People share information from expired non-disclosure agreements! - (r/AskReddit)

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our slash asked reddit people with expired non-disclosure agreements what's the juicy info you can now tell us if you have a Comcast voice remote and you say make Robert happy it will turn the TV to Doctor Who there used to be a lot of hidden voice commands in the system we had to take a lot of them out over time but that one is still in there edit a couple people have asked me who Robert is he is one of the software engineers working on the voice remote system as a proof of concept early on he put that in and just never removed it edit - some people are asking for another one if you say big boss it'll make your TV go to an empty page left over for the minions movie and make your TV player minion noise it seems they removed a lot of them but that one is still there - just tested this 100% true I served on a board that had kidnap ransom insurance for all the board members a condition of the insurance was that we could tell no one that we had kidnapped ransom insurance that the charter school I taught for was in reality a Scientologist school we had to do training in Scientology after school for two hours a day we had to sign the NDA to get our $1,000 bonus for doing the non-elective training those parents had no idea the school was Scientology we did not teach them how to be Scientologists but we certainly used the terminology and allow Ron's ideas this was about 25 years ago before we knew much about Scientology I didn't buy in and I wasn't invited back the following year the school dissolved about four years later all Meyer of NDA's come from working and film and video production so there really isn't too much juicy [ __ ] but the one thing that has always stuck with me is Jessica Chastain gets whatever the duck she wants whenever the duck she wants it Jeanette totally forgot Drake is terrified of owls by the sounds of things you could go on IMDB and fill it with info that people didn't know they need it like as a random thought Jennifer Aniston jumps every time she farts unrelated but my uncle has a non-compete that lasts two years past his death a it is two years past whenever he dies his date of passing is not a known piece of data or plan Pasado's safe-haven oversold their memorial dog cottages so when a donor they cost $10,000 came to visit their dog's memorial cottage that they donated $10,000 for pasados would have to swap out the memorial block super shitty I worked at a printing company outside DC in the late 90s early zeroes we did work for the government from time to time we printed materials for the investigation into the Branch Davidian Carlton Waco TX there was tons of aerial photos of the compound and for some reasons David Koresh owned many many Camaros they were mostly old beat-up ones but there were a few dozen on the compound I was once on the camera crew of pimp my ride and most of the show is fake the guys knew ahead of time that we were arriving the car had to be fully paid off and most of the work done has to be paid for an almost full I had to sign a non-compete an NDA when I worked at a successful local bakery we didn't sell anything super extravagant kind of your normal stuff like cookies brownies cake cupcakes kua songs the most complicated thing we did was candy bars but even they weren't patisserie level the NDA was just to ensure that we didn't share take her recipes and start our own business which is totally reasonable we could tell people the ingredients because of allergies and whatnot but not specific brands or recipes people would come in and make conversation by asking what our secret was to such amazing treats you know just being complementary and not really expecting me to spell out the recipes I'd always playfully say oh well you know I can't tell you that or to the more chill fun customers I'd say I tell you but then I'd have to kill you some people really wanted to know though and I'd have to tell them I actually legally can't talk about it it's interesting how when some people realize they're not allowed to know they get ravenous about getting the information I had someone trying to sneak in our kitchen store and to try and deduce something the big secret good quality ingredients and base baking technique literally that's it people could easily find recipes online of close approximations of anything she made and recreate them to a comparable level if they bought good ingredients and learned pretty basic baking skills grandpa worked with satellites in the 50s 60s for the Air Force like if you tell anyone anything about these we'll execute you for treason stuff he walked into a comic book store in the 90s and found trading cards with all the info he was sworn to guard decades earlier the state of Oklahoma once busted a counterfeit check ring the Kazi individuals misspelled Oklahoma on the front off some checks they were damn near perfect copies with valid account check and amount numbers and were caught when an employee who ran a reader sorting machine noticed a rejected check with the spelling Oklahoma I was that employee and had to testify in court regarding finding the checks I think I'm still not supposed to talk about certain details even though it was a long time ago Outback Steakhouse is recipe for macaroni and cheese four ounces of heavy whipping cream 4 ounces of Velveeta cheese 9 ounces of al dente pasta throw it in a saute pan and melt the cheese BAM Outback mac and cheese edit just for clarification this is the old recipe I left the company in 2003 the newer recipe has cavatappi pasta and spices and crispy topping I once dog sat Beyonce's dog it arrived in a Louis Vuitton dog carrier and was kind of an a-hole still another 65 years before I can reveal the outdated 1980s designs from my nuclear submarine all the people at the retirement home are going to lose their minds I'll likely get in trouble for this one baduk and people need to know I've met Zuckerberg while he was visiting one of his data centers Zach had never been to any of his data centers since the founding of his company so it was a big ducting deal everything was orchestrated and controlled for his arrival there could be absolutely no duck ups or issues during this time so lots of risks were mitigated but here are some highlights of his trip I'm not sure if this was tushy suck from ongoing issues at the DCR just to make the tour pleasant for him sucks personal security team did a sweep of the data center even though we have 24 stroke 7 on-site security Facebook didn't want the public to know that Zack had never been inside one of his data centers before he had been to a Colo but this was his first visit inside to a fully built FB data center in fact they fired a data center manager who ran the forest city DC in North Carolina for commenting on Zacks public post asking him to visit the North Carolina DC when Zack announced his nationwide tour because of it since I'm at it might as well throw some fuel on the fire Facebook data centers are not secure I you think data is not encrypted on some of the local media due to performance loss flash storage on h adb clusters for example there are other methods attempted to try to better secure the data in the event that a contractor physically steals media from the floor it can take up to days before the ticketing system would report the drive missing and it by that point the data is long gone it was estimated that this event would cost Facebook over 1 billion dollars in damages this issue was brought up many times to security but they didn't care edit bonus since this has gotten some attention secondly edit made some wording adjustments due to the fact that I overlooked his visits to print ville when it opened back in 2011 Facebook lied internally to all of their employees about an issue raised by several fête about very targeted advertisements appearing and their feed based on conversations that only their phone's microphone could pick up messenger and the Facebook up both had reported issues internally about this I have commented on this before and been blown off deleted comment history people said oh no F B's algorithms are just that good they don't need your mic [ __ ] I put my phone next to a Mexican radio station and got ads in Spanish for days deleted FB 2 years ago and haven't looked back it's good to know who my real friends are the ones that actually call or text that they were coming out with a microsoft watch to rival the Apple watch this was four years ago if not longer can bet it flopped I worked with Pinewood Studios on the engineering for the effects of the fairy and spider-man homecoming to split in half and I wasn't allowed to spoil that used to walk our dog around black park saw the biggest Chinese dragon model between the trees at Pinewood huge it was must have cost a fortune and then two years later when we saw James Bond I forget which one sorcerer dragon was in shot for about 3 seconds and entirely inconsequential to the story and now I understand why films cost hundreds of millions to make I still don't want to say who but a major jewelry store took my rings for resizing and promptly lost them and by lost payment an entire truck of jewelry was stolen they kindly offered to replace my priceless to me rings with equal value rings ha ha ha ha ha ha no they replaced them with rings twice what the others were worth I'd take back the originals in a heartbeat but they replacements are nice I was about to be a quiz nurse store manager and during orientation for the job management proceeded to tell me that if we were to drop the food we would have to scoop the Fallen item and mix it in with the fresh products I left that interview in the next hour and never ate at another quiz nurse again edit thanks for the gold this was my very first post at their a forum it's a factory that makes auto parts for Chrysler / Jeep they allow their employees to breath in toxic welding fumes and only when the government came around for testing did they add more airflow then took them away after never gave the proper PPE for the work always had ripped gloves and working with razor-sharp steel pieces the temps outnumbered the full-time is four to one the temp agency dust he even hire people who speak English he literally just hold up money and says want it's a mega Shi childr edit lots of people are asking me to report it I can assure you it's already been done friends I still have her are saying air quality tests are being routinely done but usually with the bay doors open for a few hours and fans from non welding lines to help airflow then return to their rightful line I appreciate the concern and from everyone thanks again and good luck to everyone that's in this situation as an investor I was pitched a 10% stake in a company that owned the trademark I watch in their whole value weight on Apple buying the rights from them I declined about a year later Apple revealed the Apple watch and I sighed with relief they probably already used the term I watch for behind the scenes spying sounds a bit like a voyeuristic porno web site some country in Far East is working on some weapons that can be shot from space I applied for a job at a call center not knowing what they specifically did only knowing that I could do it turned out to be a telemarketing firm full of transitioning felons that were drooling on the headsets because management didn't care how high you were as long as your metrics had good sales per our city is ripping off the elderly specifically by pushing them into adding identity theft insurance for $14.95 a month they offer it through store credit cards like Sears or Shell branded ones that they issue you get help access to credit counselors after your identity gets stolen and a free credit report every year a thing that's free anyway plus a thing I'm pretty sure you already have in the fine print of the card because it's Visa and they have insurance inadequately offered via third party for $14.95 a month the age field was three digits long it was gross that they were selling information about your credit card account as marketing leads companies that hire drug addict jailbirds they were given a commission to sell you insurance you already have just in case your identity gets stolen it's not much but I was part of developing air-dropped for Mac os10 Lyon 10.7 and was doing this on a 2008 Mac Pro in the end we were told it's not to be made compatible with 2008 and require a 2009 that made no sense because I was successfully testing it on the 2008 just fine it was a plan obsolescence a ploy to force users to buy a new Mac upset I secretly released a patch on mediafire for owners of a 2008 to get airdrop it require much as I made the lockout as cheaply as possible I also did development of USB 3.0 support and also did this on my 2008 macro I should mention that this Mac Pro is a prototype with a unique firmware that has an inside by a setup with all options available for debugging of which Apple never asked back and I still have today in my office as my daily driver it has no serial number and refers to itself as a prototype in any software trying to get a board revision it also doesn't run retail Mac OS hence I set BIOS earlier it doesn't have e fee so it runs Windows 10 today with a gtx 1050 t installed and still has the USB 3.0 card I had during development before anyone asks no I didn't steal it I ask my supervisor if they wanted it back and he told me to keep it they had no use for it thanks for the silver kind stranger here's a video of the machine today for those curious apologies for my sleepiness in my voice fairly tired today for some reason streamable comlink my mom had an NDA while sitting on a grand jury for over a year I prodded her all the time on the case and what she was doing for over a year of her life she refused to tell me only saying that you have to be very careful about what's said on the phone you never know who's listening but you'll know what I was doing when the story breaks ok so a few months later I walk into work and see on the TV that our governor was indicted for corruption including selling Obama's vacant Senate seat when he became priests in o8 rod Blagojevich then paraded all over TV including on The Apprentice to tout his innocence and begged ppl to listen to the tapes that exonerated him but yep ok dude I have different information you have to be very careful about what's said on the phone you never know who's listening not listening but recording just in case I worked for an aviation company that among other things did charter flights I had an NDA that I would not reveal who was traveling with us and where they were going this was for client privacy as some people are wealthy famous enough that there targets for paparazzi or even espionage kidnapping extortion etc so now that it's expired I can tell you that a minor country music star flew with us when his regular jet broke down that the CEO of the local food processing plant goes to his Florida house about twice a month and that's about it nothing exciting edit I actually do not remember the name of the country music star this was 20 years ago and I don't follow country music like I said my NDA was in place in case we had any one big come through but in the time I worked there we never really did throw you made it to the end you're ducking beasts I'll cut you a deal smash like and subscribe for more curated content might it's free and that's a great price
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Id: y5lAmZuDJmE
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Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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