Most Oddly Satisfying FOOD Ever

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this is my favorite part about buffets the soft serve machine and they let you go crazy with it please don't tell me that's cheeto dust it look like cheeto dust hello friends it's me today we're going to be checking out some tasty food that is a lot of ice cream sir [Music] oh they made a popsicle out of ice cream wait that's illegal oh y'all made a whole galaxy out of a halo top all right couldn't i have you taken the pint and like sliced it that's much faster we all about efficiency oh there's some jiggly moosie boys imagine going to the store and being able to buy one of these cakes where you just take the top off it's just icing itself that's like the fanciest pop-tart i've ever seen oh and then when that layer crack oh all of these are just so satisfying that's a lot of spoonfuls when you want to take just a bite of every single dessert out there oh yeah look how tiny these malones are they ain't even done yet no no i feel like i just witnessed the murder of malone they filling up the little hats oh and then they dumped it why would you do such a thing this white chocolate they made a little mold oh it looks like a little cup or perhaps it's a hat you know gotta make it perfect a ring because we're getting married to this delicious dessert oh no it's a cup are they making those edible cappuccino cups i had one of these at disney i'm gonna make it crunchy oh that's gonna be the cream oh so many layers of goodness wow looking like a real cappuccino nice that looks so good [Music] wait slow down now i'll have to stop you they just took a pool noodle and made the forbidden chocolate spaghetti oh okay we added tentacles now oh the whole entire sea urchin whoa heck well this was a whole entire project i can't believe this whole thing really be edible though oh this is my favorite technique that made me feel so fancy when i did it but this just keeps going on i can safely say that i will never put as much effort in anything i've ever done in my whole entire life like this guy put in this chocolate sculpture that a millionaire probably ate smashed like for a bite today you know nothing like some good old chocolate pouring oh it's more perfect than i'll ever be self-esteem rates drop to zero are those strawberries oh it's like a jello cake but made entirely out of strawberries probably just take it and handed it like this not even a plate or a napkin just here you go might as well eat from his hands i already knew you were savages when you left the green part on excuse me while i feast from the palm of your hand that's one thick heart are you sure it's a heart or it's a peach emoji it's rice pudding but what kind of dessert is this there's just so many steps to each one they're still brushing it it ain't even got hair okay there we go oh they're making it like a coconut whoa you see that knife sizzle it's a whole entire recourse mess inside there look at this didn't come out as planned what is this i cut a snicker bar from walmart and it's gonna look neater than that the forbidden way to eat a watermelon first you eat it the right way and then they took some grapes soda boiled some dang soda oh this is gelatin this is how you make a soda gelatin i really hope she's doing this for a mukbang oh she is whoa please tell me these are googly eyes we're putting googly eyes on the easter eggs oh so that's how they connect it all you gotta do is melt it and then stick it together it's that simple okay you know what we make it a whole art piece here they're gonna make holes through it right here comes the bazoo looking like a doorknob a hat we making an acorn man imma look real stupid if this ain't an acorn this is an acorn his name is k don't say his name three times okay we're wrapping a cake pop in a gold so dramatic though oh it's in water so that's how they get the cover over it oh that's that's pretty smart and then when you take it out it's a furrow roche okay you fancy we get it also i love how companies like dip anything in gold and charge 10 times the price just because you bought gold flakes off amazon for 33.49 and they'd be charging like a hundred dollars for a little dessert this is how you make a crepe cake so you take crepe batter oh you flip it with chopsticks that's smart and then repeat 50 times whipped cream and then repeat 50 times we gonna be here all day crepe cream crepe cream crepe cream crepe cream crepe cream and then freeze it wham bam you got a crepe cake ma'am you know i've never had one of these oh and then they covered it in chocolate oh you're making a fancy fancy dessert okay now we charge in 19.95 for each one of these okay you better be making the biggest mcdonald's cone i've ever seen keep going employees be like this ain't olive garden we don't work like that they have a blue chocolate coating whoa i've never seen a blue one you know those chocolate coatings that like as soon as you dip it in and take it out it like freezes around and hardens on the ice cream they have a blue one why did ain't do this i never see nobody make a flower out of a tomato they clearly saw the beauty that i didn't it just peeled its size like a flower put some egg on this but this is something i've never seen before y'all ever tried to cook a pancake in a rice cooker well this is what you get the most perfect plump round pancake can you even call it a pancake it's a rice cooker cake the most delicious the pancake you never knew you wanted it's like we digging for treasure how many layers of chocolate we got what is this dessert what am i even looking at they opened the chocolate egg wow that's very disappointing nothing but chocolate inside you better break it there better be a hidden layer inside there oh surprise more chocolate now gonna put some nuts perhaps some pecans maybe some raspberry chocolate don't go good with chocolate it's got a nice cheese pull to it the kind of slice of this cake and it's the most perfect blue gradient it's like you went to home depot and you got a pantone of all the different shades of cerulean and they made a cake out of it oh i saw a dude making fudge on tick tock on a countertop like this and he kept like swaying it like back and forth you know we really gotta mix this bad boy up it's like a whole entire chocolate ocean waves and everything this is my favorite part about buffets the soft serve machine and they let you go crazy with it oh and then the topping station you could do whatever you want no adult will dictate the amount of toppings i'm allowed oh that's the good stuff ice cream with chocolate and almonds almonds and chocolate oh the best name a better combo i'll wait this is how they make chocolate sheets spread that liquid and then we got actual sheets i could print something on this bad boy they rolled it up you got to be working in a fridge for this not to be melting as you're working on it oh we got a little cage for it but here comes the choo choo train ready to be devoured nothing like ripping apart a donut oh that's a good nutella to bread ratio caramel apple how they do it at disney bro i watched them do this and then when i started recording she started doing it real slow taking her time with each step taking a break get real self-conscious with her dipping skills well nice that is a big piece of cake you really don't have to dip it and then nutella a whole bucket full of nutella we went to costco when we got this is this really necessary oh i love watching them do the ice cream rolls like this oh no this is traumatizing last time i got rolled ice cream the phone to the store was right above where they mixed it up and the phone rang and then it fell into my ice cream batter and then the dude just like picked it up like nothing happened started talking and then hung up and i just looked at him like you're not gonna start over like a whole entire phone just fell into my ice cream i was just so shocked i didn't even say anything i haven't gotten rolled ice cream since now i can watch it from the comfort of my own home and hopefully no phone's falling you know a topping i didn't ask for oh they'd be doing a nice lay it down gently yes roll you know i always think one of these rolls are not gonna make it they're not gonna get rolled it's just gonna like flake but okay you proved me wrong sir nice oh thank you delicious that's one fancy grocery store cake oh the good old japanese cheesecakes oh when they slip them buns with the stamp that's a lot of nanners oh we're going to deep fry them right please don't tell me that's cheeto dust it look like cheeto dust or shredded cheese but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video how about what's your favorite dessert unlike cheesecake and brownies make sure you hit that like button though and make sure you turn on notifications click click and subscribe to the wolfpack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 15,219,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, satisfying, satisfying video, food, chocolate, cake, oddly satisfying, satisfying food
Id: W6fOXvt_NAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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