What Made You Walk Out Of A Date? - AskReddit

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she said maybe my parents will invite you to christmas it was august and a second date what made you walk out of a date i oversaw her texting her friend referring to me as a free dinner so i took her to the most horrible dirtiest greasy spoon type place i could find i played the most uptight cheapskate hole possible until she walked off then i went to my favorite korean place this bs is what makes dating so hard we want to hang out but i can't drop 100 every weekend on a new day just to see if we click but at the same time you can't even get to the date of you ask about splitting everything he started rapping loudly and poorly to no beat that i could hear anyway the first half of the date was so normal that when he started his freestyle i was convinced cameras were going to pop out and tell me i was on a hidden camera show after the six most mortifying minutes of my life i stood up put my hand over his mouth and told him i was gonna call it a night he continued to wrap under my hand and i got my person left the last text i got and ignored was sorry for the awkward situation worst date ever had a date tell me in the restaurant that her boyfriend never takes her anywhere and the only reason she agreed to come out with me was to make him jealous this was after we had ordered figured she had to call her boyfriend for assistance on that one left her in the lurch drove her there after picking her up from their place don't know for certain she left a scathing voicemail for me either way i felt i was justified in my actions i got catfished by a girl who has sent me fake photos and it wasn't even close to her she immediately addressed this but in a way that would make it my fault if i had an issue with it if that makes sense like i know i lied about how i looked but only because i knew you wouldn't date me and looks are superficial no problem let's see who she really is i wish that was the reason i ran for the hills she invited like seven of her friends as consultants or advisors and told me to pretend they weren't there sitting around at a huge table at toronto's old spaghetti factory all the while she's asking them advice while we're on a date like if i asked her what do you do for fun she would then turn to her friends and ask them what she should say after the hardest convo of my life she then asked if i wanted to watch some special edition harry potter with director commentary or something with all her friends at her house i made up some random emergency and we never spoke again took a girl to starbucks bought us both a drink so we could sit and talk about five minutes into it she takes a phone call from a co-worker puts it on speakerphone and begins to savagely bad talk everyone the two work with on speakerphone in a small semi-busy starbucks both parties gussing up a storm the barista at the counter asked her to take the call off speaker as people were trying to study they were and she proceeds to argue with the barista about how she can't take it off speakerphone blah blah blah i instantly got up and apologized to the barista on my way out of the store didn't message her didn't hear from her she just kept talking about work endlessly i tried to change topics by asking if she had any hobbies nope just ranted about how work wouldn't let her pursue any would just keep on talking about herself how tired she was because of work and basically made it seem like she was doing me a favor by coming out on this date when she could have worked she did not even ask me any questions every now and then would check her phone and would noddin yeah and yeah pretty much i made up an excuse and left i went on a date with a girl that brought her sister along she didn't mention she would bring her went to a pub and got a drink sat down next to this girl who was her sister which they just talked to each other then her sister got a call from a friend which she said to join them two minutes later her friend turned up this was in the space of five minutes and i had just brought a drink so wanted to finish it but felt it was too weird got up to leave and they asked if i could buy both the girls drinks i said sure went round to the bar and then just walked out didn't feel like i needed to explain myself it was at my second date with the girl she invited me to the movies when we were waiting for the movie to start she reads a message in her phone and with a beautiful smile tells me my parents are joining us for the movie i want to introduce you maybe they will invite you to christmas it was august and a second date then i told her that i was not interested on meeting her parents and that i was going home she kept trying to go out with me again after that and a year later a friend of mine told me he hooked up with her and she did a similar thing i mean she must be desperate i went on a date a few years ago and this was a girl i met on tinder before it became a god-awful app i was seated next to the bar and i was chatting with the bartender before my date had arrived and let her know i was waiting for someone for a first date when my date arrived we sat in the same spot we ordered dinner and it was apparent to me right off the bat she only cared about herself after about 15 minutes of my date talking without asking a single question i decided i was going to let this entertain me and see how long this could go on it was 2 hours and 15 minutes later no exaggeration where she still hadn't asked me a single question when she got up to go to the bathroom the bartender came over and said i'm covering your tab now get out of here and next time you come and we'll have a laugh about this date of yours so i got up and left my date have then proceeded to send me nasty texts for the next couple of days apparently the restaurant still charged her for her drinks and meal i never did go back and chat with that bartender though wish i had it wasn't so much a date but i was at a party at a friend's house in my early 20s and hit it off well with one of their friends she and i were talking and dancing all night towards the end of the night we were cuddled up on the couch and i was getting ready to kiss her when she said i'm so glad you're here to keep me company i've been so low only since my husband was deployed she had not mentioned being married until that point and i literally pushed her off of me and noped right out of there and never looked back matched with her on tinder and we bonded over our shared love of food she mentioned not having gone to any good restaurants in town and was tired of places like kelsey's or lone star decided to take her to a really nice place in town as i had just got my tax returns and could afford a 200 meal during the date she talked with me and was engaged right up to when she ordered her food an appetizer wine dinner a second dinner for lunch the next day and dessert after her order was placed she took out her phone and spent the next 20 minutes just browsing instagram while i tried to talk with her excused myself to the bathroom and instead talked to the waitress got her to cancel my meal and dessert only had my appetizer at that point split the bill and paid with the 20 dip for the whole thing would have been as it wasn't fair for the waitress to lose out on her tip my phone blew up about five minutes later when the waitress told her what was up see the funny thing is i have no problem paying for a date even if there isn't a spark if my date at least is engaging or respectful but being used for a free meal nah if that there are more deserving people with less in the world that i'd rather give back to someone replied i am appalled by the behavior of some of these ladies my own niece pulled this nonsense with me i took her to dinner and she ordered drinks appetizers two desserts and three dinners she agreed to pay her way however when the bill came she conveniently left her debit card at home 230 later she promised to pay her half of the bill i never received one red cent the following week she texted me and asked if we could go to dinner i told her that was lousy of her to stiff me and we would not be going to dinner ever again she said i'll just hit up desperate weak dudes on my dating apps and they'll pay for me i am disgusted by her behavior i gambled on a fart walking into the restaurant i had to fake an emergency phone call just so i could go home and change my poopy underwear she could tell i was lying about the emergency i texted her later that night saying the emergency was resolved and she called me an a-hole which seemed kind of fitting here's a disaster of a date where i eventually took her home worst date ever she was a ten tenths intelligent and works at a big tech company that you all know funny part is as we were getting to know each other through text she initially declined me when i asked her out in her words you probably wouldn't like me anymore and she was right first she asked me to pick her up she lived 30 minutes from me and about 45 minutes from the baseball game we were going to no big deal except when i arrived at her place she wasn't ready at all she led me to her living room and asked me to wait there while she returned to her room to finish getting ready her roommate got home apologized for my day taking so long and had a couple of drinks with me while we waited for over an hour i probably should have left then but i was having fun with the roommate she was cool once my date was finally ready i still had to make the drive to the game and by the time we got there the game was over halfway done the seats were wonderful right by the field with an amazing view and all she did was take a million selfies stare at her phone and complain complain about the weather complain about the crowd complain about the game after about 30 minutes i stood up and told her i'm taking you home we drove the 45 minutes back to her house without saying a single word to each other she managed to squeak out a thank you bye as she left my car and we never spoke again i went on a date with someone obsessed with europe he was born there and raised in the states just like i was he lived there for nine months recently too he kept talking about europe his acting career in school and every question i asked him turned into a long-winded response i made it 20 minutes before i took a long bathroom break and figured out what to do i came back he kept talking about europe and how americans don't have culture he kept putting down americans and called the people we graduated with tryhards i told him i'm tired and had to leave he asked more into why i was leaving so soon and if it was him i told him i didn't think we shared the same views he was a bit understandably defensive but i insisted on leaving the whole thing lasted 45 minutes she had used photos from about four years before and had put on a lot of weight she then went on to rant about how much she hated fat people but also planned to make a dating app just for fat people i have no idea if she was in denial or just not self-aware anyway i bounced after about half an hour i'm not into fat girls anyway but the rest was just too much you know a guy i once dated could compete for the world's most interesting man i.e very handsome from a premier university spoke six languages fluently was a freelance writer for an international news source and a freelance photographer for the national geographic etc he told me that he once was on a date with a woman who didn't try to get to know him at all and while on the date was swiping on tinder he said that he had a full bear in front of him drank the whole thing in one gulp left cash on the table for his drink and walked out without saying anything like what's the point of going on a date if you aren't going to get to know the other person at all she got upset that i wasn't vegan and talked about how much she loves herself and no one deserves her she spent an hour talking about how she dumped her previous ex to pursue different types of physical love and was keen on being in a relationship where only she could experiment with other people as it was her right and women were oppressed far too long to be in one relationship we went to the beach as a first date she brought one of those beach umbrellas which immediately broke from the wind i laughed it off and made a joke about it which she was visibly upset by 20 minutes goes by of me giving her a chance to you know enjoy this date but she's sitting there upset i told her i wasn't enjoying the vibes and to have a nice day she texted me weeks later asking to hang out as if nothing really happened he kept on dropping hints about how much money he had from an inheritance of course i guess my body language gave away the fact that i was losing interest fast he kept asking me what was wrong and i insisted nothing he kept on pressing and i eventually said i'm sorry but this is a lot right now he said well you're nothing special i got up tossed some cash on the table for my drink and left while saying okay i'm done met a cute guy for ice cream date went well or so i thought 45 minutes into the date he's like oh well i guess i better head home and i'm there thinking okey doke that's a no from him super awkward walk back to my car followed by one of those awkwardly timed peck on the lips head home thinking that's the last i'll see of him he sends me a text later saying he was sorry he felt so awkward and that his brain just noped out on him very happy to say we're still together and talking about moving in together he was incredibly funny in messages than he froze in person nerves get the better of a lot of us i'm happy he sent me that message later because he recovered well and makes me laugh all the time now back in college i was going on a date with this girl she wanted me to meet her at her sorority house when i got off work around eight i go there and she is black out drunk on a couch she wanted to cuddle i hadn't had anything to drink so i just left the next day she asked me why i never showed up we didn't talk anymore she apologized and whatnot wanted to go on another date and i was like nah thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for a free 45 minutes drive in awkward silence click the right box for the dating advice playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these [Music] stories
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 45,026
Rating: 4.9481745 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts date, awkward date stories, reddit awkward dates, most awkward dates reddit, awkward date cringe, awkward date storytime, Dealbreaker, worst date stories, horrible date stories, bad date stories
Id: aK6LcMRMveY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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