Peter Kay Has Hugh Jackman In Stitches | The Jonathan Ross Show

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let's get my first guest out ladies and gentlemen it is the wonderful Mr Peter K ladies and gentlemen [Applause] well let me help you here well you're sitting here Shopping Center tomorrow wearing that you know you've just got to do you got to do you've got to do now we're gonna book out you've got to wear it like that all around town I've got to do the plug answer book the books you've got a book out tonight aren't you oh yeah but I'm not wearing it on my head you're sure [Applause] you look you look very well it's lovely to see you guys yeah yeah yeah and there's the book itself okay Peter what's this you come on with peasants and stuff I like this there you go a little gift for you can help it now yeah if you want to kill some time full time we've got great guests waiting to come on but you know it's a okay I mean okay love that I've done that myself what is it sure it's a camera there you go cross stitch of what have you with my face foreign [Applause] but it's all about what's funny for Jonathan Peter I hadn't realized you were so busy do that song you do with the mustache do that go compare thing [Applause] whole evening don't keep changing your mustache how come I mean we can't people won't know what's going on I was trying to build or something you jump right in with your props hey shut up Ross listen listen is at home yeah does your wife enjoy your material do you make the jokes you know it's not funny anymore I'm not funny at all Mama miserable at all are you you're not really miserable I'm getting maybe sticky bit off I think go on foreign do you um so do you try out material do you try it out on your wife no so when a joke occurs to you you just store it go on could I have no you can't I'm making a mockery of you man come on remember what you're not asked me a question I just did but you're too busy I'm sticking a fake I don't do jokes at all I know but what do you really like though I don't know what you really like you've never invited me around your house I've invited you around my house you never invite me around your house you've never um you've never I've never been around [Applause] we've seen London before sit down no I wanna have a look around go on where are you going [Applause] where's he gone now [Applause] [Music] well talk to me talk to me Honey's freezing he's freezing this is nice come on you know what's nice is though we're paying for it we might as well use it you're more than welcome to come to my house it's windy [Applause] but no I want another cross stitch I want to know what you actually you want to know what makes the comedian you want to get the team I want to know what you're like as a person because I see you like everyone sees you being very funny on shows are you shooting are you so I'm worried about the wind um are you uh are you do you look after yourself I mean we can see you you know what do you mean well do you outside of a building well look okay you're not you're not like we look at Hugh Jackman you know you see a man in his physical primers and Stephen you I know you was yourself do you are you worried about your health do you keep in shape what kind of a question I want you to be around for a while I don't want you to [ __ ] it and Keel over one day so no no I think I'm all right yeah maybe this will be my last interview oh okay [Applause] I've got it I've got it I've got it it's all right this is like okay everybody in that building don't worry he's got you you know what this is this is if Ken Loach directed King Kong this is what you'd get thank you welcome back ladies and gentlemen I'm here with Peter case we've calmed down we've got him back in from the window he was hanging on uh Pete I want to show a clip because there's something you did for the last comic relief which was fabulous uh you always do things it was unexpected we always do something you take it about as far as you can I guess you always Susan Boyle was a tremendous moment did you see that on comic relief how did you get him to do it did you go to her director did you I mean did you have to persuade or was she up for to begin with yeah she were up for it yeah had a bit of a good you know going back through Simon Cowell and all that getting his approval I think he were like what is going on this lady makes me a lot of money yeah he looks after everyone do not ruin it was but it was the funny joke you had to make sure that she was ready oh yeah yeah I told her about it she's up for anything now she's a good laugh she's fantastic fantastic and uh we just recall we treated it all completely serious if you ever if you go on YouTube and see the proper video we copied it and that and they're in lies of humor and it's from chess and it was from yeah okay I want to do One Night in Bangkok but you can't kick her legs okay here we go this is uh Peter Kai with Susan Boyle from Congress but I think I don't I don't think you're a cross-dresser but you like dressing up for comedy don't you you like for comedy yeah I like doing characters I'm very lucky because I've been able to do things as me and then do Brian Potter and do Max and Geraldine and I'd like to go back and do some uh character things next it's been really good because I keep people guessing and I don't it's not that I wanna I just like doing different things if a good idea comes along them can't relieve things and children in need the one I did the other animation thing which was must have taken years yeah two years but if you get a really good idea the good thing about doing anything for charity is that you get through a lot of red tape so you can do things that you would normally not be able to do because it's like if I went to Simon Cowell and said I want to do a video with Susan Boyle get out of town but I will do it for current relief oh yeah you can so you can do oh you want to do you can get ask a lot of people to do things and then you make a lot of money and it keeps you know Summit funny what's your idea let's go on we were in sync them for me and then we just I can't cross money like that I've got very very tight upper thighs this isn't my leg thanks for coming I believe have you got an idea on the back burner or can you would you not want to share with us currently yeah yeah uh no no I don't know what I'm thinking I'm just gonna do nothing for a while I've been on tour for two years well the tour is has been just a remarkable success I know you're popular but you must have been mods your soul it's been amazing it's yeah but it's been good because I've been able to be at home and be around the family I've scheduled it in a way that I do it and then I get back so it's been really good so it's been two years and I finished in um a few I'm doing back on four weeks now let me just tell you this the last night of the tour sorry tour I'm downstairs it's in Manchester Arena and I'm doing it for the Christie cancer hospital so that's the last night of the two and the tickets go on sale tomorrow morning at 8 10 o'clock if you want to get tickets we go work to go to a website online your website okay there you go and you can you can get tickets and it's for the Christie cancer hospital emergency that's the last name and all new material whole new job everything's new spring collection okay uh are you um are you gonna do uh Phoenix nights again would you go back to the old characters will you do more with Geraldine or are you always looking forward I'm gonna do I'm gonna do something completely different I like doing things I've never things you know what it's that whole thing if so much scares you you should do it but the thing is so childish oh childish I was ready see we're gonna do something thing is I'd like I'd like to do um I think ah too quick if someone's just tuned in it they'd love this in Czechoslovakia um okay yeah but you so you've got no pass to go back any though because I was thinking why are you rushing slow down I was thinking I know that's beautiful tear that on no um I was thinking I would like to see a phoenix Nights movie yeah they've asked me because it's in between us one's done well huge yeah I've written I have actually written a full series of Phoenix nights three I've written a screenplay for Phoenix night there he is there he is Brian okay I'm gonna confess something now which I think I might have told you I don't know but when I saw you and this probably says more about me than you but as you know that's the way it's about your rush I thought you were quite sexiest gelding so did I which was freaky for me oh I actually better look in this journey than I am he was quite a calmly less I thought you were quite a good looking girl did your wife enjoy seeing you uh not at all why would you how could you not at all very freaky I've still got the breasts in the wardrobe you know they're just on the show a tree for like on a date night or something easy on them crisp Stephen save me some um Peter what are you talking to yes you I know I'm talking to you someone said yes okay yeah I'm going home no it's really cold no no don't be like that you're always you're not good at that you've never been good at that you're not gonna because subject myself to this it's only every two years isn't it I never do any Telly I know but come on just come on and be nice but I know one more thing right yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he's off thank you
Channel: The Jonathan Ross Show
Views: 3,535,137
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Keywords: The Jonathan Ross Show, Jonathan Ross, jonathan ross chat show, jonathan ross, the jonathan ross show official, jonathan ross show best moments, jonathan ross show funniest moments, jonathan ross show new series, peter kay, peter kay misheard lyrics, peter kay misheard lyrics reaction, peter kay stand up, peter kay jonathan ross hugh jackman, peter kay tour, peter kay car share, peter kay full show, phoenix nights, stand up comedy, peter kay song lyrics, stephen fry
Id: VSvtZgy9WSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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