I said well I'll tell you this my plan will be to do something in between what we're doing now the first service and burning the building no one what yeah all right I'm embellishing to make a point that God does not live in the building I'm not worried about that structure yeah I want to get us together and let's worship together powerfully and passionately none of what I read like Jesus did in his ministry with loud cries and tears it's okay hey God formed us like this it's okay to show a little emotion especially when you're thinking about going to heaven of the resurrection or just waiting the forgiveness or you're a child of God or whatever it's a yes God's not the God of disorder so in some of the people back in the first century were taking it a little little little far yeah here's some review so some rebukes oh yeah there's a balance in there between you know he said when when in the context of speaking in various languages worldwide they the Corinthians had the gift but one of the things he's he said in there he said brothers stop thinking like children he said you don't want to get the way this is it's not wise right yeah but I think people miss missed the point that if you had the power to do miraculous gifts you remember when he sent out that was at 72 and he gave him that power hmm and they all came back and they were just like oh this is the greatest thing we got you know and Jesus said hey don't be excited that you can do miracles or however he put that he said but be joyful that your names are written in the book of life you know but the excitement that that would that would happen because you had some kind of miraculous gifts now that that would be hard to deal with see for some P well in the end the Corinthian letter I mean I think it's a reason why that's why I brought it up earlier these three remain Faith Hope and love but the greatest of these in the middle of this friction that was going on at Corinth he said in the middle of it all he said look the greatest the greatest of all these is love just remember you know he mentioned the fact he looked I could speak in tongues of men and angels but I don't have love he said I'm just making a racket you know resounding gong or a clanging cymbal well we had a problem there there's a problem there he was dressed in it saying you don't need to calm down a little bit and learn to love one another because he had a list going up the first print in 13 a lot of issues there but the biggest issue they were suing each other and getting drunk at the Lord's Supper I mean look this was a pretty rough Bunch Luke 10 20 is where we he said I've given you authority trample on snakes and scorpions that overcome all the power of the enemy nothing will harm you however do not do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you but rejoice that your names are written in heaven yeah my point is though you're still rejoicing you know long as you meet the main thing the main thing Jesus him crucified and raised from the dead well and you're a pretty solid Joyce is what I'm saying if I'm going back to the football game I keep going back to it you rejoice about everything else except your name written in the book a lot rejoices there's some kind of action that's happening if in the middle of a dissertation a guy who was speaking on behalf of God sit in the church he said I think God I speak in tongues more than all of you but in the church I would rather speak five intelligible words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a tongue brothers stop thinking like children there's a problem here in regard to evil be infants but in your thinking listen to this be adults so you say you look at that you say you know we need to be we need to keep it for we are adults here we're not just running in every direction and it becomes disorderly and chaotic it's not wise right love gets lost in all that out well and that's it I mean that's the fine line will you tell my people getting together but you would do the same thing in your house that's right if you're trying to talk because I was in your house hey hey get out of here kiddo you know any kind of immediate while ago you talked about uh you know out we took this class called homiletics but we take that together and you know all this how you just higher dollar you need a try at home what I learned is is everyone has a nervous tic everyone has a nervous tic that that comes out when they get up and start speaking like some people put their hand in their pocket and jingle their change and but they don't realize it what everybody's out there like got the rockers in the and the pulpit strokers stroker to see your the village blacksmith yeah you pound on the podium and do to your hearing situation you start talking at a level that's too long and you know I was I was you knew this I was nominated we had a family meeting about it because somebody when it wasn't playing we were just all eating together somebody said who's gonna tell Phil that he's screaming and there's no no I got nominated mm I was like Phil you're we have this thing called microphones you don't have to do I have a lot of verses that says and he raised his roars huh I'll just finish this cussing up with it out of all the things I've said to particular audiences I've never used and and Jesus the Son of God the savior of the world he used this verbage and so did John the Baptist he called his audience before he was going to tell them what he had to say whether it be repentance you know and you need to obey me both Jesus and John the Baptist addressed his audience they're their audiences as a brood of snakes yeah John the Baptist did for sure you know not of all the things I've said I've never got up before a group I said alright you brood of snakes I just I didn't I don't use that particularly terminology to crank up ay-ay-ay pointing them to Jesus moment I just leave that out and they were religious be that one in John the Baptist case it says what yo it's matthew 3:7 because i've been studying that cuz that's been a preacher it said when the Pharisees and Sadducees came to where he was he said you brood of vipers who warned you to flee from the coming wrath and he's the point man for Jesus so it helps my feelings a little when they say you're getting a little loud I said calm down here I'm trying to yeah bro this is the argument we had that day us at failure you're screaming it's I was you were defending your passion you're like hey they raised their voice I was like they didn't have a microphone hey when is this Peter raises voice in the dress of crap well of course you did he didn't have a mic he's screamin but it doesn't sell I was it you're hurting my it loves you no matter what how I've tried I will say that if you have if you've let the that let the truth come out about it and say I've never owned a cell phone so I don't know quite how that works well you've already there said yeah okay we got one about half a bubble off here he's not in tune with with with cell phones he's not into that so you scream and you get a lady you get a label well I'm not sure I'm not quite sure why and I never said but you know give me a cell phone people actually gave me as gifts a cell phone and I would throw it to the kids and they would grab it they've got art that's like throwing 15 $100 bills I don't know it was a god thing look everybody has their style you know we just we just did homeless class we're doing it right now he's doing did you tell them what your nervous ticket yeah did you tell him he pointed it out was it you or Missy no it's me I have a talent I have very few talents in life one of them is I spot people's nervous tics quickly yeah and so you'll tell me about mine yeah and you didn't you did it sunny by the way I don't because you can't help you don't know you're doing voluntary you want out tell him what did he tell al when he first gets up there he reached and tugs his ear like Carol Burnett yeah look it's like this mate he'll get up you know and he's like hey he's telling the judge and he'll tug that ear he's tugging it not constantly but look of all the nervous tics that's a good one cuz that's not bothering me and a day to draw a lot of attention doesn't talk and you never leave have you ever noticed him doing that no he does it every time he speaks crabs out here I'll lean I tell ya I said he's tugging on that here I told our class about but was interesting too so so Gary Oz burns in our class and they're there it's we taught homiletics and hermeneutics then now everybody classes by doing these little 10 minute speeches so we're kind of like critiquing each other and you know trying to help my buddy get better it's been really good so what's the difference between homiletics and hammered no MRX homiletics is how you go out yes speaking as far as uh uh creating your words your outlining outline these these nervous today's X commercial fishermen that unschooled and ordinary Mian was what sent a wave of shocks when it fares me I'm an unskilled but you got a member it's all in you know what you're representing I get up there and a lot of the things that the homiletics class would tell you don't ever D I do because I'm just a normal people don't think I'm a professional speaker you know so I like silence you know people are scared of sight well I guess that is a homolytically it is you they do thanks cuz they're scared of silence so maybe I'll be trying to match well let me finish this point maybe because of this class instead of being scared of silence I embrace the silence you know a lot of times I'll just get up there no I'm just looking and people laugh they the I it's not silence is not a bad tax ly it's actually it draws people in so hermeneutics is how you stir the by boys I would just say as our thumb through the pages of this the sword of the Spirit I would just interject at this point and say I've never run up on the term harmonics have nothing that that's not that's like that's like a she open a call I like ordinary on Scoob well you won't you won't an arithmetic in there either but it's good to learn you know tell mighty well wait a minute I mean let me get my point than you tell so gary Osburn when he spoke he said when I was growing up I heard two speakers I mean that's the two people that preach to me and taught me it was you Phil and me and he says so when I started speaking you know now cuz Gary's a really good teacher he's like so first I tried to be like Phil disaster I said you know I got nah you know trying to be passionate but it just it wasn't me he says so then I thought well maybe I need to be like how so he said I tried to be funny and put humor disaster he said you know he's a lawyer he's analytical so he's like that's my deal so when he goes into a text that's the way does he presents eyes and looks at he has a great mind he's a great man so I thought that was interesting when we talk about how he's really just so but he figured out and it was good for our class to hear you can't be somebody else no I've got to be youth it's like very good very good thank for him yeah back though I thought was great and it was it was really good for the class but we know even from doing duck dynasty these these people would try to create humor like the producers know sure cuz we're all looking at him like well that's not funny and and we would turn the camera and we're being ourselves and and then at humor like came out of that like you know people that you know AI meet all these people in these VIP meeting grace they're not boy you're funny you know you know you know ideas yeah once you become known a celebrity or whatever people like say something funny I'm living my life laughs what you think is funny I don't thinks funny they're like well maybe this time you said that they you know I got a shirt like that I was like I don't I still don't think that's funny it was just something I said it was not funny you think it's funny yep so I but my point is when you speak the worst thing you can do is try to be funny if you try it's pretty much guaranteed to fail you just think about it a lot of times I'm speaking I'm talking and everybody laughs and I'm like you know you have to go on but you start thinking back well why did they think that was funny yeah cuz it wasn't funny to me I was being serious so but no I hope don't tell them what your ticket so that I don't know that that's why I don't look forward Sunday there are trucks that some real self-conscious about others now you still have a problem I got this from feel cuz my number one fear in life I've said many times was public speaking I just didn't want anything to do with it how do you ended up there anyway well I think it's because God takes whatever your the weakest in and he turns it into a strength I really believe that yeah and uh cuz that was it for me parent I've told this hundreds of times you know when I went to speech class in ninth grade I thought that was gonna help me you know with my English grammar cuz you know let's face it your wife our mom took a wrong turn when it came to English form cross but yeah it's like half of her words you're like what it you know it's a version kind of like what you were doing with hermeneutic well gamma new to common et it's a merger yeah you develop a good class huh minutest do both yeah no here's what's ironic Jason our school together and I thought Jays was and what we had to speak at Apple because you're speaking in front of your fellow students and all the instructors and you ain't never done done this before you know so it was very nerve-wracking to me so yeah you got there Pat oh yeah they're listening and they're basically critique they are vetting and critique so I felt high pressure in those situation but Jase was much more natural so I thought through preaching school I thought well I'm not really ever gonna be a speaker or a preacher and that's more jaysis thing I'm gonna be something doing something else you know teaching or whatever and yet it was ironic that I want to spend and you know my whole life doing it so and I really didn't in a official capacity I'm right but you know what I would be nervous about doing it but once I got up there I just thought forget all that I'm just gonna be you know I've always that's like my trigger making there them is like I'm just gonna be real right or wrong that's all I got yeah you know I mean if I remember what I prepared it's fine good pop I don't but I can't you know the people that they write it all down I don't know you know and they read it just to me you just you got to study put the time in you focus on the important aspects of you know sharing Jesus whatever then you just got to get up there and be real I mean let's face it dude and you got to use your strengths so it's a good it's a good good good thinking change yes well that's a good discussion we went all over the roadmap with that one what do we call that a potpourri we are so glad you're watching and listening to the unashamed podcast be sure to like us on Facebook subscribe on YouTube and iTunes that's gonna keep you up to date with all the new episodes and it's also going to let other people find out about our podcast so keep spreading the word and watching and listening to unashamed with Phil Robertson
Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 118,680
Rating: 4.9479084 out of 5
Keywords: Phil Robertson, Jase Robertson, Duck Dynasty, bible, bible study, Jesus, Christ, God, Christianity, Christian, salvation, Duck Commander, Al Robertson, Gospel, church
Id: uab9e3WP0dc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 29sec (3269 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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