People With Satisfying Skills On Another Level

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hello friends it's me and today is satisfying sunday we're going to be checking out some really satisfying skills whoa oh that's nice i'ma walk up to that lawn be like i like your cut g smack it a good one i didn't even think it looked that bad before but the way he just like cleans up the edges delicious it's not a leaf blower it's not a mower what is a weed whacker is that what that is before i show you this i thought this was a great cushion and then they vacuumed it oh it's not gray it's gross these schools stand there before and after when they pick up the years of dirt and dust that's accumulated on the surface vacuum like we eating good tonight five course meal delicious [Music] ah i was like so what you drew a heart with your fingers and snow anybody could do that and then she picked it up last christmas they gave me my heart the very next day it melted away hey you got any special skills yes i can make a perfect circle with my feet wow that really is it's all in the flick of the ankle so they're coating the floor i think this is epoxy or perhaps it's paint sir sir are you wearing your shoes he's walking on it how is he walking on and not doing where are those footprints we got a ghost doing this floor right now sorry that is what he's moving it around but it's like his feet aren't even making any footprints on it i'm confused oh that was a clean edge very oh so good as stinky explain this to me in the comments right now how was he walking on does he have like spikes on his shoe or something even then it would make like little dots hmm can you read this oh at first i'm like no what are you trying to write what language is this how can i possibly read it and then it's just hello and it looks 3d here we got a naked little donut cake not so naked anymore put some clothes on this is how you clean jewelry you see that ring will look clean and then look at all the gunk and grime coming out of it maybe it's flatulence maybe it's phil and then watch it come out so sparkly and clean sir sir that is a dangerous game you're playing there i tried to do this when i was a kid i fell and almost broke my leg and then this dude doing it the tube kicking champion over here you know this is how we get them all off his mother watching this about to have a heart attack um this is how they cook the tennis floors my dude walking dangerously close to that paint line you'll see how close that is oh oh this close to getting new shoes he's going over the lines how will i know where to serve from okay here's another view of those sneakers okay so he has like little spikes on his shoes that allow him to walk on this terrain imagine resisting the urge to just like jump in the paint puddle ruin the house oh and when he does the edges so clean yes so this is how they do the weather strip on your car window you know that rubber bit on your car windows so it's just like a giant syringe mmm forbidden frosting we're gonna frost this windshield up like it's a birthday cake i thought it was just like a rubber strip that y'all just pop in no comes out of a tube how can this be so solid too i never knew this was actually a thing 3d printing a boat like a 3d printer on this scale like what 20 30 we gonna be 3d printing houses there it is a whole entire boat we got all the test subjects chilling in it they're like yeah we're not sure if this is 30 or not they got life jackets on their suits attached by a string if y'all can't trust this how you expect me to some people got a lot of extra time during quarantine this dude made a pringles rainbow no way that's gonna stay how can you possibly get those to stay sir how you do that fbi open up because that's illegal if it fits the sticks more things adults appreciate my dude got a power washer like you know what we're going to clean this whole entire house the driveway you have no idea how filthy a driveway actually is until you start to clean it you see all that gunk oh you know what we doing the whole entire residence every single surface in this household washed you know what i'll even throw in the neighbor's stairs for free just because this is fun it's a good time you know i hate cleaning but it's just so satisfying seeing things clean government needs to do this to the entire world so i can start walking around barefoot today we're making a brick wall oh just fill it with cement slide it down and that's how they get in a nice thin even layer you gotta season the bricks before you make the wall that is some of the thickest syrup i've ever done seen so they are mixing it oh they put some food coloring in it what color is it gonna turn out i am horrible at guessing the colors green i mean yellow this is gonna be some like doo-doo brown no it's turning blue and that was like an ocean there's still some yellow in there now we're green pick one and it just keeps going they just spin the forbidden gravy and then after oh they're pouring some yellow onto it i don't know what the yellow is but then they mix it up and it's like i don't even know what we're doing here so we gotta let everybody know that this is a bus stop so this is how they do the stencils on the side of the road oh i thought it said bus top for a sec so they have to borrow the s stencil we only got one that's all we got budget for and then they take off the stencils and what bam words written on the road look how perfectly these fit together there's not even a line not even a seam is this what finding your soul mate is like y'all just connect and become one you a metal sheet now oh that the cube a division nowhere to be seen oh even more it just keeps connecting no sir it's become too powerful oh that was really nice when it goes in just right just disappears oh nothing like some hot liquid glass do you know what this is yes sir it's some cheese now it's an egg egg cheese what are you doing a four yolk egg they really do be looking like a crap single so do you only have like a certain amount of time before it like hardens you gotta just like work quick hurry up and mold it into whatever you want at first it looks like this dude has drawn an alligator with a very abnormally long top snout snap that could reach the heavens and then he shades it in you know he still looks like he got a long snoot add some detail add a little more detail oh it's still there why he built like that so then he cuts it out how you gonna cut out all those little t we love a shortcut and then look now comes the illusion you put it on the table and look at it straight on and it looks like he's just like coming to life he wasn't drawn on that paper he's standing on that paper and then you turn it and then oh there's the illusion very long long snout and that face up front again he looks 3d normal it is wild what perspective can do you know every time i see a piece of glass like this i'm a convex concave when i learned about that like 15 20 years ago oh it's how they make glasses y'all just take like a thick piece of glass like like a magnifying glass that goes in here it start out like that and then they just cut it and shape it to your glasses oh i never knew how they did it wow and then pop that bad boy into place vision i don't know what it is about cement that makes it just so satisfying it's so creamy like you could fill a sidewalk or the inside of an oreo cookie same texture very similar except one is literal poison here we have a regular wooden table right so then you put some markings in it cut some pieces out smooth that made it real nice whoa fancy how you sell a piece of wood for a couple thousand dollars that's a nice texture you know this piece of wood it looks a little too hard i want it to look soft like a blanket i got you it made it look so smooth so this is something i saw for the first time on tick tock it's like puzzle art so you have like these little diamonds this little device where you can like press the squares like there's a square for whatever color is supposed to go there and then you press them all on oh when they do it in groups e so satisfying and then just fill it up and then when it's done whoa someone has a lot of free time on their hands i can't imagine how satisfying it would be to just like bam group of four on there what if you mess up you just like pop them off oh i thought they were going to clean the floor no oh even better we're wearing some numbers oh that's a good 59. oh so crispy it's like you got one chance my shaky hands could never so they have some metal coils here right they heated them up cut them into little chains we make it a chain right for the prisoners in the dungeon heated it up twist it up and then it went from that to this it's gold now what how you do that the gold chain now something tells me that ain't actually made of gold this isn't like some good torch torture when you grow up you're gonna be a gold chain and that's exactly what he did it crazy how you start out with this and end up with this slightly skeptical but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit the like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolf pack oh i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 11,959,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, satisfying, skills, people, another level, satisfying skills, creative people
Id: WWzVKtuBwYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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