Gilda | Full Movie - Rita Hayworth & Glenn Ford | CineClips

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everything foreign [Music] was a dollar in any language [Music] it was my first night in the Argentine and I didn't know much about the local citizens but I knew about American sailors and I knew I'd better get out of there [Music] put your hands up up oh get going okay like that can come in handy it is the most faithful and obedient friend to decide up when I wish you to be silent it talks when I wish to talk that's your idea of a friend that is my idea of a friend you must see the gay life I'd eat the life I like to lead you're a lucky man I make my own luck neighborhood like this I came down to save your life I don't overdo it he wouldn't have killed me if I giving him the money but you wouldn't have given him the money I don't think I would how did you get it yeah what the money would have died for gambling I'll leave you here thanks pleasure I'll do the same for you sometimes save my life give you a cigarette with your luck why don't you go weather some real gambling I thought it was illegal in Buenos Aires oh it is you see just like home there's a casino about a half hour the other side of town here's the key thanks but don't go why not they won't let you use your own dice I didn't think it showed a man who makes his own luck as I do recognizes in others in any event they wanted to win without a tie spot is not on your nose yet who's he hello Fred would you like it fine perfume suitable for nobility we have a token father as soft as Rose seal no thanks Tower yeah thank you hey who's she they're happy [Music] how would you classify me it hasn't [Music] thank you [Music] wow [Music] thank you very much issues Lisa vets ladies and gentlemen place your pets number two a thousand pesos no more bets [Music] number two black lives number two laser pets ladies and gentlemen Wiggles this event two chips thousand pesos cut what players allowed to cut at any time close thousand pesos cut thank you [Applause] as usual I made my own look and I knew just when to stop letting it ride [Music] hey bud the director wants to see you Brooklyn across the river here too [Music] [Music] hey hey spasm [Music] where is he don't worry bub he'll be here how would you like a thousand pesos a piece you don't buy your way out of this bub you're in trouble oh now wait a minute all right Casey weather well well the little man with a sharp friend I told you not to bring your own dice well well again you really had me fooled last night I thought you were somebody I didn't think you'd just be the manager of a gambling joint my name is Valen Bunsen mine's Johnny Farrell and I'm not the manager I own the joint and I don't like to be cheated well there isn't a dice table in the house nobody wins that much money at 21 honestly I had a lucky streak a very deaf way of cutting cards took me years to learn of course you want to be in jail but I suppose I owe you an obligation since I saved your life you ought to be more careful about those things now get out of here don't come back and you know you're being very stupid probably you'd simply had me gambling on the wrong side I'll be better if you had me on your side I don't like my people to cheat I cheat with my own money sure but with your money I wouldn't have to cheat take it over you know I think I will how much time do you give me oh there's no hurry you can take a minute or two Excuse me while you're making up your mind not you you really shouldn't hit a man when he has his hands behind his back you see this way you'll have two friends you've no idea how faithful and obedient I can be for a nice salary this I must be sure of there is no woman anywhere there's no woman anywhere gambling and women do not mix those are the very words I use myself now shall we quit talking about it and there was one once get this Mr Monson I was born last night when you met me in that alley that way I'm no past and all Futures see and I like it that way You Let Me ease myself right to the top at first I just watched the play and the checkoffs by the way about that time the war ended [Music] [Applause] up [Applause] [Music] [Music] great news I thought we ought to celebrate too oh yes of course [Music] I have to take a trip Johnny I may be gone for a while and you're in charge of the casino you've been promoted faithful service do I get a raise no fair enough fair enough but you do get five percent of the profits I'll take seven and a half you're sharp Johnny almost as sharp as my other little friend but not quite so obedient no my other little friend would kill for me Johnny well that's what friends are for to us Johnny to the three of us three of us makes me laugh now to think back me so sure it was just the three of us I soon found out all right I remember it was late one afternoon I was getting ready for the Saturday night crowd funny I'd remember what day it was isn't it isn't it enough for a peasant Mr father Mr Monson call just cut back like you to come along to his house thank you after all I I run the place he calls me Mr Farrell isn't that better you'd think a bell would have rung or you'd think I'd have had some Instinct of warning but I didn't I just walked right into it Alan Senora Manson we'll be down in a moment senior fellow thanks it's great having him back isn't it Pete I hope it will be the same Senora Farrell Johnny is that you hello Bellon come on up here foreign what are you crying about I feel great Johnny you look foolish I'll show you why where's the canary how did you know how did I know why so you don't know come this is where the canary is Johnny what a surprise to hear a woman singing my outside Johnny [Music] surprise hello [Music] Hilda are you decent me [Music] sure I'm decent [Music] Gilda this is Johnny Farrell Johnny this is Gilda [Music] so this is Johnny Farrell I've heard a lot about you Johnny there really no I haven't heard a word about you why balance I wanted to keep it as a surprise was it a surprise Mr Farrell it certainly was you should have seen his face did you tell him what I'm doing here Bella no I wanted to save that as a surprise too hang on to your hat Mr Pharaoh Gilda is my wife Johnny Mrs Bell and Munson Mr pharaoh is that all right congratulations oh you don't congratulate the bride Johnny you congratulate the husband really well what are you supposed to say to the bride you wish a good luck good luck thank you Mr Farrell my husband tells me you're a great believer in luck we make our own luck Johnny and I I'll have to try that sometime I'll try it right now tell him to come to dinner with us tonight Bella it's an order come along Johnny we like you to get dressed look your best my beautiful this will be the casino's first glimpse of you I look my very best Baron I want all the hired help to approve of me glad you've met you Mr Pharaoh his name is Johnny Gillette oh I'm sorry Johnny is such a hard name to remember it's so easy to forget Johnny there see you later Mr pharaoh that's right Mrs Munson I'll see Johnny downstairs I'll see him at the casino for some reason she doesn't like you Johnny really what makes you think that I know my wife you do why would you form an instant antagonism like that maybe it's chemical she'll get over it sure when did you meet her the day out after the interior when did you get married the day after that quick you should know Johnny that when I want something I buy it quick do you know anything about her tall it's an odd coincidence Johnny listen to this she told me she was born the night she met me all three of us are no pasts just futures isn't that interesting I think it's fascinating what's the matter with you I thought we agree that women and gambling didn't mix my wife does not come under the category of women Johnny I could have made a mistake you did don't make it again starts already what's this tact IC see at the casino in about an hour it was all I could do to walk away I wanted to go back up in that room and hit her what scared me was I I wanted to hit him too I wanted to go back and see them together with me not watching I wanted to know I can never get a zipper to close maybe that stands for something what do you think I think you were very rude to him to whom Johnny was I oh dear that's one of the things you'll have to teach me about good man I want you to like him you sure about that what do you mean he's a very attractive man if you like the type he's a boy boys have the darndest way of growing up them almost when you're not looking but I'll be looking your shoes about time do you wish me to put them on your feet for how much the charge is slight because I find this always a revealing vantage point View so often the true one quite a philosopher aren't you one of these rumors really in my department comes older guys really when he she is very beautiful very young and American you are also young and American it will be interesting to watch maybe you should be fired right out on your ear Johnny Mr Munson sister tell you he's they're here thanks say have you seen her got that what did I do you whistled I heard you after all she is Mrs Munson so mind your Menace see yes it will be interesting to watch foreign number two black s ladies and gentlemen place your beds take over 10 years no Mr panel going into business for yourself or just miss a family not my orders no Johnny I've been looking for you gambling is illegal in Argentina is that right it isn't right but it's true that the reason for the payoff pay off naturally that's the reason and why doesn't it show on the books why doesn't it come out of my cut you're my complete confidence Johnny you may ask any questions you wish I just asked one now let's have dinner shall we I was forced to be killed alone when I looked for you and Guild is much too beautiful if left alone in other words you've changed the subject in other words I've changed the subject I found him Gilda very elusive Chat bar Johnny sit down Johnny good evening Mr Farrell you're looking very beautiful good evening Mrs Munson time to return the compliment Johnny you're looking very beautiful why thank you if there's anything I love it's a spontaneous impulsive compliment like that and because you're so nice I'm going to show you something my husband gave it to me for a coming home face is it cute 50 000 pesos and it's cute isn't she fabulous Johnny fabulous wait Johnny let's drink to us to the three of us to the three of us what's the matter Johnny I get confused confused why well just a few weeks ago we drank a toast to the three of us well who was the third one then should I be jealous hardly darling just a friend of mine is it a him or her that's a very interesting question what do you think Johnny [Music] uh her oh why that concluded because it looks like one thing and then right in front of your eyes it becomes another thing [Music] well you haven't much faith in the stability of women then have you Johnny that's right what wonders for the woman was who brought our journey to this pretty pass doesn't want guilder one does let's hate it shall we battle let's shall we Johnny glitch now that I'll drink to [Music] enjoy yeah anything I can do ballon no I'll be right back Now isn't this something It's a Small World in Argentina isn't it isn't it why did you marry him my husband's a very attractive man you don't love him for that word again Johnny you marry them for his money that happened to come with him no it's a great way to make a living that wouldn't be the big part calling the little kettle black now would it I was down and out he'd pick me up put me on my feet Now isn't that an amazing coincidence Johnny that's practically The Story of My Life hello good evening Delgado I would like to ask permission to talents for your lady the answer is no the answer is yes I'd love it but the young man the young men would love it too that he can't afford it [Music] women can be extremely annoying you're in again Mauricio Miguel Obregon that's your service so that's your name look I've been watching you for weeks now then that makes us even you don't gamble you don't drink what are you hanging around here for the atmosphere has always interested me now it positively fascinates me [Music] you could be a professional dancer I am I mean I would but that's against our Union rules I always observe the rules and regulations how is it that I have never seen you I didn't dance America this is not America I'm in New York oh you're a young man is he too He's not my young man you know the expression on his face says that he wishes he wear rules and regulations remember your rules are very changeable my lady they changed [Music] everything all right quite all right well the two crowds I've seen them before messenger boys whose and I just wanted to know if you were in trouble apparently I'm in serious trouble my wife seems to be missing she's dancing you shouldn't have allowed it Johnny she wanted to dance with a guy what do you want me to do she's not Mike your wife go get him now wait a minute she's you that's exactly the reason Johnny a husband always looks if it's ridiculous don't you think dragging his wife from another man's arms I'll get it valid pardon me but your husband is showing oh thank you perhaps again sometimes until at some time I should only miserably exist in your order I always say there's something about Mad Men for one thing they can dance for another thing what's your telephone number okay oh never mind I'll give you mine Cujo 3017 Cujo 3017.ora what did you say to him I just told him if a man answers hang up wasn't that all right you can't talk to men down here the way you would at home they don't understand it understand what they think you mean it mean what doesn't it bother you at all that you're married but I want to know it doesn't bother you I'm beginning to think I've misjudged you Johnny ballon oh it could be quite sweet so protected Johnny takes care of all the things that belong to me he runs the joy he runs the joint you're there Johnny you're to take care of me because I belong to the boss how will you like that well I do all kinds of odd jobs I'll bet this is the oddest job you ever had now then before we were interrupted I believe we were about to drink a toast so disasters of the Wench who did wrong by our Johnny no Gilda you won't drink of that why not she had what it took to say it but I knew it scared her I knew it would haunt her anyone as superstitious as Gilda out loud asking for disaster hi you're still dressed yes anything wrong everything's wonderful but I told you zip his throw me yeah I hope thank you you'll have a maid in the morning should be old and ugly those are your orders I think that's good business to surround yourself with ugly women and beautiful men yes you knew him before who Johnny Farrell Johnny Farrell you knew him before no don't lie to me Gilda don't ever lie to me I'm telling you the truth I didn't know him I don't think I've ever known him Darren I see you're a child Gilda a beautiful greedy child and it amuses me to feed you beautiful things because you eat with such a good appetite but I shouldn't make any mistakes no you shouldn't if you're worried about Johnny Farrell don't be I hate him and he hates you that's very apparent but hey can be a very exciting emotion very exciting haven't you noticed that you make it there is a heat in it the bungan feel didn't you feel it tonight no I did it warned me hate is the only thing that has ever worn me I'm in Vegas you mean this has been going on for years and I didn't know about it one is not always so lucky you should watch out the superstitions have an old saying not what the dishes keep it for me yes Mrs Munson commissioners number two no more bets ladies and gentlemen got a life yes Mrs Madison it is so crowded and yet so lonely isn't it how did you know you smoke too much I've noticed only frustrated people smoke too much and only lonely people are frustrated well aren't you cute me awfully cute I think I'm gonna like you yeah oh I'm sorry oh nothing personal I hope no I was just tossing away my frustration and it landed right on me maybe that means something oh it does it means we're gonna have a drink together no I on the other hand I'd love to now we'll see see what I'm glad you had a gentleman as you see what a peasant is icing the beautiful one is at the bar she'll probably have trouble really what kind of trouble a man is very good looking your source of income is in his office he will probably have trouble what kind of trouble also a man not so good looking now we know you are what I said any losses that you incurred in business will reimburse you across the casino tables regularly and very generously but in spite of orders you continue to sell tungsten wire to the mandolin company but Mr benjolin can't manufacture electric light Globes without tungsten wire for filaments Mr Munson he can continue in business to continue in business isn't that clear to you but he's the only outlet for my product in this territory Mr Munson if I don't sell to him I can't continue in business don't you understand that perfectly and that doesn't matter to you does it Mr Madison on the contrary I sympathize with you deeply life is very difficult for the defenseless ones of the world yes as you say thank you Mr Munson I thought we were in a gambling business leave me alone I never heard of a game played with electric light Globes let's join Gila for a drink shall we Johnny first case to join cost is clear I didn't like the look on the defenseless one's face that Mouse I didn't like the look on his face all right Johnny was right you are protective sure it's me all over give me five minutes maybe you didn't notice I'm dancing you were dancing hey what's the idea oh you'll get used to it I've never been able to finish a dance in here yet when Bellon comes down I want you sitting in a booth alone you're sure it's Balin who objects to my having friends what I want to know is who is this guy John darling now get him out of here but I like if he leaves I go with him that's all right with me too but what's keeping you not a thing let's go where we can have some fun like I said exactly like you said didn't you hear about me Gabe if I'd been a ranch they would have made me the bar enough oh the codes are clear I take it very clear I'm a big boy now you can tell me things Gilda warn me that you grow up by the way where is she yes Gilda she was born there's an American picture in town she went to see it alone would she go if she doesn't know anybody down here you know more about that than I would wouldn't you Johnny bad form isn't it to make a scene in public the ocean would have been quieter Only Fools ruin themselves gambling gambling what else come on home what happened come on did he kill himself Johnny yes when a man becomes weak enough to accept a bribe he's already a dying man didn't bother you did it did he kill himself no but it did bother me that back there you were afraid oh no I was amazed I realized that something could happen to me that's why I'm going to tell you something come in over here Johnny remember this Johnny remember this too okay could you do it down by yourself yes eight left 24 right two left 17 right you're the only one who knows the combination Johnny if anything should ever happen to me there are papers in there signatures and instructions how to carry on thanks for not letting me down you're not just the owner of a gambling China you know what a cartel is Johnny I think sure Trust a monopoly of some kind isn't it and in a national Monopoly big business I'm not playing what tungsten that doesn't impress you I don't know much about it I mean I don't know if it's worth getting shot at for the pleasure of monopolizing it Amato controls a strategic material to control the world Johnny world's a pretty big place made up of stupid little people well if anybody can do it I'd lay to five you're the baby you can and you'd win so let's go downstairs and have a drink with you and Gilda on my side you are on my side Johnny I told you that and Gilda what do you mean women are funny little creatures Johnny well I don't know much about them odd things are important to them really I bought her Johnny just as I bought you well she knows that doesn't she it's just it money doesn't mean very much to Gilda if she should become Restless I'm mad about Johnny man what do you think of that well I think it's great because she is on your side ballon I'd lay eight to five on that too and I'd win oh I better be getting back to the Joint thank you know what I have the funniest feeling we're not alone maybe we're haunted maybe if we go inside it'll go away besides being pretty you're positively intelligent come on no you know I have the funniest feeling somebody said something maybe the lady forgot to tell you her husband lives here for a long long time I've taken husbands little by little in small doses so that now I've developed a complete immunity to them you're through for the evening son scram ah so he runs this joint too does he I said scram for two cents I'd heard what that's great hitting a man when he's drunk he shouldn't get drunk on my time on your time I thought that was settled I take care of everything that belongs to the bus what's his is yours you went to a picture show tonight alone really would you like to know whether I enjoyed it that's your story that's what I told Bell and that's what you're going to tell me making me deceive my husband I got some news for you Gilly he didn't just buy something he's in love with you is that so hard to understand and you're not gonna do anything I've got some news for you John I'm going to do exact ly is when I please I was two to one man once and look what happened I made up my mind then this isn't about us it's about him really you don't say so and get this straight I don't care what you do but I'm going to see to it that it looks all right to him from now on you go anywhere you please with anyone you please but I'm going to take you there and I'm going to pick you up and bring you home get that exactly the way I take and pick up his laundry shame on you Johnny any psychiatrist would tell you that your thought associations are very revealing what are you talking about any psychiatrist would tell you that means something Johnny did you hear what I said sure I heard what you said you're going to take me there and pick me up all to protect Bell who do you think you're kidding Johnny I hated her so I couldn't get her out of my mind for a minute she was in the air I breathed in the food I ate at first I thought I was just dreaming it and hearing a voice in my sleep for nights anyway then I realized in Chicago town say that started the fire burning that's the story that went wrong here's the real Lowdown put the blame on me put the blame on me name kissed a pile from all of town that kiss burn Chicago down so you can put the blame on me please put the blame on me remember the blizzard back in Manhattan in 1886 they say the traffic was tied up and folks were in a fix that's the story that went around but here's the real low down put the blame on Main lights put the blame on me name gave a trump such an ice cold no for seven days the shovel snow so you can put the blame on me bye oh good morning how very pretty you look in your nightgown what are you doing here singing to my friend isn't that all right how long you been here how long five verses what are you doing here listening I just finished my work and did you hear about that poor little cow that blamed get out of here get back to your washroom where you belong put a beggar on Horseback on Uncle Peter well here's the laundry waiting to be picked up where have you been swimming I bet you don't believe me I bet balham would either unless you're there to back me up you went swimming with me didn't we have a good time swimming that's what it says here where's your bathing suit under this wanna see I'll get dressed I hate to drag you out this time of the morning but it's your idea you know why don't you make it easy on yourself and let him find out about me are you afraid of what he might do to me Johnny I am what afraid you oh Johnny I wish I'd never never what getting married on the rebound is so stupid rebound from what because you you don't know a man you 've only known one day he doesn't know you either that way you start even all fair and even okay what did interest you to know how much I hate you Johnny very much I hate you so much I would destroy myself to take you down with me now I've warned you now that's all fair and even all fair and even now would it interest you to know that I know why you're hanging around here at five o'clock in the morning I told you on the laundry I'm simply obeying instructions now that you've delivered me don't you want to wait and get a receipt from the man balance you're out yes late to bed early to rise made some Gilda talk Johnny I thought I could sneak out and get back without waking you no we went swimming you were asleep yes all of a sudden I just had to go swimming it it was so hard you weren't worried were you yes terribly sorry if that was making you so nervous nervous no I I well a terrible thing happened to me no wonder I'm nervous what happened to you I lost that beautiful clip you gave me the one that cost so much is that all well isn't that enough to make a person nervous a clip can be replaced thanks for being so nice about it terribly sorry a clip can be replaced you see I thought I had lost you me not a chance and that couldn't be replaced should we have a drink before I start to cry you see Johnny doesn't think that would be a tragedy if you lost me statistics show that there are more women in the world than anything else except insects Johnny on that Charming observation I shall walk up I just changed my clothes I would have breakfast with you oh by the way I want to mention that Johnny is a terrific swimmer this morning he out distanced me beautifully but someday there'll be a return match and then look outside Johnny yeah you'd have to teach me how I don't know what swim what else sure anytime apparently you're very good at it pretty good did you teach Gilda how to swim Johnny I taught her everything she knows Bellon does that satisfy you wait a minute fellas let's take that trombone part over once again and make it a little cleaner Julio thank you these are things which are merry makers add to their costumes I wonder if you care to make a choice you have a great sense of humor haven't you which one would you suggest I would suggest whatever you wear you will start out as this and then Darkest Days really how did you figure that out tonight it is the beautiful ones party all the way she has changed the decorations she has changed the orchestra it isn't too much to think that she will change I warned you once you didn't seem to hear me now you're through through with what the casino your job you're fired you are mistaken I will be here after you are gone Mr peasant you asked me one time what a great philosopher like me is doing in the washroom no I will tell you go on because to my department comes over the gossip that way he's not here no one is here you see maybe we should have had that private sign on the stairway printed in German too or maybe you can't speak Spanish but I assure you it does say private that's right we intend to see Mr Manson he's been avoiding us didn't you hear Mr Munson is allergic to messenger boys the American Indian s always walks into something that does not concern him well that's an old American custom Mr Manson is having an invited party tonight you are Uninvited tell the old man to go away no you go away we intend to see Mr Manson you said that before I said get him on the telephone please why didn't you say what you wanted Mr Munson is Mr Farrell some people wish to add these to their costumes in my collection I have two lovely heads of pigs if you no sale Uncle Pio they'll just use their own faces o'balon a couple of nice kids here with German accents I think they'd like to make an appointment with you oh by the way one of them has a gun in my bag tell them tell them to come here in an hour and Johnny you come now will you immediately listen Maria Carnival yes little one Carnival what does it mean Maria exactly Carnival is the last three days president which in Roman Catholic countries has given up to feast in America then can be fasting and dependence in other words make hay while the sun shines you have a strange language little one oh I mean three days of sowing Wild Oats and then comes the Harvest you know Maria I have the funniest feeling don't tell anybody but I'm most awfully superstitious don't tell anybody no I have the funniest feeling that this is it I mean bad for me too it's Carnival Maria dildo yes Balin of course I'm going to be delayed Johnny will take you to the party what's the matter with me you're very excited about something tonight my beautiful that happens in the air perhaps you shouldn't have opened the window close it there see how quiet it is now see how easily one can shut away excitement just by closing a window remember that Gilda oh I want to have a look at you in your costume before you go I see you're going to carry a whip have you warned Johnny so he can also arm himself okay nobody could ever dance like you Johnny when a person dances with you it's it's like they're a part of you Johnny it's like that you haven't improved any have you you always did tuck your head off all the time you were dancing you used to say for Pete's sake you'll do one thing at a time when you used to say talk or dance so don't do both things at the same time you used to say I still say it I have to keep talking Johnny as long as I have my arms around you I have to keep talking I might forget to dance Johnny what do you think you're trying to do I'm not even trying very hard but I'm doing it bring what push my head back Johnny it's all right push it back you're out of practice aren't you dancing with me I could help you get in practice again Johnny good evening Mr Farrell hi I'll bring on I'm in again as you put it practically old home week we're all here yes we are all here Mr Barrel I would suggest that you see that Mrs Munson goes home you would suggest there's going to be trouble I would suggest you see that she's out of here before the unmasking at 12 o'clock you know you sound like a very bad melodram excuse me drama is complete was that a crack what do you want I got a letter for you she said she was sorry she didn't get to say goodbye no bad news I hope Johnny what's that to you you believe me which is sure I saw about it why you think that she's on check everybody that comes in here get that hey okay but she didn't come in she went out do something Mr Farrow um hello Bellon I didn't even know you'd arrived but obviously I did arrive D I'll be a place why is Gilda Johnny she's around somewhere it's hard to keep track of anyone in this mom find a hobby Johnny sure I won't guarantee how long it's going to take I'll wait I'm a grateful for waiting Johnny yeah thank you thank you foreign it might be a good idea for us to go home Valen why because a man drank too much it was one of the messenger boys and he didn't drink too much balance he was murdered good saves us the trouble did you keep your appointment with him no I I miss them did you find Gilda no find her take her home I'll stick with you no there's an old launch Amanda fear you play for the full stake or you pass the shoe you can't Rule the World by passing a shoe Johnny I still think we ought to go home do as I tell you take Gilda home I told you once I expect my little friends to be obedient Johnny speaking of little friends don't wait for me at home Johnny I may need both of my little friends tonight okay Bella foreign speaking call The Flying Field tell him to proceed as instructed is that clear proceed as instructed thank you foreign is wrong wasn't he about what he said you can shut out excitement by it just closing your door you can't can you I don't know what you're talking about there isn't anybody here but ushino everybody's celebrating Carnival what about it I was just mentioning it good night Johnny foreign I couldn't get it out of my head what she said about nobody being in the house but us I thought of ballon back in the casino fighting for his life and this little I knew that all his plans all his dreams of greatness would be wrecked because of what she was doing to him I knew he wasn't strong enough to throw her out I knew it was up to me I had to get rid of her for him killer kiss your clothes on you're getting out of here are we Johnny are we not we you do hate me don't you Johnny I don't think you have any idea how much hate is a very exciting emotion haven't you noticed very exciting I hate you too Johnny I hate you so much I think I'm going to die from it the other thing I think I'm gonna die for a minute thank you you left it open when you came foreign Africa is more than two thousand miles away I don't think he'll make it I don't think he intends to try you managed it naturally the seaplane is waiting yes sir he run into some trouble boss an unfortunate murder the detective obaga knows that I did it I'll stay away as long as necessary and then I'll go back 10 to something in the will we found Balin had left everything to Gilda with me is sole executive I finally had them in my hands the little pieces of paper that balance said would let a man rule the world at first I was puzzled because it didn't seem like much tungsten mind a few patents a dozen or so small corporations joined together to form one organization with Munson at the head but then I saw the potential power of such a group saw how it could grow and spread and Gobble up anyone who did stand alone against it you've all come a long way to find out what is going to happen to your Association I've told you now you can return having found out that nothing has changed nothing I will carry on with Mr Munson left off anything else gentlemen just one thing it has always seemed to me that no one man should be at the head of our organization I think it would be better if you heard the will I'm the sole executor it's going to be business as usual Mrs Munson Mr Soul like a t Mrs Munson is in no condition right now to see anyone her husband's death is hit her very hard she's asked me to represent her with the stockholders however we need be in no hurry to leave there's a chance that she may recover not a chance in the world you see Mrs Munson is marrying me this afternoon look Johnny it stopped raining maybe that means something you haven't gotten over it have you gotten over what being superstitious where Johnny not back to the house what kind of a guy do you think I am I don't think anybody really knows that but me Johnny not even you all my clothes here even my perfume you think of everything don't you Johnny everything we're right back where we started aren't we darling right back way right back where we started Johnny that isn't even decent what was that word again Gilda decent I said decent that's what I thought you said has sounded funny coming out of you guilder she didn't know then what was happening to her she didn't know then that what she heard was the door closing on her own cage she hadn't been faithful to him when he was alive but she was going to be faithful to him now that he was dead hey what are you doing coming to work tonight I believe in my duty to my job and all that good because you got one a new one from now on here to stick with Mrs Munson this is this is pharaoh whatever she does wherever she goes you ought to be there she's not to talk to anyone and no one's to talk to her you get that gee Johnny is she in danger or something you will be I guarantee if you don't do exactly as I told you oh sure sure you were interestingly quiet this afternoon what I have to say I have to say to you and not the others I'm flooded would you like to know how Manson came to be the head of the cartel no you have seen that the patterns are German haven't you they were originally exactly they belonged to my principles not anymore three years ago when it began to seem that Argentina made find it necessary to declare war against us we made an arrangement with Manson we allowed him to buy our pets good idea the casino here makes nice friends we even Advanced him the money with which to buy them from us so you couldn't have picked a nicer man we had an agreement with Manson but at the end of the war he would turn our property back to us I didn't find any agreement it was a gentleman's agreement I see and Mr Munson wasn't a gentleman he was a Madman Mr Farrell thought he could rule the world alone I know we had quite a discussion about it she still didn't believe I wasn't coming back every night she got all dressed up and waited but a girl like Gilda couldn't stand not knowing the why of things so she decided to swallow her Pride come to see me that was wonderful yes hello remember me I'm guilty your wife remember you haven't been around lately I thought maybe you were an Amnesia victim or something got a light you don't look so hot do you know that you're losing weight this vacuum I'm living in mind giving me a reason not at all you've had such a full life up to now I thought a little peace and choir to do you good give you a time to think about what would it be too corny to say your sins yes it would I said it you're a guy Johnny oh I figured that's what the deal was you're getting even with me for something who are great people for getting even aren't we Johnny are we aren't we didn't I get even with you for walking out on me by marrying ballon great that's just great the man is dead and I'm glad what do you think of that it was insane Johnny I was afraid already you acted like it there's never been anybody but but all those things I did were just to make you jealous Johnny there's never been anybody but you and not anybody not anybody what about your husband if you could forget him so easily you could forget the others too couldn't you but there weren't any others I had met them when you admit them and tell me who they were you wouldn't think one woman could marry two insane men in one lifetime now would you she wasn't scared yet because she didn't quite realize yet right now she was she was just plain mad and she was hitting back I want you to try and locate a Mr Gabe Evans for me try all the hotels in the city but locating she couldn't find him so she just reached out for anyone they weren't hard to find for a Girl Like Gilda the waiter told him he had a telephone call my men grabbed him outside he never came back she found somebody else of course but wherever she went whatever she did finally got to her that Buenos Aires was her own private prison that's when she decided to run away she went to Montevideo got a job singing in a nightclub started divorce proceedings and met a man love me forever and let forever I'm in a dream world sweet delight many times I've whispered um it was just a phrase that I heard in place I was acting upon but when I whispered I told me can't you tell I care by the feeling therefore it comes from my heart my world my love my darling will be too old love me forever let forever foreign oh more love me forever and let forever thank you let forever be tonight is that a day killer I can't make any forever dates Tom I haven't even got my divorce yet I have no right to I don't want you to want me to what get a divorce you don't but once you get them out of a day without your husband's consent we'll never stand up on Argentina Argentina ever so what differences or at home you may want to go home sometime darling wherever you go for the rest of your life you're going to be tied to him you'll never be free then it didn't do any good to run away no good at all never does any good to run away Gilda go back to Buenos Aires no and get an annulment you told me your husband left you immediately after the ceremony there's nothing to it and then I'll be with you darling I'll be right by your side every minute I'm a very good lawyer you know I have more money than I know what to do with I'm very much in love with you it's kind of a terrific combination it's kind of a terrific combination the play leaves at two o'clock at two o'clock the next day you'll be free darling utterly free I don't think I'd ever trust a man again as long as I lived But Here I Go Again thanks Tom this is the hotel Santa Maria isn't it all right I was told it's a good hotel I think it's wonderful just wonderful I'll do it your bags you'll be up in a minute the light switch is right here somewhere if my memory doesn't fail me foreign I'll do it anyway I'll get an annulment I don't need anybody didn't Langford tell you there's no such thing as an almond in Argentina oh Johnny please Let It Go please let me go I can't stand it anymore I don't want anything from you please just let me go I thought it was a nice touch bringing you back here hey Johnny let me tell you about that night I don't want to hear about that night can't you understand I don't want to hear about that night thank you I was waiting for you Mr Farrell find anything interesting what are you stalling for anyway why don't you close to join up if it bothers you so much why do you think was allowed the casino to stay open there's a smart doesn't arrest the first nature if the little thief will lead them to the bigger crime I don't know what you're talking about we know you're the head of a Tungsten Monopoly Mr pharaoh what we want to know is the names of the participants I still know what what you're talking about I'll wait you're breaking up in little pieces right in front of my eyes you know am I wearing it down I hope you something is really well have to take a look sometime I had a note when they had the earthquake in San Francisco back in 1906. they said that old mother nature is up to her old get around but he's the real low down put the blame on Main boys put the blame on me one night she started to push him and shake that brought on the frisco Quake so you can put the blame on me boy put the blame on me they once had a shooting up in the Klondike when they got them a group folks were putting the blame on lady known as blue story went around here's the real low down put the blame on me put the blame on me name did a dance called the hitchy cool that's the thing that slew my groove put the blame on me boys on me I'm not very good at zippers but maybe if I had some help I'll help you I am an expert s hello you guys I hate to do this but you know Johnny come on leave me alone come on everybody what do you mean by now they all know what I am and that should make you happy Johnny it's no use just you knowing it Johnny now they all know that the mighty Johnny Pharaoh got taken and that he married German has been arrested he will give us the information we want now all we want from you are the patents in the agreements bearing the signatures let me tell you why we must know who these signers are Mr pharaoh so they can be prosecuted legally for breaking the antitrust laws you didn't hear a word of it did you all you can think of is the way Gilda looked at you when you're struck her isn't it you two kids love each other pretty terribly don't you hate her that's what I mean it's the most curious love-hate pattern I've ever had the privilege of witnessing and as long as you're as sick in the head as you are about it you're not able to think about anything clearly all right Mr Farrell you're under arrest for a legally operating in gambling casino I'm gonna let you stay here on the protective custody send for me when you can't stand it anymore I intend to have those signatures I can outweigh you Mr Farrell you see I have the law on my side it's a very comfortable feeling something you want to try sometime hate left 24 right two left 17 right you got that I've got it that's the combination of the safe is everything in there you want and there's nothing in there that I want no that's at the casino waiting when you finally sent for me I sent for Gilda she's going home you know clear home the least you could do is say goodbye and wish her luck she makes her own luck how dumb can a man be do me a favor and get out of here before you realize what the hell you've been will you Mr Farrell I couldn't bear it to see you break down and feel like a human being I'm a very sensitive man for a cop Gilda didn't do any of those things you've been losing sleep over not any of them it was just an act every bit of it and I'll give you credit you are a great audience Mr Vero would you like perhaps a tiny drink of ambrosia suitable only for the goddess no thank you Mr Obregon told me that the place has been taken over by the government don't think about it cigarette perhaps Blended of the finest tobaccos from the most romantic places of the world it all looks lonely doesn't it all bad things end up lonely I know that don't I you can keep your silly epigrams to yourself can't you foreign I hear you're going home I Came to Say Goodbye I want to go with you Gilda please take me well I did everything wrong isn't it wonderful nobody has to apologize such stinkers weren't we it's not wonderful wonderful thank you I didn't intend to go back so soon but I want my wife you thought I died that night didn't you I've murdered a man upon it simpler to disappear for a while that's all I gave the house that night they get Gilda to take her with me but I found her occupied with you Johnny I had another the time or the Incarnation for an emotional see at the moment by the time the Harbor Police reached the plane wreckage I was gone of course on the launch I had waiting you weren't seeing very clearly that night anyway were you Johnny emotionless so happy to Cloud the brain isn't it I intended to kill you with this Johnny I thought it amusing to have one of my little friends kill the other but now it won't do because I have to kill Gilda too I told you I'd be looking thank you Gilda better get out of here Uncle peel quick you know I'm a great cop Mr Farrell I'm certainly a pushover for a love story I know the combination of the safe and I don't know where the safe is the safe where is it it's in his room on the wall back at the desk thanks so have a nice seeing that case somewhere before you have you really shouldn't leave things like that laying around where I can get my hands on him he's lying like the gentleman I always said he was he said policeman it was I give him a mouse shirt instead 32 can quit being Noble anytime you like you know because a man can only die once in Munson committed suicide three months ago besides didn't you ever hear of a thing called justifiable homicide let's go foreign
Channel: CineClips
Views: 585,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CineClips, Classic Film, Film Noir, Full Movie, Gilda, Glenn Ford, Illegal Gambling, Jealousy, Love Affair, Magnetism, Movie Clips, Rita Hayworth, Sensuality, Temptress, Vintage Glamour
Id: 220J-fqqKrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 27sec (6627 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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