[Vinesauce] Joel - Hardcore Friday: Pepsiman

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all right so we did the Pepsi man games let's play the original I never did this on screen let's fix that let's play the original Pepsi man game on PlayStation 1 and see how far I can get but keep in mind I'm pretty tired after doing hardcore Friday so you know might not finish this one but we'll see how far I can get man we'll see how far can get bass beep joke is it getting stupider like it was a stupid before right or anyway Pepsi man on place it in one minute yes of course Sony we're listening the fans have been waiting it makes sense you know alright well here we go let's see your uh let's just switch this out and it should be anyone alright alright and let's give it a try here we go EPS man wasn't me but who we saw what's this wait this is something we streamed last night no no no no no no no what was this is this the et game oh god damn it oh god damn it god damn it no no no wrong game sorry sorry my bad my bad my bad my bad oh god damn it sorry generally my mistake I thought that I had something else selected but whatever whatever man we all make mistakes but being human is all about like drinking Pepsi all right here we go now now we're gonna rock and roll huh all right here it is give me that sweet sweet babe see it's wet Pepsi Joy's to take Pepsi man like sweats Pepsi sweat see they secretly Friday am i right [Applause] yes let me join them [Music] [Applause] [Music] hence semen semen into the hole okay let's give it a try his pit Pepsi man one of the most beloved mascots in the King world I asked a little of pepsiman you know fantastic jab jab hand all the game effect but is he son an American actor but anyway it's even a try [ __ ] ass game was awesome yeah that's me that's me I only drink Pepsi guess I'll translate I'm pretty fluent in Japanese these days soon all right you got here just at the perfect time I gotta call the Machine I got a flat tire there are a bunch of people in front of the vending machine they want Pepsi and the word is that they're just about to riot I plan to head over there did I but it looks like cement would do it miss Chang yes all right well here we go and here's the game it's actually kind of a nice looking game it's got two these sprites and severe kind of Arcadia you've got a run and [ __ ] - hey there's no Pepsi man theme oh hang on watch out there we go Oh watch out watch out I guess it's kind of goodness we don't hear any music so we might able to play this it didn't in Germany it's like how do I slide that the slide okay monkey I wish the Pepsi man would home invade me the trash man Oh God Oh Lord Oh nope no no no reverse the pulse by the way oh here we go here we go [ __ ] Pepsi man I don't know Peppa had a hoist done he's just he talked carbonation like okay but I could just play the Pepsi man theme that's what it was supposed to be playing you know okay there we go if you hold it down he does that [ __ ] did I love this game be a cute yeah I did I think I did wrong maybe oh oh hang on I'm doing it wrong I'm sorry guys let's let's see I like how they give the black screen as two poets because they know you know but you wanna cheat right anyway hang on let me let me get the right soundtrack for this and let's go well that's you detected mmm ape C get Hep C record get - wow that's amazing okay and just about Japanese you can't so you can hear the music okay but first I thought you haven't drank Pepsi for one goddamn second okay is that Alright hang up shut up okay hang on let me just change the BIOS real quick let's see hang on I might have to restart the entire game for this cuz like PSX PSX the emulator sucks and it really does like games have run in the background even though it like you've shut down the emulator it's stupid but I'll do a tango on Pepsi man guys I should do like a heavy metal cover of Pepsi man and all the snares will just be like Pepsi cans opening alright hang on so let's see your bios here we go how do I change the the box to Japanese by the way plugins cd-rom maybe no I'm using I'm using for reference ePSXe by the way cuz I mean I guess I just gotta get him hang on I just do this I almost put in Pepsi Japanese BIOS of East Coast guys I actually own it already I'm sorry it's the one that is called thousand it's just called thousand schi okay you know I love about this demon multiply thunder it's the fact that like it sounds drunk [Music] I got it - all right I'm done there we go let's let's do it again where was it again I mean this is definitely way less technical that some of these shrimps you know and all right I'm going to do that again but it's fine did you hear that the places in one many uses the PSX C emulator running schemes know what no but this emulator sucks it's inaccurate and bad the Saudis like met enough in or something what it does no no no no no no no no really are you serious look at that's a Pepsi mug you libration on let me just hook up my my Pepsi vibrator here there we go these ripped it off oh my god all right let's go here we go what [Music] yeah boys I didn't know there was more to this theme than just like the Pepsi man you know but this is just some like alternate traps in between them I'm sorry I can't unhear pet semen [Music] give us that on the carpet oh my god [Music] [Applause] all right Trask affirmative [Applause] [Music] do you guys think that this game is gonna be easier than Paris to carve a delegate I hope so [Music] I'm sorry now the song is ruined damn it it's regular controls again cuz this is reverse when you when you're like trash Doppler you know this is almost like serial games but it's not quite as badly all right oh the trash I'm surprised he didn't put like Generic of red cola s sort of like this is ruining the city I'll tell you one thing if this one is this one product that always [ __ ] talks other competitions it sounded like soap soap like dish waters dish soap or like dental care products in it gets real hard closer to stage three or four okay paper towels women's hygiene products but like tampons ooh but yeah you're right yet temples always [ __ ] talk to competition no seriously that they do like tampons and and you know what what else women's diapers calls no no no I'm not trying to be funny whatever they called it not tampons a pants pant sorry my bad [Music] damn I gotta and picks up some diapers oh I don't think that's called that the third someone is single pretty kidding you I'm married to Pepsi man like 20 years ago come on ah no my mom and love is Pepsi oh oh oh Jesus Christ man this game is funny man this game is generally fun like this game has no business being like this holy [ __ ] I just crash their [ __ ] wallet there it goes again alright what well skateboarding Pepsi man alright here we go I do remember the stuff with Pepsi man was in watch Mojo's top ten worst place in one games oh man oh man watch mojo huh well I'm sorry but their word is final and it's the Word of God yet number 15 separate separate rosalinda oh [Music] man watch mojos top 10 epic anime fights [Music] dropping all the furniture on her yeah I'm trying to hurry Oh God how do I hurry though Oh God I did it little did you know that that's madness more [ __ ] it's up and square okay all right sonic diamond River River river remix old man old man can Ivan [ __ ] up once whoa God ho Jesus someone's running Windows Vista we stand in the middle MIDI oh [ __ ] oh God getting on compares the car flashbacks now terrible okay oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] pepsiman has encountered an error it must be shut down send crash report okay yeah yeah going strong though come on [ __ ] come on another number good we're good geez right they spent a heart to fight it on a plate that's kind of like awful awful awful difficulty all gone art fine whatever so be it now guess there's no mercy tonight no this game is a Harper Friday game guys are you getting - Parker Fridays tonight aren't you lucky huh you lucky bastards you not huh you get a [ __ ] double package huh like Pepsi man's package [Applause] then just keep going keep going oh and I'm almost there it's not even that hard does it it's easy it's easy boys look at look at how easy this is easy boys easy boys look at this easy boys easy boys okay no more mistakes no more mistakes the sinners no no business being as good this game was probably not a full-price game anyway if he's like a bundle you know I I'm to the story pepsi mana like by five Pepsi you get a free PlayStation game oh [ __ ] oh gone Oh G suffer legend legend ever game is Easton tell Joel grabs the controller who the [ __ ] said that huh huh come back here how you say that again ice [ __ ] put you on the moon appreciate that man huh this is me why thank you don't masturbate have a Pepsi that's right you know you know someone like one corporation has ever had a consistent like slogan and that's deaths McDonnell's [Music] can't you give them something to help revive them Pepsi man [Music] grab the note Pepsi grape flavor they based since Mountain Yeller bye-bye Oh am i Rhydian oh Jesus okay I guess we're playing a the Robocop crossover with with Pepsi Adam bamas remix is slammin Oh God Betsy man I'm sorry nam not how many states are in the game by the way I'm just curious yo this remix is slammin like that sonic circus stage unfair man come on for stage whether this is the final stage is this the final stage Oh [ __ ] slidin no this is the second stage old dammit as a crushed canna oh I see the game is just Oh Mamma Mia four worlds in three stage this is a hardcore frantic Canada I thought it was just like a little short game like ha ha ha but no it's it's it kicks you in the ass you gotta outrun a coke truck in one of them serious yeah the thriller yes no way what what stage is that bless at least make it to that stage but you haven't beaten this game for apps - you people eat meat this game before my having like played myself it's the final one according to how long to beat this game takes two hours to complete that games both that that whole that whole website is [ __ ] a button that site plenty of times to be like all bana can i stream this game and it's like some games like 20 minutes three hours and some games are like ten hours and it just takes me two hours to beat it so like whatever 69 [Applause] Pepsi I see how I'm gonna do it I'm gonna make my own Pepsi ice cream I'm gonna get some popsicle sticks put some pep sit down and boom oh [ __ ] that was close oh man oh I'm doing good I'm doing good I'm kicking ass I'm kicking some real ass [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I'm in a zone no I'm gonna Pepsi's own brother okay you oh hell yes damn I did it nice okay I'll pass where to boost okay bye-bye Pepsi man goes to fight the coke devil damn is remixes slam really this game is addicting - it's actually a good game it's just super Arcadian all that but I actually like this game it's actually fun to play it's not even a csoka game or in the fact that it's it's generally fun to play what the [ __ ] what's this okay okay we're gravy so far man that's the man you can do a long jump Joel oh that's the - okay I see it oh gee cancel - cancel - cancel - okay oh Jesus Christ what's going on now Wow Oh God maybe we shall be doing dashes Oh God just wanna see I wanna see - only speed on this game oh no oh damn it okay okay no more dashing only only when it's very important okay go go go go go go go [ __ ] shovel Christ okay mr. Wolfson we're still great we can still do this oh yes I might be I'm gonna do what I'm gonna be Pepsi man tonight I don't give a [ __ ] we're doing it this is it double heart for Friday double Friday it's badass to do it hell yeah come on buddy almost here anyway shovel shovel shop that's fine that's fine I still have my Pepsi blood in me hold on did I miss the checkpoint I missed the checkpoint whoa whoa what the [ __ ] are you doing idiot he's watch out for the pet semen god damn you okay we're about to die here but we should be fine you just got to stop dancing so much Oh what the hell don't worry about it I got this I'm down to clown more about it yeah okay now we know about the shovel we're not gonna [ __ ] it up trust me [Music] go on excellent so far man look at this [ __ ] eagle [ __ ] let's only - for long jumps by the way like this okay let's start with this - that this this - will kill me okay the protection past me too awks table what am i doing what the hell am i doing Patsey man - we need it okay no more no more no more the man at the mall no I wanna [ __ ] I'm sorry I'm losing my mind he's so romantic [ __ ] look get some Pepsi shoes [Music] now that's stuck in a Pepsi straw thank you a really manly there for a second okay shovel shovel shovel shovel shovel there we go just get the checkpoint okay watch out for the pet cement do a manly valley girl it okay let's get some [ __ ] shoes Becky yeah easy chair down at the mall yeah that's what I'm talking about let's get some [ __ ] barbecue shoes sweet [Music] okay I can just like - into people and they die okay let's go let's go let's go when I have enough time yet okay no so close oh ma we're gonna do this all night were and applying Pepsi games all night oh you're suffering with it - okay we're going the Pepsi Cinematic Universe again this did this game is great I really damaged what am i doing I really like this team you might think I'm being facetious here but no I enjoyed this I'm not drink enough Pepsi real life to like power up what am i doing on wait yes so I get some momentum going let's go quick I think I might have to smash the crates but that's how you do this [Music] Wow but here comes here comes the there comes a shovel okay okay okay cool mama that's fine that's fine that's fine let's - lets - do the checkpoint yeah okay great run so far on the hero okay we're going here we go bye bye [Music] yeah the devil said apparently okay must never looks like RPG games you beat the boss and he still beats uncut senior new record okay death equals win is that what I think it is it's that coke oh my god it's cold it's goddamn cold I wonder what the change is deluxe offers hunger maybe [Music] okay guys I got it I got it like you empty my Pepsi here in a second but fill in the mind that so long the mind do this I really appreciate these a level thing kind of short at doing you don't they don't feel grateful to play that they're short and refreshing you know yeah f F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F okay can't [ __ ] up now oh no no no no no what did it I did it [Applause] [Music] bread pizza uh-huh yeah yeah bad of us red pizza I did it oh man huh clutch it's my favorite version of Pepsi probably the one I'm drinking right now Pepsi Max it hits me what are you eating Doritos what now you don't get it Pepsi for TV game ah it's lace but lace is owned by Pepsi fortunately no one was hurt or killed did do what in the middle of nowhere right in the middle of the desert and they are all exhausted another helicopter is on the way but it looks like it's going to take some time isn't there anything we can do to help them until that helicopter arrives meet guys how I be in this game 50% now guys I can do this I can win all right I'll be right back sit tight we're gonna play some more Pepsi games wait there we go another Pepsi collected I'm gonna die of pepsi tonight but what a glorious death that would be alright anyway Baris red Cola berries red Cola all right try it out there there's a lot to learn I want your Pepsi laid in the background now it's Pepsi what oh holy [ __ ] dude what now it's Pepsi watch out Thanks wait a minute avoiding traffic avoiding traffic what [ __ ] that gets me in the ass [Music] [Music] okay great tea people have problems past the stage Rad's it's real difficult one rich and taste your their advertising pizza to me you know on I think I know how to do here it's a momentum of like getting one done I see what they want me to do now it's Pepsi damn it papacy hood tasted I'm a great job but - you can decent leaving offs of objects can i after on this valley hang on no no can't do that [Music] I have a correct idea Pepsi man what if he is ran on the dirt in state but no you dumb [ __ ] don't do that fine you want you want to do it like this fine oh damn it okay yeah yeah Oh ice I see you want to play dirty huh uh-huh yeah yeah the Masters back boys whoa what the [ __ ] is this you want Pepsi man getting his shoes dirty no no no that's pepsin as skin that's his feet oh man he's needed what if he's stepping on a sharp rock then he'll bleed carbonation it's fine what are we just take it easy and always take it easy let's say what is that I don't get it is that like Ana at red Pete's it's not an actual like advertisement thing or what is that no it's Pepsi so I thought it was like never Javan and coca-cola whoa dusty calm Pepsi [Music] no no Pepsi man he's pissed air alized you know they don't want a mascot that's like sexy so they they they're completely you know that's why it's completely flat you don't want to have it have like a a floppy Pepsi man running around you do sure [Music] hang on I have the perfect different use for you my friend and then we just do this do a little that and there we go you see why that doesn't work okay [Music] I like how we have a Pepsi man to chat right now Pepsi man showed up and it's a saying hey Joe loves one of the Pepsi man commercials had a red truck that looks like a red pizza that that implied it was a coke truck Pepsi or coke sued for it okay your pet semen and chapped walking as I've drank so much Pepsi I feel like even though I go to the bathroom and I piss it feels unsatisfying you know it's like permanent permanent piss so what it honestly though guys this is unbiased buddy preferred and I know are you guys gonna be like but listen if you like water sure it cool but Coke or Pepsi I like that's me coke oh you guys haven't seen her for cope with the Helmand okay well you stand here on the on the side come on oh yeah okay rich and taste is that I mean they're advertising something but I don't like to [Music] congratulation now you have a block list [Laughter] bye-bye [Music] salary slowdown women you need to slow down a little bit [ __ ] how do you do this these bees gotta stop dashing man last Pepsi man I gotta say like Pepsi man is humongous he's so big look at him okay oh I got to do a little - there okay well just like speed we can mash up at the speed later on he's got a hand killer ass no I see he's got a little bit more about the Duncan Duncan like tank yell but he's definitely not God no you know juicy bleeder [Music] see I applied too much paris-dakar rally tonight that I'm always like I'm always thinking like my god when do I get more time oh [ __ ] last life last life mates right world 3 is [ __ ] real hard one definitely not a corner of tear bootie nope slide under them okay I'll try you can slide - when you're trying to out out space out outpace a car okay uh chat going by so quick on readers okay it's a nice-looking game and I thought I'm ugly game and it's more of a game than like you know some stuff with them well that's it that's how we do this or guys I can do this part without taking a damage take an 8 damage unless it's a little weird lift it we got it boys we got him boys kid not don't don't jump over those slide on the Dom okay chit chit chit chit your two chips now don't do that all right here we go yeah yep reaction time please I mean it's consistent mm oh you know this did this one I got a slide under jump slide slide jump Oh concentration man don't [ __ ] up there don't [ __ ] up eise it's easy boys yeah beginning to believe oh no no I'm not okay oh Jesus heõs hasn't biker submit boys oh here we go here we go now what well I missed a checkpoint oh no oh no what the [ __ ] is this first try watch me go oh it is my crusade Pepsi man to awful people [Music] yo this is a turbo tunnel [ __ ] man [ __ ] [ __ ] just go man whoa just go a man I did it no what the [ __ ] get in pepsiman get in [ __ ] yes Mia damn that was great - guys big sip time alright Jesus Abby follow no no no no no no no no II know which elaborate very stuff oh the rock off me here Oh God oh god no no no no Patsy man [Music] y'all remember the bolts in the Maurya romhack here they are oh I see okay context okay gotcha [ __ ] think he's do you think these buffaloes enjoys a good conky you don't think they like Pepsi bleep see Boyd see that we're doing it tonight for beatings Jeff the balls oh I love the barrel stuff in this it's fun we had fun today who will win who would win one babies or one D follow them um I'm dying it what well you are doing great not don't agree [Music] hitboxes all right let's try this again Joe falls more to his death every day listen no nobody can defeat Pepsi man nobody he's powerful all right I'm surprised and I've done like a sequel to this because it's a phenomenal game come on Pepsi come on let's make the mick Pepsi jr. Pepsi jr. boy Pepsi Max boy and have me voice after the game just do this just do this and I'll be like the the shitty voiceover got hang on [Music] well Betsy man well you [ __ ] up game over [Music] what what sorry can barely see where I'm going but that is so narrow I like that someone said is wet the hairs I hate box Tom look like I know where the hitboxes Joel you keep saying it's Kane in the doom videos but what is a deep bounce but is its game more like you are [ __ ] scam because you suck at game [Music] company Judas it listed easy just a [ __ ] the barrel said soccer one two one two [Music] okay got three lives ever go I just got a copy at this point what what what Italy God okay [Music] okay we have done it we have done it your disdain sucks what the [ __ ] is this Oh how am I gonna do this man this is impossible how do I do that between the cactus what [Music] that's that's impossible what the [ __ ] you got squeezing so much oh okay now we can probably do it but my god okay that barrel hitbox though yeah I know right let's see that bull semen can I jump on the barrel no I can't I'm stuck what you fall on the rocks about Yelp you would be like not like that [Music] let should I collect as many Pepsi's as possible and maybe I can get an extra life but that's how it works right this I'm playing dr. Khan country with these how you collect the Pepsi pretty pretty okay got a Dawson white afternoon Oh God old Jesus Christ on the cross Christ on the cross what do i do what do I do [Music] okay Check Point baby oh boy you should be rushing here but I feel if I don't it's going to be worse things happening Oh gone okay last life last life little man oh mama give it maybe the Russia snowman no rush please do [ __ ] hey okay we're still going strong though we're still going strong Pepsi still logged flat no no Pepsi man live okay [Music] okay still do this stop a few lives I can totally do this [ __ ] okay wish I wash up now at least I know how they work you know bull semen bull semen I top the rush boys no no no no no no no [ __ ] if you liked em f's it gives you another health oh that's how it works out okay watch it can i crush the crates [Music] still going strong though still going strong though pimps a man can't be breaking broken can't be breaking breakdance and breaking a sweat does he believe Pepsi does it sweat Pepsi who knows he's Pepsi man coming to impregnator your throat oh [ __ ] okay fine fine I don't know how to do that but all right oh okay still going though still going we still have lives how close am i how close am I Olga what the [ __ ] is this hurry hurry exit last life last life boys do this just gotta do this clean legit and nice no more [ __ ] around no more no more number bad place when we pro place here okay no more mistakes yeah my let me used to do one quick thing clean and legit exactly accept my question is this you saw that like what damn it that one part with the Eliska split path can I go in there you think oh god that was close Oh God whoa I did it again this Park this park oh you can't okay whatever whatever last night oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh God I've got scared Joel scared don't feel scared 10 seconds let's go and airplane there ok [Applause] [Music] neato so that kind of background posting though come on oh great sound effect now what I'm sorry I'm not sure what this is but it's a bunch of logs okay well well that's fantastic Wow hey what the theists move out of the way would man over your okay one life like a need to do this you know with even Oh oh my god it throws [ __ ] - oh this is not good all guys gonna be tough one more chance oh I'm done I'm done I'm done the world hates Pepsi man yeah for a world left like celebrate steps so much like the mere sight of Pepsi man makes next people angry so near them in brainwashed by pop punk you know don't do that Oh am i cheating for you standing here doing this oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's bad hooah [Music] [ __ ] you're so [ __ ] if you're if you're really close to the log and you try to avoid stuff so you have to do this huh hey now let's go man come on yeah get a Pepsi man down so on so if I beat this this boss I only have one more world left and then we up actually be Pepsi man [Music] come on yeah a [ __ ] like you one oh man the old man this is bad this is bad I know when it's gonna spawn oh no that's it there's another area for this one okay it's really hard to see where the logs are coming from when it's so much wood rotating [Music] yep yep let me tell you something tipsy man no one the Macho Man Randy Savage ooh you and he looks a little bit of cream of the profit much to get a little tipsy man you okay oh my god [ __ ] it's so hard it's so hard because you can't see what you're doing a lot right side right side instead let's see it right side is any better I mean just memory anyway I should be able to like just you know no but all right I'm thinking this memory oh don't don't jump over that don't do anything just just wait just wait patiently up say like this you just wait nothing bad will happen oh oh oh no that stuff that stuff will happen oh god he about to do what son here about to do it oh no can't you - I can't - on this one okay you left your left side [Applause] [Music] this logs look so terrible [Music] yep okay oh you're dirty went okay here's a walker can do some double bass lures try to crash Lawrence Oh Your Honor do what I told Kate this is easy if you just like don't get hit once but if you do then like I just did it comes a bit of a nightmare [Music] okay [ __ ] oh I already did it though [Music] bump bump bump bump bump down and out whoo all right so this one more stage half of this scene - lets go man let's go home me streaming right on Pepsi for pizza Pepsi for pizza no no guys Pepsi for pizza ah now I get it [Music] hello fancy man it looks like the main computer of Pepsi City went out of control a little while ago from being overloaded all the roads are affected by the computer and weak guys how to [ __ ] if you're Japanese how the [ __ ] you heard that Pandu and soil are pepsi exhausted people are collapsing because they can't refresh them take 20 strokes on that kanji holy [ __ ] if it continues like this there will be a worldwide shortage of Pepsi and we'll have a real problem can't you do something to put the computer back in working water no [Music] okay I got a real problem your remix it's the same theme remix they like 100 times but that's fine welcome to Pepsi city oh my god forget Skynet the real threat is Pepsi necked so this is the really hard stage in like what we just play before it's just like joke [ __ ] oh yes this is the hard one oh oh oh they're really hard last stage oh this is the health stage oh man let's take it a little easy one we're playing though yeah yeah what what the hell are you doing Pepsi tower and Pepsi town yeah I'm gonna take you all to pet sit down all right yeah I figured you and I'm having a Pepsi disaster in town turn around [ __ ] give this box one thought is collectible beyond everything just looks like Pepsi now then this is a bit of a scary look on the future and I mean like this doesn't look like utopia so a Pepsi ultimately wants everything to be Pepsi you got a soft drink attempts or else the world will turn it to this okay I'm dying so much it's gonna know how to stage works and then we're fine ghosts are the cart path [ __ ] that is some [ __ ] [Music] as the Pepsi Cinematic Universe okay watch out whoa we're fine we're fine the confusing stage here we go murmurs Patrol's yep okay gotcha oh [ __ ] now get it whoo man this is some hard stuff on Pepsi Pepsi sort shortage the end of the world there okay join us again see all I gotta do is remember how the states look summer following that damn another one goes down okay where were the drugs stolen we were the pips going on Pepsi man okay well watch out all right good good good good good oh Jesus doctor check got the check but damn it what a same thing I think it's like a collectible it's not but that's wrong with me there we go right left slide all right oh damn it we're fine we didn't take that much damage anyway here we go here we go here we go he's so good [Music] get it a little tippy tap walk kid nice [Music] hey we're almost past the in that second on the stage damn it [ __ ] back here damn dude art fine so be it [Music] [Applause] and let's get better at this you know okay that's a lot of Pepsi because you think this a promotional gamer nah nah [Music] oops mama okay okay watch out gone and all the way he walks it's so hard okay let's try it let's try it and they do it can he do it can he do it yes he can well the goodness is if I pass this stage like this is the hardest stage in the game right so maybe they still Stage two though yeah yeah but still [ __ ] that's impossible to dodge Oh God man all right yes it collected Pepsi's we could still do this damn it or that's impossible holy [ __ ] looks like Team Rocket's blasting off again a Pepsi break you could say okay quick be our beat I want to do this tonight I swear to God I will back with Pepsi man let's give it a try oh yeah all right I'm reinterred ice to have another Pepsi with me so uh I've drank like six of them so far by the way all right come on come on ow wait sue it pinky Mary Peggy [ __ ] so you're going to die Oh like all of us Pepsi crisis but hang on isn't that Pepsi shortage in town whatever why every life but this Pepsi everybody's what it they're talking about yeah whatever every time every time that thing gets me every [ __ ] time what's wrong with me man okay mama Jesus okay yo Pepsi and chat boys what I'm okay now playing like [ __ ] stop [ __ ] up let's concentrate your brain has mutated into a can of Pepsi yeah probably someone's like a being advertised to while I'm playing this game okay here we go let's go let's go let's go don't [ __ ] up don't [ __ ] up don't [ __ ] up my own I told you come on Joe advertising on a game that would never happen I know right here comes the hard part that can never measure okay I did it I did it now what now watch oh I did it I got scratched my eye hang on okay oh boy oh boy oh boy oh son okay let's whoo oh don't fall down there now don't fall down there I'm all my last life hurry okay oh he died he was dude dehydrated [ __ ] damn it that was it was right there oh okay well I don't know what to do now I went flats on it's first time first try oh [ __ ] first try bulk a guest I can't go too far hey watch watch out Pepsi everywhere okay she managed Billy on the PlayStation game you only use Pepsi man don't get it up this time I only have won a game on the PlayStation this pepsin we played every Halloween ah okay that's one life that's fine that's fine [Music] we need a 4k remaster of this please as arrestees no like funny like unity trash games that are like Pepsi man slender whatever they're just barely any pepsiman games then once we play this like the only once because I dare you I dare you to make a Pepsi man game make a Pepsi man game ice treatments matter how bad it is okay here we go here we go what do I do here okay here we go here we go boys [Applause] know what a fortune event I just domino me I'm okay can you do that okay holy [ __ ] don't do that get ready to move your bed see that's the goldfish yoga Pahang Yabu is nice as possible with this stuff in Russian [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] get ready to move your fingers captain a goldfish I want to see someone to do this blind he could do it maybe are here we go Oh final timing [ __ ] timing [Music] mama mia oh okay the Dead Sea man it's all in the mind buddy it's all in the goddamn line there comes the hard part once again people are like dead in the streets okay here we go maybe this game is actually really bad but I just enjoy Pepsi so much that I'm like my brain has been rewired to say do you enjoy this oh oh oh yeah bout to do it he about to do it son don't even do here man go go go go go go go go go who would you fix man go go go go Oh God whoo kearson whoosh damn alright good good poem get that [ __ ] Pepsi boy he's drinking his own juice Joel well some people are into that okay yeah what's this a factory oh okay Oh God this is the hardest stage businesses oh my god well wave we just have to get [ __ ] good at it brat Oh damnit it go man go man what are you doing speed up speed up speed up okay [ __ ] this is really hard okay okay just jump on it just jump on it says that's strategy you don't go superfast and you can actually manage this as I was saying Oh Go Go man go Modi do one this ain't so hard come on come on come on son I sound like ya nothing Waluigi there is some [ __ ] they say too hard come on son eat me I'm Pepsi man boy Oh [Music] I'm so good I'm so good oh god what is all this oh this is nice okay now what oh this is a nice change sure I don't mind this whoa oh [ __ ] ow my head Oh how do I close that okay that's we're halfway through we're halfway through but halfway through hardest stage in the game let me beat this I can be anything this is fine I guess boys are like levitating [ __ ] Pepsi what's going on Pepsi magic Pepsi technology out let's rush nuts not rush no man the Pepsi supercomputer derivative a little Oh stupid haha damn it okay I think that the the start of this level is the hardest part really this this one it's like nowhere near dead oh wait I can go on the left side what the hell am i doing Pepsi brain that's me this [ __ ] sake idiot now I know how Pepsi's maybe oh I thought I could slide through that [Music] hobo what's this oh it hurts on my die in this game it's just I got dying real life like it actually hurts me to die okay here we go here we go huh Crazy Eights on platform says you saw before I ever got here we go [Music] come on come on come on I was gonna remember that the signs always go down no matter what if you die in the Pepsi zone you're dying of your life okay yep you do it a little bit little spicy bunny hopping here look we need to wake up sure there's a bad bad run man run Matt run Matt number okay oh you're about to do it T about to do it every time man every time same thing better watch out better watch out [ __ ] [Music] [Music] jump over this idiot [Music] definitely figure out some of these parts then then we are Grammy I can't though um [ __ ] oh god okay still going strong though still going strong too much answer this I think Joel is memeing that turn on purpose yes I like to waste time excellent III it's honest I love that like it's Joel intentionally playing bad yes I like to waste your time and mine for the sake of some sort of meta joke yes this is a joke I am the best game player in the world it's super common [Music] okay just get some more Pepsi us and then it's okay here it is here it is ears it well not quite yet but it's around this corner I think we're still good we're still good though still good three lives go man go were you doing whoa no no what the [ __ ] yes what okay I'm dead but Stella still impressive okay jump over these jump or that guy know why about a finger like a Lego Racers when I see this level I don't know why dammit oh it's so hard [Music] yeah Wow yeah boy yeah boy yeah boy all right let's go let's go let's go let's go it's a little my route alone - yeah boy yeah boy oh [ __ ] oh maybe some music at music Scott intense sex you out a little bit still going strong still going strong still going strong for are we yes we are yes yes yes yes we're back okay take it easy take it easy we're in the Pepsi zone [ __ ] no mistakes no mistakes we are in the [ __ ] that we are Pepsi man wait the Pepsi boy where Pepsi merriman good same mistake I talked about my load man what's wrong with me I'm like a keys going left and I'm up doing it we're young I'm having fun today another fun today nope following my work this time back it's a dumb question did pepcid taste different before and I'm not talking about like you know sixty years ago with cane sugar and oil I'm talking like did it taste like just ten years ago differently than it does today where she just like not paranoia but like recibo [ __ ] I don't think I've ever made this for a my oh no no no no yes maybe god I mean yes yes it works oh here it is [Music] Graham I Oh pep-pep seaboard but one of the controls just this this Oh perfect hurry oh okay I'll try five seconds oh god oh god he might be able to do it first try first try Oh God oh yes oopsie supercomputer [Applause] [Music] last level last level boys teamate sheep okay I'll be jumping over this or oh Jesus oh man hey I'm not doing so bad so far man look at this come under this first try I'm gonna literally do this first try no much don't jump just don't jump in keep my own work there but man oh man oh man oh man panic panic panic panic panic Oh God so close so close okay [Applause] for the Pepsi that often it's a game you like encourage you to drink Pepsi after this just like you don't feel like you want epsy after this you've been sore like mass mass like exposed to Pepsi that you feel like oh [Music] [ __ ] reflux ups tea you'll hear the pixies of Steel many kids you know what's sweeter than Pepsi a nice cold beverage of Def dead sweet release mr. pip see I don't think that's very good at all no come on lemon twist death [ __ ] you this side instead I think I see worse over here yeah I really do hey oh jeez oh [ __ ] wanna jump where's the jump all right off the Eagle feet where the clothes beating this now I'm a divorce is over right like I've passed the hardest stage in the game now I love you and scheduling here we go oh that's bad that's bad that's that's all that that's not good that's not the best generation I know yeah yeah yeah boys yeah boys yeah bars [ __ ] damn sponsor streams oh damn it - all right we're gonna do this in juice concentration together a double hardcore Friday couldn't believe it that's right unintentional haukur Friday mind you but eh why not [Applause] no dumb mistakes it is Mears just like Pepsi kind of purple it's nothing something blue enough to be Pepsi conspiracy maybe at the jump a [ __ ] don't jump like that oh all gone can I do what can I do what can I do it last rich last rich yes [ __ ] yeah last stage in the game last stage in the game sure sure thing buddy Pepsi only my choice only my choice [Music] what beat it does it I thought was one more stage whoa yeah the did it [ __ ] yeah drink up boys drink up we gotta wait until the credits are over you never know you never know Natura facing sound the total [ __ ] it's me he had all the babes wherever I wanna know he had all the babes in the world but he still did not know what a woman's [ __ ] smelled like what was it worth what was it worth here it released me but was it worth well was it worth [Applause] [Music] you'll face reveal oh can I can i play as dark Pepsi man now or like you know oh that's it what about now options Pepsi man new old oh my god guys guys conked man okay I can place like og og Pepsi man perhaps to make classic free play what's this stage one Oh Mamma Mia okay no let's do a free play guys how much was this game how did he get a hold of Pepsi Maggie Japan back in the I mean surely wouldn't I bought this game you know you look another cost me if you get all the Pepsi's and all the stages really what do you have like a nude Pepsi man [Applause] [Music] so easier now well look up cheats okay hang on Pepsi man cheats we go free play in the old Pepsi man that's completely game ones stealth Pepsi man complete expert mode yr Pepsi man what okay hang on this is the seal cuz I can't be arsed I'd like do all easy hang on a Pepsi man costumes here we go oh don't don't Google Pepsi my costumes you get like something else oh my god and what happened to Pepsi me used to be like in shape there okay guys guys guys unmasked it's him John Betsy man it's him right there right there I'm trying to find the the alternate costume Saigon Pepsi man costume Syria one video about this one video on YouTube whoa check it out bueno este juego my try muchos risk weirdos ha ha el modo areas echo de todas las gatas el modo in VC plays super are totally tiempo Plano Tariana Welton is that it hang on old and stuff what stealth mode is just invisible Wow what amazement you can play no he's invisible whoo it is attractive that EVC blade would be 12 I don't know what this I guess that's in stealth mode what a wonderful costume it's like Crystal Pepsi okay well they were gone that's that's that's all the cheat well it's all cheat codes in this game but tell you what teller we should like corrupt Pepsi man at some point right to him corrupted Pepsi the wild new flavor well everybody that's Pepsi man I hope you all enjoyed it was a real treat to do this stream the whole game actually and then thing I was gonna do it but that was all of it I don't know - Walker Fridays tonight paris-dakar rally and do it all Pepsi man you know anyway thanks so much for watching I will not be doing Shenmue tonight I've been streaming for 6 hours and I'm pretty goddamn tired so you know anyway I'm gonna be your B with the ort sorry about no Shenmue but tomorrow probably tomorrow cuz the gregory horror show tomorrow and I had the bootleg one - Gregory Russia edition so and would be right back sit tight and I'm gonna show the art so don't go anywhere all right let's take up some of the work tonight from here we go from Tori chibi a fancy trance parents call us at the request yeah I said this last or segment I said cuz torchy be submitted a 3d one that's great like this lovely but now it's a PG so I can move a Marana stuff so whoa look at that look at that huh does that look cool yep love it upside-down great job thank you so much you know 3d from Gonzales 89 look at that hey look at that we got the main channel and the full stream sea united labs but this one is more based on my design my dumb ask the song but damn look at that look at texture man that's wonderful Wow awesome drop BAM love it I'll how you did the eyes to the eyes glowing in this : it's a very very keen to what what I did that's that's awesome here's on the PNG of slightly from the angle so you can see you can actually see the the red of the the skulls here but that's awesome thank you so much damn really very cool looking I love the little like cracks in the in the helmet till awesome from dark QR man worst dream ever tonsil tear art used to see how it looks at it's like a that's great art hello it's me the Forex Skeletor whoo from mojo know the land of Bab yeah I look like a real piece of [ __ ] yeah teeth it's wonderful from medicine cellar nut land of the Bab yes oh god I hated that game so much last night you have no idea that's great I love the orc - thank you so much great also from garthe bread man it's time to nut you and I'm a little nuts great job my name is not Nukem no look - nerd it's from JCB here's a little Volk skelter man with a little Betsy awesome and ask me all right you know it's great job from Beelzebub kid here's all my get this be also box is cursed and crusty it's it's it's me as Duke Nukem and et I'm not gonna explain why there's et on screen but I will say me as Duke Nukem is the worst thing ever but I love the work thank you so much from flash bang my wife took the kids play this for added effect okay oh I see [Music] I'm light on the other main get Meeks any more of it.alright hokum [Music] interesting great art I think I think yeah this was base one I did Duke Nukem and I saw the ending screen and his face was stuck doing this my wife took the kids you doom pretty nice from from Gonzales 89 barbecued naughty vine really liked your streams Joel laughing every time keep doing what you do you got some [ __ ] fans here well split ziba cheeki breeki to you well thank you so much man I like that too it's being of sticking to that I got uploaded stalker streams on YouTube I forgot to do that but great I love that from gobble here's some awesome looking [ __ ] pixel art damn now that it's what I call a street ball a straight Street Meryl Streep no no that's what I call a stream stream opener awesome awesome Wow sue fancier so that looks awesome I love the eyes here damn it's awesome well seriously damn your real account that are doing pixel I gotta say Dan let's in baby boo no seriously that is that is fantastic he's like got this gay stoom very skeletal risk I love that too but badass fantastic am P&G to or is it it's a Pina it's not PNG but it doesn't really matter I can still move around a stove second it's me man this is the awesome work thank you so much Dan from icky Tronics H exactly whoa from a key tronic here's here's me fighting Ganon and Link to the Past which would be the next string of Link to the Past it's gonna be one left and then never finishing the game so you know I know I know the link to the past rooms are really like chill and they're not for everybody but for the people that do follow them appreciate it I like the orc so hey I really appreciate that I love the little purple pink cat's pink cats that the police got on to I guess extension me but yeah thank you so much from James you [ __ ] idiot you [ __ ] idiot thanks thanks thanks base Luigi from Albina Burton here we go oh I love this what they're called the prog design that I know it's like an actual name it's like that Rob Zombie dragster arced or whatever but I always call it the POG design because I use not a lot of parts with this design on it but damn that's awesome wow that's wonderful Allah I loved it a lot of tongue little little bit beasts fun around little vork scale from ours from the Swedish flag the Hat the skull it's awesome well in damn ratnick is the name of the style oh that's what it is okay gotcha it's pretty [ __ ] bad Essen damn oh great job wow I love it too Danice you definitely scan it in but I always like get one just stuffer just like you know add on actual paper as well but anyway from blue sheep here's a spy versus spy pizza man from the Pepsi man super Morgan and yes he is t posting chats yes I see it it's pretty good from a thoria here's me in the paris-dakar rally core I can't draw cars very well but I tried hope you like you Joel also know it's not the car from the game but I wasn't up to the chance of interpreting that car into the style huh try my best make it cool nonetheless but I love it I love how my eyes just like completely on fire it's kind of like sort of what we saw earlier with with this you know I love it Oh wonderful from matha Joel last night yeah Pete yeah piece of cake more like piece of [ __ ] duke nukem lana the babes the best game ten out of ten joking aside the place in one stream last night was a riot glad you liked it oh man the radar - from roll sheet Rossini rotini pep-pep pep-pep Pepsi man no Coleman but I will say this I love the fact that paris-dakar rally makes a little makes a little cameo in this one gonna run in Warburg and from Sasuke Sasuke they call me sha sha sha it's gray fox Pepsi Mariner that's pretty good I can't do it the mole coke hurt me more love it all right everybody that's gonna be the streamer for today thanks for a lot for watching I've been struggling for a while and now I have a bit of a headache now so I'm gonna I'm gonna go away and get some [ __ ] done and then I'm gonna have a weird sleep but surfers know Shenmue will do tomorrow instead with along with gregory horror show hope y'all enjoy but man I've really took some effort to do two - Harker Fridays in one night god damn anyway I want to recommend you to check out Vsauce calm twitch.tv slash team / - I've also want to recommend that you check out the stream of conscious charity which I will be on tomorrow on Sunday so be on the lookout for that in fact I'm actually going to stream that's it I'm gonna be hosting them probably after this if they are still alive hang on here we go yeah oh they're not okay well anyway I want you all to check out streamer conscious conscience sorry I cannot talk tonight I have all the info you need here it is be there I'll be there on Sunday but do check him out you know I'm a bit of a guest stream at this time but you know that's fine it's gonna be something very major on Sunday because I always do something for charity and it's no different this time let's just say it's a bit about continuation so uh you know hey check it out tip of the day is I don't even know what I gave a tip early said Oh remember what I said I said something it was like there was something Dipsy for pizza I can't even remember what I was some tip its rewind this dream like Earl a tip on Pepsi man I don't know about ya the deep fryer yeah you got you remember it okay don't get a deep fryer you know you can do it in a pan in a frying pan literally but here's the thing I do not recommend you doing this without like experimenting and like knowing the safety stuff first because like you don't want to get too much oil in there and it drips over you want to get to the medium almost you know so hey yeah anyway don't take my tip on it but I'm just saying deep fryers are generally a scam you can you can you can look up a guy that do this yourself you know ask a grown-up for help yeah I ask ask an adult anyway I'm done see you soon I'm gonna host let's see your die Boris live all right and tomorrow we're doing gregory horror show along with Shenmue 2 and a bunch of other stuff I'm gonna upload some stuff on YouTube now on the full streams and I have a new video coming out after Sunday you know I know it's a little late than I already announced that I'm already done with it but I had to like recut some stuff because I wasn't happy with it so yeah alright peace out thanks for watching and remember there we go there we go there we go peace out and uh yeah bye
Channel: Vargskelethor Uncut: Full Joel Streams
Views: 70,481
Rating: 4.9534883 out of 5
Keywords: vinesauce, joel, full, stream, unedited, playthrough, part, vargskelethor, pepsi, pepsiman, playstation, playstation 1, hardcore, friday, walkthrough, cutscene, japanese, japan, theme, music, run, speedrun, bepis, blepsi, can, soda, dog, meme
Id: 6OKgM6Rd2Ss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 10sec (7090 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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