Gnomeregan Tanking Guide Season of Discovery

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progression on Nan has been pretty hard for my guild and that makes me happy because I have been hoping that they would tune The Raid harder and they did today I'm going to teach you how to kill all the bosses as a tank so you do not have to suffer like I have for progression you are going to need two tanks but you can solo tank the whole place once you got a bunch of gear and if your name is Shaman if you had other classes you might struggle a little bit a shaman can easily solo tank this place by now for everybody else however there are some really cool tanking mechanics this tier so let's take a look at them the first boss is going to be grois this one is really easy at the start you're going to see a bunch of random trash mobs being summoned to you in waves you just got to kill him is pretty simple after that grois will spawn and then he's going to spawn with his basilisk pet ideally you want the main tank on the grois and the other guy on the Basilisk you can tank both of them but you are not going to survive it without gear he's going to start spawning poison clouds on a random player I put a wiora in the UI channel in my Discord that is going to show you all the mechanics in neran it's going to warn you that you got the cloud so you got a couple seconds to run out of the guild so it doesn't spawn on top of the guild this poison Cloud does damage to the raid and if you put the boss in the cloud he's going to enrage and most likely that's a wipe meanwhile the Basilisk is just a simple tank and spank he will Stone you every so often with the petrify ability it makes you drop Arro however you can kick it and that's pretty much it just kick it after grois comes in he will start spawning us again but now you can drag all the group of ads into the poison cloud and they are going to instantly die once again this is a very good practice to have the off tank because the vasilisk will not enrage if you pull him on the cloud have that guy pick up all the ads and take it to the cloud so they get one shot grois is also going to do an AOE every so often the we I will tell you Gro is mad when he's going to do it if you are top do don't really care to it it doesn't do a lot of damage otherwise move out and after that you just rinse and repeat it's pretty simple it's is really easy you can get this boss one shot most people I know one shot this boss on their first day of progression and when he gets down to 20% he's going to enrage and he's going to do more damage so be ready to burn him and that's it the second fight is Visos Fallout you got to clear the room so you can move in first and then you got to pull him and after a few seconds he's going to spawn three ads these ads do not Target anybody they just run into a random place and then they would transform after a few seconds ideally you got to kill them before they transform because after they transform they do an AOE that you can kick but it does a lot of damage if you got two tanks you can have one of the tank pick them up and just have the range people kill the ads otherwise if you are a more advanced Guild and more coordinated and more geared The Guild you can just take all the ads and stack him with the boss and CLE him down one trick is that if you're the guy tanking the boss when one of the gelatino goose spawn you can just follow it with the boss on you so you can help the melee clip one of them so that's one less you got to deal with later every so often some green fire is going to spawn below the boss and it's kind of hard to see again the we I will tell you that you're standing on it so all you got to do is move him a little and that's it this one is probably the easiest fight in the raid is is really really easy you can pretty much ignore all the mechanics and kill them most people I provided you enough gear H you can do it next fight is going to be the crowd Pomer this one is also going to be pretty easy you only need one tank for it you just tank the boss slightly to one side of the platform and then he will do neran slash the animation is pretty cool he just does like and like a a a a bomb goes goes forward if you are in front of him and he does that he pushes you off the platform and you die instantly so that's really bad he's one of those robots that like speed the head so it's kind of hard to tell where he's aiming at so you got to look at the tip of his feet okay that's the the angle where he's going to throw it he's also going to do a circle AOE around him during that time so if you are within that hit box you are also going to get knocked out then he spawns on the ground and they move do not get hit by them and that's pretty much it he will en raise at 30% and he's going to do damage to a random Target nothing you can really do about that just kill him is really really easy next fight is going to be the Electro fuser and this is the first actual hard fight in the raid H he basically has two mechanics one of them is he picks a random Target and they got a around them if people stand near them they get hit it hurts for the second mechanic this is the one that actually matters to you he's going to knock people up so you as a tank all you got to do is stand against the wall so that way you don't get pushed away from the boss and mess everything up if you the tank are the one that has the the small AOE around them H it's not a big deal because all the melee DPS can still stand at Max melee range and DPS if one of the dpsers get it they got they got to spread out of course and that's the whole part of the fight that matters to you as a tank but of course that's not the hard part and I guess since most main tanks are raid leaders I guess you should know how this works you are going to need six range people you're going to need one group of three and another group of three you're going to send each one of these groups one to the left one to the right and they got a stand at about max range here's why the boss is going to Target whoever is at the fourest away from the boss and he's going to do chain lightning and he's going to hit three people with it of course the damage is not a big deal the problem is that if you take two in a row you take five times the damage and that means you get one shot that's the bad part that's why we have two groups one of the groups is going to be at max range they are going to eat the chain lightning and then they are going to fold in a little bit so the other group can take the next one and then you rinse and repeat you alternate the groups that's pretty much it okay now for the actual hard ones this one is the mechanical manery there is four robots a sheep a chicken a squirrel and a dragon if you stand near the ship you're going to get stunned and it will chase you around so you got to keep moving away from it your job as tank is picking up the three other robots and guide them around because they do a lot of mechanics that put stuff on the ground and you got to move from them of course the their sheep is going to chase you so you also got to move away from the Sheep the most efficient way of doing this is just in a circular pattern around the place if you are a shaman if you are a paladin perhaps even a warrior or a very very geared Druid you can solo tank the whole thing you can tank all three bosses but if you got two tanks the most easy approach is that you got one of the tanks tanking the dragon and the other guys is tanking the the other two Ms the reason that you tank the dragon separately is because the dragon is going to do a flamethrower in front of it whenever it aims and he's not going to be moving with you when he does that so you're going to lose threat basically that's why it's a good idea to have a somebody putting a lot of extra threat just so they don't lose Arro the dragon is going to spawn fire below it and you got to move away from it so that's another reason that you got to keep moving meanwhile the squirrel is going to summon like a circle on the ground that hits everybody so you also got to move away from that the squirrel has one cast ability the bully of gadgets or something like that you just got to kick it that's pretty much it the chicken on the other hand is going to summon eggs you got to kill the eggs really fast otherwise they explode and they hit for a lot the chicken also has an ability called clock where it is going to boost the attack speed of every boss by 50% and there is not a lot that you can do about that but the Wier I will tell you so maybe you can pop your your cooldowns or something I don't know now the goal if you had two tanks is to keep all the mobs as stacked as possibly because when they are stacked everybody can clip them down and that is very important because you got to kill all the mobs at the same time there is a 30second WI window after the mobs die and if that window passes they are going to rest and that's going to ruin your raid usually the range people focus on the ship until it gets too low and then they focus on the melee with the other guys if your composition is trash and you do not have a lot of range you can also pop a free action potion and hit the ship for 30 seconds if you are like a warrior or something that also helps otherwise you can just tell your raid to stop dpsing the mob that is too low so they can give time to the other mobs to catch up and then you make sure that you kill every single one of them in a very short amount of time at the same time meanwhile the last fight is meer thermop plug and these guys a pain in the butt but the good news is you can solo tank it pretty much is pretty easy if you are a warrior you got to take interv and the warbringer Rune if you are a shaman you got to take your decoy totem Rune Druids can also shape shift and paladins can use blessing of Freedom you are going to need a cc break for later in the fight and why is this a fight that pain in the butt that's because of the butons okay you got to press buttons basically during the fight one door is going to open and bombs are going to start dropping off it and you can only close it when you press the botton or that door you can only press a botton every 30 seconds so you got to rotate people to make sure that they they are getting pressed as soon as possible you also got to kill the bombs as soon as possible because if they explode they leave a circle on the place that you canot stand and after a while you get run out of space right if you have a five rang or more it's not a big deal because you just send a range guy to click on the bottom otherwise if your composition sucks like mine you got to do the melee and that is not a big deal if you are a tank that is thinking about this because you can stand next to a Boton and that way you can be like helping out with them also the clicking a botton is going to take 30% of your of your HP it will give you 20% Mana but make sure you're topped off before you press it of course okay phase one you pull the guy he's going to do a flamethrower where every so often he is going to chase you and you got to move away from him and kite him away so he doesn't actually hit you by it the guy is going to keep stacking fire debuffs on you and of course that's a DOT the more you get the more damage you take you can do a tank Swap and wear off the stacks after 30 seconds but for the most time especially after you get some gear from Nan the boss is going to die long before that is a problem of course once you get him down to 50% he's going to phas into phase two you get a break of like 5 Seconds so make sure everybody is bandaging when that happens going to save the Healer Mana this fight is a a really annoying fight to heal and then comes the frost phas this Frost pH is the same mechanics as phase two click the bombs and move away from stuff all of that but of course this time when somebody gets 11 stacks of frost and they get the coolant discharge they are going to wipe the raid so what again the frost we got to get rid of luckily the frost is a slow so you can get rid of it with any seon breaking ability so I got a list over here of anything that can break it so you can help the raid PVP trinket shape shifting warbringer ice block blinking The Gnome racial blessing of Freedom decoy totem the Paladin bubble you can even dispel it because it is also a magical effect if you pop a free action potion before you get Stacks you are going to be immune to them for 30 seconds of course if you already have one stack and you pop the potion you are going to not be immune to it so don't do it but regardless as a tank you should be trying to use warbringer on cool down as a druid you can just shape shift whenever you get a couple stacks but if you are a paladin or a shaman when you got a long cool down that is an issue because you're going to have to save it for when you get like nine stacks of course if you got another Paladin or a shaman in your raid they can also help you with blessing of freedom but for the most part they got to save those for the raid because all the people in The Raid are going to be taking stacks and remember dispelling is very Mana intensive for the priest because they can only dispels two stacks at the time meanwhile any CC break is going to get rid of every stack remember the bombs are still going off in this phase they are going to be going off the whole fight you got to click the bons that never stops after he gets down to 50% again he will do the poison phase this time the stack is going to be at disease and that means that any disease cleansing ability is going to get rid of it huge hard bias here because that means that a disase cleansing totem is going to help you ignore the whole mechanic if you are Alliance however you can take the Cen jungle remedy it will get rid of the diseases for you you can find those guys in STV it's not that really hard if you got like two of those for the raid you're going to be the hero of the raid but overall if you are hard the fight is not really hard this phase all you got to do is kick the toxic ventilation ability and that's it once you take him down to 50% again you can do the last phase this is the hardest he's going to do everything at once he's going to use the flamethrower he's going to do toxic ventilation he's going to stack stacks on you the whole thing and remember the bombs are still dropping so you still got to press the buttons this is a bit of a DPS check because you cannot survive this face for very long of course all you got to do is the tank is just make sure that you don't die and after you get him down to zero remember this time his HP is like half of any other phase so effectively you got to do the same damage to end this phase as before that way he's going to Dismount and he's like a tiny mob and you kill him really easily that's just a bit of a joke and then he dies this fight is awful as a better I was getting two shot by the boss in phase two and it was so awful even after the Buffs I am leveling my warrior he's like 33 now I am going to back go back to my Pro Warrior because the B is so awful okay I was the first guy saying that D in phase one was just fine people were complaining for nothing no no no no now is actually bad either way anybody else you got an easy time subscribe leave a like join the Discord and thank you for watching
Channel: Sanmedina
Views: 18,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, wow private server, mmo, mmorpg, wow, asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: 3_7okb3C1Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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