Jase Almost Has His Man Card Revoked & Phil Is Wowed by Sadie | Ep 338

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i am unashamed what about you someone just gave me some information where my granddaughter gave a speech you know women's catherine i said and over 100 of them obeyed the gospel i said i don't know you might rethink of the recital in the churches i said all i can think of is the four daughters of philip i said which is kind of amusing no but it was a one women's conference in our in our hometown yeah the women's and somehow you were there one little yeah i was one of the five men that were there how did you wind up there so jill was speaking at the conference and so i went to help her with ruth and she was selling bucks and all that um and to be honest with you i was a little bit like well let me tell you what i learned because you got to be careful when you can't predict when god's going to wreck you and when you're going to have an encounter with him because i'm i'm sitting there thinking i'm not a teeny bopper it's all like teenage girls and i'm like a grown man 43 years old i'm at this conference and i'm kind of bored with the whole thing yeah yeah just yeah a little cynical you know and um and she said he starts starts preaching and i'm in the audience and uh and i mean because i'm i'm a theological snob and i and i would i hate that but i am but man she was preaching the word and it was very bold um she didn't hold back it was saturated in love but it was i mean she was hitting she was hitting some tough issues and it was about truth and um how many girls were there about twelve hundred twelve that i didn't even know that place held twelve hundred people listen so i leave because the baby starts crying like i'll take the baby jail i got into the nursery where they got the screen of sadie she's she's she's uh still talking you know and i'm back there with john luke and his wife and their little baby and we're you know we're listening to her preach but we're kind of talking to and everything she was saying we're like man she is she she is bringing it yeah and uh and at the very end of it she says um we're going to do something we've never done in this building before and you know we're going we're going to bring in the baptistry and if you want to respond to jesus and she explains about baptism it's it's a symbol of being buried with christ and and water and and and uh you die with him you're buried you're raised the romans six passes race you live a new life and she goes through kind of what baptism is but let me back up because up into this point her her text was um whenever pilate said to jesus what is truth and she made the point that the people the culture at the time when pilate went out there and said i i found i find no fault with this man and they said give us barabbas she said barabbas was known as someone who kills steals and destroys sound familiar and they're like yeah it's about satan and uh and she said it's time to choose do you want barabbas or do you want jesus you got to choose and so she offers the babylonians i like where this is headed oh i think i i i was wrecked dude i started crying man i just started crying she says i want you to stand up if you want to be baptized and i could i'm looking at her face i can't see the audience because i'm looking at her on the screen but i'm just like i could tell on her face and she was like whoa like she was shocked we may need a bigger we may need a bigger industry i don't so i'll walk out so then i she said go out this door and they had a whole thing set up she said we got we got you covered we got if you don't have clothes we got clothes we got shirts we got towels we got you covered and so they start to i walk out just to see i wanted to see how many girls were out there well by the time i get out the nursery i walk five steps i got a picture on my phone there's a line 60 i mean it's going i can't see the end of it and it's all through the building so that i mean people are scrambling they're running out of towels they i mean look phil it got they baptized so many people that i've never seen this happen that about halfway through it they're like where are the men where are the men there's only five men in there so me and willie and a few others were like what do y'all need they're like the water's gone like the water in the baptistry is like there's not hardly any left spillage spillage and they're taking it out with them so we're dr we're grabbing trash cans we got buckets and we're like five we're going to the bathroom sink so we're all running in there filling up the baptistry that was almost an acts 2 moment it was well i thought when i when i heard 108 i was like and eight i was like how long did that take miss kay just came out an hour i sat down to give him a lesson and yes uh yesterday morning and miss k just went up there and twitch put in my ear tell me it's sadie last night you know it's preaching and they so i thought to myself i said when is the last time in the united states of america i ever heard of a female getting up in front of an audience and 100 over 100 respond to the gospel of jesus i said there's there's something going on here i think it was a it was legit you know i was speaking same night this is the night before the hurricane the hurricane's right off the coast it's coming and so here i am my assistant is there i'm like now where's this event at and she's like south louisiana i said south louisiana there's a hurricane coming she's like yep but they we're we're doing it was this in south louisiana yeah that's the event yes his event not safe in your event no sadie's event was in our hometown all right i got you and so but i but it was the same night and uh so it actually wasn't she said south louisiana but i looked on the map and it was right below alexandria in between alexandria and the mississippi river but still it was in the hurricane warning color i was looking at the at the weather and i was like you need to call them and make sure we're doing this because you know the governor had just talked and said wherever you're at right now that's where you need to be and i said i'm fixing drive i'm going toward the storm and so she called and the pastor said hey if he don't want to come down here tell him to turn in his man card when she said that i was like oh okay yeah let's load up we're headed there so i drove down there i mean there was i'd say 600 people out in the middle of nowhere what what town was this near you know i don't even remember it was the middle of the town they were in the night they don't spoke i'm sorry i can't remember it was a town here near new orleans uh on the other side oh i said it was it was east of alexandria i mean you put me on a spot now i can't remember east of alexandria eastern slightly covington lightly phil i've never heard of this town before so it's not gonna pop in my head i hadn't heard it when we went down there it was in the middle of nowhere and but the fact that 600 people were there wow so you're speaking to six six hundred and sadie is speaking to twelve hundred twelve hundred teenage girls one given day yeah i mean but we're a little bit north what i was saying is i it's almost like there's a movement going on yeah that's what it felt like yeah yeah i i thought it felt like um it it had the kind of this revival awakening feeling to it because i'm you know i'm i was like skeptical but i mean i'm i don't get you know we covered that romans 16 after all the apostle paul had to say about i'm put here in defense of the gospel that's why i'm so eager to preach it i'm not ashamed of it and he sticks and then you you after everything goes down in romans 1 through 16 you get to chapter 16 and it's all these accolades primarily aimed at women on the help that they as far as the gospel being going through the roman empire yeah he he he highlighted the fact that that this was women along with men it was it was a the the male or female deal did not become an issue at all yeah i mean they they really helped me i mean they they greet them at the house over there aguila and priscilla and they'll agree to this one and that one another one but a lot of women were mentioned and we mentioned that the other day jase oh we talked about it because it's a sensitive subject to some people especially in a you know what they call a corporate gathering you know you have your rules and you're you're under grace until you step into the building and then all of a sudden you got a list of side rules here yeah which is which is true and every every church has them but you know based on what i read there was a lot going on in corinth they had the spiritual gifts at the hands from the hands of the the apostles eyewitnesses of the resurrection and so a lot of the the people had gotten so excited and some of the women about having these spiritual gifts their gatherings had turned into disorder and chaos you had people saying hey what watch me and i think people get the signs and the wonders and the miracles way ahead of jesus and that just and even today there's people still there they're in search of this miraculous or this or the sign or the wonder and i'm i it's kind of a pet peeve of mine but i'm like jesus inside of you through the holy spirit is greater than any other thing you could ever pursue well i think that what i learned i say learned what was reaffirmed this weekend was that you know to your point i think we've responded to the gospel a lot of people responded in the last 15 years to to maybe the way we produced an event that brought them to an emotional experience maybe they were like they were seeking the miracles they're seeking the experience they're they're seeking the things of god what i think what moved me about um this weekend with sadie is that her um when she was talking to these girls it was it was a bold message and it was completely saturated and and truth i mean that's the whole thing was about the truth you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free and then the truth was directed at the end which is god himself the nature of god um there was some talk of repentance there was some talk of i mean there it was a it i i was so encouraged because like they were responding to who god like people saw like they saw their their sin they saw their their own brokenness they saw their own depravity in this in this moment and that's what they responded to and i think that if you think about every revival that's ever occurred any uh great awakening what's preceded that is is a movement of repentance among among people who've said i'm going to fall on my face before the living god and and i watch these girls come down one by one or actually two by two and get baptized and when they would come out they're all weeping and i could tell they were tears of repentance they were tears of of of shedding off sin um i mean you got to keep in mind these this generation is the most confused generation in history and they're shedding off sin and you see that you see that and that's why it's called awakening great awakenings because they're you're awakened to reality that is god what i did yesterday in three texts and i and i will at old j's pontificate but my my lesson to the brothers i said you know what's really interesting we're in speaking of matthew here's a tax collector the most hated individual probably he's he's running with illiterate commercial fishermen he's been chosen to be one of the disciples and and in matthew 1 18 i'll give you three texts that were profound in my opinion let's take a quick break before you do that film all right but after you get your great mattress you got to put just as much thought into your sheets because sheets do matter and so our sponsor here at bowling branch has some amazing sleep products they uh they have amazing ultra soft organic sheets are transparently sourced produced in safe fair conditions you'll feel the difference and and you'll know that you're making one as well so go to the website at 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was pledged to be married to joseph but before they came together no sex she was found to be with child through the holy spirit uh oh so right off the bat he says this is the way this thing went down this is how jesus got here and she was found a young girl to be found with child through the holy spirit now she's she's not married yet so these this guy joseph is dating her and you say he's thinking what and he said yes she's she's pregnant but but don't worry you're like yeah i mean here he is dating it's like you dating jill and jill said look i know this may surprise you you know but but i'm pregnant and you know you didn't sleep brother she said but i'm pregnant i'm gonna have a child so i just want to give you the information so you wouldn't get upset and think about it from a human standpoint a a physical birth you have to have sperm an ovum and you know which turns into an embryo once the sperm hits it and it's called uh it could be by a husband's decree it's a physical birth all of a sudden we've got a birth human beings coming out of women and there was no sexual activity and no sperm and ovum just so y'all are kind of getting ready to say th this is this this is how what who what has this worked because joseph her husband was a righteous man he did not want to expose her to public disgrace he said i can't go outside this girl i'm dating i mean good night she's been sleeping around you know so now you know what am i going to do now he said well i'm good i'm not going to just just submit her to let the wolves throw her to the wolves he had in mind to divorce her quietly i need to check it to this this girl quick i mean yeah i mean she's pregnant you know by the holy spirit yeah okay yeah but but he's doing it in a way yeah that that's just a matter of fact just honorable well because i would have when i heard this you would have heard the door shut right and you thought where'd he go that's my point he gone so look i'm making a point here but but look and i'll give you three texts this one john's account and luke's and you put them together it's the wildest thing you ever heard an angel of the lord but but before he after he considered this well you know i'm gonna grab my divorce her quietly you know and i'm gonna move on with my life an angel of the lord appeared to him in a dream that tells you that god does work through dreams and human beings minds deep and deep into the night jose you you y'all struggle with that one joseph son of david do not be afraid to take mary home as your wife calm down there joseph i know you're thinking something something went on here no you missed it son because what is conceived in her is from the holy spirit there was no sex involved in this birth now it's an interesting point because we all understand human births and we all understand that human beings the only way they get here is through sexual activity or taking of the sperm and inserting in a female and we got that part you get a birth that's right well uh we what went on here is the power of god god is intervening with another kind of birth i know it's a little shaky for you at the time son but this is what this is the way it happened she will give birth to a son and it's all going to come from the holy spirit without any sexual activity not like a human birth and you're to give him the name jesus because he will save his people from their sins all this took place which was a lot by human standards all this took place to fulfill what the lord had said through the prophet now he's talking about what's name starts with a g o uh gabriel so watch you'll be with child he quotes isaiah 7 700 years earlier that it said she'll be with child and will give birth to a son and they will call him emmanuel which means god's with us when joseph woke up he did what the angels of the lord had commanded him and took mary home as his wife it did it for him he said so that is what's going on well i'll have to admit the guy was a pretty sound individual to say oh okay i think he's one of the most underrated what are you talking about i said we ought to talk more about this joseph because he basically turned into a guardian yeah for jesus so we took her home he had no union with her no by the way just out of uh kindness he said you know what if that's what went down i'm not going to lay up nothing on her sexually i'm i'm backing off of this i'm just letting this unfold and let it happen but i'm not going to jump in there and say well what'd you do you know we don't want you married okay get after it he's like no there won't be a honeymoon here i've decided to forego that out of deference to my god so which is pretty interesting look now that's one and the two is uh if you if you look at john i'll get john before luke i went to john first and then luke and john's account i think is a stunner uh there came a man who was first of all jesus he's the was the word the word was with god he came as a witness john the baptist concerning that life this is john chapter one so that all might believe he himself was not not the light he came as a witness to the light the true light gives light of a man was coming into the world the light of the world is coming through a human being with no sperm hitting any of them you're like this is a big one uh he was in the world and though the world was made through him the world did not recognize him he came to that which was his own the jews but in his but his own did not receive him yet to all who received him to all who believed to in him who believed in his name he gave the right to become nawaz he gave them the right to become children of god it's a different kind of birth we have another kind of birth that you've never heard of humanity you've never dreamed this up in your wildest dreams we have another kind of birth other than male female sexual activity sperm over and then the embryo and then the child come down there's a whole complete birth and this one is god ordained and instead of your earthly father being your father where the sperm came from and your mother in this case god is going to be your father with this birth you're like whoa dude what and no sex um and here comes i'm born of god it's it's nothing physical it's nothing human humanity about it you say this is the wildest thinking well that's what he just a few chapters later that's what that's that's nicodemus's hang up yeah around now just think of that now watch children born not of natural descent that's why that's why i'm keep going back to the spur of you you're like no well joseph was just reeling back from it mary was like i'm a virgin how you how's this gonna work mary was arguing with gabriel saying whoa whoa whoa whoa i'm gonna do what i said you're gonna have you're gonna be with child she's like wait a minute here that's over in the in the other one but anyway not of human decision no not this birth or a husband's will not this birth here's what i like but born of god you're like good night how in the world is god gonna be able to pull this off now we get to luke and all i do is he tells the same story but i'm gonna give you one line in luke chapter one watch nothing because now we're talking about elizabeth the woman's an old woman her and zechariah they were at least in their 60s going into the 70s or whatever that she was that old and look uh even elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age and mary's like elizabeth is going to have a baby and she's been bearing her entire life and she's gonna are you crazy well i think that was that's my pawn to the lesson yesterday and today i just thought i'd give y'all a little sermon new this morning yeah here's my point and and i guarantee you this is what the crux of the matter is that's luke 1 17 and after all this explanation of how to get jesus here and john the baptist the bible says john recorded nothing is impossible with god nothing that's good i said i'm going to leave you with that because when you say well i don't know my sins and my death we worry about it but when you look at this birth coming down out of heaven that had never been heard of or matched since if that's the root of it all you say what are we coming down to we're coming down and nothing's impossible for god if he could pull that off i mean just think about it i think that's one of the ways that uh when there's an ephesians well that was my sermon yesterday but i think i just thought i would do that because we're going into the book of matthew and all these things are going to really boil down to one thing man you read you read how you got jesus here hey you got him here and there's nothing impossible now i think that's a good thing because that's uh when it says jesus was the first that will preach he was the firstborn overall creation he was a that's right he was just it was spiritually born to the holy spirit all these verses and then we're and we're born of the holy spirit you're like boy you talk about something wild going on here but he was linked to john the baptist and you brought up they both had miraculous birth first yeah because she was elizabeth was too old and mary was a virgin that's my point then they were cousins but and john the baptist was the forerunner well he preached to baptism or repentance he kind of represented the law yep and then here's jesus his cousin he represented grace i'll do it i mean well think about it just think how what kind of thinking would have had to gone into this to pull that off you see the same you see the prototype pre-jesus even with with abraham and sarah yeah way too old to have babies but but god intervenes i was thinking when you were reading this i was thinking about wrong i mentioned that yesterday i think about romans 9 because we read book of romans and man we get so off on the book of romans because we miss the grand context of it and romans 9 it makes the same point that you're making when it says um it says it's not as though god's word had failed by the way this is right after he's talking about uh admonishing the jewish people but for having the law for having the patriarchs for having everything and then they reject it and he's like and paul's like man i would die i would give up my own self if it meant the inclusion of my if these people would come to saving faith in jesus and then he says in romans 6 of romans 9 6 it's not those that god's word has failed for not all who are descended dna dna or they don't have israel's dna they're not for not all who are descended from israel are israel it's not it's not the physical children you miss you miss the promise that is correct nor because they are his descendants are they all abraham's children the dna is not the point is what he's saying on the contrary it is through isaac quoting quoting genesis here that you're all that your offspring will be reckoned in other words it's not the natural children who are god's children but as the children of the promise who are regarded as abraham's offspring for and then he goes into the whole thing but that's still in the bedrock of who god's people are who they are it is the children of the promise it's the ones who are spiritually born it's it's it's what what jesus told nicodemus it's the ones who are born again and he's thinking how can i enter my mother's womb and be born like i i'm a grown man that's not going to work physically that's right he's like you're not getting it that's right you got to be born of water human beings have struggled with what we're discussing right here ever since human beings have been on the earth they just have not considered you look at the cosmos you think that would do it now they're thinking no they're looking for salt water they say we will find the fountain of life but when you get right down you have to be born of this you say yeah when you get right down to it you say if you go with god there's nothing impossible for him to do there's nothing let's take a let's take a quick break so i'll tell you one thing that yeah we had a hurricane we got afghanistan we've got all this i mean it's it's difficult to sleep these days with everything that's going on um but one of our sponsors helix mattress offers some of the best sleep you ever have jason you've you've got these in your house because i've actually slept on one they were incredible i've outfitted my whole house with them and you can i need to i guess i don't know what kind you got in um i don't know whose room i slept in but whoever it was is very i think it's cold very comfortable but you actually can personalize your mattress to yourself uh by going to helix.com and uh jace you took the quiz and were matched with the midnight helix mattress i don't know if you knew what the the name of it was but good results yeah love it he loves it so just go to helix sleep.com unashamed that's uh helix sleep.com unashamed take about a two minute quiz and they're gonna match you with a 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two because i've always read luke two when you talk about the birth of jesus well it's me too it's more pg people do plays every year for christmas you know and boy you read matthew 2 and you're like man this is almost rated r yeah i mean first you're getting the graphic details of what joseph was thinking from a sexual viewpoint which phil just gave us yeah well it is graphic well it is yeah you're right well then it gets worse because then he's because you know luke talks about the angels talking to the shepherds in which they showed up at the birth you know so evidently most scholars say time has passed now in in matthew's version but he focuses on really these magi who weren't even jews coming from the east who were i guess stargazers because they said well we saw the star which in every other context in the bible these people are not viewed upon favorably people who are astronomers are putting their faith in they're like they're like the cult they're like the pagans the the yeah the astrologists the yeah but what i what made me think about that is is where are the religious people who are studying the scriptures and we now have the fulfilled prophecy that the son of god the messiah is here ain't none of them here you know why because they're like where's this happening bethlehem now i mean it it's a it's a joke but when you start reading chapter 2 he then focuses on herod king herod also and that the majority says after jesus was born in bethlehem in judea during the time of king herod magi from the east came to jerusalem and asked where is the one who has been born king of the jews which i think is an interesting phrase because that that phrase is going to eventually lead to jesus's death yeah that declaration you know it's used here in the beginning and then it's used when he's confronted and arrested it's like are you the king of the jews which is what sadie was using as a what does this hate you know to zack's point second john a while ago you were talking about that to the chosen lady and her children whom i love in the truth not that not i only but also those who know the truth because of the truth which lives in them to be with us forever grace mercy and peace father will be with us in truth he has given me great joy to see my your children walking in the tree five times in a place about this wide well he gets on over a little further and he says uh many deceivers who do not acknowledge jesus christ as coming in the flesh have gone out into the world such person is the deceiver and the antichrist and he says later don't even invite him into your house but they should point let's get this on straight about who jesus is and matthew said this is how it came about but it seems so matter-of-factly when you read the matthew account i never had looked at luke john and matthew together saying the same thing but once i put them all three together well it's quite different their perspectives but the point is because i was thinking that when zach was talking earlier when he when pilate said what is truth the what he missed was because he was wanting to hear the the reasoning but jesus had already remembered declared look that i am the truth yeah yeah he's looking for what and he missed who and i think what you just read five times it said that in first john true true true truth then it said he who acknowledged that jesus is the christ well there's your truth but here's the deal from a human standpoint the reason it's such a wrestling match in the pursuit of truth because the truth that saves us all by human standards is impossible yeah you you you get a birth with no sperm you you say what you know sperm and ovary well well it doesn't wait a minute here you you it's what you're saying is the truth is impossible but my point is a lot of religious people they the uh the bible's true because it's inspired by the holy spirit but they what's that verse that says they rightly def divide the word of truth and so they try to get perfect agreement on all truths of the bible which is impossible small t's and what jesus is offering is without putting without faith it is impossible to please god so yeah but my point is and so you have all these arguments and you have all and you have a debate kind of like what pilate and jesus were having they're like well what is the truth or what is the most important yeah and jesus if he didn't do anything else you know one of his common phrases were was i tell you the truth yep and then he later just he says i am the but you know why i think that why it's so offensive and you see you see what happened here by the way you were just about to read this part about herod it's funny to me by the way in verse three and chapter two of matthew when herod hurt when he hears about the coming of the messiah you know he who he calls together all the religious people oh that that that's right i thought the same thing you want to know who the enemies of jesus would be they're the people that he gathered in verse four when he called together all the people people's chief priests and teachers of the law he asked them where the christ was to be born and they're like in bethlehem look they had read the prophecies because they quoted it but you bethlehem and the land of judah are by no means least among the rulers of judah so i'm like why are they not down there worshiping who we got worshiping three astrologers that were not that were not god's chosen people that were gentiles yeah they're gentiles i think there's something here because later on when you get to matthew 28 i think it all comes together that we're jesus who has all authority yeah and power he's proven that it says go into all nations and he starts here because he knew that these religious people were too prideful and pious to go down there and get in line and and it was it was a threat to herod yeah for the they were had picked aside well to them who had the power they thought yeah look i did some research on this guy because when you get to the raid at our part about he because he felt threatened here he's like where exactly is this i need let me know y'all find out where he is and let me know well he cause he was gonna kill him yeah but that but he but he said he was gonna go worship him i wanna go worship now i wanna kill him that's what powerful people do they lie yeah well what you say they they kill steal and destroy yeah and so this guy look one of the roman emperors at that time had made this quote about king herod they said it was it was better for you to be his pig than his son and you said what was his point well he had killed three of his sons because back in their their day that's who succeeded the throne well if he didn't if he felt threatened and he also killed one of his wives and so they roman emperor said that i mean he was paranoid about his power so it it wouldn't be beyond his character because you gotta remember bethlehem was a small place back then so killing these babies were probably eight or ten or twelve and he's he he was so paranoid about his power he he did that which is absolutely atrocious and even him lying about this and and later on it's interesting as the story unfolds because it becomes almost like i think another shadow of what moses went through you remember when they had the decree of of kill the babies and you know moses is put down the river and of course i mean there's similarities there pharaoh's daughter rescues the baby in this case it's a dream they come to joseph and angel and says hey move and then when all of the people that were a threat died which is the same thing happened to moses he's like all right it's safe to come back that's what's interesting about this is jesus is moved to egypt which is the last place you would think he would be sin because of the representation of the bondage you know in their history but it became a spiritual thing and i think in essence i think moses became the freer of their physical bondage and then later jesus became the freer of humanity and their spiritual bondage which is this is not happening by coincidence or our accident it's almost a shadow of yeah that revelation let's uh take a quick break so phil you you do a lot of grilling smoking meats who picks out the meat at the store who does that uh that's fallen on one uh afghanistan veteran who married the granddaughter stone he picks out he picks out the quality meats he picks out the quality meat unless you get it from the woods you probably don't know this but but 80 percent of grass-fed beef sold in the u.s is imported from overseas it's not it's not american beef but our good friends over at good ranchers have traveled the country on a mission to help american families how they work with local farms and they get local meats straight to your door i like the sound of that look they're the only one that does these american craft beef and it's better than organic chicken they're the only ones that have the 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the term uh by his by the husband's decree i'm glad you said that because that i mean husband and wife deciding or even they're definitely deciding to to engage in the act that leads to life but the way jesus was this birth not this birth that's right it was it was decreed from the sovereign sovereign will of god and god's sovereignty is offensive because it robs us of all we can't claim to be like the originators of any of this and god said if you're going to be born of me it's going to originate with me not you you know which leads to the question you know what is my responsibility in that and um one of my favorite books is by a guy named francis schaefer called true spirituality that really shaped my faith a lot and in that book he uses this story to talk about this idea of how we respond in faith to god and he uses mary and i i guess he could use joseph too but he used mary as his prototype of how god works mary did nothing to initiate this this conception in her womb she did absolutely nothing god the holy spirit did everything but she did yield her body and shafer points out that she could have had an abortion she could have committed suicide she could have there's a lot of things that she could have done to to end the pregnancy but she didn't she so so he uses this term called um he says active it's active passivity and so i think this explains a lot even when we get to romans but how we respond to god is we're not conjuring up any of any of our our spirituality we're it's not we're not we're not getting making this happen god's making it happen we just yield as mary yielded her body to the holy spirit we yield to god who produces the fruit in our life and just like joseph yielded joseph healed everything about his life he he just literally he had to he but it's a but it's offensive i've thought a lot better of joseph after i saw what he did no i i agree and these are all prototypes for us because i think that what we want to do is we want to claim the power for ourself we want to we want to be like herod in our in our sinfulness we want to be like herod and when we feel like we're going to lose our sovereignty or we're going to lose our power then we're going to okay we're going to try to stop that from happening god becoming flesh is a gigantic stumbling block i would say a lot of people just thomas jefferson included he just couldn't make that leap because that's why i read the text that says nothing's impossible for god you have to have that kind of faith or you're never even going to believe jesus is the one who came out of a woman i mean god becoming flesh is a big move well i think matthew's version really gives you a good a good reason to understand why people reject jesus because it just seems so crazy that here's these magi i mean when you read it if i pick up and start reading in verse 7 you know herod called the magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared and look meanwhile people have tried they've looked up which stars were and which comments uh went through a couple thousand years ago you know and they're just like nothing makes sense and i'm like why are you trying to make sense of this god is is giving birth to through a via a virgin you don't you already said nothing is impossible god can do anything stars don't just stop their orbit over a baby so evidently god is allowing things to happen let me save you some time miracle keeps getting bigger let me let me read this one quote because this is i've wrote this down uh john piper said this he said uh this is what you said people trying to figure out you know all the the stars and how it worked he said uh people have he calls it a mentality for the marginal like they want to find the marginal point in the text and then they're going to like hunker down on that and do all this he said look he said these types of people seldom have a capacity for deep joy and the essential truths of the text and of the gospel yeah and i think that your point you get you're missing the point if you get bogged out on that exactly and and i want to keep reading here because we're almost out of time so he he then says in verse 9 after they had heard the king they went on their way and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was that's not normal star activity and that's why i made this point about these guys these gentile magi whoever they were coming to worship and and it just made me realize here that when you look at the religious religious world of that day you none of the religious theologians are are showing up and you have worldly people who are not who we would think tracking stars to try to find the son of god by pastor and i thought you know what it made me think today you don't want to have churches full of all these great thinkers who are too proud or too uh too sad in their own own reasoning just to fall down and do radical things and worship god unschooled and ordinary men might throw a few of them in and so i thought you know a lot of times in the world that's how it works you got you got worldly people showing up and they're hearing about jesus and they're they're radically falling down and worshipping jesus and you've got all the religious people on one side saying i don't know about this you know it just it's well look at the thing well you look at the stark contrast here in the arrival of of jesus one of two things either you tried to kill him or you bowed down to worship exactly [Music] well verse 11 verse 11 said on coming to the house they saw the child with his mutt with his mother mary and they bow down and worship then they open their treasures and these don't seem like you know you would think baby toy toys or presents for a baby but it's it's kind of what they represented because they were maybe god had inspired them but you know you think gold you're thinking king and you think uh the the incense and of myrrh and having been worn in a dream let's see what was the other things yeah the incense things like for a priest which because they were getting the big picture that jesus would become a priest for humanity yeah basically of the bridge and so and and having been warned in the dream not to go back to herod they returned to their country because herod said when you find out the exact location come because i want to go worship him too which was a lie so when herod found out about this this was down in verse 16 that he had been outwitted by the magi he was furious and he gave orders to kill all the boys in bethlehem in his vicinity who were two years old and under i mean just absolutely horrible and i think a lot of people trying to make this feel like well why did god allow that to happen you know but i think you get back to the same thing god created this he gave he gave us the choice of good and evil and to do you know what we decide to do and the consequences of that is seen in herod's quest for power and then verse 19 he dies and an angel of the lord appeared in a dream to joseph in egypt and said take the child and his mother and go to the land of israel for those who were trying to take the child's life are dead that's why i keyed in on that because the same thing happened in moses's life the same identical rendering so he got up took the child and his mother and went to the land of israel and so then when you get down to the end they go to nazareth and i wanted to read this because this is another thing that sent scholars out the wazoo matthew says so was fulfilled the last verse in 23 what was said through the prophet he will be called a nazarene so every bible scholar goes and looks in the old testament where the prophet said that and guess what can't find it so then there's a long debate and ongoing about what does that mean when you can't find the fulfilled passage because there's like 23 fulfilled prophecies that matthew recorded i mean he was real big on that which is amazing hundreds of years ago but here you have different variations of the word and they're like one of them is nazarite and they're like well it can't be nazarite because to be a nazarite you never could cut your hair you couldn't drink and you uh which is why john the baptist he had never touched a drop you know and that's why he had long hair and uh you couldn't touch a dead body well they're like well jesus touched the dead body and you read luke 7 and the difference between john the baptist and jesus despite what what some crusty theologians think it gives every indication that jesus drank now we know he didn't get drunk and he never sinned but but he drink fine wines yeah i mean i want to read that because somebody probably you know pulled over and said oh no what are you saying let me just read what what i think luke 7 when they were given the difference between jesus and john the baptist or jesus was given the difference he says in 28 i tell you among those born of women there is no one greater than john yet the one who is least in the kingdom of god is greater than he and then he goes on to say in verse 33 for john the baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine and you say he has a demon the son of man who he's speaking of himself jesus is because i see the red letters came eating and drinking and you say here's a glutton and a drunkard a friend of tax collectors and sinners i don't know how else to interpret that but jesus had a bad reputation he didn't have one of a nazarene so what do you what do you think that means i think it's kind of what uh philip and nathaniel when they had that conversation when philip told nathanael that's in john i think chapter two or at the end of chapter one he said they philip said we found the messiah just the same problem that was going on in the religious world and he's like where's he from there's like nazareth and nathanael's like nazareth ain't nothing good coming out of nazareth and i think it was all of the words used around nazarene was basically that's a he's a nobody and i think that's what god had in mind to to give the impression that this is from from him and not us well yeah i think to wrap it up it is interesting you've got two kings you've got herod you got jesus herod had really no power right and he's gonna thwart in his mind the will of god and god had all power and he condescends and becomes a baby yeah i mean you see he's just you and so you see why our god is worthy of worship it it's not just his power that makes god glorious it is it is his power and his condescension which is which exemplifies his love like i mean like you think about this what kind of god would do this i mean this isn't you could not write this because it's insane that that's that's a real one well tell one to answer your question i think the shadows and there is a version of this nazarene which most you know people agree that there's a word mentioned in samuel speaking of coming from the seed line of jesse which you know david was born in bethlehem also king david and now here's jesus and so we see that similarity there too but back in the old testament the power of god was revealed and here all of a sudden jesus coming you see this vulnerability this that you know he's a he's a baby i mean they're having to take him in the middle of the night and move and he's from nazareth in places that you wouldn't think some powerful king would come from which we know that this is becomes god's love story for us him becoming a man it's disruptive yeah and being vulnerable and living our life as a man and then eventually given his life for our sins well i think that sums it up and we in the world in some form or another there is still something to be dealt with it's called christmas yeah and it still makes powerful people nervous it does it does and they try to kill him whether you know physically or spiritually or theologically and uh it's still religious people are still shaking their heads and it just can't be well the good news is they can't kill him again thanks for listening to the unashamed podcast help us out by raiding us on itunes and don't miss an episode by subscribing on youtube and be sure to click that little bell to get notified about new episodes and for even more content that you won't get anywhere else subscribe to blaze tv at blazetv.com unashamed
Channel: Phil Robertson
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Id: 60Y-AnfUJu4
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Length: 56min 48sec (3408 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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