'Doctor' Phil and Jase’s Sermon Prep | Ep 57

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I polish a what about you I had a really exciting moment you know when you're raising teenagers it can be challenging and so any bit of good news you know you see a report card with all A's you're like hey we are sad my daughter she gets a letter in the mail and she's like I see her she kind of stopped in her tracks as she's reading it cuz I got the mail gave it to her she's like I won I said what'd you win you know I was thinking you know this publishing Clearing House yeah I bet you want she's like no at my school was he you know there's 2,500 students at her school she said you could submit an essay about why history is important and it's a national competition and they picked two kids from each state and she said I'm I'm one from Louisiana I was like are you serious wasn't like I didn't believe her and when I read it was like all expense-paid I knew it was a legit when it said all expense-paid well you know we will pay you to come to Washington DC with the other 99 students yeah and I said well what did you write this that where is this essay and she said well I basically wrote it on why that we need our historical monuments despite the people who we made the monuments of or the situation's despite them not being perfect it's part of our histories what what built America you know I was like well I gotta read this now which I never did get a copy of it she was like well I sent it I was like well where's your notes you know she said I'll get it for you but anyway I thought that was exciting I was thinking now that that is that is awesome she's well I kind of came from a spiritual angle in that you know we all make mistakes but when you think about how Great America is you celebrate the process by which it came to be you see why yeah and so I was like good job here I'm so amazing there didn't as she had that interrupts never have a conversation I mean she's very musical you know she reminds yeah that's read where she can play she plays a piano you know it's uh I love it you know when we took her cell phone away a while back when she was going through a You Know Who am I gonna be she really flourished with I guess writing as well as you know playing the piano and everything that's amazing when you give kids the opportunity and you give them more time that they were just wasting on a cell phone that what they'll do and so on which by the way that's a good little parenting advice I've raised teenagers dads raise kids Jase is almost through raising he is is with this interference now of phones and internet and tablets and all that stuff you really should I mean typically we do now as a punishment cuz that's the one thing they appreciate the most but we really should just have some time where you just say you know we're not gonna do phones for eczema oh look all her friends and every kid if they're below 18 we have an 18 year old rule at miles when you walk into my house it is a no cell phone area you get no chase you turn it in you're getting there and look now I don't even feel worse he's getting there [Laughter] but cell phones can be useful you know but they can also be a detriment especially to an immature mind you can't just hand it to them and say good luck you're right I mean look you know we have this new I know who talked about something else but I have to day their story I'm we have these new roundabouts in our at our town and that I love well I do too but our society let's face it where we live I'm gonna try to be nice I love where I live okay and I love the people but let's face it that round there's three of them rotten Road this taught me something about our culture that we currently don't know they're not the brightest bulbs around well they're like scared of them which is so crazy cuz dilute the Europeans I've missed it on a lot of stuff but they got it on the roundabouts cuz if he knows how there's no traffic now it's so so much quicker but look I'm coming up the other day you got a member of construction once it all gets finished I think it will be easier for everybody but I come up there and there's two lanes that you can go in the roundabout whether there's a person stopped you know you're supposed to yield if someone's coming well there's someone coming cuz I'm looking way up that's driving I'm looking at the situation I did I have a person stopped in my lane so I'm gonna go to the other lane what there's somebody coming so I have to slow down well I'm a I'm a horn blower because they gave the horn to you for a reason you know a lot of people now they're scared of road rage to where they don't blow the horn right I blow the horn because I'm like we have a person who's stopped at a roundabout where it's a yield and there's no one coming so I just laid on the horn well the person passed they're not moving yet so then I thought well maybe the cars broke down so I finally squeeze around them and look it's a woman she's looking at me she's on her cell phone and she's looking at me like why are you blowing the horn and I'm like lil as I went by all I said was lil around about checking this message and then is offended cuz I can tell by the looks like I'm on the phone woman I mean you're no longer living when you pull up and just you say I'm in a dangerous intersection I have a phone call I'm stopping right here the power of the cell phone and then when the horn is when the alert goes off her response should have been oh what the heck am i doing I just calls it right now on the cell phone but no she's looking at me like how dare you look I don't know but I am happy about but I'm very proud that was awesome so we love talking cell phones with dad because you know all you know how much he loves them and when you everytime Jason I have a conversation about it it's like you know the dad glaze is over but we got to talk about cell phones again because we got a really good company Patriot mobile it's a cell phone company course you heard you pricing commercials from some of the other big you know cell phone companies but you don't really know what they do I'll tell you what they do most of them is they are behind a lot of left-wing causes yeah shocker right and high-tech yeah well the good news about Patriot mobile is they're not that basically they donate you know money they make to send the same things here's a comment to Silicon Valley you didn't get me dude but if you were gonna get involved you would go with the paint that's right you code the Patriot right if you were gonna get a cell phone you would sign up for patron erect alright good well that's see that's exactly right so if you start out with these guys $25 unlimited talk text nationwide service you can switch easily you keep your own number or you get you a new phone if you want to they have a great selection of phone so if you go to Patriot mobile.com slash fill which always makes me chuckle Patriot mobile comm slash fill you get free activation plus you're gonna get a special gift offer when you put in Phil's name when you check out so it's patron go to Patriot mobile.com slash feel or if you want to call them it's 972 Patriot 972 Patriot either way they can get you switched over it was like Peter he's following the cell phones at a distance so dad you need to tell us about your yeah we've had us for the last few months it's all been about dads Alma's now you got something new to show about 74 I'm nearly there so it's just a number so i'm i get my waders out during duck season they're in a closet in a barn remember barn being the key word it's kinda like it's a barn I have my waders they've been in there since last year we've seen this before when you get your waders and we've got it down out a little bit of a site you shake your waders just in case a black widow spider is not in your waders before you put your feet in your waiters or wharf rat or wharf rat and other condo brown recluse who knows copperheads so opinions I slid into my waders and some time between then and a couple hours later I felt a slight just a slight sting right right here oh I've heard this yeah had a slight sting and I thought ooh V I said fire ain't I figured firing it got me so I'm trying to water up the waiters to kill him to kill him because I'd have to come out of my waiters looking at my busily so what transpired from that is is that this is the result of the staying on my leg you see that but have you identified what stung no I just told anybody I'm sitting in my chair and this thing a a not came up on my leg oh hey as they would say in the business probably something like sebaceous cyst whatever but there's a knot there that came up it doesn't have a head on it but it's just a rope you can roll it around it's upon the skin it's like a hunk a fatty hunk of meat right up under the skin there is there a is there a sting or Fang marked under that it would just sort of purplish right on top but it never came out to be a head and so I first just said okay I've had enough of that give me a good needle and I put a little alcohol on it have you had any fever no no no and I've stuck the needle down anything I said without let me see if I can relieve that that pain and and maybe it's infected down in there so I insert a needle into it all I see is blood that was phase one phase two was I said mostly I call it doc I call the warden trying to be ya know and I'm getting to the doctor so I call up and I in a stone my board it married your daughter ya know so he's my son-in-law so medical skills whatsoever hey that's right however he told me the guy that we've been duck huntin with oh the nurse break day is a nurse practitioner to me a nurse practitioner is right under a brain surgeon I mean he's there so I call stone opposite call the nurse practitioner I called him nurse man I said call the nurse man up and ask him did he get any training during his nurse practitioner format did he get any training with sebaceous cyst possibly a black widow bite it's a it's a ball so he calls him up and he says Fitz no are you trained to do minor surgery that's what I want to know well the nurse practitioner said tell him that I do have the training to do that he said get a cellphone get somebody cell phone yeah the eunuch with the cell phone so I said take a picture of it and send it to me and let me look at it before I four I go further the see if you hadn't had a cell phone I told you that black box only I'm talking to the eunuch who's miss Kay's Butler who hangs around a house working so he takes a picture of this sends it to the nurse practitioner and he said I'll be down there I can take care of it I'll be down at 8 o'clock on Thursday morning to find so he rolls in there and he said puts a leg up on the dining room table and I saw a label there I got there like that makes me feel good did you shave I said before you start let me let me go over one little point that I asked stone about you said you had been trained for a little minor surgery he said that's correct I said did you do your training on a mannequin some kind of plastic body how do you how do you work on that he said no I got my training from the ER room with the drunks and the meth heads he said that's who I practice on I said that's a lot of practice and he said oh listen I've caught him every way you can cut up so I said good training I don't even know what this is well it's just a knob nah fatty sebaceous he called it cysts up under the scan is it did it come from something biting it well it came from somewhere I've got it there it's bothering me and I and it's getting bigger I said so ladies he say did something bite you I told him I felt a sting and he said huh he said well nice to see us huh and look the first thing he does which is pretty cool did you agree not to sue him where this is he took a magic marker and he keep keeping it look he goes he takes a magic marker and he draws a circle about that big up here and I said so you're starting out with a magic marker doing a circle I said what's that I know I'm I'm watching my surgery takes place I said why the circle there and he said that's where I'm gonna cut I'm like and I look down and I see pretty good-sized circle so he takes a little knife there's not that long and I'm looking at he said should her dad knit I said as I was gonna take he said not long I said I don't need him to dead and he said let me give you a little bit I said what everything so he he took a needle and stuck it in about four or five different places around that thing took a little knife the knife was about this low a little bitty thing but it looked sharp and look he just took that thing and he just made a circle where he had put the line and he just picked it up and said hmm he's a pretty good size so he puts out on a napkin folds the skin back up like that so it is just he bored out a hole all the way down to this it would look like you know a mini Grand Canyon just a volcano looking and there's a hole in my leg he squeezes the skin up like this I'm going through the procedure here and look he began to take a needle with thread and he put about five stitches on that and and he said don't worry about putting anything on it he said I'll be back in about a week I'll take the stitches out rock and roll so I said the only difference between right now and a hundred and fifty years ago I said 150 years ago the doctor would have come riding up on a horse beat have been on a horse he got his bag he had walked in and he said okay what do we have here and that's the way they did it I said the only difference here is you drove up in a Chuck instead of riding up on a horse horse I said we're old school you know what I'm saying I said what's this gonna cost me said nothing I said there you go well he wants to go duck on the end Wow he's a friend well that's pricey I trusted him he's a friend he took it out and let me tell you something I have felt no not a twinge of anything since it doesn't hurt but we does whatever caused it who knows how long ago is that when you felt the steam that was during duck season three or four months ago oh well that's I mean it took it I would have helped the story well how did the thing get that big so three to four months it got bigger and bigger and bigger and I finally said you know what how long am I gonna wait here somebody said well why didn't you go to a you know the guy he's been trained so well I've seen you and I saw this this this was quicker for sure cheap Raj if you can avoid going to medical outpost as you call them then you just didn't do that living room is the outpost well I've noticed I've had an epiphany here bye to you because I saw you do something one time I've seen you perform surgeries on dolls I've done minor surgery myself no but I noticed something when it was on you you you called in a professional cuz look I saw a kid get a devil horse a treble hook called in his hand and deep you remember this oh yeah anyone up there I was like what am I do you know is I mean it was just buried and wait anybody's fish we've all had this happen and fail was like absolutely no problem this 100 times oh yeah and I could tell you was relief you know so he tried to push it through and he was gonna sudden the end of the heart you know the barbell but he tried that that didn't work so he just couldn't the guys hollering yeah it feels like are you be alright and so Phil said well if that don't work he said then what you do is he took that hook he said you form a mountain and he just pulled the hook up and I'm telling you like his hand he's coming his hand is like coming up yeah and he said you formed the mountain and then feel grabbed his knife real quick and said then you cut the top of the mountain off that got infected on that guy and he went to a doctor baton and the doctor said who did that he said well my buddy said he could have and the doctor said don't let him get a hold of you why didn't you do it to yourself as what's right under the brain surgeon to handle it on this kitchen table but I'm just saying I'm doing that telling the audience the story it worked out for me it's great I don't look cataract surgery here so I'm falling apart I got my I'm going by it that's the the the the eyes healed up great to cataract it's been about two weeks ago you never did reattach it by the way I have 2015 2015 there's no Ted man you still got your UNICEF arm without the you know muscle-bound up on meter with this loose but it got purple and stayed that way about a week but then it just went away I said y'all can y'all tie this back together yeah is it bothering you I said nah it's alright I said it did hurt he said I let it go work it out in the resurrection sure I'm just say enough for the people who live in the subdivisions and the major cities in America our audience just remember I mean simplicity not pressed in a day you know what I'm saying she a lot quicker you don't have to go up and people want your autograph and step into clinic yeah yeah most people's not that's not a real good I'm preaching Sunday and I'm gonna do something I've never done before cuz you know it's I've been speaking every other week here lately but I go around crowds they're awesome but you come back home and it reminds you that verse that a prophet has no honor in his hometown when Jesus said yep cuz people know you cuz I'm telling you it is you know our home city at our church it's just it's a tough crowd yeah would your great cuz you spoke there last week I did it's like the jokes are not as funny any stories you tell they've already heard it I've been there 34 years yeah it's hard to speak the same audience yeah it's hard so I was gonna give y'all what I'm thinkin and then yo and then we'll see well I don't I don't really have it yet but we're going through the book of John pretty much I mean yeah you went off into marriage last week I kept waiting for the you know we're all married to Jesus and then tied in with John somehow you know cuz lot of times were trapped into our series but you just said not taking a week off just like the podcast you never know where we're going that's right so in John 1 when John the Baptist ran across Jesus as okay he's the one and we we've talked about this before but in verse 32 it says then John gave this testimony I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him now he's talking about Jesus his baptism right and he says I would not have known him except that the one he sent me to baptize with water told me the man on whom you see the Holy Spirit come down remain is he who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and we talked about that for he poured it out acts 2 okay I have seen and I testify which I like this declaration there's another bumper sticker from John the baddest I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God by the way when I was studying you know I was talking about John Baptist his bumper sticker quotes I found another one in John 3 and verse 35 it says he said the Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands you just think about that statement you know Jesus who we follow and serve as Lord he has everything in his hands it's a pretty awesome thought so anyway here's what I'm gonna do with this because we're in John that's where the thought came from I said a few weeks ago that I went to a worship conference and I heard this guy preach a sermon called from the water to the wilderness and I gave a little bit of a podcast to talk about and so that comes from John 3 I mean on Matthew 3 and 4 you have the baptism of Jesus that John just described but but Matthew 3 goes into detail and when you combine it with marks account mark has a key phrase right when John baptized Jesus it says the Holy Spirit comes on and God says three things which I'll have this part of my lesson this is my son whom I love and with him I'm well pleased because I believe the same thing is uttered since we die we're crucified with Christ God gives us the spirit I think that declaration is made and those are the beliefs that we have that's gonna carry us through in our faith you when you get into tough time you think well God loves me I'm the son of God I'm a daughter of God and I please him it's wrong and I have the Holy Spirit of God in me these are all things I've said when I've been nervous or I'm innocent in high school you know and I was getting peer pressure whatever I was thinking I got the Holy Spirit of God I'm not taking them lip off this guy you know I'm son of God these are those declaration so I'll go through that but in March version it says at once the Holy Spirit immediately the Holy Spirit led him to the wilderness because we have these chapter divisions in our Bible we tend to think oh that's at a later date as soon as he was baptized the Holy Spirit carried him to the temptation in the wilderness right well when you read through that temptation in Matthew 4 here comes the evil one what I've here's where I'm at in my study and y'all y'all maybe help me the evil one begins to tempt him in and he says in verse 3 if you're the Son of God tell these stones to become bread well I went back in my mind to Genesis 3 when the evil one was in a garden and he tempted Adam and Eve and you remember the first thing he told Eve he said did God really say and this is kind of the same he's going down the same Road well if you're the son of God you know tell these stones to become bread and he was telling Eve did God really say that if you so the first thing he wants you to question well jesus answered it is written man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God now the reason I'm bringing this up he quoted Deuteronomy 8 well when I went over there and looked at Deuteronomy 8 it was basically talking about the Exodus where Moses you have the Red Sea moment because remember this is from the water to the wilderness well the Red Sea something spectacular happened they have this awesome moment like Jesus had receiving God's Holy Spirit and then what happened they went to the wilderness I mean same concept you know and so Deuteronomy of which he quotes here basically talks about why God sent them to the wilderness that they would trust him that they would depend on that they would realize that true wealth and success comes from him you can read it it's all it's a I don't know how I missed it so going back to the Genesis parallel you have the next temptation which is he says the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple if you're the Son of God he said throw yourself down for it is written here's the evil quoting scriptures you know well when I went back to Genesis 3 I see another parallel you know first he asked Eve did God really say well then in verse 4 he says of Genesis 3 says you won't die memory he said you won't die but he's basically saying the same thing to the son of God throw yourself down yeah you won't die if you're the son of God because you it's the same concept of course Jesus said don't put the Lord you know your God to the test and then the last temptation he says again now this one I have more trouble with but it says again the devil took him to a very high mountain showed him all the kingdoms of the world and all this I'll give you if you bow down well you would think well why would that be a temptation of Jesus because he already has everything that's tender holy thing but the more I got to thinking about it is what he was offering him is you didn't have to go through the pain you know just look at what Jesus had to go through the humility of being a human being trapped as a man going through the pain putting up with other humans going through the process he's dying and you could just of course it's a temporary solution which is what the evil one does but that was the temptation well that compares to Genesis 3 where he says verse 5 for God knows that when you eat it your eyes will be open and you will be like God knowing good good and evil when by the way just all this Satan talking to Jesus I will give you other words you know throw yourself down if you will bow down and worship me right and then jesus said worship the Lord your God only and serve him only he said no I'm not bowing down to you over fry anything you see what I'm saying yeah but in my point is the temptation was the same he was telling me Evie you can be your own God yeah and he was basically appealing to Jesus in the same way you know let's do this together do what I say go through the process which is my point about the water and then the wilderness is that fast-forward to us what does this mean to us well once you declare Jesus is Lord and you can read this from first Peter to Ephesians where you get to put on the armor of God or first Peter at the end we says don't be surprised when if you're insulted in the name of Christ when you declare Jesus as Lord and you receive God's Spirit and you're on the top of the mountain and he says yeah you're my son or daughter I love you I'm pleased with you well now you're headed to the wilderness it's coming the end the same reason that's described in Deuteronomy 8 which the point is and the point I'm going to make and I'm finishing up then I'll get you this is the overall philosophical view of what I'm given is what he was conveying in Deuteronomy 8 is that it doesn't really matter where you're at you know I'm using this wilderness just like the the Israelites and just like Jesus in the temptation it's who you with that that's what's when you go whatever your wilderness experience he was face to face with the evil one with us like with me I was in high school when I came to the Lord well my wilderness is day one after baptism when I went back to that public school yep oh it was the wilderness then because now I have to start making changes in how I'm operating and what I'm conveying and when I do you need to follow the crowd all you needed was to bow down and worship Satan and you'd have been one of them there's a mighty throng all this I will give you showed him all the kingdoms if you'll bow down and worship me Satan said well what you you went back to the school were they bowing down to and guess what other it was two years of wilderness yep because I wasn't strong enough or I didn't take Jesus's charge here I wasn't using Scripture because he quoted three scriptures as a weapon I was just trying to get out of there without screwing up with no I admit but it was a two-year wilderness process and basically what we're I'm getting that is is in Hebrews three and four which I don't know how to use this but two chapters that I've never really hung out in much but it's an illustration of Moses leading the Israelites through the wilderness to what Jesus offers and about the second or third verse you can read the whole thing on your own time and I know y'all familiar with it but in in Hebrews four it says verse 1 therefore since the promise of entering his rest still stands because he's comparing it when the Israelites were going to go to the you know Promised Land let us be careful that none of you be found to have fallen short of it for we also have had the gospel preached to us just as they did but the message they heard was of no value to them because those who heard it did not combine it with faith and here's my point when we hear the gospel what Jesus did and we respond we have our water moment we're baptized we have the Holy Spirit of God we're on the top of the mountain well what is faith faith is being sure of what we hope for well the wilderness is the are you sure which is what happened with Jesus you know this is my son it's a son of God we're gonna save the world and the spirit took him out there to the Evon and basically if you wanted to sum up what happened is are you sure and that that's what happens to all of us and so I think if people know that then they're more prepared cuz look my first two years of my Christian life was miserable you know I was attacked I was persecuted I had no friends you know it was like the exact opposite of what I thought was gonna happen I'm my own you know I come to Jesus all my problems are gonna be solved well it really I was pretty comfortable up until that point and I felt good for problems were just beginning just beginning because I didn't realize the evil one met me there in the Wilmers and and it's different for everybody but the good and evil what happened in the garden replicated itself with Jesus but then it continues to replicate it ourselves that's why I brought up Ephesians he talks about you're sealed with the Holy Spirit we're all coming together there's one Lord and one faith and one baptism and you know don't live like you used to live a life of love and he talked about marriage you know and you're married to Jesus and then he gets to the end and says put on the full armor of God take your stand against the devil there's James he's coming and that that's where I think the are you sure a moment is what a lot of people are not prepared for so that's the gist of it that's very sound teaching what do you go well yeah and what's interesting is Jesus was 30 when this happened yeah so it is interesting that and we don't read much about and he had not performed any miraculous act know there's a lot thought about that it wasn't based on his performance hadn't done Nate that's right that's right the one thing that changed was the moment the recognition moment that he and John had obviously well and the Spirit in this Holy Spirit so to use your own analogy if you come forward to us you know until we sort of for lack of a better way to put it until we get on the clock till we get in the game until the Holy Spirit shows up you know I don't know the evil one you know he's he's obviously working but we're not as much on his radar until we make a decision that is true that take the stance that I'm saying I mean that's doubt say I think you look at John about his interest I got on a zigzag of a course when I first repented zigzag I mean zag not good Zig pretty good zag no from the water to the wilderness look look at the pole of where I had been stay with me for the first year the strongest couple he is and it was like five years later after walking looked around one day I said good night I have been drunk in years yeah three forty years now hmm first year first I'm going as you know I'm still getting drugged got it took me a while to set my course that's right so let me tell you this John the Baptist's no he came baptizing with water but he was he was a voice calling out in the wilderness right and pretty good point well but look and then so what happened well John the Baptist's continued we've already documented this he continued just pounding on the spiritual principles it out in the wilderness well you know the evil one came to him and at first I'm sure he tempted him but you know John the Baptist had the holy spirit from birth and so what did he eventually do well Satan has two tactics he tempts you like you did Jesus and like he does us if that doesn't work he'll just key that that's what it said he was a murderer from the beginning which led to John the Baptist having his head cut off yep well Satan did the same thing of Jesus he tempted him here that didn't work so what did he do phase two well we I'm positive he was in the workings of the leaders and that's why the worst that says the leaders rulers didn't understand it because if they had that when two killed Jesus members remember that the member at the Last Supper whenever Judas is there and said Satan entered him in that moment I mean that was the deal who's gonna betray you he said the one hand this bread - and when he handed the bread the tutors he said at that moment that my baton entered him which is to your point he Satan thought oh well I'll just wipe him out just like John the vision anybody else what he didn't know was that Jesus had already decided he was going to give his life and so he played into the plan never knowing that's right but just shows you that people rightfully should fear the power the evil one because certainly he's powerful in there's many many verses to tell us look out watch out he's powerful but remember he's not more powerful than God he's not immortal I know how that works let's why I said that temptation that third temptation because the evil one he's not immortal but evidently in that world you can live longer than our measly 70 years and you can he's not human so yeah right and you can be you know multiple places you know John made it interesting not bound by the laws of gravity that's right the same John that Jesus had been quoting from we're looking at today when he wrote first first John 2nd 3rd John 1st John over toward the Vecchia Bible you dear children are from God and have overcome them the world because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world they're from the world therefore speak from the viewpoint of the world the world listens to them we're from God and whoever knows God listens us but whoever is not from God does not listen to us that's where you can find out the Spirit of Truth or not there's a pretty good point in that once you receive God's Spirit going back to the water moment you say 1 greater than Satan is in you well that's sure that's the only way you could survive I think you prepare I mean it makes sense if you go back and think of all the things Jesus said when he said guy said hey I'll follow you wherever you go and he's like foxes have holes and birds have nests but I don't even have a place to lay my head it's basically that concept are you ready for the wilderness because I'm living in it yeah you know yep oh he said hey you know you want to follow me you better bring your cross yep it's the same concept let me throw this little morsel into each thing in Matthew 17 you have a situation happened where Jesus Moses and Elijah come together with the disciples and they you know they call it the Transfiguration just because we don't a word in our society to describe what happened what happened there you know it says he was transfigured before them but now getting back to my water to the wilderness you had Moses who led the Israelites in victory by God's hand from the Red Sea to the wilderness you had Elijah it's when I looked up his situation he was involved in this it was about 42 months of famine there and I read this story but you had Moses forty years in the in the wilderness you had Elijah in this forty months of the famine that he was a part of knew you can check me out on that then you have Jesus who had the forty days with the evil and himself and they're having a powwow up here of some capacity with a God but I want you to notice what happened from the terminology you know Peter comes up and says to Jesus in verse four Lord it's good for us to be here you know I'll put up three shelters one for you one for Moses one for Elijah and while he's still speaking a bright cloud enveloped them and look here we go again and a voice from the cloud said the same thing and what happened at Jesus's baptism this is my son whom I love with I'm well pleased and you got these other two characters who had similar experiences for Jesus was here Elijah with the famine forty months Moses with the forty years and then he added one thing listen to him and I think that's what we realized the reason Jesus was quoting scriptures because he was listening to his father that he was going with the plan in the wilderness well that's the same thing we do you know we we get in the wilderness whatever the situation is then you have it you have a choice am I going to listen to what God says and now prove it in the face of evil or am I just going crater I mean I I just think it's it's weird that those it happened to be those two you know look I am other interesting tidbit about that so another thing that draws those three together Moses he didn't go into the Promised Land and so he went up on a mountain Mount Horeb and it said he died there and God buried him whatever that means and no one ever found no I never found his body and then in endued there was a kind of behind-the-scenes moment where Jude talks about a fight with the evil one over the body of Moses yeah so that's interesting and then Elijah is just walking along and a big wind picks him up and it says those two flaming chariot and that's how he left the planet and then of course Jesus was resurrected so there's another thing the three had in common is they had very unusual ways that it wasn't a typical like all the rotties were in question there's no body in this murder case you know deals like where's the body that's my point about the resurrection and form where's the body for him to show up bodily on top of the hill standing Jesus talking and over you like you when you wonder because the disciples that were there they saw it I mean how would they know that these people lived thousands of years before they did and yet somehow they knew I may add not let that nametags well I said that before somebody said I was in some debate or something there's like no no I mean just give me one reason why you follow Jesus you know but they were saying it sarcastically because we were in the heat of argument and I said because they couldn't find his body they're like what what does that mean like no I mean there was a crime a someone was killed and you could search the entire planet all atoms molecules the granite you're not gonna find the body there is no body why I'm following it and every other person that people follow is wit in the ground so sauce is it ain't there boys there ha wait somebody's like the body it ain't there I was like okay well let me say this cuz they were out of time you know Peter was standing there watching this and here's you would think that he got it but he went on to deny Jesus so you know in Jesus reinstates him but I can't help but think this water to the wilderness that Peter didn't get it at some point because when he wrote his letter you know in first Peter you just think about what he started off in verse 6 he says chapter 1 you know you rejoice in this you greatly rejoice though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials there there he understood the wilderness concept now these have come so that your faith which is are you sure of greater worth than go which perishes even though refined by fire may be proved genuine and may result in praise glory and honor through when Jesus Christ is revealed he finally got it and the reason I know that is is because he writes that letter and he gets all the way to the end to chapter 5 and verse 8 and he says be self-controlled and alert your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour with this is just a few short verses right past when he talked about baptism and it's the pledge of good conscience toward God I was like he got that principle and that's what made me really want to do this cuz I thought it's more than just a happening with Jesus there's a principle there this is why we're here God calls us through Jesus we surrender he gives us the Holy Spirit we're on top of the mountain it's awesome I've been saved well guess what the spirits fixed to take you to the wilderness but but but remember this matthew 16:21 matthew 2017 mark 831 mark 1032 Luke 18:31 Matthew Luke John 12 3 you say what did Jesus tell him you say he told him he was gonna die the Pharisees gonna take him up through them he been raised from the dead he told them all what was fixing to happen yep as he went through the wilderness he said here's my spec to happen well when you get the Matthew Mark Luke and John well what happened what he said what happened just just like he said it yeah but that Peter he's running for the high hills he's like everybody deserted you say it wasn't like they they weren't told this I just gave you the ones who so what do you tell him I'm gonna die be buried in three days be raised from the dead he told him that over and over and over the time came for it to happened they hit the road Jesus did what he said and no one knew including these guys this is gonna he's gonna save the world they just didn't get it two things happened was just to iron-clad your point he saw a resurrected Lord witnessed the gospel and the Holy Spirit came for a visit when we get to Acts chapter 1 so that's what changed also had that conversation with Jesus where he realized that he was going to risk his life you know what this the end of John and 21 he said you know one day you're gonna be led well you don't want to go because that's our problem Peter didn't follow Jesus or he denied him because he didn't want the consequences the wilderness he didn't want to face the music mighty throng of individuals who have heard that same story it's everywhere Jesus died was paid and raised from the dead you're like how many people receive that and stand on that and not budge the Apostle the disciples didn't they all hit the roads like that shows you may witness at first that tells just no cakewalk it's not easy we were saying this I said this my sermon this last Sunday just because things are simple doesn't mean they're easy yes correct this is not easy not easy that's my whole point look the wilderness is coming it's part of it and guess what you don't even have to go there the Holy Spirit's gonna take you so get ready for the world I will say this as we sign off because we talked about my spiritual warfare today one of the best books that I've read on spiritual warfare was a friend of mine named Joe beam it's called seeing the unseen so if you want to look that up on Amazon and get an S it's scary you know because he does a deep dive on evil spirits and what the Bible says about evil well but he starts the conversation notice what you gotta do it's a mean world you gotta pick a size this is a grow so I appreciate y'all letting that right dear this practice my sermon that's it so if you don't if you didn't know if you were thinking about good sermon y'all won't be there I think there's a layer after so you'll get to use too much I'm not a holler or fill I get excited I'll have an occasional you know outrage but you know I'm a mumbler by Nature if I had any kind of homiletically is to be a mumbler and I didn't like making eye contact so you know if you're mumbling and you're looking the other way he's probably not gonna make it speak so this ended this last thing I was speaking in second serves you word in there so they have this little podium famous real lightweight you know and I was going along with something and for some reason I'm now pulled a dad I just I slammed my hand down on the table I was it left they didn't leave but it was it was a loud pop well out of the corner of my eye Tara foster sitting there and I saw her jump I said well I just woke Tara you know everybody started laughing but I mean I didn't realize when I hit that thing it was hollow sounded and it just like a rifle shot went over there so let's see you next time so we're so glad you guys were with us today you can subscribe on iTunes or Spotify or YouTube or Facebook and be sure and rate us on iTunes so that other people can know about the podcast you
Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 81,701
Rating: 4.9517374 out of 5
Keywords: Phil Robertson, Jase Robertson, Duck Dynasty, bible, bible study, Jesus, Christ, God, Christianity, Christian, salvation, Duck Commander, Al Robertson, Gospel
Id: xjL-CETFdyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 48sec (3108 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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