Optical Illusions That Will Trick Your Eyes

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hello friends it's me today we're checking out some optical illusions that are gonna hurt your brain this guy's gonna go down this slide it's not a slide that's a slime don't go down a metal slide in the summertime or this is gonna happen to you so i was looking at this video and that's a dog right like a labrador but his head is stuck where's the rest of his body surely he can't be a floating decapitated head no it's a cat the cat just turned around like why are you recording me it's a drawing right it looks like a cookie cutter oh it's flat i thought it was a heart at first i thought the pencil was a drawing and then they removed it and then we're like wait the heart is flat looks like it's chilling vertically this puzzle is gonna blow your mind because even though all the pieces fit inside the square if we remove the pieces and reorientate them just like this you will notice that they will start fitting back inside the square just like so here's where it gets really interesting because even though they fit back inside the square there is a huge piece missing in the middle can somebody please explain where that missing piece went i knew exactly where this was going but i don't understand how this happens those red shapes cover the entire surface area of the square how is it possible that you could just rearrange them like i would understood a little gap but a huge square in the middle i call this the trickery of trapezoids somebody need to explain this to me you give me a heart attack i thought he was throwing the dog into the clouds it was snow like tell me you didn't look at this and be like that's a cloud he threw him off a building no just into the snow oh i'm relieved oh what what no way how do you take away his chair and he's just you don't feel that oh no way lift up your feet no ah wait what is that right there right here that's your chair oh when you realize wait i'm supposed to fall right about now it's like in the cartoons nothing happens until they actually realize that the chair is gone oh it's my cue to fall but how is he doing this either witchcraft or he got thighs of steel you know it takes years of hovering over public toilets to be able to do this okay another one of these all of those pieces fit perfectly inside of the triangle but wait when you put them in another way the black piece does not fit anymore y'all keep saying explain this explain this i got no explanation for this someone's math t-shirt explain this to me why the salami lid ain't go fit the salami so this next illusion is created by a designer named vivian chao you might be wondering what kind of furniture it is you want to take a guess is it a chair oh it is a chair now if you guessed a chair you'd be correct actually 11 chairs get this each piece comes out from the smallest miniature chair all the way to the last chair at first i thought it was like a hallway you know ones that look like a tunnel that go on for a very long time but no it doesn't even reach the end of the wall it's a chair made of 11 chairs watch the littlest chair just pop out we got 10 more of these bad boys in many many sizes a chair for the cockroach in your basement your hamster your dog you and your vice principal with the badonkadong wait you're telling me this isn't like hundreds of feet up into the air i thought we were on like a skyscraper we are above the clouds perhaps on top of a building looking down no the water is right there i don't appreciate this kind of trickery it's rather disappointing i thought there was going to be more sploosh no no no no no don't do it don't do it you're getting too close to the edge stop wow i could not believe that there was a wall there you could have fooled me i thought it was an edge it looks like you could just walk off the building but no it's a wall i'm gonna have to pick up all my brain cells and put them back together after this video not one of these marios is actually moving no way because they're moving they're moving very slowly you tell me they vibin in one spot just changing colors you know if you look at the picture as a whole they are moving very slowly but if you focus on one individual mario they're not moving anywhere they're just flashing colors each ball is moving in a straight line i'm gonna follow one ball and see how it's moving in a straight line and it doesn't look like it's moving in a straight line oh i don't like this one bit y'all just exposed yourself no but also a very good explanation because i'm like i don't believe you i don't believe that each ball is moving a straight line now that the lines have been exposed i cannot unsee it and i can see every single ball perfectly moving in a line and i appreciate it when they explain these things this dude went to the museum of illusions and look at this before you even enter you got this little doohickey it's a straight rod but the way it goes around and into the mold of a curved rod oh i don't like that one bit it looks like it's going to scratch the edges but now it fits perfectly this has got to be a edit there is no way holograms are not that advanced yet not that i know of i was gonna say could it be a projector like projecting onto the building but usually it has to be night time for those to show up i'm gonna say this one's a edit y'all y'all are cheating y'all are messing with me i refuse to believe that a giant blue cat just spawned out of this building this could be the end of all we know okay this is a piece of paper but the inside is moving wait the way you're bending it i don't like that how is it moving is it a cube i don't understand how this piece of paper is just like three-dimensional is there something in it thumb disappeared for a second what is that this is suspicious all i got out of that is paper there's a chocolate going under these cups so oh my god i already lost it i already lost it are we gonna start this video over or am i just gonna guess [Music] this went by way too fast okay that back one they kind of lifted it up and it felt like there was nothing in there okay it's the one that they're trying to hide from me that one that they just grabbed um oh it's the middle it's the middle now you're probably expecting me to ask you which is in the middle but no no no let's leave that instead be honest did you see the duck if you did let me know in the comments also did you spot the color changing cups they were a different color at the start to the end well either way i was gonna say it was the one in the middle but the first like three seconds i lost it so if you got this one good for you no chocolate for me oh you have this house illusion here and it looks like it's moving it looks like it's going that way but the person holding the camera is actually rotating and moving so depending on how you look at it from whatever angle it looks like a 3d house but it's not 3d you can't even live in it you can't even walk through the front door like you see the actual shape of it it's kind of like a v it's funny because the part that looks like it goes out is actually going in tell me do you see it oh it was drawn on that's weird i mean yeah now i see it but that looks like a handle like he's holding a handle but it's not giving me flashbacks to those markers that were actually fingers he got a tv on him but wait wait you can't have the hand behind there it's like a hole oh that's cool so this whole time he just had a camera on his back and then the screen on the front so whatever's behind him the camera displays on the front and it makes it look like there's a hole through you that's pretty genius you know i thought it was just a green screen or something here we have some traffic lights or stop lights i've put a cyan filter over them now now red light can't pass through a cyan filter yet you're still seeing the red light right yeah well i can guarantee you that there is no red light there at all there's no red at all it's your brain working overtime convincing you of the red can i prove it well i can try let's block out the rest of the traffic lights now look it was gray all along there is no red so it covered the rest of it the blue cancels out the red and then it's gray but my brain is looking at this it sees traffic light so it's like that one should be red but it's not it was grey this whole time those white squares that are moving around stare at the eye in the middle of the picture just for a few seconds and see what happens to them wow so when you're staring at the eye in the middle of the picture you see a perfect square just like just move around is this just me or the squares also changing colors i feel like they're not white squares anymore they're like yellow pink and purple or am i going insane oh that's not her lips why were you putting lipstick on that that was the eye i saw it open if i did not see that open i wouldn't have known which is a lit and which is an eye and i appreciate that she keeps the confusion to a minimum she could have chose to just keep me confused i wouldn't have known the fake eye is on the eyelid of the real eye and then when she opens it it was all a distraction that's a lot of noses is that even her real ear i can't believe the drawn on eye the one right here looks more realistic than the actual eye what am i even looking at what is wrong with this chair wait wait no that king the chair illusionist you could sit on the chair that way why did you sit on the handle no it goes this way you're telling me you couldn't have sat on it the other way i don't like that i don't like that one bit chair is for sitting not confusing what's going on in that building we got red-eyes black dragon in there just spinning around somebody free him oh wait is this a screen this is a screen on a building but like he's popping out of the building like it's 3d they got 3d tvs now i ain't even got those i ain't even got the 3d glasses on i saw him pop out see parts of the screen make it look like his spikes are like coming off the screen like it's it's got to be reflecting some kind of way or maybe it is a hologram they got holograms now from here you can see a cube that's another black box pyramid how if you actually pay attention there's a mirror and as you can see the pyramid is only half when the mirror is there it looks like it's a full pyramid and the same thing applies to this side she explained it to me and i still don't understand it it's a black box on this side and then as soon as you turn to the side of it it's a yellow pyramid if you actually pay attention there's a mirror and as you can see the pyramid is only half when the mirror is there it looks like it's a full pyramid and the same thing applies to this side oh i understand if there's a mirror basically like duplicates it so it looks like you're either looking at a cube or a pyramid i'm gonna pretend i understand oh okay this one did it this one made my head hurt it hurt until i could see both of her eyes you know thank you for doing me the favor of blinking because now i know which ones are the real eyes but the other ones the brown ones look so real it's even got the ring light reflection on it when somebody says you're two halves of a whole idiot blink your eyes slowly and yes and i can't believe the eyebrows are like overlapping and just like the more i look at this the more angry it makes me like how is it if you concentrate on the butterfly in this picture the colours around it should mysteriously disappear okay so we're gonna focus on the butterfly in the middle of the photo stare at it and looking my eyes are burning how much longer do i gotta do this for okay it's like resetting every time i blink so basically after you focus on the butterfly it's supposed to make all the colors around it go away and it was it was like fading out for a hot second and then i blinked and then it just reset it and now i can see colors again gonna try it again stare intently only focus on butterfly do not focus on anything else no colors exist only black and white butterfly okay they're going away except the pesky yellow oh my goodness oh it worked you kind of just don't blink and then all the colors around the butterfly will go away bye bye but anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button in the face and come below which one of these was the coolest one and make sure you turn on notifications click click and make sure you subscribe join the wolfpack i love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 5,395,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, illusions, illusion, optical illusions
Id: cdUafoBnuj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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