People Share Psychological Tricks That Actually Work - AskReddit

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when I ask someone a question and their first response is what I just stare at em for a few seconds and 99% of the time they answer my question without me having to repeat myself what is the most effective psychological trick you use I work in an office when people stop by my desk and refused to leave me alone I will get up and refill my water bottle while they are talking to me instead of walking back to my desk I walk them to theirs they instinctively will sit down then I just sever the convo and get back to work my youngest four got into the wife phase a little while back read an article that said the best way to get em to stop was to ask them I'm not sure what do you think it is a godsend they answer their own question you provide some feedback sounds good to me and they immediately move on effin awesome to avoid workplace drama and be well-liked is to just compliment people behind their back I currently manage around 240 people between six restaurants it is often hard to get them to do what is needed I have found saying I need your help is sufficient to get them on board people want to feel needed and like they are making a difference expressing to them as much makes all the difference in the world listening to someone without giving advice or pushing for more information typically in it any more information than being pushy for it I work as a creative director I have a lot of great clients unfortunately with a few shitty managers from their side they usually go with the mantorov if it's not my idea it's not a good idea I end up sometimes telling them about something Google Tesla Amazon Samsung etc is doing and how we could try it they jump at these ideas the ideas are actually mine all my team's works like a charm use this sparingly using it as an easy escape is not a good idea it works but no one to use it if you use it all the time it won't make you look any better it will also allow people to be promoted who aren't capable doing the job when I'm doing back country hiking patrol in a wilderness area I'm supposed to keep an eye out for people with dogs which are not allowed the Ranger taught me to ask any dog walkers are you looking for somewhere to walk your dog that gives them the chance to pretend they didn't know about the rule signs posted off course so they don't lose face then I give them a brochure with dog friendly trails it's a brilliantly non-confrontational technique and I use it in other parts of my life in an argument find something to agree on then push your main point I recently read that saying you're right instead of I know makes you look less like an a-hole and doesn't diminish something someone else may have just found out I think it's pretty effective at not letting you look like a total but if you need to remember something think about it while doing something noticeably unusual this will pair the memory with the something so that when it is noticed later on it will trigger that particular memory if you hand something to someone they will take it it's a lot of fun if you need to deescalate someone and get them to communicate ask them questions about numbers or personal information I work in emergency services if someone is totally distraught and shut down asking their phone number address SSN or birthdate can pull them out of the emotional place and bring them back to a headspace where they can talk about what happened more easily I often ask these questions even after I have the information just to de-escalate when somebody shy is speaking if you look at them and not your head it encourages them to keep talking instead of asking do you have any questions I ask what questions do you have the first almost always results in silence and the second lets people feel comfortable to ask questions my wife calls this the simplest most manipulative thing I do whenever I bump into an acquaintance meaning not friend just a person I know I of course say hi and the conversation goes like this me hey how are you name you look good them laughs thank you I'm good how are you me I'm great I'm on the way to wherever I am going to at the time and I tell them why - so what are you doing here then go into same detail - tell me where they're going and why me all right well I won't keep you up any longer then I have have a good day name it leaves people feeling good takes away the awkwardness of cutting a conference short and it makes them want to leave playing dumb gets you out of a lot but not to dumb a few of my favorites if you look happy to see someone every time you see them they will eventually be happy to see you be nice even to mean people it's kind of fun seeing someone initially angry softened when you don't give in to anger don't insult people tell them how you wish they'd behave for example someone is obviously rude just say you really like when they are nice to you they can't really call you out on it and possibly make them realize their behavior ask big knowing it will be dismissed then asked for the thing you really want there's a real term for it open door technique or something do not verbally attack people say how you feel people can get defensive when attacked but no one can deny how you feel in a confrontation stay calm be gentle and focus on the problem not the person unless the person is the problem in this case feel free to dispose of them if you have to make a critic to someone try to sandwich it between two positive facts about them in this order positive common negative karma positive they tend to be received better this way want to trick people into liking you ask them for a favor even the smallest ones like can you hold my pen for a second this tricks the brain as they will think I am doing a favor to this person so I must like them otherwise I wouldn't when someone is trying to throw excuses or generally if they're getting a bit or say about something often the best way to handle it is to they're back with mild interest and contribute nothing to their monologue if you don't give them anything to work with they'll talk themselves into a corner and lose confidence in what they're saying I learned this trick from an old director who used to control pretty much any meeting room scenario by being the most silent and impassive person in the room I fondly remember the time someone asked him a ridiculous question and he just stared at him for about 15 seconds 15 seconds is a long time to be stared at in a roomful people the guy wilted into his chair and nobody could work out if the director was angry or just quietly mulling it over I work with a bunch of idiot lawyers and I use the phrase you are correct all the time even if it's one teeny tiny thing they're correct about it makes them feel smart and they instantly soften it also keeps them listening because they're hoping more flattery will come down the pike evil cackle thanking someone for a trade you want from them instead of telling a customer you're sorry for their weight tell them thank you for your patience or understanding works wonders I have to work with kids a lot having a summertime job where I volunteer to assist counselors at a camp for service hours and having five younger siblings don't tell them not to do something if I told you don't think about unicorns you'll immediately think about unicorns for the split second I say it if I instead said think about turtles you'll think about turtles for at least that split second I said it don't tell a kid not to something rather tell them to do something else instead of don't hit your sister say let's play a nice game with your sister that way you don't put the idea into their mind that you don't want them doing it which in their childish manner fuels the fire to do it more instead of arguing I start off by agreeing and then state my point of view after addressing the other person's point always ends in a positive interaction the idea is to show respect for what the other person thinks assuming that the person isn't a complete [ __ ] they more than likely have a valid point rather than shutting the person down in telling then there wrong you listen to them then after hearing them out you can bring up your own point of view the goal is to have a respectful exchange of opinions rather than a flat-out argument where two people flat-out don't agree with each other and leave each other without learning anything from one another don't say it's okay when someone apologizes say something like thank you for apologizing if someone needs to apologize to you then it was something that isn't okay my mom teaches this to her kindergartners and it really does make a difference opens doors for growth and conversation - thank you for apologizing I don't like it when you hit me or whatever be direct and personal when you need things instead of asking if anyone has an EpiPen ask who has an EP pen instead of saying someone call nine-one-one point to someone say you in the blue jacket what's your name Tom okay Tom go call 911 tell me when they are in the way when I ask someone a question and their first response is what I just stare at them for a few seconds and 99% of the time they answer my question without me having to repeat myself I think it's just a subconscious reflex people have to ask what instead of answering what you've asked even when they've heard you clearly I don't know if this is an actual thing or not or maybe just distractions but when I do something annoying or bothersome to my husband and he goes quiet I wait a few minutes and then I ask him a seemingly innocent question usually on the subject of how certain parts of the car works or something mechanical this gets him talking about the car thing and he rambles for like five minutes and then BAM he's happy again and not quietly brooding I'll never tell him I did that because I'm afraid it won't work anymore if he knows about it it's foolproof though it works every single time no matter how bothered he is thanks for listening to radio TTS my little ice-cream sandwiches except Bobby big balls he does not want to be called Ice Cream Sandwich you're tough guy like it really rough guy just can't get enough guy chest always so puffed guy I'm the bomber a red type
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 52,246
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, story, reddit stories, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, reddit top posts, best of reddit, r\, reddit cringe, top posts of all time, best of askreddit, reddit best, top posts, reddit psychological tricks, psychological life hacks reddit, reddit best psychological tricks, psychological facts reddit, psychological hacks reddit, askreddit psychological tricks, askreddit psychology tricks, r/askreddit psychology tricks, psychological tricks reddit
Id: LoNFCgYutWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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