Peter Kay interview on Paul O'Grady Live | Kim Cattrall | Enrique Iglesias | Nicole Scherzinger

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please welcome the man himself mr pck [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh it's a long time since that's been done never met kim senior police academy god bless you peter have you given to the dog kim no i didn't bring my purpose [Applause] okay look at this i like your organ nick lovely hey been a long time since somebody said that to me after 9 o'clock we can say [Music] [Applause] in this yeah yeah yeah i'll ring her up i did this thing on sunday night in twickenham melt the hero's concert oh i have a tom james yeah yeah i didn't see him though he'd gone oh i think and i i rang her up i said did you like that did you see it she went have you been on i didn't know i wasn't watching and i'm like well i've just your son's on television adult it's all news though no it's this guy flosses it and that's it i'll get rid of the adverts well you can fast forward it but the only the only thing about sky plus is that if you have it and you go to adverts there's no it's all or nothing yeah you see because you i might all lie sometimes dirty everything's on time stuff you know everything move forward fold and rewind and then you go put adverts on till you knock it on they go whoa whoa it's back on it's back on the back go back that's the start-up program where are you going to forward the forward and my son he can work the planner now so it's all cartoon network during that sturdy one it's all cartoon network so it's and all my programs are failing because i go what's this failed failed failed in our houses vampires the madden every zamapot's guy have a look it's all this vampire look what what is this obsession with women and vampires they rip your throat's house for god's sake part record that's my life and me yeah i'll fail to fail oh you got right at crooks of it like plural backup comes [Applause] i sacrificed miami shark attack broke my arse fabulous [Music] there's nothing on my planet for me honest to god in the game i see what some there's nothing on your mind i've got two world's strongest men in a ross camp in bangkok that's me nothing of mine here none of my stuff sonny where's all my programs and there's loads of stuff i think 40 hours grey's anatomy there's nothing worse than the panic you get when your plan is down to three percent you can do this can you do it on your mobile camera have you seen my mobile have you seen mine you know mine's murder man oh front comes off with numbers peace of mind seriously don't mind us come on when i took my mobile in to get changed the guy laughed he said we've never seen one like this before it was so old well i am going to them because when you take it in i say please don't lose me numbers and they go no no we won't and then they go soddy we've lost half your numbers consequently this one's when you get a voicemail and it's someone walking on gravel you never get that message and you're playing he says and it's it's just someone going and they've just obviously dialed you they don't realize that oh i've had that one ten minutes of that they call that a bum dial yeah yeah the bum down because someone [Applause] no no have you had this i'm not doing it nobody's asking i'm driving last week down to twickenham text comes up sunday murder you're doing britain's got talent news to me mum's not fun how you doing brian's got talent i'm not going to tell you i'm at your house last night in shepherd's pie like i'm not gonna mention that to you i think you should do it you'd be very good i thought no no no no i'm not not my cup of tea would you sit down and criticize them no no could you actually look them no the whites are the eyes and say you know no well half of it so backup comes up do you watch x factor i do yeah but i couldn't judge them i couldn't sit there and say no so i'll say you're marvellous they'd all be in no i couldn't hack on do you watch yourself no no no no she's gone up to liverpool to do cleopatra you got an award do you got an honorary degree i saw it yes it did yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when we got in the car are you a doctor i'm a doctor now yeah yeah i've got a rash no next i'll tell you why because he always used to say no i've gone a minute i had i had to get waxed i had to have my eyebrows um yeah what is it you'll know not because you did lily not because anything else did you push yourself there she is see what i mean about the dressing room or not very cute oh it would i have very i have a lot of sympathy for women now you're a murderer did you wait of course you know what where'd of course we having a car did you wear the corset for general dean i wore spanx what spanx i've got them on though what are these they hold everything in [Music] [Applause] oh yeah but i don't need to comment next 2004 paul what's the matter with you peter i'm still in the land of the roll on didn't your mom ever wear one of them big pink rubber things that used to stand up on its own when she took it off a roll-on no unless i got out at the room you must have gone out there well our house is always so cold my mom used to get undressed in front of the gas fire yeah and she said turn your back while i pull me roll on off and i'd look and it'll be like a headless torso stuck in the middle you should see a therapist do you think so i've had a strange life you've got issues i bet you what i bet you can read about it all in your new book you can't oh my god [Applause] [Music] [Applause] listen we're going to go to an upgrade now because they'll wendy miller's waving his arm it's gonna come shooting off in a minute i'll let him with the wet hands but up next don't go away we've got more from pizza plus we've got the amazing most about stuff do you know you're going in the cage oh yeah the base motivates stunts in the cage but if you prefer your transport a little less life-threatening is your chance to win a brand new convertible have a look at this but first pizza we just thought about drink there weren't we were talking about drinking your age at my age keep it tight keep it tight but you don't drink do you i drink beer well don't you think like don't you van you have to put like a treble whiskey in it to give it a bit of kick no no no occasionally saturday night you know yeah you have a little baby little baileys show me again well we've got a clip of you in action here a flocking bit hey listen yeah we can't say what iii grace personified lovely lovely back live now this is uh john smith and tonto oh that's years of training right there oh they get extra much for that [Applause] [Music] do you like them kind of they just let you do what you want yeah had i got to keep the shell suit that's the main thing have you got a shell suit enrique no i don't never mind okay oh my god while i'm there let's do it no we're not doing the wall of death yes we've got to get limbered up first we've got to prepare before we go in it came you're going to go in it aren't you no i'm not yes you are enrique we've had emails since you've been on hundreds of them and they're all twittering and facebooking and all this malarkey and she was again twisted in them that's it that's it are you doing a tour oh yeah i'm doing a tour yeah in march here should be good and you still get a girl up on stage every night uh it depends yeah sometimes yes sometimes no mm-hmm i'm sorry do you ever get a felon up on stage oh i've got a lot of fellow up on stage many guys up on stage especially here in the uk yeah i'm kind whenever you want to come up on stage nothing saying nothing what's the bell for well that sound means it's time for our big ending and the cage of death are you ready for this will you please welcome infernal that let me hear [Music] [Applause] [Music] how are you i'm very well now this looks dangerous is it is it yeah have anybody ever died this is pizza hello nice to meet you hello nicole this is andy k and this is kevin hello kim i feel like i'm out in here has anyone seriously anyone ever died in this thing it happens couple of times really yeah he said he wanted me to go in it couldn't he wanted me to get in it yeah we wanted that maybe we can still have the surprise watch it and after we see i'll watch it and if i don't like it peter's getting in okay yeah i am it's nice everybody's welcome anyway i'm going to get somebody out to studio i think are you ready then yes you're going to get guys
Channel: ang's archive
Views: 131,764
Rating: 4.7915964 out of 5
Id: ZyQyvWKwRTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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