[OLD] PEPSIMAN! - Caddicarus

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[Music] this video has been very kindly sponsored today by Cove audio and let me tell you what their speakers being as good as this you'll be able to hear crisp and bacey tunes all the way to the other end of a Cove I'm so sorry that was a terrible pub in all seriousness I was sent this portable code commuter speaker a few months back and I've been in love with it since the day that I opened it and as the name suggests is perfect for those who commute a lot and do a lot of travelling which I do isn't that lucky it's got a fantastic design mixing digital touch and swipe systems with analog dials for volume it's got a three and a half mil Orcs cable output as well as bluetooth for phones tablets and computers and my favorite thing about it the subwoofer I love me a bit of bass here is the same scary clown waltz from earlier but with extra bass even better you could actually take this cove speaker to a real Cove because not only does it last eight hours on a single charge but it's also water-resistant so a few splashes from the ocean isn't gonna bother it too much I would demonstrate this by live in the UK and if you've seen our beaches you know they look like waster suppose I suppose I could show you me driving along with it since it does fit nicely in a cup holder and even better you won't get pulled over for drinking and driving because it isn't a drink if you want to check out this great beer kit right now then head to the description below to Cove or do come forward slash caddy 65 it's like head Icarus but without the Charis and by using the discount code caddy 65 you'll be able to get yourself sixty five percent off of this thing that is an absolute steal as far as I'm concerned they warned though it does have a built in mic which is cool and all but don't start taking private calls with it alright [Music] over the years since the 1930s there have been many superheroes dedicating their lives to fighting crime and using their unique otherworldly gifts and knowledge for the greater good Batman Iron Man Superman and over those years they haven't just blown people's minds but evolved with the times starting off in print followed by making their way to moving pictures and finally ending up in interactive entertainment video games because who doesn't want to be these guys and control what they do to save the world I mean just take those few examples I mentioned earlier Batman's been in games so as Ironman Superman and of course who can forget Spider Man but there's one super but there's one super hit stop it but there's one stick okay cut it out Spider Man we get it you've been in lots of games we're very very proud of you now please get out or I will but there's one superhero that was late to the party one that the world desperately needed but wasn't discovered unfortunately until the 1990s and it was in this decade that a young man went forth on a pilgrimage to commune with spirits beyond fine human to worship and speaketh with the holiest in his legendary or historical fitness and secret guidance to find a superhero that should have arrived decades prior and so armed with his trusty companion the holy Bibble this young man have felt the grace of God touch his soul as he opened the scripture to find his answers which was when he saw staring on to him was yeah Pepsi got a superhero can you believe that look at him he looks like a kiwi fruit with arms and legs that had its hair shaved off this is what happens when Slenderman visits the gym what's with these rippling biceps and broad angular pecs and why do I suddenly have feelings from I mean what's next waking up after a drunk night out next to this guy I think my pants are stuck in your rolls his superpowers though well he can throw cans of Pepsi he has radioactive Pepsi piss look I don't know what the point of him is exactly but I can at least assume that compared to coca-cola Pepsi mounds butts where has 120 calories less per liter the best thing about him though he got a video game I mean sure it was only released in Japan because Pepsi man was the Japanese exclusive Pepsi mascot but who cares it's 2019 and I finally get to play a game released on my childhood console in 1999 with this thing as its star let's be real why was it released so late for 1999 I think it was about time Pepsi got a video game because let's be honest as we all know oh the intro to the game boots up and we see a strange definitely not Japanese individual going to buy himself a Pepsi from a vending machine until he gets more than he bargained for whoa what was that oh I know that music where is he where is he oh god I really don't like this is he gonna jump out or something no he's coming for us Christ what is with Pepsi man dashing for the camera surrounded by this black void this is worse than nightmare creatures and the game hasn't even started yet now this this is what you call a menu I mean what this game came out in 1999 and they couldn't think of anything more interesting just a silent list of options with a poorly rendered can of Pepsi spinning in the back I know it's ps1 so I can't be that judgmental but I've seen better graphical effects on some of the worst games ever made on the system like Rosco I mean there's nothing else on the screen it's not like the ps1 is working overtime it could look a little bit better after hittin the game start command we then cut back to this guy we saw in the first FMV sequencing ingested Pepsi man right into his gullet he's a recurring character Believe It or Not and I really think he needs some help you know I'm so glad that a big random sweaty American guy in my Japanese exclusive ps1 game about a faceless muscled beaten man representing Pepsi told me that the game could start why are we waiting on his permission okay so we're about to find out our first mission of the game here we go I got a call that a vending machine in here we ran out of Pepsi when I got a flat tire there are a bunch of people gathered in front of the vending machine and the word is that they're just about to riot yes you heard him correctly we have to deliver Pepsi to the town before they riot and probably die of Pepsi thirst because a vending machine service truck tire is flat it's not exactly saving the world I know but it's a good start I mean what's the point of living if you can't drink Pepsi and listen to the desperation in his voice this guy is worried sick they're just about to riot I haven't heard that much squeaking in someone's throat since scooby-doo got sniped we not I had an agreement and immediately the game starts whoa what whoa hang on give me a second stop stop let's see man slow down why can't you stop timeout timeout timeout let's calm down for a second I have a handful of questions about this and a Pepsi in the other so let me get this straight if Pepsi vending machines are drying out and nobody is able to buy some without the threat of a riot why don't they just take the free cans of Pepsi lying in the middle of the street they're everywhere actually how is there a Pepsi shortage in the first place when there are giant trucks everywhere carrying literally nothing but Pepsi and even without that how could they be so bad at keeping stock up when there's an outright spam amount of Pepsi vert izing in pavement signs all over the place and walls made out of Pepsi in fact when it comes to the age-old debate of Pepsi versus coca-cola I'm not even sure Pepsi themselves prefer Pepsi because every single citizen and labor worker of this fine City is going out of their way to try and stop you they don't want Pepsi Pepsi man go home even better than all of this is that when he gets to the first empty vending machine not only was I convinced from his standing position that he was going to be Pepsi into it but then the cheeky bastard decides to take a goddamn can from the vending machine he's supposed to be filling up aren't you made of Pepsi why do you get to drink the last ones available and furthermore why isn't Pepsi man actually helping anyone all he seems to do is ransack and pillage everybody's houses and steal their Council's belongings all so that he can just stand there looking proud of himself and then in the cruelest twist of fate Pepsi man's own company hate him enough that they deliberately run him over yes this was not an accident because the driver had miles to slow down causing him to fly into a giant Pepsi billboard causing the giant can of Pepsi from the billboard to break free destroy everyone in their mother's property all my Pepsi man does nothing except run away from the danger this is not how you sell your products Pepsi you make Pepsi look like the devil's saliva why don't you just use your muscles for God's sake stop that careening giant corporate symbol that you desperately want to sell people and sweep this disaster under the rug or you know just don't you can always run away like a little [ __ ] and let the sea get rank that was only the first stage that was the heaviest information dump I've ever had in a video game and I've only been playing for seven minutes I need a Pepsi let's calm down and take a step back okay Pepsi and hamburgers delicious and healthful okay so right Pepsi man on ps1 is a game where no matter how much you try you can't stop moving and that's because it's a runner game I'm sure you've all played something like this before on your phone's Sonic - Temple Run that kind of thing this is essentially those games before they existed all you do is let Pepsi man run automatically away from the screen while you have to guide him around everything by jumping sliding speeding up which allows you to do longer jumps and slowing down that's all you do in the game and that's not necessarily a bad thing I mean Temple Run is one of my favorite us games of all time simplicity can be all you need as long as is designed well all the while you were avoiding all sorts of various hazards like pits other people the worst furniture moving company in the world and even water itself water who needs that I've got Pepsi my blood is made of diabetes I mean what you see is what you get here you anticipate the hazard then slow down speed up jump or slide accordingly don't get hit too many times because you only have a few hits in you before losing a life and try not to take too long otherwise you run out of time before reaching the end of the stage this is the whole game start to end not bad once again but get used to it because that's all you're gonna be doing and you know I'm so sorry I'm still wound up on the design of this thing are you seriously telling me you can imagine this thing with no face galloping towards you to save the day like it or lump it I guess he is our Savior after all so how else does he save the day other than by refilling Pepsi vending machines well he ends up stopping a riot with Pepsi that's one thing which they apparently seem to be still doing to this day he fixes an entire computer infrastructure with Pepsi which is funny because usually this happens and in another stage he hears that some poor defenseless people have escaped an office building fire and are stuck on top of the roof until the rescue services can get there they're exhausted dehydrated scared for their lives and so instead of doing anything useful the emergency response team sends in a faceless man in a skin-tight morphsuit to sprint towards me give them Pepsi which taking a step back took me much longer to do than it would have taken for any ambulance helicopter together it gets worse than that - how about this bit when you have an even worse situation a plane crash in a desert surviving passengers even more tired more afraid for their lives even more dehydrated in the scorching heat and lost in the middle of a vast endless sea of sand but the response team doesn't bother sending water to them so that they can you know stay alive and instead ask Pepsi man to charge full speed towards them with lots of Pepsi which I'm pretty sure will dehydrate them even more and most likely forever associate Pepsi with the premature deaths of plane crash survivors this whole game is the worst marketing strategy I've ever seen towards the end of the game look at the utter chaos that ensues over this bloody fizzy beverage people are losing their lives and their homes right now all because of Pepsi and how badly they've been distributing it to their customers why the hell am i rescuing you if you keep throwing mine carts and boulders at me do you to save you or not is this whole game trying to pay Pepsi is something so addictive that a city built around it will drive the populace into a crack like trance and cause pandemonium if they don't get their fix or is this game a metaphor to the fact that no matter what you throw at it and whatever you do to try and stop it Pepsi will always find you in the end you can never escape no just he's chasing part when you're dashing towards the screen can seriously suck on my toes they appear at the end of every single stage and I'm not kidding are practically impossible without memorizing exactly what will happen the camera is way too close to give you absolutely no indication on what's ahead or time to react the obstacles and trip ups are spat all over the road and come at you way too fast and you only have three hits three mistakes to make before you die and need to start over oh come on I was right these parts requires such a degree of surgical precision to get ride that I'm convinced it would be easier to study actual surgery in fact why am I doing this what's the point of wasting my life playing this I could be learning to become a surgeon I could be an f1 driver I could be the back end of a pantomime donkey hell I could even be the patient of the surgeon I mean just take a look at this part not only does it begin with rampaging bulls that you think will chase you but then leaves you stuck with sentient wooden planks but even worse some logs come out and roll towards you which is murder for your eyes with all this confusing garbled mess of 3d models spinning around and then yes it gets even worse Morlocks then start appearing from the top that bounce towards you meaning that if you jump over some of the rolling logs there's a high chance that you'll be immediately smacked by a bouncing one coming right out behind you which is impossible to predict or even see coming there's absolutely no way to get by this part without trial and error and even worse yes it gets worse you do still have the three hits before losing a life but in this chase every time you get hit you move closer to the wooden planks which is where all the bouncing and rolling logs are appearing from every other chase level has obstacles coming to you from the foreground so moving back after getting hit isn't an issue here though you get hit and you have 100% no chance to avoid them since your heels are right next to them Oh screw off septic man come on come on come on come on I can do this I can do this well that's just beautiful no you hear that that's not the soundtrack glitching out that is just what the soundtrack is when you're doing the chasing towards the screen sections and bearing in mind the amount of times I replayed these sections these noises I ended up hating within about two and a half minutes okay to be fair for a second the Pepsi man theme itself that you find on YouTube is downright brilliant and is used for the first stage of the game while the other stages use other original bits of ridiculous dance music that add the right sense of energy and panic to the non-stop running gameplay and they sound different enough from each other where it doesn't grate on my ears but then they still felt the need to include that in every damn song and to be honest it doesn't even fit most of the time you're just listening to a catchy beat and then it cuts out in the middle of a bar to scream at you and the frequency of it will grate on your ears or they decide to add that horrible concrete jackhammer effect to it there's just no call for it it's purely Aksum nothing more what do you think cat do you like it the bottom line though is that Pepsi man as a game is just like any other non-stop running game on your phone but just not as good not only with those chase sequences but even the main game itself can be finicky as all hell the biggest gripe of mine being how speed adjustment works you see whenever you speed up or slow down which the game does make you do sometimes by the way the timings of triggers of 3d objects on the same screen you're looking at do not adjust to your speed and assume that you're still running at them at the intended speed meaning that not only is the rhythm of the obstacle screwed but also the order in which things are supposed to appear you'll be left with game over after game over because everything and I mean everything will just smack you down completely out of nowhere since you'll be too busy avoiding another object that did not account for your speed it happens all the damn time and you can't control it or predict it even when I knew what was gonna happen depending on my speed the game somehow tripped me up and this is at its most noticeable when two things come at you at once I mean I appreciate the danger warnings guys but that means nothing when you'll stop between a rock and a hard place totally unable to avoid damage because your game is shy also when you slow down you can't move left or right at all so don't rely on it when you want to slow down and steer without all the timing problems not being accounted for though everything in general is way too fast and unpredictable to the point of it being a game of Simon Says it isn't too bad in the first two stages but the last two really starts to take the piss in terms of unreadable crud happening at you at the very last millisecond just when you think you're doing really well oh wait you missed that thing right there that's your fault apparently plus the 3d nature of the game goes a bit overboard too with how levels progress you'll constantly be twisting and turning in and out of the environment out of your control which leaves your body placed in unintended paths ready for you to crash you don't have a clue what you're supposed to do or how far to the left or right to move in these moments at Pepsi man come on these things are trying to kill you do you think it would be wise to move your ass onto the pathway next to go why would you voluntarily fall down a hole when you can walk over there why get hit by a truck when there's so much empty space on each side of you Pepsi man you've ruined Pepsi for me the game really does feel impossible most of the time without total guesswork luck and a bit of memory from your constant failures and the amount of waste Pepsi man can fail are so numerous he puts cash per new cathoshea but at least that does make it the most entertaining part of the game it'll be flattened he'll smack his head on construction equipment he'll smack him to door frames he'll skyrocket into the air he'll trip over balcony railings and fall to the floor that's my favorite and the sound effects that go with them make the debts much more enjoyable than they have any right to be I tell you those houses you run through in stage 1 are the perfect foreshadowing how sensitive these controls are and how imprecisely you can position yourself with analog sticks and d-pad alike it just ends in calamity every single time and ending other points of the game the control isn't anywhere near as sensitive enough since when you really need to move by fast-moving obstacles when stuck inside of being or something it takes you 5 years to turn that feel right leaving you dead it gets everything that's coming for you and also the control is inverted in these bin parts yeah so you better figure that out before trying erroring a life away come on Pepsi man use those biceps to take the bloody bin off your head you've been jumping everywhere throughout the whole game why can't you jump off of this barrel here if you get hit once on these barrels you lose a life straight away no health so isn't it just safer to leap off rolling around and this video and like I said those first two stages with the three acts within them including the chase act aren't the worst with this kind of stuff but the last two stages can get outright sadistic when putting all these things together and then decide to mess you up even more by adding extra fast and extra slow ramp to mess with your timing even more and force you to speed up and slow down on top of that making the random last-second pop-ups appear even more wrong times and gases that don't only knock you back to waste time and make you lose health but also push you so far back you'll fall into a hole and lose alive anyway yeah games full of that too even tumbleweed of all things tumbleweed that's so light that the wind pushes it through the air does this to you you are the most pathetic superhero of all time but the funny thing is that I just can't stop playing despite all this waste going on because every completed stage has another FMV scene with our favorite resident big sweaty man and I want to see them all not only because I'm sickly curious to see how much more disgusting they can make him but also because he says things absolute for TV a game that aren't even translated properly these being used is outright bizarre to me they're essentially more advertisements for Pepsi so your reward for beating this game that's already an advertisement for Pepsi is more advertisements for Pepsi and that wouldn't bother me but the ads themselves are so unappealing that I don't know how they thought Pepsi look to the Japanese market they were selling - this is the Americans ringing - oh yeah combining me wanted to see how pointless and disturbing is FMV scenes got with the total absurdity of petty man as a concept in the first place is what's keeping me going they matter how angry I get with the game and the fact that it's only 30 minutes long yeah I'm not joking I mentioned that each stage has to react to runners and one chase scene which sounds like a lot but when you consider all these acts lasts around two minutes when you know how they go yeah this game is a short one so I guess for a first-time player they made up for the length of the game by giving you some of the hardest four stages on the ps1 I mean come on now look at this even this is the very ending gameplay section of the last running stage before the final chase you have to maneuver around the tightest gaps within the whole game while going insanely fast with twisty turny 3d angles with slightly if he controls and with the feather if you get hit one time since there's a vehicle segment you lose a life meaning if you want any chance to beat this stage you cannot risk losing a single life going through all of this so that you're ready to fail and memorize the pattern for this bit at the end of it you can't pick up more lives while you play the stages because that would so instead if you lose them all right at the end here game over my friend and back to the beginning of all of this again see all of these names on the credits there are tops and what's my final reward for all of this a useless slob with a serious Pepsi problem sitting in a rubbish tip of his own making the runs off-camera about to piss his pad doesn't this make you want to crack open a cold one with the lads right now but hey aren't we all glad that Pepsi man came through in the end because even though he saved the world from running out of Pepsi 20 years ago we still feel the effects of his heroic actions even to this day like whenever you go to a restaurant and the waiter asks you what you'd like to drink you say coke and they ask you is Pepsi okay yeah I won't lie this was probably the most aggravating an irritating hour of platforming gameplay I've ever experienced on the ps1 but I can't pretend that I didn't enjoy it a little bit it really was just funny it's so memorable it's quite the ride actually a Pepsi man he's just the best mascot of all time look at that chain you know he means business so in the end what else can you say other than now it's Pepsi [Music] but hey there everybody thank you so much watching this video until the very end stay tuned for the outtakes because they will be on in just a second but first I want to ask you how would you like this one key camera angle hey I hate it but you can hate it with me now you can join in with my misery yay thank you so much to all of the people on the screen right now that has supported this channel and this show by a patron won't be able to do without you guys thank you so so so much and before the outtakes and before before before the outtakes special special thanks to the top-tier supporters for this month EXO Paz Matthew Hubbell the mirthful misanthrope Brandon Brandon Kirsten B cyberpunk Symphony nicole Canara Dave Marshall fart Rawls thank you so much for making your name that crotchety old Eve you another great name Nikko Randall the game shed Daniel Leon Mitchell read an ad Thornton Smith thank you so much every single one of you amazing people [Music] but yeah combining me wanting to see how disturbing a pointless these FMP scenes got did you like it I found gone Pepsi man as a concept in the first place is what wanted me keep but don't start taking private calls with it all right can you say all of that again I don't understand a word
Channel: Caddicarus
Views: 1,035,501
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pepsi man, playstation, pepsiman ps1, pepsi man ps1, video game, game review, game reviews, completionist, caddicarus, normalboots, hiddenblock, pepsiman commercial, pepsi commercial, that one video gamer, pepsiman review, jimmy whetzel, pepsi man commercial, chadtronic, ps1, playstation games, ps1 games, mowtendoo, superhero, superhero games, superhero game, pepsiman, pepsi
Id: R4bz-RA1ZuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 23sec (1403 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2019
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