Phil Ivey gets LUCKY in Final Table and WINS $1,600,000!

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what's up guys fury tv here and we're back with another episode of poker hands before getting into it i would like to ask you guys to hit the like button and subscribe if you enjoy our videos as your support is allowing us to continue posting videos on a daily basis commerce casino and he's at 20 000 blinds are 60 and 120 000 and we have an upset in the making woody moore mr luau out in front with 5.1 million dollars the big story so far tonight phil hellmuth going out in sixth place the first one out this final table but phil ivey who came to this final table with the chip lead now sits in fourth chip position in last place let's see if he can come back all right action is going to be on phil ivey and he looks down at a suited connector eight nine of clubs he seems to like it he's going to pump it up a little bit making it 300 000 to go i feel like he played very conservative after starting out aggressively and not doing well that way now changing gears with four players left apparently raising it up there woody moore folding quinn doe now he's got a queen four won't play that so only one to beat his nom lee now anomaly has an ace three of hearts you know he's got 120 000 out there and he's going to call 180 000 more he makes the call all right so we have action between these two nine eight up against h3 here comes the flop now the flop is a seven seven with two diamonds nom lee has flopped aces up and checks and we'll fill ivy with absolutely nothing go in with a continuation bet you better believe it yep he's gonna bet 400 000 here action back on nom lee let's see what he's going to do and he's going to make the call here vince yep so nom lee calls for 400 000 and that's got to turn the caution lights on for phil ivey right there i mean it's the kind of flop that you think a guy's got an ace or seven or he can't make a call in that spot okay turn card coming up well a six comes off now this gives phil an open end straight draw but actions on anomaly and nom checks and the question is will ivy bet the open end straight draw or will he take the free card off indeed he does he checks here comes the river card it's a 10. phil ivey is back door to straight he's hit two running cars to make a straight he now has the best hand and nominee quickly checks on the river and for sure phil is going to bet now looking down at the chips he's racking them up and there it is it looks like eight hundred thousand dollars bet so anomaly's gonna figure this out now he knows phil checked on the turn and now he's betting on the river he's just hoping phil's bluffing had some kind of busted flush draw didn't make anything what's he gonna do will he lay this hand down well it would be just an incredible lay down if he could possibly make it but there's a lot of money out there a car look at this he's gonna be kicking himself because he has called it oh boy well vance he shows the least emotion of anybody out here in the tour but you could see a little frustration when he winged those cars in that time was just a destiny card right there for phil ivey this thing is turned around in a massive way well vance nom lee made the same mistake in that and that phil hellmuth made earlier at this final table let's catch up all right buddy pretty sick when you out flop your opponent put a little bet in there or raise right now to find out where you're at nice catch he didn't do that and it cost him dearly well it goes back to the old saying in poker he who hesitates usually goes broke gotta play bold aggressive you slow down for one second strange things happen to you let's go back down to the table it's going to be on woody moore the veteran at the table 59 years young he's our chip leader right now and he's going to muck a 510 over to quindo he's on the button he's a restaurant owner slash professional poker player here he looks down at ace jack of diamonds that's a big hand in a shorthanded poker game see what he's going to do here he's waiting while phil ivey continues to stack up chips from the last pot 350. well quinn makes it 350 000 to go on the button normally quickly going out only one to beat is phil ivey and phil has an ace eight this time well i just got lucky and won the last pot to get a hold of some chips again and it cost him another 230 000 to make the call here and that's it looks like he's gonna make it and once again phil ivey is dominated he's got ace eight his opponent's got ace jack it's the ace in the middle card that ruined him earlier at this final table let's see what happens here and the flop comes king nine four with two hearts no help to either player no and phil ivey's gonna check it and the mighty quinn checks right behind him turn card coming up oh it's an ace this could spell doom for phil ivey here he's made top pair but his opponent has a better kicker and phil has quickly checked it again and quinn he's not going to bet he checks again can't believe he checks their events can't either two potential flushes out there look at this in eight making phil ivey two pair aces and eights unbelievable that phil ivey has the best hand yes there's a potential flush out there but if you're sitting in phil ivey's seat your opponent checked on the flop and on the turn you're certain are fairly certain that your razor nates are the best hand and phil ivey is going to stick out a half a million dollars and a quick call by quinn and vance and back-to-back pots phil ivey caught runner runner to win the pot lady luck shining down on ivy right now no question about that and with this pot he eats back into the chip lead after starting out in fourth place when there were four players left convince the tide is turning for phil ivey in terms of the luck factor right now we still have four players remaining and right now phil ivey getting closer to his first title win here on the wpt he's got 7.1 million in chips this is his eighth wpt final table he has yet to win a title desperately wants one he's in great shape to capture it tonight let's see if he can hold on to the chip lead and cross the finish line with the trophy in the cash tonight all right it's going to be on woody moore the former oil men from texas woody who started out with the bang tonight has been into a lull lately and very conservative here he looks at the six five a club lays it down glendale goes out as well and ma'am lee looking once again down to the pair of aces absolutely incredible nam is picking up some cards the last time he had two aces he got no action on them let's see what happens here 420. well he's going to raise it not going to slow play him comes in for 420 000. oh and look at this this could be interesting phil ivey has picked up a pair himself he's got two threes come on phil ivey says all in a quick call of course by nominee well music to nam lee's ears he's got two aces phil ivey's got two threes unbelievable nominally in great shape to double up here and win this 2.6 million dollar pot wpt champion nam lee with a huge opportunity this would get him back in second shift position if his hands should hold up with a true shot of taking down his second wpt championship well we say anomaly didn't show much emotion most people be dancing around the room when they had their money all in with two aces against two threes now i'm just waiting to see the flop and it's a good one for him it's come 10-6 deuce nom leaves two aces out front phil ivey's gonna have to catch a three to take the lead or a running four five to make a straight to win this pot so perhaps a little revenge here for nam against phil ivey still gotta sweat out a couple cards here we go with the turn card oh wow the three comes off can you believe it unbelievable as the three peels off on the turn normally absolutely devastated right now you can see the look in his eye wow [Applause] unbelievable anomaly must catch an ace on the river to stay alive in this tournament what a suck out for phil ivey right there payne in the room at the commerce casino river car that's the queen well that's gonna do it for nam lee the wpt champ is heartbroken right now vance what a devastating blow he fought and fought and fought at this final table to stay alive finally gets in a spot the dream situation where you can double up with two aces then bam your opponent hits lightning on the turn and you're walking out of here in fourth place wow 411 thousand dollars he will pick up for this week's work nom lee body bagged out of here in fourth place and vince phil abbey has always said in the past he's never been lucky at these wpt final tables he cannot say that tonight he had two running cards on two hands to win earlier but nothing topped this he had two threes he cracked the two aces to win that pot to take a commanding lead with three players left let's see if he can cross the finish line and capture his first wpt title tonight right now you have to think destiny is on his side have you won a few of these or never really i want a bunch of world series well good for you sir we're looking great all right back to the money pit quinn doe the restaurant here owns a vietnamese noodles house up in seattle also plays a fine game of poker he quickly folds his hand i feel like he looks at an 8-7 and limps in woody with a six deuce happy to see a free flop here okay couple junk hands here we go well let's come eight five deuce phil obvious flop top pair woody's flop bottom pair and phil leads right out in bets hundred thousand yep both got a piece of that what are you trying to figure out what to do yeah wondering if phil ivey's just making a move does he have some type of straight draw could he have a flush draw or is he on a stone bluff you see what he's shaking his head in a negative fashion he does it again well his head said no but his mind said yes because he makes the call here so woody moore on the short stack and in bad shape here he's got bottom pair he's up against top pair and a seven comes off phil ivey now has the top two pair woody has bottom pair and an open end straight draw and phil's first to act and events with a potential flush and a potential straight out there he's gonna bet at 400 000 and quickly when he goes all in oh you call with bottom pairing an opening straight draw phil ivey calls him with the top two pair so woody moore must catch a nine or a four to make a straight for a deuce to make three deuces that's all he can catch to win this pot he must catch a 9-4 or a deuce to stay alive in this tournament can he do it i got a straight draw and a pair of deuces he has played so nicely all night long great bluffs great strength a real character at the table right now the former oil man the luau could be over for him as the cards lie phil ivey over three to one favorite to win this pot and eliminate yet another player at this final table and take one step closer to capturing his first wpt title i got a good feeling i don't know i'm neutral everybody's laughing enjoying themselves he knows he's got to have help let's see if he can get it nope a jack comes off so that's going to do it for woody moore advance what a tournament he had plenty of entertainment lots of fun enjoyed himself made some great poker plays at this final table but in the end out in third place he had a great time he's an entertaining player he's going to pick up 625 000 here at the la poker classic so we are down to two players the heads-up battle about to begin between phil ivey and quindo as is the custom on the world poker tour when we get down to heads up play we have our money presentation so show us the money here come out the commerce cuties [Music] with plenty of cash france that's over two million dollars they're putting on the table surrounding that beautiful trophy to give away to the winner here at the commerce casino a remington statue probably the nicest trophy on the tour but the real trophy to these guys is taking home that wpt title and the 1.6 million that goes with the winner and of course the wpt chipsets it is all there on the line up for grabs will phil ivey take home his first wpt title or will it go to the restaurant owner quindo the classic continues heads up action about to begin we've got phil ivey our chip leader he'd love to become champion he has to get past quinn doe the restaurant owner from seattle quinn do also calls himself a professional poker player plays a lot right here at the commerce casino all right the blinds are still 80 and 160 000 action on phil ivey who's got a queen six of diamonds he's gonna limp in and make the call on the button and quinn doe with an eight deuce of clubs i'm happy to get a free flop here and indeed he is as he checks so it's queen six of diamonds up against eight deuce of clubs let's come a six five with two diamonds what a flop for phil ivey he's got two sixes and a diamond flush draw action is on quinn however he checks now phil for flushing and pairing there he's got one of those hands that you're just hoping to get to go with he bets the minimum bet here 160 000. he's hoping his opponent has some kind of hand he can raise with or one he'll make a move with you know especially because phil didn't raise before the flop he's not going to be put on an ace but lays the hand down so phil ivey taking down that pot he takes one step closer to capturing his first wpt title convince we have a lot of stats on wpt on but i don't believe there's any stat better than the one phil ivey owns he's made the money eight times on the world poker tour all eight times he's made it down to the final six places that is incredible because some events we pay 45 players 60 players 100 and some players in the championship event it's incredible that every time this guy gets the money he makes it to the final six back to the action quinn doe now with the button and he's got one of those suited connectors eight nine of hearts he's got this kind of hand you want to see flops with quindo limps in and makes the call on the button with the nine eight of hearts but phil right behind him with an ace eight well when a guy limps in on the button you have to assume that your ace is the best hand the only way it's not is if your opponent is trapping 400. and phil ivey's gonna raise it up making an additional 400 000 to go well this is a nice bet by phil ivey here figures the ace has the best hand indeed it is in fact he's got his opponent in great shape here he's got an ace eight his opponent's got a 9 8 cool but quindo is going to make the call for another 400 000 so here we go over 1.1 million in the pot right now phil with the ace eight quinn with the nine eight of hearts here comes that flop it's come ace eight six all spades phil ivey has flopped the top two pair quindo has flopped the second pair but there are three spades neither player has a spade but a big flop for phil ivey two pair on the flop and he's coming up to bed seven hundred thousand now quinn with just a pair of eights no spade and you call this you're going into the point of no return this is a 700 000 bet oh boy he's going to make this call nevertheless so quindo virtually drawing dad must hit 9-9 to win this part deeply invested two running spades would give him a split pot and right now phil ivey in a dominating position to win this pot and an ace comes off phil ivey has aces full of eights there's no hand that can beat him right now he has the very best hand possible it's a dream scenario for phil ivey notice he didn't flinch when that ace came offense come on he's going all in he just here that quinn called him on the flop he must have something whether it's a flush draw an ace a pair something he is just praying to himself right now that this man calls him he's saying please call me please call me please call me so i can put that trophy on my mantel doesn't have to call here you can muck this and wait for another day down to your last million but his suspicion is phil's trying to roll him over on this one glenn getting his chips out is he going to make the call if so this party is over phil ivey will wear the crown and capture that elusive first wpt title of his with that title 1.6 million dollars folks it's tough to make these wpt final tables phil ivey has done it eight times more than any other player in the world nicole and he makes a call he's done it phil ivey has done it it is over phil larry is our champion he has finally captured a wpt title so quindo took a long time to think about what to do finally made the wrong decision what can you say phil ivey the man that blew out of final tables with ace queen numerous times never got lucky has finally done it get some luck here tonight at the la poker classic well the river cards of four clubs makes no difference phil abbey wins this pot with aces full of eights he has finally captured a wpt title not much you can say we saw you know poker brilliance probably the biggest name in the game taking home his first wpg title with that close to 1.6 million dollars still ivy's our champion at the commerce casino [Music] [Applause] and here's to the champion of the la poker classic the greatest poker player in the world phil ivey for vince van patten laylee kaley kimberly lansing and everyone at the world poker tour i'm mike sexton saying thanks for watching and until next time may all your cards be live and your pots be monster
Channel: FuryTV
Views: 78,981
Rating: 4.8357382 out of 5
Keywords: poker, best poker hands, phil ivey, phil ivey poker, ivey poker, best phil ivey hands, top 5 phil ivey, top 5 poker, poker moments, sick poker hands, top 5 poker bluffs, top 5 poker hands, poker river, lucky poker hands, unlucky poker, poker final table, high stakes poker, world poker tour, phil ivey wins tournament, big poker win, poker compilation, poker channel, poker youtube, poker videos, poker 2021, pokerxpress, wpt, aces cracked, heads up poker, furytv
Id: ktdrSmhvnto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 39sec (1239 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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