MADISON'S DIRTY SECRET - Madison Ending - House Party Gameplay

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we should have a chat about the nude photos of you I found on your phone what the [ __ ] how did you see those you didn't show them to anybody did you I love that she's just like what the [ __ ] what's up guys and welcome back to house party and for today's episode I was planning on just doing Madison story it's something that we've covered most of but we haven't gotten the whole way there I mean we've done everything else there is to do in the game but then the developers went and sent me another updated version they've apparently fixed a bunch of the weird pathing with their girls getting stuck on each other they've remodeled the characters a little bit but more interestingly they've given some of them voices and we've done so much with these characters now I can't even imagine what some of them are gonna sound like and more importantly the less reading I have to do better so I think if we want to get on Madison's good side we're gonna have to prank Ashley again and then go with the other pack and their medicine and it looks like this is your first time playing house party do you want me to explain to you how everything works okay yeah totally my first time before we get started if it seems like the game is running solely at any point you may want to press escape and play around with the settings you can also try changing the quality settings and resolution in the window that pops up when you first run the game yet resolution looks good I definitely don't remember being able to see through your shirt that's the kind of thing that I would remember well first of all you need to know how to look around normally you can simply move the mouse to look around but when you're in a dialog like this you need to hold down the right mouse button to look around try it now before you respond to me yeah yeah I got it no worries oh they changed crouching as well now see his crouched and sees get back up do I still swing my arms around oh yeah kind of okay some of the charm is gone I'm not gonna lie but it's all for the sake of progress okay I got it what makes you catch on fast let's move on when you want to interact with something all you have to do is Center it in the crosshairs in the middle of your screen and left-click on it only certain items will have an interaction menu but all of the characters in the game do and a lot of items around the house if you are able to inspect thing you will see the name of the item show up next to the crosshairs when you're ready finish this dialog and then click on me and use my interaction menu to talk to me again I was gonna say she probably thinks I'm crazy for crouching and walking around and staring at her chest but she's talking to me about resolutions and menus and stuff like that oh don't walk away okay let's do this okay and then we'll talk good job if you'd prefer not to see the crosshairs and help text you can press tab to toggle them on and off also sometimes you'll be able to take things and put them in your inventory you can press the i key to pull up your inventory but only after you've already picked something up go ahead and try it yourself some [ __ ] left a dirty spoon on the microwave go grab it for me then come back and give it to me use WS a and D to move or you can reconfigure this on the input tab of okay got it got it got it hey they fix your hair it's not all like weird and PC and moving all over the place anymore I bet you it's gonna make seeing your boobs way better did they do yeah look they did it to you too everybody has slightly better hair sorry Frank I can appreciate the fact that there's a tutorial now because getting dropped down into this game and trying to figure out what you can do and what you're supposed to do was really difficult but we've seen and done it all before so let's get to the good stuff um do I know you you just gave me that whole tutorial at the door I think I'd like to get to know you a little better uh-huh that's sweet I'm Madison this is my party nice to meet you same here hey again are you lost can you tell me where the bathroom is go into the upstairs master bedroom and first door on your left I actually left my phone in there somewhere could you be a doll and bring it to me this makes talking to people so much easier sure okay so we will go get that hey Ashley you're looking good too very smooth feel like they changed your skin texture a little bit or something like that hi I'm Ashley I'm Madison's sister nice to meet you you're Madison's sister I never would have guessed you're way hotter than she is oh thanks that's really sweet okay so again how's it going whoa damn I wish that I was cross-eyed so I could see you twice that's new I don't really want to use cheesy pickup lines I feel like that's not gonna go over well maybe we'll hold off maybe I need to use them when she actually likes me what's the deal with you and Madison anyway ever since I was young she's always been pulling pranks on me and embarrassing me she just loves humiliating me especially in front of her friends one time she stole all of my clothes and towels while I was in the bathroom and I had to run out naked while we had a bunch of company over it was awful I wish just once I could watch her on the receiving end for a change that's some serious sibling rivalry and in this case it's not gonna turn out well for you because I think I need to prank you right is there anything else that you wanted to say going no not really okay so let's go find that phone which should be in here right okay phone check pencil check paper check so we can use the paper and use the pencil and then we get the code we can take that and then break into the safe oh we need to get the eyedrops that was the big thing I couldn't figure out why last time we tried to prank Ashley okay I didn't mean to do the nice ending but I did because I didn't know the difference we gave her a soda and what I needed to do was actually put these eye drops in her soda that way she would get the poops and try to run around the party yeah and we would lock all of the bathrooms so that she couldn't get in any of them so she was humiliated walking around going from bathroom to bathroom trying to poop essentially we get the soda out of the fridge we should be able to use with the clear eyes and then there I poured the entire bottle of clear eyes into the soda somebody's about to have a really bad day and then all we need to do to finish setting up is get this key people were tell me last time that I should get this to the lock the bedroom doors but it's a bathroom skeleton key so it doesn't quite work that way oh and before we lock this I'm gonna grab this towel to dry Ashley off and then we can lock you we lock the two upstairs and then everything should be set here is Madison's flow gene you found my phone thanks so much she actually says oMG out loud okay yeah no sweat again are you lost so is the reward for returning your phone I feel like maybe a kiss or something is in order hi aren't you a Baldwin I suppose you did sort of save the day I'll tell you what help me play a prank on my sister and there might be more than just a kiss waiting for you when we're done if you catch my drift okay she's not in earshot so we should be good yeah I'm your guy but we do get started here's the deal I already accidentally spilled some beer all over Ashley I locked my clothes away so she can't find something else to wear my plan is to first get her to thank her only option is to strip down and wash her clothes once we have her clothes in the washer then we just need to force her out and parade her around naked to all of the party guests talk to Ashley and see if he didn't get her to trust you enough to take her clothes and wash them then figure out a way to get her out of wherever she decides to hide got it okay so it looks like it's pretty similar to what we've done last time took I said they updated the game it could be a completely different quest I really don't know but we'll give it a shot is there anything else do you want to love me or Raymond like everybody else no I'm not using cheesy weird lines I met your sister Ashley Ashley wants to talk okay no we're good okay so let's go talk to Ashley Oh Lucic Patrick's getting himself a private show okay you know what if anybody deserves it it's Patrick you got a [ __ ] work last time hey Ashley hey again how's it going are you okay you seem a little distracted uh a stupid sister Madison spilled beer all over me I know she did it on purpose too even though she'd never admit it right now I'm dripping wet so I need to figure out a way to dry off if only somebody had a towel as well as every loose item hanging around the house we can probably do that right again how's it going yeah what do you want me to do oh you'd help me well right now I'm dripping wet I need to dry off these clothes somehow okay so yeah we'll give you the towel perfect paints but these clothes still smell like beer really bad I could wash them for you you'd do that for me wait how do I know you're not in league with Madison and this isn't just another plan to humiliate me I'm not sure if I can trust you yet what can I do to earn your trust tell you what Madison keeps a diary I've seen her writing in it she doesn't let anybody read it I don't even know where she keeps it if you can bring it to me I'll know for sure that I can trust you do you mean this diary for this one impressive I didn't think you had it in you but I'm happy to be proven wrong this diary has all of Madison's passwords for everything look here's our phone code one 337 I can get into everything now Facebook email oh this is going to be awesome I still don't know why that's relevant because I have to give the phone away to be able to get the diary so why does getting the code now matter I feel like that might be a remnant from the earlier part of the game I don't know I've never been able to figure that out okay what I'm surprised she's also not freaking out at the fact that she's like I could really use you know her diary I don't even know where it is I just have it in my back pocket I don't even know her okay I came through let's have a talk hey again how's it going so I think I've earned your trust let me help you clean those clothes before they stain I suppose you did risk your neck to get this diary Madison would have killed you if she saw you okay follow me we'll go to a private area where I can change we are now great friends and she will lead the way don't mind us we're totally not doing naked things in here nope no make things go away thank you okay we're good we're alone hey again how's it going okay looks like we're alone just give me your dress and I'll get it in the washing machine okay here goes hey thanks for looking out for me you really came through oh and please start the door on your way out okay I'm gonna take a big step back because this is always such a pain in the ass to censor and boobs bare there you guys can't see it but her boobs are like twitching why people are always telling me why do you have to censor just don't censor trust me if I didn't have to I wouldn't I don't care about stupid digital nipples but YouTube really does so I gotta protect the channel man so let's talk to you again hey again how's it going are you okay in here do you need anything actually I'm really thirsty and I can't exactly walk to the fridge like this could you go and get me a soda do you happen to have dry eyes as well because I got a combo for that okay we're just gonna give you the tampered soda thank you so much you're the best okay no sweat if you poop yourself it's not my fault and then we're gonna talk to you again hey again how's it going it was any consolation at all wet clothes and all you're still adorable oh thanks that's really sweet oh yeah we're really laying it on thick to get those panties hey again how's it going hey knees look like they're soaked too want me to throw them into the wash for you too today is your lucky day you're lucky I like you so much and there you have it I'm not feeling too well all of a sudden oh okay that was quick I should keep an eye on her apparently oh man moving is gonna be brutal uh Ashley how does that improved pathing going I feel like you're not gonna get to a bathroom that way hold on I'm not gonna look I'm just gonna try to nudge Enya and I'm gonna back myself up into you maybe oh oh god don't tell me you're broken again oh don't worry I got her free kulaks the bathroom door you did this on purpose didn't you I guess we're just gonna keep following her along she's got a nice butt I'll give her that much how was that door looking [ __ ] me this one's locked too the only other bathroom is downstairs okay deep breath Ashley you can do this hey Patrick you're having a great party aren't you buddy survey says [ __ ] seriously guys into the bathroom does anybody have a key it's sorry I can't help you I'd never mind the fact that her clothes are still like in my inventory I never went to the washing machine or anything like the head so are you just gonna hang around the rest of the party naked Oh Oh what are you gonna do Wow what a [ __ ] Madison seems pleased but even Frank got up to check it out Frank never gets up except for Patrick I think he secretly has a thing for Patrick so you'll notice that Ashley is now clothed and doesn't hate me that is not a part of the game I had to restart because I've had a revelation I couldn't figure out why successfully pranking her didn't get me to the ending with Madison like nothing changed she was very happy that I went through with it but then it was a dead end so I've been playing for like half an hour screwing around over and over I think I finally figured it out the biggest thing with her is that I would never say I can see the resemblance between you and Madison because it would hurt our relationship she doesn't like that but I need to do it to open up another quest please don't compare me to her not exactly getting along at the moment hmm interesting she's not a fan of Madison so now okay again I can't talk to you but I should be able to give you her phone hey is that Madison's phone there we go now she'll actually accept it oh no it's my phone it just looks like hers maybe it is what's it to you well if you're looking to break into her phone I could probably get you the passcode here we go okay you don't have to do something for me I'm intrigued go on could it have to do with the diary which I already have in my ass pocket well it's no secret that Madison and I have some bad history with each other I would love to finally get her back and play a prank on her instead of her always pulling one over on me mmm was humiliating her at her own party would just be epic so the ending for Madison isn't actually successfully pranking actually it's successfully pranking Madison I had no idea okay yeah count me in no what do you need me to do see if you can find her diary she always keeps the passcode to her phone in there so she doesn't forget it she thinks she's clever making it seem like it's a phone number but I know how to figure it out she's constantly changing her passcode which is why she writes it down in her diary entries there's got to be something good on that phone you get me the diary and I'll get you the passcode to that phone okay I'll see what I can do that's interesting because it whenever I would talk to Madison if you would say you know I couldn't find your phone she would look shocked and say oh my god I have really important documents on that phone and then she would run off so there's something juicy on there so if we give you the diary impressive I didn't think you had it in you but I'm happy to be proven wrong this diary has all of Madison's passwords for everything look here's our phone code one 337 I can get into everything now Facebook email oh this is going to be awesome okay that's why that line didn't make a whole lot of sense is the same line so hey I told you I'd come through so now I should be able to get into her phone right I know the code oh it's already open okay so what juicy things do you have while prank calling her friends would be a hoot I might be able to figure out something more exciting to do with Madison's phone you have any interesting messages how does she manage to keep such a clean inbox I have like 400 unread messages we could hack her Facebook okay I'm not even clicking that if I see another post about Trump or Hillary I'm going to vomit okay fair enough I've read it at a party we could be really cool like that I could totally log on to her reddit account and write insane post all day yeah you're right I should probably think bigger she's standing right next to me everybody has an iPhone she'll never know okay messages a while it might be fun to go through her messages I should try to find something worthwhile on here before I get caught looking at this crab I probably been caught hey she plays hearthstone medicine plays hearthstone interesting Odo's oh oh we have dirty photos jackpot okay oh oh I see little it's good say a little tasteful a little less tasteful probably gonna censor some of that I see I see mm okay yup that's Madison's boobs okay we got there that's all of them okay so that was great what's up I think we have a little something to talk about you have an incredibly clean the inbox and it's disturbing any luck finding my phone in the bathroom I think I left it near the sink I couldn't seem to find your phone in the bathroom really I've got some important documents on there I should go look for it how is she talking with her mouth open the entire time you would make a great friend true cuz okay I hope you go find it so I did that because not only do I want to show you guys the Hat but now she should go into the bathroom where it should be nice and private for us okay we're gonna close that behind us she doesn't seem to have anything new to say so maybe I need to report to Ashley about the photos that I've seen Ashley guess what was on the phone it was nudie pics of your sister they're totally hot hey again how's it going uh nope can't talk to you about that either can I give you the phone no hmm well maybe I need to give you the phone I'm not totally sure what I'm supposed to be doing right now I give you your phone oMG you found my phone thanks so much OMG totally got there okay now will you have something interesting assess so we should have a chat about the nude photos of you I found on your phone what the [ __ ] how did you see those you didn't show them to anybody did you I love that she's just like what the [ __ ] now your secret is safe with me no worries thank you I'm kind of embarrassed that you saw them but I'm glad it didn't go beyond that no need to be embarrassed I like what I saw okay so now we are good friends and we're getting a little romantic I'm kind of curious if I keep talking to her about them is it just gonna keep going up okay panicking no no worries I keep going up yes I'm kind of embarrassed that you saw them but I heard about there being a bug where you can cycle talking about stuff over and over that increases your relationship so we would normally have to then prank Ashley and the two combined I guess would be what get us to the ending but no I could just keep talking to her about that over and over again Madison I feel like we've formed an entire relationship around talking about your nudie pics so now that we are best friends even lovers I you know you deserve it I'm going to suck you dry whoa okay uh sure whoa whoa what you doing I feel like that isn't the note that I want to end this episode on so how about we have round three of Patrick versus Frank what do you think about that Frank how's it going dude staying away from the alcohol whoa okay I didn't think any of the guys would have a voice you do not have the voice that I would have expected what do you think about Catherine she's so hot I'd give my left nut for a night with her you sound about as stupid though Patrick may or may not have a bottle of wine down his pants and he may or may not have called you a [ __ ] covered fart monkey son [ __ ] his [ __ ] up okay you you do that let's see how the fighting has improved no no don't sit down no oh god put you right in the design of the hey get up oh my Christ I'll never get bored of it okay come on Patrick at least land one blow you usually knock him down a little bit oh come on you got this dude I believe in you yes yes one for the little guys I'm coming oh just drop kick what are you suckling on his titties over there let them go all they're making out in the corner guys it's inappropriate yet I'll give rekt DJ's a head butt him I like the Patra here she puts up a fight nad spoke too soon y'all right buddy you are you okay yeah I think he's okay but I think that's gonna be it for this episode of the house party guys I can't even look at Patrick honestly it's just my favorite way to end an episode but that being said I think we've done everything there is to do in the game right now like the recent content update it did bring a lot of really good stuff voice acting is wicked overhaul character models are appreciated but it didn't bring more to do so if you guys want to see more as always be sure to leave a like on the video and when another update comes with some more quests then maybe I'll return but thanks for watching this video I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,522,144
Rating: 4.7881866 out of 5
Keywords: house party, house party game, house party gameplay, house party madison ending, house party ashley ending, house party funny, house party funny moments, house party update, house party voice acting, house party ending, house party walkthrough, house party playthrough, house party guide, house party 0.5, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: aw_u9Mkvvw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 39sec (1359 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2017
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