Phase 2 Season of Discovery Tank Progression Tier List

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so blizzard released the PTR for Phase 2 season of Discovery and with it we have been Dam matting all of the runes as well as today blizzard released updates including class tuning to a lot of specs um specifically PR for this video um in terms of tanks for phase two we are going to be doing our teer list of just tanks as we are splitting up our videos into healer tank in DPS for our final tier list for phase two and with that let's get started so for credibility sake because I know some have been questioning it um I have been playing Wow since like legitimately playing Wow since because I started in in uh W list King but I didn't actually get a max level character to the end of Kata um but I've been doing a ton of rating I've done tons of Mythic rating currently I am 59 in retail because I play both of them and in terms of classic I am in a guild that currently is sitting at number five in terms of speed stars and in terms of execution we were just bumped off top 10 unfortunately but we're number 12 so we're not really just nobody's we know what we're talking about as this tier list wasn't just made by me it was actually made by talking to a ton of people in that Guild who are also extremely good and know about their class in the specific specs that they play so for our s tier we are going to be putting first in as prop Paladin followed by prop Warrior and enhancement Shan so why prop Paladin for Alliance obviously um in terms of their talents we don't have defense cap so their talents actually aren't terrible um because a lot of them require you to be crit and because we don't get any defense cap we're not really getting it from our gear their talents are actually really good um even if they weren't go to go this talents they would be able to get consecration for say dungeon farming um if I did forgot to mention by the way this is a progression tier list uh not a farming tier list so keep that in mind and they're really just looking good in terms of the entirety of noon as they'll be able to do a ton of uh AOE in terms of keeping threat in that AOE situation um they'll get more damage with sheath of light and their feet Rune that they're getting is actually also insanely good with GED by light they'll be able to get more Mana which is more aggressive and in exchange they reduce the healing that they do but I mean their tanks they probably NE healing cell unless they're taking sacred Shield which was meant for Holy Pelin but prop Pelin can totally take this it's literally a 500 damage Shield every six 6 seconds and it increases their chance to create a key hit with flash of Light by 50% for 6 seconds and then that flash of light also pretty much becomes a hun and doubles up pretty much in for the next 12 seconds and it'll heal you again for the same amount um a last 30 seconds too it's a really good Rune and it's a really good defense sver that prop Palin could totally run and all they just like literally they could totally themselves a little bit too like healing heals or no I'm stupid uh healing generates a ton of threat as well so it's not like they're losing any Threat by doing so they're losing a little bit damage as it is defensive but for progression it's a really dang nice Rune and by running this Rune you don't have to bring in a holy pow in who if you didn't see the other tier list isn't really the best healer and shouldn't really be brought to progression um so because of that PR palet is looking really dang good for normal ground we also have in our chest piece let's say for defensive reasons you can go Aegis or if you want to get some AOE going you can divide storm it heals people and it does AOE it's really nice how you get hand of Reckoning Paladin's going to taunt now and your amazing avender Shield so because of that Paladin are just looking really good for an armor gun um followed really close behind though is pro wor which if you didn't know today the devastate Rune actually got kind of nerfed um currently they're debating if because of the dupin change it was a buff or Nerf but based based on just devastate because you might be running uh Fury Pro earlier than normal is what I've been hearing um you're probably not going to be going deep once this is why they kind of considered it a buff in a way um but if you look at some of the screenshots that they were sending previously devastate if you were good and enough geared um when you did your devastate it was doing around two just over 200 damage to the mobs in BFD just like the trash mobs and they went to go test today and they were hitting devastates for like 64 damage it's a pretty sizable Nerf to protection Warriors DPS especially cuz they're not going to be running deep with if they go Fury Pro um or just Pro in general um but it's not the end of the world cuz again they're a warrior um they get their AOE taunt now from their just abilities by getting to 40 they have some really nice talents to choose from in terms of runes um actually got nerfed was if I can find it uh consumed by rage was actually nerfed by 10% was 20% now it's 10% kind of unfortunate but depending on if commanding show cuz this is a leg run and uh Shadow fiend for priests which was originally a leg Rune has actually been found today to be a book a quality of life book so if this ends up being quality life look that's actually really nice for warriors as well as Furious Thunder gy buff which now increases the damage of your thunder clamp by 100% which is really really really nice um in terms of the new runes you have a decent bit of choice on your waist runes not the most interesting runes um but on your feet you get rallying cry which is going to be a really nice defensive ability for warriors um if you're having some struggling to stay alive inrange regeneration is nice uh intervene probably not going to really be used um but en raise regeneration cry going to be really nice it's probably going to be rallying cry let's be honest and again you're just a warrior you scale really nicely so you are going to be in s TI in terms of our Enhancement Shaman as you've probably got uh heard in previous videos Shaman's not exactly my main thing as I play in a Alliance Guild um however I can go based on what I've been hearing um and from what I've been hearing it's probably going to stay an S tier reason being is it still gets a shield Mastery which is a really good run mol and blast actually got a visual update it looks kind of cool looks like a cold con of cold it's just fiery um really good AOE threat generator and just threat generator in general really really really nice um they're going to be getting from the new runes they can either run melr weapon if they're not going to running a Shields but they're probably going to be running fire Nova for a Le situations and maybe power search for single Target situations really nice to choose for um obviously are old R of way of the earth and for their feet run they get Spirit of the alpha this is pretty much to compensate for the fact that Alliance is getting it s um it's actually a little bit better than S in a way because self does I think it's reduces it by 30% this increases all of your threat generated by 45% and also last 30 minutes instead of 5 minutes so um other runes not exactly for you really I guess decoy Tona maybe but for the most part you're probably going to be running spare of the alpha just to increase your threat make sure nobody pulls off you looking really nice um for enhancement Shams um including their runes they're going to be able to get a windfury totem so you don't necessarily have to bring a feral in a horde group now um sucks for feral is good for Shaman but runes are also looking nice too so uh because of that going to be bringing a lot of utility nice runes good a keeping threat going to be up here in the S tier uh for our other tank SP unfortunately um they're not really even going to get into the a tier um for our feral rud it just it's lacking um recently they have said that where is it if I can just find it real quick sorry or was it it's not a r is it oh no here we go last rate last rate your main pretty much threat generator as a tank was a bleed and that was terrible because there was a lot of mechanical mobs and you weren't really able to apply it because they're immune to bleeds but today blizzard has confirmed that the moms and normon won't be completely immune however they will still be resistant to bleeds poisons and diseases so you're still going to kind of struggle with uh getting threat because it's resisting it as well as just the other options are just so much better than a feral drud um I know in phase one I literally never saw a feral drud tank in phase two you might but I highly doubt it um they just didn't really get much [Music] um you get berserk which is really nice um you get Survival Instincts which is nice but it's just they're just better there's nothing else I can really say they're just better than a fairer it just it's not enough um and you're going to be pretty much forced to play a f cat especially in Alliance because you bring wind um and you just do you're more useful in your other forms unfortunately so you're going to be sitting in the B tier in terms of Rogues Rogue tanks um actually looking decent in terms of physical fights as they're going to have like 70% avoidance the only issue is that it's like only physical fights as soon as you get a magic fight you're kind of losing everything that makes you a good tank so because of that you're really in bead tier um if it if we were like in a raid that was like purely physical you'd be be higher up there I can guarantee that but because Ren no Moran kind of has a lot of magic damage you're really just playing a rogue and you're trying to tank um in terms of your runes that you've gotten you got Shas which is really nice helps you get some AOE aggro um so you're not just a single Target dealer um and you get rolled punches which is going to be really nice every single time you dodge your Perry gets more health so you can take that next they take that hit when you do eventually not Dodge your Perry um again decent pretty pretty good in terms of um physical damage fights but not in terms of any magical damage fights uh so because of that you're going to be sitting down in our beats here now warlock tanks um you you're not bad which is why you're again you're in the B tier you're in the aage tier but again the other options are just straight up better um casters are actually looking to be pretty good and I'd rather have a warlock DPS than a warlock tank um the other tanks also bring their utility that you are not bringing uh as well as our warlock DPS this pH is actually looking to be pretty dang good so I could tell you a lot of progression guilds are probably not going to want a warlock here they're they're going to have probably a full destruction DPS because the runes for Destruction this phase are really good in terms of the runes that you did get though um to get a little bit more damage from a demon more fire and Shadow spells which probably good probably might be what you're taking um and over here you have two options which is demonic knowledge uh get some more intellect based on your total pet stamina because you're going to be running the demonology tree and that's on the wicked little bit of Dodge um and you get some Mana back if you end up do dodging and Shadow flame if you want to do a little bit of AOE which is going to be nice it's going to help you keep get that AOE threat but in terms of being tanking again it's Aver but there's just better options it's just not what you should be taking as well as Destruction Warlock is just going to be so much better and your group is going to 100% right there that you play Destruction Warlock over a tank warlock so with that this is our tier list for tanks for phase two again for progression not for Farm um if you disagree go ahead and leave your comments below I will try should respond them to them as soon as I see them um if you like the video make sure you like And subscribe I'd like to get to a th000 subscribers as soon as possible it would really help me out um and yeah thanks for watching
Channel: Momo
Views: 8,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft Season of Discovery, Season of Discovery, Warrior, Warrior DPS, Guide, Pre-Bis, Phase 2, Season of Discovery Phase 2, Tier List, Phase 2 Tier List, SoD Tier List, SoD Phase 2 Tier List, Sod Tier List, Paladin, Rogue, Warlock, Shaman, Druid, blizzard, WoW, Warcraft, Classic, WoW Classic, WoW SoD Classic, Season of Discovery Classic, Runes, New Runes, Phase 2 Runes, SoD Phase 2 Runes, SoD New Runes, classic wow
Id: SWAtde8i_Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 07 2024
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