Anne Frank (The Whole Story)

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the following dramatization is based on melissa mueller's biography of anne frank and original research and interviews by kirk ellis some of the scenes in the film can also be found in anne frank the diary of a young girl but the film does not use the words that anne used in the diary to express her feelings the following film contains realistic depictions of concentration camp life including brief nudity viewer discretion is advised i want to be a champion skater and a writer i want my picture in all the magazines maybe i'll be a movie star i want to be different from all the other girls i want to be a modern woman i want to travel i want to study languages language is in history i want to do everything i want to oh that bratty leo coop man he thinks he's in love with me he's always looking at you and do you want to come over and play monopoly tomorrow sana you know my grandmother's coming to visit i'm simply too busy why don't you ask hannah i'll be a child so religious quickly quickly [Music] bye [Music] no no i'm not saying you're a bad cook of course i'm sure your husband loves the way your strawberry jam is hello mr kleinman hello ann meep where's father one minute he's in the store room with mr coogler and mr van pels thanks me may i say how nice you look today the problem is you're using too much sugar too much nutmeg not enough coriander oh yeah um black pepper with uh ginger no close him your mother telephone she was quite worried you should have gone straight home what are you doing mr coogler is trying out some new recipes your mixing still needs work but you may have something that's high praise indeed mr kruger as you know mr van pelt has an infallible nose m a joke for you what is black and white and red all over what a newspaper [Laughter] you know red thank you this is exciting coming back away from germany by yourself tell me everything you see she's still as curious as ever see your book let me see wait grandma has another surprise and here's your present um the fountain pen look margo it's beautiful i treasure it always thank you grandma [Applause] i'm so glad you came to visit grandma will be living with us from now on girls would you like that oh yes very much and why don't you try out your new fountain pen yes immediately excuse me don't be too long the gustlers are expecting us make sure she gets ready let her have her fun he did you spoil her terribly auto she should have come straight home oh i'm starving and please mind your manozhan i know like margot i thought you like the gospels of course i do i just wish hannely's family wasn't so religious i'd rather be at the movies foreign so [Music] hitler's only a fever hands germany will recover not my words what's to keep that madman from annexing holland and liberating his germanic brothers the dutch are different sometimes i think you have too much faith in people for mother she's used to better god willing edith one day we'll all go home till then we get by be thankful you've got central heating let me help you with those mrs gosling oh that's very kind of you such a sweet girl you're lucky hannah's got two left hands sometimes i'm as a full-time servant but we don't have the money to pay servants ah the dutch ones are hopeless anyway simply cannot be relied on mother anne says you shouldn't call them servants say made god knows everything but anne knows everything better you'd like to spoil yourself you like it even better when other people spoil you does that make me a bad person good people and bad people have one thing in common they both make mistakes only good people can admit their mistakes and learn from them tell me about the polis that's a story for children not a little woman like you no i want to hear it the paulders live here with us you can't see them but sometimes if you keep absolutely still and really listen you can tell where they're hiding but beware because you never know which pawler you might find good paula or bad caller who's always causing trouble [Music] i don't mean to be bad paula but sometimes sometimes she just escapes doesn't matter as long as you always keep good paula in your heart [Music] daddy couldn't they be the same person good poor and bad paula why [Music] yes i suppose that's possible maybe good paul is afraid of what people may think of her that's why she's bad sometimes at least that's what i think and you always told me i should think for myself so i did [Music] papers say hitler has his eye on poland now holland will stay neutral whatever happens still all this nazi talk bad for business i have fewer patients now but no matter always be jewish cavities to be filled say ah not until we're married [Music] wait [Music] and do as your mother says [Music] you know it's not good for you to go swimming here dry yourself you never let me have any fun i don't want you getting sick you know how frail you are [Music] where are we ever like that he just no autumn we were never like that [Music] hey [Music] why was i not invited to this party [Music] it's mr gossler look at your dad you see and you told me he'd never come to holland happy birthday again we must have a picture a picture yes put in a picture ad offers your birthday press the girl's an uncle adolph hannah point at your dad everyone pointed uncle adolf very good germany invades poland and the free state of danzig ending the efforts and hopes of diplomats for peaceful settlement the roar of gunfire replaces the talk of statesman and the curtain of war falls over europe warsaw is formed blasted and shelled poland is in ruins the swastika [Music] great britain and france responded with a declaration of war on germany huge french guns moved to the front of the great man-made national line the nation's first full work of defense [Music] much too pretty to lose her head i didn't like the king very much though tyron power was much more handsome just like the boy i'm going to marry you've already chosen oh no too many admirers just like poor marie antoinette the world won't come here but daddy no more i don't think i'd like that very much no um the british will see to her hitler violating repeated proclamation of holland's neutrality in the current conflict german troops are said to be passing on the ducks what do you think you're doing [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh that one i ask you mr geese what good is the dutch army in the face of a blitzkrieg they'll be riding to the front on bicycles i wish i could disagree with you but i'm afraid i can't curly all this talk of an invasion is nonsense why haven't they what's stopping them mind you stay out of it i'll do the thinking if you please mr frank listens to his wife you see what he's like knows all the answers beware of marriage mr gees in my experience its merits are greatly overrated my sister begs me to send the children to london to live with her and will you how can i keep them safe there now it's better if we stay together hope the best ah here's a joke for you i've heard [Music] [Music] five days was all it took now people are throwing themselves out of windows where does panic gathers hands we learn to adapt we adapted in germany i wanted my baby to be born in a different world not like the one we left it's frankfurt all over again i mustn't let myself think that not now my friends [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] next come on keep moving next in line what's going on why do we have to be here it's just like a census you know bureaucracy [Music] [Music] annalise marie frank [Music] [Applause] okay [Music] is this her she's adorable her name's gabby i'm still not used to having a sister but she keeps me busy all the time you mustn't spoil her hannah no one likes a spoiled child i'm not sure if i care for your outfit lucy if you don't mind me saying so mother makes me wear it she said we should show some allegiance whatever that means papa's been out of work for so long mother said hitler would make jobs here the same way he did in germany lucy what are you doing get away from those girls not to worry mr clymen will beat the nazis at their own game paperwork because pecticon is registered as a jewish business it's necessary to create an entirely new company and with your permission yan i'd like to call it geese and company whatever i can do to help but you must be careful mr frank the bureaucrats are silent collaborators you'll be listed as supervisory director with no responsibilities mr coogler will take over day-to-day operations along with mr kleinman it'll be a purely aryan enterprise all strictly legal on paper i won't exist [Music] is there something wrong with us the jews no no you must never think that he must have done something [Music] awful ah [Music] i was a little girl like you in vienna when the war came and there wasn't enough food to eat one day my mother bundled me up and she took me to the train station she put me on a train to holland she hung a signer on my neck and she said goodbye did she love you anymore yes she did that's why she did it there was food here and family's willing to share it i didn't know that at the time i felt so sick and so alone but when i got a little older i realized good people sometimes find themselves in trouble without having done anything wrong do you think i'm a good person yes i do [Music] only one we'll get another one later when times are better this one's yours prove that someone's finally going to make an honest dutch woman out of you i'm already honest [Music] oh i do i do [Laughter] i now pronounce you when and why [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] gone you dance divinely me oh thank you man you too yan she leads i just follow mercy or me again please me i want one just like it when i get married and husband like yan too you'll find him i did um oh monkey it's curly just one more time sit down please put you only make a fool of yourself [Music] you wouldn't refuse a lady's invitation mr frank well i'm afraid that at the moment you have a rival mrs [Applause] [Music] thumbs up [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] the name of the man who discovered the basic laws of geometry was pythagoras write it down please b y t h yes i'm afraid that however interesting your lesson might be i can't see it ah well um you will you change places with miss um frank frank james please the square on the hypotenuse i like your eye jackie now the first thing i noticed about it people say my hair is my most attractive feature do you think they're right yes of course you know we live on a vader plane it's not far away you can come to my house if you want we can do our homework together i'd like that very much so die we're going to be famous friends i can tell at the montessori school i was very popular i cried when mrs cooper has told us we couldn't go there anymore at my school then these awful boys they started calling us two girls we were so scared we ran away i don't know maybe it's better this way if it hadn't been for the germans this is moji she's going to have kittens soon because she keeps meeting lots of men um mommy would it be all right if shaky stayed over one night she wants to wait i have a better idea i'll come over to your house we can talk about things they don't want us to [Music] [Applause] [Music] you want to see something really magical mother designed that best people used to wear dresses she stopped making them when the war started she thinks they're out of place after the war i'm only going to wear the finest of clothes miss anne frank was radiant at the princess ball last night wearing a beautiful gown of gold lace you decor you've read it three times i love city that matt's found she's my favorite writer didn't you love the part when leo proposes to you yeah i'll be you can you be leo hold my hand you you're crying let go of my hand leo what if i told you that you were my one true darling oh leo kiss me you [Laughter] jackie if i tell you a secret will you promise not to tell anyone i promise i've never been kissed by a boy before have you what was it like kissing it was you'll find out i want to be a real woman with a woman's body i'd love to know what one feels like may i no but we're best friends aren't we of course we are we'll always be best friends if one of us ever has to go away let's promise to exchange letters promised remember the circumference of the circle which we formulated right please [Music] quite the chatterbox sanctions frank perhaps you'd like to share your wisdom with us a little essay perhaps entitled uh quack quack quack mrs quack and bush say 500 words due tomorrow [Music] oh these blackout drapes make everything so stuffy i feel as if i'm suffocating sometimes it's all in your head you know that isn't true i'm a very delicate creature mr frank very delicate i tell you the germans will lose this war and i keep asking you when we must be thankful for what blessings we have blessings utter really our families are still together that's enough attention everyone quack quack quack said mrs quackenbush a story by anne frank go ahead and we're all listening once upon a time there was a mother duck and three beautiful ducklings who lived in a lake ruled by a proud swan quack quack quack said mrs quack and brush to her brood quack quack quack said the ducklings keep your voices down rod this one his feathers all in a ruffle be quiet or i'll bite you and then you'll never quack again this one was not a nice one he was a black swan and all the other ducks in the lake were afraid of him but not mrs quackenbush you won't bite these children she said to this one who answered i'll do exactly what i please they're only ugly little ducklings and i am their master and then he began to bite the ducklings save us mama the poor little ducklings cried and then mrs quackenbush began to crack she quacked and she quacked and she cracked stop it stop that infernal quacking by this one putting his wings over his ears but mrs quackenbush did not stop not until the black swan flew away never to return she gathered her ducklings around her and together they swam off happily ever after singing quack [Music] quack [Music] [Applause] right up here i've been thinking it might be a good idea to take over the building behind us i'll show you what i had in mind it's um it's two rooms and the bathroom below an attic upstairs it's a perfect laboratory space wouldn't you say a place for mr van pels and me to cook up our little experiments what do you say yup why not business is good the war we can afford to expand yep the germans are feeling especially generous today four stars for a single textile coupon must we be branded now too so it appears and we must pay for the privilege aren't you going to miss school now it's almost over i am especially history i love history such a long walk to the lyceum i miss having a bike personally i'm glad mine was stolen at least the germans didn't get it quack quack quack quack they can be so childish sometimes look isn't it darling i asked daddy to buy it for me for my 30th birthday it's going to be the best ever the most smashing i'm sorry um oh you and frank um you go to school with my cousin wilma i'm hello hello silverback oh hello hello this is my best friend jackie how do you do perhaps you'd allow me to buy you uh hot chocolate i love chocolate chocolate is your name really hello helmut but my grandfather doesn't like it so he calls me hello instead don't your parents think it's funny i don't know i haven't seen them in four years you came all by yourself must have been so so dangerous i've never had an adventure like that before i suppose oh my dad she never talked about it much she died last weekend she had cancer oh um i'm sorry i never got to tell her how much i loved her i'd like very much to see you again if that will be all right you don't have a girlfriend for you well um there's orzola of course she's very pretty yeah really we're not as interesting as you are we can meet on wednesday evenings my grandparents think i go to wood carving lessons but actually i go to zionist meetings i'm not a fanatic or anything you know mostly everyone just yells i'd much rather be with you well here i am i can call for you then it'll be nice until wednesday then bye bye [Music] [Music] come in me sit down you've no doubt read how the germans have emptied the provinces of jews and sent them all here to amsterdam our own jewish council urges cooperation let's talk of mass deportations labor camps you know those poor boys they rounded up last february they were sent to labour camps not one came back we have a great secret to confide in you edith the children and i are going into hiding mr van pulse and his family will join us we're not going to wait for the nazis to drag us away we'll simply disappear where will you go yeah i don't understand in the annex at the back of this building we make the move on the 16th of july that's less than a month away kleiman and coogler have been helping to move in certain belongings and supplies a little at a time we'll need someone to rely on for necessities to act as caretaker you know how much i trust you here in the office but what i'm asking well what i'm asking of you now yes i'll do it of course think me it'd be a great burden not without risk the penalties are bound to be severe i said yes i meant it thank you and marco do they know no not yet let them enjoy their lives for a little while longer [Music] thank you so much thank you [Music] she's just excited i'm sure [Music] quite a glamour girl wouldn't you say [Music] the soles are almost like real leather you're so lucky no pen who's that boy oh that's peter van pels he's always hammering something out in the garden behind us he's a dope mommy says i have to be nice to him because his father works with him i think he's cute cute peter would you like a biscuit um and bake them herself great i'd love one thank you come in thank you hello hello good afternoon everyone here goes everyone the show is about to begin oh um those are for you thank you welcome [Music] i know what you're thinking but i'm not in love with anybody we're just friends [Music] my grandparents don't improve my senior they say you're not old enough well you shouldn't do anything your grandparents don't approve of love always finds a way i'll see you later then goodbye goodbye margo what do you think of hello he he's very nice and decent it's easy to see he's in love with you yes it's rather fun how old were you when you got your period and little girls shouldn't talk of such things tired of being a little girl i want to be a woman well it's different for every girl a woman your turn will come you just have to be patient for how long frank yes son here [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] i have to go over to the fan palses don't answer the door until i get back do you understand why it's that you your father's got in the summons don't worry he's made plans i'll come back as quickly as i can and has to be told break it to as gently as you can and remember keep absolutely still there to think no one's home [Music] and [Music] what's happening they've come for margo we always thought they would comfortable on me never the children [Music] visiting some friends at the jewish hospital plan for the 16th but this changes everything otto will know what to do daddy i thought i'd never see you again oh be silly huh what's happened [Applause] and listen to me i want you a margot to pack a rock sack there won't be any time tomorrow teddy what's going on i'll explain everything later i'll go come on call mr clyman he has instructions fetch meep and jan have them come around and see her off the streets by curfew pictures are important and i know it's hard i have to try and be sensible i don't care my stars mean everything to me jackie's on the phone jackie yes and remember [Music] hello jackie and you won't believe it you've got a baby now did you ever think she'd become a mother huh haven't you seen the new [ __ ] van marksman book i'm almost halfway through it sounds divine i'll move tomorrow we can read it and i'll be leo together like the last time all right i'll see you tomorrow i can't wait to show you the cover it's so darling i have to go now our guests are here goodbye jackie yes [Music] go on now finish packing your clothes can [Music] mr frank [Music] this will put people off the track if anyone inquires tell them that we've gone to switzerland oh post this to my mother [Music] you know what to do tomorrow [Music] how long will it be in high time a few weeks perhaps a month or two until the war's over where we go will it be in town [Music] the country you'll know tomorrow we'll all be together that's the main thing why be able to write to jackie she must never know [Music] gonna take moji with me i'm sorry we'll leave some food and a note for the neighbors it isn't fair no no [Music] don't worry we'll see you hurry margo before gets locked bye back inside everything will be fine you'll see even leave everything [Music] watching [Music] we can't live in the past either only the future [Music] and quickly please [Music] speak to my brother [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so and marco she's waiting here thank god [Music] [Music] dear jacqueline you're the only person i can tell about what happened but you must promise not to say a word to anyone [Music] don't answer any questions about where we've gone [Music] if you do it could be very dangerous for us since you've never had to disappear i'll try to give you an idea of our life i call our hiding place the secret annex and strange as it may seem it's actually quite cozy here [Music] you'd be surprised to find out that we're just above daddy's office up the back staircase and behind a small door open the door take one giant step and voila [Music] daddy and mommy's room is right behind the staircase margaret and i reside next door you've even got a bathroom upstairs there's a larger room with a kitchen the vampels sleep there at night but during the day it's a big living room we have to stay upstairs as long as the workers are still in the building [Music] peter vampires has a room off to the side much smaller than mine and there's an attic for storage there are warehouses on both sides of us and neighbors all around we have to be invisible day and night still see light sweets at first it was only daddy and me doing most of the work mommy and margo eventually got over their shock and started to help [Music] shirts it was amazing to see how many of our things daddy had managed to sneak away i wasn't the only one who brought my memories with me daddy kept his old soldiers trunk it was hard for all of us not to think about the life we left behind i miss my old room but at least i have my movie stars to keep me company with a little luck we can all be happy here until we go back home now our annex really is secret mr coogler mr clymen had a bookcase built in front of our little doorway you have to be careful when you go downstairs to bend down low and try not to bump your head everything was ready by the time the vampels has arrived on july 13 well i told mr van pelt but i'm not going anywhere without my little puppy peter van pels dope that he has got his cat even though daddy told him not to mrs vampires asked me to love peter like a brother that's impossible mummy says he's shy but i think he's rather boring now we're to have another guest the other day daddy announced we have an opportunity to save one of our acquaintances mr pfeffer has asked me about a hiding place now we know this will only add to your worries so the final decision rests with you it's just as dangerous for seven as it is for eight so agreed from what we can tell mr pfeffer is quite congenial for a dentist anyway [Music] that's all i had better right for now i'm sure we'll see each other again jacqueline but probably not before the war is over until then a little kiss from your best friend anne [Music] what is that [Music] good morning me good morning mr frank good morning here you are some cigarettes if you don't mind and some peppermint tea i've been having the most frightful dizzy spells lately things are harder and harder to come by whatever you can do will be fine for all of us so meep what's the news have you seen jackie i have a letter for her but daddy won't let me give it to you when i finish with the shopping we'll have our talk and what of our friend mr feather he can't come tomorrow he has patience the idea what nerf tomorrow's friday tell mr perfect we will expect him monday that'll give him time to settle his affairs but not a day later i'll see to it [Applause] uh maybe you remember one of our salesmen mr winter they take your coat how are sales and everson oh what bad uh-huh black but you you're in switzerland no no that was only a story hello this is frank well well here it is mr pfeffer nice to meet you don't worry it's only like this when the workers downstairs are out to lunch for the rest of the day it's quiet you'll have to learn the rules of course there are scads of rules mr pfeffer appreciates the value of discipline their idleness is our enemy our motto work and hope listen to the prussian officer breakfast is at 9am except on sundays and holidays when it's 11 30. lunch is from 1 15 to 1 55 and then we expect visitors visitors our is of course yeah thank you dinner after the nightly news broadcasts and lights out promptly at 10. come what does that mean i poor charlatan she thinks i've been spirited away to the country who would ever believe that i'm right here in the center of amsterdam would you like some more vegetables mr pfeffer thank you i think we're all very fortunate here what a ridiculous thing to say i don't think it's ridiculous at all it's a wonder i don't cry all the time thinking about my friends she's been taking her valerium drops be quiet putty you're spoiling my digestion children on nothing of what goes on in the world here here where's my pillow what have you done with it this time i ate it how am i supposed to know where it is keep losing everything here [Music] and your predictions never come true when have i ever been wrong when have you ever been right i think it's a bit odd and in there with mr bever he's so old answer the child you won't mind [Music] we used to have such fun before before we were married you mean [Music] ah do you always take so long only as long as i need to i'll have to have a word with your father with two children and a baby on the way we've been over this edith if the baby had cried what then it would have given us all away this is no place for a woman as pregnant as she was at least i could have taken care of her i still can't believe it mother and baby both dead mother don't it would have been different if if i had been there to help you don't know that edith that's just a tattle i will never know you have to try not to think of things outside these walls it's hard i know but we can't be responsible for everyone just for ourselves [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Applause] you mustn't do that i can't help it i like watching people sometimes i make up stories for them imagining what their lives are like what else would be like if [Music] and [Music] margo don't i look different to you different and have you i wanted it to be my own sweet little secret for a while i've only told that she fetched some things from the chemist for me i'm happy for you really if only people just stop treating me like a child are you busy after school do you think they have jewish schools in switzerland of course they do but there aren't any germans to force you to go there i still can't believe she left her shoes behind she was so proud of them remember you really saw them right on the floor let you just kick them off did you see the diary it was gone that we looked [Music] i'm sorry i'm sorry my wife they took her away last night he's done do this you've seen fritz can't even tell me where he is i don't know see that he gets this of course thank you you're so kind tell him i love him that i'll wait [Music] [Applause] damn you beast but in the end all the oppositions fell together and all our folks submitted can't stand to hear that man half the time i don't even know what he's saying this is not the end it is possibly the beginning of the end and it is certainly the end of the beginning do you know what that means mr frank if you ask me the british should spend more time bombing germany less time drinking tea shut up already [Applause] why don't they come why do they take so long they got their hands full fighting the japanese you mustn't despair edith the invasion will come they'll be here soon yes but will we daddy will you please ask mr pfeffer why he thinks it's unreasonable of me to insist upon me being able to use my own desk i have important work to do work you understand and besides there are other places you can go this writing of yours you could do it in the attic perhaps it's only a diary after all a childish pastime childish no no you needn't argue what i propose is this uh anne should have the desk say twice a week from four in the afternoon until 5 30 and mr pfeffer may use it the rest of the time pim are we agreed we all have to make small sacrifices anne you mean me i have to make the sacrifices and it isn't small i'm not a little girl anymore mr pfeffer has a right to the desk and don't i have rights i work just as hard as anybody else here i just don't want that man pouring through my private thoughts that's easily remedied as you think i have it here this will keep your diary safe from prying eyes thank you daddy my little woman pardon me never let it be said that anne frank failed in her so-called studies on my account thank you uh [Music] [Music] what are you doing not everyone here is an ex-soldier this is my father he's the clyman our indispensable meep hello and beb nice to meet you this is mr valmarin he'll be taking over as foreman at least until bepp's father feels well enough to return well i'm not much for talking but if it's a hard worker you're looking for i'm you man fine um show mr vamar in the storeroom please bet i'll do it our salesmen give their orders to beck once a week everything you need to fill your orders is right here we have two kinds of pecticon products spices and jams well this would fetch a pretty penny on the black market i wouldn't know about that uh your office is going to be in here what's this blue paint for ah that's to keep the spices out of the light hmm what does mook think she doesn't trust him she thinks he's a thief ah she's very protective shelling piece is so boring i could never be a housewife slate being in prison it's only temporary your father would be back soon enough i'm sure of it no they say it's cancer so much suffering in the world is that all you can say mother that will only make matters worse honestly i don't know how you could be so thick sometimes and that's no way to talk to your mother listen to them that you know what i do when things get difficult i go upstairs there's a window in the attic where you can see the old chestnut tree in the yard that's the most wonderful branches when they're in full bloom it's beautiful when i look out i feel better somehow it makes me wonder if god is a lot closer than most people think do you read that in one of your books such a font of knowledge you've become i suppose i'm just hopeless excuse me [Applause] [Music] don't you think you should apologize to your mother she could be such a trial sometimes you're quite a trial yourself so people keep reminding me it's only natural for a girl and i mean a young woman of your age stop i don't want to hear that i'm like all other girls i'm not i'm me and frank and your mother's your staunchest defender i've heard her with mrs van pals she's your friend i don't want her to be a friend i need her to be a mother someone i can look up to to set an example your mother's a kind generous woman she's a dutiful wife she's born a great deal without complaint you always take her aside i've seen the way you kiss her you kiss her the same way you kiss me and margo i think even you're not in love with her never say that you wouldn't want me to take away your diary would you daddy i'm sorry i'm really really sorry i just i can't help the way i feel mommy and i we're so different we're like night and day she doesn't understand anything about me have you tried to understand her [Music] and you're right i must have fallen asleep how long have you been watching me i've just come up honest um beans and store them everyone's gone now so it's safe to bring them up [Applause] what do you think you're doing what's in that building back there it does not belong to us is that right you are supposed to be at lunch get out go ah [Music] oh hmm send you in here [Music] uh [Music] einstein [Music] thank you [Music] coogler's records are getting sloppy the curtains in the front office they're open again they're always open on weekends mr pepper oh i'm so sorry i forgot and tell me how am i to collect any papers surely no one will see that's how it starts no one will see no more hair no one will pay any attention then what [Applause] hello peter hi did you bring the bread i give me the keys i'll do it myself and get rid of that cat you look ridiculous like you're wearing one of your mother's precious first don't cop i think it's beastly the way he treats you i don't mind him he gets like that when he hasn't had his cigarettes i like it when you smile really sort of makes your eyes sparkle they're pretty eyes oh no i'm not pretty i'm sure i'm not well you'll just have to believe me then [Music] okay [Music] ah i was wondering where that had got to thank you so it's your wallet then is it i've just told you you were in the warehouse last night that's right why i don't have to explain myself to you didn't assert mr frank work here in the office at one time a jew what's that got to do with anything what happened to him he disappeared disappeared that's right now if you'll excuse me if it's a reward you're looking for i'm sorry to disappoint you oh i got my reward all right [Music] [Music] right [Music] somebody living in that building behind us i know it my wife cleans the offices if there were people hiding she'd know it she thought she saw something once but he turned out to be a salesman everybody's hiding somebody these days what bothers me is that uh they may be jews it could be bad for all of us i think coogler's in on it coogler coogler's a liar i know that already that whole bunch in the office is always sneaking around climbing says he has to go to the storeroom the secretary is always checking records and the other one that meep something about her i don't like she's shifty then one what can you do firing for marin could be dangerous if he suspects something there is a chance he could go to the gestapo the reward for jews has gone up to 25 gilberts ahead in the other hand if the fella's stealing he's got something to hide as well yes i think you're right we have to be more cautious from now on all of us that was our last hundred gilders what are we to do for money now one of those fancy dresses of yours should be worth something i'd like to see you try stop being a ninny and don't speak to me that way whose fault is it we're in this pickle certainly not mine would you please stop arguing you're like two magpies always bickering and i don't see you offering to help please everyone accusations accomplish nothing left to fend for ourselves while you keep all the money from the business don't you think my curly deserves a share of that money hmm where would you all be without these precious nose i tell you still making jam see i told you we should have taken in the goslaws oh edith please is that so yes it is oh mr pfeffer would you mind waiting a moment would you please convey this to mr van pels tell him um tell him my way to response oh yes of course if mrs frank wants her linen back she can have all of it i've never really cared for it to be honest i've always found it rather shabby haven't you and from now on they can use their own china see how they like that thank you mr pfeffer very well be sure to put that in the letter all right it'll teach them to put on airs mr peffer would you please ask mr van pelt to pass the salt uh at least it was one of theirs this time [Applause] peter get up here it's all right you shouldn't get into trouble in my account [Music] what do you think you're doing sit down look at yourselves you're supposed to know better how do you think it makes us feel me peter and margo to see you behaving this way a fine example you're setting she's right you know there's absolutely no place for pettiness give me your plate would you like super porridge porridge please mister photo would he be so kind let's pass this porridge to mr have some vegetables ah here's a joke for you ann what has four legs and flies hmm tell me a horse of course the horse can't fly a horse that's with the flies at the tail hmm i don't get it what do you mean [Music] this evening that the whole of western germany caused severe is [Music] [Music] look how fast i'm going daddy [Music] oh [Music] mother says you should drink this such a bother having the flu i'm afraid to cough before someone my hair [Music] i like the bells i like to hear that there is life waiting for us marco what you miss most about outside i don't know so many things i long for everything i've decided something what after the war i'm going to live i want to travel study languages go to paris or london study history i love history it sounds romantic you think i'm too extravagant no i've been thinking too i've been reading about palestine i'd like to see it maybe be a nurse there it's going to be different for us we're going to be modern women [Music] this is very kind of you me i wish there were more they're not enough ration coupons you don't need rashford for this the supplier understandably wishes to remain anonymous thank you very much [Music] no one has any sympathy did she give you anything oh thank you and merry merry christmas happy new year thank you and i have something for you oh me they're beautiful i've never had high heels before no i hope they fit here they fit they feel they do wonderful oh let me see you walk here what a beautiful young lady you've become do you really think so i do it isn't easy for me to always look my best peter thinks i'm sweet though he told me so he said he liked my smile you have a lovely smile me when you met yann did you know no oh yes i think i did when when he kissed me that's peter oh no i keep wanting him too though but i'm trying to be a lady about it he will how could he resist oh like this [Applause] red shoes me what you doing curly no wait me how much do you think something like this would fetch mr clyman has a furrier friend we can ask him he just wants money for bloody cigarettes you think food is cheap curly you sold everything else my best dresses and jewelry let me keep this at least enough putty anything you can do meep [Music] you see what it's come to mrs frank i won't have any fine things left how am i going to face people after [Music] merry christmas merry christmas everybody merry christmas must you go meep oh diane is waiting just a little longer please you hear how they all talk after the war i say nothing what could i say to them this is van pelt everything a crisis she's to criticize the things she says about the children the children and margot motto says we must be hopeful hopeful for what you mustn't think such things i know i know i have to be strong but for how much if longer this waiting would end at least i could be certain meep we're not going to make it it will have a bad end i'm sure of it now it doesn't matter for me but the children the children me what's to become of the children [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] help me [Music] the way she looked at me i was so mean to her sometimes and now there's nothing i can do to help oh hello [Music] just a bad dream i hate them the germans they won't stop until they've killed all the jews will they i wish all the germans were dead and listen to me you must never think like that there are good and bad people everywhere it makes no difference where they come from what about meep mr coogler they're austrian just like hitler you want them to die as well and don't forget we are german no we're dutch aren't we margo of course we are i don't want to be german not ever here take your valerian it will make you feel better no kim let me sleep here tonight please that's my goal [Applause] [Music] oh i'm desperate for a smoke maybe coogler forget some cigarettes in the office i join you [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] oh police are coming [Music] for queen and country freedom truth and right this is no time for insolence what about the radio they're going to find the radios idiot difference does the radio make if they find us [Music] i still feel heartbeating i thought we were lost you can see the gestapo taking us away we're safe now meep mr climbing will be here soon i prayed to you [Music] i wouldn't have blamed god if he didn't listen i never used to give him a thought but he was watching us i know it [Music] he's always watching the jews he was well look [Music] i'm glad we're here together me too listen peter are they beautiful [Music] they're telling us things are going to be all right [Music] i must complain in the strongest possible terms about the new security measures i'm sorry mr pfeffer but downstairs is off limits until further notice except for those with responsibilities you can't keep us prisoners in this attic mr frank we are prisoners mr pfeffer none of us can afford another encounter like the last one no see here it's been decided not by me [Music] if the allies knew about mr pepper maybe they'd be here already [Music] oh my god and if we're not very careful there's going to be a waiting on our hands do you know where this is if you have mice you need a trap i know where they're hiding this today is the day today is d-day at 0-6 30 hours allied forces under the command of general dwight d eisenhower landed on beaches throughout normandy fighting is heavy but victory is assured to the people of western europe we say be strong have faith stand firm 1944 will be the year of your liberation my girls we made it just think of it we'll be back in school in october it's cool [Music] so [Music] hi hello i know this is going to be a celebration later right well i just want to be the first to say it so happy 15th birthday oh thank you peter they're lovely maybe pop them for me it cost me everything i had it's worth it to see you smile what are you doing i can't believe i was so innocent when i wrote some of this but i'm trying to make it better i'm dreaming of turning it into a novel does it have a title yeah maybe the some bosomings of an ugly duckling oh the secret annex you must say something why am i troubled that mine won't say anything he's got his reasons what about the neighbors maybe they've heard something pipes people talking god knows what i'm staying out of it they catch you they'll find out you've been hiding from them why didn't you report when you were supposed to have you thought about what will happen of course i've thought about it how long will you wait until the gestapo comes to take you away what shall i do then who cares about a bunch of jews they've got it coming to them anyway it's our lives i'm talking about lemont that's fighting a car according to the reports won't be long now do you think it's such a good idea you're spending so much time in the attic don't you think you should do your homework in your room daddy you of all people know what mr pfeff is like your father's trying to say that you're spending a little bit too much time with peter i don't understand we're doing something wrong no no um it's just uh you encourage him a little too much i think you should set limits don't you like him i think he has potential yes uh this is the wrong environment for an infatuation and i'm i must say i'm not certain i approve of all the necking i hate that word just don't take things too seriously that's all we're asking i think i'm old enough now to make my own decisions besides he likes my smile all that went well ever since i was little i used to think my parents had the perfect marriage i can't remember ever once hearing them argue [Music] daddy even used to serve mummy breakfast in bed can you imagine my father doing that for my mother probably hit him with a tray or vice versa mummy loves daddy i'm sure of that but sometimes i think daddy married her because he thought she would be a good wife do you see the difference i asked daddy about it once you know what he said your mother's very beautiful i want so much more than that i say let the nazis kill each other less work for the british and the russians this time next month we'll be having a shabbat million freedom this is not a meal this is garbage your people could be doing more for us how could you say something like that have you thought about what would happen if meeper caught one of your little packages from charlotte now you even begrudge me my charlotte you think you're the only lonely person in the world yes those in glass houses what's that supposed to mean this modern household of yours it's the same argument over and over again some people never learn you could afford to take some lessons too you're selfish you're hysterical and you're pushy i am not pushy as if you were some ideal mother you can't even control your own son it's a wonder wait a minute just please be quiet sit down you stop telling me what to do somebody's been a bad influence i'm proud of you i just suppose i just finally had enough it's a beautiful story do you really think so everyone would be amazed to know that you had this in you people would just think i was being silly or worse margo do you remember the stories daddy used to tell us about the two of course good paula i'm bad paula everyone expects me to be bad paula so i try not to disappoint them good paul is just for me to keep her here i don't let her out in public well why not show them who you really are good paula's not strong enough she hides and lets bad paula do the talking except in my diary well jennifer one of you wrote this i think it's very fine you know you are old enough to know by now there's no harm in being yourself i try margo really i do it's just other people keep getting in the way well good night good night just a second [Music] hello i i have information information information about what about about some jews at 263 somewhere in the back building hey what's the problem [Music] kenya nairobi hungary freedom where's the boss upstairs [Music] you've been denounced all right you let's go [Music] those who foretell the future [Music] and now show us what's behind that bookcase what's norway what's that [Music] [Music] ends up [Music] move [Music] that's it money valuables you'll find a strong box in the closet go get it [Music] good stop packing it's got five minutes [Music] listen to me i want you to go to my house tell my wife what's happening don't come back [Applause] well now there's no guard [Music] there's still time you can go too no i stay [Music] it's all right it's here again [Music] what's in this trunk nothing of any value not to you memories this is a soldier's trunk where did you get it it's mine yes i was a reserve officer in the first world war but [Music] but why didn't you register as a veteran he would have been sent to teresa he would have been treated decently take your time lieutenant thank you sergeant [Applause] guys close finish your packing you in here me see that you stay out of it tell us what you can do i think he's from vienna oh go go i'm ready [Music] so you have nothing to say neither one of you no nothing well now it's your turn you're from vienna so am i i heard it right away papers you get out [Music] geez like the name of the business yes strange that your husband isn't here have you no shame what am i going to do with you soon as far as i'm concerned you can stay here on drugs consider it a personal favor but if you leave we'll seize your husband you keep your hands off my husband he has nothing to do with this it's my affair don't be stupid you're both in this up to your necks i'll be back to check on you god help you if you're not here [Music] get the keys lock the plates up [Music] no you're not supposed to take anything this is hands diary pep help me pick this up [Music] help me [Music] oh quickly before he comes back haven't taken them to the stop headquarters i should think after that it's so awful enough aren't you going to read it no this belongs to anne when she comes back i'll give it to her [Music] [Music] no [Music] big [Music] i'm in here [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the jerusalem of holland registrations at the far end of tourism just follow the crowd we're all jews here germans let us run the place the test parents watch out you don't end up the place is a little dirty but we've got everything you need to make yourself comfortable you've got lots of work to keep you busy [Music] things don't look so bad make ourselves useful stick it out [Music] next name frank otto frank this is my wife edith and my daughter's anne and margo yes barracks if i may i'd like to request that my daughters be assigned to kitchen duties i can do anything i'm very happy no privilege is for criminals of esmeraks may i ask what crime we're accused failure to report an order next not a crime sir next it's not a crime sir next it doesn't make us criminals sir i can't wait to see all the pictures i missed thanks to all her magazines she already knows all the blocks by heart they can't touch us i heard one of the other women talking she says the allies have taken paris and they're marching through belgium now is that the latest from the gpa what's the jpa the jewish press agency every day a different rumor the allies are here there everywhere they say there hasn't been a transport in two months maybe there is help there's always hope candy as long as we work hard that's my father's motto working her and then mrs quackenbush began to quack she quacked and she quacked and she quacked stop that infernal quacking cried this one then he put his wings over his ears but mrs quackenbush did not stop not until the big black swan flew away she waited to see if this one will come back but he never did so she gathered her ducklings around her and together they swam off happily ever after do you know what they sang that's right quack quack they love your story do you think you could arrange for me to visit more often i'll try they don't have parents to tell them stories anymore when we're liberated i'm going to get all the paper i can find and start my stories over again did i tell you i was working on a novel i think so well i was i didn't know how to finish it but now i do i can't wait to get started again it's going to be a romance but not sentimental mind you i've grown too old for that do you remember how you told me once you were ashamed of being jewish hmm the chosen people chosen for this we've suffered before and it's only made us stronger one day people will look up to us you have any of us left i used to take so much for granted like the sky do you see those stars we had a club called the little dipper once jackie hannah sanner and me one star for each of us how much one were you i should have known tomorrow at transport we leave this camp but the audis are preparing lists inmates selected for this transport will be allowed to take with them all belongings surrendered upon arrival i look forward to personally seeing you up wishing you bon voyage back to your bags now there must be something you can do you've got to keep us off their lists got a string in this camp i haven't tried to pull the only language they understand is barter we've got nothing to trade i'm not sure it would do any good even if we had the jew traitors here are worse than the nazis saving their own skins that place you'd do something different and like job waiting in the ashes why they played god no it was different for job job didn't have to squat like an animal in front of strangers job was not driven from his homeland and job could argue back attention get in line step forward when your name is called brandesiani lubinsky isaac brandes frank otto frank margo frank colander eat it van pelt herman frank annalise [Music] fritz [Music] nice [Music] doesn't make any sense anyone with brains can see the germans are losing the ball but can we matter to them now nothing makes sense anymore mr pfeffer not to me as long as my family stay together [Music] all right [Music] on the next chance [Music] soon in germany i think i'm sure everywhere just looks bummed to pieces that's something anyway maybe they bombed the tracks that's possible isn't it mr frank yes it's possible [Music] i'm going to take off the red patches wherever we're going we are not going as common criminals [Music] um [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] oh [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] here [Music] did you say goodbye to your father your brother you want to see them again they're already in the gas chambers don't listen to her shut up [Music] so [Music] hmm so hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Laughter] [Music] hmm [Music] is oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] light up women selected for this transport will be sent to a work camp to work on munitions transport transport transport transport age 16 scabies you're staying here send her to crosstalk i'm staying with my daughter i have scabies too up [Music] i talked to him last night the doctor said they could leave that horrible place when today she said and the sun is shining it's dangerous for them there [Music] i should have gone with him [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] zones [Music] cousins [Music] hey guys escape his block has been a selection for children uh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] welcome [Music] man [Music] and yeah [Music] uh so [Music] listen like uh but [Music] i've forgotten about birds you never saw them in birkenau nothing lived there birds of prey [Music] scavengers that's all that's left [Music] [Music] [Music] that the stein lag the star camp they're serving those juice to exchange them for german prisoners they have food over there but be careful if they get you they shoot you i'll tell you this is one pulse [Music] oh to find you here after all these weeks months your mother was beside herself with grief when she heard about the transport did he come with you [Music] selected every day there were trains just because of the russians is what i heard only 60 miles away they're emptying all the polish camps we don't believe in rumors anymore though can't you make us stop die first get used to it you get used to everything all right ah there's somebody on the other side of the fence and i think it's your friend hannah the other side hannah i know oh [Music] is it really you what are you doing here you're supposed to be in switzerland it was only a story so they wouldn't come looking for us we were hiding in daddy's office [Music] i couldn't tell anybody gabby is she here she had an infection but she's all right now someone's taking care of her his father i'm worried about he's so sick they took me to the hospital i pray for him every night used to pray for you too anna i prayed that your family was safe your father your mother my father's dead they sent him to the god statements but your mother selected [Music] i can't believe it they've taken everything hannah [Music] everything it's so cold the dice are crawling over my clothes there's no food everything i find i give to marco because she's so weak we got a red cross package today it isn't much but it's something wait [Music] [Music] be careful [Music] what's happening [Music] i'll try again if i can come back tomorrow it's true please yes i promise tomorrow tomorrow [Music] i got it oh sucks thank you thank you so much meet me here not tomorrow but the next day wait for me i'll wait i have so much i want to tell you me too i have to go the guards until then [Music] no go away [Music] and are you there can you hear me and i'm sorry i couldn't meet you the way i said i would they told us we were going to be exchanged finally after all this waiting we should have seen further he got dressed in his best suit even in the hospital [Music] he died in that set now they say we're not going to be exchanged after all [Music] why are they so cruel you're the only person i've loved to talk to you and gabby she's not old enough to understand yet i don't understand where are you [Music] and what's happened very close i threw them away feel the lights crawling all over me itching itching all the time i'll try to organize something for you which barricade i wanna fix you have to come to come marco is very sick everyone's my sister too i'll come when i can now get back inside take some breath do you remember how how i was always taking care of you when you listen it's my turn to take care of you now it doesn't matter in here no you can't leave me [Music] tell me a story at least i used to love your stories and stories are always much better than mine poor pen [Music] you still haven't you're right there aren't you i didn't like that do you remember how we talked about it about about what we were going to do after the war what were you going to be [Music] yes you can you have to a nurse that's what you told me that's right a nurse [Music] a nurse in im [Music] london that's where i'm going see the world [Music] birds listen marco marco [Music] no you'll wake up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] so [Music] mr frank meep it's good to see you [Music] she's not coming back let's go inside [Music] after we were liberated by the russians i found someone who'd known edith in the women's camp starvation she was hoarding bread under her blanket in the hospital for her children and her husband she said if her body had only held out for two more weeks i'm sorry mr frank the nazis dynamited the gas chambers you know to cover their tracks that wasn't enough for them that's when the marches began and i was in the hospital i begged peter not to go to stay behind he was looking after me then i don't know what happened to him autumn mr thurton mr van pers i saw with my own eyes being taken to the gas chamber he was in the barracks when he should have been at work hey he just gave up and you could never do that never and the girls do you have any news only rumors so many other women were deported to germany i live in hope [Music] yes [Music] this is the pokemon [Music] you i need to speak to you i'm looking for information about my daughters i believe they were sent to burger king i have filled out a form i think we can add their names to a list then we'll contact you their names [Music] my name is yani brandes i was in bergen-belsen with and margot frank do you have any information follow me [Music] so [Music] who is it mrs brandes yes otter frank i believe you saw my daughters at burgundelson now [Music] me i'll go no no no coming back yes [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: TEchy treats
Views: 13,293,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anne Frank (Author), Diary (Literary Genre), Anne Frank: The Whole Story (TV Program)
Id: c25oZQrnXwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 45sec (10965 seconds)
Published: Mon May 26 2014
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